HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 10n, GOA SIGNA-STAR C1 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, AY, NOS EMI4 E- 23ra1, 1947 &SO a.M.—HOLY COMMUNION. a aI''40. YA1N SUNDAY SCHOOL. Write AIOR'._ INO PRAYER AND tiERMON. 3.O0 liDEk'ART3IENT. 7.00 p.m.. EvENsoNur., EV. BEVELat L H: FARR, B.A.. L.Th., t't llaVTO t' . .1,.AN1DE1[tTON— )r'ganiist and Cboirnnastter. North .eta United Church 11 a.m. '1111111,: MOl)IERN si'ats9raL'T)r:FO11t,'1'IIl E (A(DSll'lt?L" Nursery, Pr•irnal'.y, Junior Congregation. ?.30 p.m.TIHIE ('llll'SR('Ia SCHOOL. 7 p.m. "THE PEACE OF_GOA." REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and Choir Leader. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.' 45 a.m. Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class. • 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION: 11 a.m.—Public Worship --7 p.in. REV. P. A. FERGUSON. R..1„ OF HENSALL INTERIM MODERATOR Director of Praise—Mr. William .W'ickett, A.T.C.M. Come and Worship the Lord in the eauty of Holiness. Victoria St. United Church MINISTER—REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, B.A. Organist a'.d Choir 'Director—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan. 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 1< a.m. Series on.,Lord's Prayer—"HALLOWED BE THY NAME" 77 'p.m. SPEAKER—MR. ED. B. JOLIFFE, M. A., I.C., of Toronto. Subject: "The. Relation of Christian Ethics to Citizenship." 8.30 , p.m. 'Fellowship Group meets in Church Parlors— Speaker Mr. Jolifre. , Public Cordially Invited. UNION CHURCH, 2130 p.m. MONDAY,°8.00 p.m. YOUNG PEOPLE'S INION. I-'ICTORIA WELCOMES YOU Goderich Baptist Church. 10,00' a.m.--('HURCH SCHOOL—Classes for All 11 a.m. "JUST SUPPOSE IT DID'?" 7 p.m. "RESULTS OF DISCIPLESHIP."You will enjoy our SINGSPIRATION. In after SERVICE. ;YOU'LL WANT TO SEE THE SOUND FILM • MISSI Vt411--tISTI:1.:tiS,:Tin-TE€`IINICOLOR. . _. FRIDAY, NOV. 28th—at 8 p.m. OUR CHRISTMAS CONCERT is on DEC. 19th -8 p.m. PASTOR—REV. G.. W. H. MEDLEY. Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ELLA 1. DONALDSON. ET r EL TA I ERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PE_AR.SON, Pastor. 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHQOI.. 1.1 a.m. "THE USE OF GOD'S WORD." 7.30 p.m. "A TIMELY GOSPEL MESSAGE." Tues. 8 p.m. Cottage Prayer Meeting at A. Hoys, McGaw. Thurs. 8,.7p.m. Fellowship Service. A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT BETHEL. THE. SALVATION ARMY S11'Ni1)1%, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1947 LIEUTENANT M. FARMER (formerly of Goderich), GUEST SPEAKER FOR SPECIAL EVA'NGELIIS'a'I(' MEETINGS Sunday 11 a.m. "THE AltUN'DANT LIFE.." . Sunday 7 p.111. "THE GREATEST THINGS IN THE WORLD." Monday 8 p,m. "L1>F'>r:' GRE.1<'I'it',ST DISCOVERY." Tuesday;, 8 p.m. "THE POOL 01" COMPASSION." Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m.—,Special Speakers YOU ARE INVITED to ALL OF THESE SPECIAL -SERVICES. VOliN COIE'lI . A t '.Alexandra hospital, Gode- rich, on Tuesday, November 18th, 1047, to Rev.- and Mrs. C. Wesley Cope, Goderich, a son, Robert George. BE1) '. —.A.t Alexaandra i ospital, Gode- rich, on November 10tH, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Eedy, Dungaat- non, a son. MeM ANUS.-: -At Alexandra llosiiital, Goderic1i, onSaturday„ November frith, 1917, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. McManus (nee Helen Margaret •MaaeEwan ), Goderich, . a • daughter, Mary Jayne Elizabeth. .' MERG.-- At Alexandra Hlospital, Gode- rich. on November 16th, 19.7, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Veru ('glee Phyllis Gaynor), Goderich, a daughter, 11anreen :ti1I1. • ItEl)M()NI).----At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Novcni»cr %7t11. 1947, to Mr. a nd Mrs: John Redmond, Gude- rich, a soil. - MARRIED Mc•GINNE`+S---BENI)ALL. - At the parsonage of Victoria, street 'T'r)'iteci church, Goderich, on Sunday, Novem- •lier 9th, Hilda JIa(y, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bendall, Goierich, to LA('. Kirk Gerald McGitlness, Camp Borden, son of Mr, 'and Mrs. Wm. McAGinifess, Victoria, B.C. DIED RUBINSON.---At $t. Catharines, On- tario, on Tuesday` November -18th, 1947, Captain C. E. ( Eddie) Robin- son, of Goderich, • in his 70th year. The funeral will be held at the E. E. Cranston Funeral Home. 17 Montreal street, Goderich. on Saturday, Ncivem ser 22mi, • ate 2 o'clock. Interment in Maitland cemetery. ' 71'III? SiCil� ", NOy] DIII1E14 20t1;2, 4047 The- Free Methodist . Church` Corner of Victoria & Park St. AVAIL YOI,TRSELP OF This Last Opportunity' Fog AUCTION SALES T[ON GALE Ob'°DAIRY COWS AND YOUNG CATTLE at Porter's 11111, 3 miles west of Iiolna•sville, on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th cuui(aenc•ing at 1.30 I).m. sharp Consisting of : 18 choice dairy cows, 2 fresh, 3 due time of sole, balanee Slue December, January and February 4 farrow cows ; 10 Iiulstcita heifers in calf ; 10 holstein hieit r ca.lves ; 12 yearling Holsteiil heifer -i'20 beef - type ,heifer's. • This is a good lot of stock and will be sold` under our usual- guarantee. Sale heldurider•. cover and young cattle to be sold first. TERMS—CASH. - A. E. TOWN SI1END, Proprietor. I':DWARI) W. ELLIOTT; Auctioneer. 4!- &Ut'T'IckN SALE OF CATTLI, AND a SHI'EP. At the Purves Farm. two Utiles east of •Lucknow on Highway 86, 'fFESDAS, NOVEMBER 25th.. at two o'ciuck • Two, cows due to freshen soon; 5 heifers with .calf ; 10 yearling steers, about, 800 lb.; 8 yearling heifers; 25 slicking,. calves ; 500to 600 lb.. fat. All good beef cattle. mostly Durham, br -off Sun Gb1d Cha(,mpion, 241209. IIeifers bred to a grandson of O.A.C. ISo nstsw - forty good • Leicester, Oxford and Shrop elves and ewe lambs and 6 breeding rants. A11 purebred sheep which won 132 prizes this fall. TI;It\IS—All sums of x+10 and under cash. Over that afuou0.t. S, months credit . on bank approved joint notes at 5 per cent. per annum. Absolutely no reserve. Sale • under cel c:• if weather uiufavorable. I OB PCRVES, Proprietor. El). I'T'RVE S, Manager. MATT. GAYNOJI, 47- Auctioneer. TAKF, Notice that the following • question will lie- placed- before • the duly qualified • ratepayers for their assent or dissent: `:Are you in favour of the Town of Goderich issuing debentures for Three Hundred and Twenty -live Thousand Dollars ($325,000:00) for the erection and equipping of a new school and, if necessary, iruprovements to Victoria Sriiuol ..at such time as •the School Board deems expedient?" s The vote will. he taken (I1' :Monday, December Sth, at the sante tithe and at the same places where the votes will be taken for th'e election of the Municipal Council. If the assent of the duly qualified electors is obtained on the question sub- mitted, the Council will, after the ex- piration of one month from the date of first publication, take the matter into consideration.- ` The question to be submitted shall be first published •in The Signal -Star on .Thursday. November Ms 194L Ally tenant desiring to 'vote shall, not later than the .28th day' of -Novem- ber, 1947, file with `Te Clerk a declar- atiOn as provided by the Municipal Act,-R.S.O. 1937 s.283(31. S. H. BLAKE, 45-7- "i"(lc)N SALE OF FARM STOCK Ma ►NI ►AY NEXT, N(►VEMBER. 24th at 1.30. o'clock Let. 15, conc•essiun'• 7, Mullett, three reads north, two. roads east of Clinton. Jas.- E. Medd will offer- for sale 50 head of cattle: 18 cows : 5 dual pur- 9 -1 . just freshened; 3 dual purpose, t„ freshen L)eeembcr and January ; 2 "Ilel•teiu cows, rising 4. years, bred to freshen in January ; 4 purebred Here- , ferd cows, bred to freshen in spring; 4 Hereford- steers, 800 Ib.: 15 winter calves, 450 to -500 lb.; 1 Holstein heifer, bred to freshen in spring:2 purebred . Hereford bulls; 10 months s4 flrt steers, 1000 11►.: 10 yearling steers and heifers ; saddle horse. 8 years old, quiet; 1 general purpose mare. supposed to be lin foal•„„ 1 :pow and- 10 pigs; 1 English ' collie dog; 1 Scotch and English female • pup. 10 months. This stock is extra. good- and will he Sold to the highest 'bidder. Terms , cash or credit can Abe arranged. JAS. E. MEDI), Proprietor. HAR()LI) JACKSON, Auctioneer. TO HEAR Bishop M. D. Ormston OF SPRING ARBOR, MICH. "REWARDS AT HIS COMING" a7 p.m. • 11 a. i, "O 'R HOLY CALLING" A Cordial. Invitation ' Is Ex.tt3nded 47x. - tT'cT1'()N - SALE ()F I''ARM I'II:OI'F.RTY 'FRIDAY, NC)VEMIIER 281h, 1947 at3p,m. The Aclministratrix of the Estate of Samuel B.. Johnston, deceased, - vdi11 offer for sale by auction on the -premises. at three' o'c:h cls: in the .after- noon- on. h'riday. ,Noveminer 28th 'next, the south •half• of lot number seven. (7) its the second concession, Eastern Divi- sion cif the Township of Ashfield, con- taining 100 acres snore or less, subject to a reserved- bitt ()n the premises are situated sin eleven -roomed solid -brick houSie, and a. double bank .barn. Also a spring creek and sun Art('sian .well This farm is about three mile t south- w('st of . Dungannon and 11.1 oho -half utile from the school. TERMS: 20% - cash deposit at th@ -stile arid the balance ,in cash in 30 days. 47-8- Solicitor for the Estate. MABEL, E". MOORE, • Administratrix. DONALD. Bt.TTI+., Auctioneer. .F. R. DARROW, K.C., TAKE Notice that 'the following proposed By -Law shall be sub- mitted for the assent of the electors: • •'A By -Law to levy one-half of one mill fur the establishment and main- tenance of a, fund for the support and aid of •the Goderich Blue Water Baud. WHEREAS the Jlunicipa -1 Act, R.S.U. 1937, Chapt4r j- 66, Section 405, Paragraph 65, as saulended by R.S.U. 19;39, 2nd session, Chapter. 6, Section 7, provided that the'Municipal Council of the Corporation may, , with the assent of the electors duly qualified to vote en Money I3.yLaws, estaabiish a fund fur the support and . aid of a civilian band of urusic. ' AND WHEREAS .al. -—setitiun, as re- quired by the said Act, has "•been filed with the Clerk and certified by him as to its sufficiency. . THEiIEFIJRE, the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich .enacts as ,follows: 1. A' fund shall be provided for the support and minintenance of a civil- ion band of music- ins the Town of derich by levying on all the -rate- able property within the Corporation a special rate of one-half of one mill. 2. The sum equal to one-half of one mill tori the total rateable ); ri)lsefiY within the Municipality shall be pro- vided for 'each „,year by the Council in its annual estimates. ' 3. The proceeds of the sum -so provided for and .raised by taxation. shall be handed to. the Hoard of. Directors of • the Goderich Blue Water Band to -,be used by them for the support and aid . of the said Goderich -Blue -Water Band and such other- Half( or Bands of Music; as May be under the control and direction of the Board of Directors of the., said Goderich Blue Water Band. ,. This By-law shall not be repealed without the assent of the -electors." The Votes for and against the said "By -lav shall be taken on Monday, December 8t11, 1947, at the same time and plaiees''6S those appointed fol• bik- ing the vptes for the election of the Municipal. Council. . If the assent of the electors is oh-, tain.ed to the By-law, the same shall be taken into consideration.1(nd passed after the expiration of one month from the date 'of first publication. The By-law to 'be voted •on shall be first ;,published in The Signal -Star on November 131-11, 1947. Any tenant desiring to vote shall, not later than the 28th (lay of Novem- ber, 1947, file with the Clerk- a declar- ation as provided by the Municipal Act, R.S.C. 1937,'s.283 (3). - S. H. BLAKE; 46-S- Clerk. • FOR S.ALE.••PUREBRED .LEG'S-, TERE1) Hereford bulls. R.O SNS' FARMS, Goderich. 46tf FOR SALE. ,2,AN `AMERICAN SILa VEIL Fox collar in perfect condi- tion, large size. Phone 550-R, Gude- rich. 47x FOIL SALE. ----NEWLY D.ECOJtATE.D ,seven-Iooiu house, corker of IIinck), street aud Britannia road; bathroom, hydro, double -size lot with garage in good locality ; immediate possession. Apply 'too W'M. PI7L'BLA,DO, 23 Regent street. . 42tf FOR. 'SAID:.—DOMINION CIRL;U- LATOIt, in good condition. AMOS .L ANDREW, It,R. 3, Auburn, phone `Carlow• 4819. . -47 9�J FOR SALE.—ELECTRIC REFHIG- ERATION----Whatever your refrig- eration requirements may be, large or small, you won't' go wrong if you install a -Universal- Cooler? Estimates. free:. Write or phone W. T. LUMRY, West St., Goderich, Ont. Phone 582J. 46tf NOR. SALE.—ELECTRIC JANITOR. Automatic draft and damper con- trol for coal furnace—upstairs thermo- stat. (.post. $31.04 last year. BOX 27, SIGNAL -STAR. -47 TRY THE SECONDHAND STORE ori' East street„ 'for your require- ments in used household articles. C. WOODS•,' phone 242J.' 43tf FORS.�I.)� UTILITY. SINK. Combination kitchen sink and wash tub (hinged drainboard over) coin- plete with faucets, and trap. BOX. 26, SIGNAL -STAR. -47 FOR SALE.—STRUCTURAL STEEL, beams, channels, angles, reinforc- ing' mesh, pipes, boiler tubes, boilers for culverts, boilers for heating, hot water and steam radiation, also any other types of steel. Make M. Brown and Sons your: headquarters for any tykes of steel in' &ianplete-•Rarrehetise- lines. 400 'Lancaster st=reet west, Kitchener, Ontario.- -Phone 3-3282 6-6465. Open Saturday afternoon, • -'-39tf FOR b -SALE. — RED LEATHER chesterfield, Phone 1176J. - -47 F'OR, SALE. ELECTRIC' AND gasoline washers, immediate -de- livery, from .. $139.50. Transportation prepaid, _Budget terms, special dis- counts ,ta dealers. CHRIST'IAN'S -ELECTRIC & HARDWARE, Oshawa, Ontario. -44-7 'ANTED.- BOARDER IN PIlI- V.ATE home. Phone 1067W. -47 ANTED. -- LISTINGS 1+'C)Ii, PR(1� lt'EItT3r for sale. Phone, MAL- C()L1iI JI.ATU RS. Insurance and Real Estate Broker, 115W. 7tf ,JA.NTED.- :SINGER SEWING -MA- (`HJNE, treadle type; must be In good running condition. • Write .I301` 25, SIGNAL -STAR. 47x WANTED. -- LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES fol+ sale. C. F. CHAP - MAN Real Estate Broker. Phone 1. 39tf WANTED TO BUY. ---OLD HORSES and dead.' animals suitable for mink feed; Will pay 2e a lb. for horses and call and pick up. same. Dead ailimals according to value, If animals dead phone collect, JACK GILBERT, "936 r 21, or FRED GILBERT, phone . 936 r 32, Goderich. -45 FOR SALE.—CREAM ENAMEL • 'Cookstove frith warming oven and waterfront; used electric washing machine, General Electric; mantel mo - dei _radio and_.. used _ Rogers :a1Aj.estjc record pla'yer with built-in amplifier. PHONE ' 1098, 46x FOR SALE. — 1936 PACKARD sedan, in good condition, good tires ; built-in ;radio; heater and spot -light. Can be seen ah.y,., time at BILL CRAIG'SS GARAGE. 47-8x FOR SALE. — GOOD FRAME •house ; stone foundati"can, Paige lot, central. IT; T'. LASHBROOK, Widder street. , •-45tf 1 -P. years old, milking, l•)red anally, roan heifer, 3 years old, milking, bred again ; 2 Durham heifers, in calf ; Durham steer, 2 years .016 ; 2 Durham heifers, 2 years old ; 2 Hereford heifers, 2 years 016,, (Iast live, in sha1,pe to butcher) ;• 6 Dtfrharn yearling heifers; a number ►f valves. POULTRY—A number of Oestrolorp Pullets. TERMS—CASH. ( . we: be held A "Warm., Veloomo Alwa d round • Rev. - R. O. MoCallu1, Pastor, 47. (tiler is utdavorable, sale will under cover. BERT McDONA•LD, R.R. 2, Goderich, Proprietor. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. Ian Be Suing You. HAVE YOt' A COMPREHEN- SIVE' LIABILITY POLICY? • IF NOT Goderich, Ontario, AC°(1ION SALE OF LIVESTOCK at lot No. 18, concession 1, B16e Water Highway, 5 miles youth of Godo - rich. on TUFIaDAY, NOVEMBER. 25th at -1.30 ,p:rn. sharp, the following: 1IORSES•.--Pereheron mare, 7 years old, in foal ; Pereheron filly, rising 3 years old ; black driving malice, 5 years 0111: . (IATTLE111ue ' cow,' f9 years old, rnillzing, due in February; red cow4. 5 yearn • old, milking, clue in April; white eow, 5 years old, milking, due in' Zlay ; roan eotv,• 7 yte ra oral, rank- 'In railk- 'In :May ; brindle heifer, 3 y'earS • ofd, milking, due in Mareh ; red and white eow, 4 year: 'old, mliltiilg, dile iii May ; red cow, 5 years 01(1, inillting, due its April roan eow, d SEE H. M FORD FOR SALE. ---'31 PLYMOUTH SE DAN, good condition. PHONE 348M, GODERICH. , 46x FOR SALE. -BOY'S BALLOON -TIR- ED , bicycle, in good condition. PHONE 711. •- - 40 FOR SALE. — 'CHILD'S ,T W 0 - BI-CKLE goloshes, size 6, good as new: child's toilet seat ; also man's leather dressing set ( brushes, mirror, etc.) . Phone 2411J. -47 WANTED. — EXPERIENCED - break-out man to take charge of our cut-off saw and' lumber shed. Also experienced, cabinetmaker or youth to learn cabinetmaking. Pleasant work- ing conditions, good wages, very steady employment. Living accommodation available. See or write full particulars JAMES CO.E FURNITURE COMP- ANY, Ingersoll.- . -47-9 WANTED. --- R.C.A.F. OFFICER, wife, no children, desire house, duplex or apartment, preferably un- furnished. Will sign 18 months' lease. Write R. STEER, 329 Somerset street, East, Ottawa. 47tf WANTED. -- MAN FOR PROFIT- ABLE Rawleigh b{Isiness. -Just' .be satisfied with good living to start. Write RAWLEIGII DEPT., ML -h:-216- 101, Montreal. 45-8 1 `VANTED.—WE WANT AN AGENT in this locality for our chicks. One of Canada's largest and best- known hatcheries. Operating under Canada Approval. Liberal commis- sion. Advertising with agent's name in local paper. Write now; for par- ticulars to BOY 24, SIGNAL -STAR. .- -47-8 A PROVIDING YOU ARE- AN energetic ;young man willing to work hard to build, a successful busi- ness and future for YOURSELF; -we have an opening for you, NOW, in this district, as direct distributor of our products. 'P'revious experience un- tecessary. Apply to HOME OFFICE iLUE BRAND PRODUCTS CO.L4TD., 7227 Alexandra street, Montreal. -47-51 NOTICE NOTICE. Will' the per•'on• having possessionof an 'automatic/boltless fence stretcher belonging to K. -i._ Dawson.*Dungannon, Please Bale the sauie returned at once. -47 &COUSTICON HEARING AIDS.— ` Your _representative for Huron and Perth counties is T. A. Dutton, Bruce - field, Ont. Write or call for free dem- onstration.' 46-9 STRAYED.—UNE YEARLING IIOI.- STEIN heifer • -to undersigned's I premises: Owner map • have same . by paying expenses. G.F.O. C. GINN, phone Goderich -931 r 22. • 47x FOR SALE.—GREEN' CLOTII COAT, with mouton fur trim, in perfect condition size, 1.4. PIIONE' 455.- 46 -FOR SAL1 --•SPY APPLES, BALD - WINS and other late varieties; also some early winter apples from a sprayed orchard --a special spray 'for apple maggot. They are stored for winter; order noitr and they will be kept until you require theirs. FRANK Y QUIT (v., Rill. 5, Goderich. Phone Carrow 208. -45-7 INSULATE NOW. — FOR A COM- FORTABLE home with blown rock wool insulation. Prompt installation, experienced applicators.' Pree estimate without obligation. Phone or' write IIURON INSULATING COMPANY, 117 Elgin avenue. Phone 604W, Gode- rich, A )nt. 471f Culbert's Bakery "The Tlie Ho na► a of Tasty Pastry" .Fruit Mid' d and a}i ins son 0& EE MAKES I 20c each.. OH ISTMAS °AKE 70c Ib. 'f Orders of $1.00 or more delivea ed. . PHONE 465 MEL. CULB,jRT, Prop. WaiIIIMIRISEINIONONINWIENNINIMO TO RENT; t)USEKEEPING ROOMS FOR couple. •Mari willing to look after furnace.. Apply to BOX 22, SIGNAL - STAR OFFICE., , _. 46-7 LOST LC),;'1'.--\\'ALLI+.T, BELONGING TO working girl; contains money, bus tickets and papers ; was lost in vicinity of East street and Square on Friday a-fttl•1•noon. Fielder please leave at SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE and receive reward. - -4T lic''nse, etc. Reward. Leave at SIGNAL -STAR fol• Thos. .Koviak, jr. 47x LOST..— BROWN LEATHER WAL- LET hi Goderich on Wednesday, November 12th; containing driver's I OST. — LADY'S PURSE WITHJ money and papers, on Wednesday afternoon between Porter's Hill and 1 Blue Water Highway on Cut Line. Finder please phuihe 932 r 22. 47x LOST.; -- CHANGE PURSE WITH sum -of money, ,on Tuesday evening between Patterrsoli's Grocery and Park - strc;et. Finder please leave at SIGNAL- STAIt OFFICE and. receive -reward -or phone 897; -. • =47 Hygienic supplies t rubber goods) , mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- veloi e with price list. Sik samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept- 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO.. Boa 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1-9 FOR SALE. --- • ('HESTERFIELD suite. cook stoves. bicycles, electric stoves, kitc'11en - cupboards, outboard motor, electric ironer, vacuum cleaner, singing canaries. (': WOODS, 12 East street.' -47 • OR SAI'.E, —. GIRL'S WHITE skates, size 12, and brown winter outfit, size 4.. Phone 637J. ' 47x FOR SALE. — GIRL'S THREE • • PI.E('E winter coat set, size" 0. Also play pen and ice box. Apply 14 Cambria road. .-Phone 461. 47x FOR SALE; ------ MISSES' BROWN wool tweed winter coat, size 16 years: anis fes' black, fur jacket, size 16 years; girl's red wool herringbone jacket,- size -14 years; girl's all wood tunic, size 14 years,; • girl's ,_blue silk crepe dress, - size 14 years; -girl's Sweater`, size 14-16 years; -doll's all- steel trunk. Write 'BOX 28, SIGNAL-' STAR. ,n - -47 Get Insured' — Sway Insured— Rest Assured. North St. - fiat. 268w CHRISTMAS and ALL.000ASION CARDS GIFT WRAPPINGS, ETO. .01i display in D. M. O'Brien's Store Window on the Square Reader's Digest subscriptions acs= cepted. New, renewal, or gift, now dlttty $2.75, two subscriptions $5,00. ' Ernest Barker IO Dayfleld R(1. Phone Now FOR 'SAI E. — EIGIIT-YEAR-OLD horse, used for town delivery. Ap- ply EAST STREET BAKERY, Gode- rieh. -47 FOR SALE.—SEVERAL VALUABLE rugs 71/2 x 9 and 9, ,x 12,, Wilton and Oriental seamless. Apply R. W. CLARK, No. 21 Highway. 2 miles north of Bayfield. Phone 909 r 23; Clinton. 47g '1DR• AA,LE. CUPBOARD WITH mirror. Apply MRS. ROSS 'MILLS, St. David's street. . 47z rOR SALE. -7- CHAMPION OUT- BOARD motors, specially reduced in prier until' Christmas. M'ATIIIE- S()N'S WELDING SERVICE', Gode- rich, phone 5500W. a -47 FORS SALE: NEW CIITOREN house, 10' "z 30', and five lots. Ap- ply RYAN'S P1i3ODITCI , phone 345. .47r Dl`tor,E. TIO3Z''S ours °.ILTWEBt •:stilt, size 15 years; also boyu'a hockey . gloves: ?hone 503W. _ -47 • • NOMINATION MEETING NON IMATION MEETING.—NOMIN- ATIONS for Reeve; Councillors and two Trustees' for the Township of Colborne will -be held in. the Town- ship Hall, Carlow, on Friday evening, November .28th, at the ..hour __of__7 o'clock. If a poll is,,required, election will be held Monday, December 8th, 1947, WM. SALLOWS, 46-7 ' Clerk: Picture . Frames For Photos—Prints and -Paintings- - Any size- Picture Frame made to order— Picture Framing is our specialty SNTT'.S ART AND GIFT- , East St. STORE Phone.198 FURNITURE REPAIRED Cabinet making, saw filing, etc. t Ai1 kinds of general blacksmithing. T. GOWER (formerly Sheardown Blacksmith Shop), HAMILTON ST. ' L 42tf B. A.. O I L An investment of unusual merit in a leading .Canadian Company well and favourably known to investors for many years. We recommend the 3%% .convertible preferred - shares of the British American Oil Company as an outstanding 'Investment. - \ FOR FULL PARTICULARS SEE ®. F. Carey & San WEST STREET 4 GODFRICH' Hy -Way - Hank "Incidentally—when Was the last time you had Gardner Motor Sales check our battery?'; Incidentally, the checking o your car battery and other equipment right now will save you money in the long run. p ` . Drive •in today to .. .