HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-12-11, Page 6MX KM 4 Tity c;onEiti ioNAIrstrAit NEW GROUPINGS IN INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE • and CHIP With series No. 1 in the Industrial Bowligg League, now complete, four tiaras have qualified for the final play- offs by winning.their respective groups.. .11ibup winners are . follows: Group "A" --Canadian , Legion No. 1; proup "W' -Larder's Decorators; 'Group "0" -Imperial Oil • No. 2; Group "4.:;" - French Dry Cleaners. All teams have now been regrouped r series No. 2. Groups are as fol- lows Group "A" - Larder's Deeorators, Huron Engineering, Imperial Oil No. French Dry Cleaneps, C.N.R. No. 3, Tigers, Drutco jolly Rogers. Group "B" ---Canadian Legion No. 1, C.N.R. No. 1, Signal -Star, Isurity Engineers, Drinco Foundry, Lfinlpan Alleys. Goderich 'Motors. Group "C"----Inaperial Oil No. 1, C.N. R. No. 2. (ioderia Elevator, Kinsmen, -Lions Club No. 2, Bankers, Goderich 'Salt Packers. Group. "D"--.Goderich Organ, Cau- adian Legion No. 2, Lions ('lub No. 1, Diane.) No, 2, Purity Shippers, Goderich Salt Machinists. Sebodules for' these groups are as GROUP "A." Larder's Decorators v. Tigers. Herco C.N.R. No. Oil No. 2 v`: Fr. Dry t'leaners. .14-----Drmeo Jolly Rogers. Dec. 29- j Drmes., jolly Rogers v. C.N.R. No. 3. Decor's v. Fr. Dry ('leaners. liereo v.. Imperial Oil No. 2. Bye -Tigers. Jan 5 -- Tigers v. French Dry Cleaners. Drinco Jolly Rogers: V. Imp. Oil No. 2. Lardets Decorators v. Herco. 116IVIE DEtniii( SERVICE MORNINGS AFTERNOONS • SUNDAYS • 1.1.A0 a. to 1.30 p. ti 6.30 p. 4.30 to 4 to 6 p.m. . PFIONE 197 The customary charge. of 10 cents per'call will be made. • Deliveries within Town limits only. ICE CREAM SOFT is RINKS CIGARETTES, ETC. 49-51. ced.,-,rich Pavilion Dance News HYY-FOLKS! LET'S ,GO! CHRISTMAS NIGHT --DEC. 25th 7 9 to 1 a.m. 75c per person Sat., Dec. 27th and every- Sat. -9 to 12 .50c per person NEW YEAR'S EVE -DEC. 31st 9 to 2 a.m. $1.00 per person , This will be the largest New Year's Eve Party. ever held in Goderich 'with novelties for everyone: DRESS OPTIONAL CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR'S EVE ERIC SCOTT, His Trumpet and His Orchestra... 4 .50-1 TIMMIZIV Flowerincr Plants tt ANti Cut Flowers FOR CHRISTMAS AT MARY ST. GREENHOUSE , 55 • PHONE 297 kaitIVinitt WiZtrte - - Bankers -v. Kinsmen. • -,aVer-b.N.R. No. 8. ' &in. 12- C.N,R., No. v. rwayerial 011 No. 2. •Tiers v. IFIet\co. Drmco Jolly Roe ra v. Larder's De's. ye--iell Dy Cleaners. Jan. • French Dry Cleaners v: Uerco. C.N.R. No. 3 v. LardeVs Decorators. Tigers *v. Dringo Jolly Rogers. Bye -Imperial Oil No. 2, jam 2(1 - Imp, Oil N(,?: 2 v. Larder's Decorators. Fr. Dry Cleaners v. Urine° Jolly Rog. ('.N.R. No. 3 v. Tigers. Bye -Hemp. Feb. 2- Hereo v. Drum) Jolly Rogers. Imperial Oil No, 2 v. Tigers. French Dry Cleaners v. C,N.R. Bye -Larder's Decorators. GROUP "B" Dec. 15 - Legion No. 1 v., Lauman tklieys. C.N.R. No. 1 v. prime° Foundry. Signal -Star v. Purity Engineers. Bye-Goderich Motors. Dec. 29- , • Goderich Motors v. Drilled Foundry. Legion No. 1 v. Purity Engineers. C.N.R. No. 1 v. Signal -Star. ' Bye ---Lauman Alleys WIT $3DAY, IDE E 13Tha'19.17 1004. Salt iaeket'S v. rr4). Op'No. 'tye--lanSmen. Jan. 14 - Kinsmen, v. C.N.R. No. 2., z_Lion).3 No. 2 v. Imperial 011 No. 1. Bankers v. Goderich Salt Packers. Bleva.tor. cyan. 21- Godericla Elevator v. Imp. Oil No. 1. Kinsmen v. Goderich Salt Packers. Lions No. a v. Bankers. Bye- Nb. 2. Jan. 28- - C.N.R. No. 2 v. God. Salt Packers. ' Goderich Elevator -v. Bankers. Kinsmen v. Lions No. 2 Bye -Imperial Oil No. 1. GROUP "D" Jun. Lacunule Alleys v. ,Purity Engineer, Goderich Motors v. Signal -Star. Legion No. 1 v. C.N.R. No. 1. Bye--Drinco Foundry. • Jan. 12- Druo.4) Foundry v. Signal -Star. Lauman Alleys v. C.N.R. No. 1. Goderich Motors v. Legion No. 1. Bye -Purity Engineers. Jan. 19 -- Purity Engineers. v. C.N.11. No. 1. Drmco Foundry v. Legion No. 1. Lauman Alleys v. Goderich Motors. Bye--Signal-Star. Jan. 2G, - Sig -nal -Star v. Legion No. 1. Purity Engineers v. Goderich Motors. Drmco Foundry v. Lauman Alleys. • Bye-C.N.R. No. 1. • Feb. 2- C.N.R. No. 1 -v. Goderich Motors. Signal -Star v. Lauman Alleys. Purity Engineers v. Drmco Foundry. Bye -Legion No. 1. • GROUP "C" Dec. 10 - Imperial Oil No. 1 v., Bankers. C.N.R. No. 2 v. Lions No. 2. Goderich Elevator v. Kinsmen. Bye-Goderich Salt Packers.' Dec. 17- Goderich Salt Packers v. Lions•No. 2. Imperial OR No. 1 v. Kinsmen. C.N.R. No. 2 v. Goderfeh Elevator. Bye -Ba nkers. Jan. 2-. 77-1' wvcr,xvc-lrc_wtcxocvmwvrgvcvcvvancvttrkc#Rc God. Salt packers V. God. Elevator. Bye -Lions No. 2. Jan. 7- • . Lions No. 2 v. Goderich Elevator. Bankers v. C.N.R. No 2. Imperial Oil No. 1 v. C.N.R. No. 2, hat to Give" 1,7Z-MILS'.7,T.T.WDM ,4-aint-RI-MSZ-La4Mt=3*=4,11, ,F,(al.,..TZW=Zt.Z-t=t1 can be -easily solved at SCHAEFER's WeiniRMVWC-40MCV€74 -44t41C Lovely LINGERIE. • To delight a woman's heart. Slips in crepe -satin or nylon.- New lengths sizes 32 to 48 at 2.25 to 6.95 -each BLOOMERS - PANTIES -=BRIEFS In a great selection ---411 sizes • • including oversize 59c to 2.19 pair GLOVES -- Hand in hand with Christmas Gift giving is our large stock of Gloves in Kid2-DoeskinL-Pigtex and Chain- oisette--sizes 6 to 8. 1.00 to 4.95 pair Angora Gloves -Fur Mitts -781d Mitts -Wool Mitts to match any sport .ensemble ' 1100' to 4.95 pair ,h -t• 7.41( WV' HANDBAGS- - - Leather and Plastic, over the shoulder and Pouch styles Good values - 3.95 to 12.50 SCARVES -in sheer voiles--satins--crepes and fine wools in a great variety of colors 100 to 3.95 BLOUSES --in snowy white crepe -sheers or jersey. A thoughtful gift irosizes 32 to 42• •3.50 to 10.00 ,PULLOVERS and SWEATER'COATS-a warm gift, choice of light or dark shades in all wool. Sizes 14 to 44. 3.50 to 10.00 AFTER SKI SOCKS AND SLIPPERS -a pleasing gift, warm and in light sha,des 79c to 1.95 a pair • 4:-t .2.KitritCS:70=Z7J72,..7.1=1.:_it.7:7-:_i",1,r-raTZ°7."?.."7.°7.7.17., (.7"77,717..°T4-7-7,,C.IVV-2,02.1taTtg GIFTS • lag cri '0 1-1 for the Home 1-444, Are Gifts for the Family to ujoy the Aar round. Wool Bla'nkets and Bedcovers • 5.95 to 10.50 each Comforters-- rich shades in iayon Satin reversible' wOol 14.95 Bed Spreada-Chenille-Dayons--Satins---. A lovely gift Fumy Linens -Scarves -Rumen and 'Sets. Also ' lace sets and separate pieces ...... 39c to 4.50 Lunch Clotb.s in new clear plastics, also small and large nines in printed cloth's 1.06 to 4.95 TOV/013 in; single or sets-Pea,ch-Green-M1e- •.061d ••/50 to • 2.95 6.95 to 2250 lnirGEO Stare e Dec. 10- Goderieh Organ v. Legion No. 2. Lions Nor-/ v. Drmco No. 2. - Purity Shippers v. God. Salt Machine. Dec. 17- Druiro No. 2 v. Legion No. 2. Purity Shippers v. Goderich Organ. Goderich Salt Machine v. Lions No. 1. Jan. 7 - Lions No. 1 v. Purity Shippers. Legion No. .2 v. God. Salt Machine. Goderich -Organ v. Drum) No. 2. Jan. 1 -1 - God. Stilt Machine v. God. Organ. Drum) No. .2 v. Purity Shippers. 1.10115 No. 1 v. Legion No. 2. Jau. 21,--. Drmeo No. 2 v. God. S. Machine. Go1erich4 Organ v, Lion No. 1„ Legion o. 2 v. Purity Shippers. t‘ A Radio- - For Every 'loom In Your Home - FROM MANTEL RADIOS IN iVERY COLOR TO THE LARGEST COMBINATION RADIO PHONOGRAPH ELECTRIC GARBAGE DISPOSAL UNIT CHRISTMAS MUSIC ,AND RECORDS Inglis Gla.steel and Pittsburg, EleetrIc Water Heaters NEW AND USED PIANOS CHRISTMAS TREE LAMP SETS - LAMPS & SHADES ALL MAKES OF SMALL APPLIANCES Use our Lay -a -way or Budget Christmas Sholiping Plan WEST' ST. , I take this 'opPortuntiy to thank all who supported me at the polls on Monday last. PHOi4E 114 4111111WINIS_ • who casttheir ballots on my behalf on Monday, I offer My sincere thanks. Aden -do SKIERS There will be a meeting in the Town Hall, Goderich MONDAY, DEC. 15th AT 8 P.M. for all who are interested in forming and joining the Goderieh Ski Club. ALL WELCOME 5Q Wallis Treasure -Shop IS CLOSING OUT ALL PRESENT MERCHANDISE --AT LOW GOST. • Your opportunity for inexpensive Christmas Gifts. 00R. VICTORIA ST. and .BRITANNIA ROAD. r7 eom-Vzfxti.Yi34mnLzfa',arila-Sslr,z,Izaazt.'yezZmzzr.a'A-rtimr,ZS3-Dtz:ZSlmr.a.'thr;eoaaeaa DO'VOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT ZINN'S ON THE SQ1JARE We have on display a complete line of • ELECTRIC • APPLIANCES including Radios in Mantel and Autoniatic Combination • Models. Also an exclusive line of Table, Vanity and Floor Lanips. • CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS FRAM 129 UP. Many other items suitable for any member of your household. Shop Early Shop at Zinn's PHONE 586 ON THE SQUARE r4, 4 im-4m.,- '3,:33::1-1-zzg.:11-zoz-L-1-Msti-,1L-catsTipmmi-mt2-nmez-ZeiZOtortr.:11,1r,IDLIzzaro v '4A . rej B Ct. RT, IV- EADINNER . , .- , ITISH•EXCHANGE HOTEL $,NJOY 1 - SS , 11 4. 41 41, Thanks - 1' detire to extend my sincere appreciation to, all those who voted for me for Council. -• JOHN CUTHBERTSON 50x Thanks- - I wish to sincerely thank all those who supported me at the • polls on Monday last. CLAYTON EDWARD To the Electors' of the Town of Goderich 0, • I wish to,thank you for the splendid support given me at the polls on Monday, December 8th. I also wish to extend to you the compliments of the Season. EARL ELLIOTT '41,12110. My Genuine Thanks to the electorate of Goderich for their very excellent siippert on my first "run" in 'a Goderich municipal contest. . REG: TV!cGEE • .k1111111100131111111111 -our Gift is specially lozed- • STORE HOURS Open WedneSaay afternoon, Dee. 17th. • Open Evenings, Monda, Tuesday and Wednesday, Christmas Week. NeenkeetutberrOverrtVrettigere.lelt",triist SCHAEFER$ ia 1.0642.al. *too watitol tgi I at oi • • • MENU• Grapefruit cocktail • Cream of tomato soup " • Waldorf salad , • Roast Turkey with dressing• $1,50 Reagt Chicken with dressing • $125 Cranberry sauce VEGETABLES • Creamed eattliflower Mashed turnips • Mashed potatoes Grapes and mixed nutS. Hot mince pie Christmas pudding With hard sauce • Tea, Coffee or Milk ,Make yout reev4ons NOW. Phone TO THE ELECTORATE OF GODERICH- wish to thank you for the support given me on December 8th and to all .the citizens of Goderich I wish a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. • JOHN SPAIN • Nisammfamosmiwom, To the Electorate-- . • Thank you. for the magnificient support given me .4111111111111111M1110111111111111111•11111116111111.11111011111111111111111111, on Monday las. FRE D STURDY- • 17