HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 6Visit Our
Toy Dept.
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Variety of
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E:Breckenridge a,
EENMIi�LEI-t .rich hospital on Wednesday and oper-
ated on for app,endicitis wad is now
BE\MILLER, Nov, 1",—hiss Louisa doing as Well as call be exllectc;(t:
Mrs. R. Jewell is able to be horse
Maedel, who spent the' summer with again after her illness.
Mrs. Aldin Adie, has gone 1'0 Goderich -Mrs. M. Jewell of Goderich spent
to spend the winter months. Before Sttutlap-at the bottle of her son Robert.
she left the. W.A. presented her with A quilting bee will be held in the
a handkerchief shower. .Miss- Maedel.., church. en Wednesday.. All- the ladies
ro has been a . faithful worker in all the ; are invited. '
church organizations. Rev. Kenneth and MIs. Reed.; and
.Mr. A: Straughan has purchased the ! family left here' on ,Wednesday for _the
Abe Fisher farm -from Mr. Hugh Hill ( _Maritimes to take o'er . his new
,o for his future home: - ' I pastoral charge. We wish this young
Mi', Harold Good tvaS taken- to Gude- couple every tiuccess.
Worry Often- Causes
• Loss -Of Sleep
-Worry is probably the rnnst common hawse of
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of hours of restful sleep. -
Such a condition may eventually result in .nery .
ousness and irritability, loss of appetite dor. fatigue.
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Ieasness, why not try Milburn's Health and Nerve Pillsi' Thousands have
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help build up the system and thu's help promote refreshing rest anal sleep.
• Ask your druggist for I ilburn's, Health and Nerve .fills, identified
by the "Red Heart" on the box. • ;
' The ^r. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont.
Rev..L. It Turner Tells of a Nish' to the
"Colored Section" of Florida. TOWW
.'t1i�71'liQ'1! E x'111111- afternoon—family ' gatherings on , the
4,6 ,writer is more than interested, unpainted verandahs, smothers fondling
and equally grateful, when his read(,rs,- their babes, °with the older 'members
of the family rounding out the picture.
from time to time meeting him ill the oh, yes, Gin mpa and Gramma ..were
au►ramul commerce of life.t' pr(• 'sa. a there in some instances --tire sort of
lament here and there relative to. some picture we should.like to see zatote often,
expectation that was not reali4eti Baa It's so easy to send the old folks off to,
the perusing of these letters. One
such unrealizet expectation was a por-
trayal of a esortice of. worship in the
c,►lored church.
It so happened that your scribe Was
unable to have the ltgappy experience
of worshipping with his colored breth-
ren, for the hours of worship in all
churches coincided. At some time in
the fut,lire it may: be possible to till- in
this blank.
In previous.- articles I have given
time and thought to the portrayal of
the physical larulacape in both the white
and the colored sections,'aind interesting
ur otherwise as this may have 'been
to the reader, it is always the human
element or factor .which outdistances
these lesser things.
'`Pilus, this Week. the colored children,
youths and maidens clamor for recog-
•Re -etch on the canvass of your mind
the beautiful picture portraiyted by' the
Prophet Zechariah in his •envisagin' of
the New Jerusalem. He sees the aged
bathed- in the sunshine of fully orbed
security, every Klan under the shadow
of his own. fig -tree; he sees all able-
bodied mien • gainfully and happily em-
ployed, and he rounds tint the picture
by sharing with his readers the in-
spiring sight of the city, --full of boys
and girls playing in the streets thereof.
What can match or measure in purity
anti- spontaneity the beauty and the
warmth of the lilt and laughter of the
children? 'file Weeds are here, the
unpainted churches are here, but there
are also the full-throated choruses of
little children playing in the streets. One
forgets the weeds and the unpaved
roads when in►e's eyes are. greeted by
these littlyt people. No .wonder the
Master of alien (ince' said that - the
Kingdom of Ileuven is made of -spirits
like .these, -
\\ell,' here I ami preaching again,.
and without any opportunity of,passing
-the collection plate. I had , a very
_iappy Conung
up from the postotfice_ I spied two
children. presumably brother and „is_ ( to flaunt their ribbons. These youths
ter, reliosing -on the sidewalk, the possess athletic - stance ands in their
forniei•••experienc•ili.g. some difficulty in -social esalpressiuns are quite - affable.
putting- on his `shoe, which in some Nevertheless, the "Mason 'and Dixon
manlier had divorced itself from his
wee foot, Those appealing blue eyed'
rivetted themselves upon ole ai.nd,Jhe
sweet little voice, aided by his sister's',
sblic•ited my help. What a -kick I got
out of that Boy. Scout's good deed=
it pp! -
soilte houie or to the hospital' I
wondered if here the traditional rite
was curried out sal familiar to many
of us where'll Sunday clothes were
reserved for Sunday, at the even of
which or on' Monday.morning they
were carefully brushed, felde 1 and put
away awaiting the 'advent of the fol-
lowing Sabbath. In the main the
children seemed to be reasdnably well
dressed and equally well nourished.
The girls, espeeially,. walkc;d With•
measured tread, and quiet dignity all
arresting In their , expression ; their
hair a raven black seeming to stand
sentr�• .upon their shoulders, termin-
ated With hair ribbons of varied hues,
particularly a lurid rest oar emerald
green. •
One thought of Longfellow's Immor-
tal masterpiece, "Evangeline," por-
traying the simplicity and Purity of
the Acadian peasani• girl: "And when
she had passed, it seemed like the
ceasing of exquisite music." •
One • wondered what, the outer world
would hold -for these - young people.
Would their dusky -hued skin consti-
tute alit asset or a li'iibility? I3e it to
the everlasting credit of Uncle Sam
by the 3oelety •. of a life-inetailza'tcshiza
in the a� .M,S. A Short, n eetiitl, of the
W.A. followed; after which a. 107M1y
lunch Was served by the lzostesses,
Mrs. if. MltlhollaziU and Mrs. Elzuer
Cennttrnatrg of lflignnnn.ays1le1' -At the
Sunday morning bervice in Ilolmeaa%wllle
ehurch the minister, Rev. C. 'ravencr,
paid special tribute to the memory of
Rev. henry Francis Ilyte, author of
the beloved hymu "Abide tvitl'a Me,"
who passed away 011 November 2Oth,.
1; 7. It was pointed out that among
the great' hymns of the church that
have bti ed their messages deep ° into
human hearts none is greater than
"Abide with Me." The hymn was
sweetly sung by the' Misses - Reta Yeo
at1(1 Molly Flukey. An interesting out-
line of the author's life was given.
f Continued -:roan page' *2)
long fur .your return—and when you,
come you'll tiled us stere as you left
us," That young man later told me
that idle of the strongest influences in
his life was the lasting quality, the
stability of his hoame----the liereneis of
it--'auu'11 find us here"—"We'll be
.waiting for you." Homes where there
is nut ,that heremess have in theca the
elements of , tragedy —young child rush-
ing in —"Hey, Mother, I'm home"—no
answering—greeting—no eager "How
did you get on today?" Instead, a
sileutie—the foundation is jarred, the
seeurity is shakbfi.
In the development of the growing
Available Alleys for individuals, groups or` '• (pieties on .
Friday and Saturday nights. •
Arrange reservations on these nights for your special
Bowling Parties.
'the educational. facilities provided these i.c-hild an important part is the estab-
colored children vary not one iota in listtment. of a sound sense of values.In
the excellency of • buildings a hd icur- I this the parents and the home occupy
riculttm from those which cater to the the place of high importance. Children
scholastic needs of •white children. The are not' burn with a sense of values; ai
'church. :iii this pariticular, lags far � the importauce they place on certain
behind in its care and. %raining• of' Hues of action, ways of thought, stan-
°these boys and girls. Of' course • it (lauds of behavior will depend;,, in the
tyaunot clip into th:e public treasury to main, on their homes. Isere _these
Prosecute its work.. homes the basis for the decisions they
'floe• the girls must ,envy- the boys will make all „through life are estab-
with their curly , hair. "Why is it."lisped—here they may learn that kind -
1 hear sister 'Mary asking brother, 11ess pays I)ig cii,videttds ; that generosity
Jim, "you have curls when you don't, is -richly rewarded ; , that service is
need them, and my hair is as straight superior - to-selfishne§s : that sacrifice
as a board fence?'' Mary woltld- give affords satisfaction. Here they -may.
everything to have her brother's curls. learn that honest effort .with. failure
SO it is - with the colored children. is More comtm(),Ildable than dishonesty
The .curls cling to the boy's head like with success.
so many grapes in a cluster. Of course 'Here they may learn to assume
the -Alas 711-11.- ianiethii> : upon;- which respon-sib'il'ity,' to bear their share of
'the .family- burdens, to rejoice in -their
share of the family blessings. Here
they develop . appreciations- for
courtesy, thoughtfulness, gentleness- and
strength, appreciation for 'art, Music,'
line" is to .the north of them rather
than to the south and that unfortunate" literature ---appreciation for good ,con -
geographical , accident will lla\1ve' some versation, for quiet and the opportunity, -
,say as to the type of future which will of being alone. -
be theirs. - Ability ' to' face up , to, things may be'
Early in this article I commented 'f Teveloped. Evasive tactics which when
putting on the' shoe and lacing
p . upon the relative tranquillity of the consistently practised lead to mental.
That shoe divorced from his foot con-, Sabbath' afternoon. Well, as we were and emotional immaturity may- be,
stitiltecl a real tragedy for that rousing emerging from this'Lcommunity "across, avoadied. .
fellow. but' after his need was met he the tracks" we' heard voice's raised tp Now all these. things—security, firm
and his sister "went on their sweet a high pitch and quite voluminous, and i beliefs. 8.sense of belonging, a standard
remembering way" hand .in hand, sure, 'enough upon closer investigation of- value—Laney seen to have little to•do
• g " _we found the, boy exp,loiti•ng the fishier with formal education, but they are
gazing Into a bran 1 net- .obi world. :__If„ thy. --. t�.f — .... -. h Mises ,on-ti•1neb' iiTl e ucit1oft--i�ests-
•'�•-, '�_�• fcir-`-r'li�ressin�- art of baseball, iucle �am1s :�o, '1-1-the •
'Fifi,1 r';r ":FII c me . „ b,
couldn't very, well Mame him, but I pastime. These rads were inuscitl'lar, and the child finds them or fail to
(lid went to share. this little interlude ( and could they Haste that pill! Pardon " final them in the home. A person may
with Ins readers..~ my -descent into, -the vernacular, They be loaded down with certificates and
The Sabbath Scene ' (.exhibited a mild interest in us, whether ; degrees awl still be intellectually dis-
Well: to share _with_youa portrayal ‘it was disdain or the assertion of the ; honest, eniutibnally -unstable and spir-
of this young; life.. There was at ..410-s. inferiority coillplex, or 'the operation of j italally impoverished. The home_Which
bath• calm in tbe coinmuality on this our itnaginatien, 'We kilow not. 'Tows,' honestty attempts to. meet the. needs
ever, just across the way their ,white 1 of Its children and young people is
brothers were also disporting them-,! confronted with a great• and challeng-
selves With -batt and ,ball. Here again j illg'(11 k. - But whatever the price, Most
"OtA0 MtPt 1tt0
Ask for it either way .... both
trade -marks mean the sante thing's
Authorized bottler bf • Coca-Cola under contract with Coca- Cola •Ltd.
Phon' 49'8
the baseball enclosures ievealed ,• the j' of • us, whether parents or teachers,
social cleavage of the two races; the'h(t)'forul our. greatest service and find
park of the white boys really resem- i our greatest satisfaction in helping, the
Wing` a park, whilst that of 1 their new generation.
duskybrethren - eeme(1 to be little THE BRIDGE BUILDER
- more than all uncut meadow, - , ' ' An old man'goi'ng on a lode highway
oar oaWay home tV began to count , Came at the evening cold and gray
otlr many blessings and -it really did To a chasm vast and deep and wide.
surprise ns '`what the Lord had done." ,Thi., • old man crossed in the 'twilight-
•Sonletilmes my sermons are- brief, I dila,,• -
this is 0110 of them. L,1I,T. I'Tho'sullen stream had no fear for him;
11tit he paused theft safe on the other
i ' side
' 1 .And built it Abridge to stens the tide.
• ' "Old elan," said a fellow -pilgrim near,•
KI\( llItID(II?, 4,uv, - 17. -- \Ii• ' x•You are Wastrng your .strength buil-
_. Cita rle• 1)atltou, froth St. ' Catharines, ' • t.ehig •1n re, ..
visited with his parents', M4•, and. Mrs., Your journey will end with tate closing
Jeremiah Dalton, over the week -end. dap,
•- Mr. Victor Martin•' returned to Ham- You never" again shall past; 'J11is Way.
ilton on Monday after spendipg a few You've crossed._ the - thaw '-deep -and
clays with his relatives' here. Wide, h ,7 '
\Iis� Stellar. Dean is visiting in Port-, Why build you this bridge et eventide?"
Lanlbton, - •• . ; ; `The builder lifted his. old gray • head,
Miss Kathleen Garvey of 'Windsor "Good friehd, in the path I've come,"
was visiting with ,friends he e over the ' • he said,
week -end. ' "There followeth after me today
Mr. Bert Martin and Miss„ ;Agnes A)youlh Whose feet must pass this way ;
King of Iiemilton were • visitors ',at 'This (•basin that's been as ndught to fne
lilaise Martin's over the weep-er\d. • To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall
Miss _Mary Kelly and Walter have be ;
returned hone after -spending.' the Ile, too. must cross •'in the twilight dim.
summer in London. Goodfriend; I'm puil(iang this bridge
Mr.• Gerald 'Dalton of Toronto' was . for him."
home for a few days last week visit- A '
ing his parents, Mr.,nnd Mrs. Michael ( AR1,O%
Dalton. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ed.- King of Teeswater • ('Alt!O\\',' Nov. T8. ---Mr. incl Mrs.
visited cin Saturday with,AIi a•nd 1Mrs Gordon Young celebrated' their forty-.
Moist,:11i tin., • eighth wedding. anniversary .on Snn(lay;�,,
While tinnting~rabbits hast week with. ,Ncncnh1)11 111th. It 'also was \Ii~.
a shotgun Jimmy , Setnielt , wlipped. om Young's eigl,htieth hirthdav,,
the bnIll , causing. the gun to'discliargt', Mr.. and \Ifs. Koy •1 11iugtone J'atsy
hitting hila on, the .foot and tearing the (and 'ay; of Ottawa, -are spenclin'g this
slew.. . The shell, Was loaded with MILh week ,With lIr. end Mrs, Errington and
Mr: and JJrs..Mc('linchey -
Mr. and .Mrs, Lloyd Young are spend-
ing' this week'at Toronto, .
HOLl%1ESVII. E tv Mr, and Mrs. ('has. Watson of•T.on-
don spent the weekend with Mr, and
II(iI.M1;SvILLE, Nov, 1�.—Mr. and Mrs. \\'nl, Watson. • ..
11rs. C. • Ireland, . •41'ceswater, here Mx? end llrs. 1.. S1►'ytler and Jean,.
gueg'ts of, Mr. and Mini. Piller •Potter -i►f' I3enmillter, spent 5unday'w�it.1t• Mrs.
atiil family on Tte'141: j•, ' f.('•=Cllin. •
lirs, 1•;, -.1. Trews rtha1 ,�p('rlt- a few f Mr,. George WForelnnn-'rlf•'\\`oodstock
days with Mr. and Mrs: Kenneth Lang- ► spent 'the past wee10 with his sister,
ford, Woodham, last week. lits. -All i'n ,Wilson. b
l' 'Mr. and Mrs. W, S. Telly. Tututto, -• d%'.M.S.. Meeting.—. The -November
visited -\It's, .1. 13. Sta t'Matit Ifist *ec'It. meeting of the Carlow W.M.S. was
.Mr. L..1. Stook, O.A.(•'., Guelph, sllent.
t•he week -end wt his home here.
The many friends of Mrs, 31. J. `• • A
Stock, w•ho ,js. at present. in Clinton Etit ins#ion Waste
hospital, are, pleased to know she is • ,
Progressing favorably and expects to: First Rule' For Health -,
be home shortly. ! ti V 1�
11 r. and 1lrs. Draper,,T)etroit, Milch., , . -
were week -end visitors with ;\Ir. and)
Mrs. Fred Mulholland and other rela-
tives in this. vicinity. i'i
Mrs. A. E. Bond spent 'a tlfew days
with friends in Toronto the ' past week,
and attended the graduation of ht'r
nephew, Grant Cooper. :31in was ac -
held at the home of Mrs. Win. Treble,
with a good attendance. Mrs. Fordyce
Clark as leader used tie worship ser-
vice from the :liissioi nary Monthly,\w, ith
Members assisting, and Mr,ts, St iy.th
read a chapter from the study book.
Very full and interesting reports were
given by Mrs, ,Allan Stoll anal Mrs.
Tait Clark, 'who attended the recent
sectional meeting as delegates, The
entertainment committee discussed-
haa.ving.•pot-luck suppers at the mem-
hers' homes as a ' means of raising
money for the expense fund. It was
decided to , send boxes and cards to
shut-ins for Christmas. The meeting
closed with the Mizpah benediction.
.lifter the guests were made - welcome,
the hostess served tea. '
The Signtal-Star 'job department Is
equipped for all kings of printing.
Telephone 71 when You need office
stationery or other printing.
shot, . 'P11is accident fihould be a warn-
ing to all hunters. ;
Regular elimination' of . wastes
from. the body : is one of the pura-
mouiit rules for good'health, Mil -
bur r 's Lacca -Liver Pills aro of help
td faulty elimination. The coznbinta-
( tie& of laxative and tonic drugs
chntained its these pills make diem
eompanied home on Saturday by Dr. one of 'the most useful . and be;.t
and Mrs. Cooper of Toronto, who spent ' remedieal for minor .disordered eon -
the week -end with Mr. and Mrit' Bond ditions of ,the eliminatory organs.
and falmlly'and ;sirs. Cooper, Milburn's Lasa-Liven;•--i11s help
Life-embership,Pi'esentet .,- 4i There to stimulate the liver, ,clean • the
was a good attendance alt the "autulaln. ,, coated tongue, awe'itenthe breath
thank -offering meeting cof ' and., eliminate waste from the ays-
which was held in the basement o'f the tom. As an tt'after-dinner" pill'
church on Tuesday last. ) splelidid` • they relieve that bloated feeling and
program. was ++i,repar(►d, by the pr'eal- , help indigestion. '
della Mrs. V. Mulholland, a apeV1azl" ,,tlo1d at drug eauntdrd everywhere.
ft'atiire being the honor p it d to Mrs t fila . ];tltbtirn Co., Ltd., Toronto, . u18.
J. Trewartha in the prgoenaltloli
Tt ..
Jack &
children's Wear
, We'll show you the amazing machine
that takes the work out of washday!
See us set the Bendix dial—add some
soap ----then step away! Without touch-
ing the Bendix again it does the Wash
from start _to finish! It washes clothes
amazingly cletin-•-damp drys them
ready for line or dryer—and you never
put a hand in wafer!
Don't ictiss 'the I3endix Demonstrii-
tirin . .. Come in now 1
PHONE . 2403