HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 3�xr ONE -I BUND JCnTEr TEAR. NU. 47 ,4ucuness Directory UAL .r. E. HUNTEJli Barrister, Etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich Phone Is 1 Jnn TE DD ACCOUNTANTS CHAR i� W. CECIL ATTRII.J GE. 'r I- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phony No.=--Otlice '343W `House 343J • Goder1<ch. R. G. McCAN:�1, .&eeountant Clinton, Ontario Phone 476J Albert Street 4 ACCOUNTING AND-BOOISKEEI'1NG A CCOUNT u &._ IiUUKb.iil►;YiNU SERV1CJ& For Small Businesses, Stores, Etc. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthly Financial Statements Wage Stunmaries Business and Personal 'acorn() Tax Returns ALBER SkiORE Oflice:Corner Nor St. and Square - Phone 975. Residence Plione 444.- .1111....1110.1111111110.11111.1. a t1UROM COUNTY'S FOREMOST W! ICL Y GODERICH, GODERICH PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD III ' ' the use of the gynnasium-auditorium, This is the third . oil four articles the music room, the library,. the health submitted .by the Goderich Public room. Obviously the cost of providing such Accommodation in two or more School Board in orderb� 11 the people public schools in • Goderi(h would be of Goderich may , Y prohibitive. Under the ,present plan, regar=ding plans for the new., public all will have the use'of these essential school. - • features of a modern school. In the previous articles, the present. LOae kindergarten room and one Op-. condition of the nubile l3choo1 accoau-, portunfty classroom are su�fffiofeut to fnodation was outlined and the steps, meet the needs of Goderich pupils at already taken toward providing. better present. • To duplicate such accora- accommodation were given. modation• iu two, schools could not be In preparing plans for a new school justified in a town of this size. With unit, the Public School Board has had all pupils attending one school, these three objectives fully in mind: First, rooms will . be readily available ,,for that all the public school children in - those needing them. Goderich shall have school facilities It is unfortunate that the Collegiate that are in keeping . with the best will no longer be able to provide' man - modern educational practices; second, Val training and home economics facil- that all the pupils shall have: equal ities for the public school pupils of advantages in the use of school accom- Grades 7 and 8. JiioWever, it will be modativia ; third, that the cost to the ii convenience to have these facilities taxpayers shall be kept as low as, pos- sible.' available„ in the public school and the 91800.00 annual fee now paid to the With these three basic ideas in mind, Collegiate Board for this accommoda-, the Board considered a number of tion can be saved for other purposes. plans for meeting the public school A survey' shows - that the Victoria needs. It was (finally decided that the School property is almost in the centre best accommodation- could be provided of the town and any considerable town for all pupils at: the lowest cost by -growth which may take place must be building the new unit on the Victoria in a southerly direction. Wartime School property adjacent to and con- housing h already demonstrated this nected with the present building. Among the various plans considered, this was found, to be most satisfactory by the Department of Education. Here, without cost, there is ample space for the new building; here,- With- out cost, (here is plenty of playground space .i''oir all the pupils. Here, with one building administration and care- taking costs and problems can be lessened. One heating .system will serve the whole school plant, lied since the pre- sent furnaces4 in Victoria• School must be replaced, it will be econortaical to Water a-single-systemrrm. - _...... _ ...._.. All pupils have . an equal right- to ,INSIJ-RANCH.... - , .;... 1►,i(cKILLOP MU'J.'UAL FERE IN- SURANCE CO.—Jfarnur and 'iso- lated town property - insured. Officers — President, Frank Mc- Gregot, Clinton, It.R. 5 ; Vice -President,' Chris. Leonhardt, Bornhollu, • R.R. 1; Manager and Secretary Treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seafortli. Directors—Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; S. 13. Whitmore, R.R. 3, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; Harvey Fuller, R.R. 2, Goderich; E. J. Tre- wartha, R.R. 3, Clinton; John IL Mc- Ewin& R.R. 1,. Blyth ;. ]Hugh Alexander,; R.R. 4, Walton; .1. L.• Malone, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Agents—John E. Pepper, Brucefleld, George A. Watt, Blyth, B.R. 1; R. Finlay cberc5ei•; Dublin; Ilw]Lt. J. F. Prueter,. Brodhagen. Polley-llo1ders can make all—pay- ments ll . pay- ments and get their 'cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Kingston Street; Goderich, or J. H. Reid's General .Store, Bayfield: / - MEDICAL JSV LABIA, NO 'Y EM in. 11'. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, kAR, • NOSE, 'THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant at Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden - Square Throat Hospital, London, )England. ' EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone - 267. - Next visit • Bedford - Hotel, Goderich, Wednesday, Nov. 26th, ` 1947; • at p.In. till 4.30' p.m. -- •CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 OFFICE HOURS $Ion. & Thurs.-9 to 11.30 - a.m. • 2 to 5 p.m. (only) Tues. & Fri. -9 to 11.30 a.m. • 2 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Wed. & Sat.= -9 t� 11.30 a.m. (only) Mineral fume bathes by appointment only. . A. N..ATKINSON 51 Solith - St. """� Registered under Drugless Practitioners. ACt for the Province of Ontario: t Geo. G. MacEwan Fire, Accident and Motor Car Insurance OFFICE—MASONIC TEMPLE • WEST STREET • PHONE 236 ' UODEItICIiI A. L. GOLD Optometrist—Optician Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted Phone 33 Goderich, Ont. F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and OPTOMETRIST Sucare ,, --y . Goderich •`8ee Armsitrod and Ffee-$eta _ S At Luvknow first Friday of each month. 6T dent, Rev. G. IV. II. Medley, ' ` ' " ' SERIES ��° ply Say VERIC1 oAa Effective, ural vice-president, Al ':. George John- dent, DDPE ti•�tun, Goderielt; .1th vice-pret ident, Jilrt3. ,. , : mn' R. A. J rooLt, II nsall ; secretary, N. A series of aadltsses 4)11 Liunislu will Temperance Workers T. Anderson, Goderich; treasurer, be delivered by members of the (dude- ° Frank Howson, « Ilr�hanl , 'o Ilt� direcrtdr, Rev, (x. Haziewuod, Walton.; ;tell he had last wei'h. youth secretary, Ito,. Ir. Jorgenson, Mr.. and �lys. pert I,a4liemasa ()f Tor- . 01i.,,to,r . Bluevale; law arid..:legislation secre- tary, A. T. Cooper, ,(Tinton ; finance unto are spending their bOnLeYmoodn .at . _ a d�nd . w Bogie this week. educational Meeting Annual o TURFAt LEEBURN Qp LI�.I I;i'JRN, Nov. `418. -- Tide ai!WUy friends of Air. Huron 'Pui' ord wish - him _a sp'edy recovery after a b i! rich Li Club at f0lthcumiu� meet - Federation' r 4 ons ' - Jugs, it was antiouuced by V. E. Rib- , Fede2 antion' Held at bert, chairman of the education com- mittee, in presenting its repjrt at the meeting on. Friday' night. Mk.' Hibbert told of a •number of suggestions ad - 'Sauced by members of the jducation tore, especially the locals m,GGember from committee ,, at a recent meeting;. Huron, and .the Attorney-deneral, Mr. Amongst these were Communicating Blackwell, came hi for -considerable with.various organizatipns with a view ,criticism at- the annual sleeting of the efforts and making effu t g co-ordinating a 'on �. ' eller tI to lluron'3C aunty J emperouce Federation, bigger and better • the annual Hallow - held at Clinton on„Friday. On the e'en party. Having ' Collegiate , other hand, the Provincial police re - cadets patrol the town on. Hallowe'en under •supervision of Provincial police. eelitly tlppuiuted to Huron county were Meet with the teen-age group and ex- given much praise for the unselfish plain to them the foolishness of un - temperance in which they were enforcing the necessary damaging of private pro - The laws. petty on Hallowe'en. The Canada Temperance Act is valid The meeting on Friday was for gen- in Huron and the delegates were loud eral discussion. The subject of dues an their praise of the restrictions df came up and it was decided to adhere the Act which prevents the sale of to, the new system recently approved liquor of any kind in the county and by the board of directors. .. restricting it to family use only. It On motion of C. F. Chapman a vote was claimed that the Canada Temper- - On apfireciation was extended to Jack ache Act,' which lips been amended at Coates, attending his last meeting of intervals as have other laws, is not the Club before moving to 'roroutu, only the oldest temperance law on the Mr. Coates expressed his pleasure in statutes hut, in the opinion of the late . (.rows- Attorney, was a very well writ - belongings. to the Lions .Club ten and effective piece of legislation. bus ng tls a tea y emo It is true that a few pupils will have rich turd also in having'lived in Gude- The success of the Canada Temper-' rich for the cptcst seven years. it considerable distance to tvaik to ante Act in Huron, Perth and Peel has school, but since, for ,years, one kinder- In response to' the invitation of Sid anee in action dell+rt nding the adop- garten has served all parts of town, Shenton, resident' Tsf the Kinsmen thin of the law in other counties, so' Club, to hold. a joint meeting of Lions ' told since the present crowded con- stated representatives from the Ontario and Kinsmen, a committee was ap- , , =ditions make frequent transfers from leinperilnce Federation who were pre school to school necessary, it has been pointed This make necessary arrange - sent at the convention. thoroughly demonstrated ,that Victoria ments. this committee is composed of Resolutions ,were Passed Urging all School is accessible to all pupils living F. Donnelly, A. Scott and R. Patter -citizens to insist on a strict Observance SOIL. within the town limits without undue of the law, .not only for their own Nip" Whetstone gave a report on hardship to any. Suitable lunchroom ben tit but also for the vveifllre'of the Lions hockey activities. It -was de - ,facilities will be provided and super- community. .The restriction on the use cided to operate a juvenile stud midget 'Sired. The' result should be more of grain fur the manufacture of liquors team again this season and as resolu- satisfactory than the present arrange- rods commended. meat under which about twenty child- tion was passed to the effect that if; Reports of lucal,coclditiurls were pre re'ii - in each. school bring lunellTsofa ,iii>,v. player should wish to move up euted by : N. Andersoli for Goderich, ►' stormy days, but for whom no suit- to a Mote sensor dlvisioil hi lO is Dr. F. Harburn for Seifforth, NV.' C. iible lunch room can be provided. would„ be given, provided his 'parents Pierc1 -for Exeter, Rev. W. J. Rogers• After the most careful study of thefor Blyth, Rev. II. C. Wilson for Brus- condi- whole situation,members of the hoard I sels, all, reporting satisfactory condi- DRAMATIC CLUB PLANS and the Department of Education_ of- tions. The secretary;- A. T. Cooper of ficitals are agreed that by utilizing the - MANY. ACTIVITIES Clinton,' reported on the work of the - present __Victoria School and building • • organization for the hist year and was in connection with it a good modern The regular 'tenthly' meeting• of the assisted by Robert histWatson of Bruce:,I school plant, the best interests of., till Goderich Dramatic Club MIS field in bird, \Viso lifted as minute secretary. F concerned Will be well served. -- MacKay Hall on Thursday, :November Addresses were given by It. F. Muul- l3th,- with the vice-president, Mrs. J. ton and A. Johnston. -who were repre- senting the Ontfu•io Temperance Feder- - General,,, business and reports were talon. - attended to, after which discussion Election of Officers centred • about • the .ipinlediate. major Officers were elected as follows: projects to be -undertaken by the Club. Honorary presidents, (;urdoll d Lamb, 7t was decided that the Dramatic .McGaw_: Miss Jean Murray, -Henson; Club should' gp into immediate. p1Oduc- A. '1': Cooper, Clinton: p1e'idarft, J. IL tion of a'three-ilcl•phiy, to be presented Canspi e11, Relgrave: 1st vice: -president, -Roy CouPins, Brussels; 2nd Vice-preai- Members of the Provincial Legisla- INSURE IN SUE INSURI VE CONFEDERATIQN LIFE, WIND- CAL FIRE—Preferred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT is SICKNESS Consult • JOHN FARRiSH Phone 82-13 Dungannon DONALD . B. • BL'".3E EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER - Licensed for Conntiies of Huron and Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. glernighan, Division Court Clerk. Goderich. Ont. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSED AUCTIONEER Correspondence promptly swered. Immediate arrangements cap be made • for Sales Date by calling- Phone 203, Clinton. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed- 19tf HAROLD JACKSON LICENSED AUCTIONEE! HURON AND PERTH For information, etc., write Seaforth; or phone (col- lect), Seaforth. or 807,'oderich. Tae CAPITAL THEATRE PHONE 4a mow—Shirley Temple—GuyMadison'attd Franehot Tone in . "Honeymoon" • MON. TUES. and 'WED. .� Laraine Day --Urian - Aherne—Robert Mitchum and Gene ,gyp. Raymond Telling; the„story of a queen of deception, a lady Ao stole jewels or hearts with equal artistry. "THE LOCKET” An added feature attraetion will complete this program. THIUR. FRI. and SAT. .. • "ABIE'S IRISH. ROSE:' Antic Nichols' celebrated a3tory comes to the ereen after five semi, tional years'on Broadway and 32 merry..rnonths on the air. The east of stgae celebrities lncltlil&s MICHAEL CIIE14UOV—JOANNE DIUJ & RICHARD NORRIS li atttrlees- W �.; Sat and Holidays at 236- Coming-"LO've Atory" .starring Margaret Lockwood & Patricia Roe chairman, L. Howson, Wingham. the house of Mr. ,Ind Mr • ]tom APPLICATIONS . FOR FOREST ;dr.:and :kits. )Boyle have moved TIMES to their farm north of Dunlop. The Department of Lands and Mr Eimer Ilunter is spendimg`a feiwn Forests announces that only those ap- days at the Roy a►1 Wl4ter I�'air i plications for forest trees received be- 'Toronto this-viceelt. Mr. henry Horton of 1)ungannoG fore January 15th, -1048, will,* be con- sidered. The supply of - trees is low spent a day last weak with laic st3tex's, and anyone -wishing trees should place the Misses Edith and Lizzie 'C orton. his o application early, . Appliication HIGH COURT SITTINGSforms and literature may be secured from the office of the county agricultur- Dater; of winter and spring sittings al representative; the done ` Forestry of the High Court of Justice are an - Office, 21 Downie street, Stratford, or nouiiced- Jury sittings- in Goderich the Department of Lands and Forests, will be on January 12th; non -jury on Parliament Buildings, Toronto -5. April 12th, AIR VICE -MARSHAL - SULLY PRESENTS CERTIFICATES -- CLINTON;,' `Nov. 15—No. 1 'Radio and Communications School sent radio techaiei€ftis and radio operators across Canada yesterday, after their gradu- ation, from fifty-two weeks' training: to elle l)12lilic tiear the encs of January. •New stations 10 -which- the tiirmen•111e play selection i uuiiiiitiei11'Iriid will report include those along the,. to ,(.lett -a suitable vehicle and once Alaska' Highway and as far north as to of the play have 'been obtained \\'hlMlaorse, „in' the• Yukon, and • casting will take place. Opportunity _ Chlirclilll, on Hudson Bay. r to act ill this 'ploy will be open to Presentation of graduation certific- anyone interested, whether a Club Ates WAS -'made to the airliarin by Air member or not: Interested "persons Vice -Marshal J. A. Sully, of Goderich, should get- ill touch with the secre- vc}ho afterward took the "March past torics, Miss Marjorie, Mac•fie 'au(i Miss of graduates and station personnel with Mary Evans. ' k=roup ('apt. E, A. McGowan, station. It was further decided that the .y• commander.Dramatic. Club should sponsor a local, drama festival to be held immediately itflcr Easter.ter. This festival would be ENJOY PEACE OF MIND • (hien to c• hes and organizations in Goderich end the immediate district. Notices to this effect' will. be wilt Jo and freedom from Snanec' 1 1►,, ible groups, asses these :liyicl other josses by insuring today interested organizations may 'obtain 1_ - TODAYTALK IT OVER .WITH ftlrther informationby communicatingI wi't11 J. ('- Peters. Recreation Director, telephone No. 136 . Iteginni11'g.otl Monday,. November .17,' the Dramatic 'Club inaugurates ft`" weekly series of open :meetings - and- work. groups, built aroundvarious phases of dramatics, including play - 4 reading. make -tip, ,st'itJ;c'•. settings ttlr(1 other pertinent factors. These -Meet- ings- are Ineet-ings-aI'e open to ('lub members aIld all others interested iIi dramatics. The. meetings will bat held at the residence of the recreation director at 49 North street.. . .After, the meeting the nlenlbets- ad- journed to the residence of the vice- president for rofleii' and light refresh- ments. GORDON JEWELL ' R.R. 6, Goderich Phone Carlow' 21-R-4. J. W CRAIG IJP INSURANCE and' REAL ESTATE PHONE 24 GODERICH FRIGMAIRE COMMERCIAL SALES AND SERVICE. Phone 1098 or Write MANNING Refrigeration Service 50 Vigil], Ave., (oderirh RFPAIRS TO ALL MAItES INSURANCE s, ° Auto—Vire—Liability Sterling Trust 14-T. • KILPATRICK. . R.R. 7; Lueknowo Phone 77R2 Dungannon W1jNTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS — • Bus Schedule Now In Effect - To LONDON To STRATFORD . 7.45 a.m. 7.45 a.m. 12.15 p.m. 12.15, p.m. 4.15 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 8.15 p.m. I3us for London leaves at 7.00 a.m. on Saturday and Monday only: Sundays arks holidays the 12.15 bus goes to Stratford only. Connections at Clinton for London, Detroit, Wingharn, Walkerton, Pori Elgin and Owen Sound. Connections at Stratford for Woodstock Iiitclbener, Guelph, -Hamilton -and Toronto. - Connections at Mitchell for Listowel and London. " L, . For information • phone Reg. ' McGee and Sons at 705. • MISS CAROLINE WELLWOOD DIES OF HEART ATTACK The deans of Miss Caroline Well wools, It,N-. missionary in \\'est ('Hina for thit•ty-eight year's, occurred y sud- denly of a heart attack at Oran(' Rapids, Minnesota, in' ]ler seventy- fourth year. Miss \VeI1110 (1 was burn at. Fordyce. and was •well known j ihroltght 111 this "part of :the county.. She was-, a graduate Of the '1'0t'uuto Conservatory of tlt-isle. rei'eited 11i1)1( College training in' Philildell)hia and her nursing degree at \Vasliington, ..her went to west (,11110 in 190111 as it ltt'i5si011ai•y (if til(' rnile(t \\•.11.S. 0iid was instrumental ill `ihc building of a hospital at ('hengtii. She rcturllc,l to 1';iuinta its 1-913. Surviving 1115' a brother.ancl 1`wu sisters. Wilbert. of \\'iughant : IFs. Jas. Ii. Tigert, ot'. Hamilton, all(1 Jigs. li. J. \1cKcnzic, of Winnipeg. Iturin takes place- at \\'Ingllitm to- day (Thursday 1, suet• tser‘ ice in the \V•in dant United c hat'c`h conducted by itev. •\V:.A.. iee5'rtrft. TO CELEBRATE HER - .95th ' BIRTHDAY III?NSALL, Nov. 1.8 ---Although Mrs. Catherine Baker of Ileusall is- at pre- sent All with pnetimonla in Scott Mem- orbit hospital, Seaforth, 016 expects to be holds soon so that sire can cele- brate her ninety-fifth birthday. which falls on November 25. 'Unusually keen and active for a,person of Ther age, Mrs. 'Baker likes helping With the housework at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs John Pfaff, and durilig leisure hours makes braided gnats as she. listens to the radio. During the,past four years .,'he- has coinpletedic twenty- -fiye mats. A native of Kitchener, she lftved in ftanbrook, Goderich 'and Exeter bell* taking up residence in ilensall. Tre-oldest resident of this village, slie has one daughter and two pons, Williarn of (toilerfeh -and-Leo of Windsor, seventeen `graandehlldren and twelve great-gt°aandehildren. • • GODERIQH Basketball Club SEASON 1947-8 MEMBERSHIP FEE $1.00 Admission to Gym •by Card MEN AND WOMEN OVER 16 (Non -Students) For Enrolment apply to: Pearl' Farrant 879W D. MacDonald -624 Ruth Reid - r 978J L. Cutkbertson 713 Hazer Wilmot . 794M RE, Faulkner 86(W Maxine Martin 187W W. Sutherland . 750 . y 3 NIGHTS WEEKLY - Supervised Instruction and Practice -- Leagues, Arranged - Sponsored 'Teams Invited. - (Program in co-operation with Goderich Recreation Council)' • PRACTICE HOURS:. Men—Mondays 7.30 to 8.30_ Women—Tuesdays '8.30 to 10. • - (Later Schedule to Be Announced) 47-8 Q ;W. SUTHERLAND, 'President. OWNED AND OPERAT(D,BY n» o.... ATLANTIC & PACIFIC I.. c..0a A & P Fay - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables GRAPIEFN x Fr- FLORIDA SEEDL SS` 96's MARSH c 5 for 190,' ORANGES - FLORIDA - BEST FOR AFFLES COMBINATION GfiADE- CAR 1 ° MARSH GROWN - SWEET,, TENDER OIp3 ONo.A1RCOOK NG CE ENY STALZe°7PASCAL No® NEW BRUNSWICK or P.E.I. CANADA No. 1 POTATOES We91 Matured, Excellent ' for Winter Storage YOUR BEST BUY ANN PAGE MILK. BUEAD • Doz. 430 6-Qtalto Bk. we Bask. lbs. 14¢ '. 3 14 2 for. 25¢ m -Ib. q tin Bag s IMPORTED, Scientifically Washed and .Packitd Its Cellophane Bags, Guaranteed Free of'Ml Grit and Sand, Ready to Cook — Air Fresh Daily,, No. 1 SPINACH ' - 10 oz cello pkg 19c WHITE or BROWN - 24 oz ,.loaf 10c OATS 48 oz i (u 27c SALAD DRESSING or ZAISE ANN PAGE 8 oz jar 2k A. c1 P:I FANCV b - _ .IFRIJIT cz 32ooz27c FLOUR PURITY - - Lb' 390 IN ' M OLASES.- • B. & 14. BEANS Jar 25 CHOICE -• APPLE J IJ I CE 3 2�+0=. 290 'Pint; 01:D ENGLISH KRAFT -CHEESE ANN PAGE FRUIT CAKE Cl',!:* A. & P. b Q -Ib. DOG MEAL fI1g IONA—ADDED PECTIN GRAPE JAM 'Z CLEANSER . OLD DUTCH MAKES ASHES SPARKLE , e o p Pkg. vEL 25¢ 470 23 35¢, 11¢ 290 YUKON CLUB (CONTENTS ONLY) GINGEIIIILE - . 3o 9z.�tts Z c A. & P. SPECIAL BLEND - BLACK TEA 1/2ibpkg,;37C1Tbpkg 73C A. & P. FANCY TOMATOJIIICEj A. ('Yr. P. SOME STRIKE •. PINK SALMON - 20ez tin'11c 1/% m ,lam 21c IT'S BACK AGAIN—A. A P.- • .RED CIRCLE COFFEE ib 49c Af & P. NECTAR ORANGE PEKOE TEA DACS- 15'8 Pkg 17e 3i'e pkg 29e • P•