HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-17, Page 4.4 TILE EXETER TIMES. lice against the Dominion. Govern., IS pub i every Thursday raornillg,at the TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE st-eet, pearl orporite Nittor's-4eweierY Store, Ka, e ter, Out,,by Jam -White 4 Som. 'Pro- prietors. 'AVMs OP Fart ' t,ert'on, per line ' 10 cents. Eatelt ,'t'll*e(itteotiosert'ott nor /' ne 3 gel 'iesure inmertion, advertisements 4 he sent itt not, later thou tlreagesdoy zuo Or r..10V. PAINT/NO DRP.A=.74kINT is one of the 1urgest arid -hest ewe v1)441174 the Con tity idet m norlientrusteet tes4yireee.Ve 01"" Ft( 7111tA ttlaVI kat. Decisions Rea▪ cting News - rapers, .4r N VC' 11,IN taliese. paparreitahxdY frent • 'Oa re.„1‘: (Zee 4:oected .latue.or r 141. te,141Sfsat ub$ereti UO '48 kCo,.4. ler paytretit. t:5;ot, o4ers hisipaper dispoutinne4 tri.11-.. 4s atterSo publer Ma* re to send it inatil thoton3.-Meat .is-ruade.„ *ad iMn collect the tsholo amount. whether: the Pvt er taXen:rvain ttie 4gfiCP ZNOU 4 fcr so:an „:7-1 or's. the saittuay he. th.e placevatere the paper is pub. net. Vie ,=.7.-iiircriber =ay Ziblgils. uees comts have diiicir.le.1 that retosirtto 11'.41-fi or.rea ...o.Festa from the Test - Cd;'. 4117 ...C74;0% t'Off2,. stialleaving• them uneniZed C�r *I: b% .acieevii.creeoniuteuttoianal.rp4, gire(fxrier rinses. DAY - -.7- THUSBDECEMBER 17 1885 ,14.„242:0MIL X07 S. •.1•PIM••••••1 reSek- PROVESSOU e. 4. Foster, M. P. for Nings, N. U. was Thursday sworn in Minieter of AleriZIO end Pieheriee.1 lien. A. W. MeLelan will take the I portfolio of PiPATIGe* meat for hanging Biel. The people of Oularie should make a note of the, action of Mr. Mowat.—Zreer Review. "TIM eOngerTatiV 04 as in duty llonod, ax R5si4uougdy-ORdeayoring to plaoe tle Beterni Party in this province in a false position."--- Sr efargs 4rout Otir cetera is entirely astray an this matter. The,Reform leaders autttbeiv Sent, Referrals out of sight, for the Reform leaders have oommenced to describe the opponents of Senate re. construction in Quebec, as 'our allies.' There is bot 900 great feline and that °i is the issue. That is the issue made pilin enough by a nurnber of Reform papere, Amomg these may " be mentioned rho Ottawa Free Peeps, which rays liters execution was elm-, ply "a Oats lynching" the Globe sayir, "it was * judicial murder," the Port lope Gufde.says: "IL has come to a pretty pass indeed that in the noau. tide glare of the nineteenth century political offenders must surer deeth papora-,-nOt the Torlea-e-who placed that "hero"' and "Inartyr" on the Re- form platform. In the prettence of sUCh an Immo all other question* for the 12101)1013t di-eappear, And they do the more properly, seeing that many of the questions which of late years have divided the Conservatives and Reformis Outerie have been setti. ed., or are iu proesse of settlement. The National t3,017 leans) ba, for ils. stance , gone under„ if Mr, Mitre de- claration thetthe Reform leaders lieve abandoned the low teriff idea be well te 00118tipatAcn, Losof Appetite, Dizsti-, feeedea• The boundary Pleetiono [en. ad alt symptornsof Dyspepsia. Price, which after all ansa but A dispute as to 10 a4 75 cents per bottle. Sold by .I. W. the means by which a Oren end waa to he accomplishea, hag been settled Tiao tr in e e jaw of the otimaditin s--0-40.4,4 in the courts. The liquor question ie paeloo railway for the week oodiog a 4 r in process of settlement by the Privy Doo. 7th were sien,000, an increase way Is completed- Tlie est* of , if they dare to *siert their just righte, The Reform pOlitiRiane have them. selves ebosen the issue upon whiot they appeal to the eleatora next time, and that they can escape it quite out of question. SUILOWV VITALIZER is what you need Omura, The Canadian Paolo rail- of $4,1 00, own. thlo eorrovewrino weehi ak year. ,,,,•••••••/, TUN Halifax Chronicle saya that the TQI'lea 9f NOVA Scotia wanted to see Biel banged "partly beguiles they were already wincing under French floraination." ••••••••••••••• TUB houghs of Montreal have apei pointed a deputation to meet Mr., Blake on his arrival at New York.' They are evidently determined to put him M the bead oftbe now Rio] perty, vamps... THE to is circulated that the Premier a returubig to Canada bc. came of political trouble, Intl!. AT; reid that he altni.ha away for! tile same reaeon. Surely the cause' which repelled trip Would uot also attract him% Ix le It fact worthy of notice that the foreign papers whioh sympathize most elongly with the Riel wens in Owed% are, in the United States, the moat rabidly anti.Britieh journals, and in France those• Wet represent the revolutionary and Communistic elemeets. Zr Gladstone is not disappointed at the results of the election. They prove, ho 4aye that the Liberals have gained on the Tories "IV—, if allow- s= is made for thirty seats the Lib. era's did not get. There never has been an election yet in which ane of the parties would not Rave been stronger if it bad not been for some- thing or ether. ihtf Offtk Bich and beautiful goods ju tit Navy, Grenat, Tobacco, Bronze, Myrtle, &c. 'ozItichriess azul. Durability traezoolled This line we mention, though we have piles of Dress Materials worthy your iuspection, in all the leading shades and at popular prices Some new ones in this week. I Si I s JD, "You talkabout Silk Dresses All our but did you see Miss--? 1 teli you shejust looks fine." e :Holiday Season ilimarmittmarittimillICIIIIIIIP11111111101011111.1131111111411)1111111111191141 As' is our usual custogt at this season of the year in offering goods at ,RBDUCED PRICES WO offer then lower this year, Below are, some. of our pricesin W a its h Et. e 14.) a r t A WALT ECAM WATCH Solid Coin Silver Case FOR $8,000 Warranted forFIYE years. We also make you the offer of a Waltham Watch 4 oz. Case (Solid Coin Silver—Hunting or open case,) ron smoo And Warranted. for FIVE YEARS Watches a 1,101E1 TON BROS. and get one of thosek. t every lady who will „„no to RAN- 1 0 6010 I gues she does, and so newest and latest in the Silk line. $ATIkin Merveilleuxs! e same reduced prices. Don't let this opportuility curing a good Watch for little money. ALL ARE WELCOME. MANTLES AND ULSTERS CUT FREE DRESS & MANTLE IAAKING UPSTAIRS AT Mu. JaTrow, M. Pie eaid to be annoyed at the course the loaders of BANTON BROS e . hie party are taking in this Riel mat- 4 ter. Mr. Trow is the party whip, and CUTTING AND FITTING DONE PROMPTLY. the question is whether constitution- ally he can be compelled to whip in the Reform IL P.'s who are to be called upon to vote that murder ie justifiable, and that Riel was unjust. ly punished. It is a knotty point. eile English correspondent of the Globe writes that the announcement of Sir John Macdonald's departure for England did not excite aurpriee in that country,;' as they had heard a month before—about the end of October—that it was his intention to make the visit. This somewhat interferes with the Biei organ's pretty little story that the Premier suddenly lied from Ottawa through fear that his life was in danger on account of the banging of Riot. The fisheries of the world furnish a greater supply of food to the people yearly than would be credited at a casual glance. Last year in Great Britain 550,000 tons of lish were tak- en, whioh in weight is equivalent to 15;500.000 sheep allowing 28 sheep to the ton. In Canada last year 278 059 tons were caught, or about an eqivalens in weight to 7,644,000 sheep The value of the Canadian fish for 1884 was $17,852,721. MR„ JOSEPH KILROY, whose mission appears to be to set race against race and creed against creed, statee, as a justification of hie shameless conduct, that he is acting under instructions from Hon. Oliver Mowat, and that he would not have returned to Canada at the present time if Mr. Mowat had not written him urging him to come to the aseistance of the Reform party m the North riding nf Essex. One IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: would fancy that Mr. Mowat's best STOVES & TINWA.I1E—A Full assortment. course just now would be to distionr. HARDWARE, PAINTS & OILS—A Complete stock 41,10850)1=AUTUNIN 4438$4, mmoomempla....IP MILLINERY OPENING! THE OLD ESTABLISHED ••••••••.......WELIS ON TUESDAY &WEDNESDAY, 29th - 8c 30th MAKE THEIR BEST DISPLAY OF Hats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes, Birds, Ornaments, &c. Plushes, Velvets and a variety of Trimmings in all colors. MISS Doherty, who for the past three seasons has successfully conducted this branch, again resumes, and will be more than delighted to have -every lady in the village and surroundings give her a call, "Grand General Opening" same days. Everything complete. Everybody coins. JAMES PICKARD. 1885. The Pall Ezhibition AT BISSETT BROS. Compet. Ion Open to the World age the attempts of Edgar ond others LAMPS & LAMGOODS—An endless variety, very cheap. to make common cause with the Que. E' . beo French oyer the execution of CALL AND 'SEE Biel. He should know that the peo.„! ple of Ontario want no trifling with that question. Instead, however, of minding his own affairs and keeping quiet like the prudent man he is sup- posed to be, here we have him send- ing all the way to the Pacific elope and asliieg it Catholic to corns to Essex and stir up the Freuch-Catlio- I , I THE C1ELEBRATEDA. OF. ANY CROSS -GUT SAW—A PERFECT DAISY. 13ISE;3MTiTi BILOS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at WHOLESALE PRICES OUR LOCKET AND CHAIN DEPARTMENTS Are complete and worthy of Inspection, and we shall try to close out the entire stook at WHOLESALE PRICES. Come and. See for Yourselves and be Satisfied 411 11' WU 11 11' 11 1111' 1E11 11" BRACELETS GOLD AND SILVER. GOLD AND SILVER, Brooches. Ear -drops, Cuff -buttons, Gents' Scarf -pins, Gold & Silver Thimbles, and A Beautiful Assortment of Diamonds and other Gem Rings, Charms, etc., in endless variety. 111111111131111111111111111111111111 Osur Platte eparizzent is Canupleie A beautiful quadruple -plate 5 -bottled Castor for $2 Cake Baskets, Pickle Castors, Spoon Holders, Card Receivers, Knives, Forks, Spoons Al quality, ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. All our Silver -plate as cheap as we quote our spoons. Al Teaspoon per Dozen, *2:5• 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CLOCKS, A large Assortment Walnut and other kinds, 1 and 8 day, Which we intend to clear out at greatly reduCed prices. As it is impossible to name all the -varieties of goods in one advertisement, we invite inspection of our stock, and assure, the public that all the goods we have, will be sold out --if it Pe poRsible to sell them—at . VirhOleSale Prices. The reason for this appearing is, that places at a distance are advertising goods at reduced pric• es, and we are determined to keep our local trade at home, by offering the public goods at wholesale prices during the holiday season. Clocks and Watches cleaned and brought to time, Jewellery of every description Repaired and made to order. Solid. Gold Wedding Rings always on hand. THOS. IF'Ir TO .