HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-13, Page 7• 'l`lrlf li ,' , NOVEM M First War Loan Bonds'Called $hotolld yuan own: , sv DOMINION OF CANADA First War Loan 31/4% Dt{,e Yet Frekruary 1944/52 Series E The %DDominioatn Governaaaent .has announced that all bone of this issue bearing the prefix. "E" will be redeemed on February 1, 1944, at .100 and • interest to that_date. Further details regarding the redemption tioan of these bonds are to be found in our November Rooklet, "investments": We suggest that if you are a lioider of First War Loan Bonds Series "E",you exchange them now for Canada Savings Bonds, Second -Series. Our booklet also contains a broad list of Government, Munici- pal and Corporation securities suitable for the re- investment of your funds. We shall be pleased to send you a copy on request. Write, or telephone WA aerley 3681. bOMlliI�N SECUIITIgS LIMIT ESTABLISHED 1901' TORONTO MONTREAL- WINNIPEG VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONDON. ENG. Toronto, Canada • CtQl'WI), Nov. 1.0. ---Sar. Rey Mtii'o and Mrs. O. Crozier and- ebild 'en spent Monday with 'friends in 'i'iringham. A sot;ial evening was field in Orme ae p.ol ` goat Wednesdaay evening, with .a program by the pupils wand alaort ad- dresses by Rev. S. T. 1CDtn ek and lir. Mark Barger. Lunch was served; Mrs, E. Humber of Hamilton was, a -weel end . viisitoo with lair. a Ines, 3. Sherwood, r. and Mrs. C. Crozier arra family and Mrs. Ray orad manigann were week -end visitors at London. Mr. victor Whitly of Hamiltonspeaat theweek-end with Mr. Jack Maifleck• Thenk-offering Meetling.—The Nov- ember meeting- of Crewe W.M.S. was held in the church on Thursday, Nov- ember 0, in the form of the thank - offering meeting, with sixty ladies in attendance from six of the neighboring si3cieties. The president had charge of the meeting. Mrs. Zinn gave an ad- dress of welcome. Mrs. M. Shackleton of Dungannon read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Albert Alton of Hackett's led in prayer. Mrs.Allan Reed of Dun- gannon Presbyterian 'church sang, "The Stranger of Galilee." Mrs. Lednor of Port Albert gave an interesting read- ing. While the offering was being re- ceived: Mrs. Wesley Ritchie of Zion played an instrumeiital. A reading was given by M-rs. L. denary of Blake's, "People Will Talk." Then, the guest speaker of the afternoon, Mrs. (Rev.) Dunk, gave an inspiring and' ,delightful address on "Thanksgiving. Mrs. Wilkins of Hackett's sag "Into a Tent Where a Gypsy Boy Jay." Mrs. L. McWhinney brought greetings from Erskine . Presbyterian church, Dungan- non, and spoke briefly. Mrs; '(Rev.) Woolley of the Ashfield circuit gave a humorous reading on "The Missionary Pig," and Betty Rutledge of Dungan- non United church sang in her usual good style "Tell Me the Story of Jesus." The meeting closed with a hymn and afterwards lunch was served. J.I DURI011 SIGNADSTAIR TAYLOR'S CORNER" TA' R'E CORNERS „Noy. Zir.e M,ra, Vii. Ginn' Le spending tl fow days in London withher , eieter0-law, Mr ., M. rami'. cs Meetilpg. 'ho Ladiiee' Aid met at tbgl baba e of " M a. Albert Oke on Wednesday afternop, Novem- ber Citb, with an attendance of a4ven- teeen. The tkemne word for the seting wan "Need," the roll being, auawereai by a Bible verge containing this word. Siaitablaa Iiy`anana also . were chosen. The treasures reported the, net premeds from the bazaar to be $130.95. It was decided to send a letter of thanks to the school children who made alio pas- ters, also to two or three others who helped in any special way., It was also decided to dell the coal Oil lamps from the church, also the Coleman lantern. Rev. 0. Tavener gave an in- teresting talk On "Princess Elizabeth." At his suggestion the theme word- for the Decembbr meeting - Ls to be "Throne." Some w rk was done to the knitted afghan, 'rind members were asked to make more blocks de- licious lunch was served by the host- esses. • TOWNSHIP COUNCIL IF You worry about your present or future_ security, Phone Carlow 2115 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch Life Assurance repre- sentative, R. R. 1, Port Albert. 36tf ROY . N. BENTLEY INCOME TAX—(Business, Pri- vate or Farm Reports) Bookkeeping Services-- (Weekly or Monthly) Typing— (Private or Commercial work) . 36 REGENT -ST B9X 58 - PHONE 231J Goderieh, Ont. •2Otf ➢rat B9ad."`i caperIntend nt •Geary Beaa, contact th.4 " Laviis Censtr'u tie VOut :sell l .,.the t43; 6mo x llow end if their o er tenet e>it ,ti fact y ade • reeds° the Yelaow tag sale.° owaral SaleaiaresJCeass Eisler; That road voeieLrers and biklt3 , o paid: brad votediere:' V42,U5 ; County. of Ii tIr0n, Colborne share maintenance mS ]Elanofla3 7i might, $28; Ii mau ]kaer, vror) on Townasknip Hall. vereueda'l e $2O.W ; Ted )ti isher, $2.50; Matt: Sbaclrla;tof, $2,250; Aubrey 'Walter, $' ;• Owen Moore, ►4.80; AArtbur, Walken, sheep, killed by al, (Go, $35; Wm. Westlake, ba'laiac of salary for October, $72, Moved by Howard Squires wo ad- journ to meet Deceaaiiser 2nd at 2 o'clock. WM. SALLOWS; Clerk. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP The Colborne Township Council met Wednesday, November 5th, witt• all members present. Motions were adopted as follows: f;loward Squires—Ross ,Fisher: That Harold Montgomery and James Horton secure window blinds pad forty chairs for -the Township Hall. Harold Montgomery -Ross Fisher : "YES, GORDON; that's right. And teacomell . from Ceylon, sugar from the West Indies: Canada imports alt sorts of . goods from - countries all over the world." , -"But Canada not only buys abroad, Gordon, she sells abroad, too ; ; . Grain and lumber and 'fish and fruit ; ; . manufactured goods and raw materials .. e" All the complex_ operations involved in foreign trade call for the use of bank credit, foreign exchange, world market informal tion and collections --= vital services per. formed by Canada's banks. rats t9; o how Nps; t pla Canada s3,200 S rA yea DM life' d%(eir pari , branch , books and toork of Cat • daily Canadians. WHEELER'S FUNERAL • SERVICE. No extra charge fdr the use of our Fwneral Home, Toron- to Street. Prompt Ambulances • Service, Phone 335 Res. 355 or 7- Gilson Furnaces" 18--20-22 inch size. -Baker. & Beatty Windnmills_ • 7 and 8 foot sizes. Baker and Beatty. Oil Bath Pump Jacks 3 -WAY FORCE PUMP ALSO CISTERN PUMPS Wm. Fitzpatrick PLUMBING and $EATING KINTAIL Phone 12r3 39.2xtf Dungannon DEPENDABLE AT ALL. uocn , in all kinds of weather, she's at her post. You count an her, and she's proud of it. • \kith A++itrhhoards busier elan ever because of the many more telephones, hers is :mill "The 'Spirit -of Ser. .ire. ht.rre telel►hcines are - being added right along. Out constant aim is to provide more and better service .. . . akar; at the lowest possible Bost ... to give greater value to every telephone neer. INF BILL TILIPN©N1 • COMPANT' 01 CANADA 11 Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDB & ,.ON (formerly, Qunningeam & Pryde) Clintot, Exeter, Seaforth Write Bol "150, or phone 41J, Exeter and we shall be .. pleased to call. A Sunday school teacher was show- One lad looked very sad,, °`flee, leek At • Ing her class of little boys a pieture of I that lio way in bo back. Ile 'older £cur Christian .martyrs in a kions' pit, get ally!" • -.--.- �..... «4 -msg -g Feel Stuffed and Upset After Enjoying a Meal? ° If you rater from a yspepsia, • sour stomach; biliousness, headaches, minor liver er kidney com- plaints --use Burdon Blood' Bitters. This is a poplar preparation that vvf help tonne sip the stomach, kidney and liver, aid. digestion and b quick relief fromindigestion e, ndeonstipation. e, effective and dependable, B.B.B. contains no harmful ingredi- ents nor habit-forming drugs. You'll lie agreeably surprised how quickly B.B.B. aids digestion, ' aasinilatfon, elimination, and hew reuell better you feel Ask for itby ns•'— neurdoek Blood Bitters= -on sale at drug, eoninter. everywhere. _ __ e The T. Zdithurn Co.. Limited. Toronto. Ont. U :••••••• applyii►g to certain uses of ELECTRICITY IN ONT • HEREAS the requirements of *war production and 'the scarcity of'" W _ materials since 'have restricted the construction of electric power developments; AND WHEREAS the_;,consumption -of electric power -has continued to increase at such an accelerated rate since the termination of the war that consumption demarnd of consumers now service,_ without taking into account pending applications for power, has increased by 25. perc-entum over the 1945 consumption demand and if the Commission were to carry the reserve of -15 per centum -considered. • providentc�, prior to the war and absorbed in meeting wartime `dernnds,.•, the increase in power requirements would in fact be 40 per centum; AND WHEREAS the 'demand upon the Commission for electric power is substantially in 'excess of fits electric power resources, -and the Commission is ;of the opinion. that a "state of emergency exists and has so declared, NOW THEREFORE the Commission makes the following regulations: • ffi REGULATIONS MADE BY THEE COMMISSION UNDER THE POWER COMMISSION ACT b No municipality. or municipal commis-: - sion receiving electrical power, from the Commission shall without the written authority of the Commission supply of use or permit to be supplied • or used by any person the electrical power or any pari ;thereof 'for the following purposes: — (a) lighting of .interior or exterior signs; (b) -interior or exterior lighting of show windows; (c) interior or exterior outline or orna- mental lighting; (d) interior or exterior lighting for deco- rative or. advertising purposes; but -door and flood -lighting for white - ways and for parking lots, used -car „ lots; service stations an 1 .out -door -industrial prerises, above a nrinimurn 'permissible only, between ,sunset_ and sunrise, as follows:-- (e) ollows:-- (e) (1) parking lots and used -car lots, 2 watts per 100 square feet of space only "while open for business; service stations, 100 watts per gasoline pump standard, exclu- sive of lights in pumps, and only while the service station is open ipr, business, and out -door industrial premises, amount • necessary for . working areas only; (f) the operation of air heaters, electric grates or electric boilers used for heating purpo'es in stores or offices; street -lighting between sunrise and sunset; (g) (h) ., lighting of x,axquees , or sidewalk can- opies except 2 watts per square foot of floor -space or sidewalk area. cover- ed by the marquee or canopy between: sunset and sunrise; lighting of entrances or exits in excess of 5 watts -per foot of width - of the entrance or exit; and v 1 (j) 4t.iititing of interiors of, business- premi- ses after cessation of business with the public except the ani•oup.t necessary to enable staff to work. . 2. These .regulations do not apply to, (a) (i) flood -lighting of airports; (ii) lighting' for police and . fire ser- vices and protection,; (iii) lighting required by law; and (i) (iv) lighting of direction signs and signs designating the office of a medical practitioner; and ,(b) the use of electricity for interior dom- estic purposes and in hospitals. ' - 3. No person shall, unless under the written authority of the Commission, take from ani municipality - - or - municipal commission any electrical power received •from the Com- mission and use it for the purposes specified in regulation. 1 . 4. No person shall," unless under the written authority of the Commission, take any elec- trical power generated or procured by the Commission and, use it for the purposes specified in regulation 1. 5. These regulations shall come ' s to force at One o'clock a:m. of the loth of November, 1947. If further clarification is required please contact your local Hydro office. ar TIIE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMNSSIOK OP �$1*( SPON,S0RUD Mr YOUlt SANK 4