HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-12-18, Page 9.i�/1✓�;""'`i.'r 4'MM,'m�y. _...w'�"•Y�" !f�r1►, "V.iIS Dn. .•�•'� ..yam.. -sS•. • .r.,q'fF. "►r'U✓•wiiP Mat. '441 e • wl� e THE - *E SIGNAL -SUM, W tanitniclimentultit itorrorattetiox Lc4 who did the .woodwork at the newly' decorated "Pat" COMPLIMENTS OF • cs BOWLEIt & HARRISON CONTRACTORS t ti411t ',ask;;IT a 1VSfitMVXuLu� ZICSSA=13-ta7..12a , ,..11 S 2i {7.,12 uit:Itc. 3.1-0„1t7aCi Ylate al WISHING THE "PAV" EVERY SUCCESS MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OUR. PATRONS E. BRECKENRIDGE HARDWARE — PLUMBING — HEATING HAMILTON ST.. COMPLIMENTS OF GODERICH JACKSONS FLORISTS SPECIALISTS ` IN CDR/SAGES' • FOR ALL OCCASIONS COMPLIMENTS OF WORSELL BROS. 4111 Make HER Happy by extending an inviiation to attend the COMPLIMENTS OF GODERICH MANUFACTURING CO., LTD. Big Christmas Night ,RTS AND OR THE ew .Year's GENERAL HARDWARE, PLUMBING & HEATING PHONE 338J FOR CURRY'S TAXI 24 HOUR PROMPT. SERVICE AFTER THE DANCE • EAT AT ESQUIRE GRILL OPEN FROM 10 A.M. TO 2 A.M. ve AN C�4 ca WEST ST. at the smartly renovated oderich Pavili • n Music by Eric Scott, his trumpet and his orchestra • DRESS OPTIONAL—CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S 741414 Dancing Every Saturday Night commencing Dec, 27th -Admission, 50c per person. ADMISSION --Christmas Night, 75c per person New Year's Eve, $1.40 per person A •a• • CONGRATULATIONS -: • TO THE GODERICH "PAV" FROM WONG'S CAFE wa, (G, W. BAECHLER) Make your reservations now for a full course on Christmas Day. Phone 253. COMPLIMENTS OF W. J. DREW PAINTER & DECORATOR 111 Dinner who, did the decorating of the renovated "Pay" Parents Charged it) Death of Child ' , Crediton Ca Ple Committed by Magic rate • �VLorley to Higher Court • EXETER, Dee. 14.—Jointly charged with manslaughter in connection with the death of their three-month-elcl 1) I1 y - boy, Doreen and Ernestine Whiteford, of nearby Crediton, were committed for trial by a higher court when they aP- Peereci before Magistrate James Morley here Friday. The pair will'appear during the winter assizes of the Ontario Supreme Court at Goderich in January. Mr. and Mrs. Whiteford were charged last month • after the baby, F,rnestine Kenneth, .died on his W11 to hospital in London. A postmortem report from Provincial Pathologist Dr. Fisher, of thndon, was read hi court. Death of the child was at- tributed to malnutrition. During the preliminary hearing, Dr.G• Dunlop, who ordered the baby removed to • hos'pitai Shortly before the death. told o$ the child's condition. (Other witneasea f'or the Oro,vn were - ilsiable John . Ferguson and Mrs. }Alen Jean Sfimsa;nns, at neighbor of the w itetorclat at the time of the ltilaD°s di►, tat. NEWS of AUBURN l'P,l-I(N. Dec. 15. -Mt•`. Geo. Ilam- ilton, who underwent a major oxer - at ion in Goderich ht,<pital, has re- turned . • d Volae. Her sister, Airs. Broad:- foot of "It,rucelielci, is caring for her. Mrs. Geo. N.ungblut, who ,was "visit- ing her son, ltoy Mugford, and Mrs. Mugford at Goderich, has returned ,hotnc;. sou of .`fir. and Mrs.Billy Andrew, Amos Andrew, who _,was a victim of polio in September and hasb eince., in Victoria,Hospital at London Over returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. 'Lorne Wilson of Bruce - field visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hamil- ton 011 Thursday. Rev. W. L. Atkinson nox 1R'r<'slsay byt will occh1Py the pulpit church next Sunday with a view to a. aa111. The annual carol Anglican church ervice will be held at St. �tenl lg at 7.30 p.m. I;oxtngdnY DatY, next Sundaye • December 26, will be s observed here and Dstoreserill be closed that day.On be 23rd and 24th test reellso woill the openo and n the evenings, nesday afterneon. Miss Westlake. teacher of S.S. gBulln1��dwho her duties onil-for ten �Ionday. days, resumed (sift Service. — The annual ••a hit( gift".service was held itT Knox United. church on Sunday, with the ' ooI to kln sal - school t; 51 fru t of the 'children part., The ' Sunday school orchestra accompanied in the singing of the. Christmas carols.j Rev. A. 0. Hew itt gave a message In keeping •wit.hitt occasion. The gifts 'presented by the children will be given to the Children's Shelter' at Goderich. W.M.S.ordon .M.S. Meeting. — Mrs. Bisset, president of Huron Presbyterial W.M.S., and Mrs. Albert Taylor, both of Goderich, were guest speakers at the Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian church held at the home of Mrs. W. T. Robison on Thursday. Mrs. Bisset chose as her theme "The Prince of Peace," saying that pence depends on brotherhood and love, and that the pence of the world' note tlepends on food. Mrs. Taylor gave an account .recent scot and. �ndthe' trip tO Egland and con- ditions there. She spoke of the nnany churches which were bombed. Mrs. J. Hpnston tendered words and w - preciftion to the speakers, aecondd by Mrs. W. Good. The presi- dent, Mrs. W. T. Robison, presided and the devotional period was taken by Mrs. Edgar Levi/SOL:, A 'Christiania is CONGRATULATIONS TO Roy Breckenridge ON THE OPENING OF HIS . NEWLY RENOVATED Goderich "fav" who supplied Insul . Board and Lumber for the smartly renovated "Pav" tzatzi3tamtVt+ztail ..,.tzta'tiz'.ltyR'Wyaz +1L.yl.y atzty'iV't'zcitNSwli. t7.,"Lz ata-Eztiat?.,--tzt Jzztzt�]rza CO ; r LIMENTS OF tl� ti NAFTEL HARDWARE; 0 tatarzeutwargoce.aa'�auga�n v. u�i a'11�a.��v'emm!mozpz-tato�i�'c f°ul I GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS GODERICH FOR A SMART DRESS OR EVENING GOWN (formal or informal) FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON DANCES. VISIT • r - THE FASHION SHOPPE WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS THE COMPLIMENTS 0Y THR SEASON. COMPLIMENTS OF AUTHORIZED BOTTLER•. OF OOCAwCOLA... >4 ctratatosemtztemtelesse 1�r COMPLIMENTS OF FRED'S RENDEZVOUS -r" LIGHT LUNCHES WEST ST. CALL OVERHOLT'S TAXI PHONE 855J GODERICH KINGSTON ST. GODERICH For that we11-dressed look at the holiday seaion dances HAVE YOUR CLOTHES DRY CLEANED NOW BY FROM 'CROFT'S DRY CLEANERS AND DYERS. PHONE 85 GEO. G. H. Ms who extend to one and all best wishes for a MacEWAN FORD ap New Year'. Merry Christmas and a Happy a. to - .:�..• - ---4444-- r'.?w greeting was read from Miss M.'Smnll of Toronto. Mies Mary Houston gave the history of the hymn "n Little Town of Bethlehemmt," which was afterwards sung. A duetwas rendered by Mrs. Ellis Little and Miss Mary Ilousten. A feature of the meeting was the pre- sentation of a life -member certificate to Mrs: Fred Ross, from :Mr. and Mrs.. W. T. Robison,'for her faitlfful services in the work of the W.M.S. Mrs. Ross expressed her appreciation of the_gif After an exchange of Christmas gits the meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Lawson and refreshments were served by the hostess. Library Concert. --The Public Lib- rary Guard sponsored their annual con- cert on Friday evening in the Foresters' Hall. Rev. A.. O. Hewitt. was chair- man for the program put on by the pupils of Auburn Public School, No. 16 Dust Wawanosh,•No. 2 West Wawa - nosh (Prosperity school), and No. 9 kiullett. The .program included .a chorus by the Auburn school; reading, Roth Moss, No. 2 school; sailor's horn- pipe, Donna Gow and Lois Taylor, No. 16 school; recitation, Ruth Daer, No. 9 school; saxophone number by Lloyd . Mc Clindhey, Auburn school; dialogue, "Tho Three Bears," by No. 2 school; reading, Nobel Daer, Auburn school; nolo, Donald Jardln, No. 16 school; dialogue, Auburn school; recit- ation, Joan Mills, No. 2 sehool; rend- ing, Ruth Blewitt, Anbnrm sehool;. Dutch dance, Donna (soy' and Lois Taylor. A vote of thanks was ex- tended to the pupils -and teachers, Mrs. Stewart Plunkett, Mrs. Aubrey Toll, Miss Westlake and Mr. Little, for their splendid program. The evening was brought to a close with the National A'ntheui. Total receipts of the even- ing were $42. The Public Library, wh•s nal ur 1 open'}ra "just 11c.c-n. redecorated. ' eats, Mr: ants Mrs. ('abrin. ol)en to the 1)51)110 (15 Saturday after -t5, and Mrs. R. 11 left on noon, when afternoon tea was served. Sunday to Mi nes some Johnstonoh)e its Londun. Many availed themselves of the ap- •' Ji r. and Mrs. George I.itidsuy,' jr., porttinitye and expressed pleasure at and . and M of Paris, Ont.,iLindsay,' file the beautiful appearance of the library, 111(1 : i�ud with Jit. I,i, •,s parents. The walls halve' been varnished' the hl r. Fred Turner of '(Ioderfch .was woodwork painted in ivory, the chairs I the r.gof Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner painted green; a new rug has ,been over the week -end. put on the floor and new drapes on the eri. T I Mack spent the .week -end windows, and with Christmas decor-. i On his return . a k ac- companied an attractive appearance was presented. The library is a member of the Huron County Library Ag;RoCiatiOn and receives an exchange of hooks every three months. These are in addition to the llbrary'seewn books. All public school children receive free reading. NEWS OF A\ YF1LLJ 1;•» 1' I E LI ), Dec. 15.—Rev. F. G. Stotesbury spent a1 few clays last week in 'Toronto. • Miss Alice Parker of Naicam, Sask., arrived on Friday to be with her -gar - Every man has two ends, one on which to sit, the other with which to think. Our success depends 011 which end we use most. heads We win, tails we lose. 9 o'rt stories that are beat sellers aro be foundtln the clhosifed section aQ .The TIgih1$itar. in+Detro t. ' n he nes by Mrs. Mack, who bad rate the value of work by a pu spent the past two weeks in Detroit.money 'standard. The Edea that who still Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. Makins of Clinton ! cling to the old and Mr. and Mfs. Elmer Webster and 'be served and enjoyed for WI own sake steadily son.. Grant, of Varna, spent Sunday j are diminishing'. d—what ie 'pushed out of the ee— with' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins. i are being public affairs and out of Mrs. Fred Weston and two children I control of and Miss Dorothy MacLeod spent the { odd and wiath he publicis Weonlfind tin m week -end in London. es Christmas communion will be held : of emergency mir en how nuand c owe depend upon that In Trinity church on Sunday evening we next at 7 p.m. Rev. Laverne Morgan the-li'la, _ZQ Pe whoputs the integrity success., riy of his before will be in charge of the service. mem- job before re all.those arbe by hers of the congregation and Mr. self Morgan's Many friends in the coin -which wehave come to eSs thea vain Divinity will be delighted to bear that I of work."—Dorothy L.he has so improved in health that he , popular Opinions." will he al,je'to return to the parish the first of the year. Federation Banquet.—°ll Wednesday evening the Federation of Agriculture for Stanley township held a banquet in the basement of the United church. The tables .were tastefully .decorated with red and green candies andflowers. A full, course dinner was served to 14O guests. A small program took place, after whieh adjournment was inade to the Town Hall, where the regular meeting was held, ending with 'a social hour of dancing. WORDS TO REMEMBER "We have all become accustomed to 9