The Exeter Times, 1885-11-19, Page 6yer$oua;strd. /wares and goods which ou their Why will you cough when ,Sbiloh's (:urs merits are ,at only to be rejected as will Rive immediate relief 7 ,Brice Xao., 60e, A MATTER Ix liWE1OII TRE I'tF13LIC SHOtw the veriest refn1 e, YQU ctrl! neither and $i. Sold by 3,W. Browning. A tribunal has been appointed to anvesti_ HAVE A DEAL OP I13TEREST.: afford to patroutze anuli people nor gaga the wreck of thesteauner Al oma. can you afford to ta'ce their injurigus ]3OBSEssEN,ATTEI FIOI Compounds into your system. When When your horse is galled,scratched or (you gall for Warner's. Safe Cure sea cut; or has an ugly sore, bathe twine dailyt Haat the wrapper is blanc with tohile and apply McGregor & Parke's Garbolfc ec much tricuey and risk !sties"s and that the tQrt< er Rad Create.It is undoubtedly the flues& healing pr lives in trying to capture the gaunter-14(00pp label and cleansing applieatioa for it, Be sane bear an imprint of an iron safe, the you get Meerregor it•, Feri s's. Sold for >uC, TQ the readers, of the Exeter Times.. Why dose the government spend t d isf so many leiter"Suppoee he does counterfeit gov- erntnent, bonds and noted, direly the government is rich enough to atand any lose his act may confer`" But the individual citizen( could ill afford to be put to continual f 151431 al loss if such desperadoes were let go uuwhipped of justice, that it ie only the valuable tIliug a is counterfeited ; it is only the light of purity sud virtue that impalas'and vice cost qe known. No one in these days would counterfeit a Coin federate bond or note. it People Whc commit fraud always do it by simulating the highest virtue ; by preying on the: eejnest F trade k d that a safe is blown per box, at Dr: Browning's,Deng Store: 1' ra a matt , an Jolut Gladys, of East Sandwich, had 2S in r Lk of the hoists and that •a sheep, valued atabout 0100, killed by; ;dogs perfect 1 G Prottaissary state Jtmxjl ie last Saturday night. over the coni. Yon can't be imposed t;lIOLFRFRFVEN7'ATIVE, on if you observe these oa‘itious. In order to 'withstand Cholera ane Bush 1Ye have the highest respect for like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and in remedy we laave mentioned and the proper aatioa of the stotnaelt ere uequix- ed. Toausure that end, in the cheapest; the highest. regard for the mauufac- most available and complete manner, use turers, and we cannot too highly 3fcGregor's Speedy Caxa for Dyspepsia and egnaineud their dignified and consider- Impure Blood, There is no purer, safer o.r And everything iu the above line, to tweet ate toue in relitteon to diose wlto more reliable remedy'iu existence for Inds- i'nmediatti wants. would traduce" their fair name and gestion, Dyspepsia, Costi'veness, ate, Ask 0. & S. G:I.UL . Y, UNDERTAKERS Furniture Manu ffcurers FARMERS, THRESHERS & MILL MEN -USE ONLY L RDINE MO CQLI.� -t � WI�TT EB, :ISA 1'0R YOUR SIACi3IN S DURING NUN TU. WEATHER . I% '1VT.A.INS LIMPID IN GOLD WEIATIIElt 3'ry USCQL`L'S SUN e,itt RP QUALM, andl'AS[f1iv $411'4l`3S (Ainerieaiu w. sv.',OTL,. ry FOB. SALE BY ALL DEALERS, --A FULL STOCK °Fs:- Furnittyre, Coffins, Casi,Lets,' who lies used ruin the beet interest of the public in matters. DEBILITY. Hearses ill the Oounty, o,w ,. _ Perhaps yon are .Teak, and weary, all run faiut end dizzy, or dull and lAugtnd, then And funerals funnelled. and conducted at },cs treinely lOtF prices. yes, used a good tonic regulator to. make pure blood Circulate and give you strength. Try E'a sense of At.r. •rt11r DIFFERENT SOOtE T"ZS. Burdock Blood Bitters --It will not fail you. Shiloh's Cure will immediatelg repoye 1i AR1 1�1 ESS �• • HAIR ElPskAt i2ea¢ures tare - hair e-* hair to its na:-t tural• color, r'.a ,cloves Dai,wrtii , ulna briskly rubber! on painful parts, toll! Stot Ali y a ..: without using any disgusting medicine day fro._t fills t t after day with little wino result.fluid Light, (nercascs a s niug also cures as effectually Toothache, " growth, and wUi Lumbago, Rheumatism, Ileal w11a, and is not soil the shin. only 25 crate 1"a' ht}ttl, at Ps. Iirowuiug's 4' s hair (ir.- I t 1 sjrg, it line nv your neighbor or any person w best it. Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. 1 We have one of the very such down, get tired with slight exertion, feel Interesting stens. Sltiloir's Catarrh Remedy. A, positive cure reputation, by eruplo)tng the fair for Cutarrl', Diphtheria, and Canker Month. naule of virtue with which to give Sold at Dr. i rowning's Deng Store. respectability to viae. • D1ttEcv Barxns follows the nee ,of Hag- Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis, Let us explain : Seven or eight yard's Yellow Oil, iii case of Fain. • Bheuwa- Sold by J. W. Browning. years ago, so we we Have. been in. rises, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, sore 'I,IiID LIit1ITNING, Throat, Asthma, Craup and alt soreness of formed many times in public print, a the Sash. fallow Oilis tett internal and et- Ail sufferers from that terrible totaneut, Naw York stets eutleruau was pro- terns! remedy that. Omuta be keet in every Neuralgia, can be made bol py in oua me- - g ,uy millions have been household, ineut by n single application of 1.1"14 Unci Light- pronflounced, core ixourably sick of Iestigon showsthe rlrd accidieutpronoun Conneflsville, Pct,, by wlticlt, trot my persont ostiontsdar, 13 a tgg' xtrorn9 injured, v uwsx bydefective frog. ane were. ml .rod, t as c d a s which lie believed were providential, SRILOFI'S TITAL1ZRR is wisst ycii tree he was led to the nee of a preparation for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, 1)izsi- which bad been for several years employed by a seleot few physicians in New York oily and one or two other prominent places, The result was that he was oared, be whom doctors without another and of con- ceded ability said was incurable, Having secured possession of the for- mula, nhsolutele and irrevocably, he ness, and all syreptonwsof Dyspepsia. Price (rug s ore. 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. W. 1 superior: Guar, Browning. �G A. I 'ot ar'a Ointment and .!'stir, ---Outward reinesieep team.fm the dams , ulna, of two.. diserettens of youth, nervous weaS.uess, Prepared by relueilioa, many eases of saxes, ulcers, &a,, in T I will send Harkness £� Gc f'oli c lhese to all who are builuiiup frotu the ;errors and were pronounced to ire hopelessly incurable, early decay, ices of 11'211111"4' tCq, London tint. because the treats eut pursued tended to de. receive tlint triilcore yen , l'Itl.li:QFGCi�\1t(1l, , Shia breat "wed). wise dtscov'eietl by a mss- Said by all eros atE sting the strength it was incompetent to y i Rats PaFvnt preserve and to exasperate the symptoms it sfoutiry iu Routh America. Fend a self -ad - anteedhartal: ss. wee. Dazkrs. waa inadequate to remove, Holloways' Fila dressed eurolol'4 t, ltd:.'. determined to devote a portion of hts exert the most wholesome powers over the accumulated wealthto the maaufao• unhealthy flesh or skin, without debarring i re and ssle of this remedy for the thus the coustitntianatient fr.)tu alair. l i oar ax bp5bauded u vie our 1), Nem 1,.,7: a.', y. Scott Act election in St. Catharines to -day, , stud there is greatoxcitement in the city. • benefit of the many who suffer ztj bo ills the most malignant ulcers, abeeessas,'TREATMENT.' NEW suffered, lu apparent liopelesaueas, and skin diseases are in process ' of care. and ' 1 t the h oo:f rer t -t +st^t,,:toatraerdiHt>eti ,urge: ,i that • ` •, I t t.4 iby t Sia , l t : . I erne ons became the demand for ibis re- � fall into slier poor and watery afatc+ so rata! l,t�x Ujc�Oat'e.e0t7lttie:xts treated during tho! medy and so exalted the population, l to many labouring nutter ehronie ulcerations. id�,i:aix iuoutits, fully musty tier eeut. hove that he wits obligee for his purposes '1 For lame lack, side or haat, use Shulo1f (bbeneuredof this stuliboru malady, 't'itts isy1 Porous Plaster. Priee 2iu elute, Sold. by J, a nonetheless startling when it is remembered . i' to erect a 1Rl)oratorf and wars, i `t, i3rtrivniui7. asci nub ©e to, ,.,ent. of patients pre losting 1 regular ter. ctt mer Rre be. Clouse containing four aria u quarter ; Tl T 4ATA Both °influent a d I"il s ii ,lws 1 1 In lase than three years, so tr�in re richer Rua purer, instead of permitting it t,i i a'. l t 1. , i i 1 n'.s 1 `rn meds `ine sus ut. 1 for c ! of h the ie coir treats i t a Just Receive t teivac re ice are acing geed work nefittea, while the patent menictnc a and other acres of flooring and filled with the most approved clietnicat and menu featuring devices. Probably there never was p remedy that has won such a meritorious name, such extra• is or ,site youthful thieves, Edward Lawlor and Ww. by the gwit9gietttitic wets that disease t9 due three y , wire rent to the reionnatary for to the presence of living uaraslteein the tictsue, three years. ;tfr,Dieau at once attested his cure to their The bass trucltmail and fbrwardiug Rgeu t tuation-this accomplished, he claims fn New Tork js Albeit II, Trysua, :LGFulton tmitency nrquestfoned, as cures, eitcetPd sly i amongst suealr� thieves. Ou Tuesday two'!advertised cures never record a cure at all. St rtingwitlt the claim now goarral]yboliavact t i ox arm the Catarrh is'practicnlly cured, anil the pt(r- 1 u C'ufes J)i :ines, .Toss of Appetite; pndigestton, . iiiousness, ►. :Dyspepsia, Jatandice', .dfections.of the ,river and Kidneys, Pint Iles, Blotches, Boils, Jlumor , Bali Rheum, Scrofula., ip, .Erysyetas, and an diseases arising frown Impure Blood, Derange(! Stomach, or irregular taction Of the Bowels, RENOWNED REMEDIES, THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, •STO tCl , KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated constitutions, and are invaluable in :Complaints iucidentdl to Females of all ages, Vur eifildren titin the aged. they are priceln.., an Iui`anibio re THE OI NTNM ENT dy fur Bad Legs, I3ad Breasts, Uld Wuuutis, :sores troll !Ulcers. It farsous fur Gout and Ilhcunuatissa. SCR nISOPPEAS 01 T1I11 CHEST 1T 314S,tio norms,. For Sore Throats, UYoueldt' , Coughs; ('c.11ls,&landislar Swellings. and all skin: atom it has au rival , duel for contemned and etifl joints It aetslitte a ehartu, The fills and Oletiuent.ueeoldat'1'iMMS Ilus.r.ow.i1'8 TStal.lishlnent, 78 NEW OXFORD-STBEET�luttt (..,l3, OXVOIiD•STR1:I T),LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor t,f ifedieiu+^, in Boxes cut:! Pets. at 1s. Iit1., 2e. std, 4e. Gd., Us., 22s.. and Xis.. each, The `2s. lid. size coil -tains three times the gnautity of the ' is lid.. size ; the 4s. Gd. size six ; the Us, cit e e ieteeu ; the 12n size thirty-three ; stud the Ras size flfty.tnvo times the quantity of tlw smallest Boxes and Pots, Full printed direetious tiro' Weed to each Box and Put, and east le' had in any language 1= ' Pureliaser should look to the LAO tut the Pete cud Boxes. Mlle address is net BSG Oefor i Street, Loudon, they situ spurious. Pickard's' ordinary sales and acealnplislied so street ; owned a mare and for eighteen !situ four years ago aro cares still. No one raQuths Foss and sore, threw her weight on a sot lies tsttoinntgd to cute Catarrh iii tnf:; New Furs x,11 GreatVarity much gaol for the race, eraudno oilier treatment ever cured Cap rluci a ar ' n to b' g catarrh. rli3 pl p P an hour ivae i'.riugiuo wet from. chest to too , C 1 d P tees wit'' !darn ich t land legs when turning; after working half matan .- , application of the remedy is l f simple, and eau be done at home, and the upon the ruins of others, daiv In thts i trouble caused by hard driving over gabble present seasoner the vans is the most favor -I teSirlOftll 13,11 es and Caps- reputation and sale no opportenity to ; stones. Apoita onceLiuitueut Iodise AM- able fora sn ase and perwanant euro. rho majority of cases being cured at one Croat- Astrio c,QudS ; Persian. Ii€L1211J mania, \shish. remedy cured lier. Sold at 0. mein. Sufferers abould corresnotid with , g rest) a golden harvest, (not legitimate- j Lutz's Central Drug Stora, Messrs .t t7 171ti:s .t SON :103 riitg street ly, not honorably} for the which par- The Rev Geo Ii rhaycr of wast Toronto c dna s, and - d d ouglnso stamp for their treatise ou Catarrh.-3fontrcal Star, Nov, 17, .88 .' , Bourbon, pose they have made imitations and 1 Ind., says : "Both myself and wife owe our it in every rection of I lives to ahiloh,s Consumption Cure. Sold substitutions and many druggists, i by 3, W. Browning, Setts and Caps --choice valise; Mink Setts and Caps -super- ----- ior quality Baltic, Seal Setts who can the count LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE WY. ,i and Caps ---a nice selection. G hOnTit hospital Inas been thoroughly disinfected, o'. 2,depart 0 OC A, ar, f :,0 a'at^ -nixes!. (trail. lie a larger profft on' rhe three patients in the Iiamilton amaii- + pox hospital have hedischarged, The DREW G these imitation goods, often corn- Gorse • promise their th honor by forcing a sale and is now without a single occupant Exeter 8 i'0 0 10 upon the uuposted customer. Every second person hut; it ; doctors think Hans©1u1......... . q pp tZg it tucurable ; but Da. CARSON'S CATARRH i3rucetlgta ,...,n lti c 38 Yes, undoubtedly the manufacturers t d or the move (� u 9 ES GORE is guaran ee to cure y • Clinto could well Sefford to ignore such in- refunded. Ali druggists or the Dr. Carson Londesboro......... ......... 10 is 7 so The onset•! sting goods that eau be fartheeffect. MedicalCo., el 00 bottle, Blyth ,,,.... 19 35 7 17 produced. ghaxu err Yo 7 05 --rraDE UL.yrl.1iRi� Undertaker READ rtancee of fraud so as e eo isle 'ca Ce.. orouto, per o e. Botsrava'•"" upon themsetiec is concerned for their K 1 Wilt e edtee have a constant an tin- killed, while drnni °ea a railway crossing o } g wsughaneeepai t.. .. 7 -0 A.I. 3e t, remitting sale, but they feel it to be near Pontiac, Mich„ yesterday, sial rave 8 40 32 05 P.M, e, �t'�? thein duty to rrarli• the public against D These c GRAVEL, ZiRIGS1"S complaints sq 1r : : MIR, 01•7�A.I0 • Lond4sbnro ,...,, :-..777.. . t oe 'it The Public are cordial! in- imitations and subatihttfene, These gammen and dangerous complaints Clfucon............ ... a 3;, non•seeret and otherwise. The in- are due to a bad condition of the fluids, un- Brucetield........ ..... n 5u 1 4 0 11 (� t o��i DOOR 11 00 7 10 An a ea couple Hamad stir. and Mrs. i 11 30 8 00 remedies t ' d Sandbrooke, of Bloomefield, Mich., were Goit SouDu, Mises' Atail. n n A .'At A.a 2 �- and Cabinet-maker. bl t Blyth ,; c�Itet to ca and inspect NORTH MOLSON'S BANK. to 11 0:, s le for tllernselves-. ` -the liver beingequally at fault with thexeter 0' 3 0'' public who oouutenanoes their sale q y kidneys. Regulate these couditloris whit l.il p dividusl who buys them and the healthy changes in the blood and secretions Ilon,nll ............ Condon arril a 10 45 5 30 alone suffer in mind, body and es- Burdock Blood Bitters, one of the best sys tato therefor. tem renovators known to medical science. The authors of some of these Afarmer it.'Whitby is said to have made fraudulent practices have been prose his hogs so drunk on cider that in the do - anted and sent to prison for their lirum the big ones attempted to devour the small ansa. crimes, but them is another class who Aro you madu miserable by indigestion, claim to Know the formula of this constipation, dizziness, loss of appetite, yell'. school low skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive reined,' and one Sunday ouenal, we are told, has prostituted cure. Sold at Dr, Browning's drug store. JThe decided beneficial effect of Robin - its high and holy calling so far as to son's Phosphorized Emulsion in advertise that for twenty five dents it the treatment of female weakness, and ner- will Pend all naw subscribers a tran- vows prostration, has given it a widespread case the story is the script of the Warner formula !. This reputation, health is sand in olmproved since using fortnula, by the way, Lutist be a Aon- it," "I am like a new womau,"that we do derfully kaleidoscopic affair, for there not hesitate to recommend it to everyone in is hardly a mouth passes when some paper id not issued which pretends to give the only correct formula 1 The manufacturers inform ua'that they would be perfectly willing that the public should know what the true formula of Warner's safe cure is, (none that hove been published are anything like it,) but even if every man. woman and child in the United States were As fimiliar with this for- mula tt, with their A B O's they could not compound the remedy. The methq ”manufacture is a secret. "-~e-.L.;,. nlpossible to obtain the results. that tiro wrought by this remedy if one does' riot have the perfect skill acquired only by year.,of practice for compounding and assimilating the r•irupie elements which enter into its composition. fatally hurt. The learned Dr. Foster, the hon• INF LUGNLA. Dred head 6 w of Clifton Springe earn- This is an epidemic worse and more de tarium, once sriid that having ruvghly pressing than au ordinary cold, Rua requires. analyzed this remedy lie ree,tsgnized lrroMptreinedies to break it np. Baayard's Pectoral' Balsam is a trastwortlty remedy for that the elements that 07iup,,Nd jt all forms of colds and their dangerous re - were simple but he attributed the sults. o f ' Chas. flaylock, Picton, married, and the secret of its power to the method children, committed suicide. •o usin and this method un father of night c , l .H coCt rnp t ig, by !slowing out Lis brains,'. one knows except the manufacturers Messina is the action of disease germs in and do one cut acquire it. bad err, poor Osair,age. swampy regions, &c., Our advice to otic readers t'tneon tate system, producing chills, fever, '`, here g neural ia, and many dangerous , diseases. fore,. cannot be too strongly empLas Burdock and Bitters regulate she bowels; need of a health restorer. On Tuesday morning the 'Kingston magic; ~- trate fined a constable for assaulting a boy walnut & Rosewood Caskets whom he arrested and tore the scab off his varc,uated arm. s'&Lso COFFINS or EVERY DESCRIP•rioN. CURED OF DEAFNESS. ---- Harry Ricardo, of Toronto, was deaf for A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings eight years. and also suffered with chronic „$INTHR` 111111 ITU I C01@lTim 1 UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER, rheumatism. After ail else failed. Hagyard's Always on hand. Yellow Oil cured bods afflictions. Yellow FUNERAL'S FURNIS:_ED'A\ll CON - Oil is a reliable internal and exteinftl rem- edy for all painful and inflammatory com- DUCTED AT Low RATES. plaints. Scott's Einuision of Pure. Cod Liver Oil, kith Hypo piton -dittos, „kr Mock of Furniture is un - In Consumption and Scrofula. excelled. Dr. J. R. BURTON, of Valdosta, Geo., says : t tx1VE ?{I1 A. CALL, "I have for several years used Scott's Emul- sion, and find it to act well iii 'tlonsnmption and and and other conditions requiring n tonic of that class." • Two boys, nar sct Keeleiter and Rowcraft, fell down the elevator in the cotton mill at Kingston ou Tuesday, and were probably No trouble to show goods. THE LiGHT RUNNING SEWING MACHINE WILL CURE OR RELIEVE , g!L/OUSNESS, : DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,', DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF ized. As you would prefer -virtue to liver and brood and ward off and cure Ma- SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, vice, old to dross physicial pappi 'aria. e, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS t; , 1 y ` Hess to phvaicial intsery, shun the For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And ever species o$ have a printer! guarantee ou every bottle of y p disease arising frogr� i i172tatOr and i'efOKe thereby t0. lend Vitalizer '�11 never fails.' to euro. disordered LIVER, -KIDNEYS, STOMAOH, Shiloh's VLtAIi y our aid fiuunclally to these who seek f A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of BOWELS oR BLOOD, 111 got, by, trading ntior, another's sence'sCatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents, Proprietors, xtputati n and honesty, a Hale for Sold by 3. W. Browning. 1 MILBURN �•' TORosnsst, SEWING MACHINECO. iI • 30 UNION eON.Y. CHICAGO 1L4 ST. LOUIS MO.ATLANTA G F1iRSA1 E BL' � ORANGE MASS UNION SQ,N.Y. ILL, ST LOUIS MO.ATLANTA GA. I AI E BYJ- RA NTON Eris` iso , ON r.un (r. PRICES CONSIDERABLY REDUEED to make mors for Fall and Winter Purchases, which will arrive shortly. FULL LINES OF GOODS constantly on hand, All Shades, Finest Goods, Best Artistic Cutting and Superior Finish, It will pay you. to order now and derive a benefit from pur- chasin good and oheap Goods. A. call is respectfully solicited. SOTITIICOTT. Pitehionable Tsilor, Exeter. Eaceter Post Office Time Table. t?Jt S A RINE GLOBE. Kirkton, Woodhan, \Viueholsea andIi limvillc ... ... ... ... ... .4.00 p.1134 10 00 am South,east eld weal, including Landoll, I esuiltou, Toronto Montroal l Ianitoba,UnitedStates, English and foreign snails ... ... .... ... ... X0,151. 111. 8.50 a. in. South, east west Rc .•• .•, ... .. ... ... 0.41 1,, m, 4.15 p. tu. 8 orth and east, including Godericlt. \Vinghttln, Kincardine and all points! north, Stratford, Toronto, Montreal, and Pastern States,.. ... .., . '1S.D:sin S.S0 a. in North east, .32:e :. ..55.00 p.m. 5.80 p. in Flay .. ills -Iowa. 10.00a. m. 00oaxn 1000 am Sn.repta Tuesdays,'Then:claysLIDS Saturdays 0li gi?DI;IS and(ratans!, sritkl, fudut N,,wtu noU' ' 7tall,hnst,alit. Now South Weiss, Pasena i , ^ vt. Leland.1"fence ti,nA,lgerut,the (Ice ,ani in'.liro,,Sweden,Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Belgium the Setbelands, Switzerlandl, Austria-Slaugary, ltOutttania, United States, Jarnaiea and Sax bados' POST O F'I' ism SAVIIS G S'3 S NK. Deposits to 0300. Depositors obtaining the, root seised from 9 a.m. to 4 p.tnpermission naw tl 1 1)01 cen01000.t r Deposits shil] • Seaallowebank on ell dcpos is P i b 1 seised from 9 a.m. to 4 p • m: In tcrost at d percout cr annum , e. Castled and 1) 11suandtrnu,rayttnnejrh,ior0thcsivalieDominionet(tutya,la,GreatBritain n•a be • Oflicehours Lem 730a.ni.to7 p,m. Letters iatendetlfsr registration mast be posted 1.:1 u,juntas before the closing of each mail lens of matter will; kindly add the Hamas o8 ;, IN.Li,-Ltty partiularyrelve tett tliattbe sen t e (nnetieato the addresses. D;JOHNS, Postmaster