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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-13, Page 2
itaarritil tottat-tar. LIMON" U 'it°�S F,t „�1 MOST WEKLY ',Published ished by Signal -Star, Limited 0 ilbOcriptim to --Canada st ad Great l ritnir , $2.90 sn .. . ,ear; -Stated, $2.50. ,41141Mertfising Bateii on aequest. Authorized as second-class mail, Department, Ottawa. Telephone 71 member of Canadian WeeI Y Newlrapere Z ssociation -- Sworn Circulation Over 2,7U$O - • GEO. L. ELLIS - W. H. Is I ETSON 13th, 1947 to Urdted I'a.et Ofiiice EDITORIAL NOTES `hese ,,, ydro restrictions seem to be *tatting us back in Genesis. when dark- ness was upon the earth. • 0 0 At last we are on a footing with a member of the royal Samily . The Duke of Windsor has 'not been invited to his niece's wedding; neither have we. a # p Wages and, prices keep chasing ,each other around the stump, and, nether will catch up With the other until one of them tarn§ about the other way. •. © 0 Report• lease* London are that a bear I met in the assembthe ly s 3 hail,wheres with is wandering around iu the vicinity oft Mr. Scutt as chairman, general prab- will give a report of the area con - No. 4 highway north of the city. lams of education were introduced. 'vention. Roll call—"A household Motorists should be on the watch, for Discussion centred around the question hint." Hostesses—Mrs. E. Lawson, of how the school can best meet the - Mrs. Harry Yungblut, Mrs. 0. Ander- son, Mrs. L. Ruddy and Mrs. Geo. Sturdy. Miss Vivian Straughan of London spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. C. M. Straughan. 11irs. S. H. Johnston on Saturday moved her household 'effects to St. Marys, where she will reside. Mrs. Cglson of Blyth is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Sturdy. A New Industry for Huron.—Mr. Nelson McLarty of Auburn informs us that he has shipped from Atiburn 109 .bushels of butternuts and 269 bushels of walnuts. He says thanks are' due iIr. R. S. Carman of Angus, who is head `of the seed extracting plant, whose_generosity made this pos- sible. Mr. McLarty says that as far as he is concerned this- will be an annual collection; also that anyone wishin. gto take part in this work will have to obtain a signed contract for future shipment. Anyone wishing to buy a few butternuts should contact alt.. McLarty, as he says there are a EWS OF AUBUR AUBURN, Nov. 11.—Mr. Harvey Mc- few bushels left in the .county yet. aQ =Gee of Detroit renewed old 6acyuain- Baptistladies° Acid t�. joint ui;eeti� g Maces here over the w eet of the Ladles' Aid of -end. .Clinton ]i3mptts Murray 11,4Dougail has returned from Auburn,. and churches was held at the Clinton par- gonage on Thursday,, with Mrs. C. A. Howson in charge •and Mrs. R. Phillips at the plane. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. A. Forsyth and- Mrs. C. R.. Crossman. Readings were given by Mrs. W. Cochrane, 1 irs. Pickett and Mrs: V. Kneeshaw. A solo was rendered by Mrs. W. Vesterfelt, a duet by Mrs. Gleu Raitbby mad Mrsb R . J. Phillips and a trio by Mrs. 0. A. the West, where he was assisting with the 'harvest. Roy Mugford of Goderich spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Cleo. flf uflgblut. a Miss Zeta • Munro, nurse-in-trainiut3 in Western Hospital, Toronto, was a week -end, visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1i8, D. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson, ' Mr and Mrs. Oliver Andersou and son Howson. Mrs.. Raithby and Mrs. W. William visited Mr. and Urs. John t . i'esterfelt. Rev. A. Forsyth gave an I•'iulayscan, Seaforth, on' Sunday.I Mrs. 11. Currie and sou .Wayne and interesting address on the life 8f Chas. Miss Joan Anderson of Watford spent Spurgeon and closed, the meeting with the isl; cud with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. prBaptisa al pot -luck C�erem®�—Thewas baptism Robison. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abel of St. of Sandra Ke;!ineth Il.dCumpl>ell�f was per Thomas, Jars. Rich. ,Gardiner of Dun- gannon and :Hiss 'alaureen Kuox of formed at their home by °Rev. Ai G. Kitchener spent the wdek"end with Mr. Hewitt of Knox United church, Auburn, and a.Irs. Albert Campbell. on Sunday afternoon. The godmother, Alvin Plunkett has purchased a new Miss Sheila Page of London, England, truck. being unable to be present,, Mrs. Stan - Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clunking of ley Abel substituted for her in the Detroit spent the week -end with the ceremony. The lovely baptismal robe or white satin and face was a gift furmer's sister, Mrs. Geo. • Yuugblut. -The monthly meeting of the Women's from the godmother. 'Mr.. R. Henry Institute will be held in the Foresters' of Goderich was present, aid took Hall on Thursday, ovember•2OtI°. at 2 photographs. among them being that of o'clock. Mrs. Chas. Lockhart of Gode- the four generations, Mr. W. H. Camp - rich, district president for West Huron, bell. Mr. Albert Campbell, Mr. Kenneth Campbell and baby Sandra Lynn. Later, dinner was served, and a quiet social was enjoyed. a The CONVENT I N OF HURON HIGH- ' CHOOL TEACHERS Ou Friday last the teachers of the high schools of Huron county• met in' the Goderich Collegiate Institute to hold the first county convention, of secondary school teachers to be held iti llutariu."he Department of Education was represented by Mr. Gray and Mr. McClellan, higli -seheol inspectors for the Province, and between sixty and, seventy teachers were present. - • At the morning sessiuu, . after beixig welcomed by Mr. A. R. Scott, principal of the Collegiate, the teachers met in discussion groups in each of which the problems of some one department of the curriculum, were discussed.. ailleataaWea0 110V, aid. Mrs, %ipw4Gt and baby Elaine; Bliss • Mautten K1lox, Kitchener; Dr, and ° Ni va. ➢rapor, 1317th; Mr. and. DIM 4ree j cphy and Sala Michael, airs. ielaard Gardner, Dungannon; Mr. and Mrs. S. Abel, St. omas ; Mrs. W. H. Canepbell and Mr. and Mrs. Albert: Campbell, Auburn. o PETPOS NEAR DUNGA'NNON running into a bear must •be almost as hard on a car as colliding with_a Simi pig. ® 0 - The people of the tanked Kingdom surely are travelling in adversity. The latest addition to., the long list of rationed articles is potatoes. Three pounds a week is the• limit for adults. Imagine standing in line fcir hours to get a f - vv pounds of potatoes! ° * * We have had so little fall weather that" it comes as a surprise to learn that the time. for municipal elections is almost upon us. In less than a anontli nominations ,and polling' will be over. Citizens should give thought to tha composition of next year's muni- cipal bodies and -to the questions that will be submitted to them on election day.' • • M This columnhas made no prediction as to the time of the next Parliamen- tary elections,' but we might as well join thh procession of newspapers that have been indulging ih such forecasts. Our guess (for we d+0 nit know any- more about it than do the other news- papers) is that Premier Drew will call the -Provincial- election_. in 1948, _and the . Federal election will be in 1949. At any rate, we can't be more than 6 two or three years .out. needs of young people in the changing world of today. After an interesting film . on the use that may be made Of' films in the classroom, the convention dealt with the problem of relating the teaching of each subject to national and world conditions.' The -discussion closed with a motion that this con- vention be; made an annual event in • Huron county. ° ' An enjoyable feature of the day was the luncheon at the Bedford Hotel, at which a' girls' double trio from the Goderich Collegiate, with Mr. Wickett • • • This. column hears a good deal of criticism of the restrictions upon Sydro lighting. How does cutting down outdoor lighting at night, when most factories are shut down, save peer? is the question asked. We do not - know the answer, but it is reason- able,.to suppose that the engineers of the Provincial power, system know what they are doing,. An explanation .from them eight quiet some of the criti- cism ; in the meantime, the only thing for Hydro -users to do . is to comply ith�the�xegulatiouS• _.__ _ Y_ • • After a long' discussion at Ottawa between a delegation from Newfound- .. ewfoundm land and memlers of the Federal Government; :the terms under which Canada invites Newfoundland to be- come- the tenth Province of the J o - minion have been made known and are I. now under consideration on the island. The terms are fairly liberal, but will have to meat the strong feeling of the Newfoundlanders -for their present in- dependence. From the Canadian side, the only note of disapproval so far, comes from Premier . Duplessis of Quebec, echo says that Ottawa should have consulted the Pro"rijiees as to the- terms. he terms. If agreement with all the rovinces were necessary, the prospect of bringing Newfoundland into the Confederation would be nil, as the deadlock in the matter of Dominion - Provincial taxation rights surely in- dicittes. The people of the other Provinces; generally speaking, seem to be indifferent as to whether New- foundland comes in or stays out. The llrtclusion of the island would "round gout" Confederation, and would add comewhat to Canada's importance in the world, but the material advantages. would not appear to be great. At any , rate, the decision now is with New- foundland, which has Canada's offer and can either accept or reject it. as accompanist, furnished two musical seleetions. Mr. H. M. Ford, chairman of the Goderich High 'School District Board, spoke a few words of welcome to convention. the FIRST AID RENDERED TO SICK RADIOS ALSO PORTABLE FOOL -PROOF SOUND SERVICE •s. R. MUTDAV — Certiflec°Radio Teetinician-•— PHONE OR CALL - 7 Widder St., Goderich„ Phone 598 GALLIVANTS WIT)! HOUNDS A fox that is a family pet and even romps about ' unmolested with five hounds is to be found on the farm of Victor Errington, R.R. 2, Auburn. Captured when it was so young it chid not, have its eyes open, the fox is now a year and a -half old,, For fear it might attack the iickens it is kept tied on a leash. The hounds will come up to the fox and play with it as if to help it pass away 'the weary hours. Members of the Errington family are quite devoted to it and can put food in its mouth without fear of being bitten A son •of the household, Ross' evening Doan's KidneyPiIIs Help Back. Ailments Yol,t will be proud of the we re -upholster or gee -cover for tapestry; damask, Quality c SEF US ! PHONE Phone J THE SQUARE Chest'ei e1d, Chair'it, eto., tb It you! '.Choice of velour, frier, overitlgs.• IlS! WR, ITE US! Piok->Rnd delivery GODERICH Normal School, delivered'an oral com- position about the pet fox at Stratford Normal this fall ' • The fex _broke away from its leash several ' months ago, but after wan- dering In the bush for .several days returned to the farm, apparently quite Errington, now attending Stratford i happy to be back. • , Backache is frequently caused by disorders of the kidneys. Conse- quently, if you suffer from backache Doan's Kidney Pills may be helpful to you. Becji.use of their ,stimulat- ing action on the kidneys and uri- nary passages,. Doan's Kidney Pills assist in the elimination of wastes. from the body. Safe; dependable and quick -acting, Doan's Kidney Pills can -be used by both -young and old. Backache.. and rheumatic pains as well as minor urinary and • bladder ailments, may be quickly relieved by this time proven treatment. Sold at ail drug' stores, -• 4 ' The T. Milburn Co., Ltd.. Toronto, Ont. Autgrnotive. . Jobbers for McQuay Norris WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF '' Rebrnit Engines: 'FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY For cold weather driving—Anti-freeze, skid chains, hot water heaters, defrosters, etc. BEATTY WASHER. SERVICE Frank Skelton, Prop. Hamilton -St. Phone 89 N .. HOCKEY BUSINESS ' (Windsor Daily Star) - Zt won't he long before • the hockey Beason is going frill blast. The big league opened on October 15 and the teami3 play through until next March 21. After that, long season, the teams will then play a short series to see who wins' the championship. It's silly, but it pay's. , 1 Pi euiNG THE GOOSE Jen Baptiste Colbert, poauibly the greatest of . rrenelx statesmen, who oiled France in -the Olden age of I Duos XIV, Was noted for bug extreme skin $n - oproviding the gold., ' His formula was simple. "'the art ° of tti*tituion," the wrote, "consists hi so lUtkitig the goose as to 'obtain the largest ainount of feathers with the least #i+o;sibie, amount of hissing. s'.L.I1, PEACtitifitILEIRS �a. ►lt men, desire -peace, but Very tial *site these things that mike Ar, pe* .'. -Titbrlds a Konapts, radiey • Phone 247 or 658 eS ]E'riend • • "Let me congratulate• you, old man; I'm sure you will always look on, this day as the happiest ot your life." Bridegroom: "Er, but it's tomorrow - I'm being married." Friend': "Yes, I know that" Over $300,000,000 to be repaid the public 'THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS REDEEMING 15 MAY, - _.1940 ISSUE OF WAR 'SAVINGS CERTIFICATES COMMENCING 15 ` NOVEMBER Save this money, Start a Savings Account with your nearest branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce. You can add to it on the 15th of each month as the Government succeeding - - redeems ,h � issue of thele War Sayings Certificates. .This Bank - wvelcomes . you as if customer. "It's Never Too Late to Start a Savings Account' THE . CANADIAN BANK'OF COMMERCE. GODERICH BRANCH—W. A. HAY, Manager 145-47 Goderich r THERE IS MORE • CAC LA}1O Take a tip from the millions of motorists who know—Good- year tires give greater mile -Age, greater traction, greater safety. Put super -value Goodyear° on your car scow ...xwe have your size in stock. • - YOUR , GOOD/EAR DEALER W. J. MILLS P1yrmuth.Ohrys1er Phone 755 Gdderioh • Ont. Sure, Crown Brand Com Syrup is good for me. Sure, the doctor recommends Crown Brand Com Syrup as part of my diet. , — a BUT --why tie'' it down to me ?. - - d How about the way you use Crbwn Brand for wonderful baking? For • a ''Sweetener? And why not mention how delicious it is with pancakes, cereals and hot waffles? You can't kid me, mom. Crown, Brand Corn Syrup is good for all of ,us l For years doctor's have recommended the' use of Crown Brand Corn Syrup as a satisfactory carbohydrate act.ing as a milk modsries for bottleefed infants.~ . a t'• CROWN BRAND Conk SYRUP M«;' Moradosistrors of Canada Ce #s Sim The t! AbA`STARCK OM.PA$Y llWO W JVII' Illti AL •TONONT0 C�drrich Asci for it either way ... both trademarks mean the same thing. ' oder elf Bottling Works - Ph�ne 4'98