HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-10, Page 5LVINi iON. Knee at the proper time by a epseial Interesting. Cteo. II.ug t earns. IMPORTANT TO OWNERS OF STOOK. agency such as we have named, The Rev. Geo, H. Thayer, of Bourbon. sous Cy ITS DANGERS AND THE METHOD yPer Ind,. says : "Heti myself and wife owe our eons 8o afflicted twist succumb to the Lives to Shiloh's Consumption Cure. . 8o14 F AYOIDING ' THEM. forges which ars eowetently trying to bx J, W, Broing, wnn 0 tri draw them down. Canon Farrar takes Ina with him 025,- Z, k1. Lovclnitd, M. D%n hfedtcal vforld. OOP and the esteem of the American people. 4Several years ago 1 vaccinated a person COUNTY COUNCIL. PROST BITES Or Chilblains regaire similar always been excellent and treatment to a Burn, There is no better whose health had kidney disease; rentedy for either than Haxyard's Yellow Oil! k The had never had "s y obtained diieot- LAST SESSION o>' 18115, the well-known household remedy for pain,1 hllltlt't The lymph used was bovine; lar from one of the most mashie propagators rs.yCom- _•in the country.' The operations farcarefully refate, The December reunion of the $ J t Emmot's last seise will Dost him, it n ams or performed, and was a =Nessa r asp is Count ono °P coed ou Tuesday injuriesaced, x OEOIk m universal Pains, Lill to its primary object. Ia about a month ' y estimated, 340, after the vaeeination the patient became last at 4 P. m., the Warden in the Accidents dropsical., The urine was heavily charged chair and a majority of the council is n. almost requirement. With albumen ; the skin was dory ; appetite present. Such a ready remedy is best found. in Hag- and strength diminished, in short the pile.After the readier; of the minutes of Sore �TlroatY Cottle, and all paihat cures nt Lameness nomana of a typical case of acute albumin - i o obvious was. the cause of last eesdtou, the 'Warden addressed and Soreness, whether internal or external, Aria existed, S death that no post-mortem- examination was the genus!l explaining file work !lone. An Indian and a Chinaman are partners des 1n building the iron bridges ordered in the stationery business in a Nebraska made: Authorities tnentton: animal and � town. zymotic poisons as among the causes pro- at lnei meeting, also with reference "I'''' COMPLAINT. (hieing pro - scarlet Brig is y speak;some. to the amendment to the hawkers' ;Mitch is blamed upon the Ridneve when scarlet being measles,lSeof ialbuininn ia, If aud 1 edlers act which would. requiro people are ill and suffer from weak aud pain-' times being the ca a ,? , this is so, there is no good reason why Yee- a by-Iaw haw the Council to bring it fel back, etc. If you regulste the Liver and eination max not occasionally become an in force in the county« Blood with Burdock Blood Bitters the Kid- etiological factor. In the case we are con- invitation in from the president of neys will soon resume a right action, 13or- eidering, the evidence that it was the cause Anp look Blood. Bitters cleanses the whole sys- is finite plain, The precise way in which the the Mechanics' Institute, inviting the teiii, Kidneys included, members to avail themsely es. of the The London :Gimes of Oct. 22 had seven poison gained an entrance into the spatem yards of political speeebes• and performed its deadly work, it is impose privileges of the library, was read and yards ofi's Catarrh s. eeches.. A positive sure title to determine, Should Bright's disease arise, even in raze instances, lifter vaccine- aCeapted. for Catarrh, Diphtheria, and Canker !death. *ion the sooner the profession find it out the A circular of inquiries from the Sold.;at Dr. Browniug's Drag Stoic.better it will be for suffering humanity« Qatario Departmena of A,gricultnre in Yui: izsvlrs DIs>~.iss when yon ne4lect a nd olearl allows that e f regular action of the bowels. and iincnorab le Dr, Loveland 9 reference to the establishmentdisease may result. Regulate the Fanners' Insitlltea, was read and and the entire system with 13urduek Blood refered to the Speoial Committee. Bitters, whirl! acts upon the Bowels, Stum- p Remittal" Bridge aoU. Liver and 131oo11. A letter from the Ila No baking powder is pure -to the oppo« Company asking an allowance in sitaou manufacturer. their favor on the price of Hall's bridge, on the ground of a mistake in gleawuretx eilt, was read and refered to road and bridge committee. A letter from E, llabu, Louder- bore, asking damages on the ground of interference with his mill business during the building of the bridge there was referred to same rota mittee, A Circular from the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture, in reference to the Colonial Exhibitioal, was read and referred to the epeoiat eomrnittee. A number of accounts were read and referred to finance oommittee.. On motion of Mr. dolaustou, se- conded by 'M r, 11Soliurchie, the amid grants *3 the 51odei ehoole of• Goder- ich and Clinton were ordered to be paid. The council then adjourned until 10 s. m. tomorrow, even so simple a matter as vaceina• tion is flab le to result in Bright's disease. deed medical authorities state that iy Aurin the prevalence of small-poxere is albuminuria, acid if this is 8 sundoebtedly vaccination, which produces a mild form of the disease, will be attended by roma manifestation thereof« and it ie The fact of the matter is getting to be more and more rag nized every day, a very little disturb. Kure of the system will produce de. rangement of the kidneys, which, eventually, result in Brigbt'a disease. Overwork, mental or physical ; over- anixety ; physical 'excesses ; mental Worry ; excessive indulgeuae in per- tain atimulanta and norcotios; irregu- larities of life and Habits; the taking of a cold changes of season and climate, all have a tendency to effect the eystam unfavorably and to pro- duce e. dlseneed condition of the kid- neys« People labor under a very enema• one impression who think that such dicarders are rare, for it ister of reuord that primarily or second- arily they are the cause of a very largo percentage of deaths. The council resumed at 10 a, m., Vaccination is perfectly right and the reeve in the chair, and alt the proper, for there Ivo bettor prevent- councillors present. ire known to the profesatan. A very The reports of the four road and small, amount of vaccine if it "takes," bridge committees were read and re - affects the whole system. On the fared to committee. contrary, a very small amount of ci, circular from the County Conn- medioine. if it, is of the right kind, oil of Ontario, in referrenee to etthe has equally powerful effect in the government aiding in paying presage blood when properly administered. money of immigrants to this country, It seems almost like vain repeti- was read and referred to special corn - Sion to eta that pure blood means mittee- good heal 1, but it is evident that the A. letter from the Provincial Score• belief is p alar from the fact that so tary in referouce to the appointment many so -galled remedies are adver- of a police magistrate was read and used as the beat blood purifiers« ordered to be filed. Now, m order to purify the blood [This letter has already been pub, a remetiy"S must be alterative, and in considerable measure a diuretic ; that is to eayi.,>,t must have the elements in it that will act upon the blood as purifiers and will promote the nation of the organs which remove the poi- san from the blood. Unieae it has these elements it is absurd to call it a blood purifier. The tried feeling; the depressed headaches; the fluttering at the stom- ach, vertigo; a sense of languor; an indescribable feeling of uneasiness and restlessness, all indicate, not die - ease necessarily of any one organ, but a torpid and heavy condition of the blood. It is impossible to purify a stream excerpt at its source. It is impoestble to keep the blood rich un- less it is purified by the organs which nature has provided for that purpose. We have shown, as we think every journalist ought to show to his read- ers, if able to do so, that the human kidneys are susceptible to the least cause disturbing the natural opera= Peddlers on foot will have to pay for tion of the system, aid it is ileo therivilege of hawking around goods known thea these organs are provided not the product or manufacture of the by nature to remove the waste and Province. $25 per year. Peddlers poisonous material of the blond and with one horse trig $10 per year, with to wash it out of the system; This two horses $15. operation seems very simple, but The Warden's explanation of his owing to the fact conceded by the reasons for not complying with the medical profession generally, until resolution of June seseionin regard to the discovery of 'Brawler's safe cure, memorializing the Government to ap: there was no known remedy -which point a pollee magistrate who would had'any pertain power over function• have a salary not being quite sails- a or chronic dieases of the kidneys factory to some members he was sak- e ver blond impurities, consequently ed to have the replies received from b p irifioation through these or- the members during recess placed on ns has been a difficult matter to the table ;and read over as it perform if nature were at all derang was contended that the Warden might ed, have misconstrued the nature of such It is useless to multiply words on replies by which he felt justified in this subjeet because that remedy has holding baolf the memorial referred to a reputation conceded by the most until the Deer, meeting. The War- intelligent physicians, of being with- den refused to place the replies before out exception the most beneficent dts the Council as he considered them in Dover in the realm mm yof medicine ever the nature of privileged oounioa- made• tions. This brought up a motion of. aocieation is justifiable and pro- osnsure against the Warden in urger per as a preventive of smell-pox,And to constrain him "toplace the replied if the remedy above mentioned is before the council in self vindication, used iti connexion with the operation but the motion was not pressed. The of vaccination, it is doubtful if any re uesti of the Scott Aet Aseoeiation injurious effect will.follow. The to memoralize the Government to ap: 'manufacturers state that They know polo! a Police Magistrate was corn: from long extended experience, in plied with to the extent that the treating the siolr, that blood disorders Commit• recommended their petition are extremely prevalent and that, to the Government to appoiut a P. M. judging from their own experience, without salary, be oomplied with. there can possibly be no agency 80 effective in preventing and During such -disci dere ever known. Cbtldreu and grown people alike are subject to an a it and unless nature is given assist- cents. Go to your druggist. and get a bottle. cure. Sold at Dr. Browning's drug store., Irma mAmic G I L E S' Liniment o e A inoni Iodide � _ Removes all Unsightly Bunches, Cures Lame- pass in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found- er, Weak Limbs, ,ening knee% Spay- in, Ringbolts, Quitter, Windgalls. ° No stable 91)o111 bewitlient it. Railroad, Alining and .11 pre'isCompanies all use Giles' I,iiiiwent,andui rho great racing stables of Belmont and Lorillard it hes Achieved :vond- ders. Ono triel will convince. WriteSIR. RILES, laox $485. N. Y. P. O., wbo will, without aliim,a,give advice on all diseases and also on the niauagernept of cattle. Sold by all drug ia,t i at 51e. and •31.00 bottle and in quarts at .3.•.0,iu which there is great slvin4• The Liniment to white wrappers is for family. Also; chat in yellow for cattle. GILES' TOMO% .&IIMONIA HORSE AND CATTLE', POWDERS. Used by all the leading horsemen on,Terowo Paris. Fleetwood, Reach, S'aeepsiu d Bay and. It •ill's liral. Never clis;sanoina.are Tonic, ,t0.1,. te.ative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms': Caro' indigo;tlan Colic, Ilots,S,ere Tbrn:wt, Catarrh, Pounder, flit. -eye and Rheumatism. Tire tloeo to small and the power is great- 'Flit l.owdere aro Guaranteed and Purchasers Palling to Obtain u Curti:!tone} Trefoil do4.. Sulci by all druggists et 23 cts. per boor. Bronchitis coBRONf HITI old. aud irrita. 0« LUT, , Ag,'=rlt. EXETER, ONT. stions of the throat; hoarseness, Colagh and Sore Throat are its oharaeteiisties, 'These troubles may by remedi is by a timely use of Idagyard's i'ectoral Balsam,. Shiloh's Coro will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough an4 Bronahttls. Sold by J, W. Browning, Gunner sfcNamala, or Kingston., stole 32O from Lieut. Ogilvie Tuesday niiiit and d serrate true stomach is the grand central of the living system, the first organ llevehap,:al in animal life, and the first to suffer from w. excesses, Regulate its ai caked a,otion by Burdock Blood Bitters, whioh restores health to the stomach, bowele, liver kidneys, aud blood. alctireger t 1•'arke's Carbolic Cerate is in, valuable for Wounds, Soros, Salt Rheum-.� Cuts, 13urnee, Scalds and Mestere, as a heal fug and purifying dressing. Do not be ini- posed on with other useless preparations,' recommended to be a9 good. Use only 1Te• Gregor & Parko'a Cerate. Sold by J. lV, Browning, 2 Yltny, sickly, i ctfltl children, are very trying to the patience of all who have the care of them, aud in the majority of cases the fretfulness arises from a weak and emaciated condition of the body, caused by r the drain on the constitution duringthe 11A \5%.-\ L �t 1,9 .kv `s'w period of teething, or rapid growth of child- lf,li BALMhood, in such cases give ltobinsof's r, PitospllorIae(I .Luutlsiion according 1e-irerc f 1'•4'}t L313'1 t a�' to file directions, or !110 "deice of your his r its. 1z w'`,.1,^t"i !'tilt'/" :i Phyaicinn. rover, D Jr ir_ to':. t, 1. 6'0111144, livery second person his it. ; doctors think igr, n c r ^ t:^"" r i. it incurable ; but Do, CA11so.t'a CATARiau w.*t"t Uutus is gaaranteed to cure or the money is not soil th ....l.Iti refunded. Alt druggists or tho Dr. Carson As o. lutac^r i Medical Ca., Torouto. $1.00 per bottle. Kine;, it has n0$ rx,, For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you stipules. ('' ,r -t ti\ have n printed guarantee ou every bottle of nnteed:1.•r•r. .. , Shiloh's Vitalizer. 1t never fails to pure. - Pre .rca P. H. Conley, the smiler, is anxious top • FARMERS, THRESHERS & MILL MEN "{ •-,13SE ONLY-- G OO.LL' S WINTER LARDINE `.1 I?0R YOUR ,fAOBINES Dt.`it1NG WL'ITBit wul?ATRER BEIVTAINS LIMPID IN COLD WJ&'TITER Try McCOLI:`x SUNLIGHT' COALOL ondFAM'IL _ • Y SAFETY. "t i . • • i i r • v : ) FOR 'SALE BY ALL DEALERS. SECOND DAY -*-WEDNESDAY« fished in the Tzzsms---ED.] « A letter from 1t1r. Barker, in refer• once town insane indigent person, was read and referred to the jail and court house committee. A. letter from Mr. Malloch, 1. P. S. with reference to the entrance exam- inations, was read and referred to school committee, A. number of accounts were refer- red to finance committee, and one tender for cordwood to jail and coure. house committee. On motion of Messrs. Clegg and Currie, the sum of $20 was refunded to East Wawanosh, and $2 to Us - borne, being excess in the equaliza- tion echedule. The council then adjourned until S p. m. Thursday, to allow the com- mittees to go to work Cures li mess, I oss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness, _Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Laver and I 'a4'ney,, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Jiumors, Balt Rheum, Scrofula : E'rysipeta, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood. .Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bozcels. RENOWNED REMEDIES.. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct: ail Disorders of t MLIVER, STO ,IACII, KIDNEYS, S, AND TOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debititetes4 Constitutions, and are invaluable! in tri vi g Copspleints inehlentel to Females of all ages. Per children and the aged they are prieele THE OINTMENT CuilEFITS!ie su infallible remedy for Bad Kegs,Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores au watt r N7 Curs Ili net Uru merely5 ta. rtii, ,item410 Or a !Soca and then h•ce them retard amain. I mraa . radical CUM I h,ve made me 040060 at Ftdt, 5r5Eltr5ar of Ak1t4,10 ssezus&v44 Ws•loarsmdr. I w,SZsat rs7 r0410M7 *e C.wra Sha wea 1& caves. aaaausa ethers novo failedta n4 rGHea lac nae now .r, eiw1IP l.anr5 64E1 oiaria (er. truths* ilia & Frio Kama er ray Wreath's , .ee47, 4tse lUpreso see Peat pp,.n„ 11, a 1• C Wal, addiwin rum yea, r ,or r. tea 1•0r16'.. *0 w ;famous for Clout axed Rheumatism. 1,on DISORDERS OF TRE CHEST IT lies NO tt[7AI., ars.. or Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Cctde,Clandular Swellings, and all sill it has no rival ; andfor contracted and stiff joints itaetetike a charm,,; W'I,®, TQIRI*CaMt..r r 1li`3. Toiic,Tou h,liortmaaship&Dura ility. WXLLTAItt RN4UUI da CO. Nos. !tat and WS West Baltimore Street, Salttmme, 10 =Fifth Avenue. New York- , 1, ,v,, ork. i,.,co n patella) ratnady rerthe above els-ass; b ba oian*�inCi,q o been carol, Ina C. worse strongFAismid elle In latesseu-r. Chari will sena TWO BOTTLE.A PREM. engecher with a. VALOlARLE TREATISE en OM ds$ea,a, w any sufferer. owe Express and 1'.0. addrer6. nh T. tA, atocoli,. ii, realist. New Tort. A NOW York despatch. says four more men were killed m the Croton aqueduct Tuesday n1 meet Niel.Afatterson, the Australian, either in England. or Australia. twee a sufferer and known the benefit I received from Gile's Liniment Iodide Am- monia and Gile's Pills. I would advise all chronic sufferers who failed to obtain relief and been pronounced incurable to write to the Doctor, who will without charge pre- soribo and give such instructions as will make speedy cures. The Doctor's address is Bax 3,482, N• Y. P. 0. ,1A,Nfss IC. HELLER, Lamposa Spring., Texas. Sold by 0. Lutz,. Central Drug Store. Tho Acton and Bibby wrestling match takes place at Philadelphia on December 14. Scott's Emulsion of Pure. God Liver oil, with nypophosphites Very Palatable and Efficacious in Wasting Disease. Dr. C. T. Buosrsnn, Rochester, N. Y., says ; "After having used Scott's Emulsion with decided benefit upon myself, I have taken great pleasure in recommending it since in the vas ions conditions of wasting in which it is indicated." The American Kennel Club meats in AStriCilt.1 MautleS wind Gaps - New York on Dec. 16. Session completed. Among items The discovery of the instantaneous process choice goods ; Persian Latnb p of taking photographs has been Quickly fol a �. of interest was the passing of a hawk; lowed in the medical world by a perfect and 'Setts 11 lad Caps G 1i0irr'. viii a e; p' - ' er's and peddler's license law in aa- instantaneous remedy for all acnte aches and Mink Setts an d caps -s uper- nee with Act of Legislature. pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism, ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts oorda etc. This valuable remedy is called Fluid Lightning. and is sold. at 25 cents a bottle by and Caps --a nice selt'L.tiou. J. W. Browning, druggist. 2 A OA Et ID. To all who are suffering from the errors and READY-MA1)E U LS I' i 1ZS indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, The fiue;t fitting goods taint eau hr early decay, loss gf Manhood, &c, I will send a produced. reeeipe thst will cure you, FREE 0E CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a. self-ad- dressed envelope to REV. TosEra T. limo; 5 Station, New York Oity. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. -Coughs, Influenza. -The soothing properties of these medicaments render them well worthy of trial in all diseases of the respirutory organs. ns. In common colds and influenza the Pills, taken internally, and the Ointment rubbed over the chest and throat, are exceedingly efficacious. Whei influenza is epidemic, this treatment is , .he easiest, safest, aud surest. ' Holloway's Pills purify the blood, remove all obstacles to its free circulation through the lungs, relieve the over -gorged air tribes, and render respiration free, with- out reducing the strength, irritating the nerves, or depressing the spirits; such aro the ready means of saving suffering when anyone is afflicted with cold, coughs, bron- chitis, and other chest complaints, by which so many persons are Seriously and perms•, nently afflicted in most countries Rev. J. G. vallis, Dutton, certifies : "For' some years my wife has been troubled ,with dyspepsia, and has tried one thing after an- other recommended with but little or no effect till advised to give McGregor's Speedy Cure a trial. Since taking the first bottle 1 have no- ticed a decided improvement, and can with confidence recommend it to be one of, if not the best medicine extant for Dyspepsia. This invaluable medicine for Liver Complaint,' In- digestion, Kidney Complaint, is purely vege- table. Sold at J. W, Browning'aDrug Store, Trial bottles given free. 2 Da. C&zssos's STOMACH Brrrnns will cure Are yon made miserable: by indigestion; the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, ye1- d Il bilious comp1t° Large bottle 50 low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive Harkness i L• London, t0zt' Sold by all Ent •;, and l:w'eu 1 ale:ra The Pills and Ointment are sold ones Ifotaow.x's Bstablishlneet,. 78 NF;W OXFORD-STR1 1iTlate 033, Tl,BETI, L,ONBON ; iseas by nearly every respeetabte Vendeztof Medioiue, in Boxes and Pote,at ls, Lido.2s, 8:1. « d., lls., 22s., and 33a. each, The 2s, 94. size euateina three tithes theguanti y of the lin lid, size ; the 48.'0d, size sir ; the lis, size sixteen ; the 22ssize thirty.tlzrne ; Ana the 33e size f ftp -two times the quantal' of the elraalleat hexes aud Pots. Full printed directions are affixed to each Bois and Pot, and eau be had in any dnupag;e rte" Purchasers should look to thoLabel on the Pots And Boxes. Tithe nddrees is not f,33 Oxford. Street, London, they are spurious. WILLIAM DREW Just Received AT Samwell Pickard's New Furs in Iraallramty The Pubic; ;tri c:i••lially in- vited to call and inspect for themselves. No tr•auble to show goods. Undertaker and Cabinetxmaker,„ EM rilM1R.,, 0N'z'A .1O ,ONE DOOR NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. FO�Q Nit (01111INITIOt PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make room for Fa11 and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand, All Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish. It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasing good and oheap 'Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited.. MIAs. BOUTIICOTT. Fashionable Tailor, Exeter. Ezeter Post Office Time Table. Ai Girkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimville Sonth,east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal, rtianitoba,United States, English and foreign mails ... ... .... South, east west &c ... North and east, including Goderich, Wingham, Kincardine and all points north, Strattoid, Toronto, Montreal, aud Pastern States... ..• ... ....10.11 a.m North east, &c ... 5.30 p . m; 13 ooa°Lilo le es m 10.15a.m. 0.45 nom• 3 heptaTuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays ON]IY ORDERS 14sa,edaua paid on and from any -Money Order 0thee intheDorninionofCaned a,GreatBritair iudCreland l3ritisiiTndia,Newfoun'iland,ltaly,Anstralia,NewSouth Weiss Taem9min, NOVZelaod.France an Algeria, the German Empire, Sweden,Norwar, Denmark, Iceland, Be ;luta the V ethrlauds, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, iioumania, United States, Jamaica a 13ti Bar bados. POSTOPFIOE SAVINGSBANK. Deposits wlllbereceivedatthis office from '$1 to $300. Depositors obtaining the R.vt Dial permission deposit $1000. Deposits on Savings Bank scoot., c maser -General's spa p l ceivedfrom.9 a.m. to 4p. m.- Interest at 4 per cent Dor annum will be allowed on ell Office hours teem 7.80a.m.to1 p,m, Lettersintended for registration must be posted 15 minutesbetore the closing of each mai N 13. -itis partictelary requested that the senders, of matter: will kindly add the names o 1 c e rinuntiest° the addresses. D: 3.01114:3, Postmaster eno6E. 10 00 a.m 8.30 a. 10. 4.15 p. m . 8.30 a. m 5.30 p. m 10.00a. m. 1000 am