HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-10, Page 8INSURANCE.
PANT of Toronto : alsofor the Pl3CENIX FIRE
INSURANCE COMPANY,otLoudon. England,
the IiPXAS, QAN IMAM. of Montreal, and the
PANT, of London, England,established 1817,
Assets over, *000.00; claims and bonuses.
paid, ovor S10,000,000,
For Fenoy Goode of every; description, go
to the Dominion Laboratory..
10 ohelve in the market reports this
An exchange says ;—No sensible ruau
suould get angry beoause a newspaper man
"'duos'" him for hie money. A loris not an
impeachment of a'Subscri,ber's integrity, but
is simply an outcropping of a publisher's,ne.
Thema was no drawing class organized in
The Sunday sohoo1 Anniversary
ser trona iu oonneotiou with "Sun --
shine" Cburoh, nils, be preached on.
Smithy, 20th Deo., by reverend gee-
Armen from a dieteuca, et 10,80;.w..
and 2,30 a.ud 6,30 p. ne. C hies: nn
,vee together with fidemusical awl
-.. conneotion..with the Mechanics" Institute orfliterary ontertaiument, stect•retinue,
LOCAL, itiRTPS.—i1"e *Iran be happy to re' :1Tonday everting, owing to there being an etc. on Chretmas night, 25th Dee,
ceive at all times, from any parr nf theinsnftioientnumber present. Apparently Tli! ' ie pm a ro i ea to be Due of the best..
County, items of local news, such as ac- the young folks do notstedy their interests, to iumerute 01 file season
c:dents,or any interesting incident What or they would have attended,
Geo. Kemp, has been appointed agent for
Is e Dominion Line of Steamships.
Remaar—hexer,— At the residence of the
bride's father,"Exeter, on the 10th inst., by
by Rev. Mr. Dieksoo, Afr, John Reddy, of
St, Marys, to Elva, eldest daughter of Mr.
3. A Uayes, bf Lxeter.
Arises—l�aa.tczs,—At the Methodist parson.
age, Etiznville, on the 3rd inst., by the.
Bev. W. IL. Gaue, Air, George Mills, of
Kirkton, to Alma E. fourth daughter of
Henry Francis, Esq.; of Usborue,
ever, froze any of otir sub,crihert or t rax- Next Tuesday evening Rev. T. A.t', Citrate- ,Sd.IsE, REGIS'P.ER..
ers generally for the purpose of public- bell, of Goderieb, will deliver his very pope- l,1~ ,
ation. lar lecture entitled "`God Savo the Queen,,: s usassnax, JA�.1t ,— Tarin Steak, iniple=
, . _ _____________,Christian A saoaiat»... In the lecture room of
H. Whitlock, lot 17, con 9, Vsborne. A`ale
Auati"'n sale of Christmas anti Newyeare l bills p ' t 3
' store. Exeter. auk.
Pxe o is at Broderick s s or , E c Ii
mi37T 32LTA'l Ili,., .T,'.1wT R..
10th, 1885 rapt Stock of Silver-plated Ware, Fanny
�"-' Sxoods, Glassware and Girt/caries. Auction
ENC1 NTS, erliuefor first insartlon,and sale next Saturday night at 7 o'clock. Nei
FOIL'S *ll Cl NTS per line for each subsequent in Lively no reserve, Private sales dieting the
section will be charged to notices epeearhe dal Big berg -.ins
ti fs3So'k'tlrl.
-- -- under the auspices of the Young 1".eople's.
Between one and two o'olook Friday
morning the barns, ;tablas and out-+
buildiugs of the \Vid�w S;oadara Ileiiry Brown, ani ioneea'.
farm.. its ! sae townallin Pf �,VeSt Nis f� Parties Totting their s
iuents, cte.. the property of Silas & Jobb,
12 o'clock,. Lunch at 3. No reserve.
Exeter, Ontario.
/l e ,,}O er arty . the James -street Methodist Church, Admits-
]f i
slot; by course ticket or 10 cents at the door,
this column. $ Exeter, 10th ileceinber, 18'85-
The London .Free Press of Saturday gave
notice that the uew Grand. Trunk station at
[Exeter ie now in the leands of the paiutere,
-, and will be ready for ocaupetion by January
b'lw' :let, a ere sorry the e a curer is no Dor-
sale i s ran e
aeon, about two miles from Thorn at this office, Drift get a i'an noLiee similar
dale, were oousumetl by Are, together a to the above.
with filo seaseu'e crop, eixteeu head ! If 'ou aro not afraid et toe results of that
of oattlo and a couple of horses, the r eozug t stud col$ yoaought to be. "Pi;cxonla".
piopert}' of 1Ir, c1dHw. Tturnbull, the `will thorou„hay cure you. Soh' everywhere;
lessee of tile promisee. That the firs , 25 cents.
was the 'ark of au incendiary is TA' ! ” CONSUMPTION strltrrr p,
b d
danht th nx fan fire hats beep use Aiaoldplivsiciat,ret;xedfrom Practtecoiav-
ahout the biru•u er Rtablea f" the formula Pfrt stnlplP e& l
ob rarttacaly Tt•x firs s1�Pe cuts, grata arh. CAW Asthma.
uapttoo,.lSroA_liipa. Catarrh. � t
reet, but we eau inform our London cetera. served about. tate place ehoiely nate)'' do t „at euroat?IAtl luaag aaYCCtious. also e. P051 -
rt rt e -r oa . txwORx� t t d
a uu f t3�_ t c trt, l
n e� va stere la the Dna : ave; a C
•w' 9. readers ) tvehA @ t ;d
Tri gi a ourFPD the the only tlarll and it is caw"eoturc+a that be set .
k 1 e offer p
r many. ins; ba,t Faced in itis Bantle by an Bast Incl. tan.
I L4 .L ( 1G)Gt W 1 t t t t ltonre luravlotu sly d ra L'; n"rt"t 4on an
s tested t
� lowing a tP t a
aeons atter sa t
1 '\ t< fa
z unequalled and au tta was 'on-
local paper weer, a read +.
Dont abuilt ; u tb
�. which bu l
urin a c F c
c F
ft re to
d a orveu8 Qenl? as ,
the Iaoa, Th, l,pss Grill full wou.terfui ecrati�s? Powers in t'sousauem of
»grzctzltneat and nee welt )Dutra , ww strutted. fitis
the Tines and Canada Lire Stock Joaen
aereat A very pleaxiug eventrreA at the real• very heavily on both "owner And
coxes, has telt it ashy tonaattta it known to
' his suitariug fellows, Actuated by tills
motive 1&O
', for '1.75. deuce of war. J, A. Hayes, yesterday after. oeaupnut, ,ant? 4, desire to tellers human snlTeriaig, 1 will
noon, it ueiug the marriage of his eldest
Without exception, the best cud cheapest d.angbter, Eva, to Mfr, John Reddy, of St,
liueK itz
Bouts and Shoes we lease as yet seen, :;fares, A millibar of invited. friends were
can r w 1,a had at C. E aerett's. Children'g present, and Rev. Mr.. Ljichsoll Ferfornzpd
Carriages, Express Wagons, Bicycles of all the ceremony. The presents were many and
sizes, Volt hoots and Men's lfautl,wade expensive, We wish the newly -welded
J3uots ; alss. harness of every description couple prosperity and happiness through
(,oestt.ntly on hand- Call autl see them. lire's jonruey.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for The list of voters far the. South It►d►n;
volt,. C. E;At:ra>:xr. iuust be ready by the Iiret of March, and it
is the duty of every elector, Grit or Tory,
Church. Anniversary. to see that Ilia name is properly on the list.
On Sunday end :Mutiny next the auniver- Courts will be held in the ditiereut muui-
sery eerwices of the Jemes.strcet Methodist cipalities of the Ititliug between this and the
ebeeee yea ee Lela. The aermoua un Sum let March for the purpose of getting all
duly will be }"trachea by Rev. T. M. Ceutp- voters' names properly recorded. 4t is the
bell. c,f t Lw.leriela, There Lwin be au open duty sial privilege et all who wish to give
aiming of the txuu,lay Sehool to The cuter- notice of appeal to be present at the differ -
neon, when addresses will be given by Rev.N rut courts. The Act le so framed that it is
T. 1I. CarnpbeU, cud W, Bowman, Eel., of calculated to give justice to nil caneerued
Lark n. Qib Meeiday evcuiug n platform and no nivantace can be taken of any pant-
nieLting will be h0,1, est which a,l:iresses may Ica* party for the purpose of benefiting the
be espected from Iters. T. M. Campbell, E. other. In the hands of sneh an able legal
l ershawy, of Centralia, and W, Martin. gentlemen es Judge Torus we feel certain
Collection* will be tai.en up at each of these ' that their interests will pe looked after in
t'ervice:l in aid of the trust funds of the the most careful manner, and that ill well
be fully satisfied with the .results of his.
Canada's Christmas,
Tliis is a beautiful illustrated Canadian
Christmas Paper, pablishecl by the "Grip"'
1'riuting awl Publzabiva Co., Toronto. It
contains 10 'large pages, 8 of which aro
tilled with unagniticeut lithogrepbie illustra.
tons or Canadian Christmas Scenes and Win-
ter (lama. The double -page lithographic
cartoon, by Bg\ocrtn, contains correct par.
traits of a hundred well-kaowu Canadian
politicians. 11 is, alone, worth the whole
price of the paper. The outer 8 pages are
tilled with entertaiuing rending matter.
Buy your own Canadtan Christmas Paper,
only 15 cents ; for sale by all booksellers,
Brier Bits.
HERE I , AI`t'D TUEltiwlz'..
News Condensed.
There are three vecanoled in the
staff of the Si. Mary's public school
Mr. N. M. Livingston, of itlitollell,
hae aooepted the position of manager
of a brauob of the Hamilton Bank,
to be established at Hagorsville.
The Salvation Army have made an-
other attempt to organize a corps in
St. Mary's, and declare they have
Young men will soon be in search of 1 come to remain. They're "stayers"
suitable Christmas presents for their girls,-- The offioors of the Wingham lllech-
A few ears were frozen on Sunday night,— anion institute for 1886 are:—Preei,
Special prayer meetings are being held in
the Presbyterian. Church this weak and will dent W. F. Breokensllire;
be continued continued next weak.—.Down ce Austin's dent, Dr. Young; Directors, J. Mur
Parlor Chem Co. will give a performance in toil Dr. Towler W E Groves J J
the Dominion roller Rink on Friday and Anderson and SVm
Elliot. •
Saturday, 18111 and 191h ; also Saturday af•
ternoon matinee. General admission, 20o. ; Before Benjamin Simmons died, lie
matinee, l0c. "Whereare you going Christ wrote a note to John Chevins, an old
mag 2" is now a question nauafly asked in companion of his, then in jail, which
the coarse of conversation. Who are to be wvas not to be delivered until bafter his
the eaudidates for seats at theCounoilBoard? dealt!. The note Contained a touching
would also be an appropriate query.—Wood
las commenced to come in since sleighing appeal to Cbiveus to reform before it
has come. A young man was heard to re- t was too late.
mark last Sunday evening, while "arming" Wm. Carey, who out John Thomp
Ills girl home from church, that he didn't
quite agree with the fellow ;who panned the sou with a knife, at Seaforth, was on
poem setting forth the beauty of the snow. last week sentenced by Judge Doyle
He thought the poet had never been out in
a snow storm.—Everybody should advertise
their Christmas goods in the Tzssns. It will
pay you to do so The Roller rink still
continues to be well patronized, and some of
the skaters will soon be able to put to shame.
many of the professional fancy skaters. -The
new Salvation Army captain took charge on
Thursday last—
3. W. Browning has the finest assortment
of X-mas cards in town. Call and see them.
Just received MclEwen's Celebrated Finnan
Haddie. at Drew's Block south. GED. KEMP.
Jas. Ferguson keeps the best Roller Flour
in town, manufactured at Fried's mill, Dash-
wood. Give him a call and try it.
The Village Council met last evening. The
report of the proceedings will appear nett
The Dominion Laboratory is noted for
new and cheap Fancy Goods, X-mas and
Newyears Cards, &o.
An assembly was held in. Fanson's Hall
last night, at which a large number of young
folks enioyed themselves greatly.
From present appearance, we fear winter
has not yet come to stay. The snow is go-
ing very fast:
Remember the Old Folk's Concert, to be
held in Drew's Hall, under the auspices of
Moist Church Guild, on Dec. 16th, 1885,
See posters.
As we go to press there arrives a communi-
cation from a Zurich writer, which is too
late for this issue but will be published in
our next.
A. large stock of Christmas and New Years
cards of the latest designs, just opened out
at the Central Drug Store, at low prices, C.
On Saturday, Sunday and Monday last a
severe storm prevailed. Considerable anon'
Bell, and the weather . was very cold. We
have very fair sleighing now, and the merry
jingle of the sleigh bells is heard.
Next Sunday the annual missionary ser-
mons will be preached in 'Christ Church,
Exeter, and St. Paul's, Hensall, by Rey, R.
McCosh, rector of Wingham. Offertory in
1 scud free of eliarge.to all who lesire it. this
Iietl9t> 1I. 1 rees in Cern;au, French or Eutlieh, with tun
i directions for larepnrtug and using., Sent by
mail by ad:treastug with stamp, naming this
ifilyGARI ,alt i- rw*' # u � Klee I direr' W. a.Noat:S,Tt`�Power's2Cocrs„(lccaroter,
1I ti"irree, wed
regret that we flue week record the
death of \Vm. S. S'urg'eon, l.'i hal
been emeloye,l for aline little ar sta• fuurre etlat3o'C1oC ll.11l.w►ednesday,
tion agent at Wheatlandetntiuu, oil , ,.LLL wtw"""'4'
the Northern L'aclfoR. It., rld where ±wvnttatw'usap ---
tta,t - ... -..
rte teak the Manitoba fever about rt it ate \lacNn.Av .,, ..,
Santa a"io, and Irom wtlitlh ata recovereauu wvut;�a'
ed. He then returned haute' but itI(.Pito mewl ,..
was not long nutit the hollow dough "' ;;; : ;
and other syrno run told too plainly: ,'clover ierel
that consumption 'leaolniwed hint for ni�T v%Lt s
its vietam. Everything that Medical cern
akin and kind care comas dao Was done lsu
oq oa
but all of un avail, as 11.3 gradualle : [�st°1-- t,.r lay
failed 1111 an the tnornintr of Nov.:;Oth At,ltit,s,tuprllag'
he passed peacefully away, Rt %lift priers.\lapleatr
early age. of 28. The yarrowving moth- tuTnruov per lh
er and relatives have the rywpethy
of man friends and acquaintances in
Iaat•lre per pr
Chickens per In'
this, their second great trouble within lcosro ulsg.
it beremain- el
so tlltart a time, a9 ill rolls ileonpaliina.naclo ...
bered that Thoma- S. Sturgeon diet' otiusGlna
on the 29th of April last. The fun- tiaiojaopromcil :»
oral aorvioov (a both were conducted t;eton8u rbaz,.i ' , .,,
by Bev. Mr Torrance, and bothwere ww'ootlper cord
IlU�S.1hI, MARKe sw
largely attended. Palll Wheat per ... a o 80 to 0 sa
On Slouday morning the mercury
regietored 24 a below zero.
tier. J. F. LaGe tr, of Helmeevtllo,
preached iu tiie Methodist Church on Exeter Butcher
Sunday morning last.
hire. Wesley Switzer, of Bowes
wont, Dakota, Is at present here on a
visit to her relations, She has been
absent nearly four years.
Oar village shoemaker, Mr. Geo.
Mills, bas taken unto himself a wife,
in the person of Miss Allie Franoie,iof
Uabarno, Cougratulntione, George.
On Sunday morning neat, the an-
nual missionary sermon will be
preached by Rev, W. 0. Henderaou,
M. A., of St. Alarys. The mission-
ary meeting will be held on the fel-
lowing Tuesday evening.
Mr. Geo. Harrah, of Usboroe, re-
turned home last week from a trip to
the old country, having been absent
to two weeks in jail with hard labor; ten weeks. His health throughout
and the man Johnstou charBed with' the trip was very poor, but he ie now
stealing a watch from Robert Hunter, a on the mend.
of Kincardine, got six weeks in jail
from Judge Toms.
There were 40 applications for the
position of teacher for the intermedi-
ate department in the Blyth public
school, who asked for salaries rang-
ing from $250 to $390. Miss Hough,
daughter of Rev. Mr. Hough, of
Londesboro', reoeived the appoint-
ment at a salary of $275.
The Wingham Tobogganing Club
will be offiioered as follows this win-
ter:—President, B. Wilson: Vice -Pres-
ident, J. A. Morton: Secretrry, C. E.
Williams, Treasurer,' Thos. Bell; Com
mitten of Management, W. W. Inglis,
B. Wilson, T. Bell, J. A. Morton, 0.
E. Williams, H. W. C. Meyer and .1.
The other day some one horrowed
Mr. Davis shot gun, (Clinton) return.
ed it and told Mr. Davie that he un-
thinkingly put agun wed in the barrel.
In order to remeve it Mr. Davie heat-
ed an iron and was burning it out,
when a charge of powder behind the
wad, (which Mr. Davis was notaware
was in,) exploded and. burnt him
about the hands. Simply another
ease of "didn't -know -it -was -loaded,”
The County Council are bestirring
themselves in the matter of having
Middlesex propely represented al the
Colonial and Indian Exhibition in
England next year. A committee
has been organized with Mr Thomas
Robson as chairman, and that gentle-
man was requested to interview Mr.
William Saunders, with the object of
:»» 0040000
.. 003 to 005
060 to 0 53
0 etoe 3
kit) to 0 83
060 to 0 (sit
a 45' to07u
(1 2 to 0 Itt
0(10 co0 ::
t 95 to 240
C,53 to 05,
it 48 to0i41
010 to 010
0 0 Q0
utter e,4ota0f,0;
Our Goods. and Groceries.l re - a rrailted of the Best Qual-
ity and Latest Styles. Families in, rite vil ),F,re and surround.
country can rely on Good Value for the e ouey,
Articles delivered promptly at your homes, iu th
A Trial Respectfully Solicited
ilittge, if
007 to 05
0 40 to 0 00 �
0 e5 to 0 45 J grim thcs�,i
u 0o 10500
a 00 to 004
50 to 700ilas opened out in
a eo o 7tou Currency& Co's. Q1. Stand,
037 to 0 18
700 to o 00
Surma; '" .• ^•
Barley (iarielitl ...
Barley (feeding)
White Oats, --
Black Oats
kpt'rs per tubi. ...
otatee8 Her b.w
053 to 070
o 40 to 0 40
0 28 to 0 30
The literary and musical entertain-
ment for the sidewalk fund, held in
the hall on Tuesday night of last
week, was a splendid success. The
hall was packed, and the programme
was exceedingly interesting, though
inexhaustable. The proceeds amount-
ed to $50.
(Received too late for last issue.)
Rev. Edward Hine delivered his
celebrated leo ure in this place on
Tuesday evening, Deo. 1st. The
night was very dark, but a large
number turned out to hear him. The
lecture, which occupied nearly an
hour and a half in delivery, was he -
toned to with wrap, attention, and all
seemed highly ' pleased. The usual
votes of thanks and the benediction
brought the proceedings to a close.
This gentleman has lectured with
great acceptance in the best halls and.
churches of England. United States
and Canada and it was purely through
personal influence that he was induc-
ed to come to this place, yet it re-
mained for the managers of the
"grand temple on the bill" to offer to
this noted and gifted man a misera-
ble, cramped, over -heated basement,
where no speaker can speak with
ease, nor any number of people sit
with comfort ; but it only bears out
the old saying of casting pearls before
swine, etc. Yet those who appreci.
ate such lectures, and have a faint
aid of mission fund. idea of how suoh men should be treat.
On Thursday, December 17th, at 8 o'clock getting come hints as to'the beet way
p. m. a children's service will be held in of proceeding in the matter. ed, resent this slight, whether it was
Clhrist Church, Exeter, and'a sermon will be, •the result of ignorance or iotentinn.
'reached -by Rev. Jno. Ridley,rector of Mitch-. The bakers of Stratford have been 'isuoh narrow-minded meanness de -
few in aid of S. 8. Library. at war for some months •past. Each
serves nothing but contempt, and is
Mitch -
few dame ago; while a Mr, Hodgws, of one has been'trying to drive some wort onlyof hoodlums. Verily
was in the act, of fixing oft a gun, the w y
rag bnrst,blowing off a portion of his hand.
itis thought the load was too heavy and
Writ the wadding was improperly put in.
We have received from H. K. Hynaman,
of this place, who is a student of the medical
department of the Western University, an,
invitation to, attend the third annual ban-
quet of the professors and students of the
University, to be helm on the 18th inst. at
the Tecumseh House, London. H. K. is
secret": ry el the committee,
of the others off the road The ob:
loot was attained in one ease, and the
disposed one immediately lowered the
pride from six to' five Dents for the
small loaf; the remainder did likewise
Again the price was dropped to four
cents, sold at the store. Nol to be
outdone, the other parties dropped to
three cents.
they have their reward.
[Our correspondent seems awfully
put out beoause the leoturer was not
allowed the bodv of the ohuroh. Judg:
ing from the general impreseionr`ho
left on the people of Exeter, we son -
aider' it was wise not to allows" hire
the use of the body of the oh' -eh.-
Butcher & General Dealer
--3*t ga• RINDS or ---
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS Arm SA,TUBDAYS at their residence
cQ ,�.iiJ ,,.-a -•.
Notice to Contractors.
trEALED TENDERS addressed to the untier-
a7 signed, and endorsed "render for CHANTRY
ISr,d27D \Vents," will bo received until Thurs-
day, the 17th day of December next, inclusive .
ly, for the,:onstruetion of works at Chantry
Island, Bruce County, Out, according to aplan
and specification to be seen on application to
Mr. Jaynes T. Conway, Town Clerk, from whom
forms of tender can bo obtained.
Persons tendering are notified that tenders
will not be considered unless made on the
printed forms supplied, the blanks properly
tilled in, and signed with their actual signa-
Each tender must be accompanied by an ac-
cepted bank cheque, made payaole to the
Honorabletho Minister of Public Works, equal
to live per cont. of the amount of the tender,
which will be forfeited if the party declines to
enter into a contract when called upon to do
so, or if he fail to complete the work contract-
ed for. If the tender be not accepted, the
cheque will bo returned:
The:Department will not be bound to accept
the lowest or any tender.
33y order.
Department of Public Worts,
Ottawa,lOth Nov.1885. II
Cheap Dry -Goods,
Cheap Groceries,
Cheap Boots, Shoes
Cheap Crockery,
Lance Tooth Saws right in
Price and Warranted
Remember our TEA PREMIUM. All
Teas guaranteed PURE.
FELT BOOTS at Bock Bottom Pliaes.
Wishes to announces to the inhabitants of
Exetevicinity, that iln has opened oat
Boot aid Iic Shop
in the V"r'rlter Store North of Samwvel
EXETER NORTH ,t Pick:wee, where be is prepared to make
Complete, stock of Groceries. all kinds of ordered work.
16 lbs. Sugar; til Tea, 25, "?Sewed work speciality.
and 75 cts.--Good Quality. -
Boots & Shaer, (All Stype) at Low Prins.
A nicely assorted stock of
T-1A.R,D .A.R-E.
(Cheap.) Best Machine 01 60a per Gal. 1 May 14th 84. 'Ye
COAL OIL AS CHEAP AS EVER. �- "el ,_.,.,.}hr
z E, lab AILIU
A reduction. of 1 a Per Cent& on
Tweeds, and Ready -modes. A good Suit of
ALL.WOOL SERGE. for $7.50. Suiting and
Overcoats Cheap.
Our Dress Goods are narked daiiw to --
the Lowest Notch.
A House and Lot to sell or rent, Nagy to
RAMP. 0.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Late Maoi ger C. Eaorett's Boot and Shoe
and as usual will ruake the
Dom Laborat'ry
His Headquarters.:
Already he has forwarded
several consignments' of
,deosel I olif ,ap Cools
And still there's more to fol.
low. You
Our Ladies' Hand Satchels: are
CA.D s
By the million and very
Cheap. Give me a Call.
Dominion Laboratory.
. G,
MB, WM. LYNE is prepared to do
At Kirkton.
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction.
guaranteed in every respect.
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give him a trial and be convinced that
will give satisfaction.
0 THIS OUT and return to us with
Mc or 4 30 stamps, and you'll get by
return mail a Golden Box of Goods
that will bring yon in more money
than anything also In An,erioa,
Your fortune if you start quick.
Yarmouth, N. S .
Are pleasant to take. Contain their o'er
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual
dfifilwer of worms in Children or Adults,
How Lost, How Restored.
We have recentivoublfdhed a now, edition
SAY on the
e andpermaaent sure (with-
out medtetne)pfATorvousOobility,Montaland.,'.
phyeioal capaeity.impediments to, Marriage,
etc., resuiting from excesses.
Price, in sealed envelope,only 6 cents ,ortwo
posture stamps.
The celebrated authorofthis admirable es,
sayelearlq demonstrates, from thirty years
suoceaefulpraotioe,..thataiarmiag consequen-
ces may beradleally
onsequencesmayberadloally cured withouttbe dang-
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