HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-12-18, Page 10A , t ▪ ICKlift ittcuUt LIA5T1 0,40. IASUKELD TOWN$11IP 8011001, BOARD T GODERICEL SIGNADSTA, The Ashfield School Board met at the Township 113Ial1 on 'Deeember 9tli, iNitir alt members present. Dli. Little • ,7, .1 lof Lucknow attended the 'meeting to di6CUSS the dental care a pupils. Wm. I , Hunter gave a report on his visit to the Vrrustees' and Ratepayers' convention l in Terouto. The ,Bar od agreed to coa- tinue hot lunehes in the .schouls, Ije-;. , ginning after •New 1 ear's. The secre- iiary's books Were, ordered closed for the 1947 audit. The kecretary wiks instructed to advertise for caretakers for schools, duties • to commence Febru- ary 1, 1945. ' Bills to the, amount of $290.06 were ordered paid,'" Next meet- ing is to be held at No. 9 school at 1 in. on Januaiy .13, 19.18. RICHARD KILPATRICK, 1 _ tr_lecretary-Treasurer. ur Amazing lectric Trains 4.94- JUST LIKE THE REAL THING Roaring over the toy tracks at Breckenridge's Hardware Store Take Dad and Mother in to see them! These trains will give the whole fam- ily a big thrill. They are completely._ authentic and perfectly scale -detailed. Out of the engine's smoke stack pours real smoke. The caboose has real interior lighting as has also the locomotive headlight. The dump car actually dumps its loadThg::-Vhole train is operated by, remote control. AbeIDEAL FAIVIILY GIFT! invite you to come in and look around. You will be surprised at the many lovely gifts including: Aluminum Ware Carving Sets Enamel Ware G1 ss Ware Slei hs Skating Outfits - PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Dec. 15.—On Fri- day evening of this week, December 19, the Christmas concert will be held at Porter's 'Hill school.' Miss McDon- ald and pupils are quite busy prepar- • wen -laden Clar45tavo tree. Wt%LS Chta ZctkVale womeze$ Mh3sionary Society net at thq home og Mr*. S. cit'l1vatrie13, ow Moliday,- December 8. The program, lOcharge of Mm D: Treleaven, vv48 n ,the fom of the candlelight aeririce in the Mis- tsionary Monthly, and a duet, "Silent Night," was sung by Edna Mde,Whinney and Mrs, Kilpatrick. It was , decided to send 'Christmas cheer boxes again this year. ,The election of afters re -1 .sulted as follows:. President, Mrs. Zinn; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Kil- pamick; recording and correspowling secretary, Mrs. C. Crozter; assistafit, 'Mrs. J. nivett ; treasurer, Mrs. R. nu- nigan; organist, Edna McWhinney; assistant, Mrs. J. 'Sherwood; supply secretary, Mrs. Bert Treleaven; temper- ance secretary, Mrs. St 'Kilpatrick; Hower fund and friendship Secretary, Mrs. Rivett. The hostes*,-.4, served cookies, Christmas , cake and coffee, after which Mrs. Kilpatrick pronounced' the benediction. i TEA, COFFEE, AND LONGEVITY Canadian 'Grocer has dug •-tip a curious bit of information of special interest to tea and coffee drinkers. In the eighteenth century, the grocery b • ra es tOt tiz? w -t! M-41Vilt Crit104- PECEMBE 18m, 10 tgt 1411114304#14 —z ing a Ako.rt play to be put on by forme'. business paper recounts,botheve g were regarded in Sweden as injurious pupils. - Community Club.—On December 3rdl to health. 'The King of Sweden, en - the Community Club met at the John Torrance home. This meeting was in the evening, with the meinbers bring- ing their husbands along for II social time. While the ladies conducted their business the men discussed a hospital- ization plan. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Grace . Church WA.—The annual meeting of the Women's Assoi:lation of Grace church was held at the home of Mrs. John Torrance . on Th*iirday afternoon, Decembe't 11. The first part of the afternoon was spent in quilting, 1 ater which the meeting :Was -held. *.Tlie president, Mrs. Leslie Cox, opened themeeting with carol „singing, with i Mrs. Will Cox at the piano. The Script aye lesson was read, followed by prayer. Eleanor 'Cox .gave a good report of the year's work, which was very gratifying. It was decided to give $100 towards the minister's sal- ary, $5 to the missionary and inainten- Silverware Sets Electrical Gifts Toboggans Tricycles Wagoris Cristmas Tree Lights, Decorations Breckenridge () ance fund, and $5 to the Bible So- ciety, leaving a balance of $97 on.hand. Mrs._ Jas. Lockhart was, asked to pre, side over the election of officers, which resulted in all the old officers taking over for another year excepting the „secretary -treasurer, Mrs. V. Elliott tak- inV, the plow_ of Eleanor Cox, who is aw'dy .from • home. A delicious lunch was enjoyed. The January meeting is to.be at the home of Mrs.,Leslie Cox. deavoripg to determine the • truth of this -belief, set free two young con- demned prisoners on tile condition that one drink a lot of coffee:and the other a lot of tea. each day. The tea drinker lived to a ripeoold age of eighty-three, and the coffee drinker died just a couple of years earlier. .simommemposommens Ismanis. IF You wdrry about your present or future security, Phone Carlow•2.115 or write B. R. 1{OB1N'SON • Monarch Life Assurance repre- sentative, R. R. 1, Port Albert. 36tf MM. Eliitnnahofl 01 Waste First Rule For health KINGSBRIDG -.KING*sfiRIDGE, Dec. J5. — Miss, Theresa Reynolds of Hamiltoa is visit- ' ing her sister, .Mrs....Nace Martin. Mrs. Cavell ljansford is spending a feW days in Toronto. - The Separate Schoolpupils are giv- ing an entertainment in the school next Thursday afternoon.-, There is to be a keno and' social in the parish hall on Boxing.Day, Decem- ber 29. with a good orchestra in attend- • Word was received -here during the "vwek of the death in New.York of Mrs. ,Michitel Sullivan (pee Cathenine Me- Grory 11 one-time resident of Ashtield on the 7th concession, _ CREWE cii.E.AvE, Dec. 15.—Messrs. Ivan •and Norman Rivett are sending some time 1111(101. the parental roof., Your correspondent wishes the .staff. of The Sig -n41 -Star and all, its readers the merriest Christmas ever and a - bright, happy and prosperous New Yea r. School Concert. — The teacher and "N-kaapupils of S.S. No. 16, Ashfield, held their Christmas concert and tree in Crewe school on Friday evening, De - sows .• cember 12, with a full _ house. The children in their usual entertaining wanner, under the .capable leadership of Mrs. Whitely, while. onlynine in number, presented a program of recita- tions, dialogues, choruses, it drill and a pantomime, "Rock of Ages," and "-Silent Night." Then -Santa arrived, much to the delight of the children, and distributed gifts. and treats from a- . Found written in an English school- .-I am very worried about my 1;oy's essay: ".k manor 11()114-(' iS where ' 11,11111. they teach manners.. They don't build 1 "What has he got?" - them nowa(Iays,- -A motorcycle," vigtmmtamtsztztgtzzztztz-tglawcP,vvci'zczz'gt,..-..-mc-ttetmztoztztckyzta /10,115'4"."^ c(0 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS ° ,JOHN .I)VIININ EXTENDS (..',IIRIST,),IAS GREETINGS to the--rat(payp,rs Wt,st NV4)yanosli Township -awl sincerely. thanks -them for their splendid support At the recent_ elect-i6n. 51x tti ,,,zerdwaaisazi.-L-47.2,kafaipAaRizamisteoa-aamaeazezia-P.ams,msaa-Danaizi-ziatzrom-m-B-manai 111 Wprry.Often.Causes Loss, Of Sleep igorry is probably the ,most common cause -of,. rest1.-,sness. ,Anxieties and fears all, take their toll of i.nrs If restful sleep. yoralition may eventually result in nerv- ou-sr...s a1,.1 irritability, lOsst of appetite or fatigue. If yol F*tiVr frorn 0 nervotv, condkion or rest- lessness, wit,y net. try Nfilburn's 11e41th and Nerve Pills? Tli(n4-40ricl,, 11:Lve - found Nlitburn's Health and Nerve Pifls beneficial as a general' tonie to j -tap build Pp the system and thus help fironinte refreshing- rest and sleep. ' e. Ask your druggist for Milburn 's Health and Nerve Pills, idelP Nod by,the "Red Heart" on the .box. 'The. T. Milburn Co.. Lintitod. Toronto. Ont_ e . • 1111111.11.01•MOMMIIIMI;;;MIMIIII ar.swiessimistrfaLz..-essmaiiissossisssomor WHEELER'S FUNERAL r.,ER,VICE No extra charge for the use of our Funeral Home, Toron- to Street ,Prompt Ambul ail ek Service Phone Ree. 356 or • 7 Regular eliminatior_ of wastes from the body is one of the para: mount rules for t ood health. Mil - burn's Laxa-Liver Pills are of help to faulty elimination. The eonabilia- tion• of -laxative and tonie drugs contained in these pills make tilein one of the most useful and lo:t remedies fOr minor disordered con- ditions_ of the elithinatorty- organs: Milburn 's Laxa-Liver Pills' help to slimulate the liver, clean the' coatec:1 tongue, 'swt-ten the breath and eliminate waste from the sys- tem, As an " after-dinner' 'pill they relieve that bloated feeling and help indigestion. Sold at drug countereverywhere. The T. Milburn Co., fAd., Toronto, Ont. Cr,r) DEAR SANTA: . No Christmas is, completewithout flowers of some kind so why not go to JACKSONS FLORISTS PHONE. 105 49 BRUCE ST. AND CHOOSE A BOUQUET' OF CUT FL OWERS OR A FLOWERING PL?TT. Their fine new show house ts- complete and. the pkants can be seen co best advantage and in complete comfort. They offer in 1 FLOWERING 9 PLANTS PIONSETTIAS . finest they have ever grown and priced to suit eve+ry purse.d AZELIAS — CYCLAMEN — BEGONIAS — KALANCIIOES —f *AFRICAN VIOLETS in blue, pink and white, etc., etc. CUT FLOWERS—Pom, single and large conunercial MUMS CARNATIONS — CALLA LILIES SNAPDRAGONS and last but not least DALE'S and IVY'S fine ROSES. And DEAR SANTA, they tell me 'that FLOWER'S or PLANTS. may wired any- where, and that if orders are placedvearly enough JACKSONS -will -send/ the order by - , mail and save the 'cost of a *ire. So please DEAR SANTA, please hurry and choose some nice flowers for me for they • truly make such lovely CHRISTMAS GIFTS. R--NrtiMait6NUNUNNUNU,AzilAte,NUMUNUArti tiAra",,Pi GODERICH MEMORIAL SHOP NEWEST DESIGNS ° BEST OF MATERIALS, Guaranteed workmanship at - pricethat will p1eai1t you. SAVE A LL„ AGENTS FIDES. Can at our office: or drop us a line to Box 161, Goderigh. We will be plosed to call and help choose a Asuitable memorial for your family plot. R. A. SPOTTON St. Andrew'S St. Courteous Mayers Clean, •Moder4 Equipment EXETER 235 SEAFORTH 15 CHATHAM 2441 I OP CANADA ay. DARL N' 6 it CO. CHArimm, ONTARIO Cemetery Memorials T.- PRIME 86 SON (formerly, (rnniutv,am & Pryde) Clinton, Exeter, Seaforth Write Box 150, or phorte 413, ' ' Exeter mitt -m, e shall be pleased to call. „Amiamiatoramaismanationataiasationstaiatitta. ' al14#74 WHEN THE LIGHT TURNS GREEN. In an ordinary car, you s SHIFT INTO LOW DEPRESS CLUTCH -- 10 14 , RELEASE THE GAS DEPRESS CWTCH SHIFT INTO HIGH -an Oldsmobile with Hydra -Matic Drive.. In RELEASE CLUTCH STEP ON THE GAS Fourteen driving motions reduced to only one! No gear- shifting to bother4ith. No clutch pedal in. the car at all! thististep on the gas and . . yOu're off! . . . far more quickly, far more smoothly than if ybn shifted gears by hand. That's the modern vay to drive Hydra -Matic way—the Oldsmobtle way. Hydra -Matic f)rive was introduced by Oldsni3bile years ago—, has been proved by nearly 400,000 Oldsmobile owners—and there's still nothing else like it today. The lowest-prieed car to offer GM 'Hydra -Ma -tic Drive* is the smart new Oldsmobile -- the car that started, people saying, "It's SMART to ^Own an,,Olds!" The demand for Oldsmobile with the new GM nydra-Matic Drive* is so widespread that it still. greatly exreeds the supply. Make sure your present car (tarries y(111 conveniently and safely through the waiting period by having it serviced regularly by your Oldsmobile dealer. • - all you do is STEP ON THE .GAS and • 044,N FIRST WITH *Optional at seta col ck-orno SMSOSRS. O'sf toNeMielOssiogostoosimorioosrosow.iims, Victoria CARDNER MOTOR SALES Phone ,