HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-10, Page 6reed. " a D-agoen Weaned in no am the few we Ilellell l " great ar HQ passecbtbs-cardento hie•vidie Vetted,. te his *errant e - 44,adrult tbe geettleueltica! A. ;eaglet* or' 'Orel lifeeteifiiiiielledell te'lathereeniaeilille -pj *ovine:it hoW., "31r. Tieharr;" he ashli deolini th that was econewliut kindly °Were 1 , "'my affeetien foreyeeet edatiahtlee bringeme hither toleeteeolt`yoditilideleed her, andeer re neeeesiey'Coneequereee MI who are 'deer to leer, from peetn. There le °vele reason to fear that a ertsie le at hand. The Chamber °E X6tablo 44" 0P6xilY Ignored the Angloleuela control. Dervieh Paeha, the Steu're amhaesedor from Conetautinople, le yippee. "ed to he intecigulag with the war minister, and tho negro regtmenta of All Bey Fehmy and Ahaullith Bey have eeeretly, during the night, relieved the steepened loyal reels:neat' at the 'citadel, and the meani-Nil bar- e -sake i. 4`Iii that all? demanded Mr. Trezarr with an esenmption of unconcern that he was far from fooling. "lint 'quite all, heti would rather not say anything further before a lady," responded Frank, "Oh, you reed have no samples whatever ore that score, Ceptain Banally, eine° I bel- l. vithat I have quite 113 much courage es in; Iliesilatid," said 31ra, Trezarr, (somewhat lie fully, . The dragatte glancing from one to the other, came tie - the ewe conch:felon, and therefore no Imager heeitated.to 'Teak Ohti,i tveltutteers to keep people from washing into t,erne, which a ersally Parried.; yet i1I 1&T "the boats and swampengelthema A,. boat's etlettlu.ealker,liwtetli teal Dbilieeirn,ift-rt VS• indeld ShOtt and.his trocipa orosseddiere ; pita of al crew went off and 'brought the throe mailom telerbeok 44dr.:1,44444togethai fm.+i rut; rhdennOttLaritattufe08Y-411theefflbYeralit4801rautenra:;J clews opened leek% eine nig ra When the aer o 1r • - -txhOir:1144.0fia‘o042.1.#•.F4dFis:late. virterile• 61•1:64:ynsir wheireeeere there- auy Woes 44- disobedient there are no plaptationsto :monk:and few • ey denees of buintio labor, Ail Ps ilowerk wildernassamost beautifiel.tetiedeold, bit bia . 04o0bohtylooesoile”,-a. deserted and Pen, antiess ROAN, To Make goad the traditiee,: tree grew a here (the- chirimoya) width is called 44ferbiddeu. fruit," from the danger a eating too much a ite cuetatddike produet. Ita mamneothe ,trumpet-shliped nleaeoma, hanging•peudaut :rem QV are 04 0330 larger thaa tha Ill 4 -far more fragrant than the road, but uo1 areL" their separifie qnalities'that to e under r ' the tree. la believed to he awe ilea Per+-• 'one trout/led with insomnia keep* few of the flewere in thoir apertMenta.bY bleb take care to remove them bdizra "thihotir bf retiring, lest, their-everpOwering odor* pro< duce aa eudiesa sittinber The maguey plant, also indigenous to this _ locality, ie believe to be the real oIntilan tree" to which our firet parente eorted when tfaey bethought therneelvent of "drams. reeking, for in It •Ishad PAttWO *applied . enateriale, Ito strong fibers preductog both cloth mad thread, and the eharkpointeci. thorn* that terminate 14 gip:dials:wet:Sere, log to this day Poplin and needles. , One may I:revolter daye thrtndh gal ICITO* - TY solitude without bearing 444 Of & bird or ageing %ley anlenalbut thous that,dee. troy, The serpent is Mill neuter cf the alt. 11g441Iti;.111 G*ItlAntriate "'Italltipteet.Tilnkaterlaill'illeerP:euesemPsraiter hundred other dargerous speedo'', glide away let our apteroach ; reptilea prey upon each other in the mittematie lagoons, where fatal' , ealenturae lurk under every leer r emermott's lizards and iguanas beak In the burning eon. , • ; terantuleee ecorplone, centipedes,. . aud esitaxios abound in the hot Bancleaand peraeitto plants; like' yegetehlo vaneplress, nick lifeiroin ovary 'tree.- ' • , • "" ' • At length, gradually aeoendbag from the ; 191'00111de, wa ;Mud alieng a series of anent "„°: bills, till a auddeu descent Irlegans fife oelelnitted,Pitente Nacional; a magnificent ° viaduct, built by the ' Spaniards 'end kileieve ae•Puente del Reee (the King's bridge) - untib ell Oat royal pereopage'a poseeeeions „Tee in tide conntry were eppeopriateci by , the PitaoDerPeleiaTrhoeokAintb16eud: IltalvfetSre'ailaWilerPitigesId)°110"11;teih leap tet thia. point •into ,.dark and erineer dell. The -quiet fern -fringed shellowe aleove ara altfullteesse for it- le a peculiarity .of elexicien 'streams that fewer them ntain bag groutta a the naturalist, the heat any of the finny teibea.• Thee 'happ 'errant; • a oud• the ourIOalty seeker le by- no fair field fortonaportranaha either rodorRun. - • Thmapproaph the:King% bridge la O0111 mended by- atone fhrte on betheides, and•all the,adjacent height& ateestrongly.foreified.e °Perhaps ao, apot. ein M6xico ,witneleed 41tlaulre,.°14teitirerai4ngt'etiv‘l;riltiolithremlatulatY'ttlhinreees ecieusertbureg. " • lea the 'page -been hotly tontested:' Gen: • • ne a the ,CWPTLei 0171A I St IltdridiValr045.0,1401APIOte tituu the Saner or Arabi Pasha ' " 4 7 he " naortutiflinv. Raving read thies,emin0us wv-rnisr, nur beroint crumpled up -the pt•pcf"'Whereon it was written And thruatit Into -her pocket.. it liad terribly frightened hit', hatahe deter., mined to tell be r mother nothing. iihent, until they bad arrivedlorae, •so Ziet to" Mune her nesufetaiesi, re° "---eree-ey'Vereereeee Viva mLutattei later that "i•e-re- Seated.. their well -horsed cifeirot, atrrirrire turning lute the neXt street a land bowl, r ether ;Pao cry of "Leek out thefer — the coachman ,'•O ahr% horaee beck abngbt Q4 thetr Launches, to eee.ape being rim into hips four -horsed, pahutod and gilded equipage, 44 grand and tawdry AA a Lend= Lord Mayor'a caret/Age, which flashed peat aa though the animals that drew it were run- a: 7' S he sleek F4raiitlwere on ppe up and elle Egyptlawor ex! Ale:ago:me- 00.0f49.44Sido of the car- e, with their fia '44 drawn aad• their Mater liana seebuttereed. .- ."11eW atento this seethed: of t lattices ree teel,6' ejaculated Aire., with a oigh, no, ieitger A-71' 'feast terror.' Pan 44ighted t0 law a -Ana )4Yelthat-k-earam-taiwaya extend •gfa you t44AA'01-erroteetttn, Itia`y for your beautl- a , ...,..,..xt ie well _thatishe dces not he= you, Q 7.4*.-Nolaldatcafieltiefrk - 9 think i at, otnOton. Indeed, I touch fear thv nothiag ti at I could say wool,/ in- flocate be iu Pie eliglitist d grey. There was *time siben 1 teped o herr:dee, but, alas* it Wait. c'Illy A forea dream." - , , VS feat can your exeeneetcy 4 words ho- ning away, yet not se cialekly 44 to prevent PX' V-, stainm,..re.d Aim Tear, frolieg hot Netde frtata noticing Pet enty a hideeu0,kal 404t1, Old at,,•trej•aiue moment, ea AU the ega_nrac,, 1;444 /11,54., dre...00 iq A, qoittwa/ct of .t14.1t4 011ier typieed mateteneking meennea white, and ec,ariet, and elide who wail Petted grew strong within her "Sure y it rsuoet beelde 14.40 dusky ecitepleItioaedand turbaned , 'h.k-'' Velli-h-loh.t, $:- eu" 11000r01 my' ded&hter coachmen on the box:, but ' *lateen einoeiled,Isit feerite-eweel fieteeelea ceneeta" * dead Step, female face glaring out upon her from the relic:NO that ;toe W.w MhIster sheeld. finish nearest Windew of the itanna-pitt shaped ye, Or' 044,t'A,t1. el4'1A111014 ;PA qltgl hev10.0 heed 1, hiOIQ, W1.0A 414VO WilitA AW"..Aellffi, VP* 4.4 .4181144 t4214,I 14° w4‘1,140; 09 Ir t4,4e. ' ,, • ' flame, and red, parted lip, the upper a "41", "1:t4znrs' 404 hAr Atm eArrYmg Qu which curled he A 844er abOVIiZtePil0A4V-Ihr94as.!:4140194411.••0014, "t0 see your gleamed like pearlee but veld*, seemed' tole :1(41/01Y dMINUter 'W(te I've her, to love her .geindiug agaeuet gagh other he s porexpen was naturally to attempt to will her. I of- Qf. lealletetit z4z4., Apeceeeelea Nate gelteptea fereektecYTE40 her my wife,. t lamed teller hellos, dusky driver, menater eunuchs nod ' thoAlf 4440 Wo4•114 4146hlgi, imo 1 would never take =other, and, by AlJah, I won'clu t ; out, alas, rank, wealth.ROCA tr 4440 ardent -aelectione iiiparete Of OatOel; b44 any weight with here ehd Jewell 1 fiAr tbAt a ptevuma latetions it Pre -engagement even, wee- the - lumbering veluele were gone, end only the remembrance ef the heentiful. but vengeful face that had glared theough the futtliu window at her, remained to the f ir giri not but what the mere recollect/seawall Or. rallO 04040 lo itself, for She had reeognized my co titre, it *u imilant by the eyee, and the eyee "Yon' _excelleney, that prc.etegegement nly, as that of the lady whom her lover, was century -to leer parental wishes, and is Frider amo.17, had ,aved from the erects- pow at kart egg, truelc theiefero tho you If I and who bad insfowed on -him al 41 ro- may at hop*" ward or4). ring. "It ts Ott wile smut me then creed theeste a watoeu Reo0h. lode- so eat. by. fie thiaty calk). udsauderstand- it •Oh, 2 that wem.m. hos stitart beset alg. Jpet co,ttnt with tut viotozy, two tor ewen having once possessed • 'tie that he can ore for cache being ugh the la so beautiful. rui sure alssass4-alatal.feardsenolmoat-asi, Irv.; way a girl:" e e d his horse o ; but they would --:(1 form still had observe the moaning of some swift end that thti entruch Aga had ell, swarthy thleatne vim 4 part of the motley craved tient bed I to ace the Opera flow* die age NO' "Ifbermesther beeemenayally, verily I will tape." • ($1 beectrite the Ally Of unysoneiewbo dela eouvinee me Wet heft to", pa ty. tray wOrthref my elelid. -lam not a neer *leery nether, heel would nathrally like to ewe my daughter, eely enelee -daughter, thterrfed well, Au fohlatt aacoluf4y011r„ eNetilenoyis ex, .1 rank and uted wealth certalul .+131314 Wag w bee, tni-o , land et ia DO/II/404 Egyptian proverh that 1. con the Whitoi, *to one ever Qom s back. E Mena hay eel e ve h de be y t eelf, he te ecf • Y9welFies.nry,m_ivos:TL cion,t1,10 tin,er„naly,pfAilein.,vm 3113p2=#-. your Weelleing-ete'plet... 4-01e, eau Man Of no hiclagiaketpneneeel 'Sien • et plaint gator thedovo that_ haleetweeeune o our. ishild, I "GO anele**Pgal., .telleWheltl!Ye • minittei•4"•.t.tier Tor, arte.4440,Pe:tiou 0th fOrolirsheuskanfidarali, Oia,po,eeeiredse telbegerftild;i hen YOU wind- in An'e:„-cikeT.,ak .w.e4 0(604 Iii-fi'harlinPoitthatt'icl Won't iagil.kg' to deal With underlifigti,la wilt he iiiihened: 14e tbeepeenennanfetlwe•grelete who *ifl, 'mail" ell *things eme0,4PAA' for weeeetteever else gaffer*" . 4413k .TO.FP.2 Ykite.p.1 believe yini ypgv zueood .wlsoleseme eadv gee :Intel ,I. 40 AT, iti°;Sheleene t14. it even -*Tie ;min levee. and te '"-h ,„ e "1, - heeaged if 111 -give 1$4i le. te"Arabi4,Aitir, bo :Mtn finite is more; fi'ina nna .dertain. Harepty- DeemptY ken"tees :Yet Pere:bed* firmly atop "of this all fsut that aueopty DanIPty may havawegroaSefell, nod Ialeree euppase you would overnelich eeresitiii tne child to topple down with idee? - ; -"Of conree. I ehonici nee% but °A. euly tbe herald of e ft and ?eh -t,13? ageft iMelf, Ana at promise made tda gfeat'auteis, texami general la by zio: 044.44 a pro:plea 'to degradiel, rebel and °titian-. -Arabi hee ether thing,' to think of for tlepreefent than niarriege with even we lovelYa as our Nellie,and when the greater galsee*:: been played. out we ehall knee+. whether,he te the winner or thedoeifie end ean:er ra49 oar own bosiness for the second' PEP a,',,Ceor Da. you nett liew me, Faul ? 01-ea,and, agar with you as well, Tinre- fore if you Will au0,t touch tile bell 1 will erder the earriege and drive straight fiamy to the war dice to oak for protection.' "Tem will do well. All, there'ert Carriage eiaminir up the drive now. I declare", Petri* the mountain is coming to Mohammed, and therefere there la no tiger any nted for Mohammed to go unto the I.EQUII040. Re exeelleney, the war miniater, callx to Pa.quire . Nellie and 140 after• Oar teat Ptglit'a frt. think you had better leaVe zae to ',the favor 140Ws. Paul, for the di:Terence bat you would, be abneet, but quite, certain •of having It granted, Ten Mit oeme into the remit after a little of eourse." Mr. Trezarr promiaed that he would, and was by.uo means eorry for hia wife to take thirtitaler part of the trouble end respon- ty on to her OITA bread ahoolders. Re erefore suffered, her ta proceed to thonwep eee reception r00144 4101444 (20 OONTWEED.) Oneeelvilag thia exp Trezarr loakell as annoyed, aa , o when they ave A pet mtheme fin kO oath° head. $be 'uttered (lit:04444e ly 1 thousand fitten tbat they ean't leave u a man alone. speaka of hi4 me oler but begonia hie wife he would never take ante rohnelelf ,anOthe'teetr_trist wonia - fie 1!,,,tvjetiol;od iitosti.esern-plavy ferheatooce rte/a and,reweritel Mohammedan, am gure.1 'Met tell y,eu. Euphethia, that Ahmed Arablavilleled neither ;Leh nor powerful for pg, adept he, inetant that behae been put waYit either hy arleasesination or by heniehmeav, the rapeeions • Khedive' vrill seize aeon alr,that be I. now pesoessed of and ciiiiseate it ne beirg the p•operty-of lehef 44! that Nellie would ba returned eat our hindaa pauper, and, indeed, don't feel oaite sure that Ate conk:lee lee acrid with the other members of the ,peaslue"e harem, though intlier think diet -yea, T ineillte to think hot, Eephentia., "lee Yeti annlicg, Null and this a a 41044 )1.1.11fOrtlPiate Vonatry, l'ocr: beauty lean: r se brief a while IA Pu04 a climate that un ess You 14411t4 OrOO no- thing t geld be 4 le44 profitable ievestutent," grumbled Ufa.: Trrzarg, who ',sometimes made use of tensiriertiX similitudes I tie a (=pilule:4 to her husbantra profesalen. IA the SAME/ laugallge be Made re147; "Nothing in the Thazrithelliol Maliret ceuld whose". be wer4 bi ti to Jived:4 se, yo " these goo RA t10.114 'rata rn Beef liaine an sass• ier her liege lerd the zit with a visiting •alehrvlearitre newt+ )ze. *Weed - Otilgalii that if Nellie efaiira Nehl to speak and done. wife already, that 4314;2(4 be help. shell be unto Neer deughter au tder a A third I will never take, I will yew unto you al I vowed unto h will even diaelve my harem and eal. all my beetatiful 'Raves ; or, should ehaleut tha WOW, give thcm_the ir liberty iraltesd. commommona..........cmivasat ecir.rosaczieg -ratt.traant.ti „f,.1 tor Tniiiritt ceirrrf '24 euP...CIEA Za..; .:11r -▪ tei .5 TO ARD '777r."'KP (;*3 ° F.Riiin334AVA.SPV.f. gftlillnihdiPahetchl.8 4!", '43.1'nt hqehryin;h::.6:1:01:11peet:1" "pv 0. tp::::I.t4 Yra lx.,b4nd, ttocdfi' :74041ii ort. if,oselt6nie. 0 .eilltRtnficy..t(e)Ssat-411.a.n.l?y tTio sfill herelY Pet' togritir447$ etcuatinsl,.4.09r.::tilesincl.:tueft:91,efiei 4P4.9a!reeeozve eva e [Qnet fe teat ail betteritITi,1 .kett t reap al va ;yr; eli:*a 4rd. ne .a:1 :zt;a:;;:w..rirldf;r4b0:4144,h;e.1%;111; „67.4.adug :tir Opire givina it, if divided ateen,g,the,Arank, lch-fo be coaat 1.0t ir.“141,17,nfl,•*0:4 -24:Dersithddri rehOmbiefided fer kriOnill'AV ;wore conveyeri-hyAiligeociA Pu!vi A"40 ".'""t plexreade potateeewia toandeandition.le `la-- -ueleee etheo,..,,eteesa.:verlt, ;bezaO )314: 44.,* barrel, filled with either °Etheme e°Peed` Geliahce "e • '• la poured until all the intetatleesare,#liese, The brat forty„ralletrieadl cfl.,11311(t4015g4,, Witb FArtkin'21)1ii*4tile4 troPle4eigoone where every tree feehurde44 lartherekleitantd of thdbarrele exe- Pm- wir41 sreppere.„ parasitic growths' anglall #14•41).7.,P6u1” PA,Iler•:1448 thclr 4eve,•.641i4r; ckof„4:44,0444,21„41-494 sof fou4g6... server& until eSPring lug varnityof,paaa rnliede, all tangled to;':. CE4, ajilOgn deventiy beTleytklay the Jo.: T.ETE:144L•rd!i9lek;i. olopo *Oleo eittalehe 'reline ef Bd'en WAk.7" rifakes -04i,ppAbie ituggeidliht tilat Cet-' locatedia this corn -of 1/19,adee, end that; * dine teerdltheeeretting in et Wioterit ta'Ar441.4A to.G.opeeig„,- Lord God ,pi.r.alfied! lare,inwhiAlrult, toned between picking, derapa-oecobolclpiea the oraet spet.whete, her! me opened during the, dr :but „the xvw „. , , y pox,.• lit cooler. The -warmer air of the dhy-tilue has.: ita taelattsre pteciPitated by this •celd objects' ice the cellar, and dampness ia• en, -geridened. • • Wra:Tan Foumrhy-ticessi.-Iii building t'etlr poeltrybotise for next Winter, you of eenbe Went to Maks it warm ; pet '44an't ferget •that -fotilfr ota4 -a- geed. sepPly Of fresh, pure airker dye:we will attaek them. Ryon are malwat yeng wale, deuble, do net 'Min with ***dust' or tanbark. • 'Leave an. air chconkrimatwiten, makin‘g the Outside wait elese by :Strip, and, the toalde ones by fat or paper, ,Let yeur Veatilater near the top of the heave.- , A ROT 43 To Ifoos.,,,,Ant experieneed •feeder et swine advisee that when hags are taken trona -grain!, Or ether bulky diet, to he fattened, the change to Amore -concentrated food should -he- gradual, meted midden * change:is Of ten:attended vfithserlove results.. The animal should at first have light food. Bran and other milt Stull, Made into elop end'evess with grain ia good, and if the referee trent. the orol;ard or potato 004 to given, that, too, will be benelielal, eapecial, iy if ranked and iniTed witl,. the bran, ete. inghe o f h Cana OE Tim hefaCK.-Ilia fanner ohould boar in mind that the comfort of ba aaialaIN ia idways of rat imports:twee:4 in the line of aired Ple0149* obeervi a a writer en stock hushatalty, Feed., Vi'ator and eheiter sre.of equal import:um m providing forth* OM. fort of any kind of oteck lo the Northern The Brave Ta.rs of the Navy. Swot, Thoro ttio ivintorn Are >xeitere, the uter frozen up, the feed often burled %wide crossing the North Atlantic once ontelortvg:rear, oonalzamtgarnm-y0f174;104:10nitittiugartl. abtoe'uleir ttrtilhtvee w4uldrhwe'usitnatibellnternano dwhalavigufeedthe ed a Norwegian baru lottowing eignabot og. stored and fed to them in the dry state, tress. The moat tremendone Irene were znte, tr41-4:g2'noewY,°Ita oLLeTtit-t. Ateyellnma)reoreaso4I nips that 1 ever SW, but we lowered away boat and gent her to the bark, 6111,0Am the cold season In full vigor, especially where back with the icier/cation thaithelfark Was Wool is the object. If kept in a poor pas lorded with grain and had ceprusag. a Apar; teapot -Id late, end brought -to: tlie, barn In The water had caused the grain tow -veil and, thin, flesh, it will, cost much, more to get had opened the searna of the vessel an that thena into onditiowthatt It Ntoild to have she wee rapidly going te &taco. Tho o*pfsdn 414 them am Cotten Seed tr linseed meal, and crow wanted te he tAlrea oft we eeee railed with an equal weight 0 how, giving, two hovito whohotos to take ett the in:peril. about a Apaarter of a pound 4 day' tO 0444 led crew.' it waaa.,:neetfiliticultancl,glanger. Plump, in addition to hay or etraiir, is one a g a Apaota of tired plseture aee ers, owl Week. .4gain aed aiain: It seemed 04 if tlieheet foodirto grow 'wool, • 'Bexley, rytt learly indicating tbeir especial carritge by. I en. pereave there lit ilethhog, =that i Will •,-, , overwhe'med by the furione mem, but they • the boats on the errand of mercy would ho iantlaro'ohnyt.s aro AltIO !IAA, but ,corn SI", ollb:t°,, le dumb :notions and eye the paying of t d , Italic:1h. ox ba114ve your excellency from the very were skilfully Imitated and after bourn of -WihsxmIxd Turocurse:-Turloyathat mut- - Vna Bedouins, In Ugh pietureeque &nut bottom, *ferny heart,' and through helievieg toll and deadly peril, all except three of the vivo Thenkegiving and Christanes will not 1,1, and earrying Vim AXMII, which they 1 will help your amt. The doors al Mutat ;tailors %Vera h4kan tattle hark. It was new require de warm wuettere throng/a the Wine never lay made, oven on entering a mosque, Carmel are ever open. toy2our excelleneY, and growing dark. The atom watt inereasinghe ter ati ethhr fowla. llowever cold, the Wow- ceelipped out 0 the preee end by short eve, we have alteedy arrived at them. Will fury and It woe evident that the bark ,,could there they. ithould be allowid to fun out tif h which. they were fittuiller gained yea not come hitoeopper 1 Mr. Trezerf will not live the night 011tr 110Ore every day, except, perhaps, in very Pselahleorhoted ot the Gate 0 Victery, be delighted Pa make your acquaintance," "Our cantain called all hands and -made a 'stormy weather, If confiped in war/n(1w, re hey watehed and welted, "I will not allord myeelfthat pleasure to. speech telling them that throe men were left tors, and rto 41loweci to run out of doors The Mount Carmel equipage meanwhile lit, nevertheless, their thee is not always on the !Jerk He, ineiti he knew Ammeter. they usually show signs of indlapoaltiou , , idly tbottgh by a more rounclaboutroute) their awn, who have t,o walkover the safe. senora would never 'leave a fellow-beieg ete lone thelrappitite, heeoreci deirepleh and ; in! tie its way in the ewe direction, lighted ty of kingdoms or principelitlee, and I have distresee but thet it was doubtfut Raley boat active and no; unfrequently tile.' They arie lely by the Imam for tho only etreet tempo ow in additien to guard that of m could get to the harkand back sefery en the very liawdy hirde, and eeeity,wintered, About Ouzo are theeehthae immediately front riell atom and the gathering gleam. Then all they regalia la a place to reoet at night, wife tent her ex then, dear mad in your ham. asaure h in safer out° With thee° Trc P o great public buildings, the prineipal •e, he oa led for volunteers to attempt the res-, Where they will be 'out „of „the - vinyl, wi,th °tell and the few plum' ef au usetreut, .80 Otter Itemeduetett there vitae &rush for the pletity to eat ;elect dfiettee; and th i Iher y ...1 - „9„S 1 P at on dark nighee carriages have to trust boats by every oilleer and man aboardthe during the day. ,,, " - their own lamp and pedestrians to their inan-of war and the captain bad".tonall.for lee:Rye:env sxED,03-Rx,.,_e_Tho '.0i(i ipian oi urc 111 It could not be low bow he raised r e uge pa to hie lips, treat - ea of Nellie's !mow white hand in nere, and then alighting from the finery carriage' remotmted hie horse tting do ble ho oped Cairo -war s, allowed by his two orcletlies, a hearteleptuing with delight athis antieipated conquest, -Mennewhiawthe.atill--iesenesible--Nelliererres- borne indoors and ever effort was :rade o "eller to Oen Jou t d be se effqk er -case eu to e, fell I tra a r ich v" had she known of the compact that had been "What I leave alielidY told yen w8.1‘ nem- municated to me not two hours ago by our consul general, but thet whileh Lanz eebout teerolate I beheld lest night with my own e when, a love for e .1prinkled me into T ore exclusively na reeprpeett-og AA) iMII18118e city. It was white intin'teiee.vere ed foot stuck OA a pike, in the middle of an °Beg space, with an emptipuree attaehed thereto andthe toes pointengtowards Alex- dde. and the sea. Oa Wehlde of the feet sAailed a scroll whereon was written in le, sTiief`eyay honte,' andancitlihr etrip yma attaithed. fei. thet pureeehore the e, 'eTwail-emptr.iediete 'you' canto and gyptian is net fool enpugh to let acal carry it awariull.la If theeeveyed rind viiilit foo,t the 'empty° parse kid the WO gentences , n Vail- ' i • • 7 T"' ' he were cocas on, owever, for aa e ..-_..::. . , ;.' - la:rulers' wives wllrallow their" kitchens,' to the's: frewong.batteries,• *re Oorila4 praer a a a iscoarde, nighttimeragtottp-of-hall,a-de- uddosly mailed autfrom its shado-w, 'brand- , hear of white,mmiditAwifing,•therosa !foam 'hams, 'VIA% wilfsed iota' tlialing111,dt3r-. time tillfroietbill vidatagegrelindthey .didee" A•!. g keel tt ilindoes in iii'der-td obtain erpploment,,, tog.. which is the essential point," 'anti' the y sigma cs, a „ Australite. . The ehipmente Oflorees thence at a repmeethelediseerneeethtze planted:130e. beetletecarriPPreadjated541:esthenItelneren.th"lAma elrefreetIcia"can'.', *.'''' This, Pewee/et. hes ahtirdiretteken; plebe -its' emolrelivili tenettiokesp ebb& "and; iteseets" `'..2$..erided-tcicanaluclethefighteor galepeademe, e.. ,,, ato Indite afe lielgh :ei-ig II:104i eytee'nre.in Whatevertlineyoulnay adept ,te?ntitthat at -2itl " a A -'%Ii6KY= trielkof.svalrioric': e e • i ee ,i ' yx Vitri& hack in etefetyl" teed, alwaya.seemed. to make aeact -that 'them Spa o bra,ve so leis were left Upon" • 0t rr"2 meld row Ificemse it . . , ; , „. a , . 1.t. gx9ughlY the field 'A tn'etl, epingley to civil catee uch e • t (tea se White t rte . sayer w conterrep*ary. 'Net many° 'Mete ha've fecund their progress stoppeel „F.; rezerr carriagermaretletheiptex.t Arictogy, -' same' relpeotte the natives of India ap. dee clutteredeup this wayenowdays ; •and zeleed bee ateuatieatiene the:leant* . ich is 'every-16nel? phi' a eserted epot in. pear tcrpossess greater. aptitude' than the teeluggeet that thee eenee, the ehung, heaths and b.i,`ebeeftetitiberinle,frietnessee the; Eueepe,„„ bilp,„ „ seeneeepgepreeete, lineelmehZitelie 4ria fel Waft itaehea,,,,, dike , Generaltilay cohaefele'd „sa -an th . „ Than, ones° request for'iheit t:54ietipon tisSzy,Oyage";' t110:0e6a a thorehrklily"dttfor',.;ii • fg; fa, .with aro d'ay'rin 'Atiatfaiihn'ahliter eaketi` iiia6bed•byualwatfierit; 'ft-, pisia th f h t - • -( 644int4 ifideiefeeeteite ese or- / an an 101/8 g diail./beh 'tiiiiitliFiCalatelli I dilliF,grod*iii ,a1 urem eepages o ' is May.. ,...,,,, undoing two buret iuto the carriage, awed !... n ABE POR THE COLT8,-NOW iellitaimie "Iiilfor eritimestlilig re ionwe- eefavorite . . ; a terrined cecupents,. and grasping, them made betyretemherprepenyetandehee !nether_ e. .: Arr able do not emply that the white pope- The leotWeelweing164ilifhliefe' ndethevewa eeisaa- alea_lebee vereme,„et cr - imed, 1 4,1, . n, , -41 ';'-er" :ea- - g g ,.-e71,-,..• - e -le, their Ithitiais, *Weld; there o4ri• bh wo /lig tlie:ratinn 'U41%; toeMoiretreeeleee ;lotion of Cairo are threateoed with- pillage Bt.13eure rail leeienno elele'"i de6;61p3ielg''efr?Ith- segr er Ala ti e •resort,prisHiroresir - 1-3rIgrr,,o- •.-s9 .. 1: zor-eharplenvieelmit for a sh'illf wiirning ubt, breeillikehed them it, eras "rwithlthilt ,'',:ii.liftif'-;iir'l -1-7-tt"..1711 Lqr5.7. 1,41 ' and muldef;'I'haVelalienrio react the Addle' eero- CHAPTER XI. ii....i Tb ac men. ey wero lirlittetilto'vti, 6_ ii,)Ate,, in compariaon with., rEtnwill,hej Ngrel OltiCzWordcliiiPeht th'elicaPigatiee;70`14.2:er3" ,horseee-fet,0° eetitetethete grhytthiethatl thedr speffil," and po jdelligela, le:,,:deetnteig in': front. Int t ' 1 1" ( •gendafthbar orip 11O8) I011b ea - Ivan 'nett' corew.nfore-l!‘gtI,V4p;'; Fmk. -Ad Frank boneilY,Por,104ded .111,0 Itp:rjblq: irtl.k,ditiive 411'1111A -thole efe'.411, itetne ,theeeineettiete/vill treeneeijelet & ,eriZels db Es.a thafTeeeEntadeeet,clemendaegeg the rush a their retreating feet, where- on, with muttered ejaculation's of chagrin d aher they, liktin4,4q yes a d dealing 1 teak unaccomp a ed. e e ladies were in almost a faintiCkeeif on, when three horeemen surroendet1 the a go rii6K -110 hly cloeltellt'mountel;r mai tl*owinA his to one of Ilia others, thruett -his head ide the vehicle and en soothing accents ured the occuteten" sorilkosistere. OK A PIKE. Trezarr was not sufficiently recov- er op thee f Meeting isegettreippwer at .1)*.lekflea. fest ireidleing.heib e was har sole ind rammog 160m:wry for this, as she wanted a confidential talk with her hu- -- 1•91;70 03 Sit.) -1 -.gag I I ieavelatitnee Mr. Trezeit 'sink intie a °bake, e 're." gewe les" e ,.,a , el -e C. - 'where,_ whipping .oute a yelloev'eabliatedWoret Y t -,ii;....ill. ,...f4.04...irt.r.1 ,,1‘.1„,140,,licrAlt rot), w:tm rhe, tr4g44:6,210ollibimi,aciZ I 9 iroteide, )62021 oluilate'l ylol . .r818411211401184116:0;r8f41!;r' :;:•",.1„ • Ohie4 he isegtu to puff arol blow like stiitcoM Thei i'W i'fiV'f';',:,'n„,l1„,01,i, ,t,oXerii•INT,glit.it , hAnd, ifjt isi not„pr8peringqd ise cirail,Aft Astistinge thee -nape- eightewith etheetitmestet 1::., Retl, potpoise, White he' neopfaid up thee pere ,ohi*Nyav, rifeolog,;.iam...kniumpflit, pp, oitt eheeeetteete eiszistdkpp, , will Alen motel% ethee; knights ,rreque,aterkrAnale tiol,f spiriktion that. hai,i ,bhgrin,to, I gather thitklY fife eine& iigli iii the le . i iTheAt jirel .14-40 ova •tagepwriaittii, ii,*aa,1 thim, jilom,i%qprc,fili tlyme;vesoppghpnxbo.fril on his;brovie be a dearth of employmea 4 Eke in 'Us' it do adetidielmfordisprifigpmear Meileard thelera4es,,etleethe ,ge?eineteeZew weire„..4 His better half bestowed-en-laim a ent_„.ile traliatwhen whiternitereqe_foped'eetilliing to neaee aramAst4 al,m,jbu,4,, 40 ,44, rit, ,Nti ,,,,,4i, aoteegsobtiee,,wleieneabi, liv,tpoltlief-.e1 :of *tempt, and then turning to .;;;Deuxn . cokor their heed Id ofdee tie . °iota!!! entese, eeheeeeteftwont4,„ .Antiting Teethe aene,,in mg. Anherfototabinet wisre'lleilqedia.ttlieff r ireeo tir 449.yer4.., xtrer,wgilk-v,e"4% , qv tl pni_ellycsald 'Very iri•cii0413,,_ 1.11. - .1. %J.' tmil laitEthe(bVISO'idelihigir,qatthyfitaffor fiik`ct,:paytrid ' iziNal returns better:4, Ilan so preeneumhk foratlakileset gilmf,temiktmlwavr 01 twovue,i *GIL f,rt it) 114 :WO i ?.-,..i,.1 - iarial:tre, ctoi&Stlie hitivAnt-"J'tiorey'el:•I'disd.• -6 We are much obliged.to. you for •thetin,: paid toeHidaceee. T .,, r ,•I, , 14. 1,),,,,,, ,.,,,, oi, .7,eating the yonug.colts that odt. Nate. ' at t hohaignakckm onieN,instantelaceewteenteeeso dormaelon that you haveebrought us, and no • time shall be lost in taking advantage of it. e Awe I l'7---t---....e---aieeeae_.e ....____4 lel -' . -- ' - ' S,efoep be& the micesifivedilable ,ati b f a *nrientS Vveyt prerit th° se urt vv. gni. ; w 0 ,..i:''""J'E°'°"”" '"" `)7"°1117' 1°1" #4,ti PeiliallOphenforirktkiriwillJalliraOhfalse -the traVatteinth*--:dlit ot iel3i5i3ce let ihe:' We will net detain you .a -moment longer, Wieeethe reeleigeawaylofeAseaunt"Riane. , , • , LI* oil nonpue ett aulreaseelleierritkimanlyarobbereeellealleaff litthiltiWitittp,Wet:iioffalotel,490.1110.0!„Oi Tokt„ to 6. g • ' e . E•' auftein elen,S tiellenaleenieetree r. he et_11_11v:we-too_ a • mine a et on the elder lady, who became profuse er thanits4e--(air-she-termed-him)-6- sverer," but Nellie did,nokageak, for eille„ not aufflciently.0**tedlo di086,12L '- he. however, recognized in their rescuer bi Pagha-, Yinfiyarsifiiniefer, and ilia -tract y felt thetaihe dentoseceped frora one I only to fall into anotlier,.which_appre: sion caused hr to lose her senses en - There is nothing to feereq heel& Arabi,' observing- the. meelnie beeome. -fussily • YOu-elearlsY. est nigfit. You werp too in. get rid of one. "Peemit musetsplace her in a more positiOnole. Now tuna will do the coherent," • •• 7 4 •Vgifiki V • it would be more. kink:404f ienoll.nikk-,Xeadl,15--,ggeftwArtnykitell-reyoui :ifsBeile i'unovoiertislwie,greatmeatranoinTEgyptith3 :prefer s pense with hie attendance, and no seenethed e quitted theaeropm than she opened the exteteleiVerewe "Paid there is a great man who is anxious to marry our dear Neilie." "Eh het ?" excl,imert..W.-Irezarr, D 0 'Ing himseirwith "A yew .401}.11lan bioittaape ripTortgar. a& ;van liknlie sound' -arth-e larverb.' 'Believe me,-P-aul, I-ainnot dealing -In the exaggerations), to which I know that many of my sex. are prone. The candidate for bOth' lives last might.,eithevef Ore; ie4hibkilhatedfitPtlige La fon elle 48 to,on,e,of • Ipei; tc•• - • 4 ,A0A'APAerei'atai however, since it would detain you in doing Easel; eleYilhefelt !Ulm mehlseehnihfilidw-dttlitare lea°, ry ,ore 44„wda ..„7,„ok munip.,„;nzn-A, Atisfits,wariiraririoraiLnE04 ,affiredi beer)3 lelierlia.rt, unto 7; r.s.td. geed morning, that service unto others which youldhia.voprird: .weertisiongedelgre prealerthiblerzumbitead:retitohiltriaPajsctill: ;Iirtiottidnds.947.11ipseaa.klileactismaither9A_414041410;t,igthvikttoltivv9p7 proaaps, *ri;etrr" res,77jOir wrnii"eatie%ra; fe;t17;e"i_might heppen li*ve); lt wa.s a polite'l and Yet 'a niest 'decided , lenge leeteteal),;cheray speaandkepeebseeleeler, temporar enertinantlyo serveFeLthaeiretraet land af iii/aithecreVing-141tiefity '"3" 'cluart 1134 IblilagrAiPMtwjklilaftg4oall'al*414gi' a-4 mknirl4I'49131°1111 - 4 eet %lie dismisaal, so Frank hacisno choice ..but to de- Lord ' t,04,4,13 t@ile0/16F,LiffailhaAheleiaan: Aline el Ivtadh hfibbifi igivtipISM Iv , . • • .4, * part, Ihich he did with a silent bow, for he 0fa°8 tikikrsleetsird eesigibteciteo,* gaituf rmtvrlakvermiaty botterceineeil itherle-c gait np in ellektuxotheretrinireW4 ith• tbenpon steam did Xs, ;Tresarr• find writ& 'ele,lett'ef Not until his footsteps had ceased n sound r„.la dflai 1-00 .12o ootne,ajo ymwfapRIA2 add ally:nil toriet aMill.efeAtfiletilanatelaeen Gather, wile PIP114714113/184k"VgilYbeshIA Avi tv iihpThia.pa *pi :a.aiieotest could ot trust himself to speak: anY ennelefelierle'effteaftstA tgAttefeeseleanalecttneepartaelel thoevole; betao, mett,nnatipge'reit-weighingenttil&,ants reelegirteeeaweeeral teotgm oiiii12_____ ... i uat'4)61 RITRW,e44'' "1414114113 t °1"el"'''''. "bff's" '6446.4ellelt1 atufial-1452 I '49g IPPI'l ed. The trunks and the treasure box ,he bated," "The Khedive? Then your old schente -73 o .0 n:l• • pi h, what teru.we toi de? .nmened. Mrs• en the eve of fulfilment, ray dear ? ' ma aim arr, wringing her hands. "Not so, for since the fete, at the palace, ly r ' I erhapei the'beettliinievould be to drive when Nellie left my side at the veey mon:tent, . "If yo ly home, I and my two orderliesfrocom- when a brillientiligetiffy'SetinecTia biettifidie' 'plain epee ing you. as a guard. Under our proteo- lag her, the Khedive has completed his log to y u you have resily nething to fear. I am number of legitimate wives, and, of mune, is Ara ' ed Arabi Pasha.", eeeo.haild of'thitie can be anything but the from lel. . ow feel rite safe " exclaimed Mrs:, le.wfabv-edd,ed tvif.e oven of, aplepprall.„Thlt far morel yerY. cit. edivcr,. auet,s sea& that hale! teethe than/ea-ill bet • evelienribrelplifilifar 'tie* t is really not worth mentioning, ?wt. eueneherheaharerjeonelpeen a simple colonel Niro ar madam, replied the war mster. tie'the reaik Of -pasha general, and war rain- of Arabi 11 as erne?' eel 'eei -ale ,y,on IiiiINMenlenbifehMktifte`91'e' 4446i twr tel-fiif„YlMf. gi4pet- the oarididate,for ,the":thro he add .qi,Shollidireotymizpepple detertei ThereeetatePtitateyperelniirveledietttlett,' lia,M nt, you te'set'gbodivise " ‘; iq'inie "Who, 'la's ifeeii if the T e, and Arabi put his head out of the with the epeed ofarockete will drarotantertir tinewit w and gave the requisiee orders in again with tile, velocitylit the etio,k, hirhny,94 eteat, his eh and Arabiothapeetivelt 'frfickni`ifiliveri Viet ruithbeitee; anar, bow to t futellistieleetthmtlebe 40:41104.'7/ -$ Ithatif that,daring rebel) vescapeatilebret als'• /khedive •••,•nw.••11,6,* 'Y' 11 .4 cornmentitintlob Weig et ad o.nima/la iwithinfa fa* openithe 1P.ftle -U IlIcA4OU'iner8 tki Akiomeaglaapidglogte443. b eeite,Itei4.,ce.01.4fRedeeembeilongs.. able ajoritTilAllifitItmetilloalMciPsielthlegirgari ° agedkif.well:preseMed ,reeuee fel lee the kniA te e need to ne n of newidielpritlele ' n effliel a TN?i•P,1481J34.041114.1i10431bleVOilrgigart{ed, tieraf etilfo e th ' he% a ' 'nelt lin% 'Veli tl • Hat:if/Ave , ner49019191511(tiali itrie reallteadorthl,„ eeeliteifyIelligit Oyifitiktitcni Ille relg35.1141,11beloannlote him ankhAellogiygni) 6,, ,m11.0 ko,.#644PrA91,:oif,,#v;fikniA9r i i0 Atfil,IlYi !;:, Ignorant at dB ve, ue the 'dealer ikon .diecov. e* •nta;thelfhotailaldtd'ail6 iiii4li: it 1 " 3 '. a' thiniliViectlidaf441'(iitii-2. hatyffiiiiii," , , ,.,. , ,. , „ o. They me,.lieoligirh viii.ihodiQtautiv, iiiA botot ritlFeatinogOtntIrtli aNtalesiohooti sit& anyw eel' ene elfoxigoe meth opmparative; led; anittlie,Vfea0 'We, diiiitliat6det. , :,;i-lateatttoolley,*iliith antena it tinariets guide. 4,1Paty„ • p .,rrierly, 41111 igareetetr , layErvi r.,11 1641 riO1g911341%/31pIriOlngpichferri 14,407 s iarttr r eggendielie eeleiseifielthe rediidecretolfahdiet theleefetbele 511011 AdfiPtilk betfild''"v11.41,0: 'MVO ,r§t oectipents fief' Mean etbefelienfigi loaves I re 0 titehl,iipoii'qkhb34 tY•deitt ' 6 ati fvhivq.§bilp,i,r,PotiFFI90A Ida eing kindly lett to earai. outnf atrentii4iiid thibivir6fiptii,FOOri • fence to the ladies 1 • • " , . t; r*--rni8V0 eidWenitig -0 n a e • • • • ' "' the.-•paati• and to-da:3i Avein ay jeur4) , eibaktidetin Kg Inge ('Whee.'PE141 tei"Oeseefeit dbeided't 6 ele'pluticiiiine r teats y Wite the , . ., , . ; b lee ' '13' '1 Iii fli°111" ARP' ''CYL'ilel, watee ttil;pdfil etcht eta -11S Vill, t., „le eIreeglie 'Ma y, 134pi elbeio y• iittiliseciiPerf Iptii44ftifett,ItOihiiiiV,' -"clii;Viiiiltlii$6, 'irikki0,1#19An,.t.,A r 'vie4r'i 't... ,irdtil/fi :.ro,.tki 00e ix ventWindulge&g. not. in 3oliese angonAnifti fietp0f, thi; 4. iiti" 'Tficilt. ?i)Diiiiielf.,, iltiiii w6iiti,*(iiiii,T,id, ' b ' eetee liatii 'rtao,stit ill 'Iribtrair"dfil, Wdiiii ' Eta' it; eeeig : thiet ilia , ba. e eetayte, sioion s viol ,nioot, 01 ,thoj ,..rinord n at elbliatiVedetitihr te; tit ;11i. 8°18tP.:1Sfilaiwedek nit118ufitletads,th;tetriarlaP7ogi°o:lihtlY1(g'etrinhgeli;elititili3 esjare • so„ e'thpe elOo .16! ... Etgl ..P,Iitold! 'zik p .,947141%,,,f.. 0 i'll41,1ctobo4olyti., oil , • i • !Was sag..bii,j4actyyaytyard .1 ther , ,, i ,IOL -4 fq1,11 1,11,21,AvtlIfi ItistrityliZe OM tilifelf t'Vi*Eiiiilrit dikiel 'UiiitUliiRillsc114: 4Vith,l4porilitqfpr 07.., pie, atw&pinisicl,, „ 4 'I?, ,, fic,r3frg iriell/ h fie/ideate? froblie il 8 1 otigdhhhfilikactfihlir'igs acl,b pilOgj i'Arba; mother sheeenviinietreateeuteeperikables w , awn teteeeeatitt {44...F0114,,ppg tileiscAroo :,:n.„.„ liet • thWrI)dgliciVali tiVillts`ii& l'irei'4-• .T.44g/?AnTrilite,..49:6f,tliglit/I'mediiit'OPItit,0 664.; pi 1; whet ii Aesennyrithe alithinntityl a fi0.7-.0) if 1.' ' itenv,nnirehertdil tiourvi .,ili, diii .1 *01 ter .ii iega ebegettrueaare AA a",,lf_e_ i te---ik' hootblaokirany4eardll asiledalfraiogautioniirir e•,, his dilit;der,iffetatsieleti, I et, feu? iart,#eiti ,itti?ti ,n,e,,,,r iffhil rtntlfilie Frit,vat AA s. 'rpaPpfitp61 !ff. menet ,tebe ,, ,,,eire ., bliti• It tkii.' h' hi' En4.1E'itiMegpl? I debtli, The pelese ettle 14'1'140 etie , tendernr eiuttioyelngPepnWletfeeelpeleeljneere I 4 f .4 1;!.f0h.r.lt ytiple ' reVie.d' Crepe*, "Sp:neer, evelsoti a ,,IL PAilall'i e'lhaltili h.,ia.EP,..1 a; w .1 l) (Mill., .23111811r1114fi Flioili(f iii „phineati,ite ,f1,,, tH 91 i'.; 'LI!, o t,"1.,,,,.4 ,,1, ,i;.: ,..,,u, far. ‘e. • ';ee ' ' "e ' ' " 'a Itkr been, oye"e ` ;wrote wrib PCxxsiztwoltl ,10. ',/o SALA, .9 !CIO .911Jod 4 4)14 km :o,,I.ggrrff),prq (.4 op , tipmt . lIati:eg. A./..3}/“! ,...f 5. wilfil 1 .5,.,i