HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-10, Page 7t!
T Ai 4 At s 00
We give the more important Rants of a
ecp, ia e- rn of t
tri 6
order to keep pace with the present
study, have to poles, wer the4,. iii
Rome inetances, WOW PORK IX iv
o'clock at night. The eld ot of th'a a- plica-
tion -to etudyat-niglriterythe'brgiromturridr;"
yeas systemtakee away the appetite, ener-
ritz br tun •
itin n 'time
t r tue"egla e tar%
t e spina, ear ;disease, myopia (nea0
aightednesa), apitting of hi ,04, aed, in, some
Instances, gpsnitiOnvilairdc,ide
dread of thiroleketlfe o
visit, the anxiety to gain a prize, oe the
thought c not 1st nag abie-to. pass( 41;4..
arnination, So as to leave the school to work
for a livelihood, k aa, each had a therein tbe,
production of dieease. _
Light, position, venthatiateV047;iilrefe4
warmth are essential to tke health of chltd.
.4541Z -f
adigAlle pa,rf o ; the Wt
- o fforvg ne
,P 4itiff -taba,
le futile to imagine thst all children can be
broughtup to the same level, tbe boasted
„one,•hundred,por peat., et peaftes10.4•0114nRe
thidg. Theciteadsioet 'tf
ate -
every echool !aught to have the epti b,o Tee
--ftP?irk/g ITPrflg**Teinatioleatf leaaOseltd&pel-
coot, of those wheeeu give their whole time
7414 'Rt°tr.(40:. ilentheffalp
Thrall t the, ecruntry e, a, •
mantigere,lt hors end "etiiployers tof labo
beer witne ao the dimiuialted vigor and at.
tercaated linfhe of the children of aer work-
ing pepulatient, eRdpek„Ifitherfa tee'r.
lopentogaVziincit ti'lstnir-edne die, 44
riste to the bitter and terrtNownge irUiet
Near-aightsaokreealeataisermfin semelat.-;re*,
age ttitleg;‘,OlUtitilrelatalilacii4lidilst,
ren in Germany suffer from deieetive vision,
and, in aome selaoolet,three•fourthe, Twen
fok g of he tirler"fref found to
rivitrutjoryijr4 flpei thirty to
Aft 4 Win fr I've/etre-a the epine4
In the dlitenelkion Whi h follewed the
paper, $urgeou-:liaj Psi le aid he w
much drum, on rota
au absence of two*
boys and girls wearing epee c
Trydale, at Landon, "aid that it was an
axiom in hie Miodgthelf-obildren4 1
inexple inight
amtunt of morellos'.
thsy are, have it only in the mild f
le icelm-iiiltnypiong he e
e dents of a ..ppx 't eh
re to fa du t lthefel t ha -eve
re -vaccinated on entering.
Dso breathip
gIntereupted occesston; o
• n roan
e fer 14,
- 88`11
:;raberiboni rilakilgokine curie. 't!;'•;'!;.',
lid holding the breath.4 ' t'.44414;14ii,Aalleg;',0;144
. , ,•
etilet one da:,
; - • 1 tbeie
•fill .""•• '",' 1:41liaallyosettedittet,
deep ancl. re,piel.temirrtions so dietressing„.
I an' i',:ir!,f4),YA,"'ahtltbey-loelced.y1;bndraua*silSe',
Iliertlieriire coseoulaged Troiir perseveroig, - ,,, I .4 ' 0 mrckaffomple Agges1:: I ' ' •
In the exprolse. Let, such onion k in la' ...` ii. 4 41,0sa-.twiins,vtijan•in-acannixcijs ' .;
n y'll ,• • ' i
scl as t w
canoe. Pereons of we. .1.: optmeopimeleteuelka bah),
a t • bac •ti as ilek, 3 okkOW•
1 n
abdominal region. Practice will iocreane---iiiittrVelantelp,hfir:I,,.itie
the ab o el he oath, and the cepa- oe4 Lied a*.Zed"4 thp,picro pasted on, the
*ty tme the art maY, we're -Severe -1'p* felines on
•lee nciin the Iuv. This it e trglalicetiAllyligt'thbfip•ne'partra
one by taking said holding the long breath' &WRAY
- 4,•tgfr-Nair
Ad"thell'forelog more air down the trachea, •,-....by, Javallowe o Or.
• o be of hair:the neeklaCef 'Ware,: gla 44 and
aleeitrib byttp ,
6.4' 4/10 kritile Wild fliCe(efaiiiid hndO. She
e',/,',,,eho Ins Illeidiriiilied,solite tardy '14 stekiirittokaze
at it on, her way to ached hi. the znOTAing,
ad nowbirrirliiiiiififilifetTvalk, ahe could
"16Ok Slaking aci°Alie Pletilsed. "` ' ' "" • '
L'' ' tEVAVect lie'fian z /adieu. ' tilaybele's ono'
ofthose clfeitxdful cannonAallethat eatefelks
gamy bpC;illrea*. Nut on at first us needful,
bat later practice wilt warnnt large use of:
t p The whole thoracic and ab,-•
les will k-receiveW„ immediate,
orl air and right exercise,'
will briag welcome improvement.
0"17,73),,O... Wu;
Twenty.five monuments to Repolehn
tirelt laxteloluiledYM" 'QoaPifigiib0490kialiraritt!
to e f
..o,r else he's aggnaw • anykew, hscea heath.
..941300.1i. if*
Vnt'tba word e °title
a4vertimment-4atiecuit be could. broil .the
VnAiii(K?aild Se*aftgained '0 .430 ides
iiii,t1trwae:41/ebeliti ',„t„iier,-b-a•-r-i 4
a a 9. tiee-qt- cleepitet trfatlteretzhatita,nante•ofinim,
ledge. aees., 40'w/eh Tcould Pee mp
4*,0'9:13444.:gl..ilca'Aneaslow,, for She had
lArligrif atev?,,q4sikv Oven ,the liana oreeted, there ; and, ahh
0 OP nr 0aroPalgua are e leidveigWer thate
M a reoePt PrzbliP 4,1‘Vagr 1"b )41i6 rot Nan, • Zia ehanot
pleeea M the Capitol at Rome, c • , AsfAii:1ValinifinInW'ffvff
0„arche amdcrainectstecterli, tut vocato 4 Pinno ft: 'bright,ne* tigsvoir tht.. u&1.0 Jeha bad
ifirrist-geigt'lirolfitiOnelerexp ye ed hie will, given her beeauge he thought her littio,ifice
Ingneeato,Sell,"14414M44,4414,91)414 tonal:IC'*rtiortaa -Caber at thi'pfaipict of havinkInnro-
ry F,hci we,r0 able tia,buui, moceeafullY ma go alOiskilikera, home for; two whole
+4411t9 41,6A.igitatP:f
!*t earnoll ing trdaya1 .,,
, ...•, ;, „:. .
he --"'own of-42$03101Padtilitatfult of eignill- " I asited MIAMI= what to do n ith it, and
once. Lord Fife 141/ alwort been. A 0;24=44 .414,1140 Whatever you pleaee, ;dear,' jul
land era an iberal.minci men 119, is ne beforattne went, away; so, if I want to go, '
1 di
of t e wealt eat man ift etiand and, h eellofinfeit Ilan rather doubticilly, With an
ler e lettpa jiti14,o3 . late bilnee 414 tiott at tko,,plotorkcc why aka aaidk
Dr, Ahem, writing to the .diedical Times 0.10010,t(APW 1•Ple4flea.` "
Water Cap ere polsouone makes , 140T, Wa840 one t,(1 go 1003,118r- Wh�tbr
tee peat six yeara. anyOne,WOuld have taken her to the exhibi.
out a method a df 'Writ:unities if mamma hadbeen at
pre urPet :311:1?-91iliftrittuVOIranra`raliCta‘1109111,tptrit 01: tfcsjalueoltrialtrA Vq:reya tark: elly11,1e 118 thee teladidneocit tehharet
ammonia h de °ally and than ounebi "elle eraasquite chi enough to go alone ; but
it re%aired oonsidereble allotting of her eyes
te:facIta,k3 one diree000 and stretching of
pronablitties ha another to convince hereelf
cttamtPwlat eke wanted to do was exactly
git -,She questioned Hannah eantionely.
`PAIltIon Wink It would help bikini to
Medical TnAtrption; aehaolib,!
Stich a thing would once have been loo
rd, the de
bNt1ia *1
e tendenuIee and the actualitlea of thioge
havereatly alueigstlif i afrof tail'3f ha -a -other
0plencee laid ylohset , gifts ,st .thq.ket. of
%Indians,. but 'the latter has fully entered
into their enlarged Writ; and aocepted their
more Accurate methods, of inveetigation, ID
shortclictlnopp itaillf,tell the; dratilima
In its'Iong histo , become a seance,
We new, a nderetand ali fnever, beftiretha
nature* and origin of epidemical diemees;
their telatiente t14,.iinrroundings in plaoe
and Person ; 'the prothlnence of chinking in-
fected water, all a-'11PAree:of cloutagiork*; thei
value Of di Int ohs; eallictinguished from
mere deodoriz and which of them skulei
are absolute able; the itlil greaterdIe-
att sri
ern nee*
t a II ,,,bastt,t g
i n y removal ort e well f6m the sick,
or the slak Irani the,well.... We understand,
too., the importionee of good house drainage,
add the dutfiet of poor pluithinge- ,`-'VVelalso
know that'the-air of the chamber la never
better.thaWthe iiit Of We 001.1a9tir a
0041 ilo2 10MtOriheriV,i,thetApeaili it of
stamping nut the whole class of infeetions
diseaset,., Th, .essWel' their nor,
foritAirg' tattiqtiV4k.., ,„4 .4,:, ii tz.
Ing the truth of the old maxim, "An ounce
of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Now all this has rend...eyed ,it greet -1,44e
eff4A11".0.tirlie1ibf--.6iir Yin:chile . ifetiodla Jig
promoting the paha health. 'This is„al.
ready being:done in. thet„Striteitl, 144 the lak
year meclioallinstrnotioni hathgeregiven in
the schools of Bangor, Me., with the result
of preventing ther•spread of disease among
the scholars.
:ealti,,,OhealfrecOcliel :Ret WA; ' IP 111e". 13; Xtitti.
of the .11,11,pncticon giv.ert it4 .,,,such4hist„ ;the
teachgri are' Made- watt:life-1'4,nd Careful in
regard to their pupils; and -often a eo-called
' spunky! fit is peen toe_reallwthe yil c
8dieht 41/Wttrigi0.6421.Ni W64 .
angerat1on totUrich a Van of instruction is
not a difficult. itir matteifsAl
r., , a
.1«lit,341711717-. 3viA Um
An kig;lh-ealiVri2°,1141/1111‘13141Arceptio„,.
W?, t`tAi'kfli.fill.klieftifftreWsTableirg tie
ittkinieopubsaluentaktanki agienle!'o
proteetive poifenVelevehAT.140dt
ptilniAtib fottefihiiiilgAgyig,',:nigtge 1f
of A -114'144r,, ,414.4.filegtalubtootlis p am
—among ,o,thermegftfofsontrthe fact that
in an importantraLondon small.pox hospital
no ig...,•Lulrile,er•-..inr -:littendfint-i:rilall
1-,.....03, 2
W 4 w.tii -tiiii:410'011rACIK
-- -if,..;.0anitiyiiii.1.:.6tiq 8
atta. 't! '.:-.8fAiltP,0*,-InfaY.;•:**
by 4din . n't.J 4 11*:+itai*IiP
va iii: -.to, trot!.; 0.iezclifi:f1' e
himj Ied) w,oha-
to -
'`Iv-i4P4eseimai '1414 )30; ef..ctafi
tincit;ilthit'easett, Mth"a ,Well, a-fo
well -de fl --Or;t1r.61. APsm
dielt tfieChoith a
twe.fi sc
show a
mewed every hour. The
n n 1 cure
!1D," ly d day,
The D Ice of be or -and a
Tit rikbad
e etikefor more
thall fifty Yefirfe and. ho WAtteeirtainly one of
the most,projar men_ef. Pringo
trIP Ifilttle14 -We• dfRIBIOC1441.0U
Mir Voneffiteds niin with advantage about
both pul/tiblisfidtpricatt triattigei 249 Dake
and Dutheas of AbercorribOth figure prein-
lpergir,AVSgoithairpt.P90' thilatinetgreht
favorites,.efliirckliefaconegekdoeho r
theriVeis spialinentroethe ti
- 67 4*
great diatilandrObberies,;2,
London home:was, mmarired do Incite Int+
magingairlides^not4 Tong. aftietlai rebriery,
ttba Igo Lady 1 Elleeitebte'll role.; nit/
shto 9t,tke 4acreint:At019P,A eava glace
Sfi V
un.up4nto, nndrf4P) cifitth?lv't
sands infnatti-4ezhishibtiattier jewtilier jeering, awearing•and:threatening; end -Wan
naderetand about Sunday-scboel lessons and
oi.arlr.ning *see a real life heathen?" ,
if I s'potie ite," ea:cowered Hannah ablenili.
She winki busy with, her baking, and was
tt;yirk (baltmlate how many yards'Of
Qpgrttil4 take to make her a dream. h
"S4 So I have the:money, and Manglni eaid
thOt* whe.t. pleased1" turd Henna%
thinks it'irbe reel. etruetive ta, Pee such a
;01sw,': re aien'ed4rati trying tcrargue dewn
her:ow4inhigivings.•; '; •
woo:. •vit .not think it would hit ,IPStriuttlY,4
te confide •Ther plan to Hannah, however,
after- the early dinner, a little, Retie
slipVect r 'away from the honae, unge`en. IOW
teudged aktnetoward the show ground. rt
seemed very --grandstolie alonerat•-firsti but
'Itewee gsandeur thariefted only. nntit.shat
fonrid lhereeltin thP•rolaiit of a surfing,
'jostling crowd that.nearly swept her off her
tfeet. It was slough erowd,rtoo—laughing
n.le oewitchteec/f;titi eperettuticatliennis. would gladly have escaped, if it had been
0vinnaningii WOW-if•notctioSatari 18.1 .x,sitrts
he aeoret. „•:•1-.e."; ' ',unnoticed among the throng that ehut her
Thevahle Aignbane4:4114)1,doukiludot lin on every eldii; As Atha' Verne forward
lin'ttwreeenstohnerOtbi301,Pi'in6,htidtrA0rtetiripilttsirEbleohr;tomn, ntikshew,el_parrled
t tier ,tkocione:, artexil‘hetlig
ththe narrow
sliaeh heince,' • la reseal& t'al'eart" °Inartderi;".
ng to the speotatot-its gable end, befoe. dkfii6lhejoIce! over that,. or men;
,OiarMin0.13Patt: attireal , brown hanker- hiermiliber itisithe thfibl.ehe Was too abinlyi
°curers, Is conversing with an old Indian in a illamildered Ira ,Her !from,
isd blanket(endfrinkth,ReliTie1,114:Witiket, bat," thaiprtdertatt, herbeart,,was: sadly
hile a 'tc-veller-in ig wig, galloping nrn.hed. She could see nothing, and she
poilaligellitied steed, hails him with uplif t-
d arra. Furthermore we are infermetl'in
9oduprint.tliest'th)a fehthe jaorrams
A Orrespondent of a Western, journal
r 9..:V.TheXonee.i05.4thezMariifilrentertit td tog Atrhi ia'21. reached -theltiortr. df iriLty
gays thero In 004v•enteumilyedicating
Ishange in tiler. ta - observing
ithe babita of the ;mail. They do not drink,
but jrnhiber moisterre dnripg a rain andeek
iddiI afteleislaillad 1}11: aninilfirilxiiivicr ln
abroad except before a rain. The tree snail, as
it ie callatwo days Itefore rain will clixi
latclticittetgitfethill itetelth°
"the tered aide of a lesf, but if a snort rain
on the other side. Then there a,re other
olue. Wither snitilei-cieep Indentations, be-
jedla r thX • ile,)4 ear
ginning at the bead rwocenr thtahornund
few daY14e %I? Mir,l'atioG 1.1;70 YG
.An ingenious,. tuna or nand weaving ma-
hine or loornhas been inventedfn Germany,
y means of whink et114 4061 :yfan, cords,
ripe of falai!), 4lco., onbe Foyen,intis piece
oses in the household. In using. this, ma -
hineritkeiwarpothresoN are idesiti elitqafIggif
'ilillel either orithelabg'Ot two chairs or
cured to the lini3bi of ,f,M0 ldoors. The
arp threads are then Reseed through h
lid( d I el; lerraeffeA A p4ittLit, le fiVrheiN
he end of the 1.welr"pi thrdads are' tad
ether and fastened to the back of the chair
pon which tlie,pprs9:flops. Tagngs.)the loom
s*te, and the other end of the threads. are
old in a suitable clamp on the tab eg"111,ati
e left hand, whereby the» 411114e 8/1 `are
lieddle frame or comb is raise44yr pane of
eparateliASI A olitillbiterrde
verse direction, and snoTARD0Tu
oh Li,
10 e.1 -sof rd' Fr ont
efingl Priefdl e 11 the
pts rong n
a most enthusia
n Bedford Pym,t
and g thr oo so a, onl
abo t. of U12
an Ing oui'br;nore, slig tly
hu gettA thMemEttetlistrp'6UthrOlif h• i:'
evaiMiltkot 0199,111442,0494/enees oneinatwo*
coved,) the rtsteeieWhjahlici.g
leak„Vic 4,16•WaWaNdOkill a Y,ili
didecinu,' .8088001ra mo%1Bnidineol,.
Adgoin3 :ninon° slintildititiellitetkPiptegy Vila
"ef', haV°P1N24991tataAliAtkeitSeii
va00A 41,1:., ;ea, end) Wye
anakeeseacobraerelpeuppeteda's,f. bed 0041,
abontloheci 'itlfidiSidytiNga .;18.,,Yr '9‘1/'
lifiy To60 Oka WikfigIllz1 Pepotaeme
ths4 we eq -Vibpowaroevena astatine ha
vacoircatidtiiinlinfiauegq$,XpeOgleillf '
the iltictvairglittieh SafrWenti;fyille4fin1
rIt' PA°, (9491114 talintedbecreivaceinateal
rescning adultageed4 ert Una aosc,ro b as di ,3 re. '
'hose who take tide course are veiyiiiit
j.kittAltti linialiligliaMVAVI,V1
. &Mk. xoa riz.V10 dm,i•
xp or -
P....,. ,,. MeM-
s of the Geographical Section, entertained
with_klaahah_Bpollektespitaift, 1 The
idieTima`lAkil'itbW-413Vn"hoir&C'ortlt the
ttish GeographicalAAiety, and, with
Gladstone, has been,guest of Lord &me-
at Dalmeny Caatl lishmen fin
ep ntry
w s gree
ad and revolting
IP motion hip"
exploration. His own
enlarges of cannibalism.
• OW he ItS
15' escaped gantlefaci9Til
iment in the West. From first to last he
been coldly r-oe[ d an *ebb')
land ferl*Ig.,.. .4. it. 4'114e
the geographical societies he will be
' Until r
luscp4.61401SEOTTS ITEMS.
Parnell the agitator and Parnell the
.0ghtenant aretilrotiiira asiCkbet
Ahersipols1i9; ette,ntlets. laqing steengiy
l'ed to, tile had fmtnree:efitheierlft,"(111n
En.01011' idiots recenty repott
Mailied4Vaie ';:gr
eitOilarly „Arctic urti% 1,0feinjoibcsr
•Ge.9=.81.Lennpaix itt obi3erftgaii40-tvdra
£,Xlf '
1 t*(VT /;^-1,;.% 7
et& hh'd a'fftif,a talk the otler* diy7,,witli
AI; 14,04711.in'od:Wriene0 kil4A8NArjzinarieW.,
TuaL ni195PgrOtalat9iTaNtikTitar tla-4410011h0
#9ttRt )1Inf'e617haiNft 1114114A11130"dgqkf
I4/YRWRI Iteigfitlf.804.9inkrot4:,#0,11WP, her
Ttx ew.i3/ffilWgtht-teNN90e14KAN,Piieritkf.iitkPern$
the weir cheesed, and thi, told : "rirott,,h4,irth
e BM% OJAI/kJ r144,0141;k948.44111oPATIA0nY nf
.f”dP••.9f!? 71419:1*KiffiS " 2FINYPftf?, ta*
'fir hold in niy_handP said- Q :Gard-
is few
dsrantaiiiiplann:qiihnlierivid •
ii44_, if6144//1"°$Ifd64944*-tliIrtilni§
l'i.,0. 1.440tiAtfilfT)/401,4,0142411,
7:4424.,';:"Wlijatth;q9'.764a3n041,L4174,:4* -
fdlialitiohnealmlogg .tAiliZt(k.! IO
(-4,T4haqixraonheas.itetInf:alla.\ fay or
.t4,,?! , are. ,,,a,c.e rti,,i er. 3. :: .1,r;11:914,,,X.Rr:40101:orill4 it:11#1:40Pfateltrouyoriv0hu61:ES`.r:Asi94e:ritit:Zi:e:atielftsr;' c,4''i0C83.4:4111.0c :7? -irV-iar.4.. „1,9--,f-:atik116:1:04 1,4114.4ili:,,, 4a like
tioe 0014141g6;°and haiii'dVcillink hi that .imetlenieclutkoludinawhoe2shohsrawito i k,'.‘14o-Whon:reart ligitculiothollat heis f,400111.
nertice lee svorid NViige flit lifarrilY Shit there richer garinhateltrocluheiiinovhwanduf r e` 130661._elvteb:44jeleitera-"Wkeeil win be
had, never-been^fifarit thought§ end hitter,. .snitsm napolarg:,goranwtribiege to, g gibeti*Ascektoito,p •Eatilicir.turtik.,e2oaird vta
speeches. ,0.1!1)**4f11 -ea ltticertintaitherritiderkttorefzipirpbrliee'h"ef 40. gkatoTga;'113Tekis de Whiten V '',I3ut I also .
Cremation fa growing in popular favour in latiefit,ofil bora lieeirscirebiietuoiwthimoui roo feel to breee ,'ern fur what dey4ITI' and not ,
ithiediew'Pagland Statesqc.aconipaiay wale tittay Atte c4ilh oirouthstanuishat ail ffseievpar inr;w4a..,.tgoine4.t.4151.74.4-1910047111rtiorne-
rLocntly form4ed in Boteu,withre.cee1tal et ode otatteomonsitetridinbagiditd,yeene the trines ecat,-;-;:dOWn ,and ...wondered -That sv,e
t4 -1-/A9, The 1)-93'W koglancler4 tilspeiti4e hal • - t ,cillearhry ilolhoill freseased,',Iliel . at 4,4401,141:MeglAP,OA:':* tiko.*.worean s
liela Itt1ti Whie lleiY,6 be'donebad.":13ettoi lima, to apee,d/ihdinenn•sfyler.othetiev,,:te4 hand ta aii,ice catnip tea an' 'n'iustard plat,
.1:16 d'ortequickly(" '';"" ""- • ' • '''' Yeeer74 frieodinlixdrgek eirounataneea en. ler; an' to -Par(' jtatera;* She idn docwr a
.• There grOwlifg feeerick "friltia' Vnited tr itst; &anal with''With- Which" tte.farrelaiv,
. , . .
sere ttne,sa,teladerly,„as to, ukako ;If or4r,Vish
$4epar omit *the: disadvautagea, of ,itiftona, -t*,/ enitiaf elotbtag toe iier Aittre gioulie- 'Yi5aliafr- a' br6k4alett 11/1161'eSMItall8V +Tad-
ertle... , ThA tseOpja Fa tiugiuntogo 44,2 . i'i iwafrgoingto5schoollortne,4vinteit:-Clipur-- ed a• 8°34c -11°41r 1(4°Vro 'f°1"41411tIa("(51/ar
t'eol(4...6,ati:i:40,.r* bo taevt111,.89671.#04:4ttla(i who" ootobvei ',gehal.a.mgellomr ajleh414nruntryliat'btesi:Itivnstatri.137.24r;urt.42:. Ilh9gro.'12074i.1:44il'vrigyou'lele4ivim-abri'veatYdehuers
yvill be 'eta -prise' t-- s•'.•. -,;,- i": dere el at ?seek and aleevet.- Sheared a steeitrier ft:rb'1070:117v,."" '1:1:111.!4t II:3 Il'ule,:atCeaal:een:a.:on ,
caThea Cobnifnen%.anndf '0.5ang4artlIpenhadaitisorrecotif:nkfe:ile: r;irv,thae:talli°,:iwtilsr stoimottr otriiiptotWttetzto,,ttoeditebraaocle. biaciPateheao: WW1* you tal'anl awoot 8120
airrplannintho* to turn your -old oat top
lee erseb.;;Senole Songs ilrawsrti,ahd'outk%pet,
_prom, ,g0)411 cinli find It good.fpolfey te n ,ocoa,ta can iiitogeower4it 4,10-,tilto ii,,I wo, true wAnififOrlia' atfatiget4;iii- roller skatee,
where the -would lae appreciated, There; Jort„gooac the .onrier,,,imuoat. 6ein.a voi As far derkied ' who epercd- deir- tireeciwid
ijuw°41,51 'eem t° 17 m°14Y"m41°4g •P*8414)111" k lei:I-a:dimple •pataa:rvand;a11 'avith the gaddi)44ble114"*aleA4141/41*'eteriet1—an'
WA 4010. ' ''. ,
. ,i OenSideiation of lightness . and cieee.fittiog dig 31417 Ana Jokusen, proh.bly belongs to
' #'6iaternolvilfiatron d601.44"agreb with forriwthoth, - ,Disimeg .0,izieti n/t4 . cat fifat 'dat elaita4de leafiwe' See -or 'en'. , de -better,
the EgYtitialg'obglIglc goittplg r14,---AtralT-irk/ but 1 ire ti; to 'the flannel. Six yarcia,eacii, :T4'e 'tV4'. lt°'/57''''Oi7*.ed''''*14. 4t!' 1. (I'lr"';-"t.
Xew 110°4 ar)ti "Ill° Wow. Yoritora; hariog of navy lee ami the icame of gereetnelde :oeatiire,a. A:. : -,-, .•.= . .,i..„ : :. ,
e : nft IN 8 rtt-WPrks iv" rienmePie$ ik 00. , orett zr Ail"
P034ible, flirther diaPtegratiozi, - , ” ' r. tbhra, • •, • • - ' ' •,' - '' ad te loVeSagate tige II fintty; "It infleelity
nits and ,to thebtue a added . - ''' ' • ' .4fig - 7.t
and °oath* it 'Mal, para °? tepreVent It. *-, /.-'' - "- - ^ " Si* Isaac Walptle, who,fizscl been tequitt-
. t - allo.opaisti of alighter shade- in *eivoteen
t.tho two< top,partecould -tiS woen W,tth
British politibena daring the present oriole 46Sentiiikirtraegierfaltheat,' trinuired With ewe ad igg lin - ttilff.'etaturry 10'. reported- that
are oettiing right down to the work of speak . ,hruit vow*, 4ieillithietrpre;01.034 blade lie , he badroade as thoreegh an "investigation a;
inz pink Ande.4axeri.,;butiv,40,A1144o,bout ,00ti4otogathar 0i42,74,01,1eaving a. mot wtine,tmekteardnpoldrrtaitme:., ,,.anes, . vf,ettlail permit, and
their opponer4e, and , When they get fairly ,balenctolor glow/tend handkerelitera,"' 'This
started ere that te''k,a11,thist ttcia aide of the Wes' al:clatter of close eeonoiny, and 'did not
Atlanta° can teach the:ran kibt Worth kricler- 'admit ollbg Malty little etdettis thatiWiinien' prelin.: lelBobeining.gerimi,l' hasn",t-43o,raviticed over
two moo in thie oanntry that thereiste an-
ing. • • ,. : , 4, 44 . ', aryl children delight in while I certainly made'
"34744 Z Pvieelirt thf4:51rnAaFfs foi him(' u?' 1h° d°r(tra at Iltit'P'ite;" 41/ 4?4"Pr4'6tleal' 'toleeTilithelaTtrilhber*eria°ftlan°Pdie•Of*tolmrin.' deCntlfolcr true
'been, aeribaelyt sulk en hisfaxiroeutTlitrauu., ,xecukertotlid frivolenskiadralieeitimatethat
tow, If4d,, ie gettinkfVetter. ' 0.0. has been, Ionian tonpudress, and Iiihile'We *Mid wicked are, howeverf,on the increme,
much clietreasodt doangfiblia illtieie 'A -the niit copy China auci -repeats:4! litimptnar? 3 The clap who .helitwe in if einrerChnt
Ant in the other locatioo k Inang elided to
IrCielflIairO1C114tftirl11011W04:415*/111! lciAQ4011t of: f'irn1
4.: The class who beiteve that notx;r4 le
aulnelne while they are in health, hut ap-
peal to the Lord as men ea sieknesa nettlee,
le holding it.s °Imo to nuroberao; , ,
6. Thav speelee of Jusraettity firbiede.
light; . in. criticisieg Cbristimity auti dia.
tPfil ze4 -hi, r et i x I., 1 vdiui ntr I !gr ,4' P Qtb: '41, e a. e a t by1:91 la Pr a i c.:1 31,1i,e t:t . Au', Prklotlu nce
'nf the emelt-pox aleog the 'Canadian herder
will deubtleica, make 4 change the other way
:11;a:ng,1:14Sai.etana:t:arlos.:u:yetl:mii:Sttio,:hue.:4,1.74:91.5:1117.113ii:witx:rnr:toi4,1tIelz.h,s.,, ;8eir..46;,elint.jaerrYd,. ,'r.,:t'e,1111,:.rdi,"1,8t8:.
');;:ifislaikgietdrl'hailniP4°.fifec:64,44°III an,nntaV41"1;
IshMtlie greeld'inr: .. „ ,. . • i ; :.
ii."1,4!1'0044:7Q*.44i300.4.13.9.#A 4V*,,,*?.4
ah't-,T r4Oillt0:401:.#4';:i0; rP-
" '• ,. .:1;44:71, :II 4, .4,1001 4,nat. :i'. riica4v:i'a, ::. : t,.01:ii;;;:. ;:40103
r':IqN741ilItiadefSAi; t.gt4r,*,o0a.s.'. ant
-alt ilitici 'orolliiii yam env a bliteh'er on• re-- - ,
tiot avenue, an' datiffen dollars you.,own a
„grocer on Grand Riher, an' daVairik
houile-rrentrl.dut. rkiePritivolatjduhlkirdi!tlis
chile trill talc& 141::'PetiehntItiiitil 6; preastie
:aasifitii - ?Wade ',ft& iiii-ifitra 47:1 ;NI '. ' '
H: Ilid;11,441,:PfliiiticrOatriiMuildta.,tiii 'We
itifta iff•EllibialkaWit liffetithl'OtTerentte.
S'onte"ryo 7Weektetillibli Ithe(„Eltlet,t',Wrrfi,itreln
thonotail;'Inerriber I a, tsio 41 woftep&ireiv.0
ossani fifiiiitflii'd lidldlielikltolilitityVehtSgfirie
b4nii).13htiliivaff.* tffeinlitty-Wiilfelf iiithirfait
dectifil1418 liVetiVe/Oida'rd"andAte;?cif;alie
tictialciffis bil0eiginifidn'etkiblivtivitinparteda di.
t. eafrditii ViiinieW-AgifliFift,hiiegloperisa-nff
'161414 illiticianfisViiiitiheiVgintit;i,*tig.
-bov'ered lia'aitudaftifittlEtileietWitlillidd'inih-
tid ntbilleilieadrd 4.reiiiiidtfeiinitrintlionEdlig
blithi. ,iBeiftifekr,• rel.ifaldel'fivWdeitibh•E''`Aits
preroptl#1 irlailaio 9iii "trfitzlaikuwiortia..,
fiiiiiiltheLP0aitielitztfail :cog VW: 0,i'litAi,4 CABAL
,".iti;D'illnicAliti 14604,i011131CridetWItii&
gibiteia frblifklOtiibIrkeTiESdbilikilllikediIt
giderA„Siiitlirci kgiinicil titr.bne411 ode bliicktii1
4batelinni,Vti." Zliqd"60',Veoitirif7 ati"trivealIs
fiitinttiodigliJinfilid4fliifirtno0a 1117," '''-,j. <'• ' .`•`.
.thongh ',coking nlere,4delipati, 4Jaie, plot ed"TrinirldiVIVWDOWIf21441€1. Ait 1,mila of
,fainmgg We'den'Ihe ' braidmg, that •,o pan, hiinaP alike dtel•VarOelffil Bittells.'"11-"1.. 9 '.,',.••••:
'tallied " lisfog.0 FirillalgliP Ea*, "drlivh`iiV "1 d.oan' Ppeck dar am," ---h-ri "V".1 rii'dT
'1Veohelsestfictirfleathe'r it tcleiiiffikiiillOarVill
,handeeitneAtil,n,ming,itinnigh (the; latteitt
ItrAihfaeonIej97 lOilripg: ita engloWilljohIcend
16Wakliail• tia Isiabil' • 143iitOreq. Wlitlding,fil
the sfliaildf the kettliViihakki/g 147 al '
thedivhites IchavhdiettlakDinen5149(the ciag,
ity pleilarlt,iatloaivilyelyitybyet.iih1911aitedaznflirqgilo.oim4o;pift,drer,td.titalit4r1,
iti745. Vgwirwriti_ri$,etrilstrpfliircps,isty94airkipiya
Iii.3n1:1` 9:tilleigy:::::ii.:00 fit11:6;;:710:444i
Alta. ritivriphien bf . the bane ofidn''' . veK
foli,c4at:::::::.t:a. tainneT:ig-0:::::mine
ith the cloth. I do not approve of oorneitio)
for younggir a, . I 97,3430.7„.1‘1,eryi f-
gltdrioyokiittilgitt it Roan hilifircte4
oecnea* Wain aigoirfetll'fiaii .;Illthgcif ailoil
a liP AtimP eftVifli VA:13eitst)P 'loll s ibi n'ut
le'ilibil:tilltileifriplibgtiolfro6,6.1-ki„:14,14t /.9iftlii-ei- (8'
ilb (libelled tenth? Oifs. chfall'isl,' rk tili e
Perelatenee of -the papera Weaning hiu taunt laws tile 1141012,1,:of :attlxiatrofwgeneratio
ToWors, p!ad, the, reeent. genet* iicirreotion b generation, yet Svo feet soinetiptes.a wish
of the press ,hap no .donb,t;ingteriailLoppigt. Ilotthere-#eregestrititionat irf regard' to 'fool
lintecI **bin Yebei*, lib, often -Wicked, *autlayit in' this inatter
TitvP1')Kre'fiktx' ,;;:!aw-7 "(1. T9,1 t it °pg.. thrtumablownbArLyet$6,f':ate:'elmitb'ettleretuitiThylert4,
gage Where a !Miver.laulicar wag iedentlY thi%gcduaBitablialtrho'braegutitioirs't,i114-41,:zie. aarit41 tnilitgibtritytwo
fined $200 for neglecting.to place° warning . ,
lights 4,4131014 to meek ilangerocca openbgs
ki the xavdtray, vpl,e4vmmee ,being -There' 'ismis doulat it:Werke lila 'cittle,'And
ae and
nsdleti°1;11tro:r;;:ito:?' rieslialic:.;i:I'elttreel:151;1;11;;InlItwn*041144;fi:;14:
°quints thrcrWeout,"` diiction '01 "Orine/ine.. .Which1ia
have isfeellog heart., ;Perhaps; alaik at ones
time be,leas,auffered the horrorelof elysper pecially at tole teasOn thwYeite(Sifiximer)
when nun/line and lawn, organdie'', arid
t *PY•,risto hoF griili‘mcindo th*t other light /abri4a511.0 ohcaP...Let the
the 148.r provtde for the eullatinentef cooks thin, plilel,flifellib gifl4veatiantletrdreesee
and bakers finotlie,arkiiii
eating the ifea)thlinalitainetinig' the (at1n.! bright colors and if-'izer features are sharp,
tan° them. driwiraailtil, sOft"waves of hair
fort and:gaoler:143V i.of,the'treout, •,-
peeping here and there on brow and neck.
latiow.teeling`tinkee'ifit 'woultocia 40tOnt lather ,vmsr the Ion .pelonaise or
proposal, hem %sent tineoted-• to. •slroPle rtelaqh.1191r0e hgregt parity . tilt
raise a subscription in thlacetulttY LO.hiflealf 'ed baki.uo'tliat is too aheit for her already
of the, ,Iipaneset After, recently fieed 27 short waist, Shawls, thatare !Jo often worn
yon for negleoting,telpregt the clippings he .by.fitouilaares,4 W30618,014 bevahn icy. tali*,
took from contemporaries. Bow much gerniers.graoeful figures, thatoartherry
yen is we have not the re:pqest wrtelgoo0,,efrpott,i ,Aaregarda color..neaily
fiank1y.dont488 Jissv it, this ilk actx know thegvarieosahadetithat
moment to findlotit,w".h'M " "becoineff 'their 'Oeinileilon. • I.liay4 in.
• lir: Di61,414.1ei icilisoni'le"uwillit of miner iteai'lle":wilitranlaueI•erlirdrItreifweagotifInbP616eig
all'outh6if theakiniyartont hada*. • But bar; in any'.
he Bays that cutting the di r shot t o her (solos analIctowe.that,ther,ennlight
back of;tither,lieaci,lothices thegirls faugiiArin ha: "ay.: th4 Veit t cut leaves
ahouidty. the iliept: :areal orsze,Avhlal; cfpnyr,, ;bavylue, Ifying one ,
btoktoce laaPrP/3°11)*OaArt4 arifY berelainplexien1( Tet'for a 1)414/lc:VOW 'akin
we ate hatipSi;tia la 4$11., expresse.
out, Girls are.mucktoeibilutrefitly iensible
len,1 as Ihear,4,a.laely hay,74though'
tie offe: other prietn -very,ehorrelpred tek Wien.•9P°121P-Og) °Pc( 911911,73g
17i.-113#1.tbl?A-. 4.4 ;
of Wrest lifOrom,eitlAli9a, tfi i buds, lifaot
• Al .1, 4., prof di- isOclup.iribinee,who is very osdin-
I linplaprelfA eadfinbreetsehirytheitunt- ary appestrat eetwhai ressedin apreper
be of aeleicleer; Allikalesaphilosephydand lightness, 1, beeonleti"; abccoIntsly, elegant in
" little'rcord °enrage, editing Certain claasea black paginners,Avitkgray bonnet erinimed
;of Gernians he'd' ffissitleratlini," This 'With, .plitmee 9f theriams, shade, Nthing ,
,readY disposition' te thaw -031V the •burditi ef is ad din able, dif a,. g .01441k lauit
whegeftikheeckiregisoliteniviera think, iiklic3ia'ca chea,pir 'ere ethribie-
•inauportable,,eful only; bet exPlained tf.a.6 ed, :that's' good. blank* dregs, Whichis *alit -ayes .
et/101,21e eaaily obt-ined, and IS a nermisity :
tit every wardrobe. A good Berg/for...winter
of some,..plein color ie. very . gerviceabln,and
,np,whetherdteni147,,net -be great deal can" lietl,poraged and 'cleaned lint flan;
:ter then thefreeept one :as ;it can hardly be sel harnd peer 'VI Cheati 'Materiel ; every
hit/et-it ithelleeful whezsaio3longeie nail& -es
• -.1‘).'Vhesnt ii,V01,kafAl‘llizt,T140-1;Yrv' $'41"W'orflie- d..utIP° .01-4,0t4 ; .ertifget :Y07 lade; bAd
niainth ItheSi'keninidly .tkee; badrff Washhig.hater than; anything;
•Plaig aii4P4VPve'lgtlIS: gOOLIAatik t 18
"Si the Young Napolean of ffifieneig"As iidedidadr4
mItel'A'antrktjOe atthaelr,IVeM; rd. itthape,iederfor'11761,e:ealVtodar*,
3131 ef If, 'ye „ ,, t. t IS kfP ril kql,tand ,p -
:man dentiwitn. that is done syth mnsr$1lang,
was nearly ',titled. She began to cry, and
or that there ia.axibtiffiliolife;wildlt fel a this
then at last Roane one noticed -her.
I "Hello, here'ess,claild 1 Take care, there 1
This little girl iiArtost crowded to death."
1 " 'Little girit'-',repeisted a gruff but good -
the "Norway Giant," who had been march -
atnred voice. "Here give her to me: I'll
ift her high enough above the crowd," and
ng tweet for thelgra elation of thee 'Oa-
orsAfidet.#01,ttea cp Iii.tecp ' ' siclais
boulders. There 11017.1 may, hat's, ey, Ire hhelizeirdM VIM. 31,3nifilit t9,
lit; litigitttiN.Itit EILI talthitthhtiiiii truh'0,11414tPlziftdob
*Re ,eeP0,4114§1001,Wes fRrYtga.1'1Aar@i."and
ha;sheratemairr girfe:Lsoniet.reasore-Zfor A heel arthrite. , Canatlienal • thigyt;averymitiafiiablii
pilid6) Is .;A.1-Air:+r 11, 1.0,i... 1 t .. , : I % ' ,•, 1449„t,f3,1th*lingighbfRulplivoin,Aoinga Oat(
' 4:‘ *§1,411.14,,ArPliCtialpOle.,(04'i00, ,ittlitingfigicTif0fPe 7r.line4PX
rs tam env lc/mations. Ala) giant;:ande ...e; e r to.en, eo .. nitne ano tuitcp..F.Ai
an knew thafestliabid'ilititliecienielibitalte:' Onitdartuengkilikla(VOlitioni ilgkr.!.., hi ',
.1`,Ti,ste AtlYeefitiritgtkle.1414 PIP. In Peri', it ia 111_531 for a ligegiii*a4i
xr;4(44%;1 tinflifl4PLa."43-i"ffx.--;"(A '''.'-';,i i' to lend out a ireigippkgEtAsiefohe for read-
-4"The lightlfeiii?Veif; I garcon,. that 'NO; 1ng purposes. If ir were zliegal in Canada
vamp. Ataal ,e,ftner-71'ep.aeiallythelget.We-
for a eubserlberrteletid,guapetto,.hio next
lventiV.°M%at if;0.1AIR.4:tojive, jin.,R,i Mapo.. I Fisgsekiotiliti..Avg139,d.ilkithOlIref,417001191tral:
II,' Mils *A therigiantewinking at -the door neighbbra,' neWeivenrieri (cibilld have
loped! chiiiirlisity,004'0,tifillectiniii eine Little chatioe /of TkroNfinyerfebi. Dtcell it
, ,ts,'?,-friTy. ii.0§010.:13404031. '' ' :'ijele• PM' etrAii h0Eilv lAeriAl %gel arec.titif isin
4411ihereastatheiseeamOS, andleplage Nan reachng m tteromparedayllshother„tkingi
ullthiriplatforinildanteliggithe) 'Actiri6filticli•-" rdpvrchti,e; imbotyrimlo.of ifiudt4 ma
,415%-fyikaeAga av,d.3tifforik* stend,. ad,,thicl sane% hi' ' II t, Yam, woe, aim
4e.rov., Wlipf NI okcefiened.11141-thrOst-liii.noei nWileragliis carriage, tliorilecipte kir:CA.11'4r
gainat her, the Albineaismiled atoherk end oesession.4 t40,iii4FeibeetIlEkAand., stcay in
uddenly a dreadful suspicionseired her ivlai.iihlrfOileoporeveepaperti. r,„
hat thetepitialife.inight mean to keep her , ,,,•,_
I ke this and neehr ,awwAinmeoiermiamine
h* a lit , an to . her
gain ?-At last the -crowd near the door triegir-Adeenr. PA' imisid till firip Or. A., trii5.•
hie tikeayl thatelltti ' Otliblebeftlit l'
e gr
verybody was looking for her. Her mo -
n ere
o ‘6
com sPfiliorAjoc!al.w,fgeilpriqifriiiirrndtint4biriluptiegairloin
t 4 filiii;4cleetP ili se ElitifX , I_Vetii 19
er Jr re=riSaii2glea er.Y.- ilaakyienllishgnb'isicipaidtfok Illisb&V'illei II
a raneelPout..eth: he
" You see;nnuntrca,!!..thesaid a little later, an'**)14x"Iv'seMrS7'fl"41t"4113:3ithiPffgife
1 juet thought &boat it all while I atood FlaitdliPelletWilstkiki3IfitiiialAiltigiligl°1,1.4Tstrinlitc)
t ere—how a heathei1016 somebody that ojatob.ofitkmirthoriii,4abfrbRuzoiviatmivio
d n't know abo God or ill% Hie will, ap
tivrivtg '41'6 • TIE- tt ?Ithefiriltli ,L:
t. eobntfy.pf a lentkaofildtdinsiboxviirejogi
, tasWINWSie Fitig141TelOcighttbeciateuo ,01
h athe fd
4 f:". r .', o ut
?pill' v. -.4 gli3 ,e.,,, 1,1 1 chgaa ovisp:tro cleerlostegnaistedonAtatli
o ghtn'uo
If Aty liith Netnie ha arned tha ". 171 19 pitlgt . som ochwuk, 10900a fy
tngrffttzttattt?, , - ve rocm tiliatlf li utifldhek Mar &alai ' 4 rn
2P6 4i, i 1 atitylVit"6114;40
nahge;106 51 /Olt,' 1 .tl-irlit,. vibidkriczkrose thttilikeiC or tilleatilAir i
le cdiTtri_i xt.f.Trr..rattrjrrt_Tri)_isneffiPt,PledvteG%deihie'ihjihio'*tq:tto:c
iriiiiiRAYJAVIII,tebeig.re (40 0/01
",beimoi eiBaolkikirgleitibib" lo na•g
ir „ 0.41... licorrelidgvitrol/Qt&it'61
' tfit TAii94413.011reellvriititiosli/YaepaitOitieent-leio
asatilflt L"IIIIII:e6; 114141kItlit7ifitgrAgt;uaeulit`l-bb.:
e _4,,,i, ,,t,
61,...04,......,r, ,,, ,i,,,,,,,„„„„K.
y0111* 4:18Reeffitt
orl!tgLtetglifterayeippetry541,t07tre.,04 ),f9Eborr Ica. _91,4r;
aca,csaiihtglitiwatildtbartifinir IA f." &ems,
f 1)40)m rtboull aiwmpisflingervicmiebd 11veteX1 ether Behle413)o laelle..thAll -
og n or ,, fay 86dVei
0334 aim _ ii Lan eLq . !Ion areaimpirgogtimociepputatiewo
gld1ii TY, ex 'Pel-bords'
il fvfirt*r5ftiliVite61xliPp= PM if -Jo
m , eb 6110,,ta Oe ?r e tit
Or oe I 'g extilic.1 „, eatuli,p
b124 %Ban• mitieSata diiia XeRth?el
s %ins of basebailkilayeria,IfddifoTkft4r hireleinfoo 40. ed,r, 000. it. i enyiice B ,w0:108i
ftrfll'atong8i8Mtet8Saild"01M°31"114 „1 1 saffrinit17:0118t4161840041.6 .7
P II' .141 INV, dtrP151""k 461114 q UP atirOardoStardbrOitiveie0 4:01 WI
't cisi?Itinitelilefirbt iiiitiVilgir . eig@iitali °14 A tra 1 iailfpfet lietotept
li it‘ rtErkititidet .6 1i411
tt: stilaprititIllba,bmiciritleinititireeTikinivy ttliji)iiitir:11 eli narockt6es tware ' nrou- (An
do sill Is „ooci oii4 10 eau 44 o4 F;oricivsb ecnivig mil° silt tOSOLar
.einee 80%49
DeMortillet deo*17arts%) at there is suf.
fi lent gaidepT'e ;EN alto fltilit "figilhif
terWitratflalliticir4-4: e t
' n exisiting apes lived cloring the ter••
ry period of..illttli004.t.tili, anthrope.
°or, or ape -man, was an ancestral
o onof 0 allAniliOnfiill@takftelfDillitt
ts Ynitdbe7 tria 011araftill°01
th AreaelierAemetaAntefae, ,kkez,,ellygnenti
m ni-of science, arid thympinAomA4Apoirt.,
animoutly shared by the scientific men
ranse,015, moipAT .4r1,.wit. 4,1 aTooa
.a.DATuru ct
" Coaldn t we herr-him arrested ober dar
I an' tried far piracy, arson, perjuryaltreurnat
1, atinettfi.dat deettrosItheticidffilidtaltotil.. T.
.11if,d4cieterfitacedlEdw aweelliiirebrioreckon. de
onkenitbfreggedelkiketinwferelalteebbunce, him.
1Widill hut) andinnidlinlIfictivseetry° gettligla
annUtC 'sting Issedkisit eitbsahrohopes'idetl,de
aniallipailinekee3ir"tiayLdritsalliimicacrose de
riber befotb vspring,11rDe efliseketterylimall
atah.de inameteffi denuolhownOthp,dfigtorreeiry
1 blueduktejlealiiirwilptia.onentfteitidlehantore
ary members in Canada." .,aioew
1‘)1. hoicaz Ed TLILEILIBILedrilellIMICa :nil'
faTibesefoilithriah-raJepcottecil thaokecisiptwaf
several interesting volumin,dinnahlferiesedeceff
tlielblubein,Affianti aredisuggeeteddaluststhe
easnfer bar i auth;lzed; ttalittrobaseigtecdiei
°nary. .acIlsnrol; e,.,,leenuoit Levoicie ex;fol
viloWthedzsto ewe .weintaaplidtionarcerneglie-
eclAhellireelderitit .vais ot oracle tov too and
"To find out de hard words,it olarvair Rol
0' Whabshate w6ifiehl0 con redroonreff
ita.rdisdiiilltlnecofbucrikoblielanriponikey, luta
e finds de word ' Discomfiture,theiplatad
kip/night oberitikasedheadoantkenswwhat
mmecnisZonivi ,1411W Aleila At WWI llettWA
id' Sipbeibinfi dadtlixr led1rundre1r4 nerbtada
hich Brudder Howker or some odidritrwele
greorferatoldiffice aturtidiAW lwelgaireeste /lay
etd$12.,orgelato pm:m*0 Ababikialliznescelacal
ay ' Discomfiture ' or ; Aggregashaisra
beiratexakinfbi Gm ,dobsiof atehinianatiltinlatr
tato egastshhteopturbatisnuirrashatoDeemses
tom anffilat• cteedereun'selisterreeldirletardiel
=Ida 3)013 ,wort guidgictia slat trov EilRe
.113A4r1 v1.111.1,1(1 daginfv; Alt) 10 ebitert
--/cos vorsolalarn . Innopc exiklzahrice gro14
Awai() ,Ifilas.ptsfinsttikkoald lliv, mom
.4vaecteift" •. " "ill:1A
"isciAltitlii 411flicifiltir#hiiikb Miler like
oily 0000rrodir , ,0111 oolealese lo hie
*sty ilkiria &thIkiI plasega
itti ialigryeki " %Kik ' - 'IL Yeti•)a4116440
lets 13Ejnp tv, 8 f‘. 11411441;11fitoe, a
hfirit t a nekelitifii.,03116¢4atkl.iku.
hoille 4'th/1U:bit iffillurigniefidiehliarallet
f•lillisicasWitifilalkeild hit ggialnifielfliatrilettall
ebitiesteTtlagOki. 00Sia bpoilkty iniatetiMikkit
nitodligetidaiitrieuviaoath§tewthgt Act
4nziris Al EtilawrlifterifetratypvViix:
itio iftviii: lo 406&08 ii ei 011W ,001114 rid- lo
na ovine -full)" maiseW ed* to ineralIcqo
irla.trise .blicreilt :1648 e 04 Lioilaityga
ll Pr 41111111Wyghlinkt : :"., p' oTATIBligo),
01447 113011.43.411134111 Vil 4 00hr/evil-KT
sr ,Il .11 ,00ractoll ,esnoll deeennuoT othi
,40,iiiffoloo ea le vu4eteec