HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-3, Page 8INSIIRAniC , Colts Sold, Last week two fine yearling colts 'were sent v from h ere to the American Market. One wasR� ESTtr#R�4 AGENT EORperclaaed from Ir. Jobn Dow, of Hibbert, 5-.4 THE S'1EItN P N ASSURANCE COM Ontario. It is thought that over one hon e- redsPcoial prizes will be offered, while the regular lite will be most inviting' 1 all poul- try exhibitors, Citizens, ,give it a t,et, dig hand,--Owinfi to the demand for lock -be -tea MARRIED. -11 L1ni)1Cn -- NOV.,T Cooar.-0n the 25th Irat the resiclouce of the bride's father, by the of Toronto ;also for Lho PHq Jt Tt FIRE fox the sent o4 550 , It reighed 7,450 lbs., Rev, Wes. II. Gene, Mr. Wm. Alfred Lid. Ii,?SUXANC.G CO ataY,ot 1,ondou, England, and teas sired by "Ma ;or." 7'be other was in the post office several new ones hare dicott to Louisa3 the BoTAL CANQDI9,N, of Montreal, at:d the sold by Mr, Wm. Dolt of the same tewnshi , been placed Hier n.— t a e Farley, 'Osborne. daughter IiRITIS$ Filltj;'i3i1 LIVE ASSURANCE COM'. „ have been ' of Tilos. Cook, Esq., all of Usborne; I"AAY.of Loudon, England,. estabizebed 1847; ,, p, on Uduring a ha 331tIT over, t ur637 . This. colt was sired by Count ,' eeeeptzonauy plentiful during rho • weak,— Moxeliteic- Dneehee —In -Qaborne on the $5,000.000; claims and bonuses and weighed over 1,300 lbs. The Auction aalee of farm ,stock are belpg eon- 2nd Inst., b the Rev. Colin Irleteb r it r paid, over .Sio,000.000. sires .of both animals are owned by lefeasre. tined on into December, which, no doubt,lir Monteith, e ' n ' Won ter of it r to Miss Jane, second .. , trarelled Colclnhonsn & Dost, of Exeter, and they have is Otr:ip: to the anilduess of the weather.— artuQlrtor of Mr, eller. Delman, all of Us,, LA4�dI; 11 EWS,-,ii^ shall .be TEa to rt- seasons nitthis mane lode sic ass past t o . other five -title race is being tented of, and borne. Gquz tatimer, front any mart of tke-� seasons kliak oauuot be beaten au yw,ae 1 p al' S r.Trali—Cnacy> r,,-Q;o i1Tor. 25th, at the p ,tsk4 laoo next tvvek#thoraco is feu' irons 4e aca? ieees, sects ,rs ac. �4 . y re, Some ly settled upon. . residence ot the bride's ,father, by the Rev; aeiQlerstsoer, any in cresting incident whor h A =water colt was shipped from — �. W. S. Pascoe lift. Audrew i t weeps athe go a� A serest .. Steller, of q f y the ones weLb:r a menetioue 1. It as also T Oshawa. Minnie J. Crocker, oa Ryer, tont ar: o ' our stlbseribers or read• god us breveties. , to Bliss ars; generally for t?te purpose of public -sold, fox a lar;e sjtzu, Igo change •in market regoxts tuts week. Exeter, anon, .1*Just received'1f F ' Celebrated +4 Beadle, at Drew's Block Geo. Astir, i SALE REGISTER Important Counterfeits, Jas. Ferguson peeps the best Roller Flour • , e �weu E: . Fiuuan ' _ r tg,','efet Tlao re . Rank of British forth America has been wood; �Cive hila a call and try it. cent issue of Ave -dollar binla of the in town mauufaetured at bleeds mill, Dash i'S y counterfeited. Theeeneterfeztsare so Read R. Hick's advertisement, Go t t el . c;ove . - `Tf1IbRBDA , DEGLiiI'E 3rd, 188.1 has been obliged to agapend the issue, a. a rs prices to soak the times. been • W srnauex, Pee 9, -Feral stock and tail• ptemente, the property of 7o11u Swathers, 0 0 lot 3, concession 17, McGillivray. N3 res seise. Sale at 1 0 o+acs. henry 3.3ilbor, eueti nicer. y Thu Aspen, l)se. 3,—Perna stock, implements, etc., the property of A. :Holland, lot 3, eon, est, flay. Sale at one o'clock. J. n. Oke, auctioneer. . 1 r:rsnAn-,Duo i6, --Farad stool:, irup}ewtints; one, the property ot Reichard Sellers, lot 8, eau. 8, McCeillivtay, No rosecve, Sale at ouet,'clock- fleury Either, auctioneer, A n old ptaystetan, rcv'red from precsiee, la ►v almost defy detection, The bank hit. for your Xmas jewelery, all nets and , .. -.-, calling in the bills as quickly as possible, The Coulson drug stool: was purchased b, T EN3 CAE. N'S per Sine yr a eI subsequent # nizNearly, ethen m p Montreal n sun cents on the dollentleman ar. state Edward, lox 53 Fera FOCI: t relic 1 bah:ZS apparently # 64.i tioia will be olEttr"edfo notices n?ii�eariut ng the 1 io5t a trrrtly , Bank otllci•als • I. ...ewes nes 1 aid assortment LOCAL H APPENINIGS- \Vithout eeceptio e, the best awl cheapest tiiaee in Beets and Stores we have as yet seeu, t; be bad at -(,.I:acre t"s eau no k, # i! L.la dre11' s t;zrraageb, Eeprees Wagons, Iiicyeles of all l ,seen /auto,. sizes, Felt Euats and Stena Hand-madea Every body r Mr. J. It eeoots ; alse harness of every description ,r„ , Y - •.ems idler- thea a nervi„ r . Miller, P. e T thea result the 1 the raaa,.ln fnros.ac 1, sine-l�t the ea.raatry p. ler School this week, :zed the res411t of the Ctnzaetantly on hived.r Cull and oee theta. l few years ago. ' nen *rani,* liras 01.4.„32.04* examination of the pupils in each roams was butter oral ] ,,;s ta,o n iia excbwge ler the,.'k,rotlolaaring match,"whirls hi�ffair to sery sati.raetory. eons, C. RaCtIM'. state that the bilis are made from the sexual clock novelties suitable nfor au .i mea gilt (Pp.per plate used ire the counterfeiters nn ' raise bun a call. 183, when the country seas flooded with bad lire again aemio 1 farmers that itis violet - notes. Another counterfeit at present itt :nee the law tc market poultry with their eiren.ation is. s Uo:million of Causda two ccrops stutbed wl.ta grain, and any found batter bill, pate G', ir:avable at Tomato, date such condition are liable to be confieeated e.iis badly ••tt ,, Q _: s 1. , June 15, 1878. The portrait of Lord Dniferin A member of the S.A. Soldiers "tool; in' d1k "Ing had p'•teea in ices tiaras a7 Katt Indian y tint the a i 4 s lean t.tnf t k the Lunen :jrWp on Ttaes oceuing. Ther report having had a goad. t' with their Lucan brethren. ISA -AC CARLING'S GENERAL ST'QR Exeter, Ontario, GROCERIES, DRY -GOODS, BOOTS AND • SHOES AND NERATt-- NDIBE Our GQQds and Groceries are warranted of the Best Qual, a an .,'b5 e vaisstonary, thoformul:aofa simple vegetal'2ty all Latest Styles. Families in true village and surround- ', for the eipeedy and permanent 'mire of eotesnmPtion. lixouehttis. Catarrh. Asthma ' T > ' and alt titrOCO and lung a#feCtiO S, also a +O$i- luta eoui.ltr ' ',nil rel-, . on Good Value i 3 iE 4 ..0 .. fo7 thele money, live mid xaaical mailer Ner'tiouaPabirtty seat, MI 1t,rvan4's l.O;n„ r, lets f It .nee' r ca n ,{ : i t.. to l Its n , w4laaderfal C'ar{srivc, powers 1A t1lGnaanals of Articles delivered E3ll: 1Q111 ]tl at your homes, a : !": �'It elle Village, if cnses, li:ts telt it 14na aaty tuurtko it lvu4tksa tai '. Tris aud�,rIe tetlows. :ictatctte4ilew ttni84lnotive nada idesireto relieve human ®uiierin , 1 win t eee4 , cud free charge.to all who desire it. this recipe. with A Trial Respectfully ,, tee=oBct#eco aixeetionsfor!'repartng,rAsl using. leapt" try zaati b • ad r s +l es.lna;wit;listaul t+an7itla� this er,;Y. d,;;orge.I40I'e4t'rr's Teel,,) rave -p, Personal. 1/4 hare as great a run. Aa it ie conaiul; this a Every 0erantl Person has it ; doctors tltirtl; teen tee gave nee y tang ra.tlere the teethe4. , i• hi:Arable ; but 1)n. Ceases':, t`.1TMt0ar Sides nix* cTuaseu and r4 ferves are al? tcinte ct, Curie i8 gaarftnteed to cure or the money is 'We are ;;lad to notice that Rev.. Dick- B who have before them c,aptcs of Webster anti refunded. Alt druggists or the Dr. Carson oia has sut5cieutty recovered es to be able 'Worcester unabridged, 4. word pronounced Medical Co., Toronto, 51,00 per bettke. o attend serviee in itis eiturah last Sabbath, t by either nuthf+rit1v is eotlsiaered correct. We ars enteraufi upon Tlaconlber, an 1 as et have tied no sleighing. but still have in. C;tnrclt Notes. On Sabbath last 1Ir, Himl, of London, England, cceupied the Presbyterian Church r. ' the ferencu*n and n 17lJ$1n at conducted to uC d } spulpit rvice and preached in the Alain.street Methodist Church in the evening. the pul- pitin the morning basin; been failed by Bey. Mr, Eer4law, of C5natraliI. The usual Tho beet vends winch have previously been ebosen are spelled by same one selected for thatpurpose, and those entered for the fray pronounce theca --or ;lt least they try to, which it id where r aP8t1 to fin, CErrnE)8 in far the audience. When anyone facia he sits down, the word is preuonncc;3 correctly and an- other worm is given out for ale next person. When tlny dispute arises it is immediately zuonthiy change of pulpits lit the 7.tiethodiet i refere+t to the referees. If the word as not churches will.cceur :next sunev morning, understood it may ba written down ou a TI*e supply for the ]fain -scree. ehureh +silk blackboard, and the contestant may ask to tape Mr.P: ,e,e's parlpit, abase it defiu>?r.. 1.1..• -. Yiiingo Council. . #laP The Coruna teat b, order o To our Readers. Deane; the s xrianet sons people - t to know where ; aet}ee1 tits mar es house, ou the 2 u;t1 they ollly patrfitue Avert, drat utas t4u:es,1 Neese„„9aputy.11eeve and C'..a4mllor Dyer anal Act, can asa4tra* tlat.na they causal c:a tact• ! Present. Minutes u; previousious mccttn z were q ter tient t'ritii tea. ,ivt,t,...r ,. Itis our ex. ' read and eonfirme,I. Moved by W. flissett, gsraeuoe that rho men who advertise are wave Zeal by A,, U. Dyer, that ordersba those ate selltte ellnaars as3 dbrit a '3mntt a for the feltow titn sums,viz., , lfrA ( � r`7, �tl Every assuoef the }ta;rein an open lector 15.180 Pito Co.\o.1, 59# estate firm tba *verdant to the piaple. Liao in the of I"• Drew, boli for feat, ltewsell & Hutch - tore and tell had where yon saw his sever. *8500. Litt ets. for blank 'forms Dr. Ilyud. tisoment. Itii a0; introauctiou and he will elan, $&4 for: cervices as medical health °t - ideal fairly with you, flexr - H, Sccord. 5,,00 for lumber ; Tizts;s " coot for printing 019.65; Jay, (twee", +7ilEoint Recphig Bitter. Something telae a eancertesl arranger has been entered into by shopkeepers Eluite a number of towns and villages In On tube, net't.i take butter ou account atte November 1st eaeh year, but only to take i for goads sold over the taunter at the tins of delivering the butter. The reason of tui resolve it that the butter makers in Onteri have long ahotve. a disposition to hold thei. butter in cracks or tubs in their cellars un ar *sato the fall, when it has lost it or, and it besides too late in the sea be ;aloneaedto the nl l country ma 1.42. part salary ; do., 45 ets. for meals to I'ieleambe.$3,33, kaber; D. Bissett $3 ala s ; John' McDonald, 39 for gravel ; R. John Stanlake.510, do.; Bohn Thompson, • : 59, do.; John Parsons, $1.25, do.; 8. Hand. ford, $11.50, do; Tinos. Sooll, 03.13, do.' t A1.13issett, $14, do.J. Creech, $9.30 for 0 oil, wiek, &e. ; and 1.1t. Bissett, $60 for la- bor'-- 4arzied. 11Ir1ecd by W. I3ia:sott, sec. ° ended A, G. Dyer, that Thos. McCallum be refunded $1, error in dog tax; ,Toon Snow, 94c•, error iu assessment ; Geo Sun well, 6 $1.SG, osror in collector's roll. and A. Hol. land, 511.20, error in aseessmeut.—Carried. r' Moved. by W. Bissett, seconded by A. G. Dyer, that: Mrs, Cann's taxes $2.10, and Mrs. Richard Hor¢'s taxes, $4.20, be re- funded, they beiug in indigent circum. stances.—Carried. Mr. Robert Piakara's 1e• signation as chief engineer was accepted. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by A, G. Dy- er, that Mr. Win. Treble (being recommended. by the fire brigade,) be appointed ebief en- gineer iii room of Mr. Pickard,—Carried, : Mr, L. Towers was instructed to repair No. 1 engine house. A by-law to provide poll- ing places and appoint deputy -returning of. Accra was duly read and passed. Moved by W. Bissett, seconded by A. G. Dyer, that this Coeneil adjourn for two weeks:- Car-ried. lll. EACBETT, Clerk, Brief Bits. It is surprising how the Salvation Army kets. I3aual of hope. Tb© regular monthly meeting of the Band of /lope in connection with the Main -street Methodist Church was `11e1d on Friday even- ing last in the basement of the church, tho President, Mr. Indian' Seldon, in the ehitir. A goad Frogramine, consisting of Readings, reoitatious, vocal and instrumental rausie and a dialogue, Was creditably rendered by the children and friends of the Baud, There was an exceptionally large number present.. This organization should bo encouraged, as it is Calculated to improve the children both mentaily and morally, and prepare them for future usefulness. ' -_ municipal Aspirants. m Previous years, before this date, we have ar heard rumors as to who were to become eau se i aces for municipal lunars, but as. yet, this a heard anything The time for nomination is draw- th did year, we have notear anyt i g on the w o sinking into Insignificance. They has en lint very little fruite of their labors long time, The novelty of their service h Orn an ' inly attended.—Mr. W. J. Clark who h atiops of fine weather for at least s0tne s, to eerie. It said byt hose who claim kuow, that we are to have au open winter. The other clay ler. Thos. Hamlin had his left baud badly. injured by the explosion Elf a cartridge wbioh he was takiu s from u: gun, Although the wound is a bat one, Mr. Ham- lin may consider himself fartuuete that he (fix i aturday Inst the Loudon dailies print ed what purported to ha the heave of ani. Simmons, but there wiai Uhl resemblance whatever n ke r in the two cuts, rb. ons publish. eel by th0 Free .prow was saaaaetbin line the teallitae of a human face, bat the Advertiser's would leasee the impression that the percale who loal,ed Lille tlitt. should have Ivan Ian long ago, We doubt very n1^aalt it either of theca looked like Siturttona. The New Ern is again talking' about th. ,• b., t'tw Heal i would t have a d o lata a tr t n made the county seat of Huron, bat its appeals are in vain and should it heap them up for years to COMB it is not likely that the e-sunty builtl- in ;a would be remove,' to Ciiut'm, We be. cause it as slightly more central. 1t c would advise our contemporary to preserve its gash - lugs on Lha subject walla more opportune time, at least. menta #i1ts. + RE1?}IIf T 'eloelt e).0 .1V'otltneet A.T. e i Obi: 14it d' g T 08 ) R tt aF ,. ti! t'rPrr ,.. ... .., trriU tin y Gtv -, 0 to t o o ea traitiG wucal 'ate new) ... 0 5a' too 73` • ,•• 0 45 to 0 79 .,. Vt7to0:j0 00 to 0 to11 5 to ! es Ofi8te.0cii; uill toI.'16 , c;�ta61x .• 9COCa 60- taaato0al` 04to0llil u els* to 0 PS 0 07 to 0 45 9 44 to !d GI 4,5 to t3.7 43 got oft as well as he dill. 1 Rrparts of 1iirglaries and Highway robberies came in from all parts of the country. There is alwaytt an increase in the nnulbe of such crimes wbenitlta Gala weather tie s iii, but they are more numerous this season than for some years, They are nnainly attributed to tramping thieves from ttoroes the .border. Itl'iolutel Ditvitt, the most erensible of the Irish agitators, is of opinion that a union of the Irish and British democraoy would result in groat good. to both. The cause of democracy in the British Islands for the peat de- cade shows great progress, and if mush a union es Mr. Devitt proposes should take place, it would be placed in a btonger position than ever. The federation of the mother country and the colonies can never bo effected until Democratic institutions govern in England. A vlionovs effort is being made in Clover Ian t Tj'nothy Pam, nett, t'1mertoft+el . t',ltatrra,pelf boo , j ,lpl)}es,perbog ilrko.l#tp;Prot b ,., livers;, Per ib. Turkey per lb ,.. Ducts tae• lar Cllnekens t +r per pr t f1:oAs,lreascnlpPrlt�P "na tta,,..0 ileef . 503 WC 00 !li`hiur4iainff. - .,. 5 try to 0 00 Sit o dressed • .. 0 es to i PPO O t kine,ene1' ., 0 50 to G 5' Calle •ins 0 50 to 0 70 Wool per lb ,.. 0 17 to 018 Hay porton .. 7atO to 0 OP tiri2RaaiaperIntuit � ., ie ID to 0 75 tSeeldper cor,t IGatea :37., DENS:1ia. al.t.Rii'lS' Fall Wtseat perblr .,. ... t 0 611 to A lief sortie; " 0 ;.4 to 0 fle 11arleylb►Iclrtl . a 65 to 0 70 Barley irco+linbl 0 44 to 0 40 %Miter elate. ... 0 :S to a 3t Slack data d.pplea per tib,. otatooe per bit ... • • Oatto0l1S 1Onto100 o i, to070a Exeter Butcher Shop. ,fin. DA 'X i Butcher & General Dealer ern, ]leans ar-- • ^y CustomerssuppliedTUESDAYS, THURS- DAYS HT3RS• DAYSAatn SATURDAYS at their residence ORDERS LEFT 4T THE SflOP WILL RE OEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. r e Germany to repair the damage to the -d • fOr forests by replauting. Acoording to o away d their meetiage are vo Ing nigh, and should there be opposing candt dates brought forth we see no need of bitter strife being stirred. up, and hope that in the approaching contest (should there be one) that everything will pass off in quietude and. calm neSS. It is ',quite possible that y, the*1 17 of securing more efficient fire pre- teetion may be brought up on nomination day. Skating Contest. 4 skating contest took place at the Do - inion Rink on Thursday evening between amnel Veil and Thos. Atkinson, for a wager of five dollars a side- After skating about a dozen laps, Veil had gained two on his opponent,' when a dispute arose, Atkin- son claiming a foul. The race was again resumed, but before long resulted in a draw on account of the foul olaimed by Atkinson. The conditions of the race were that Veil would take the outside std s and beat' his oppon- ent two laps in fiye miles. The dispute arose from Veil passing on the inside. The skaters were fax from being `evenly matched. A large number of people witnessed the race. Mr,. Rine's Visit. On Sunday morning last Mr. Edward Hine, who is going : through Canada on a lecture tour, preached a sermon in the Pres- byterian Church and in • the Main -street Methcist Church in the evening, and also Iectured in the Methodist Church on Mon- day evening, Mr. Hire's claims his Mission is to identify the Israelites, and his sermons and lecture were all in that direotion. On Sunday morning his remarks were intended to show that the House of Israel and the House of 3•udah were two separate and distinct pee files, and that a000rding to the. prophesies concerning each the British people corres- o lett on Sunday evening was to show the importance of identifying the Israelitieh people. as he claims that the re ns the report of a United States consul Notice to Contractors. ay h 1876has been an been ill for some time, is able to be around again: The people for whose benefit the additional street lamps have been erected will. quite agree with us that they' are a de- cided improvement during the dark nights of fat — 1. A final notice has been given as to when and where the taxes shall be pail. At the expiration of the specilicd time all prop, erty for which taxes are unpaid will be levied upon.—Three weeks from Friday and we will have Christmas: Owing. to the open fall we can sercely imagine the 25th so near at hand.—As we have on previous occasions warned our farmer friends tb beware of hawkers who are travelling the country eith- er representing some new invention or trying to sell shoddy cloth, we again wish to lift a warning voice. It will pay:you tenfold to buy from the merchants of Exeter, who are thoroughly alive as to your wauts, and are just as sharp in purchasing the laleat in- ventions as are an travelling tog salesmen.— A meeting of the Council was held on Wed• nesday evening of last week, at which consid erable business was transacted. The next meeting twill beheld one week from last even- ing.—It is altogether probable that a public meeting; will be held shortly to. discuss the matter of purchasing anew' steam fire engine. May there be a good representation present in order that the scheme may be thoroughly understood by all.—The little folks are now eagerly looking forward to thearrival of San- ta Claus,—.Schon} trustees and teachers are busy making engagements for next year. A good teacher should not bo let go for the sake of a few dollars. -The coming Easter falls on the 25th of April. This has not oc- curred before since 1734, and will not happen in until 1943. -The present officers of the Sal Army here leave to -day and the V appointed "heads" are expeoted to give it primary addresses to-night.—Several ortant cases have been brought before gistrate McDonell of late.—An immense ck of envelopes and other stationery at office. Call and inspeot and get prides. Messrs. J. Uoupe & Co., of Eirkton, are wing an almanac. -Parties who live in the aga Sa new pointed. to the former and the Jews to the r ibe latter. His hi Ma eto suit of the identification would be to bring this about that promised glorious time when nni. I ' vernal righteousness shall reign. The chief zas• into of the lecture on Monday evening Were that the people of the 'U'nited States belonged to the Tribe of Manasseh and the ritieh nation composed the tribe of Ephriam n i that the prophesies concerning ea le had sen literally fulfilled. If you are not afraid of the results of that Th ough and'bold yon ought to be. '�Pl:oronlA" sati iU thoroughly cure you. Sold everywhere; sue 5 cents. tow neighborhood of the market yard or pound, the place where cattle are kept for hours at a time by buyers are complaining of the "odor- iferouaness" of the spot. --The "Ontario," the Vessel on which Messrs. Davis, Weekes and Sweet sailed for England, has reached the other side safely, and we are told that friends haye been safely landed.— e Exeter Poultry Association feel: quite sfied that their coming show will be very easeful, judging from the manifestations prds'it by parties throughout Western t ere, since there increase of 152,546 acres of forest in the country, a result brought 'about by replanting common and waste land.. Tan growth of the cotton industry in Canada since the year 1874 has been marvellous. in that year the duan. lily of raw cotton imported into the Dominion for home consumption ption was' 3,514,2871bs ; in 1884 it was 19,203,- 5691ba, During the same' time the value of imported cotton manufact- ures has' fallen from $11,181,045 to $7,513,404. The decrease 'on the one side has, not been so grea By order, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the wider - signed, and endorsed."Polder for ClrAxxnr IsnAVn. Weiss," will bo received until Thurs- day, the 17th day of December next, inclusive , ly, for thc3onstruction of works at Chantry Island, Bruce County, Ont., according to avian ands, eCt$Ca ti0II to be n 11 e on application t O Mr. James T.Conway,Co Town n Clerlc from y, o ho forma of condor can be obtained. ' w m Persons tendering are notlihedthat tenders will not ire considered unless made on the printed forms: supplied, the blanks properly fihlad in, and signed with their actual signa- tures. Each tender must be accompanied by an ac- cepted bank cheque, made payaole to the Honorable tho Minister of Public Works, equal to five per cent. of the amount of .the tender, which will be forfeited if the party declines to entey into a. contract when called upon to do so, or Dile fail to completothe work contract- ed for. If the tender be not accepted, the cheque. will bo returned: The;l)onartment will not be bound to accept 0 as the the lowest or any tender. inorease on the other on mount of A.GOBEIL, the increasing demand for such goodsds De art ment of Public W00,11,18.Ottawa,1oth`NDV.18.1Se Secretary. in this country. IT has cow been finally arranged KIKoi� a that the professors . of the Ontario Agricultural College will assist in holding farmers" institutes during the Doming winter as follows : Western Division—At Brantford, on the 22od 23rd December ; Drayton, Jan. 4 and 5; Lamlaeh, 6th and 71h ; Owen Sound; 8th and 9th ; Markdale, llth and 1215 Seaforth, 13th and 14th - Sitnooe,15th and 161h ; Middle march, 18 and 1915 ; 'T'hamesville, 2015 and 21st ; Watford, 22nd ' and 28rd ; Georgetown, 2915 and 3011. All correspondence as to details 'will be attended to by Mr. Mills, the president of the oollege. Farmers wishing to avail themselves of vain- able information should attend at Seaforth, on the 1815 Jan. This matter has been spoken of in the TIMES of late, ared we diem it of maoh value to farmers to partake of all information possible on the ' subject. Year after year the matters of agri- culture are becoming more advanced, and it is wise for alrclasses of farm- ers to keep 'apace with all each ad- Great Drives in Dry -Goods. vanoemonl, as in every .branch it re. IN 3 Store ---I'OR :it 1.70R E, gzopo.....onv** u tttr EggsOQ* ' , ill `A'1Y,TSr"Ir 1"lr'i. Ulan, it, atheson Ila.a opened ened ou iu Currelle & Cos. 01d Stand, t. EXETER NORTH Complete stock of Groceries. 10 lbs, Sugar; $1 Tea, 215, 50 and 75 c'ts—Good Quality. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted. btoek of HARDW R�{. 'O11I.S, SG3;TUIES, BINDING GLOVES, (Cheap.) Ile,tit Machine Oil CO,a per Gal. GOAL OIL AS CHEAP AS.11:VE11. ' A reduction of 25' Per Cent. on Tweeds, and Really-mades, A good Snit of ALL -WOOL SERGE for $7.50. Suitiugs and Overcoats )heap. Our press Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A house and Lot to sell or rent, Apply to JOHN MA.THESON, HAY P. 0. BUT ONLY THE BEST, Laursnee's Ccratd Spociaoln The Lenses of these Spectacles, being scion- tifioany ground from Pure Pebble, are without exception, the best adapted to preserve perfect vision and restore the sight when damaged by old age and other causes. They have tbo ree- commontlatian of the most eminent members of the medical profession in England as well as in Canada, and a large number of our most prominent citizens, REAL) THE FOLLOWING Chief Justice Macdonald, N, S., writes : Thep give the highest satisfaction. Senator Archibald writes : I have experienc- ed great satisfaction from tkeir use. Chief Justice Sir Wm. Young writes; They give a clearer and purer light under gas than any Ihave previously obtained hero or else- where. John F. Wood, M. D., writes : For ease or comfort they excel any I have ever used. J. Mackenzie, F 1t 0 S, Kingston, writes Carefully constructed, good defining power an FREEMAN'S glasses in each frame of focal equal len tn0une0 to the tubuttitnnts of witty. OM he has npcucd out the VO&-ztore North of Samwcl Pickard's, '•here be is prepared In matt all kinds a: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. . la y Rcalrin promptly t Wring. p p y a t.endell to. GEO. MA.NSON: %atP s1auager U. Eacrett's Boot .and $11es `` Es slay 14th 84. llr+, tt Aut. WM. T,a211; fs prepared to do CUSTOM TAILCRIt At KfrktOn. SUITS, PANTS OR COATS Made ill the Latest Styles, and Satisfaction guaranteed 1n evCty reape0t, CUTTING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND AT LOW RATES. Ladies Jackets a Specialty p y Give hima trial an d be convinced d th ti will give satiafactiou. WILLIAM LYNE. TTHIS OUT and return to us with lOc or 4 ae stamps, and you'll get by return mail a Golden .,?;lox of (foods that will bring you in more money than anything else to America. Your fortune if you start quie s. CITY NOVELTY CO., Yarmouth, N. S. r-. i L. ¥ELJEOWiOL C-U ES, ` - - z Le itib A0Blair, Esq•.Premier, N.8.,writes :Ofthe "WORM P 13 EFA comfort and assistance experienced. — Lt. Gov. Haviland. P.E. L, writes: I never experienced any strainonniy eyes after' using them. Rev. Father Bolduc, Quebec, writes c That he finds them superior to any previously used. PeterLyneb, Esq.,Q.C..Ealifax,writes: Using ono pair of La+rranoe's Spectacles for 13 years with great satisfaotihn and benefit to my eyes. De Cure De Quebec, writes : He is more than satisfied with the selection made, M. ® F: Waish, Esq., Se c. Minister of the In-dgave ever satisfaction, terior, writes .• The glasses suit admirably and Dean of Ontario writes : Of the Breatcomfort and relief found in wearing his spectacles. Lt. Gov. Sir1P, McDougall, 11.0, M. G•, writes: He is greatly pleased with the selection made. Dr. Phelan, Eingston, writes : They supply to those with every derangement of the vision a long felt want. SOLE CEN'GY : Purchesas of 12 Lbs Tea 50c., 60c., 70c., and 75c. GRADES *BLACK GREEN & JAPAN Teas purchased from the best houses in Ca- nada, and guaranteed pure. quires the utmost scrutiny. D. W. DULM:AGE; Dom Laborat'ry EXETER. J. W. BROWNING, PROPRIETOR. Aro pleasant to take. Contain their ow Purgative. Is it safe, sure, and effocte (pgtruyer of worms in Children or Adults, MANHOOD, How. Lost, How Restosed We have recentivnubiished a hew edition of DR.OULVERWE LL'S CELEBRATED ES- SAY on theradical andperm .anent pure (with- out medicine)ofNervous Debiltty,Mental and physical cspacity.impediments to Marriage, tate .,runiting from excesses. Price, in sealed envelope, o my 6 Bents, ortwo postage Stamps. The celebrated author of this admirable es- sayelearly demonstrates, from trhirtyyears' suocesstnlpractioe,that alarm ing con5equen• ces maybe radically oured without the dang- erous use ef internal medicines or 'the use of the knife ; Point out a mode of cure at once simple oertain end effectual, by means of whiehevorysufferer, no matter wiaathis con- dition may be,may euro himself chiaply, pri vately and radically, tr "Thi lecture should be inthe hands of ev- ery youth and every man inthe land, Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL COMPANY, 41 ANN ST., NEWYORK. est OhIce Box 450