HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-11-19, Page 7INSURANCE.
of Toronto • also for the oliceN S VIBE
the ROYAL CANADIAN. of Montreal, and the
PANY, of London. England. established 1847,
Assets over, $5,000,000 claims And bonuses
paid, over $10,000,000,
IiOC,41 NEWS,-..-TYeshall be happy to re.
celse atall all tisr e
t s, from any part of the
County, acing of local news, such as ae-
ei'dents,or any interesting incident what
ever, front any of our subscribers or read-
ers generally for the purpose .of public-
Sunday Funerals.
The follawing sensible address to the peo-
ple of Clinton from the ministers of that
town should be imitated everywhere : "The
ministers of the town wish to lay before the
Christian public their views on the .growing
practicer of holding funerals on. Sunday. They
haven() wish to curtail any one's liberty how
Sunday shall be observed within the limits
allowed by Scripture, custom and laws of the
lead, yet they wish very distinctly to express
their conviction that funerals should not be
conducted ou Sundays except for obvious
causes. ce They
have come thisconclusion.
for two reasons 3--(1.)
These funerals, with
the necessary attendance and labor, are not
in harmony with the sacredness aux Lord's
Day. (2) In many instances theyeeinterfere
With the performance of duties of the clergy-
ntan's off.Ice. It is resolved, therefore, that
every effort be made to prevent such fuuer-
mtToo.. �. ala except wl.en absolutely necessary, and
d efer tis1 that the Chdstianpalette be asked ldntJiy to
sustain there in these efforts."
THURB Aft, NOVE1I".R 19t14, 1885
TENOENTiI tier line for first insertion, and
Fore CI:,TS per line for each subsequent iu
sortton willbe charged fa notices appearaiil
In this column.
Without exception, the best and cheapest
lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen,
can now be had at O.l;acrett's. Children's'
Carriages, Express Wagons. Bieseies of all
sties, Pelt Bets and Men's Hand -made
Beata ; also harass of every description
Constantly on hand. Cala and uee them,
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for
goods. C.la tcnn•re.
Or I%Tr. u sv TO Aree -Haring opened a
Itestauraat gnat Boarding House in dames
Swcstertun'a New btoek, market square, 1 be
to say that I am now in a position to neeutte-
ulodate boarders by the week or day ; also
(angers with. meals and good stabling and
feed for horses at very nc derato prices.
entire building is comfortably heated. with
hot par and well furnished. Give us n call.
J.A. Hexes.
Tbt3 auinivereasy aerviees of the hlaiu-et.
tnctbaidiet S 8. will be held on Sunday
fund Monday',1vov. 22nd and 23rd, when a
good time racy be expected. On Sunday
eta:mous will be preached at 10 a. rn. and
0,80 p. se. and at 2.80 p. ie. a platform
meeting will 10 held, cvnsistiug of Addresses,
and singing by the school. On Monday av
ening, 23rd, a grand concert will be given by
Professor Birks, of London, accompanied by
:lieu Ella Cole, Bliss Alice Morgan, Mr. J.A.
*a:' siritead, anal Mr T. hook. Doors open at
L ; concert at 7.80.
Leet.—d. (011 Link Oa Button. Any
person returning the same to T. 13. Carling
will bo suitably rewarded.
kite SArn.—Don't forget the great union
sale of Blooded Horses, Heavy Drafts, Work.
era, Colts, Cows, Carriages. and Harness. on
the Market Square. eliteholl. on Monday,
Noypmber 23rd. Six months' credit.
0, ITonoi:s, T. doses, J, Siutinnn,
Bogus Coins.
Doubts have been expressed relative to
recent issues of Canadian 25, 10 and 8 cent
pieces because they do not bear the letter"n"
below the wreath, which adorns one side,
Brokers state that the coins are all right,
and that the mark "n" is not cisaraoteristic
of the genuine article being ommitted from.
more than the lame in question. The "n"
is placed on the coin merely to designate the
Pulpit Changes.
On Sabbath last Mr. Bowman, of London,.
preached in the Main -street Methodist
Church ; Rev. Thos Cobbs, of London con-
ducted the services is the James.street
Church, while Rev. Mr, Pascoe preached the
anniversary services of Mr. 0.'s church in
Landon ; Revs Martin and Fletcher (Preby.
teriau) also exchanged pulpits both morning
and evening.
Coal (Sas,
This is the season when coal stoves come
into genial use and when aecidente from
coal gas begin to be placed on. record. Par-
tiee should be careful to see that their self•`
feeders aro properly adjusted before retiring,
and the windows slightly lowered to admit
fresh air. The back damper should be turn-
ed hack far enough to gently lesson the
draught but not enough to prevent the gas
escaping. If sufficient precaution is taken
thorn need be no fear of aeeidontfrom escap-
e ing gas,
London, Huron & Bruce.
An additional passenger train has been
planed upon this line, thus nicking two pas-
sengerand one freight trains each way daily,
and tho running time has also been made
considerably faster. The morning train go-
ing north leaves London at 7.58 a. m, arriv-
ing in Wingham at 10.50 a. m. while the
afternoon train departs at 4.50 p. m., as be-
fore. The g
h morning train from the north ar-
rives at London at 10.80 a. m. instead of
10.45, as heretofore. In the morning the
north and south trains pass here at 9.13 and.
, in the eveniug the train from'the north is due
• here at 4.59, and going north at 6.08. !.
Thanksgiving. ,
Thanksgiving day was. observed herein the
usual way. In the morning a union thanks-
giving service was held in the James -street
Methodist Church, when short and appro-
priate addresses were delivered by Revs.'
Messrs. Martin and Pascoe. The afternoon
was spent by some at the roller rink, while
others betook themselves to the woods to
shoot. An incident occurred that afternoon
which is Worthy of mention. Two young
lads of S. A. fame, went to the woods to
hunt and brought home two young girls.—
Perhaps the boys thought they' were edears."
This is considered by old huntsmento be
the most marvellous "catch" of the season.
Prayer for O1ontreai.
The Bishop of Huron authorized the fol-
lowing prayer to be offered in all the ohurchee
in the diocese on Sunday last for the re-
moyal of the small.pox epidemic from Mon-
treal :—"0 eternal and most gracious Gad,
-whose blessed property it is 'always to have
mercy,' we earneelly beseech Thee, on behalf
of - the city of • Montreal, now grievously
'sioknees, e . know,0
'smitten with WLord,
that Thy tudgmentaare right, and hat Tho
in very faithfulnessdont afflict the children
01 men, yet let the pitifulness of Thy great
compassion stay, in this the day of visita-
tion, Thine uplifted hand, and in Thy wrath
remember moray. Sanctify the trials of all
who are now chastened sustain them under
their many bereavements, and of thine m -
finite goodness restore the stricken pity. to
health., to the praise of Thy great glory,
through ,J:esus Christ our Lord," Amen.
Forty registered letters were et"espatel ed
from Exeter post ottice an Monday.•
The fe'n int ontbe o e h g Exeter be a zeautiou of
Biel was strongly in its fayor.
County Couneil meets Tuesday, let day of
December next.
Five *reeks from Friday we will have
Read A., S. Murray d Co's. advertisement'
in auoteter column.
Reed 0, et, Rm:lul n's cbadge of Adver-
tieement. Something good.
Geo.'1Camp is offering some great bargains.
l s change of advertisement.
,Its. Pinch, who moved from Exeter to
Stratford a few years ago, intends retarniug
The next Sigh School entrance examine- The following ig the programme for the A CARL'
tionwilt 2 ndlaat 23rd of and Faster, a- concert to n held in rho Idaill venin ufn- �]
kha 21st, 22nd and 23rd o#December, com thodiat C1furClt coat Monday eveninx un ,I_
must notse if 9 o' lock,ntauiiugdcandidates dder the leadership or Prof, Birks, of Lon,
yInspector. 1 . Mas on. will be the event of the season :--
the high School not later. than December Part L—Organ sold, Mr, W. d Bieke; Quer-er
�j , t i
let, of their intention to write. tette ""Ilerk Har M , , lc
Hark F My Sortie" (Dudley
Itis very strange that when a man is Hulce Misses, Cole and Motto*,". Messrs, o
asked to advertiseghis besiuec i the local Muirileed and Hook; Tenor seete, ""Abide Exeter, Ontario.
newspaper,he always sans rs + Nohodyu!ill with me," (Ambrose) Mr. J. A. Muirhead
ever sea it; „ but it aortic little caper of his Duett, "0, Lovely Peace, (Handel) Misses
is printed in the moist obscure corner of the Cote and Morgan; Quartette, "'Safe at
paper, be gets indignant, and declares with Horne" ; Alto solo, �' The Better Land,"
emphasis that everybody in the, country will Gwen) MUM • IMorgan,au, Part II.-
--Ad-cess; Organ solo; Quartette, "When Oath -
read it.
Dor't forget alae grand concert to be held ering O1oixde around 1 view,"„ (Abu.);t Fria
in' the '.slain -street • Methodist Church on sola, Hoek;
Dutted to the Dean, ,, i,5 Mr.
T Book; Duet, "Hymn of the Moravian
Monday eseufn„;, $8d Nov. Prof. Birks and
•l\Tttns," (Lindsa}) �Sessra: Iaiuirheatl rrtld e S„�0�y
quartette have been engaged to give =so of Lk So •ane. solo„'"Glor to y
their popular t 'neerts in behalf of the Sab-children not of the school; 15 at Ms. C°Ple P Y Theo' l
bath Scltoot. admission, Adults, 2e, cents • God, this night,:' (Cropped) Mise Elia Colo,;
' Quartette, "Saline' (Wiute) ;God Save; the
one, come ali.
Conoiderablc interest was manifested
some tame aeo in:t l'sw-snit fnstitntel by De. °Alibates Sixpack Bsrxnns will cure
dtr, Ed Allowonbehalf of himself and the -worst forms of. Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
other lieu -holders on the property of Me. and all bilious c:emplainte. Large bottle 50
Vieth, against McKreth and H. It,annie, to cents. Go
set aside ,s eertr iu d" 4.d of McEect}s's Prop
erly in; 11 t et'i c, sir. Datum, to be sold
by him for tb • bon'dit of McK's. creditors.
The case came up for trial at the last as-
sizes befere Mr. ,Justice Annear, when
jtfdgtnent rots re screed Judgment was
giveu last week. ttiere's:me tee pleiutitt"s
action with costs. Mr. L. Tl', Dickson Was to Aguas, ` third daughter of 4rcllibatd t`
the plaintiffs' snliciterx and eft. 13. V, Hodgeit, Eq.., all of Usborne.
Elliot acted for defendants.
to Exeter to live.
Our local spells have succe3ded in bagging
a few rabbits and killing a fox or ao daring
the past few days In this vicinity.
liar. Tilos, White. of Manitoba, formerly of
Exeter hurtle, who moved west last spring,.
's we s an"'
. lar tncl
., pakfug a return to Exeter.
Mr. Albert Fulco left exit mesio for Chicago
where he will wort: at his trade during the
Digory Brautad and Dr, Browning, of this
place, are ascii having furnaces placed h the
basemcuts of their residences.
1 AU the auburban poet -offices will be tench
I pleased with the change of mails on the Lt..
•11;6;13. .
A Polo Club is about to be organized here.
We have got the rnateriat here far a first.
class club.
During the past week the roller rials has
been well patronized. and the seaters have
been equally well tossed about.
There are three weddings to take lace iu
itsborno shortly. The interested parties
do not live far from tho border of Exeter.
The village Council '
) our i v,' 1
it set at th
Il m a
market of
house next Wednesdayevening t
the usual hour.
A parlor social was held in the Presby.
tenan manse last evening. There was a fair
attendance, and the excellent programme
provided was highly appreciated.
On Saturday night and Sabbath last Exe-
ter was visited with quite n severe saow
storm, covering the earth to some two Maims
in depth.
Pea-ahaators are being �conxplained of as a
nuisance: The other day a small boy blow
a pea into another bey's eye, causing severe
Mr. Fred. Elliot, of Exeter, and leer.,
Saniuei ,'touts, of Crediton, wrote at the quali-
fying examination for the civil seryiee last
week at London.
Some of the street crossings in town re,
quire to bo slightly raised, as the mud flows
oyer them to the depth of twe and three
Customers ordering bill headings, note
headings, statements or letter paper printed
at this office, can have them put up in pads.
which is a great convenience,
The Stephen Plowing Association will Lola
a match to -day (Thursday) on Wilson An-
derson's farm, Crccliton Road. Liberal
prizes will be given.
Tho little leaves hare fallen fast,
Shaken by the autumn blast,
Little grass has turned to brown,
And little suow hath fallen down.
Many were made happy last Saturday, the.
prize -money being paid on that day to the
successful Competitors at the fall show held
here in September.
The average annual cost for each pupil at-
teading the public schools of Ontario is 26.69.
The number of schools is 5,000 ; toaohers,
7,198. The number attending public schools
is 27,000; High Scheele, 12,000.
The Hallelujah Band in connection with
the Main -street Methodist Churcb hold a
meeting in the leotnro-room of the church
every Tuesday evening. All aro cordially
We advise young men attending the rink
not to leave anything smaller than ' a street
oar in their overcoat pookets, lest it may be
carried away. Several pockets have.been
rifled lately. huspioiou, runs high.
Mr, Robt. Fulton, of Graud Bend, leaves
shortly for Alba, Mich., where he has taken
the contract for sawing 10,000,000 feet of
ltimber. The neighbors :at the Bend will
greatly miss Mr. F. and family,
• The fun l
era of the late: iter
s, Holman
Devon. passed through town on Sabbath af-
ternoon. It was comparatively well attended,
consideringthat; the roads were in a very
muddy condition. • -
Mr. Geo. Manson has added another work-
man to his staff. The rush of work must be
in consequence of the muddy roads. Ladies,
Geo, says he can repair your rubbers in the
most approved style.'
A. Scrag$, of London, gave an exhibition
of fanoyskating on the Dominion ' rink on
Tuesday evening in the presence of a very
large audience. He is slink on rollers. The
grand march was also introduced.
Mr. M. Parkinson, of Exeter, who has for
a number of'yearn held the position of head
teacher in the Ailsa Craig public school, has
accepted a position in the Parkhill school,
and will enter upon his duties in January.
The people of Craig•regrethis 'departure ; he
is highly esteemed by all.
For information anent the arrival and de-
parture of mails at and front the Exeter and
Say post•ofiices, consult the time table in
another column. A change game into effect
last Monday mol it is important that all
'should be acquainted with it.
Some of our exchanges say that • Mr
Hawkshaw, of Exeter is dangerously ill from
vaccination. Like most items furnished out-
side papers from Exeter,the report Pp is
worthless. No doubt many here feel slightly
the effects of being vaccinated, but we can.
say that no one is dangerously ill. '
A, meeting of the Directors of the Exeter
Penury Association was held on Tuesday
evening, when it was decided to hold a pont-
ley and pee stook exhibition in February next,
ommencing on Tuesday, 2nd, and continu-
for four days. , Mr. Jarvis, of London,
:o tifthe best oultr o
$ p y s ogees in the conn•
trX> hie been eugaged�no judge' and score;
to -your druggist atld get a bottle.-
Bgar-•-•lioparur'-•.,fit the Methodist parson-
age Elimville, on the lith inst.: by tete
Bev. VVr I1. (lane, Mr. Witlinsn 1, Dray
In Memoriam.Hortree.—Int. Stephen. on the 11th inst.,
Jane Daily Dolman, beloved wife of aft
Juno Daily, l,a;luved fvifs B
of Les olsa an, Lewis Holmen, aged 69 years.
in whose memory this brief ohitnery hi writ-
ten, was born in Devonshire, Eng., in 1816,
thus indieating that before her a archly pie• harm Stock and Wood, the 1prepn ray Barn-
grerange closed she lied reached liar sialy card PAW, lot ld, cup. 7, Starlteu. sato at
ninth year --a good tonne age. With her ,
father's family :,lam immigrated to Cau :ala In 1 o'clock thaw. /Retry Bieber, anetionear,
1833, and iu the following, yenr was marriedTrrFriday, Nor, 20th
m Stock and m-
et .
in Landau to her ennirini; and bereaved1 plemeuts, itba�a
property Jos. Dauncey,
Theysettled'n th err s itc
artucr. Tho i e t n h f
Stephen not long after. Those days of pie• lot 7, eon: 1. hteUilltvray, Sala at One
tech ek, Jas Oka, auetioueer
sell -reliant lives, of which the deputet is a toe Parties getttul; their Salo btlta prfuted
worthy example. Stephen. towushup iu those at this cruse, will get a PARC notice similar
histarie days was the mine -wet forest, out of to aha ahemwhich, traceable to the tttr:f; an'l eaura e,o el
the early sottlere, has been. developed the Testlino11lo.1 front Sir .Jultne
necrtng endhard:hip developed noble,strong..
tine toenablp, with no't!e elutrebee, slime; f Benedict.
houses. farm r,•si lance o, va )igaas. Cto,, of to- ,Jibe Grand Concert k'iano•FortO by 1ti'm.
day. Twelve r:iiildrete all of wbuw survive
her, have ween We ee d withtho aifee:fen. Kreun tt CO.. which I hal the pleasure of
au,l adtnonitiou, atnl e'xemplet c•f this noble trying myself, and rvlsieh 1 also 'ward per,
'nether. There ire seven flims ant tiveferreted upou, combines in my opinion, an
daug}iters. Salts of the funny reside elute i admirable quality of tone, equally adapted
to the dna le et or to expression, with "t' �"'
p Y power D.
The solidity and finish of the workmanship J rr , athesni,
Our Goodaud Groceries are Warrautf d of the Best Qaa,i-
ity and Latest Styles. Families in the village and surround -
lug country can rely- ou Good. Value for their money,
Articles delivered promptly at your homes, in th Village, if
A Trial Respectfully Solicited.
zzorroa cam
Butter 8/Eggs
near the old !t"peel whil..,•tiber8 era living at
remote points. 1: h,"i;anely alta wee of the
simpleentlnde.lgrobe ratimp ; converted to
Gad a smin1ter of yours ss.. nailer the labors
of the late Rev. r}iw.rla. in.
who labored with great seems years ago on
the litimvilto circa+« ' au kite Bible Crrik-
titin China, iu the loe a es :t at Pavan, 91 large concert ball or in a pnvate drawing-
miles south of E,:e't •r, I"uaw.i Bethell room, does not admit of the slightest doubt,
which name is borne by th.a handsome brick a.nd wall: lsaeomo as universal as well de -
church standing there new. Her illness was served,
of short duration -about five.uantee. She LoNDos, ENorasn. JIULIUS BEN1i1iiCT.
suffered, but with at sweet patience, and lov
a most excellent, easy andyet elastic touch. •
of this splendid instrument is boyoeil all.
Has opened ut iu
as' r Tio
taken I e a g c
raise nud t ,en d
one atthe most erfect iauo-tortes I aver
P R Currelley
Q� Co's.
met with. and whose success. whether in a 9 urrelley Co . Q1C�.
Complete .stock of Groceries.
10 lbs. Sugar; $1 Tea, 25, 550
CoNSrarPrION Ccltr;la. and 75 Cts --Good. Quality.
An old,llrhysician, retired from. practice. hay. BIAS & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices.
lag resignation. The r4:311 t of a well -•lived
life is a lsappy death ; earls was tlia expert.
erica of our sister. To her death wen not a
condition, but a means to aux anti. The end
of the journey hail been reachel, and by
dentis ono stage of livhi. was i'iuisbed, and
another gloriously begun. It is superfittoas
to eay that snob `a life was admired, and that
the deceased was greatlybeloved. On Sat.
urday morning, the Lith day of November,
1885. it is recorded that Jane Baily Holum
intr had pVision, in his hen s b} an as nt au
missionary titofartnetlaofa simpitr ve;ecable
remedy for the opacity and permanent cure of
Consnssi tiun. Itranchitia, Catarrh, Asthma
end ell tiaroat and lung affections. also a post-
tivo and radical curo for NervousDebilityand
all'Nervous Complaints, atter It wuw tested its
wonderful curative 'servers Int thousands of
cases, has feltit hie duty tomote it known to
his suffering follows. Actuated by this motive
aud e. desire to relieve human angering. I rvill
died. Her last words were; ""011 Father, , sone free of charge, to all who desire it this
Falter, take met All is well 1 "" The Rev. recipe, in German, French or English, ',vita full
Mr I Adie ti for preparing and using bout b s
h Y N '
, Korahaw trill improve rho occasion of 'IV one
her depth on Sunday afteruoosx next at mail by nddressingwith atntula, nnmtng t
, pier,
P.:NorRa 119Power'sBtock,Rccuster
Bethel. at two o'clock p. re. ,
"'Tharp is nu death 1 Hsseeet 'Weenie eluate, --One of the
That seems so is transition 3 most complete roller mils in the Province, is
This life of .mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life El3eien,
Whose portal we cam death,
News .�'q"oteS.
It is reported that 128 miles of new
railroad were oonstruoted Iasi week,
making a total of 2,268 thud far in.
1885, against 8,192 in 1884.
Workmen are now engaged at Wel
land erecting the scaffold for the ere-
cation of John Easterbee on the 80111
inst. Also for 'Simmons, at Laudon,
on the 27th inst.
It is said that instead of further
Cutting wages, the Grand Trnnlz man -
agars intend on January 1 to restore
tete cut of 5 per cent, mala July last.
It is expected the; the Queen will
return to Windsor from Balmoral
next Friday. Her Majesty will prob
ably remain at the former place until
the result of the general election is
s P or
trated in Thurdow on Thursday night,
the -dwelling ofa
ell beingset
Mr. Pell
on fire and the doors barricaded to
prevent the escape of the inmates,
who fortunately got out through the
Galveston, Texas, was visited by a
terrible oon$agration yesterday morn-
ing, which broke out at 1.40 and
raged fiercely till about 0.30 a.m., the
flames,cousuming everything in their
progress. Nearly a thousand houses
were burned to the ground, pausing a
loss estimated at many millions of
dollars. 'Hundreds of families are
homeless and ruined.
Mr. Secretary Lowe, of the De..
partment of Agriculture, expresses
the opinion that the Europocn world
has never seen such an exhibition as
Canada will make at the Indian and
Colonial exhibition net year: Ap-
vlloations continue to pour in from.
all points of Canada. The Depart-
ment has not yet been advised of the
extent of increased space allotted to
the Canadian Commission. The
increased, space granted to Canada
amounts 10 six thousand five hundred
feel inside the building and almost as
much in the gardens for outside ex-
hibits. Il is believed haat this ad-
dition makes the Canadian oourt the
largest, granted to any of.the Colonies,
not exoepting the Indian court, which
was generally expeoied to make the
largest show.
constantly running and givingthe best satis-
faction. Grieting done to order on short
notice. The roller flour takes the lead. Try
it and be convinced. 20 tons of goad Mid-
dlings on hand at low figures. A few cars of
Corn and Corn Chop on hand.
A nicely assorted stock of
HA R DIN?'_..-R"I-+,
(Coo* Titansou
Wiathestoannoiunnceto tilt seSattitants,el
Exeter and vicinity, that h,' bas orened out
• ,
ati SNOB Shop :
in the Verner Store North of i emwel
S Piekard'e, where be is prepared to 'unix
all kinds o: ordered work.
Sewed work tl, speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
13c,t Machine Oil (, a per Gal.Late Manager C. Excret 's Boot and Shoe
(Cheep.) 0 PEi;tabT tit•
May 14th 84.
A reduction of 2i Per Cent. ou -;71: "`'"""v `' Till"""""•
Tweeds, and Ready-mades. A. good Suit of.
ALL•WOOL SERGE for 57.50. Suiting andOB
Overcoats Cheap. <
Our Dress Gaads are maiked down to
the Lowest Notch.
A House mid Lot to sell or rent. Apply to
HENsann.—Wanted at the Hensnll Oat -
Meal ]Mills, fifty thousand bushels of good
sound Oats for Milling purposes. The high-
est price will be paid. Oat -meal exchanged
for oats.
(Correotedate`o'oiockp,m, Wednesday.
tVnitWho a 5 00 80 80 to 0 83
Lied 0 83
white Wheat New „• ,,, ,,, 080 to 083
Red WheatNew xD 80 to 083
Life (new) ...
Barley- ,., ,••
Clover Seed •-.
Timothy -
Oori, ,•. •..
• 050to050
• .028to090
• ••- 0.00 to 625
I 26co 200
Butter ,.
,. •.. • t 10 to 0 14
Flour p &ebb 1. ... •-• ,,, 5 00 to 5 65
,•. 060 to 0 60
• 040to00
• 004to000
• 005to005
... 007to,0O6
040 to
• 025 to 0.85
• . 000 to600
500 to600
•.• 500to600
, 600toz.700
. 050 to 057
Deerskin 0 60 to 0 70
,0 17 to 0 18
Hayperton .. 700 to 9 00
Onionsverbush ., .. 0 50 to 0 75
Woodpercord .. ,., 260to275
Fall Wheat perbh ... $ 0 80 to 0 83
Suring ,,, ,.- 050 to 0 80'
Bariey(b;ieht) 00
55 to•0 70
Barley(feediing) 0 40 to 0 4G
White oats. 0 28 to 0 90
Black Oatn l 0 31 to 0 98
&pples per bbl, 1 00 to 100
otatoes per bh 0 55 to 0 70
Potato es,per bag.
1 Apples,per bag
DriedA os r b
1p P
Geese b.
per lb
Ducks r r
p 7?
Chickens per pt
Hogs ,dressedpei 100
Wool per lb
The County Council .of the Corporation of
the County of Huron will meet in the Court
Room In the Town of Goderich, on Tuesday,
the First day of Deoember next.
Nov, 14th '85. County Clerk,
Exeter Butcher Shop.
Batch General Dealer
—IN A./Ail/Inns OF
Customers supplied TUESDAYS, THURS-
DAYS axe SATURDAYS at their residence
Ccebrato pectacles
The Lenses of those Spectacles, being scien-
tifically ground from Pure Pebble, aro without
exception, the beat adapted to preserve perfect
vision and restore the sight when damaged byi
old age andother causes. They have therec-
oommendatbn of the most eminent members
of the mediealproteasion in England as well
as is Canada, and a large number of out most
prominent citizens,
Chief Justice Macdonald, N, S., writes : They
give the highest satisfaction.
Senator Archibald writes : I have experienc-
ed great satisfaction from their use.
Chief Justice Sir Wm. Young writes : They
give a clearer and purer light under gas ;than
any have previously obtained hero or else-
John F. Wood, hi. D. .writes: For ease or
comfort they excel any i have ever used.
J. Mackenzie, 1' R C S, Kingston, writes
Carefuliyeonstrneted, good defining power an
glasses bleach frame of focal equal len
A 0 Blair, E sq•, Premior, N. B,, writes: Of the
comfort and assistance experienced,
Lt. Gov. Haviland, P.E. I., writes: I never
experienced any strain on my eyes after) using
Rev. Father Bolduc, Quebec, writes That he
finds them superior to any previously used.
PeterLynoh, Esq.,Q.0.,nalifax,writes: *Using
one pair of Lanranoe's Spectacles for 13 years
with great satisfaction and benefit to my eyes.
De Oure De Quebec, writes : He is more than
satisfied with the selection made,
M. F: Walah,Esq., Sec. Minister of the In-
terior, writes • The glasses suit admirably and
give every:satisfaotion,
Dean of Ontario writes Of the great comfort
and relief found in wearing hie spectacles.
Lt. Gov. Sill'. McDougall, K. 0, M. G•, writes:
He is greatly pleased with the selection made.
Dr.Phelan, Kingston, writes: They anpply
to those' with every derangement of the yituon
a long felt want.
Dom Laborat'ry
J. W ■ ; �V w♦ N
MR. WM. LTiNE is pulled to do
At Kirkton.
made in the Latest Styles, and Satisiaotion •
guaranteed in every respect.
Ladies Jackets a Specialty
Give him a trial and be convinced that'
will give satisfaction. ,<
Are pleasant to take. Contpin t sir own
Purgative. Is a safe, Bare, and
Hpimrer of worms is children or Adults.
Health ,is Wealth 1
WENT, a guaranteed spi sifts fentHyeteria, Diz-
ziness, Convulsions Efts, Nervous Neuralgia,
lleadache,Nervoua Pi stration paused by the
nee of alcohol or tob,��•,��,y,o,+t?'akefulness, Men-
talDeprossion, Softbeing•of thae Brain, reedit.ing isInsanity and landing tcynsisery, decay
and death, Prematuiie 01d Age, Barrenness,
Loss of Power in either. sex, InvoluntaryoLoss
es and. Spermatornccsa, caused by over -oxer •
tion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence, ■
One box will cure recent cases. Each box cart*
tains one month's treatment. One dollar a
) box, or six boxes for five ;dollar/I; sentayniail •
prepaid on receipt ofprice. We'guaranteersia •
boxes to cure any case; With each order re- -
oeived by us for six* boxes; acoempanied`wiih
Ave dollars,,wo will send the purchase." oth
written guarantee to refund the money if etc'
treatment does not effect a curer Guarantee
issued only by JOHN 0. WEST & CO,,Soou
Proprietors, Si et 83 ging St. Dealt, Torontrl
YELL�Wail1t1 i
Are pleasant to take. Contpin t sir own
Purgative. Is a safe, Bare, and
Hpimrer of worms is children or Adults.
Health ,is Wealth 1
WENT, a guaranteed spi sifts fentHyeteria, Diz-
ziness, Convulsions Efts, Nervous Neuralgia,
lleadache,Nervoua Pi stration paused by the
nee of alcohol or tob,��•,��,y,o,+t?'akefulness, Men-
talDeprossion, Softbeing•of thae Brain, reedit.ing isInsanity and landing tcynsisery, decay
and death, Prematuiie 01d Age, Barrenness,
Loss of Power in either. sex, InvoluntaryoLoss
es and. Spermatornccsa, caused by over -oxer •
tion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence, ■
One box will cure recent cases. Each box cart*
tains one month's treatment. One dollar a
) box, or six boxes for five ;dollar/I; sentayniail •
prepaid on receipt ofprice. We'guaranteersia •
boxes to cure any case; With each order re- -
oeived by us for six* boxes; acoempanied`wiih
Ave dollars,,wo will send the purchase." oth
written guarantee to refund the money if etc'
treatment does not effect a curer Guarantee
issued only by JOHN 0. WEST & CO,,Soou
Proprietors, Si et 83 ging St. Dealt, Torontrl