HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-10, Page 3fr r rPRE EXETER TIMES, united with loyal hearts to uphold the' "We must say tint the view talc% by the -11.. vindieation of the law and the course 9hier mall as 4° the InvemdbfitlY of te°Pe'2' .. Is published every Thursday morning,at the . • . • . 1 a the question of Biel's sanity after• the Of luet100 against rebels and agitators jury MES STEAM PRINTING ROUSE had pro:lour:004 upon it, "s quite sound " wbo seek to endanger the harmouy ° 1 . "Fttiruegette'r31, eQaartii., LW:hint e'CVIrittreneenw.°P1 erloY- of i 11 43 4 i ile r en t races and the con- federation .of the Provinces. We can eltdoutph CounelL safely predict that =toy Liberele will refuse to join the Grit leader* in the 'The Council met, pursuant to ad issue tlzoy have raised, end that the pummel* at the Temperance Rail, Barge Or ar.VnitTitarz.o: pivot insertion.per line 10 cents. Each subsequent insertion per line- ..3 cents. To ioaure ingsrtten, advertisemenia should he Sent hi not later than Wednesday Morrang, defeat of the advocates of Biel, Be- Grauton, the Reeve end all the mem- eh vete, in the village or Greaten. and wherese the ratspayers in the 'vicinity, whose. property is likely to be affected thereby have consented to have eaid weigh ecalee erected on said Isabella Street Resolved that this Counoil do hereby give necessary powers! to have said 'melee erected on said street eo far as they have the power to do so. _carried. OttrO0)3 TAINTING DEPAIITMENTis ono forte and Rebellien will be !gashing. bent of the Council present, Moved by O. (1. flodgine seconded of Thum, U werice.ntrusteu tons will receive of the largest aud.best egniPPee. in the County Moues of the last meeting were by W. godgine, that the time for ilia our prompt attento Th 001111ty Council of Middlesex read and signed by the Reeve. collection of taxes be extended uotil Deetstons Regarding News., ata wise thing et their .Docember Moved by P. J. 1)evran, seconded let January 1886.--Oarried, Iseesion in Yining a grim% of $20 to lty W Hodgine, that by-latie Noe, 28 Ipapers. Ordere were drawn oil the treasurer h each° or either electoral distriet in the and 24, of 1880, be now read tluo ••Any posou who takes a paPerregularlY frein t ds the o m Von of time and paseed and Ibat 8°111 °I Sia.87. Itel°Ived thePost-onlee,wbeater divested hihis name or 0°"11 °w44. r r a / a the Reeve that this cortneit do 1109/ 8diourn to anothees.or whether be hat subscribed Q): not 11'1%1170f/8 Institates, provided tbey are and Olerk sign the same end attach t std th tout d '4"5P°As'ilel"VaYtt`°'''t* • a, organized and conducted According to the corporate seal thereto --Carried, f t the art room °lends. •-•:c It a person orders his paper dtscoxi inue " 0 - mee again en it viz sy 0 ^ he roust pay all atrears or the publisher may the continue to send ituntil the PaYrueut ia 'made, 11 • ",-,1°3 en„nta.ined .4 °Ir.°u1s.ar .frent lifeoPert nene°d- boye at the hour el ten a m. and th n t th 1.1010 e.iistount whether voinnaissioner ot Agricutture. ed by Williamdgins, that, whereas the paper is token from the office or not. which are as follows . IL Henenot, Clerk. 3 In suits for subseriptiona, the suit maybe( • That eafal In- the owner of village lot ,1\l'o, 0, east institutedin the place where the paper pub. glitute obeli be composed of not lase Urtin-streeti, Granton, has through although the subscriber reside h 4 Tbe courts have decided *at rel'16b)g to p a fee of riot lees than twenty -live used as a general store, one foot ele /°red to f"e1/47. ebfitult J°881)11 Has- t lawn ,11', J11, "You talk: about Silk Dresses, •but did you see Miss---? I tell you she just looks line," I gue'os she does, and so can every lady who will go to RN TON BROS. and get one of those newest and latest in the Silk line. hundreds of miles away. , an y mem era, tv os a eite mistake, befit a place of bu'elnees and A- number f °b1° 14eukete °ad"' limaka take. newspapers or uetiodicals trove tbe Pest- ouiethor removing and leaving then uncalled cents annually. There shall be a 'Mame on the polio mot dowitcli acroee the river at Windsor sk President, a Vice-Preeidente aSec- iuterfere with public travel on. said Precen$ed t'be "l'am° from being KT-1 (eTrenat, Tobacco, Bronze, way, ani „ ,r4 • A for is prima faeleevidence of intentionalfrand,.. _ but Peero et. eeenanernent coneieting of that the same does nee to any degreeou '-'"'"e*Y'. "Tin"enr poboe OThtrPsefer "itarY awl fore or more Direntorsis and street resolvad that this coueed °eyrie Alyrtle &c. preetical farmers. The Inetinite shall far as they have the power to do so, wtat $00,000 worth of bombe arid SATIN Plerveilleuxs mg off. Rich and beautiful goods in • d out Iloedowitch is the Itiane- . a Majority of the Board shalt be give permission to the eaid owner, so field, Ohio, hook clerk who [wide off • TMJSRDAY,DP.OEMBER1.0.1885,./ hold at leeet twa rpeqtinga each year, to retain !mid building en ite present was aS°SEI• 4be riYer eeirlY in the Vor Rioh=fass ar‘d Duro:bility VI:m=001104 zuw iinFrxeron tly Tilie: nthi.„-", tut. diffferentut pdarta of the eclootorall die- fboundation until euch time ae way morning. Allot a Redden he reelect:s- lot, or iectuenon o agnou arta,. necessary to re-butia alta eanle. hared that the bonds were hidden in 3,14mR, Windeor, and Witt there were no use This line we mention, though we have pill of Dress uoved. by williatu Reaper, seeead,, 8Oiog hook 101 thdenLi So llie Materials worthy your inspection, in all the hiding shades keepere fooli h owe It pa to re- d by Will* lif d • b e Y a and at popular prices Some new ones in this leek. eubjeels. Carried. e "The Conservative press persistently declare 5 7, maST spring the Reform press Was *et the Reform party et Ontario consider ibe hanging et Biel a gross Injustice... eegaged denouncing the Govern - The above ia an extraet frora our Ten 00„ t'n jet) 8v andare still up.towo coteee. of lest week. The n enolpetng them on the same sub - Conservative press of Ontario bee ;Je.n,„!, nig' they 40 So now on entirely nothing of the kind, nor thea the 14,inerent and oPP0Pite grounds than Coneervative prose of Ontario believe II those taken by them in the anything of the kind. We think and enring. Then the ore was teat the say that the great mase of Reforreere Government had "RIVOla away our in Ontario beljavo that Biel deserved Iteritege" by allowing American fieh- belogiug, end that the Government omen to fish Ottnftdian waters Were perfectly right in giving hint his and now they say Sir John would doerte. Wo hue, that D„ Edger 1-18vVe lea us iota war by proteoting went down to Itiontreal during the this heritage, heel it not bean that first excitement, era without the ad- the Homs Government iutertersd,i vice. or coneeni of Mr. Nike or Mr; The Government were also charged .Ainnuenzio, tried Le eemrait, end so last arming with dealing too lenient. far as ley in hie power, diet commit ly with Riel and with being friendly cm mote and the oaten° Reform towards ; but now they are party. to the position that ths condemned for having dealt too se. neesteg cf 1,44 urea WA of greet) verolY with him. This eouree proves injustice." But we don't bslieVe that tliat the Opted° Reform press, with the :Reform party ofOnteria dela. few exceptione, are determined to fy themselves by following J. D. Edgar ' oPPoee John A, and hie Govern- or the Globe in this wetter. That :5 ; MOM 110 matter whet' AWOL) they take the view of the Conservative prose of in any matter. Ontario about the affair. Then what will Ittr. Rieke say about the question when ho returns? Hie action will either make or mar his political future. Will he 0011600 to tremple every liberal principle un - dor foot and eat all his own word, on this topio for the sake of grasping power ? cannot believe Mr. Blake eepable of such an action. Or will he tell J. D. Edgar that he is leader of the Liberel party of Canada in the country, and incense fig/dose and will not (Anent to follow the Rid and his followers even theme who lead of auy ratty party wire -puller, believed they bad wrongs. Then who would lead him to office and followed at intervals the following eternal disgrace Mr. Blake bee a among other editorial utteranoee, reputation et !Italie and a previous whieh may be interesting to our Re- record on this enbjeot, and wo expect fFni friends to contrast with the line of action. Two now expressed by the Globe hire to take this very since the execution of Riel Surely Edward Blake will never take ON Unroll 28 the Globe's Montreal correspondent telegraphed 0)44 it was publicly stetted there that Riel'e sole object wee to bleolsmail the Govern - meet out of a few theueand &Hare. On itferch 30 the game paper, speak; ing of the Duck Lake fight, charms- terizeci it as 'wanton murder," and eaid editorielly that it was an outrage that would stir the blood of every map taco in Canada on tine one principle, that no Frenchman, no matter what his crime, shall suffer a Just punish - hands in the blood of the peaceful settlers 1:130/3t for hie offence, and of women and abildren, to go nnwhipt There was nO real, genuine, ade- of justice, would neither be just nor politiel game grievance in the Northwest to May. cause this rebellion, and our (totem. "They (the people) were never more in perfectly knews it. Riot wag the earnest, never more determined that justice shall be done, and that the doing of it shall not be unduly delayed. The mode in which it is to bo done they are willing to leave to the Governntent, bat what the Government does they watch closely, and a policy of procrasti- nation they will not tolerate. They will hold Sir John Macdonald and his col- leagues responsible should there be a failure of justice. They make no deznonatrations, they raise no cry .for vengeance. Calm, but stern and deternunded, they demand that justice be done." ..4pril, "To allow those Nvho incited the rebellion, and the Indians who have imbrued their half-breed came, so he states himself, when offering to sell out. Our cotem. cannot get out of his dilemma in this direction. As our cotem. is so well posted on the views of the Ontario prase on this issue, why it so reticent about giv- ing its own opinion 2 Does it believe that Riel should or should not have been bung That is the plain ques- tion at issue. Will our mem. give the public the benefit of a plain an - ewer to it June. "We want Riel and the other ringleaders brought to immediate justice, but it is already becoming clear that an elaborate plot to de - fent the ends of justice is being prepared." ED/TOW/IL NOTES. July. Wen" NINO , Blair:want that Mr. jot?* res- . ignation MS been refused by Idr. Speaker Wintele, of the Quebec Leg- islature, is authoritatively denied. It bas been aceepted and writs for a new election in Lotbinere will shortly be issued. Mr Justice Morrison died Sunday morning at ten o'clock after a liuger. ing illness. Ee was born in Belfast, Ireland, in August, iele, In 1862 he was elevated to the bench as pita@ judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and in the following year was trans- ferred to the Queen's Iisne,h. In len he was made one of the Jtistices of the Court of Appeal, Which position he held at the time of his death. AN estimate of the final result of the s elections gives the coalition of Tories and Parnellites mojority of ten over the Liberals. Apart from the parnellites' vote the Liberals bane a majority of 72. The Irish 0013- k servatives, headed by Lewis, are forming an independent section, opposing any coalition with Parnell. "Nothing can justify rebellion that does not become revolution, and there is said to be abundant evidence to prove that he (Biel) did all in his power to induce the Indians to join in the rebellion, and to attack the posi. tions in which the settlers, their wives and children sought shelter." "The public believe Riel and. his associates guilty of the highest crime known t3 the law. And public indignation would be ex- cited did any of them escape through any blunder or neglect on the part of the Govern- • ment or of those it employ s in the ptosecu- tion," Aqua. "14o nintdow of a dotibt retnained that he was, giiilty as charged hi the indictment. The testimony that followed only deepened the Certainty et his guilt." "There was no legal justigication—that there could not be. We have always con- tended that there was no moral justiAcation, because thegrievances must be very great in- deed, nay intolerable, that can morally iusti- fy the taking up of arms for their redress." "The crime of which Riel has been con- victed is ono of the most droadfiil that can be imagined * * It was or the essence of Riel's crime tbat. be kneW what Indians are; capable of, and what atrocities tney would; probably commit when their savage nature, was thoroughly excited." • Ma a glae/ That, ereaa trace bia eteps, and subeequently tried to abduct him. Comm! by a oompaey ,or retepayere applieetiou has been made to this owning a weigh sealee, to heve the wey will you cough when. Sliilotra sagas erected on Isabella, street at the t win give immediate relief .? Price 10o., 50e, iutereectiou isebellit and Mein t and in, Sold by J. W. Browning. Be 10 September. "But however he (Sir ben) 'May littfile, and whatever action he may take, he Satinet, as oar law.. now. strnts, ,escaile ,,one atom, . of Burton replaces Lawnon as lender of responsibility in tne Matter. ihe dercision the local optionists. of Ries fate is entirely his 'hands:" Ilan Western Herald. of Aniberstbura "As to the prisoner'; guilt 'of 'the highest says : "In this county (Essex) e that can be laid 1.01na's charge s. feel confident that the Grit -Rouge has been no shadow of doulit glace his letter agitation will have only one reaolt, to Poundmaker was produced. Nor as to MS sonitn has :there been any doubt since the namely, to show that the French-. having heard the expert elidence, de - I quantzlies. catadians and the Anglo-Saxons Are Avia4t that Biel was responnible HIM IMMO TO it eving that we are about to experience a holiday seaso of unusual activity, and antioipating that a general and wide -spread observance of X-mas and the holiday will. bring with it a generaledemand for FTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION R. HICKS has a fine stock to meet the demand consist- ing of WA.TCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, &c., Thauking you. for favors during the two years which I have been in Exeter, and would solicit a continuance of the same. A liberal discount given during the holidayseason • Stand opposite Jas, Pickard's, Maiu.st., Exeter. R. HICKS. -07813:' MR,MOMI M A PRESS STOCK OP Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, and General G-roceries. PIPES, — TOBACCOS, and OIOARS —Of the Choicest Brands, comprising— OLD GOLD, MYRTLE NAVY, (20 cents per plug) BAGLDY'S BIA.YFLOWEB, GOLD FLAKE, GOLDEN JEWEL, SPUN ROLL, LANGTRY, OLD JUDGE, SWEET VIOLETS, RONEY SUCKLE, d:e. Smokers will consult their best interests by giving me a call. ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS. DATES AND FRUITS OF ALL RINDS. OYSTER 12.0.,RIAOR. Oysters served. on short notice, cooked, raw or otherwise P. 5,—Flaving invested in a Steam Coffee and Peanut Roaster, I am prepared to guarantee both of the articles as pure, being roasted under my own supervision. All goods sold extremely low. Call. I thank my customers for past favors.. G. A Fnmson's Block. Goods delivered at once. ALL ARE WELCOME. MANTLES AND ULSTERS CUT FREE DRESS (,c5 MANTLE AKING UPSTAIRS AT RANTON DUOS CUTTING AND FITTING DONE PROMPTLY. =AUTIIITIN 4113113$ -MILLINERY OPENING! THE OLD ESTABLISHED ON— TUESDAY &WEDNESDAY, 29th & 80th .1stAlf.E. THEM BEST DISPLAY 01? Hats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes, Birds, 0 ments, Sce. iii it Bushes, Velvets and a variety of Trimm,l, in all colors. MISS Doherty, who for the past three seasons has successfully conducted this branch, again. resumes, and will he more than delighted to have every lady in the village and surroundings give ber a call, t" "Grand General Opening" samo days. Everything complete, - verybody come. Jr ADfIES PICEARD. 1885, The Pall Ezhibition AT BISSETT BROS. Competition Open to the:World IN THE FOLLOW.MG. LINES: STOVES & TINWARE—A Full assortment. BARD WARE, PAINTS & OILS—A Complete stock LAMPS tz LAMP GOODS—An endless variety, very cheap.. CALL AND SEE THE CELEBRATEDA 200 WANTED 200' pacl-pirr QUICK!! About TWO HUNDRED good customers at the NEW CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. The under4gned begs to intimate to the residents of Exeter and surrounding country, that he has fitted up for Carriage - Making Purposes The buildings lying immediately south of MR. PARSONS' Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and having stocked the same with suitable material for the construction of Carriage and Sleigh work, we therefore solicit a liberal share of your es- teemed patronage. • OF ANY CROSS -CUT SAW—A PERFECT DAISY. 13ISSETurr BROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter. THOS., PrIVOiq Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, or Ra,ilroa Train, and to please the most fastidious. JEWEINERY That is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and. Substantial, Suitabl6 for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely -Wives, Children, Hus Repairing ipromptly and properly done at bands, Etc, Etc. Satisfactory Prices. SPEOTA.CLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft eats)! Yours truly, and pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age., TRENTETECIOIE. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. N. B .--S fiecial rate:s to the Livery trade and parties buying in Watclaes and Clocks Repaired and Brought t