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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-12-11, Page 8
ttIAGE,,EtiOrk' te) • • i , 0c,4 •••••••41. 6[4 343 E 341 tr,2 01 tf,kfa 45 `,L,2-.7.-w2,1,14,--aWatziralsrafAmaoaDtzaa-zeka-zatztazDtserao - - - _ - ---s: Ettlt.1-0Z-16F.2,4SI-E-a-v=ISZW•Ztai.T.S-11Talt•TCZ-Mgar.OV-It=t=t.CM•11,1T.ZIMITOIalIF.-,t, OM 5 • - - Christ s Tre6s! Large supply �f spruce trees. Order. EARLY for best choice. s=,••eseas,....C....11WOMMO4 -Christmas Fruit Baskets Weurge you to place your ordtr EARLY! NE • TUB GO SOFA Eit10 IGWA • • STAR Gcl rilEU1[,91):Alf, UM, 1917' ° AUI11RN. Dec. 9.-- -Mr. Maitland Alien, Anitarn,;feetion foreman on the C.P.R. -bus been -Awarded the road - master's -prize on ale -Goderich °sub- division for the best „work perfortned on track section. Ile and -his men, Lawson Machan and Ed. Nieholson, aura to be congratulated. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallace of Sask.,visited W ith M r. and Mrs. F. Phillips last Thursday. Mrs.. John Ilunkiag is a patient in tioderich hospital. Donald Campbell, who figs been sail- ing all summer, is: visiting his parents, Mr..and Mrs. Albert Campbell. - Mrs.' Geo. Yungblut is visiting her son, Roy \1114forti, And Mrs. .Muglord, 4.1cric11., The mohthly meeting of the Wouteit's lastititte Will be held in the Foresters' Hall tat Tuesday. December itith. at 2 psis The. Christmas message Will Christnias Nuts Choice Mixture Tasty Cranberries have we sold BANANAS LOOSE BANANAS" , lb. 10c BANANAS ON STEM '2 ibs. for 25c at such a LOW PRICE. 53 01 be given by MrS. A. G. Iqewlit. Roll call ----Exchange of gifts. LIOstesses---- Mrs. Bert Craig, Mrs. Fred Russ, Mrj. Wm, Anderson, Mrs. F. Toll, Mrs. 'Airs. A. J. Ferguson has returned - home after a month's visit with her daughter, Mrs.. Ray..--UNell. and Mr. 0°Nei4.Ot tawa. Mr. Gordon Taylor has returned home from Ooderich hospital, where he underwent an operation. The Sunday school and congregation of Knox United church are holding their annual white gift serviee on Sun- day, December 14th, at 11 a.m. Music ov111 be provided by members of the choir and Sunday school. A table will he placed at the door for donations for the Childreu's Shelter at Goderieh. The funeral of the late Ephraim Ball was ittqd from St. Mark's Anglican I.Urth on Wednesday last and was Thpt Co Dr. Wood's Norway 1'iue Syrup is a prompt, pleAsant and effectual remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness, sore throat, bronchitis, spasmodic:croup, asthma and bronchial troubres. Safe, effective, inexpensive and dependable, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps to loosen phlegm and muFus, air passages 'and bring quick relief for coughs and colds. Get a supply of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup today. - Tho T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont, •••-•,•-• !amply attended. ]Qv. N. J. L. nen- derSon oilielated. The pallbearers were sin *Thews, Nelson UiU laarrY. Sturdy,- Norman SbePpard, Nelson Lear, Wm. Lovett and Glen Raithby., The mauy beautiful _Uoa1 tributes were carried by Harold )111bbert, Nelson Patterson, 1`,. 0. McIlo'eene sand Lyn Math's. The interment was in Clinton cemetery. Among those present from a distance besides the family-verk Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carr,- Dresden; Mr. Albert McBrieu, Essex; Dr. and Mrs. Whitley, Gorrie; also friends front, - Clinton, Blyth and Goderich. Junior Red Cross. --The Junior Red Cross met Friday afternuon,.when the t'olltiwiugVr0P'ant was enjoyed: Read- ing, Isabel Dater; jokes, Gordon Mc- Donald ; reading, Barry Yungblut. in- strumental, Donna Ilaggitt ; reading-, Marion Taylor; recitation, Margaret Neo ins ; reading,. Allen Craig ; reading, Ross„ Daer ; reading, Harold ; recitation, Douglas Yungblut. • . Presentation to Newlyweds. --A re- ception was .lield in the Foresters' Hall On Tuesday evening in honor of Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Carter, newlyweds. After the lunch hour Mr. 'and Mrs. Carter were earned to the trout and Kenneth Campbell read an address expressing good wishes. and Bob Arm- strong presented them with a purse of money. Harold expressed his ap- predation of the gift. Music for dancing was supplied by the Auburn orchestra. Ladies' Guild.—The Ladies' Gald of St. Mark's Anglican church held their December 'meeting in the church, with the president, Mrs. A. Nesbit, in charge. Prayers were offered by Mrs. A. Lether- land and Mrs. T. S. Johnston read the Scripture. Congratulations were ex- tended to Mrs. Andrew Kirkikonnell on the occasion of filer twenty-Atth wedding anniversary. The treasurer, Mrs. Thos. Ilaggitt, reported $174 had been raised during the year. A Christ - nuts greeting was read from Miss M. Small, Toronto. Programs for the owning year were made, out and the following officers elected : Honorary presidents, Mrs. IL J. L. Henderson, Mrs. Gordon Taylor president, Mrs. A. Nesbit ; vice-president, Mrs. A. kirk- connell ; secretary, Miss Laura Phillips; treasurer, Mrs. Thos. Haggitt;-• .organ- ist, Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Mrs. Nesbit closed the meeting with prayer. ,474- The .117M.S - of Knox United church held their ClifiSt7 mas meeting with the president, Mrs'. Earl Wightumn, in charge, and Mrs. Win. Craig presiding at the piano. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Wight - man, who also offered prayer. Miss M. King gave the Secretary's report and Mrs. C. M. Straughan, treasurer,. -re-• ported that the allocation of $275 bad been reached. with a substantial -bal- ance on hand. The corresponding secretary, Miss Elsaa• Mutch, read a Christmas greeting from Miss M. Small of Toronto. Mrs. A. G. Hewitt, Mrs. Albert Campbell and •Miss M. King were appointed to send boxes to the shut-ins. Thecandleliglit service in the Missionary Monthly was followed. On a table was placed the. open Bible with seven candles. -around it, and at The back was a small candle and a map of the world. Mrs. Wightinan slighted the small candle and the others were lighted by Mrs. Percy Vincent, Mrs. H. Yungblut, Miss Viola Thompson,*Mrs. C. Cox, Mrs. A. Campbell, Miss Elma Mutch mill Mrs. Fred Toll: A Christ- mas carol was sung after each lighting. \1 Is. W igh 1 ma n offered. the closing prayer. v . . , t2 '4 0 - Pi v?, o . pi . t:',., h U II i'll •r.1 15/ Li P I 'Ow ."li tr/ P P, 0 . . P,,, 0 We are paying MORE now for your kitchen fats. Save all iel 1 4 I n . you can and brin0 it to the store. A 0 • 4 , . ,,,,i l':fs'arZ-L'IL'ir2,07,'aDIE3-,02..7:4•=C-X12,117,12,-.;7s2 :.--12,-01DL.'1.`LaDtP,SaYYpr.AZar',.araltrars'01,*ILL'aDaal:a7/42`,11,-t ' I I` ••• rivr 41, ne' 45 GEESE rket Hamilton St We will have a large supply of choice 0,1 (ha 01 313) :r4 44 TURKEYS DUCKS and CHICKENS03) g . for -your Christmas and New year's Menu. Phone or leave your order early. Choice young BEEF AND }T.I.BY BEEF prices. - available by the quarter at lowest Market M— --------•ece-e---=,-.. Also Pork by the quarter ;or side, This is a good time to 6- , buy as price& are expected to a,dvance shortly. ' ''.4 , ,.,i " r1,1.11", STOKER IWNE?',S ARE' YOU GETTING THE MAXIMUMRESULTS FROIVI YOUR STOKER? We are prepared toI give you prompt, efficient service, for all your Stoker "troubles." For those who are not enjoying the econoiny and comfort of a Stoker fired furnace and would like to do so, we can supply you from stock of the famous thoroughly tested , Iron Fireman Stoker. Ask ,for a heat survey. No , obligation. If you .Plan on installing a stoker now, we can 'do so without any inconvenience to you. ° Goderich Horne Appliance Ship WEST ST. PHONE 141 • ri,-4.4 1 4,1 • 421"4.4 ',OM 4111112.0 4901,untr�8 ‘111iEBILWIF • a: • - • -.ft..., • • • 4-essern=zeminaniontrYtatsamr-s=sur' ristnss Shopping urs At a meeting of the Goderich Merchants in the Town Hall on Monday evening, it was decided te observe the following hours during the Cjiristmas Season. On Wednesday afternoon, December 17th, and 24th, the stores will remain open. Ori Saturday, Mondey, Tuesday and Wednesday Dec. 20 Dec. 22 Dec. 23 Dec, 24 the Stores will be open in the evenings. On Wednesday, Deeember 3ISt, theiStores will close at 6 p.m. (SIGNED) THE MERCHANTS OF GODERIOH. eeemps•=eemezele=e,,, , • .1•,.....=&"r 0. /43 415341? THE C.DER * * 11 ITV( •3.- .1.) (J1 • • 601 r_ity 10,1 • OF 1143 GOLDEN RULE Pinriacle It is our aim -,to keep Brophey's service at the pin- • nacle of efficiency and effec- tiveness at all times; to maintain facilities and per- sonnel that will enable us to offer a funeral service which will meet every demand, and anticipate every wish. r, BilOPHE,r,Y nod ot)ice, FLOYi) M. LODGE.,' DIRECTOR i3 MONTREAL ST.' PHONE 120 • REGISTER NOW FO inter Term 'Bak a, and Night Classes Centra Business College PHONE 428 GODS ICH, ONT. 'LUL COUPON. ‘'lease send full information to: NOW FOR FULL Name INFORMATION Address , .• . ' 4", • ', E1OLMESVILLE • Courteous Drivers Clean, Modern Equipment EXETER 235 SEAFORTH 15 CHATHAM 244'1 AR r.p• .11111•• mope ••••• 40•41•11 Moe HOLMESVILLE, Dec.'0.— Mr. Charlie Wilson is seriously 111 in Lon- don haspitah. Where he is undergoing treatmeilt, Ins many friends hope he will soon be feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. Ratz, Kitchener; were I -gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. M. Stock at I the week -end. Mr.. M. Stock and Miss Charlotte Stock attended the funeral of Mr. Decker, Lucknow, on Monday. --Mr. Wallace Avery is working at the piano -factory in Clintonu . huspressive coltish -union and dedication service was held in Holmes- ville United church on Sunday, con- ducted. by t he minister, Rev. C. Tavener. A communion table and two silver bread plates were dedicated to the memory of ,the late F. C. Elford, -donated by his family. Mrs, P. Palmer and - son Bill are spending a -few -days in. Detroit. • SERVING COKE IS HOSPITALITY IN YOUR HANDS CREWE . CREWE, pee. Archie Janes of Wing -ham spent ,NlondaY with Mr. and Mrs. Benson Shackleton. Mr. And Mrs. J. Blake of Qoderich were Thursaily visitorg with Messrs. Will and L'orne Hasty. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Kilpatrick visited on Thuraiday with Mrs. Sarah Helm of St. 'Helens and Mrs. Susan Andrew of Zion. The - Christmas- convert of --Crewe school is being held in the scool on Friday evening, December. 12. '34 • .s Mier it dater way 0,4 60th , traded/narks mean the AIM thing, Autberiied bottler of Coca-Cola under contract With Cora•Cola GODERfCII 'BOTtLING WORKS ITotlin 49? • GODMICH • • 3, • C d Sore Throat Swallow one Pared& table. Gargle with two tablets diesolved in water. Co to bed Mid rest and oleep. • Joon the pains and aeheo disappear and you may avoid 0, disagreeable told. Farado n to feet relief for head- neheo, neuralia, totlao,eh, rheuma.- tio and nciatic painn. It Is pleacant to we and leaves no 'dinagreable after effects. " Paradel &allot digappoint. • bit tiAggia 41 Ore IVO.,11,tdi t'4 4114c• 4•••• IMP •••• 1,4., makes 1 Th usiness DeKsib developedand ©ontrolled parent seed stock. •• DeKalb controlled seed roducton. ekalb controlled testing, nspection, and processing. DeKalb Hybrid Corn is sold ONLY through authorized dealers ... 131. L. STURDY Auurn 0 te • • ure, Crown Brand Com Syrup is good for me. Sure, the doctor recommends Crown BranclCorn Syrup as port of my det. BUIL-why tie it down to me How about the way you use Crown Brand for wonderful_ bakng? For a sweetener? And why not mention how, delicious 't is with pancakes, cereals and hot waffles? You can't 'kid me, mom. Crown Brand Com Syrup is good , for all cif us, 1 • env/Ann-00as . For years, doctors hpe recOmmendecl • the use of Crown lrand Corn 811.0 as a satiSfactory carbohydrate acting as a milk modifier for botde-fed itgants. CROWN onzr,rr-) CORN STEC', 3, A107,:initu1nclorealt of Canada Coro Starch .111E CAI4Ailk STARCH COMPANY WAVED MONTREAL TO