HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 2IPAG WO. i1i (�rtiC1t a. 11'IRON COUNTY'S r'O&tIIOST. WL ' $ liubiisbe 1 by Shat -Starr, ;lisle , Qu igrs�:en ]hates. Ca i da a.:0d' Great t=critain, $2.ti0 ii year; to United . Staten, $a.5O. .. -• 41Qertiping lanes on request.- Authorized) as second-class mail, t'or't Mee Department, Ottawa. Telephaone 71 •• — Member Ler .or Canadian ' Weedy Newpapern ..Association — Sworn Circulation Over 2,759 W. a . ROBnRTSO " >uc . L. 11,I;$.1S TI1UltsBAX, NOVEMBER '20th, 1' a A. TOU.0 OF ' `AUSTERITY" sleight-of-hand trick on the spur of the moment to solve the U.S. dollar This week's announcement from lit- problem. Last week in one of his tawa of tariff changes and the effort ;brunt Page articles he again urged to check the unprecedented. flow of the Government to lltiery- up and tell goods from the United, States into the people what it- .intended to do, Canada contains a mass of detail with even at the risk that somebody alight which - a weekly tiewspatpet' "cailuot get some detailed ilifoi•11lation a week adequately deal. Canadians have been ,n' t w\ o in advance' of his coulpetitors:. . enjuving •,,,,,d times and have .been -111 this pretence that nothing is hap - s r a peeing • parents, the edue•a1tors, 111e 1;)11111)s0- spcutiiu;, furl t}'tcly in farce of the fact 11�1,`li• is :making the 1,,,4 eminent luul><'I phos of file dui, liuiv could a child that Britain and other countries irr r „At'r a few pages 't 111 the be educated, they sale;, unless lie not hi a nositi In to purc}1ase and pay•', 'routing 11 E, ' = a .utiicient au:ourtt; .,f Canadian ..sa141e issue of S:tturIl.l� \1gllt We 111111 1,'kti.4t111uut 111 t'' t�,llltlietl tigell,ulaud for goods to 1tlance the large trade with 11 _ ttt i'\1 letter „t' its reguli11 Capital trap Tuttle ;'hops horses. Scholatrly the United States. '1'1, sleet this tun- ,'4 ntril,ut,�r• 1� 1lfri,1 1:t:;11'st(11, vvhl�•11 lura 4\er3lv'ltet'0 leagued these things fortunate situation the Government ' deals with the two t•c„tl4 11111 problems 111el illil lahow without11(1therethem1,e culture. r finds it mrcrssai'y l curb lilt;„11'Ia114 11 411111'11 salt Isle li„\el'llln101, ..i. he 1'ls h people were using bows nisi itrrowh from the States and tt, taro mole us^ iu;,trtl,d of prices aural the 1'. dollar ito�v, travelling along deet, rivers on far as possible :u1c s logs, and the more advtoutttrous were +p of the two problems the more even planting pumpkins; but these directions' 114111 t' is. /f course, the i°ttpitlly modern ways of life had little relatioil.- Canadiaus will have to do without allriukil,; supply of .lulerie11t ship to edn(0(11)11 ttudition must be sunue things and pay higher prices 'for dollars. 1"hat a .policy of. halting 1,11•eserved—after all, everyday life is others until the present situation -is 1 the ;rail; --- or of de\ eloping new just everyday life, but education is sources of supply --has been in the education and there need be no marked righted. process of maturing during the c•onuectiom between them, su said the philosophers of the - past. few weeks is well known. 1 p day. ., LETTERS IN, SHE PAPER. Exactly w•1rat is proposed is veryAnd so it was that the home took . properly beii1ig kept highly “secret .' over the education of the child in the "Citizen's" letter in this paper ;asst �----us carefully protected, indeed, • . use of the bow ttud arrow, the prepar- as the' details of the annual budget. , atioui of food, the use of tire, the making This is as it shouts Vie, since of clothing, the religious cervmouies fortunes could be made by un-• and all those things related closely to scrupulous persons getting to know actual living. For centuries, so the advance vz'hat 1\•as its the story goes, this condition obtained, the THE GODS tIOI SIGNAL -STAR THE PLACE OF THE ITOME a Lductation eelf- Address by Dr. R. day good-;elloWship and the pleasant 0. titaples in North Street United sharing ofjoyssins( sorrows are W3ua1; 4'hureli. — • - where crises eneotanteTed in -the out - Long ago. when the world was young hide- wort; theaneelves out ; where Mary and our ancestors lived in caves and can cry her heart out when '•'i11 takes struggled for existence with the )kluge Joan home from the'school t anee,while animals inhabiting the tropical jungles, an understanding mother restores calm children were sent to school, an old and a sense of proportion; 'there John story tells us, to learn how to catch who has run away and bates himself ti$JL by throwing rocky in the shallow for it talks it out and coining to see lakes, ;row. to hunt the. sabre-toothed the pastness of it rushes out again to tiger, and how to dig holes to trap the do bravely ---and does. . • little woolly horses. These were vital In ,tL changing world ---hi a society things ---they embraced the whole of where values'ai'e unstairle and shifting; lite. where every day old beliefs; totter and Ages passed—the shallow lakes dried new gods appear ; where violence and up, the seasons chauged and the sabre- 'dishonesty and doubledealirlg seemso toothed tigers disappeared, the little woolly horses became extinct, but still children were sent to school and still they were taught how to catch tish by throwing rucks in shallow lakes, how to hunt -The Sabre-toothed tiger; iiow to often, to be the tl - order of the day— stability of the home—tire sirs; beliefs ----the constancy of its values -=-•provides at tirul, sure base from which the young may rush forth to do battle, and a sanctuary to which they may return dig traps `for the little woolly horses. in triumph or defeat secure in the When:a rebel spirit arose and goes- knowledge that there tit least they will tioued the wisdom of continuing these find understanding stud, peacae. studies, ht: 1was laughed to scorn by the (Ii ee I 'visited at the home of • a young lad 'wlto 'vas leaving to attend al distant college. As his train carte in to tune Trim away laic' parents said, "flood -bye, lad, do a gond job. conte back when you can; we'll be stere.” ;tight there, in those simple wordsr T>i111BSDAY, NQAVEMIOk+ trxia, 1.0-17 the fuunctioua' Of the home is expressed "Good be with you, IlaaI O a POI job --•we'• interesteai in iotas tt art— your success ,10 important to us—vve (Continued ou Page 0) 1 de -irablt' i11 other problem'Mr. 1':g -111 t.11 11 gWA, week stirred up a good deal. of com- ment about town. Some of the persons must interested members of the Town Council — thought The Signal -Star - du , ' schools catered to the needs of Ohl - Government's hould- not have published it • and uluild. Thi$ .is.as,..eaeetive_.a.. reply to the usuphers ruystics, traditionalists, And w Wanted' to • know the- . ttame' °of” -the the -home •educated for everyday living. writer, ''which was refused. We have Frorlt Page criticism . as could . be Finally one of the rebel spirits had his 4 desired. always irl'vited letters. bit matters -of way and tlle;,curriculum was broadened ,, to include .picture'~drawing, stone -cut - interest, and though 1we ihvariably iii A.� EDITOIIIAE NOTES ting, grain -pounding, uninial shinning. 4 sist upon knowing the identity of the , •Things useful in everyday life. writer, and would prefer that the name The satltford �, Sage would like to Students taking np these tie''' studies \were ilut really among the, elect- who be given for publication, we have not know why the girl •with the unpleas-' continued to study 11,111•11tching, tiger made any rule against publishing .a ant voice is the one who dues the most hunting and horse -trapping, but with letter over a 110(1 de plume, so. long italkie • - ' . the passing of time- it became apparentas the leiter is not libellous or scar a a a that they were quite as competent as others even 'when exposed to the .• rilous and is of sul$cielit interest to I'lierci isn't going to be any 1\'ar• ancient philosophies. warrant giving it. space. But over ill Nt-iv -'York- City they are 1 The process -of broadening the futtc- Tu dastard a letter, irecaauae the Ilallle getting out blueprints fur -underground .ti))mts of the school has gone o11 at an 1 of the writer Aas not given for public itce011:caned. lrx-ee ttte 1h turn at he— bombprooffactories. ' century. until 11011' many of, -tire tune- ation would have barred the letter * 6 , to tiulLi •ufhome and chuLCli hu1'1 been signed "Interested Header" which y\'as ' Chocolate bar's are tu- go up irr price assailed by the -school.. - -- - .. From the time - the-. chile;... is lightly published last �=eels``lixitrf�dYn-t�lr brloiv. agalin;':uccurcling` to rn'lll•or.- 'i�lre'reul�an "Citizen's" 'letter and which was anover furl years until •lie is .eighteen, given is a big increase •in the Trice illtieteen, tw1'ut% O'� twenty -tour, it •is interesting comment upon a matter of col 0 1 ' beans. Wouldn't - the generally Understood that itis education - of immediate concern to the people of youngsters like to bean- the cocoa of is mainly its the hands 'of the schools Goderich, namely, Mr. Knight's offer the people, who have cornered the of a playground for the children of cocoa bean' :market ! the- town. We . are not prepared to -• assume the position of a god sitting • P - _ in judgment upon letters submitted to edulutiuli of its young lx�uple:; II HIL U 4 41 OF LAZY MEADOWS The functions of the school are.,nany. us in good fa,�tll and say, "d'i'e shall; publish this," or "We $hall not publish Basically, it continues to tctaeh •the that," .simply because one suits our By Harry 'I' Boyle three it's. Tilite \\ is \'hen parents could • help their -children with their .vilews and the other does not. People FELINE SOCIETY home work, but now Bill assures his who 'write letters to the paper have f There's something comfortahle-look- -bad that -subtraction questions aren't BEATTY WASHER SERVICE Flank Skelton, Prop. Hamilton St, . Phone 89 a and that this ediietition has -come to eulbratc•e1' practically all phases cud needs of the life of the child and " adolescent. Ilut is this true? Is there little lett for the' house to `do in the. -various reasons for not wishing to Ing about cats around" afarm. As clone that 11(1 'any niur+e. Bevoldl the teaching of these basic • have their dame _ published—probably i far as Lazy :Meadows ' is concerned, Processes have been added many other in most cases 11 'shrinking from public' there is quite a society set up in con- things ; the teaching of music --once notice. At any rate, w see- no suf- rection .with the cats. There are° two exclusively home function ; the' fieient r&ts s011t( 'epart from our ' distinct classes' of cats ground the teaching of sewing and cooking—elite ++ learned in a home kitchen and. a home long-established "rule and we 'Will. con- t place. ' sewing rout;;, if at all; the teaching of tinue to welcome letter's •from readers +Yin the first place we have. three barn carpentry and metal work,•plunrbing— r , -with,' the- once learned in the faniil- w rksho •s of public interest, insisting cuts. ;here is -.old Tummy n Y A p on matters. ._ I a. the\\'ed-up ears and a face that has . under the guidal.lc;e - of the father; always that' the •nnmc' 'of the writer survived hundreds of nocturnal squab- t'tetiehing-of art, interior decorating, the • be nlacle known to the editor, though 111es, lie's a:l•)it battered up and holds not necessarily for publication, --tile reputation for fighting around the • Now with regard to the contents 'uf barn. Every cat around here is afraid -1 e ' •not -of burn. and yet lie dare 'l1not > et sur Citizen's" letter. e do agree - up to the- house. IIe knows lits place which you and I acgtfired in our homes With the suggestion that- the voters .as well. and Sunday schools, ..is- slow• a part of should elect a. slate propu5ed "1,3' the Tabby is the house cat. She is a ! the regular program of the school. The Board of Trade or the Lions Club. matronly Persian and sire .hares .Members of the 'Council should repre honors at the house with Spot,. a small black and white kitten that Patricia sent the whole holy -=40f electors". - The ,inn favors.. Tabby- - 110W, and 'again -.Board of Trade and the Lions might imeander.s down as far as the barn. well encourage some of their mertiliers1�• he pays 110, attention to Tommy and he responds as far as Sheis Concerned. They .respect the rights and' privileges of each other as leaders in two classes of society. • Tiger, is a small, wiry cat of strange markings who also makes his home around the barn.' Ile accents the gran- ary as being his special preserve. Lady Puss. is a venerable old matron at the barn who keeps -on producing litter after litter' of kittens. ;the has .."a. strong maternal instinct and never challenges Timmy 'except when she has a litter of small kittens. She win brook no interference and she takes advantage of her responsibility to hurl the occasional insult -at him. At -milking time, Tommy, Tiger• and Lady Puss line up for a feed of fresh use of color—once learned in the hon•tes of the neighborhood. . Religion,. which used to be a central pall 'of the life of each home and to present themselves for election, but such persons should go before -the electors as' citizens, not as nominees of the lions Club "Or', the ..Board of Trade. the Masons or' the Oddfellews, or c the Baptists, t is ) t P �. the Presbyterians x any other organization representing' only a recti(?n of the electorate. Per- • haps "Citizen". did not intend that his ;suggestion should be taken in the way we Have indicated, hutthat is the way • it sounds. Another thing we should Sart. We believe that only in exceptional cir- cumstances should' any person who has not had municipal experience be chosen. milk. This iP a privilege which Is not as the head of the Council. For° -°the direction of the affairs' of the, muni- cipality Surely there can be no better shared 1>iy either Tabby or Spot:• As a matter of fact, Spot is not tolerated at the barn at all. (111 the other hand, hone of the barn eats would think of qualification than' experience in muni_ I going near' the house When 'Ctrs. Phil If ., You : Indulge In Over Eating Sourness of the -'stomach, biliousness, •heartburn, headaches, belching or other temporary disfu"rbances are often caused by over -indulgence. In such cases Burdock Blood Bitters should give quick relief. Bucock Blood Bitters is a pure vegetable eompouid for minor disorders of the stomach, livers••and bowels. It stimulates the action of the stomach and -digestive organs thus improving digestion, and elimination. You'll find B.B.B. on sale at drug counters everywhere. Accept no substitutes. Specify Burdock Blood Bitters. J7bta- T, Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. health of the child, once regarded- as the responsibility of the parents, be-�• comes increasingly a • responsibility of_ the school. Ilealt11 instruction, health surveys, vaccinations, inoculations, health examinat'ion's; ' weight tables, gy-mnastics, - remedial exercises, in many arses.feeding_and in some cases even sleeping periudti are prodded. Recently guidance has:••appeared and is expected to help young people under- stand their own abilities and limita- tions in i4elationship to the -' orld in which they hc' • dive. Within the foresee- able future, it is possible that 'schools will .provide Sex education and studies in family relationships. ' In face- of this imposing list of school- functions, one may be justified in wondering just •what the place of the . home really is. If the parents Provide food, clothes and tt place to sleep, there -seems to be- little more required of them. Such is not the case ---indeed, on closer exalnlnation it appears •that the home becomes increasingly- necessary. to the yoitTig person of today. 'Deep 'in the heart of every °chilli. gf whatever age are some fundamental needs ---the' desire for security ; the need to believe in something; the de- sire to belong, .to be .loaved : the desire to excel. These needs the home alone, parents alone, can best supply. Amid the change, and excitement and pressures of becoming a mature social 'being, the home is an important sanctuary of understanding and quiet --ti place where one need no longer pretend; where each Is known and loved; abilities, limitations and faults are i'ecbgnized and affectionate allow- ance made for , them ; where day to cipal affairs. Memlgers of the Connell = gets out a. meal for Tabby 'and Spot. give a great dear of time to, the Town's The -barn cats have 'favorite haunts. At this time of year they usually bed business --much more time than prob- down on the pile of chop bags in the ably most people know. Irl addition passageway after having had a meal. to the- regular meetings that are re-' The house eats on the other hand wait ported there are conitnittee meetings, their chance and 'when the kitchen door is opened they 'pop in and either opeeial meetings from tithe to time, sleep under the kitchen rangel get in and in between these , meetings Balls the woodbbx or ,try for a comfortable for their attention to' this ':h'r that spot In the front parlor. Tabby lies quite still but Spot is out matter. It is a thankless job, and if for fun. She is just waiting for a atI some recompense a councillor works tussle with a piece of paper, or a string his way up to the•honor of the mayor -1 or the yarn ball. She will play and alty It is' little enough reward for toss around and finally have to be put ,, out. •into the woridshetl. She meowr<i ' years off• attention to the''povvir s affairs. around for a little ''bile .but finally Councils will make mistakes—who goes ofe to' bed. Tabby will remain doesn't? ---but wouldn't it be better for , still . perfectly still, and occasion - citizens to - titer cr~itieisnt of their I ally we forget to put her out and she , misthkes•o teen they make them than gets to spend the night in the eoinfort • A of the hitches. to wait until the eyed of the year. to I think cats overman' and comfort - throw bi<ielt3 at them? . able creattnres to iictve around a farm, yyy�r.�,�j. *1� {� but ;;laves always been pulled by the 'Vii + ° `L++ + tILLIt NOW? insulter that trinket; thein have two roeletiea .... or dazes o +society . ., hence and barn eats. • - t:o° etlitor of Saturday Night .lids been one of the erities of the )E''edtaral v°et=nnlent for not performing some Short stories that are best Genera tire to be found: in the elaasified t eetion of Th, Bignfil.St/tr. Spirits Are High So's Your .Hair! ,Attuned tothe merry care free holiday,„moody is this face -flattering • Upsweep. Keep silo's' -•dusted hair_"iii+ tow. 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Pick-up and delivery THE SQUARE GODERICH • Y6, tr}Cie L.-.7\ 0 q/) Mkt)stn (1111. ..,,?9 .•.., tri+::., .,.. ...,� ,.... .....,.. , '.?: ••Jim ti.'N:•d...✓...- �. • '3. .j{�' •:fin • :•:;.JJ• : •! • G:l.J• •Ash. f. y. !..... •: '�.� :', 'FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK. RADIOS ' PORTABLE FOOL -PRO 0,1F • swim) SEItVICF R. R. iltfuNDAY - CtrtiA,rd R*dl( Teriudelnn rItQNi OR CALI, 7' 'tddet s t'. Oaldetieli. now Wheel trim rings at extra cost >ree000iiey000u•• ':....'^4,a.,''s:, dfe000 .. l,ovar '.y,9CS0^x,MC4s.•Y,.•,•xYr:r. ; :• •.•J:r •ii?7M•,Y,.••S.•'.1•.••.1�•{• ......: • .J.C:Jrrxa`:;•N.>::5`•Jr::I:i: •.,JJ:�I•.;;��r:;t:: • • )Oren 10 , r 9c FORD THEATRE • full hoc' Sunday • •ornomrl-Dtminivaet ..twork. 7;1;%":::;:f .�it4P.: • ,an •. • rJ:•:x • `yiis ::ir;:•.• :fie OF EVERYT1UNG YOU WANT 'Power that fairly sweeps you a'ay. Riding comfort so luxurious you • just sit back and relax. Smooth, easy; effortless stops, Distinctive, tTwo-toned interiors. 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