HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-12-11, Page 5C, Til 11A 11 THE GODERICH SIGNA DOINGS: OF 'DLINGANNON ..._-_-_,..-.....,... - . . DUNGANNON, Dec. 1. - Visitorp. 1 ItIonorary preSident„ Nrs. L. A.. Mc. with 11,..,Irs. J. A., Ii:illough last. weel Nelazie; PreoldOlt Mrs -M. Wed; 115i Were Mrs. K. cameron, Ludmovv, ant j Mrs. M. Shachlefon; 254 vice-preSident, Mrs.. Cecil Mahe; Ord Mr. and Mrs. B. Vincentl Marnoch. , vice-president, Mrs. Omith.; cbrrespond- Mrs. Irvine Eedy and, infant • ,soil Mg secreta.ry, Mrd. Geo: IIarrin; record - are home from the Goderich hospital, ing secretary, Mrs. J. J. Ryan; treas, ,51.r. and Mrs. Boss kledy (nee liter, 'Mrs. A. Mott; 'Mission Band Isabelle Fuller) have returned from superintendent, 11.7s. Cecil Blaliei Baby ilaud,pAiperintendent, their honeymoon trip. Mrs. Otto Popp; Mrs. Leslie Schultz and uncle, Mr. tenaperatre secretaries. . Mr. Jas. Fin - Wm. Ilardy; visited the 'foriner's nigan and Mrs. W. McConnell; C1atr1f3t- fat1ier, Mr. David. Hardy, at Victoria ian stewardship tWeretaries, Mrs. nor- , Hospital, London, on Tuesday. Mr. I ilaroy umhpwent an operation recent- ly and. is expecting to be able to leave ' the hospital this week. 'and Mrs. Tilos. Tickson made a "tilfi,- to London and visited their dauglaler, Mrs. Jack Gajewski, and 111.y.et4ajewski and Mrs. Thos. Dickson, sr%lit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryans. A Wolf Hunt. -MT. Victor Errington on Monday afternoon made for himself a good day's pay as well as enjoying the sport of hunting and satisfying a 1 farmer in , Howick township. There was, one fewer of a pack of wolves bothering 'sheep. Quite .a large male grey wolf was shot at first au.d linaOY brought down .14 Victor on. the _farm of Air. . Cecil ,Orainget. , near Gor,rie SeVeral hunters were ma, and Victor got in the iirSt shot. The. "wolf 'still kept running .wilh the (legs chasing it. Other shots were fired by the hunters and the wolf circled around a swamp. and came right back again to Victor, who brought it doWn. The animal has been sent away for official, inspection. Victor • will receive a $25 bounty from the County ana $15 from the Township.. Sheep have been molested in that dis- trict and tracks.show there is quite a pa& of wolves; so we shall probably hear of some others brought to bay. • His Ninetieth Birthday. -Mr. God- frey Hall reached his ninetieth mile- stone today, December 9th. He is gaining strength from day to day since an attack of pneumonia about a month ago. Fur a few days his condition was quite serious, but after penicillin had. _been'odministered, he hegan to respond • and lie is up and tiround-again, almost OS . usual. The only. other member of his family is his „ elder sister, Miss Mary Hall of Brantford, who spent SHIPPING DA UNTIL CHRISTM v Si -10P AT Henderson's Gorlerich _The Square ton and Mn. G. Hodges; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. McClure; Iriendship secretary, Mi t•s E., Elliott; transportation, secretary, Mrs. • L. Rangel; cwifrpZy 63^-.07retarY0 5frw> rC3G,7tfL1c3011.Ycla r3t, M1'Z16'105. 1,1D'otepli. group leadero, MT), LJIe.OrnoIth, 51V1. 1.; Mott, Mrs. Everett Vinriiptt and Mrs, Cecil 31aIe. Elmitch told = iattefTsting btog a tb9 on a the $1rst christmas tree. Mrs. Popp read an nrliele, 4111 o ThArilsful." .Ute7 the offering and the closing hylant, the meeting closed with the Mi4pa1t1 Library Concert -The Dungannon Library Board sponsored the annttal library concert held on Priday night at the parish'hall. Mr. Brown SiliNth, Warden of I.Iuron County, a nearby resident, acted as chairman an 111 a short speech told the audience that as councillor and reeve of West Wawa - 110:41 he had watched the growth of -Z-VEVVOZ- 44WATZARENteiA M'grMURZ--14 the axary,:. ' nbrary I& vvau of la Lc2gb, .stanElaal ritUd acw& to thocoal:writ-AY. A large nt,nnt.,I,* were pr('L",entarl Maul a variety pro„--Earl.by prIpill,3 d RoFal celOolfq cind Chn talcnt,1f ollo,v7s: Chorus by' Crewo coo by Urn. .A.lirm Reed ;901tiartette )sr Crewe c.f.'huoli.; instrumentod ditzet by. Daxo.• Itivett r vnthr` the znonthora:anq lIerb StotherR a the Piano; rcadingby Mrs. giadys liav6tt; 4U gy non junior room in Ghia dress arni fancy step, prepared and, directed bt 51rs. T. 51. Inman; MO11) by Everett Finnigan. Mrs. Stewart's selaool, No. 0, WA 45 represent0 by Mae and 'Wayne Ktewart with recitations, solo by Betty nutledge, speech by JintrulY Reed. Mrs. McAllister's school, O.N. CQui.,ribut*d * dr:ii; duet, by -WY Evctct n&uiooiA by MM. Alba l'ord OtE:er IfUIttik Ni,--vre_ "nymist io"bY 1.:',2110- "Ati-luaibt% byNile iiCh90114; 404, Bt'Lritirci; grigip ot 69146 by the tikulue p.ap16 of tIio 1,M4g3v-4Ca ducted by Mr. Asiew,til 1st Bs J11:.:11.-ZepF1 ratt9ic nuporvir.3:ir ln the Wstvict .was amable to b 3JA“,) wow with her fatbv, V. IL AtmiPeraid, " or the openiIrt.„of,Parliament at fawa. The acelpt,• the eveni14 Maybe the old-fashioned, doctor is dit;'appearifligc but to b 1tet O1d-fashioned4fami1y,--tra11d0i' r • fit-Z-V-Z-Vga ReaRgaRZWZAt ICA" Coricipetitive Prices and Personal Seivicq: Than:ItYou,- Goderich The execiitive%and members of the. Blue Water Brass Band and Trunipet Band take this opportunity of th.anki.ng Goderich citizens for the support given the band 'bylaw.: the last six months with himat the \ hothe of. Mrs. W2 It. Andrew. Miss Hall will be ithmty-two. next 'July. I Mr. 'Hall 'enjoys- second sight and is - able to eat any • food put before him withoutill effect. Ho. coMes-. from a 1 hardy class of people who believed in.\ hard work and living 'close to God and nature and ,trusting all would ,. Is well. Mr. Hall is frail In aPpear- alice, 1,Mt bas maore than average, re- sistance against disease. His many friends wish him "happy birthday." W.M.S. Meeting. -The NN'.M.S. of the United church met on Friday after-.,' noon at thehome of Mrs. Otto Popp. for the .December meeting, with Mrs. Melvin Reed, president, in ,the chair: After the singing off -a Christmas hymn, ' NITS. M. Shackleton led In prayer. The Scripture lesson, Luke .2:4-20, was. read 17 responsively; led by Airs. Shackleton. `1( .A Cheistunis candlelight service was held. Members with lighted candles - repres'etTring varions-- countries----and4- nat ion a I it les. .Airs. Reed. was ... ap-. YARDIAY of London PINAUD 4 GIFTS FOR "HER' by A famous name in Men's Toiletries -presents-- A popular combination of Lilac Vegetal Shave Lotion, Shave Creara and Talcum 2.50 - Other sets 1.35 up CUTEX * "Bugle Canis" Set $400 presents many popular gifts including Gift Sets for Ladies and Gentlemen 6 Old English' Lavender- • Perfume 1.25, 1.95 up - Dusting Powder ... 165; Talc. 1.00 REVLON "MATCHMAKER"' get CARNATION or LILAC Toilet- Soap Box of 3-1.00 Milady 011 'Ike your selection frOM Containing •11.1allietUT essentials, at- tractively boxed or set in sn3art leather caseS-that she'll welcome-- • 49c, 69c, $1.60 and ui Gifts that 'last for years! RUBBERS,ET SHAVING BRUSHES Hair Brushes IEWELITE ROLL: WAVE by Pro-phy-1ac4ic "Jewelite" Roll Wave Hair rush 3.95 • A gay 13o containing new Revlon colors for lips S; fingertips $1,00 -Other' sets -1.25, 2.95; -3.95- "PRINCE" PEN' & PENCIL SET itioxeA1-$2.90 pointed secretary foil' the election of i'gp officers, which resulted as follows: MacDonald's EXPORT or British Consols Cigarettes, KURtVC-tftentCVRCVRCVCVtCVCVKVCVRV-qgZVRCRKVCVC,4 ighz 11 „1 in 50's Alsot other popular brands & tobaccos Others $1. up =tePler 'PleVICNieRiCVC2VCURVI-- USEFUL WOOD'S , BATH OIL for Everyone, On Your List VA% Xtsi Dati, NttDartk3.4 CHRISTIVI4S GREETING CARDS Assorted Fragrances OS: Cr $1.00 12 cards - 011 different '4,:telt with envelope, in a nice 10tx. lte\ of 1St .4noeri0r with $.11‘1'14,114•44 Dt I CO' 1,11", of 12 cord,. with -nyclope, ..... 98e uf.21 rapt, with envelopes " 1.00 " 50c, 75c,t $1.00, $1.502.$2.06 $5.0b and up* LLIFOL • PERKINS' -Practical ' .1 ,Gifts for the Men o Your List! SHEEPSKIN illfold with Zipper 2.25: Oth,ers 2.75 up Popular Shaving Gifts by GMLETTE "MILORD" Razor, lilades and ' Shave Cream Set • 4.62 Other Sts -98C, 1.32 up COLCUITE-PALMOLIVE .10 Goya PE Fli ES Goy0. Europe's I -most discussed oerfunier, now .offers his flawless fra-granc(7 - Handbag Phials 750, Gift IlottleA $4.50 :0(4 EAR .SAN TA: No Christmas is complete without flowers' of some kind so why not go to AACKSONS FLORISTS ) • 49 BRUCE ST. - A PHONE 105 AND CHOOSE A BOUQUET OF CUT FLOWERS OR A FLOWERING PLANT. Their fine new show house is ,complete and the plants can be seen to best advantage and. in complete comfort. They offer in FLOWERING PLANTS, PIONSETPAS 1 • finest they have ever grown and priced to suit every purse. AZELIAS CYCLAMEN - BEGONIAS - ICALANCROES AFRIdAN VIOLETS in blue, pink and white, etc., etc. 'Tenet Watee or. ('ologne: .75e,$1.5 Dusting 'Powder - $1 50 ' CUT FLOWERS -Porn, single and la,rge commercial MUMS • CARNATIONS - CALLA LILIES - SNAPDRAGONS 0 4 ' and last but least DALES and IVEYS fine ROSES. .. And MAU SANTA, they' tell me that FLOWERS or PLANTS may be wired any- where and that if orders are praced early enough JP/MONS will send the order by mail and eave the cost of a wire. - .. . So please DEAR SANTA, please huril and choose some nice flowers for me for they trulreiske such lovely CHRISTMAS GIFTS. A lignigkreiiittrfdaNA454,WiPitMii4Ak-A Weit,titak Dikara;tii PACKA PIPES Choice of styles - For the seasoned smoker and the younganan 100 to 7.0p 4 R CrIT 20 N ,LIarHTUS 'Ever n)milar, gift for the smoker. '$6.00 Others $1,410, 11;11.50 up ,SCIL INJECT9R RAZORS $1.50 Sef-0,11111ITIS C4)1 go Dental ltapid shave (',reata. Af- ter Shn Irotior and T01e. $1:75 Sell--(.,ntait.e,1•-!inoli\e 1•41t1tve d 'ream. ter -Shave, LotiOn and Tab.. Sili 'HA i',..'e•ate 11011110 Cr4.41113 ,set, at *1(11) - (TWIN UAL) ELECT IC $ n AVER with the lathous; SKIN LEVEL SHAVE - $24.50 Here's the answer to ira fast, close, smooth shave - has 4 round hea .ci.lioos‘• "1; ‘111,.3" the Srat•1111eg atfra nu+. 1)3 t; Richard Eau de Cologne• with Atomizer - 6. Talcum, Cologne and Perfume Set --5.15 With the -smart magic blade repealer Complete with -blades 98e .and $1.49 Camp en Phone 90 rifinara Dusti g i°017,421? 1.50 tore anr-4( „,,W-reAM " • Goderic 04 ,