HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-12-3, Page 4TELE EXETER TIMES. Is published every Thursday morning,at the TIMES STEAM; PRINTING HOUSE plain-street,nearlyopposite k'itton'Vewelery Store, I',ceter, Out.,by John White «1Son. Pro- prietors. Tr&TEO QI?`. Anvk riTIF3 10 : First insertion, per Lino... .....:........10cents. Eachsubrue 3 cents. To insure insertion, adverseque„tiusextion;pez tisements should net idle (luring bis seolnsion in Mon. be sent in, notlater ,than, Wednesday Morning. tan a, Ho was plotting against the. our Jo$ I'uINTING 1)EPAitTMENTis One Government. He kept himself in et the largest and best egnipliecr fu th8 Canny formed upon the agitation of the die - loyal white ibloyalwhite men, and foolishly believ ed their treasonable utterances meant more than mere frothinge of disap. pointed fortune seekers, Ile wrote his half breed friends telling them they had great grievances and that he would head a rebellion. He told thein to petition the Govern relent, bat, to accept no settlement. Ile aa. vi sed themtos a deputation to end ret& i n bring him back to the country. He' wrote repeatedly to that etieot. At his re uest the a ointed the depute, tatioa and informed hint of their in: tended departure. ]Te told them the time was not yet conte; that un would ` k dp' inti',van, '1ilFl` '. `let there kuow when to start. Ile at - !last sent then. word that he was ready l -_ -�S :and pledged them tolkeep secret the TB SRP �.Y, DECEMBER u, 11; fact that he had sent for there, This tis the true steteneeut of the whole. ;IJ kh o i 4! () REFORMERS ! chair, The letters were not destroy. .t \ P THE RI l.`i. 3 k F-.4111- ed, tt.s he ordered them; to be, They IN BIM $ OWN:liANt?WRITING--to prove them untrue are fa existence to -day, They: can be produced at any time; Tile rebellion was the work of Riot, aided and abetted by the “deputation" which brought him back to the coon - try. Every step of the half breeds was made at. his direction, lie was of Huron, =work entrusted taus will receive our prompt attention: Decisions ite;alyding News - heavers. i ;Ally person who takes a paperrogulerly from the post•othee, whether directed in bis name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for payment. ..e If curers on orders his paper discoutiuued lie must pay, all arrears or the publlskier may continue to send it until this payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether office or not, k from the i the paper is taken 3 ihi suits for subscriptions, the suit may be instituted in tate piece where the paper ix pub • dished, although the subseriber may reside hundreds <,f miles away. 4 The courts have decided that refusing to tape newspapers or pehiodicels from the pest- oiitee, or reinovingand leaving thein uncalled. for is prima fh eleevidenceofintentionalfra d.. are iii the bands of responsible par - The Seafortb Expositor in its issue' ties who will produce theta when re - of last week seeks to snake its read• a ore This should set at rest the era believe that the Globe, in its y that the half-breeds only obtaiu- aolernn and famous article of the'37,st ed the Aid of Riel when all other ult., iu which it preached au alliance; means of obtaining their rights lead between the Ontario 1«oforiners and) felled. It proves that Riel knew what the whole French population, for the !he waa de -mg sshezl he craned to obeli. purpose of rejecting the Government, I don the "oaus&" for $5,000. It prov. was only playing the wag and getting r es that Jie IFnew what he was saying off a joke. No nue who ever read thewhen he informed '04 efficial that he cello?e could neo wherethe Jove came t ! was the half-breed carie and that in, and no man of true feeling could i they would disperse at hie cctzimand• eoi:ceive of a great party organ play- Ia proves that the rebellion from o0-1 ing iliw ,rag ou snob a grave question glutting to end was for the purlioee of l and neea,s}op Tit Seaforth cram extorting money and was wholly alaust surely think it is 1;d dressing; a' and solely in the interesse and ander very u1,14blstiQatQti attdterdQe, loteu the control dope spun, and that man Bolt . ��'` ;cti'iVes at possible for shell. to 1 ., w . , swallow aaclt a shallow dodge, as that, ardd (.',70 cotettl.t after letti_o us into the Glote's joke, very serle:M ay woo on to say about the crag ;thug as the Globe, only ?n different words. The Globe, the Expositor and other Reform journalists and wire -pullers may tato the lines of action now urged, may join the French in their war ou the Governmuet, and .nay succeed in do, fasting the administration, but we can tell them all that in such an event a day of reckoning will come, in which they will find that the great mass of honest, conscientious and loyal Reformers of Ontario wilt turn their backs on them, and will not consent to barter their Life-long prin• oiples for party office. The French Conservatives have only one fault to End with Sir John's Government, and that fault is that they hung Riel. The vast majority of Ontario people aro satisfied that Biel was hung, and if Ontario Reformers and the Treats form au alliance, that alliance can keVe only Duo platform azid one plank, and that is iliat Biel should not have been hang because he was a Frenchman. That platform may be all right tor professional politicians, but we doubt -very much that the great mass of Reformers would like to go to the polis and endorse it by giving it their votes Our Seafarth coterie., with all its sophistry cannot ROUGE GRIT ALLIANCE, The Globe, which has striven es• f tremely hard to form an alliance be. tween the Beformers of Ontario, the dissatisfied 33leos and. the Rouge party of Quebec, to avenge the death of Riel, the prime mover in two rebel liars in the North'Weat, informs its readers that the new alliance in Que- boo have all through the agitation acted in the most constitutional man. nor. In its issue of Saturday it sets forth to its readers that no more or- derly gathering than the great pro. cession organized by the students of Laval, no more peaceable masa meet- ings than those on the Camp de Mars wero ever held in any free coun- try ; but this atatement of the Globe is in keeping with its whole course. The despatches to that journal from Montreal give a direct contradiction to the statement by intimating that ou the day Biel rt<Q ezeouted, the students, in company with a large crowd of other citizens, marohed to the Camp de Mars, where they raised the tri.color flag and were addressed by the Secretary of;Club National and others, and amongst other things, they were told that French national. ity had been ridiculed and insulted. And on the same day La Presse pub - lead people army from the etralght fished had bee RichardsonthatRiot's hfatesix En lin left to issue. g J y. Confederation was inaugurated to men, and that +Jackson, the English - do away with just such race war as man had been acquitted, while Riel the present, but apparently the Globe, was put to Ideate]. The Crtobe de - ilk apatohea said that on tht: same even. wish to plunge this country into the ing a crowd t;i some l3,Ot30 or 3,000 chaotic state that existed prior to the met on the °amp de Mars for the great union. It is time that one purpose cf burning in effigy two of great lesson was taught in Canada, if the Ministers, and when the police confederation is to continue, and that offered to interfere and extinguish the is that the law knows no distinction flames shote were fired at them, and of race, creed or position. If Riel's they narrowly escaped being killed. deeds deserved death, the fact that he And under the statute of the Queen was part French should never be al- Sir John Macdonald was hanged in lowed to interfere with his doom. effigy amidst loud and continuous The two papers we have mentioued cheering, after which the crowd moved or any other papers tread on danger- along the street to an English .hews. ons ground when they preach a dif- paper office, and stones wero sent ferent doctrine. flyiug through the editorial windows, the proprietor narrowly escaping with his life. Then the readers of the Globe are told that on the eame even Ila a carefully prepared article which ing in the city of Quebec 15,000 pen Saturday Ole congregated and were exceedingly A FALSEHOOD EXPLODED. appeared in the Globe on Saturday violent in their expression and re - , e TT T1 f`t V 21st ult, and which invited theV solves of antipathy towards'the Or French Canadians 10 jain rhe Liber- angemen of, Ontario. The feeling in ale in t>: a overthrow' of the Govern- that oily, so says the special to the About TVb 0 HUNDRED good customers at the NEW ment, the following appears as a Globe, was that the execution of Riel CARRIAGE SHOP, Exeter. was a deed which the whole Frenoh Bat the Halfbreeds are a sample, ignor- race looked upon as a brutal judicial ant, submissive people. Instead of rising murder, and a blow against their ex - when all petitions had been proved hope- istenco, for the gratification of Orange less they sent a deputation to Louis Riel, ascribing their failure in seeking justice to revenge. We are further told that the their ignorance of political methods. peaceable people of Quebec acted iu a Let us be just to the man, now that he is law•nbidina and coo eI antional way (2) rowdyism was kept up until luiduigllt, unchecked by the aatherities. In the foregoing statement it took good gaze not to mention that the tri- color Sag was hoisted upon the Mon- treal city hall instead of the Uniou Jack. In the face of the above men- tioned proceedings, the Globe informs its readers that everythiug enacted was very ofderly, aonstitational and strictly law-abiding, and that the French people have thoroughly learn, ed to aoeept respousible government,. We are of opinion that the Toronto Globe and other Reform journals which. undertake the task of defend. ing the aotiorra a the disaffeoted por- tion of the J?reneh population of Que- bec and of formiug an alliance with them and the Ontario Reformers have a contract which will net be easily I partyof the fulfilled. The Reform Dominion are not so far blinded by party zeal as to fall in lice with the Globe and n few political wire -pullers, and readily make eoma.ou cause with a party which tho. Globo applauds for their love of e3nstitutional rights, but , which refuses to their fellow:oitizene —the 1 nglisb•speakieg Canadians—' the same liberty. Hon, Mr, Joly, leader of the oppo. ! sition in the Quebec legislature, find, lag that he eaunot agree with the views of his constituents ou. the Biel agitation and the formation of the new \rational party, bas resiguoa bis seat in the. Assembly. Da. C.snso:c's Srox.ren Bixri.as 'sill euro the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and all bilious complaints, Large bottle 50 n . coats. do te your druggist and got a bottle. Tier 8t. Thomas .'omen l has been whipped, tato line. It now asks, "Why should Reform alliance wibh Frenchmen mean French Domin- IT appears that the elections in Brig - land land are going against the Liberals. Mr, Gladstone will now wish that Mr. Blake bad remained in Canadaantl. minded his own business, Tar Reform paper. claim that Sir John is not fit for the position be holds, but still they have no one bet- ter nor even nearly as °apatite to offer' and aro not likely to have for years to come. THE Euglih elections are still going ou, and it is generally supposed the Conservatives will have a majority of twenty-five. The totals thus far are, ,Liberals, 198 ; Conservatives, 176 ; Nationalists, 35, Cor... SCOTT, U. P., Winnipeg, who is said to be wilting to resign hie seat in Parliament to make way for Sir Alex, T, Galt, arrived in Ottawa on Tuesday, and it is rumored that Sir .lex. will enter the Cabinet as Mime- ter of Finaxt4e., CHARLES Turner is dead, The Charles Tupper who is no morn is not the Charles Tupper the Reformers do not love, The deceased was a Chicago man, and he came to his death through ohe explosion of a pistol in the bands of some one who did not know it was loaded �IE�ftI' C To VI R. HICKS, Believing that we are about to experience a holiday season a£ unusual activity, and anticipating that a general and widespread observance of X -Inas and the holiday will bring with it a general,detnaucl for GIFTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION R. HICKS has a fine stook to meet the demand consist- ing of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, &c., &c Thanking you for favors during the two years which I have been in. Exeter, and would solicit a continuance of the same, A liberal discount given during the holiday season. Stand opposite Jas, Pickard's, Main- st., Exeter. R. HICKS• s sT , ncEi TED A FBI SH STOOK OE Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, and General Groceries. PIPES, -- TOBACCOS, and CIGARS —91 the Choicest Brands, comprising -- OLD GOLD, MYRTLE NAVY, ("(3 (mute per plug) t3AGi,LY'S MAYFLOWER, GOLD FLAKE, GOLDEN JEWEL, SPUN ROLL, LANGTRY, OLD JUDGE, SWEET VIOLETS, HONEY SUCKLE, cfc. Smokers will consult their best interests by giving me a call. ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS DATES AND FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. OYSTER 1,'6,11L011.. Oysters served on short notice, cooked, raw or otherwise P. S.—Having invested in a Steam Coffee and Peanut Roaster, I am prepared to guarantee both of the articles as pure, being roasted under my own supervision. All goods sold extremely low. Call. I thank my customers for past favors. G. A. HY NDM.A.N , Fanson'e Block. Goods delivered at once. 00 WANTED 200 1 =G -IIT AWAY, justification of Riel. dead and can trouble ns no more.' in smashing the windows of the Que. Had he refused to come to the aid of his bee Chronicle office because tont paper kinsmen, had he told them to go back and p p endure injustice uncomplainingly till it approved of the execution of Riel. might please God to soften the hearts of The following 'evening snottier stu• their rulers, Biel would have been a more dents' dem-nstration took place io contemptible and cowardly creature than he Montreal, and the residence of the Mr.proved himself at: the scaffold of Regina.. He indeed objected to aceompany them, he Wilson, an English member of the argued with them; he assured them of his ,pity Council, who refused to take any inability to aid them, but in the end he - ert in tile p interference : to prevent yielded And let who may object we say he t did well in so yielding. It has been proved Riel's execution, was surrounded by ae beyond, cavil that lie returned with them, - not desiring to become a 'firebrand, but to organize a constitutional agitation. Asusual the Globe has overshot tlhe, mark tttlieholi cal Lrtielo. The ' streets lfts' frightening 1\1r. \V.'s wife statettacht- in the :abrrve: extraet are end fanli'y nearly out of their lives. untrue. tr.t.cl the evidence---nocumE X'11.4 Tile Globe goes on to soy that the The undersigned begs to intimate to the residents of Exeter and surrounding country, that he has fitted up for. Carriage MakingPurposes The buildings lying ,immediately:south of MR. PARSONS Blacksmith Shop, Main-st., and having:stocked the same with. suitable material for the construction of Carriage and Sleigh work, we therefore solicit a liberal share of your es 'teemed patronage. mob of 600, carrying a transparency i representing Mr. Wilson on a gibbet. k The mob shouted and sang ';lfarseil.l !seise" :as they tratn.ped through the Repairing ; promptly and properly a .one at Satisfactory Prices. Yours truly, . Twp ,f'� `' xc . N. B. ---S eciat rates to th.1 Liver trade andantes' buying in b .v quantities. "04- 1SIV, JIIL "You talk about Silk Dresses, but did you see Miss-----? I tell you she just looks fine." L gue.s she does, and so can every lady who will go to BAN - TON BROS, and get one of those newest and latest in the Silk line. SATIN Merveilleuxs! Rich and beautiful goods in Navy, G renal, Tobacco, Bronze, Myrtle, &o. "a' Riohis,ess and Durability i!ne cellos , This line S r � e 1nentiou, though we have p1 {4 of Dress Materials worthy your inspection, iu all the lettt= .ing shades and at popular prices Some new ones in this wee! ALL ARE. W LC X. MANTLES. AND ULSTERS ULSTERCUT FREE DRESS MANTLE MAKING UPSTAIRS AT RANTON os. CUTTING AND PITTING DONE PROM. TLY. 413044-AUTUDI MILLINERY OPENING! THE OLX? ESTABLISHED WILL 0I TUI' SDAY &WEDNESDAY, SDAY, 29th & 30t)' ' AE THEIR BEST DISPLAY O] Hats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers,, Aigrettes, pp,,,, Birds, Orna cents, &ca Plushes, Velvets and a variety of Trimmings' in all colors. MISS Doherty, who for the past three seasons has cuecessfully conducted this branch, again resumes, and will be more than delighted to have every lady in the village and surroundings give her a call. '+Grand General. Opening" same days. Everything complete, verybody come. , %MMES PICHAAD. 1885. The Pall Ezhibition AT BISSETT BROS. Competition Open to tlieWor1d IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: STOVES & TINWARE—A Full assortment. HARDWARE, PAINTS & OILS—A Complete stock LAMPS ' LAMP GOODS—An endless variety, very cheap. CALL AND SEE THE CEEEBRA.TEDA OF ANY CROSS -CUT SAW—A PERFECT DAISY. BISSETurr BROS THE BANK of TIME Main Street, Exeter -sir. TiIOS PITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted correct' for Tirne, Tide, of Railroad Train, and to please the most fastidious. JEW Thai, is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for l &mans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Children Hus- bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES.—•Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant -to the eye, `and suitable for or age. p youthy, Give, him a call,. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought to Time.