The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-20, Page 1ONE- UNDREDTH YEA R. Huron Teachers in Convention Representatives of Education ' Department Gives - Addresses — A convention of the public school teachers of both Huron 'inspectorates, ei , ift, north and smith, was heldin North street United church on Tuesday lifter- , noon, with an attendance of 240. - : Dinner was served in the church hall at 12.45 by the,eyomen'a:Associ- ation of the church, ' Clarence Trott, president of the South. Huron Teachers' Institute, pre- sided oyer the program Which followed dinner'. G. A. Pearson, assistant super- intendent of elementary 'edneation for the Province of Ontario, was intro- duced by George Jefferson of Clinten and addresesd the gathering. .. He urged that teachers study individual differences in pupils, learn their home -environment, and so' be able to give each the attention in the school that his individuality demanded. The child's interest in his school work should be developed. Pupils should 1. be grouped according to their level of capacity, in other studies as well as in reading. Too ranch praise for the bright pupil discouraged the backward one. In the speaker's opinion there was too much stress on competition; better to endeavor to 'get the- pupil to excel his ownebest effort. Health of pupils should be given more attention, and in tide connection the speaker Spoke of poor lighting and other Sehool- room conditions. •It was the teacher's responsibility to train childr en so that they will be Worthy members of society, using. their. faculties to the best --ad- vantage, • Musical numbers were were given under the direction of Mrs. J. G. McDougal music instructor in the Goderich schools. These included a solo» by Margaret Bowra and a duet -by Maxine Stewart -and Eleanor Lau -der. Dr. Stothers' Address Dr. C. E. Stothers, inspector of aux- iliary classes for the Department of Education, was the speaker when the teaehers reassembled in the auditorium of the church, after each Institute had held a meeting. A. W. Smith, President 'of North Huron Institute, - presided. Dr. Stotters, who is a native' of Ash- field, chose -as the sfibject for his ad- dress "Remedial 'Teaching." He said that, Ontario teachers who handle -the capried children are doing_ as good IVIA.PLE LEA.F OHA TE IVIA.KES MANY DONATIONS Th 6 Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., held its November meeting in MacKay Hall, with the regent, Mies J. Saunders, presiding. -Mrs. Maleohn Mathers was 'welcomed into the Chapter. The regent reported on the semi-annual meeting Uhl - at Ottawa on October 28th and Ca tain Ed. Robinson, Succumbs to Illness Veteran of the Great Lakes to uried in Goderich on Saturday AY, NOVEMBIER 20th, 1947 May Tic)rey.Live Long and 29th. The importance of the educa- Greatly to _the regret of his many eional work- and post-war .work Uf the friends in Godereeh and of bummer - Order wae Again stressed. glee guest able friends in Great Lakes marine speaker at the -dinner was Hen. Or. Alexander Clutterbuck, • 1.a.C., M.G., M.C,, United KingdomHigh Commis- sioher in Canada at Ottawas- His subject- was "The Task Before Us.," After the dinner there 'Was a reception for delegetes at whieh they were pre- sented to Her - Excellency the Vis- countess -Alexander ,of The war service convener, Mrs. C. F. Chapman, stressed the need 'for members to continue knitting. Ar- raragements were made for members to make quilts 40" x 60". The Chapter was asked to cellect good reading ma- terial.for the local hospital.' :Members volunttered to help with the Christina seal campaign. Tilt Chapter decided to furnish a new T4-it-tage room in the hospftal. The following cash ..donations were made: $50 to the Lucy Morrison m,em- oriel fund (-educational) ; a$56' to the endowment fund; $50 to thee Children's Convalescant Hanftal, Ter - onto; $25 to the Children's Hospieal at London, Ont.; '$25 to the National LO.D.E. shipping fund; -$25 to the second war memorial; $10 to the Pro- vincial workroom maintenance fund; $25 to the Goderich Girls' Band. It was decided to invite the -May Court Club of London to puton another marionette show in the spring. • Members made a; voluntary contribu thin to, the: -Princess• Elizabeth fund. • ST. GEORGE'S W.A. The president, Mrs. B. II. Farr, opened the November, meeting of ,St. George's Woman's Auxiliary, held: in the- Guild room, with prayer and -a two -minute §ilent tribute to those wh6 gave their lives in the -two Great Wars. circles,Alaptain C. E. Robinson dill not recover,rom the illness which attacked him ten days ago and caused his re- moval to a St.. Catharines hospital, where he passed away on Tuesday. The- funeral will be held in his native towu on Saturday, after a service at the :E. E. Crauston funeral home to begin at 2 o'clock and to be elindueted by Rev. C. Wesley Cope of North street United chukch,. - Captain,Robinson, known throhgliout his life Ate "Eddie, ' was in. his seventieth Year. He had beeu. on the Lakes since his youth and in time became the commodore of Canada Stearnehip Lines and master of the largest , freighter on the Lakes, , the Lemoyne. A fuller reference to the life of this widely -known. veteran, of ° the inland marine will he made in these columns next week. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP FEDERATION ELECTS IA Timekeeper for AT THE WATEBI2DONT . , — Warden I Stnyth Arriyals at 'the Croderielt ejevater Presentatija /VIade at,.. Annual Hudson, 135,000 bus. oath, barley and during the week. were: Mondaye-AaA. • count"; Go non Baziguet .1, t•• wheat. Tuesday-Bricoldoc, 242,000 bus. Febeat. Thursday ` (today)-- , - rile fate in Canada of, the various Saskadoc, 245,000 Pus. wheat ; Superior, "isms" that are attempting to, threaten 79,000 bus. wheat. the CAnadian way a life lies in the The Algorail is expected tomorrow hands of "you people who are efosest (Friday) and the Calverley on Satur- a , to the soil," De. R. gobbs Tayiort, , dey. ' . M.P.P., told Huron County CouneillorS The collier Glenelg brought a cargo at the Warden'e banquet on Wednesday of coal to the ,Purity, lfluur Mill, ar- night at the British Exchange Itiotei.- riving Tuesday evening. : . "There Pe today a disturbing factor - The tug W. E. Menary arrived today of „materialism in our way of life," and will remain Air the winter to as- said Dr. Taylor.. "Canada is a fine sist in the shifting of vessels with country , and it is you, the people ,W1e0 sto ,tge cargoes as 'they are brought are closest to the soil -you, who aye t e elevator for unloading. - u e • repreeentatives of those people here . . . , 'The annual meeting of the Colborne township unit of the Federartion Of Agriculture was held on Monday even- ing, Noyember 10th, at the Township Hall. The„Farm Forum topic first was heard and the chairman, Mr. 'Terence Hunter, conducted the discussion on the snbject„: "The FarIller • Takes Bert_ Lobb,, • vice-president of the 'County Federation, gave an interesting. l'eVieW of the Nyork of the county unit for 1947. Arrange lents were made for the annual ban -et, which will .be held at. Nile onsNo ember 27th, at 7.30. p.m. Officers wee elected as follows: Pre- Probably owing to the extremely et Yr-- sident. Terence Hunter; vice-president. day, very few Members attended. John Kernighan; directors-S.S.'No. 1, During the Meetieg some of the Mr. and Mrs. Tait Clark ; No. 9, Mr: members made blocks for cloilts,. while and Mrs. Jeuatban Fisher, Mr. and others read from the W.A. bulletin. r, Mrs. Bert Willis; No. 3, Mrs. .Wm. It was decided ti hold a corporate Clark. Mr. Fordyce Clark": No. 4, Mr. communion on St.' Andrew's Day, and .Mrs. Elfred Moore: No. 5, Mr. November 30th. ':The• meeting closed and Mrs. Andreiv labir,le ; Nos's:6, Mr. Riley-. - . . and Mrs. Hume Clutter': No. 7, Mr. 11110' intend to be out of town at,, itwee with prilyer. ' Tea as served by MrS. . ' and Mrs( Milford Durst ; No: 8, Mr. time of nominations may giN- adNa ORGANIZING 98th BATTERY 6 neseice of his (or her) candidacy. . ' and Mrs. James Feagen: No. 9, -Mr. - :•Leecee w-. •L megkeimeeceetit:.r:_if.. 4)14 .e:Nixe-Wauesaleyer ; la,a.a., _,Ne. .1e. .Forms to he used in ..such cases may MitcDonald of Western (Wade MAI- ' be otiiiiined ft iiiii' the 'ToNN-n --Clerk:- Mr. and NIrs. D. McNeil. - , - work ae any in the world. He stilted tarv 'Headquarters London were in. ii:170liwonexNeteinivebecuelt3taht and -made The. -candidate must be named in the that there must be a survey of eun- , • .. regular manner by proposer and see-' satisfaceoey conditions by tests, a re- ender if the nomination mreting. with ,.. view of methods, knowledge Of teach- ing materials, the child's experience and his medical history of health. He said he would like to see in On tario a great mAny more varieties of -reading. . . . • There ie no -mystery in methods to be used, lie stated. Knowledge of the child is essential, and he urg'ed bring- ing out the pupil's intelligence,' il- lustrating this fioni Incidents in his successful attempts to this end. • Eftch of the guest speakers was accorded a hearty .vote of appreciation at the eonclusion of his address. • ° Institute Officers ., Officers elected ata meeting of North . Huron Institute were: , President, J. A. Gray, Blyth; vice-president, Duncan , MacKay, Eiretail; , secretary, Miss tessie Little, Bertssels; librarian, Miss Verna McLaughlin,- Winghane • Officers of South Huron Institute are: Pree0ent, Elgin Shortt. 'Hensall; secreqarse.' 1Barbare Michie: Hene- all; librarian,. Mies Gertrude Sturdy, - Goderieh. . Interest has been world-wide in the marriage of Princess Elizabeth and, Philip Mountbatten; which took place in . Westminstcr Abbey, this morning. The whole Empire rejoices in the -happy cicciasion. s. „ MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS The numicipal nomination meeting All candidates liaN't until 9 o'clock -for Goderich will be held at the Town Hall on Monday evaaing_next, Novemp ber 24th, from. .7.30 o'clock. Under an ;intendment to the Muni- cipal Act a person who intends to be ft- candidate -andawho •may be ill or Goderich on Tuesday• in connection following appointments: Film commit - with the ,formation.of the 98th Battery ,tee Mrs. Andrew Bogie, Doug. McNeil, 1 the consent to nommatiot signed les the ' eandidate eteached.. : , . If a person is nominated for more t lei 11 one office, he has until '9 o'clock on the evening° of nomination to state - for which office he will stand._ Other-. wise be Nvill be de'emed to be 11 ()Mill- ated for the offiee for„ .which he is of the 21st Anfi-eank Regiment, R.C.A.', Bert Willis; lady representative to Majoreete, 13:- Sturdy has been named county board, Mrs. T, ,Hunter; hog 98th BatterY'Commander . It 'iS plan- committee, II. Montgoinery ; cream ned- to hire.- the Legiore Hall -dor one : committee, E. Moore. . bight • a week during the organizing i • Period., I.C-Col. Mogk was, in contact :McKILLOP MAN_ SENT With -Mayor• Da D.- Mooney ieT an at r. teMpt to seciire property suitable for 70 ONTARIO B,EFORMATORY , aft armories in Goderich, . . . ••-t) . Pleading. guilty to a charge of in- PAJ.. Commission' , decent . assa alt on a married . woman in McKillop township about October _ 0 , 25th, Archie MacCallum, of alcEillop - Appoints Manager 4 town,thip. V.VaS Senteueed in Magis- -1 • itrate's Court today to six nionths de- . • ' 1 finite and six months indefinite in the Lloyd Estate'Buililing -.)n West Ontario Reformatory and ordered to Street Purchased—Tenders - pay ('00 rt Costs. . ,Opechea.--As sexual offences.are not taecreas- - -big in thrk county' I think the full penalty should be .given this man," • ________. E. Weaver, for many years public stated Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes Petrolia, has been appointed manager utilities manager for the .town of in "presereting the case. r • of the Goderieh public utilities. The A charke of theft against L. P. [Normen MacDonald and his. son lippointment was made at a meeting Chester, of Goderich. against. the jag-. Dagenias, of- Ldrulon,- was withdrawn of the Public Utilities Commission on when it was learned he had Made a merit. of Mr. Justice. Sillily in their • settlement out 0I- court with. J. Van- action Against the Town of Goderich -.-.i------• GORDON WONG tonight -who are fhe ones whe WM. save this ceuntry. You, the people RETURNING TO CHINA of the soil. are the ones who are going to resist the infiltration of any move Gordon Wong, for about twenty to destroy our way, of • yeareaproprieter of Wong's Cafe before , L. E, Cardiff, M.P., also paid tribute its recent sale to George Baechler, to County- counclls,- saying, "The . re - left Goderich on Monday en route to sponsibility of Comity Councillors is his native' China. He is proceeding to greater now, than it ever was. 1 still Vancouver, thence to San Francisco, think that the..County Council is nearer from which port he is sailing for Hong to the people -closer, to the.pulse of the Kong on November 28th. Gordon will peoPle-than° any other group. Were take up residence in his native city it not for the County Councils this of Canton.' His plans for work on re- county would :be much worse place in turning to Cantonareindefinite as yet. which to " - Gordon came to Goderich August, Judge T. M. Costello spoke briefly .. 1926,- and. has been here ever since and in the conrse •of his remarks spoke except for a period in 1930 when he of the fine intiSiy. presented by the recently -formed God,erich Choral •So - returned to China -for a visit. "I will Miss CoderiCh very much," ciety. Gordon told The Signal -Stat. "I have Ex -.Warden R. E. Shaddick Presided. •. enjoyed- living here and found people Alex. AnderSon, warden of kind,. and considerate to me always. county, -was present and spoke briefly. wvOn't have time to go around and Ex -Warden A. Alexander, • of Grey say farewell to, the people. I know, so township, read the address- and Ex - would• like yap.: to pass on to. them .1Vardeil -Arinstrong,s, of Hay town - my wish .of 'thanks • to everybody and ship, made the presentations Of farewell'." - beautiful deck to .• Warden Brown .t At a reeent Meeting of the executive Smyth. •In reply Warden :Sinyth said. of the Goderich Board of Trade men- any success 'of the 1947 Council was, tion was made of Gordon's leaving and dire sin no small measure to the co - it wag fejt that some mark , of ap- operetion he had 'receiyed from mem- predation for his being a resPected 1;ers of Jhe-Council. • eitizen here for. so long should be Ex -Warden B. W. Tuckey, Exeter, ,made. The matter was left to a corn- extolled the firm -fotindation laid .by, mittee to secure' a suitable token of former County Councils. in: making the appreciatton. 1947 Couned a good .one. He _pointed . out that the 1947 Council was success - TO AID' INDUSTRIAL EFFORT ful in bringing about the curtailing or Naphtali, of Toronto, wanton cutting of timber in the county .Goderich township nominates. tomor- C• Tuesday- night, the 25th, to file quali- fication papers. OTHER NOMINATION'S' - liaison officer for the Ontario Depart- ;111(1 also bringing to nits final stage kriday ) .the Clinton couneil„ row mint of Planning and Development, equalization. of- assessment.- and the chamber., . Goderich recently in, connec- , move to get the services of a County Ashfield.., also' has its nomination ....elit:iiitew4,ith the Board of Trade's bid for ',assessor. •ftleeting tommirow, in the: Township pall .• Ex -Warden R. j. BowMan,.of Brus- , --,Colliotile-ftliniinittions•will-be: )41 .tlifs Township Ilan. (2arlow, on Friday, November 2Sth. at 7,p.ne Weskb •WaNvanosh and East, Wawa, rash both nominate -tomorrow "in the respective' T. •: nominations wilt be received in l'ownship hall Londeshoro toneeesoW ( Friday • , Othor municipalities having etirly elections are Grey. How!ck. Morris. sea- Menday Viss Laura Jeckell. organized _and -,Whit'h gives every pro- . well. known here, especially in •c(?11- 111 l-( .of. developing into.an outstanding TurnI,:rry, Stephen, forth. Brussels. Myth. first named. new industries. In conversation with a group of _members of the Board of 'Wade pOitifed out flail biS I5eParts-' ment could be 'of service to Goderich sels,_. spoke -oh behalf of the ex -Wardens - -ifti•iritteiifibiled:Tharariabifg-troSe-Pre:-", sent were men who were in office back in its searele for neW industries. and in 1922. and. 1923, N. ,Trewartha, •of suggested that efforts could be directed Clinton, and B. F. -Beavers, of gxeter, th r, .ugh 1 be af oremen t 1 c nod (1 epti rt - -respeetively. • • • • • — . 1 Sentations of the Goderich Choral' So,- ment. .. ROundS of applause greeted „the pre- • ciety.. a Illell. chorus of about twenty Noices under the direction of George Buchan:in which has just recently been WELL RNOWN IN GODERICII many in Goderich ,lea rind with re- gret of the death at her home in•Exeter • neetion with the I'resbyterian Wonien's c114.1ral group. - Appeal Dismissed in MacDonald Case Action: .Was for, Damages for Injuries Suffered by. • • .,Young Boy Judgmeikt was given at Osgoode on MOnday -dismissing the appeal of ' Missionary Society. The funeral took An instrumental frh; composed 'Of E. „TOLL/FITE AT VICTORIA J)10 -('e tit Exettr 011 1Ve(1i1(s(l1iy 01;.kr Bill Collins. clinton, violinist. Yoe STREET SUNDAY EVENING ; _ •;•i••••••lie of next week. Kelly. pianist. and George James, -trap drums. provided 1/11 (-ming. next N'ictoria street 1-nitcd church brings to its Pulpit :Mr. Ed. Jolliffe, K.C.. W11,0Se Said( t't \Nil 1 be "J'Ile ltelation of 1 Friday last and Mr. W eaver has KNOX CIIURCH W.M.a„, signified his acceptance "- The regulat- meeting `of Knox church Anotherdecision reached by the local W.M.S. was:held at. the home of Mrs. Commission is the purchase of the Chile. Edward, Lighthouse street, on .Lloyd estate building on West street, • Tuesday afternoon, with a large attend- eubject to the approval of, the Ontario mime , The -eresident conducted the Hydro Commission; Possession cannot business part of the meeting and heard be bad natil next June. The purchase renoets 'from the various sekretaries• price is $16,500,, . Mrs. Kretsinger and Mrs. Reid were . Engineer. E. H. Darling was present ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNTED• appointed to visit- the Presbyterisui atathe Friday meeting to open and: • Me.. and Mrs. Hervey Fidler, (lode- wpmen at the °hospital for November. discuss the tenders: for the new water rich, R.R. 2, announce the engagement :errs. Robt. Bisset gave-a'.fine paper, mein and tower.. - No decision was of their eldest daughter, Edna Isabelle, on India, bringing to a close the study reached tis to which tender -would be to Ross Edward, younger son of Mr. of India."' Mrs. Walter also gave a. -accepted. - ' .i and Mrs. Heber J. L. -• Eetly. of „ Dtm- meditation on the last part of the On advice' of the Provincial Hydro' gannen; tin .marriage to take piece Lord's Prayer which was very inspite Commission on revision of the accounts the latter part of November. Mrs. Neil MacKay gave the for the- year .1946,, a rebate of $496.81 • Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Macaulay prayer. At the close of the mbeting a will ,te -made to the waterworks (10 1i to ennounce the engagement- 'of social time was spent and refreshments paetment and a rebate of $387.57 will their only daughter, Margaret ,Camp- _ served, be made on the street lighting account. ' .belle to Murray Afigus .Hornblower. son — . , • of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gs Horeblower • 'Itev. Richard Stewart Concludes.. • . of S'arnia, Oet.; the wedding to take 'place ipiletly ' tbe latter - part of and .the Public Utilities Commis,- sion for damages. Two years, ago. when Chester was in his fifth year, his hands were badly burned and permanently injured when he climbed into a tree opposite his home on War- ren street and came in contact with Hydro power • lines which passed through the branches of the tree. Action for damages was taken' and the case ,was heard Lbefore Justice -Sillily in nonejurvecourt he Goderich. Judgment was given against .* the Plaintiffs, and • the matter was then carried to the Court of Appeals at "Toronto. Arguinent there before three judges was heard a month ago and after a three-day sitting in the case. judgment was reserved. but has now been giyen, dismissing the appeal. , One of the .three judgee, Mr...-Justiee 'Aylesworth, dissented from • the judg- ment of 'his colleagues, Justices ,I41 law and Roach. In his dissenting opinion Justice Aylesworth said: "For tvventy-seven years nothing. NtifIS (kale ill this partienlar part of the lbw ba wa y of maint.enance or repair. The accident would not litoe occurred had the power lines rtItained their original covering." Egmond, from 'whom be was charged ,with stealirig buildirig material in Goderieh township during July, August and September. The Crown pointed out Dagenais had two previous; con- victions and warned of what would happen ;hould another conviction be made in the future. His Five Years' Ministry in Goderlek • On 'Friday eveninr"the 'congregation reply, and • spoke feelingly of -their ° of Knox Presbyterian ehureh bade an regret in Which they leaving a congregation in bad met ,conistrrnt amcour- • affectionate farewell. to 'their minister Agement, co-operation and • sympathy. for the past five years, Rev. Richard Afterwards, refreshment's were Stewart, rind to Mrs. Stewart rind their served and a .social hour enjoyed. - two young sons, David and Dick. .The Farewell- Services farewell meeting was held in the Rev. Richard Stewart's farewell sere leetteee- of Aire church, which was mons 80116115 were delivered e to liIied to capacity. Mr, (7. Es Saunders large congregations. A full 0116ir led was chairman. the serviee• of ,praise and a bouquet A program of speeches and music of white and yellow asters- decorated _was happily marked by .an address the sanctuary, placed by Mr: and Mrs. from Rev. B. "H. Farr, rector of St. Albert Taylor in memory of their George's' Anglican church, who ex- son Joe. ' • pressed regret at Mr. Stewart's re- The sweet volees of the little children moval and en behalf of the Goderich of the junior congregation, in which Ministerial Association and the people Mr. Stewart has lAken a proud and of St. George's church' wished him affectionate interest, sang the Coven - success in his new sphere of work at linters' Hymn," "The Lord's My London.s . Shepherd," with • Miss Chrissie Leish- Mr. George W. Schaefer spoke on man at the lano Mr. Ralph Hender- , behalf of the session,' and read an sion''was the soloist in the anthem sung address of appreciation and good by the choir, "Turn Ye 'Even to Me," wishes from the Knox' congregation, 'and a double trio composed of Mrs. while the presentation it handsome Bruce Sully, Misses Mollie Bisset, four -piece silver Service, with tray, Catharine Cutt, jletty Sinith; Irene suitably inseribede was made to Mr. and Eunice Milne sang "The World and Mt's. Stewart by Zttrs. Gsordon for Christ We Sing."1, Bisset and Mr. 11. j. A. Macilwan, clerk The subject of . Itev. Richard of the session. A fountain desk pen Stewart's inspiring sermon was "Re - was presented to Mr. Stewart and bonding the Walls," which was • the. Dick and David eaeli reeeived a gift Subjecf also of his first sermon after of money, the presentation Ito the tWo yoting sons of the manse beinG zaade`by Miss Dorothy Jobnoton, leader. of the junior tongregation. Mr. and Mrs. Ottit m evyart boade' ' ° November. The engagement is announced of Teeraine Ruth,' younger daughter of Mr. aml Mrs. Alyia Thompson. Britan- nia'road, to Patrick Joseph: eldest eini of Mr. end Mrs. • Cornelius Spain, Horton street, The "eiedding is to take' pause on the 29th' 0-r November at St. Peter's Roman Catholic church, Gode- rieh. ' , ---- CIOTRAL HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB , The Central Home and School- Club will hold Its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, 1‘7,9Tember 25, at 8 pm„ the school. This will be the first meet- ing at the new scheduled time of the fourth Tuesday of the month and It is hoped that the change will provide the opportunity for more fathers to attend. The meeting this month will be at- tended by the members of the School .Board • and Dr. Staples will be the principal speaker. The subject. will be particularly appropriate, as the School Board will be prepered to answer any, questionsconcerning the school ques- tion which will appear on the ballot In the Coming.election. • , • Judge nrfcrikfts. joules- L. Killoran, 86 John street , Porn'. have returned after spending two weeks in Toronto visiting their sop. Rev. Jostph Kil- loran, S.J.,of .the Jesuit Order, who coining to X;toderich five -years ago. It has left for • the Jesuit •Mission at was based on the„,story • of Nehemiah Darjeeling hi India. Ite-isailed Wed - and the rebuilding of the wails of nesday from • New York aboard the Jerusalem, , Queen .Maty on the first lap of his .(Continued �n page 4) • • ,lotirne'yee-StratfordeBeation-Herald. • INJURED JN ('AR ACCIDENT Jack Redmond, id `town, is in Alex- andra Hospital stuttering . with back hijnries received iii accident at the Selnail. is first: Douas glMCDonald, nt McManus 00111('l', it short. distance Clintoh r ,ollegiate Institnte, seeond, north of Goderich, WednesdAY night. and JIrmes Donnelly, of Goderich Col- legiate Inst tit te. . The la st- named is now Attending Ste Michnel's College. Toronto. Aawrda Awards tire made to the of $100 for first $60 for second and $40 for third. . The schola rsh ip he sed on the higheat aggregate standing on nm ot ere than ten papers of the upper -school which must inclnde English, algebrn and geometry. - oderich Youing'Mari "TIRE MUMMY AND MILAPS'" Killed t H over present (in 'Tuesday evening for •the • - of Victoria st f(4•t. United church was andience,,that tilled the basement 1111,11-Y •Luilior Farmers iiresentation of . - • William Wilson' Meets Death' t -iii, 4, 11,..1.,•.**il-i'll)(,:t.'. f a 1.(l.i.'ile--Iiii.,e1aNll\-lains'Y aa.bndlY Instantly While,Driving - - di,..,..t.,,i 1,;.. ,r,..--,. K. Ite._:\leclalie. of a Gravel .Truck . p,,,.:11-,... :,41 ,..i.. ,, riot of 1..tigh-pro-: - -77"-- • -' ;,.1.1:;:2- i.t,•11i- from the limb Francis - , mg near'slianover (•ost the life of a , ,-, :APiri,iscoe, ...,t,..,,,ustii,LIN,i11,-air%\t,.i.l ,,s11(111i-!ii.)ilituA1111,:.4,1,..110.nsashdt.. ' Ai, accident this tThursdav , morn- !'Gialerb.h. y,,ting- Man, 1Villiani.L.1 Wil; ::::::(1'...lilll'eld ‘1.::1.‘11'1115::•11*(::itllagtiell1St. IleNN 'AI& 1 . !Soil, .1l)hug.vst son of Mrs. Wilson 1111(1 - or•on-ss.:r, zsi,. Ilcutor Fish ( Frances "late Robert' E. Wilson of town. Boy -le). Matters became' more com : 4-' The yhting man was in the employ of plirsited it lib. tile all'iyal of Sir Hector the -,i;iiiily Construction -Co, and, was I in the box t bat :...,..upposedly contained , driving a graVel. 1 ruck. ' Part alders of his Egyptie 11 mummy. Highlight. of ' the accident are not yet available, ex- theke-rbiedy NV-;cS furnished by "Hacker"' I -4-11t tha 1 the truck wen t eff t he road I Slan101011 ( :Murray ('Illbert), general ! frinil Ir.- Wilson was . killed Instantly. ' handyman. Of hers in the east -were Ile vse e born in Goderich twenty-four .1 Mr Needle' lir, / Done 1(1 NicTa vish, . years ago. He joined .fhe Canadian Geraldine. Courtire. Margaret Orr, na vy in June, 11)42. and , was' in the Ilelen 'fimitli, Lillian Osborne and naval service until. the end of the war. Eliiine Sutherland. -. ., ,. After returning 4unne In was in the Mr. Ewan Ross wile ehairman for taxi bushiess here for some time with the evening. :Ind musical nunibers be - two older., brothers. - The bereaved teeen ;nes were a solo by elise lielese 1\,:"Itzfiti,i,leli \Alinigin.in •Goderic4,. is the former \l'ilson, 'accompanied by Mrs. 1.,. • E. 11.- J•91,LIFFE, K.C4 INI.1).1).' , _ Turner, .and •silos by Miss Verna Car- . . The .l),al.),_. is being brought 'to (=ode- inichael . With her guitar. Mrs. Geo. the christion Elide to Citizenship." rich for burial,. Funeral arrangeinents Curren provided piatio eelections. ttt . . 8.30 p.m. "will convene in, the church . . . . the beginning of the play. a ° The Fellowsliip-Group kil.T.414 meets at are not %Vet. definite. .. . - Stratford M n List on Lake litiron--- . parlors to he addressed hy Mr. Jolliffe. . 4:, ntilltIOd The public is cordiall invited to be 1Search Almost Hopeless, the regular service 7 p.m. and the after service at 8.30 p.m. ' 9 , After a spareh of Lake Huron waters freighters, on the lake ,to be 911 the extending-, over six days,- no trace hos watch. leen found of :Ianies Robert Misener By this time Misener was out of ;0' Strateed., who set ont in 41. visihilio was poor" because of el:1ff train near Port "Albert -on Satur the high wavek and ()Mu:A(=1 snow. daN morning to retrieve a duck he In his haste the hunter had gone out had brought doWn while on a shooting in a flat-bottomed skiff without oars, ex ped it ion. ' eN idently using as a 'paddle a Warta Earl and Gordon Martin. young men seat io the ekiff, _His spaniel was with wboses home is at Port,eseitsert, gave him in- the boats, Ile had left.his car the ;11111.111 after seeing a Man, WhO at the top of the hill and, wasethut they later learned Was Mr. Misener, identified. ill 11 'rowboat about fifty yards from The Se.areh Continued • , strum -When they realized that the The search was continued on follow - Man was in trouble, being nimble :to ing days. On Sunday Bert MacDonald] 'melte headwey againet tile wind and and Allan' MarDeneld again went Out WiT'VeS that were taking him farther with the Captain Jethn, and Brucesalac- frem shore, they set out in a boat to Donald and Harold Oorbett, took out resole him. They were unsuccessful. the Atenamac. both launches spending When they got some distance out they hours eon the lake. The seaech by found themsetves in danger from the airplane is still being continued for a high waves and it was.with difficulty time each day by Pilot Hopkinson. they were able to get back to a land- Jack Sehroder and Robert Chishehn ing. They then gave the alarm, which have assisted in the seareh fronti• the , TUE- WEATHER renehed Goderich about 10.30 o'clock. air, Temperatures of the past week in Bert - MacDonald, with Harold It is believed, however, that ibe Goderich, with those of the eorrespond- Corbett.: radio beaeon operator, and small boat was swamped by tterfta Ini7arvoes ing week a year ago, as Officiillly re- Bruce MaeDonald, set ont in the Pevater and,that Misener perished ih corded: were as follows: brUnch Captain- johet, went to the elroWningeor from eold. 1047 1046 scene and buffeted the waves for four Constable William' Gardner of the Max'. Min. Max. Min. limits in a systematic seareh of the 'Provineial Paliee is praised for ilk Thurs.. Nov. 13 ....37 .41 50 40 waters for inine nines off Port Albert. ouiek work in spreading the alarm and Fri.., Nov. 14 ......39 20 52 85 "Mac" MacDonald started out in his standing by to do everything up .-eouut Sat., Nov. 15 32 29 48 28 afishboat, but his engine broke down to aid in the 'search. — San., Nov. 16 34 25 54 .38 and be had to desist. Keit) fitopkinson Mr : 'NM:viler was )114itintiager of Brad - Mon., Nov. 17 :17 31 114 33 took Off -from Sky Ilarbor and 8earehed fhaw Knitwear At Stratford, Tues.,. NOv; 18 42 34 41 25 the waters from his airplane,. and fosrtpone :470ars of age. Ilia wife and Wed No 19 33 51 32 word was pasged on by radio, to daughter live at Stratford: - HMI DONNELLY AWAR ED • CARTER SCHOLAR&IIP *; _Anereincements of (airier scholarshin a\vartls in Iroron (1111111y 11:Is by lit:111(4pol 'A. It. kScett of Goderich (eillegirite institute. • 1)111)1)11Walker, of Winghant High He %yes an ,occupant ,of a 1940 Ford car owned tliid driven by Georg'it Free- man, R.R. Godericli. The; brakes failed to work on the curve, and the ear somersaulted into the. ditch. Neither Freeman nor another occupant, of the car, A. J. Donnelly, Elgin avenue, wiigi injured. Provincial Constable. James Culp investigeted. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Mildred Marwick of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Marwick. Dr. Nv. F.° and Mrs. Gallow are in Toronto to attend the funeral of the Doetor'S youngest brother, GOrdon Macbeth Gallow. Mrs. Gordon 8. Taylor has returded to her home at Eden Groye after under- going an operation at Walkerton hos- Iler many frient18 here will be glad to learn of her 8atinnietory recovery. • '