HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-3, Page 5Polities Too ifl.uch For Ulm.
A ladyon Fifth Avenue,
ork, quickly summoned a dourer :.
' Ob, doctor, my husband is
nearly dead. Re attended a caucus
last night. Ile made four speedos
Ana promised to be with his fellow
citizens again to day, But oh, doe-
tor, he looks nearly dead, " "
'Rae he been in politics long ?
,No, only last year, Re worked
hard for *James McOanlay's elec-
tion, "'
, t He will get well, mad= ; l Re
bee a .stomaoh for any disease, if he
worked for him ! "
'o1i1ioai life, of short or long dur-
ation, as very exhausting, as is evi-
dent from the great martali,y wflioli
prevails among' pubiio men, Ex,
U, S. Senator B. E. Bruce, who has
been long in nubile life, *aye.:
The other day, when stepping. load that the market for them. never is de- gold by J, W. BrOWDi a".
A Staple Article Throughout the i11OLERA PREVENTATIVE,
I In orderto Withstand Cholera and. snob
d• like epi•
demics a perfect purity of blood, .and
too proper aetien of the stomaeh are requir
THE NERCHANr's. PatoFi'r AND THE Bielr ed, To insure .that, end, in the eheapcst,
erAN's Rol?S most available and Complete manner, use
UNDERTAKERS 1 R _,>✓ > Nzr —
^ 1, McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia and a ,i� yt q
Australia forms no smell portion of the 1 Impure Blood. There is no purer, safer or cri� (i R, foil' S
ustr a fo , a Po more ieliabie rem
yCxisteneG for Indy- �
vast field ever which the celebrated Thomas
tvay hue spread the.: blessings gestic.; Dyspepsia, Costiveness. etC. Ask
of his
you neighbor or anv person who has used
peerless remedies, Their peculiar adapt- it, $old at Dr l3rownftig's Drug Sore. 1
' atiou to the diseases of our climate eves dis I'he. Japanese Goveriament llas oilioially
eorered at an early day y"rshrewd, deelared Osaka and Kobe eltolera-infected
observant population, awl for years the ports,
demand for tbera ass increased with ever-
ver bltlFlD I,ItIIfTNINtx,
accelerated rapidity. The heaviest cont..
inertial houses in. England are in the free- All sufferers from that terrible torment,
gaent habit of xeceiri,ngfrorn tlieireorespoed Neuralgia, eau be made happy in one mo-
ents in Sydney, .11Ii1bourue., Adelaide Gee- meat by a"sinp,le application of FMK Light -
long, and in fact from every port of Austral- ning briskly rubbed on painful parts, and
aria, orders for 1Iollotvay's kills anti Oint. Without using any disgusting medicine day
ment and merchants of the Jewish •persua. after day with little or 20 result, Fluid Light;
sion,proverbially the most cautious of all the pingalso cures as effectually Toothache,
mercantile community, invest larger snms Lumbago, Ilheumatisza, 'headache, and ie
than other traders in these po3uiar prepare only 25' emits per bottle at Dr. Ilrowaling,'e
adonis. They know full well that the Mo- drug store, 1
meat the shipments arrive out they eau be Siiiiott's (lure will immediately rtdicrt'e
sold ata .large advance on rosette prices, Croup, Whooping Cough ante l3.oanclirte.
Try MCOOLI e 37,7NZ,1 I1 e J.) i s , . L tata3l .? ULg 8J,1E I (American w. Sv.EOIf.
., il. ri, IILL
iatilre Coffins, 1115, Caskets,
And everything in the above line, to .teem
immediate wants.
Wo ha=ve olio of the very best
A. in.w)oeye mean
pato a car at a crossing, I found ( Pressed, Few persons tlttnk of turning their number of Ottawa lr3rb�rs v art T xe�*eltrses 111 4 lye County,
1� th d p and faces towards the
gold fields without a sup
tlsy fined for breaking tho Suo:lay olt_r;v-
down in. a surprised way,remarking , i ply, ' anee laws, And l?tiliorele ftarniehed awl conducted
p g " Z'or disorders of the liver and stomach the '
t ' • 'Why, Senator` hew well you Fills are claimed to be a swift and, sure tihelul.'s Catarrh leme'ly A p•aaitive e art
look l
= t r Well, I feel pretty well, ' I
answered,' ' H:1l is ;
The doctor uttered as 1noredulaus alt, as two important organ- If rho digs?. pa 411 r It s .. ;:] ; rGra^ r. e_.t ti➢a� ,., r ,_
reP15' wheai the Sonata frankly told tidal is irupaitcd, tate lhti:vels dtsarlered,atatl 1' '"grf4 0'"'"
p y the liver torpid or congested, rho whale - '''''airatltiiis of Foutaa r;erAol➢d Weaai e,s,Ii24yatQe ,a ;�-
lliw, 1 tttaewar to a71 itaijuiry, dist it t ,s • 'nes t early ale: ay,losaof sleet➢taaoal,.t'a,k malt eau's i I hair to a#➢
1i i irawo a lffe4 ., iile strengtli, Eleelin , .t't~.EIt4t4 iw Cl 3'4.:4"
was 1 �nor'a safe cure whloll steer.+ x t o i �Je O i * 1Ci b' O. C cal. rtCeipotl➢d :yetis:➢tptii,el,
sv"..l_s dro ie t c ulltl.z. i t:n sal a
ffo hit. wh t the rgfeasiolt taverc➢ls titin #.leap 'raasketi sn Fineness ausi
plishod k' r p , 1
load failed to do, Seuatar Bruce tlr""'ir taltc "- -lint^mss of ei►« rgy aunt ho ete�,ca pavolol,e to r,.�. rti,rr,� rRarA,r d Maps tato 1s„
says his friends are very tnuoh aston-
idled at this revelation of power,-- pP physical
7 d Globe,
extremely lav Pries.
speeilic, and the claim is yeriaed by an', for Catarrh, Diphtheria, awl eztlilrcrr :1£o,rtln E;,teer.•te cs .er A, TME Dr>rr,.,,>~xtc
overwhelming mass of testimony all', for
Now we all know how entirely' the
Sold at Dr. 13r . wing's Ilene Stone,
bodily health depends upon;. the condrtien of I` ,.A.. 0 A.. D
tura! C"inc
,. Trete grc,1.t remu➢e61y WW1 «liseeecurei b. m .sats' >
IItOVCS !d^.itt:r^7l:
slonary iu Saud'. ?tut riga. Send a self ;i3 -
fulness, ,A, few 'tiniri doses Qf tyle 1'illa ' =.c,.n
,. y Stattan�, lays aurl:G➢t 1, tricrGauwe it
A eerious: revolution is threateur 0 lu growth, .ud •ail
\Icr!tee rot uoiL Zr.. si.:n
tyle uivalitl rceovers the ntregl th, till: enemy, CATARRH= A HFWTREATMENTt r £ e'rtor ty^' it � I
and the Health that belong to vigorous reran. +♦ i1t[trl t7l
vembehaincly Defeated.
bring back to estlou, appetite, and
energy, n o etoa-melt is strengthened and
toned, the liver invigorated, tate de -vitalized
blued restored to its B0431101 C4144tioal, autt
1'criiansthe DI05f.uftraor lirnnrysneresethat I : n+teC?F.;areete e
Wed.' --Observer.
tairb, Ol1t o .>'7 g.r.,z et➢ x rma a ➢ : . .
—•— Why will you cauralm „bun Sbiloll'a (.urs _]Tarts -es,, Co
r .46e,61, ➢1➢Olitll�, 1a.1a tlil4cty pe•r G tat lt'1Vai
"11.01. Bold by J �t Browitiuu• eouerho leas startling when it le remeirti,ered Sale by call Drtr�7-f
a summary Of the>Qnvember xe t f lI(tliis&yfF,� ATTENTION . Y w3lrat. ,r
has' been aettievee in ilieeteia see setae Lee,
�1ltereSti,ilf Moms. helm attained by the Dixon treatment ter cr_- j?re aped by.
f'+c ,i 8 t h rod tIa l i tibh-
t o ntiustries turn xebec will give immediate relief ? I rice 10e., .,0e, beoti ourettof thus ;tani,borai seals lye ix+te ua 1 p It,'Crt, Q....
TGa Bureau f I
per P a
446.11t5t'lvV� m A tho t Fag .4 rt i '4t,,,C i,C r
Cut or has an a;1 • twre, bathe 4:sieo dad), eeyeee,fealcele, .t r r,: - r: ,-1] tr•
atatt a ply Aicur egos ali l'ashe's t.'arlto p titartinawith the minimi;ants,,,nterul4yneltevy,;t
4 t+a tbo pr0,vneo t+f 0av➢ut; nnat,m,tteatr, rise tl .ltnit*,
eloaa)si g appiicatioal ftOr it, L"ta SUr0 fir.tuusuuatou's et',tat,tz>t lana scare to claecr
!iia ale 2 t'7i •- rlt;Aatit►64t 'rein ttA?tet. r•^., ire+l bficlaisaa%
a?t4 j�a't,:fCtrrt'�inA 3 PaTi,Ut,, i x131 far vk ., a.r 't
mi�t>4tataacriratalart�'tacolly cattttl.tta'.
r IIs vi L7C m i C' i
➢'na t
, , thatrlot Iwo per emir et p bents loss entin; tura et tt
that department as follows:—
Fall wheat is a floe sample end
the yield is large; but owing to the
effects of rain and rust sprang wheat
is. a serious failure, both in quantity
and quality. The bulk of 'the barley -per tremas., at lir, i3rntvl➢ing's,Drug Strom, 1
t' O ➢
u t'ra m
e. ed
P A nld i T.tHnd
alored b
�vae y
iti lien your horse i t galled. SCratClteil Qr >aefttto4,,,, ik, mesa a..t_ u.t 4:c .et4 '.e, „' 1
ate It is Un loubtedly' the finest heeling lay tyro Ea➢ t t :rltiA "Ane r.ne 494.44 aliswit,o t; 41'731
c[It rtt:ll 1+y
'C d f t' o ort of t'itl ar +iu • mist Ol r t .i a n =tt e•
a, ➢re . ►aa1. 10 t&A, a
1 S a a r t'
t 1l
We laud Canal ,all bo sal i. l fan
t harvesting season-
b ry
eat s
- storm
at the a
x4177 g.
Oats ate below the average ualit JP'wllote ay'r (,lirttri'ut t;a d i
$ q y every bred; o1 wintry woitl siiaiplo. nri t ea taw as G
having rusted in the ripening stage.
ust Receive
til,trril , lIIA➢itAAA4r,nusl 1 A,ra*matt tee.r-ut.a4 QattO €4''eu11ir3
eifs. i araug
' n °Ina ��, lA ' - ]e ra!iL4e'tl
si mle: °Alt n law ,ta, ttA f al Y
e xertoiia e��
t r e � tt ,lana. ;i laeiaatt. ;iiu1 t1tcA
should lee motile by the tafllieted to recover ] preeeateeasaen of the war iv t13o Inost bear -
Bye is a fair average in yield and
quality, but the area in crop ie etealI-
ily decreasing. Pease and beaus
were effected by spells of dry and wet
weather in. July and Augaet, and they
ripenedvery unevenly: the pea -bug.
bee almost wholly disappeared, The
growing and ripening season for
earnwas abort, cool and rainy, an d
Much of it is soft in consequence; in
the Lake Brio counties it has done
fairly well. Sorghum is generally a
failure and farmers aro ceasing to
grow it, Buckwheat has given a good
yield and lie quantity is excellent,
but in loetlities it was hurt by early
frosts. '.he potato crop has suffered
severely from the rot. In all the
southern parts of the Province, from
the Detroit river to the Ottawa, fully
one-half of it is destroyed and the
disease c4 utinues its ravages in the.
frits andcellars. In the northern
parts of 'rhe Province but little harm
bas been done. Turnips are sound
and in moderately good supply, and
the accounts of mango' wnrzeis find
carrots are uniformly favorable. The
midge has wrought havoc with tl6
geed clover. It is only where fields
were pastured until the beginning or
middle of June, and then left to grow
for seed, that fairly sueoessful results
bave been obtained. The new Drop
of fall wheat has been sown in good
health before unremitting cold and trying ti,l4 fair. s➢,ea•3 F tU 1t l+ersanail'itt cure myna
eu uie set in. Throat allaient3, coughs, 9alalrtty t t t ,a•w aro i.F� ^+]rt ,t ttf niters art air,
li ins nt 'atxl t rd n4a , lttl c uric+;sotiu,t �vath
ivlteeziug8, atittitnatieat a a't:410lle, Ft]t24rtns. Et '440;prs, ,i II 41,Xss'S ,S: '3t�)',siii ➢\tram: etreat
of breath,. morning nausea, and aeaumul- ; west, Torentn,t.Oun l a, hist ancl,ssa ntutnit r4+r
atioas of phlegm can mak bo removed by
117 ire yeattae tau Catarrh,-afmatreatMar, ,ei .
rubbing that fine derh-ctiven Ointment Mite
day upon the chest and. neck. Llolloway's ! C,al.1Iervatevileh. Servran niuiht °r at St.
treatment is strongly recommended with the Poterebnrg, has arrived at Belgrade to take
view of giving, immediate ease, preventing command of the forces,
prospective danger, and efteeting pernlauent
relief. Tlleao alt-irpnrtent ends his Oint'- `�'
Ment and Pills eau aecowplisb, anti willsnre.
ly prevent insidious dieeaae Irua fastening
on the constitution to display themselves
afterwards in those ;disastrous farms that
will probably embitter life tilt death itself is.
almost prayed for.
Francis Kraft, seed 7:1, while walking an
the (s, T, It. track near Stevensville, Wel-
land county, was overtaken by a train, and,
it is feared, fatally injured.
Much is blamed upon tho Kidneys when
people are ill and suffer from weak and pain-
ful back, etc. If you regulste the Livor and
Blood with Burdock Blood Bitters the Kid-
neys will soon resume a right action. Bur-
dock Blood Bitters cleanses the whop sys-
tem, Kidneys included.
Joseph Begin, about 18 or 10 years of age,
was drowned while skating on the river at
Rim Du Loup on Sunday.
Scott's ,Emulsion of Pure.
Cud Livor 011, with ilypophosphttos
In General Debility and Emaciation.
Is a moat valuable fond andmedicine
whore appetite is poor and the ordinary food
does not seem to nourish the body. This is
easily digested and assimilated and gives
strength and vigor to the enfeebled body.
A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents,
condition, and it has a romisin Sold by J. W. Browning.
p g A 73ANDY RELIEr for Pains, Accidents
appearanca. Good accounts are re- injuries is an almost universal requirement.
calved of the fruit crop. In the older Such a ready remedy is best found in Hag.
yard's Yellow Oil, that cures Rheumatism,
Sore Throat, Colds, and all pain, Lamenese
and Soreness, whether internal or external,
Tho total value of goods entered for con-
sumption in Canada, exclusive of British
Columbia. during the month of October,
was $8,577,814; duty collected, $1,511,936.-
Send me another Quart bottle of Giles'
Liniment Iodide Ammonia for family use.
I have a heavy cold. and as I said before,
cannot exist without the Liniment. I use it
as an inhalant. I find no language to ex-
presel the great relief and comfort I ;find in
its use. In neuralgic headache it is a
specific; also as a gargle, diluted with water;
it has no equal. L. E. FRAZEY, 545 Fergen
avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Sold by C. Lutz,
Central Drug store.
For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you
have a printed guarantee on every bottle of
Shiloh'? Vitalizer. It never fails to cure.
FROST BITES or Chilblains require simile r
treatment to a Burn. There is no better
remedy for either than Hacyard's Yellow Oil,
the well-known household remedyfor pain,
Rheumatism. and all Iafiamatory Com-
You £Nvrre DISEASE When you negleet a
regular action of the bowels, and incurable
disease may result Regulate the bowels
and the entire system with Burdock Blood
Bitters, which acts upon the Bowels, Stom-
ach, Liver and Blood.
""'An election under the Scott Act will be
held in the county of Argenteuil, Quebec, on
the 29th of December.
To the agedand infirm, the nour-
ishing and invigorating properties of 1Cob-
inson's Pliophorized Emulsion
give renewed strength and buoyancy of
counties there has been a surplus of
apples of excellent quality, and large
quantities have been shipped to Eng-
land and the Northwest. Pears have
been moderately plentiful iu western
districts, and also in two or three
eastern counties. The supply of
peaches was confined to sheltered
orchards in the Niagara peninsula.
A good surplus of plums is reported
for the northern and eastern districts,
but black -knot and the cumuli) have
been destructive in the West Midland
and Lake Erie counties. The black
knot has also :wrought great damage
to cherry trees, and cherries were
scarce and of poor quality. Grapes
and email fruits were verry abundant.
Fruit trees have made fine growth
during the season and are generally
In ealtliy state. Live stock are in
goo6oudilion. The swine plague
i ed serious loss in some western
IooalWee early in the fall season, but
there remain now only a few scattered
oases. The market for live stook is
reported dull, a comparitive absence
of demand and very low prices being
the rule. A good many sales of cat-
tle off the grass bave been made for
the 'British markets. There is a
continued decrease in the number of
sheep, owing, it is stated, to the low
price of wool. The dairy Ind stry spirits. Always ask for RQB➢NSON's Pecos
has been very dull, and sales of cheese PEEnIZED EunasroN, and be sure you get it.
and butter iu the early part el the The total majority against the 'Scott Act
season were made t 1
figure,. in Prescott and Russell is 1,804.
Bronchitis c
ones from Lold end irrita-
tions of the throat; Hoarseness, Cough and
Sore :Thieoat are its characteristics. Theses
troubles may be remedied by a timely use of
wrong end of the stick in so a d18 I3agyard's Pectoral Balsam.
as has tlio Globe iu - HenryIleurI3ouley, a distinguished o _
a manlier t'. of chemical medicine
-el btlsiner3e�." And that view stucco)? and protease c
the oiland surgery,' is dead .at Paris.
he matter is spreading aillong The stomach' is the rand' central of the
of t fie
Baeforwere. liyin t systore,'tbe. first organ developed in
althea' life, " and the .first, to 'suffer Froin
excesses, Regulate its diseased notion by
cls miserable by indigestion, x ,� .
Are you aua of appetite, el.' 13osdoek Blood Bitters', which restores health
couetipatiou, dizziness, loss pp , 5,
low skill ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a ;positive to the stomach, bowels, liver kidneys, and
cure., Sold at Dr. 13soV,ning's drug store, blood.
•roto TVorid'sa s :-"ivever
has ti public journal get hold of the
Gwen Norma. 1 sorban 1tAi1 i°roislnt
Loudon depart 7 5 .s s o e, M. o Ox x,
lixetei. a to 0 0 55
Hotu4ta11 . 0 •.•i 0' 2i 10 03
IClpltwn . _r 111 0 ea 10 13
Itrueofiele a ee a ;13 10 23
Clinton o 30 7 03 71'39
Londesbora .r- 71 7 23 12 Ott
Bluth ,. . t0 00 7 03 19 OOP sf
Bolgrate ..,.....10 73 7 47 i3 G.0
Wiugbam arrive 10 ce 8 0.: I 20
GonwSouTu, Exert Ks Marl, rfcrtltt
Wingbaw,depnrt 7 :`h ASS
7llytb ,...751
i,oudimber,t 8 09
Clitrton H °.S
Bruceileld. A 33
Hippest 8 51
II04•a11 8 rs
Exciter ,. . , t la
London unit o' 8)
9 10 r.et 10 90:e.Ad.
, :t;,
a aftIii47 RHAW- 3,I.\.Di?
a 16 I3 Sts h• tS la
3 lti The fitleet-tittin i,rd. that oath b;.
3 :L1 1 10 pro,tUrPti.
4 45 1. V,
t •izt 1 41
1 .1 a ill
u 20 5 30
Pickard si
New; ars in Groat Vatrit l
Astricau iIautlea and Caps-�--
choice goods ; Persian Laz111
Setts and'Caps•- .choiec value;
Mink Straits and Caps—super-
ior quality ; Baltic Seal Setts'
and Caps ---a nice selection.
Wheal Bareore Ids not mann merelyto atop thorn tore
Unto and then hrrr thein return again. I mean a radical care.
I bare mads the 'teems; of NITS, ErinErsZ' or BALLING
MEN ESS a 11fe-1ong sings, 1 warrant my rained/ to cart
the W0454 c55044. Ileee0I0others have fatted is no rife,On for
not now ret tin , n cure bend et once fora treatise and a
Irno nottlo or :or leteltthl; rmelt', Give Biomes and Yost
C .. .. 't tact roed I tull]Crre}ot4
„,,.,.. ,;G'J:.' Se P. ar1't..New
Tone, ToUCh,WorglnanshiD & Durability.
Nos. 204 and 206 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore.
No. 112111th Avenue. New York.
I have a posttivo remedy for the above disease; by Its
ono thonaande of eases or rho worst kind and of long
etandingbave boon cured, indeed. m strong 4e my faith
in Its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE.
together with a VALUABLE TREATISE on this disease,
to any sutrerer...Give Express and P. O. address.
DR. T. A. SLOCOit, tel Pearl St.. New York.
The speediest end teost certain medicine in
the tva,ld.
ALL F A"Ji 1I, 1 ''1,i TT S U I T.
Weak 131101c.. Eui>a.r'eed Joie ts, Paralysis,
1-iheutnati;o s, ural ; ar i>il,1 tdu,fi,a
Sciatica, Pi al twee, t 1, a i, Female
The best and only t u•to.i i, re.1 „iy Lr, relieve
Pain of all tante•: 1141 .14 11..or 3,.lg stand-
ing. Inatautt'11J 1 t L trill tit, es Owol-
lenJo lite, VA ur,. reit + 1, -'ems ne
Sick Heath4 llo:' , , ,t nr a 01,11, aucl
street; will t ots.t
17FLAIVIMATInN t7 1 r,... Kt() 4•', S, 'i 7LIC1Ti2 S
r1IE1•A all Its tbeta.' , i • „ ^1, u: r i a ins. Is
tueonlyi,i nul'. 111 t514 40 ,1 • 111•,rssiug'a1•
terativo rowers :•u I , Pilin internally;
lures Crlanlpr, nit 1 t:, 110, laiunHawn]. and i's•
SOLE BY Aral _11110,4(14:-10. 1'tttees.: lioTILTI 25o.
Write Dl One's. 8,45' , , Y, 1 (1., 'who
will give advice on all ui404) . free of eb,a'gc.
Letvtre 4'r;.n .li'uj ;t'Ir tt 1( 1, 4audcolur
forfeits. The'rie.ultt,yr has ibo ulu
ae blown in
the glass ni 11 fa, 111411iC of sore discoverer's
inane over 011011 Isr»11.- '
Glr,iie r tris•. .S ,:l��:7n,tt. ; 3'44 .0.41.; SAM
SUS.E.P.nt I,tt,r9 ., •IP t , '11 te,er Gene.
They 15.51) coal, i, t ,r 11'i 'c;e i s l,lexnb•
41:10 ‘11;e, t ' �'!f 14 ,.'I ii 4',, 10 -lir the
stmncos and ,
Tear Wri 1 11 ,".1; r1;.41••:d 1 ;1,^t,1 • e10417i.,c,
2'001113>140(01, 1 i• r 1 1' ; ,• ,4 t„trot, U;ttrOlr•,
3 ..c, 3 t; l"h; Ageui,
Exeter 0.11L.triw
The Public are cordially in-
vited to call and inspect
for themselves.
No tniuble '.O ;OW goods.
'TOXIN BR 3.7771T, j ol
CABIN b MA, BR, oilifioi
( rej Tyr inci , Zossof Appette, Inrligestavn, Bi ioysness,
Dyspepsia, jaundice, 'Affections of the .Liner and It'e'dne„!f..
.Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors,
Sall Rheum, 1S4rof ?Flt,
Ery.iptlasand all diseases arising from. ImpureII=lvotd,
Derangeld:9omach, or irregular tzctioz1 of the Boatels.
t'll +' r nrgere
C,errpltainte rrci¢le
THE. P I L ,.
Perify the c,•reeee ;tel Dieotelatre
., tiT(�.. Cfll, l#[l w�i►'t "S, li, D DOWELS,
xn to 1➢e tltl pt 1< Basta l Cenetilett its, ci➢lel situ iii a ra ;ll a i
'clnales I f all tt:j, F..'r tl1oi•1,cn end t1,e -Nei the .,:o pr.
an infallible r,auetly fess Bad Legs,. Batt Breasts, Old Wetzel,. ,i7,n'r s and T eeeee.
famouts for Gout and I l eum:atist%
FQI'. D1i'1011D1 RS Ai° THE CIIHST. 1T 1148 SO uge.a.is..
Tarr Sore Throats., to o 31 ➢ s ( 4 (i , a . �c r 'Is,.. ,�t u r e iia . Co i i Id 9 n i� a s Al:E i s
B u , 1. 1 1 E, n '. and i t .. n
it has lie rival t'.- 't for nts et 1 and sti9., ipei to it netdEilt" 14 Mare rrn.
The Nile and Ointment ate .. ,-i at fl -:.1v :ss't3 F: ,.,t. lA;>iiti;')r,«,
Te Niel? ON.I'Oillev:ri'ldillid`/et . 1503. o; VOZtl' STItil::T1, bi.ONPO.1;
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tl, 6i t i the t 1. ei;;ii SIN ; the lbs. taro siateer ; the 22- eize thirty-tbrt'a9 ; end tyro
33a size tlfty-tw4 times the quantity a'f thetnalleetllexea and Pete.
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Ali 1c3 ^ i" idi.R 'i
Full printed +lir4'tit as are of�Is.. L ter caeii P.a. end Pet. slaw ,t,. luau in try lzaagaugt.
t,.,. i'tarelazSt,rR elaran7,<i lttlil; to *Le Label on rise Pete well D let .s. If t9,ea adnara's : ae
} f ECOra 51:, -t. Lentr4;n, tiety ere *Indents.
Walnut Rosewood Caskets
A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings
Always ou hand.
My Stool( of 1+ urnitur:e is un-
o:'ur):PSIA, DROPSY,
err' eveev .,nisi: s or disease arising' fi•ot�
:llscl tt red OVER, tC113SaEY,c,,, 5-s OltiTF!tC6-4,
f -.. �•�g 11[j iZ �i,
i1 f1 r.7.t Pro,neetoos,
4a lA%I1. Lid"lc Ut�ae 1OR.)ttTFt
for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly.
FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand. All
Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and
Superior Finish.
It will pay you to order now and derive a benefit from pur-
chasing good and oheap 'Goods. A call is respectfully
Fashionable Tailor, Exeter.
AlMenIONLIMANSMI. 11•110•11.1111
E=eter Post Office Time Table.
Kirkton, Woodham Winchelsea andElimville 1.00p, m.
Sonth,east and west, including London, Hamilton, Toronto Montreal,
D.Xanitoba,United States, English and foreign snails ... ... ...
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orth and east including Godericli, 'Vingham, Kincardine and all pointsi
north, Stratecad, Toronto, Montreal, and Eastern States..; .. .;.-1C.15 a.ln
North east, &e
.. 5.8Op.ns.
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calve clfrom 0 a.1u., to 4 p. in. Interest at 4 per cent prr o.mimn Will -be ttltowed;o11 II11 c1c17osit6
Office hours, i,o7ir7.80a.m:to7, 0,111,
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