HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 54.v THE GODERI F AUBURN PAC,atE VIVIC AlUBIUBN, Nov. 18. — Dim. OT.Ohn Houston is visiting her (laughter, ,DUaa, . Jean.UoustOu, Toro to. • Mr.-, and Mrs. Archie. Malkin and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkin of Goderich viSited Mr. ail° -c rs.• -.14. Allin on Sunday. • Mr. T. S. Johnston » .Itor at Toronto this week. Visitors with Mr. and . Qt24-), Beadle at the week -end were Mr.• and Mrs. Be'verly Freiich and.daughter and Miss .Bennett, of Detroit, and 2fir. and Mrs. CHM-Brown and family, Of WO - ton. „ Mr. J, J. Wilson spent the week- end with his daughter, Mrs. Harold Nicholson, and Mr..Nicholson, Seaforth: 311.si Doren*. 4eid and Mrs. Russell Reid of Toroute'''visttett-Alte-formWt,),, father, Mr. Eplariaur'Ball, on Sunday. Mr. 43a11 is confined to bed. - • Miss Vivian Straughan of London spent the week -end with her mother, . Mrs. C. M. Straughatm. ...._ Mrs. George Hamilton was takeu to , Godeifieh heSpital . by ambulance on Taesday and. was - operated ' on for appendicitis. Her many friends wish her a speedy. recovery. - -- Donald Ross. of .Galt spent the week- , „lend with his mother, Mrs. Fred Ross. , Mrs. Wm. »Carter, 'Westfield, •ias. been ' 'assisting in nursing her grandmother, Mrs. john thinking. There was no school in the public i school Tuesday afternoon, as Mr.. Little was attending the teachers' coavyntion i in Goderich... . 1 .....,, Mr. Stewart King of Toronto visited his father, Russell King, on Tuesday. Mr.' hua Mrs. Wesley Stackhopse and daughter, Miss Ea, of Brumfield, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scott on Monday. - , Mr. Chas. Scott has returned home from Toronto,- where he had been at- tending a beekeepers' convention at the Royal York Hotel. - For Their Golden Wedding—Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Mogridge will be at home to their friends on Monday, December 1st, from 2-.30 t� 5 in the afternoon andlfrom .7. to 9 in the evening, the occasion being their fiftieth wedding anniversary. B.Y.P.U. Meettng. — The B.Y.P.U. held their monthly meeting on Sunday night with Miss Evel.,,Nn - Raithby in charge, The Scripture was read by _Bob ..Wils.on.,- and.n reading NY4s_ ,glYen by Jerry Vesterfelt. A solo was rend- ered by Ilene Cunningham, accom- panied by Christian Cunningham, a duet by Shirley and Emma -Robertson,' and a piano duet by 'Evelyn-Rajthby and Margaret Jackson..I The topic was given by Jas. Raithby: 'The next meet- ing will be the .Christmas one and -will be. in charge of Shirley and George Robertson. WAS. Offieers.----Mrs. Edgar Lawson was elected president -of the W.M.S. of Kbox Presbyterian church at the NovenAer meeting, held at her home on 'ITiursday. Other officers- elected i \Vete Thonbrary president, Mrs. W. T. Robison'; lst vice-president, Mrs:'Jcihn Houston; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Herb i Govier; secretary-treasur,er, Mrs. Fred 1 ..Ross; assistant, 3.1,1r.• _XV, _Exasinoc,k;..., -home ,helpers' secretariesi Minnie Wag- 1 ner and V. Letherland; birthday fit/WI Secretary, , Mrs. F. -Ross,;• welcome and welfare Secretary, Mrs. W. Good; Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. A. Rollinson; literature a,nd library secretary, Mrs, J. Houstim ; .flower committee, Mrs. A. Rollinson, Mrs. W. Bradhock, Mrs. E. Little; pianist, Mrs. J. Houston. • For the Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Wellington Good was, elected pregident and , Mrs. E. Lawson 'treasurer. Mrs. W. IT-. Robi- son presided for the Meeting. The Seripture was read- by Mrs. W. Good, with meditation and prayer. Final plans were 'Made for the bazaar. The topic, the last chapter of the study book, was given 1)3' Mrs. Ross, who ,alSo offered the closing prayer. The hostess served refreshments, • • - -Wedding Anniversary.—Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hallam observed their fifty- leorth :wedding anniversary on Tiles- , a. .jewel of a coiorr • Psf. IN -DEE You've seen this color wickedly - glowing—deep in a ruby's heart. But wait till you see it on your lips! With every costuine ;a -drama t ie7 highlight. In -Deep Lipstick, Matching Nail Polish, 'Cream Rouge, Rouge Compact—now available CAMPBELL'S DRUG. STORE PHONE 90 » GODERICH CARD OF THANKS THE CASTLE FAMILY WISH TO Thank their Many friends --and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy extended to them • in their bereavement. They wish also, to .re- member those who ,sent floral tributes. -47 MIIrrlIELY AIURNEY AND FAMILY are very grateful .to those , who were so kind and ehoughtful to, Mrs. Murney during her illness and to them intheir bereavement They would also extend heartfelt thanks to those who sent flowers or loaned cars for the funeral. - -47 • CREWE - EdueationarTr?gram.. — Education Week was observed in Crewe school by a "parent and pupil." social even- ing on 'November 5th. The, program included numbers by the children, an address on the "Need and Advantage of a Good Education" ably given by Rev. S. T. Dunk of Dungannon United church, and a comparison of the Eng- lish and Canadian ways of life and Work..clearly presented by Mr. Berger, a new,Canadian who hasettled in the nOghborhood recently. A few tests• and lunch brought the evening to a close. 1 Memorize The Phone -No-»--I22 FOR. PICK-UP AND SERVICE AT -YOUR CONVENIENCE. °OUR PLANT IS EQUIPPED TO HANDLE YOUR CLEANING PROBLEMS. CLEANING PRESSING » — • EXPERT DYEING " MOTHPROOFING -- WATERPROOFING & REPAIRING Coderich Flinch Dry Cleaners da-y,'NoveMber lBth. M. Hallata Waa- fOrMerly ,E1149.betch Atm 4.40cif, of Loughborough,- England, and for our years7 after her -marriage to Thomas nallath they resided at _Loughborough where', Mr.. Hallam viaa eflployed ou the railway. Later they tOOk .up farming in Leicestershire, Englalnl, but in 1913 they sailed for Canada with their fairn- By° of fiw sons, lirst settling . at St. Helens, whhe Aft. 1a11ain. was etn- ploYed by rank Todd. an 1914 they moved to West Wawanosh, where their son Leslig now resides, and twenty- nine- years ago they moved.to Hullett township, to the farm where their son Arthur now lives. Seven years, ago they retired to Auburn. They have always taken a keen interest in the welfare of the community • -and are -tirbrq'T`M-KamriftriTettalurretc—M Hallam wag seeretary-treasurer of S.& No. 9, Mullett, for fourteen years, and is at present clerk of the village. Mrs. Hallam is seventy-seven years of agd and Mr. Hallamseventy-nine years. They have a family of five boys.: Charles of -AShfieldt"Gecarge and Leslie of \Vest WawanoSh; Arthur and Jack of Mul- lett. They also lia‘•,e nineteen grand- children, 'Airs. Hallani does not enjoy very good health. Mr. Halltun is re7 markably. smart and (wave- and •can be seen every day riding his bicycle. On Lis seventy-Pinth birthday he cycled sixteen miles to his son's home in. .•1,8-htie1d and pedalled the sixteen miles home again. Morkin—Bell.—A wedding of inter- est., in this communitj took ,place in St. George's charch, Claresholm, when Helen Grace, youngest (laughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Bell, became the bride Of ,Mr. Thomas C. MOrkin. The nuptial mass was celebrated by Rev. -Father Kruskie and Rev. Father Thompson. The bride looked lOvely, in a white satin gown with llly-point sleeves, high deekline,fitted bodice, and full sweeping skirt. Her floor - length veil was held in place by n coronet of pearls, and she carried a shower bouquet of Briarcliff roses. Her only ornament•was a single Strand of pearls,_ a gift of the bridegroom. Miss Rita Bell was her sister's brides- maid, wehring:a -floor-lenkth gown of yellow sheer And blue- net halo, with shoulder veil. She carried a nosegay of yellowroses andblne carnations. The bride is a niece of Mr. 'Raymond RedmOnd-. Of -.East „.,W,awanosh, , • Eat„,,MeVittie.—A pretty wedding was solemnized at Knox United church manse, Auburn, at 11: o'clocli Saturday morning, November 8th, whe'n-Alice Marjorie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. William McVittle, 'Westfield, !was. united in •marriage to Mr. Edward Charles East,elder son of Mr. and, Mrs. Charles East, Auburn. Rev. A. (L Hyyltt officiated. The bride looked lovely in a street -length dress' of azure blue 'crepe with .satin Win and wear- ing a corsage a American Beauty reses. Miss Roberta•McVittie, sister of .the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing street -length dress of oyster 'pearl crepe with bead and sequin 'trim, and corsage of rosebuds. Mr. William East, brother of the bridegroom, was. f_bust„Man,:, TheA3Aa1di4g-par-ty-returne1-7 ' to -- the home of • the bride's parents, where _they were received by the bride's. mother in a dress of toffee beige crepe with a corsage- of •white and pink chrysanthemums. She ,was ,assisted by the bridegroom's mother wearing • a navy blue crepe dress *Ith sequin trim and corsage of white .and red .chry- santhemums. The ,young eonple left later in the afternoon for a Motor trip. Co Orangeville-, Barrie, and i).arry Sound, the bride travelling 111 a' black alpaca-w'eave crepe and lace dress, with an aero blue topcoat with silver and black trim, black hat and accessories. On their return they will reside on the bridegrooni's farm in Mullett town- ship., Prior to her 'Marriage Miss Mc - \Tittle was guest of honor atthe home of Mi.. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbit, When the members of the play cast of the Junior Ins:Mute and .Tunior Farmers met and presented her with a rug. Bumunage sale i St.' Peorge's pariah 11414 SaturdaY, November Malt titp o'clock, ausiiices of St. David'S.group Claurehv,vomen's Guild. - -47, ate .trale in,aid of radio fund will be held after .the • regular liovembpr meeting. of Victoria Home and Sehool Association, November 27t1.i. rooms will be 'open for inspection and films Will be Shown. Everyone wel- come. Lunch served. -45 Reserve Vritiay..Nevenaber. 28th, fer euchre, -"500” and dance, sponsored by Godericil Fire Brie.de. CKNX Golden Prairie Cowboys. Admission. 50 tents. 47x Ernest" Barker has Christmas and liFaccastO cards ou display in- D. AL O'Brien's store on the Souare. . Bazaar, sale of homemade bahing .and afternoon tea at .Victoria street church- on Saturday, November 22nd, at 2 p.m,- 45-7 Lovely selection of individual Christ- mas cards, froth 5 cents -up-. Also ek- (•eptional Vahie in boxes of Christmas cards from 25c to -82.50. At •Camp- bell's, your friendly IiA. Drug Store. -47 Mailer auspices of .A.luneek Chapter, a special treat, the anuch talked of pletureS; "Princess Elizabeth, Queen of the Future," and "Canadian Landscape," .also children's picture, all (•olor, in Knox church lecture ball 011 Monda3;', November 24th. Afternoon showing, for children ; evening. showing at 8.15. .46 The Salvation .Army Home League is lia.ving•its annual sale On Saturddly, Decenaber 6th, from 2 to 6 p.in., in the Legion hall. -47-8 The new -1`91'S' wallpapers are- in. ,Stlinworthy patterns, suitable rex' any' room in the house. See these at Schaefer's. • 46tf Chriatanas gift subscriptions ,and Magazine renewals should be placed early. Phone Miss Mary B. 213W, or Mrs. Ismay McLean before 10 a.m. They will be glad to call at your home and fill all your magazine re- quirements. -45 Home-made.' bake sale, -Saturday, December 6th, -10.30- an. to 1 p.m., at the Ivy -Mary S.hoppe, .sponsored by the Margaret Seeger Club. -47 Slendor tablet -A -tare effective. Two supply_ .weeks Campbell's and Emerson's Drug Stores. .-47 Bazaar- and . tea in North street Unite.dChurch hall on Saturday, November 29th, at 3 p.m., sponsored by , the Woman's Association. Aprons of every variety, children's wear, baby quilts, fancy work tied miscellaneous ; articles for • sale, also a hdinebaking table and country store. Tempting offers for Christmas' shoppers. -47-8 $NE QULAR(4. STOOK or— TO PICTURE ONLY. TWO OF THE LARGE SELECTION.... 111111111.111.11.1111IMIV a' 0-• COLBORNE FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ' Nlborne Fede'ration of Agriculture will hold their banquet at Nile on., NoVeMbel; 27 at 7'.30.1 116v. G. W. 11. Medley of Goderich will be the guest i1 and i jjaal entertattnntit'Will be. supplied. Tickets .are to be, had! from the local directors. • -Remember the Dgcember 'pictures. atl.' Carlow on December 5, for school child- ren, at 2.30 'p.m., and at Berimiller school at 8.30 iri the evening for adults.. DUNGANNON Passing of an Old Resident. — .Miss Alice Ferguson, highly respected resi•• dent of the tith concession of West Wawanosh, passed away on Wednes- day afternoon at her home after about a week's illness.' She was seventyinine years of age. a daughter Of the late James Ferguson and Mary Woods Ferguson, who came; front Ireland. Miss Ferguson was loved and respected by2all. She was of a quiet. retiring nature, devoted to her borne. She • GAs AND WHEN IT COMES.TO You will find we have a beautiful array which 'will include hist what you havp been looking for. - THE GIFT OF LASTING isOVELINESS IS A PORTRAIT OF YOU. ••••••••,.••••••••• Do not delay In making.an appointment to have have your portrait taken. HENDERSON THE SQUARE GODERICH GRANULATED or VELLOW • BRAESIDE. 1st, GRADE SUGAR 10 "s. 88c BUTTER Fresh Daily' SCOTIAN. GOLD APPLE RICE C1MPBE'LL'S SOUP iorrors TEA POUND . 64c 20 oz. Tin 10c Vegetable, Celery, Beef, Oxtail RED LABEL • ORANGE PEKOE CHASE AND SANBORN • COFFEE .16 lb. Bag 1 11). Bag NEILSON'S COCOA ROBIN HOOD 4' -FLOUR OXFORD INN CHILE CON CARNE - »-I9c 10 oz. Tin .2 f- 23c._ Ib. Pkg. 49e lk lb. Pkg. 52e 30e 5,1r 22e _33e , 7 lb. Pug A Hard Wheat Flour 40c 15 oz. Tin • FREE - Pkg. 'Dreft '29e' For Disire RICHMEW) WHITE t 24 oz, Loaf '• BREAD- - Try Its 1 • Tasty Goodness DR. JACKSON'S - MEALA Natural Health Food MOTHER •JACKSON'44- A Cool Weather Cereal JIFFY PORRIDGE -ncg. 17c BARKER'S 8 oz. Pkg. The Better Butler Wafers • al tended the Dungaimon United Aurch, at'IxIlich she was a member. She' Vill • I be • sadly missed by her brOthersp • Robert,- John G., Albert and Islutc. and her sister Martha, all at • home. A private funeral serVire- will be held Friday afternoOnat tale. faintly denee. ReV. W. TJ. RO't?,ers,' -Myth, I a former pasttrr, will have• charge of. .•1` -the servi(e. 111-tHlin8it Will he 111 1.1),mgannon cemetery. ' a Tasty Diqi BAYFIELD LIONS' WILL UILD OPEN AIR RINK Plans for the immediate latilding of 4.'.1111 open :111' rho: at came. be ' fore the business sessorn of llie ,l1ny field Lions Club on 'Wednesday night. - Membei-s of' the Bayfield club pro- \» iled their »11 nteitainment lit this 1414(11 i(g The NVilS anSWered 08(11 111(.11111pr giving Ine‘date of his birth. • ( member wa:: obliged to entertain Nil-th a 41,kt11ie number because ltis birthdav. fell netire:=4 to the date of the Meeting. This he carried, out in a creditable manner, Exeter. 1.14 4145 will be 12,-nes1s of the 1 ;:o 11(041 1,i0l4 (:1111) al tilt' first dinner !Heeling- in 1 )141'111141% stls,finh‘d for December 1 Tili » Bachelor 'Lions liaNe been Nvarnr,(1 that unless ria,,x 141 e 4 44414.1* half with them at this111491 Inc 1 It -izoing" will be tough . for them. LIBBY'S ,BABY FOODSar ssorted .0 9 Tins 23c vieties When You Read Your Signal -Star.. DOMINO PAJ,E' DRY GINGER ALE 20c, WESTON'S ENGLISH QUALITY PLUM PUDDINGS "Spie & Army Goggles Span plcg.ho90," withHahdY Ammonia 2Pkgs.1.1c- . Two Pack4ges Post's Bran :Flakes , . Ontario No. 1 ONIONS 3 lbs. 14e Sunkist Size 288 ORANGES doz. 29c Canada No. .1 Potatoes 10 lbs. 390 Siz6 300 • LEMONS 6 for 23c Size 80 Grapefruit 4 for 25c Even kings enjoy cooking, and King Edward VII was an expert in'the preparation of succulent dishes. With him, cooking began 'as a hobby which he cultivated into a high Wit: In the kitchen he baked many- a royal dish and codkd» to perfection tasty meals. • turn to the front page and look for the little colored stieker on the upper left hand dormer' of the page... . on thin sticker be found your name. . . . and also the date o which your subscription expires'. If the date has passed on which your subscription pired, may we ask that you give the matter your attention now. Thanks! • . s The. Signal -Star A 41- .0 •