HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 9VirrIZSDAT: N ITEMBEit. 2OLb, W47
Hunter Loses His Life in. Lake Huron
County and
Bluevale has organized a branch
Of° the Huron County Library Associ-
Miss Janet A. Little, formerly of t.
Helens, died on October 22nd at Rock-
weedi where she had lived the last
tweuty-athe years, having gone to that
place , from St. Helens .with her par-
ents, the late "Rev. and Mrs. John.
The engagement is announced of
/01(0049 OHO
Mary Louise, daughter of Mrs. Hays,
of Seaforth, and the late LieutsColenel,
R. S. Hays, to William Skinner, of
Detroit, Michigan, sot' of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Skinner ,the marriage
to take place in Seaforth onSatuvinas
December 6.
The death ,occurred at Qlinton re-
cently of Mrs. Louis Grant,. a resident
of St- Helens for over a %tauter of a
century. Mrs. Grant ssms born in
Scotland eighty-four years ago and
came to Canada some thitty years ago.
Burial took place in Greenhill ceme-
tery, Lueknow.
Thieves one night recently smashed
.open, the safe at the Silverwoods*
Creamery at Luckuow and made away
with an undisclosed amount of cash.
It was said not to be a large haul.
This is the third time in eight -years
that thieves have broken into the
creamery and • attacked the safe.
The marriage of Miss CeliassWilSon,
daughtex of airs. T. Wilson, Lneknow,
to James Aitcheson, sou of Archie
Aitcheson, West Wawastosh, was
solemnified by Rev. W, S. -Sutherland
at the Whitechurch Presbyterian
manse. • The couple will make their
home at LticknoW.
Cou ell 'met November 15. Mr. J. A.
Uooiibs sent his approval of the Miller
tend r On the Bayfield lino bridges 1:7e- -
par meta of Highways - filaproved the
Ha/rold Emmerson telider oh the bridge
ply concession 0.
Bylaw tia. provide ;for exs
enditure on these two .bridges, was
read and passed.
Tenders for snowplowing were re-
from Lloyd Picot, Geo. F. El-
Liett, Harold Emmerson and Lavis
Construction. Council divided the
township in three divisions and ac-
cepted the tenders of Harold Etniner-
sow at $3.50 per ltour, using -Township
Plow, Lloyd Picot at $4 per hour, and
Lavis Construction at .$4 per hour with
their own equipment, allsto be under
the direction of the Road Superintend-
ent. Council also accepted- the Lavis
tender of $7 per hour with bulldozer
and NN:htg if needed.
Accounts Paid: A. J. Grigg, coal for
relief, $17,20; Department of Health,
insulin, $5.13; Miss Acheson, use of
house, $5; -IS. G. Thompson, $250; H.
B. Whitely, $200; H. Sturdy, $150;
Reeve and Councillors, $240; F. Mul-
holland, school attendance officer, 2O;.5
Elmer 'Potter, use of church shed, $5;
Signal -Star, printing, $9.75; Board of
Health, $102 Superintendent, payroll
ssico: 12, $3;151.92. ' *
Council adjourned to meet on Decem.-
ber 15 at 1.30 pan.
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk.
Keep Ontario's factories
and farms producing at
,peak . keep pay
envelopes full.
Hydro is building new
power plants at top speed,
but it takes years to -com-
plete new generating pians.
In the meantime, do y ur
part, avoid waste of ec-
tricity . please so/e aI
you can.
.A.6)VP 114 11 view of Larie Huron's horison and the p
grave of Mr.Misener ( insert ) after'the storm Saturday ;
tried to retrieve a duck he had shot into t he water from
.. shown -an the foreground.
1'ilut Kt:it h Hopkinson of. Gutieriell
also risked his liftWhen 11e toi'k a
light Tiger aloth plane into the gale
to look for the ,litiuter.
pA,7viturm, N9v. anti. tho tl4L-4 (50Z of the at ;eolifer
3r4wis of Toronto were week -ma: Maroa fiao,;iitep
irl.asa43nd clb
guests of AIrs. N. W. Woods. IlShoranan and also conthietcd 41t i(ait
D4et313* •IIarrY 113d '1E°131-1461. bun. ¥1e ITSIS a mcmber a the
Burt. of London spent the W -end AdagNean, church, also a member the
with Mr. and Aftt32. ii'lsed Baker. Clinton Masonic! Lodge and 140.14. No.
j3-ewriey 'Yoe: torolon spentth'--2Ar,sSIeyalinell,etireiperal'ittr orilarooclut j.wolluer e weet-end with 'her parents, '
jr., a Toronto, and three brothers,
and Mrs. Lloyd. SCotehmer. George of Groderich, Sydney of Ohnea'a
Among those attending the funeral and Tho las of 1343yEleld. Ws pare tts
of the late John Castle were Mr. and and one sister pri:.,deccased him The
Mrs. Sidney Castle of 8..ixneoe, Mrtz. funeral took place on Monday, after -
J. Castle, John Castle, jr., Mr. and noon, Rev. F. U. Stotesbury officiating.
Members of the Clinton, Blasonic Lodge
conducted a service at the cemetery.
The cfiallbearers were John MacZ&od,
Charles Toms, Thomas f'astle,
ier(1' John Palter and Walter
Mrs. Thos. Cox of Toronto.
Mrs. James Ferguson returned home
on Saturday after spending the past
week with her sister, Mrs. -Geddes, in
Seaforth. c>,
Mrs. Jack *Jowett named to her
home in the village last week for the
Mrs. Peter Clark left on Sunday for
Detroit, where she will spend the next
two weeks. •
PORT ALBEIT, Nov. 18, ---Rev. S. T.
Dunk, pastor Of the United chureh;
Mr. and, Mrs. W. Stothers'and family,
of Grosse ° Pointe. Mich., spent the preached his farewell sermon here on
week -end With Mr. and Mrs. T. Mack. Sunday last before leaving for bis
Hurn. ----In canton public Hospital, insw'eharite at Imlay City, Mich. Until
on Saturday, November 15, to Mr. atuLlsas new piastor is secured Mr. Alex.
Mrs. Ivan Steckle, Bayfield, a son. Smith of Dungannon will have charge
Born. -In Clinten Publics Hospital, of the church services.
on Sunday. November •10,, to Mr. and Mrs: •Win. Crawford its spending this
Mrs. Merton Merner (nee Loma West -
Mefealf-Detway. - Mr. and' Mrs.
r Axi
Six -yea zIlia.1:1(7d1t1
ilti'li?artra6al!st,' to William Lovering Metcalf,
David Dewar, Bayfield, announce the
0E their eldest daughter, Elva
St Teat ha m, Engla nd, has rrived a t tson of Mts. Win. Metcalf and the late
Stratford to stay for several months
with 1)r. L. A. and Mrs. Macklin, well
known in Goderich. Shelagh's father,
Dr. Metcalf, tin Saturday, November
I 5th, in Bayfield, Immediately after
the ceremony the bridal couple left
a forther RAY. officer stationed at .for Reno, Nevada, where they will
Port Albert, 'visited the Macklin fain- inake their home.
while he was in Canada ana ttle. Death of Henry Darrow. -The death
friendship thus formed is being math- occurred in Clinton on Sunday, Novem-
tained. After the air flight across the
'Atlantic the little girl was met at
New York by Mrs. Macklin. She will
attend school at Stratford.
ber 9th, of -Henry Darrow,in his
eighty-fifth year.- Mr. Darrow was
born in Ireland, coming to Canada at
an early age. Ie Jived' for ta great
many years in Bayfield, where he con-
ducted anhotel. His wife, Elizabeth Toronto last week.
Ahrens Pollock, predeceased him sever- The Young People's Society of Ash -
al years. He is survived bar two step- field Presbyterian church served a
sons, Clarence -Pollock ef.Goderich and supper to over one 'hundred of the
Harold Pollock of "Voronto,. mid (The congregation on Friday -evening. A
half-sister, Mrs. J. Dewar of Brucefield. program. of duets and choruses was •
The funeral took place from Ball Bros.' presented, and. Rey. W. Sutherland of
feneral home -lit "Clinton on Tuesday • -Whiteelairch gave 'au address- ,on
afternoon. Interment was in Bayfield membrance Day:
cemetery. Members of L.O.L. Nu. -24, Mrs. W. Ledbettet - and Mr. • Don
officiates} at,. the grave. The Drennan of :.Toronto visited with Mrs.
pallbearers were; Harold Stinson, Jack C'olin *MacGregor last week.,
Cameron, Jack and Christopher Parker, - •
George Weston and Clarence Pollock. • He appeared before - the , company • -
Bayfield Resident Passes. -The vfl- officer, charged with using insulting -
loge was shocked to learn on Sattirday language to kis sergeant, "Please,
morning of the sudden ,deaSh- of john sir." he protested, "I was only answer -
Richard Castle, who suffered a heart ing a question." "What question?"
attack late Friday evening and died.1 snapped the officer. **Well', sir, the
ahaOst Immediately. Mr. Castle was • sergeant said, *What do you think I
burn in Bayfield, September 25, .1898, ; ansa -and r told hini."; -- • -
week with her daughter, Mrs. Robt.
oke, 111 Goderich township.
• The Farm Forum diet on Monday
evening of this week in the 'school-
house, with a go o(1. ;attendance. The
first 'part of the evening was spent in
farm discussion, and later a socinl
hour was spent and lunch was served.
It wassdecided by the groin) present
to hold a benefit dance in the school-
house this Friday night, with music
supplied by Fisher's orchestra. * '
ASHJ'1ELD, Nov. 17. Mrs. R.
Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Avery
and children spent a few days in
Airy Excellent
'Cod' rre Medicine
• Dr. TSaou/s 'isTorwaT Pine Syrup is a quick and'
pleasant remedy for coughs, cold,,. sore throat,
spasmodic croup, asthma and bronchial troubles.
Pleasant tasting, Safe and effective, Dr. Wood's.
Norway Pine Syrup takes hold almost instantly. It
helps to loosen the phlegm and,mueus, soothe the irritated membranes,
-• stimulate the bronchial organs and clear the air passages.
Dr. Wood's Nor -way Pine Sytup has been a popular family remedy
forr near 50 years. On sale at all drug counters. -
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,• Ont.
Iluion County Federation Of Agriculture
Annual' Meetin
and Protest Meeting
Protesting Farmers' Costs vs. Returns for Products,
Town Hall, Clinton
at 1.80 P.M.
• - Special Speakers' in Afternoon -
KEN. MORRISON of First Co-operative Packers, Barrie
ART STEWAR,T, Almonte, Ont. President Ont. Federation
Followed by
Banquet, Speaker, Concert & Dance
at '7 p.m. shari, same evening -
- Special Speaker for Evening -
of the Oity of Toronto• ,
Tickets mar be obtained from your Township or County Sec.
s •
--y-rtace That Worn Battery Before Winter with a
After a. six-himr search in the stprtn-swept. w, tiers of Lake Mire's these three men failed to find
James R. alisener. Stratford Imsinessnan, who was:blown out of sight by an off -shore gale SaturdnY
when he tried to retrieve a duck he had shot at Martin's Point. Left to right are Bert MacDonald. owner
of, the 30 -foot power boat -Captain John, llama Corbett. radio operator at Goderich and lirrate Mitol ),(11
ald. They returned with the boat covered with ate and numb with cold. Their dog. pal. went olontr
and was almost flozen.
Walkerton. At the offertory the organ- bins jersey, with 'garland of aliple 1)14)5-
it salt); 'Ind at, the sign- sums oft her blue veil. • She carried
A pretty fall wedding took plaett at
;ra'.(1:tnid'Ph is 11),a y." 1 yellow and bronze chrysanthemums.
on Saturday morning, November Sth, forsixty-ti'1. reception was held tit th 1 t
Mary Immaculate church, Chepstow,A s 11"11..s.uNre. , The !test man was Mr. James Ilnyter.
when Key. Father Hornell) united in g110141 14 biide. and g10111 401 the brli-k..s m;Uber, •s'ruu 11' st1.1:,7',
receiVing the guests torts the bride's after the ceremony. Mrs. Ntithbingt on
marriage M iss Therese Lambert us, 111
mother wearing 14 blitek crepe dress reeeised in 0 hong (1
own of 1)111 (k silk
`..fvoungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs•iind
corsage of red rosu.s, wane the 1110(10 embrOblere'd with gold. S(9111111S,
Herman Lanibertlig of Walkerton. and groom s mother wore a printed black Lwith small sequin embroidered juliet
M r, L. Latina 11, only son if Mr. and 1s'111( jersey and corsageWof Plilk 'es. ca,141
plet. ,or 0 short hnmon
Mrs, tr. J. lainuan of Ashaeld township. Mr. Eddie Swan of ('11(111 ((11 PerfaSnied the bride wore a 'thick ;111(1 Whitt. check
The bride entered .the church on the the daties of toastmaster. Late -r the suit Wit h.,,,black aceessories. On their
arm of her fdther to the strains of the Young couple 4,,ft 101. Ihandt and other ; return Mr. and Mrs. Russell will -rs_
Lithengrin Wedding March. Site points south. 'For 'travelling Jim bride sidc, in thalerich. Guests from out of
looked lovely in 11 own of 61.11Wcr silk wore a rust wool suit with black and town ‘vere from Toronto. Halifax, and
satin with sweetheart neckline, long white 1l(*(*(sSOiit5 Oii ti.nsir return Moncton, and also included 0 number
they wilt take up residence .on the of, the bridegroom's classmates from
lily -point sleeves, and long frill skirt.
groom's farm in Ashfield township. the Clinton Radar School.
Her full-length veil' was eaught to a
calla -lily headdress and she (11 1-114(1 11
Ithower hotusitet of 'Better Time roaes. RUSSELL-STCHBINGTON
'Her only ornament was 0 gold wedding An interesting evening wedding took
cross, an heirloom of five generations. • place in St. George's Anglican church standar& of white and amber 'mums,
on Sa t utda iot1t1 1 sis1,11.111iirt(iiiiiss i(t)(1,.(eluati;ltri r. t IT() 'T'oronto,
Mrs. Edwin Meyers of Ashfield, sister
of the bride, was bridesmaid. She vas ,
daughter of airs. „name atutmington
• , Mrs. Winnie. Ann (-rant. only daughter
gowned in a pale green satin gown
with an all-itronnd peblum and short and the late Mr. A. Stubbington, was of the late Nrr. and Mrs. Thomas Elson,
cap sleeves and long full skirt. Site married' to Mr Benjamin Roger Rus- beeame 'the bride of Albert Edward
wore a feather headdress and hong • set!, of Clinton Radar School, 8011 of I Lakeman, The bride was frocked in
white gloves and carried a bouquet of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henry Russell, powder-idue erepe with matching hitt
pink roses and white bouvardia. Miss Ottal.Vti: Rev. Beverly II. Farr of- and wore a corsage of sweetheart roses,
Edna Tinier of Kitchener, Maid -�T Tr.V.--resglip-presided tau/ 4)1 tests-retis- mitlii.rtv
honor, Was attired in at pink silk at the organ. Thi' bride, given in attired in midnight bine crepe with
jersey P;OW11 'iMth short plented in 4marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. 1 matching hat and wearing a eOrsage
sleeves and long skirt Her halo- Gordon .11. Liseombe, wore a floor- 1 of white baby 'MUMS, attended her
shaped headdress wAs • trimmed with length dress of white crepe with Ronsin as bridesmaid, and th'e best
grey nna- blue ostrith plumes.. She peplum of old ivory lace and matching man was Mr. Walter Lakeman, brother
wore 'matching gloves .and carried a collar. Her veil was of • real Silk, of the groom. The wedding =ski was
bouquet of •Oep pink roses and white chantilly lace, a family heirloom, played by Mrs. Spenee, organist of
bouvardia. Miss, Franees Anne Dalton, Spanish mantilla style, with orange the elmrch, and Miss June Moss sang
niece of the bride, was flowerRirl. She blossoms. She 4Wore silver • slippers Walk Beside Yon." After the
wore a long dress of yellow sheer and And carried a' Iv tite prayerbook, with reception at Club Top- Hat the bride
matching headdress .and carried a nose- White 'satln marhera trimmed With donned a coat o' Mint bouelette
gay of sweet peas. Mr. Edwin Meyers white violets. / She wore. the gift,. of med with wild Canadian mink for a
Of *AAlleld and Mr. Clare Lannan. of her mother, � necklaCe and brooeh honeymoon in Goderich, her mother's
attended tlfe groom. The' amethysts, and pearls.- !kilns Yawn birthplace. The happy couple ,61,:e the
ushers were Mr. Wilfred Lambertni Stubbingtori wao her sister's brides- guests of the bride's cousins,./Mr. and
Hamilton and Mi. Joe Oehring of maid, wearing a floor -length gown of • MO. Andrew Bogie, tit Bogle's 'Reach.°
Hew. 1. (1 Perkins officiated amid tall
1)99 SUPER
1, For performance
• For durability,
• For lasting satisfaction
Ta fit:
Select. from
Group Number
Culek, '31-37 ••;111
'38-1,:z • 21:
Che rolet (all) 1M or 111
hrysler . * 11NI
Dodge 1M or 111
Ford, all -1 cyl. . IM or 111
Ford. '33-39 .
Ford, '40-16 1F111
Hudson, '31-17 1L
Oldsmobile to '31 1:11
Oldsmobile, '38-1v 1E
Plymouth (all) 1M or
Pontiac, '39-16 1E'
Ppntlac, '35-38 1M or
Sthile'baker, '37-58 iM
Studebaker, '39-10 4M or
Willys . 1M or
23 Engineered Types
1.25 Allowance for Your
Old Battery
Regardless of Condition
Group Our
No. No.
1-M N-14
2- E
111 2-M
1/1 2 -FH
111 2-1i1 N-35
2-F111-. N-53
Type -
Heavy Duty
Super Service
Super Service
Ar1nor Glass
Super Service
Super Service
Armor Glass
Super Service
Supeit' Service .
Armor Glass .
Super Service ..
• Arinor Glass. ..
Super Service
Super -Service ..
Armor Glass ..
List Price
Factory . Our
13.45 10e0
22.95 14.85
21491255 53..8255
21.95 13.80
25.45 15.65
24..9950 13.40
21.90 15.40
22.45 14.15
for Every Vehicle
Just Arrived!, •Contour
with Heavy Felt Backs
Here's what you have been waltipg
for! A proper form -fitting factoty
duplicate mat to replace that shabby
worn ,one. Now they're available.
Pre-war quality but far beloW the
regular prices asked. We'.ve a mat
to fit practically every car.
f Tom . 2.9 5 • to
• 1110TO - MASTER
Efficiency a n d
economy is assur-
ed by using germ,
Me Moto -Waster
. . not boil
away at normal
motor tempers -
tures. Get your
supply now - be
ready when the
weather ,breaks.
Per 1-g%Ilon seal-
od can.. 1,74
, Ask for your copy. Contains. listings --
:-"bt all winter auto needs and general
supplies --winter sport g000 --110.i e•
shop equipment, etc. Your guide
to cafe Savings!
. •
Go.aarich, Ont.
L. O. Whomtateao