HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-06, Page 6!r w.. ,,• as Atat V is orociz mg Blessed Day Remembrance Day cele- brates the end of a horrible 1v ar. It was not, as we had hoped,. the war that would end wars, but it seems to us that .any day which • marks • the end of strife between - men is a day worth celebrat- ing, worth remembering , . . a blessed., day indeed. BIIQPII[YS • n�'7 e�a�dice, FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR 3' MONTREAL ST. PHONE [20 FIRST AID RENDERE - TO • . SICK RADIOS ALSO - PORTABLE FOUL -PROOF. SOUND -SE'RV'ICE E. UDTDD�AI,X'. — Ce11rtified Radio 'technician PHONE OR CALL 7 Widder St., Goderich; Phone 598 FOR rHA,T CDLD RUB IN, . 4 Automotive Jobbers. far McQuay Norris WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Rebulit Engines I'OR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY' • 1, Bradley & Son Goderich ••, ice, Ori n oRvw.7 ".1/0044c. a.t1e ^!!'Ve?. -AIiRL,ww 'T• • THU GODVRIgli $10NALISTAR OF AUBURN »�t•13t"kl: , Nov, W m Mtllrs children vP l ; r. and Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mr. and furs" Ivan Beau, Mr. anal 4.r6.of London andMissErma Maii'a9 of • "46. \Ii111UI1, a" Mr. and 'II"' Jack' Turuuto spent the dya,eli t;nd 951t'h \grass l Loe4iart. Muir*. •' Mrs. Donald Fowler and Mrs. Roy Club entertained the children of the Mr. and Mrs. Barry Riuderkcecht ('Finnigan Attended a trousseau tea • in y illage and district at a ]liaalloive'cn ' lic►tt t►f Dun- -.party in the Town nail tin Friday 'evening last. Prizes were given for the best costumes. Gaines were played under' the supervision of the low/ school teachers, Mr.:\1vAuley and Mrs. Parketr, after which`doughnuts, orange- ade, candy and apples were servt'tr. The prizes given for the best eostunnes were $1 for 1st prize and 50e for sc>t•outl in the different classes. P .'Rhyl-, .Ir. • a,ol<•• t' w'tE ttt a ,. , • urs rpg a, ►. uy .4r ergdog fa. ;SI Lt`Yt 7Oy° MRI-]Itt`', GUI 154T Olen ]muss oP London spent the weel - e d witU,,Mr. and 114tr0.• Jaeli -A'alrlaer. Mr. Albert Vanastolle uP Loraeoaa opsin a Pew days last we with • Mv. and' NirbC Ueor"e King. Mr. andMrs. Earl Norman and fam- ily Moved to ( lerich ou Saturday.' visions EAnteetain .T11e Hayfield Lions and snit Maynard, of Detroit, spent honor of Miss Margaret i 1 the week -end with Mr. sand Mrs., C,eo., gannun, bride -elect of this wrath. Beadle. I 'there will be lno service or Sundiay. ,_.,Visitors with M. and Mrs. Clayton school' in Knox ,United church next: Ladd Over the week -end were- Mrs. Suntta.), uviug to anniversary servicer Bot.tater and son Rodger- of Brytaff iieing'held at Westfield United church Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. 1':tldlr Lafleur at which the guest sl)eaker will be Rev. of ties, Chiu. .: 11. J. Snell of Exeter, a former pastor. Mrs. George-Yungblut• is confined Mr. Peter Patterson visited Mr. and to bed. Her litany1'rituds wish her M,'ai• Mores Iiui,tzha cr, : Blyth, this • a 4rt'etly recovery. ,«_' •week. \l r. and Mrs. Archie Robinson. and W.M.S. 3flieetIng. 'JfI'e November two children have moved into Mr. J. meeting of the W.M.S.uf-Knox United C. Stoltz's house on ,,\1a1u street, the t'iturth was held on 'Tuesday, with the fol't ser .Blair Bots. ' president, Mrs. Ea t:1 •Wightuian, int charge of theedevu.lii►ua t pegiotl-• '\irs, Mrs. Carrie Armstrong of Wood-� > stock is visiting Mrs. Geo. Yungblut \v'ightinau read tine •Scripture and ,oi- and assisting in nursing Mrs. John feted prayer. The corresponding IJtulking• who is very i11 at preselit' t1 received fru �F1r. and Mrs. flunking of Londt'-bora visited Mr. .and \irs. Jaai. •l{obertou on Sunday. Mrs. .\. >J. Ferguson i'. visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ray O'Neil, aull Mr. O'Neil, Ottawa. Mr. J. C. Stoltz is confined to bed with pneumonia. • '1'lte I'aidivs' Aid of Knox 1'resi►y- terian churchheld a 'quilting in the church on Tuesday.- Plans were ;uade for 0 bazaar' and sale of -homemade baking. Mrs, Wm. Henry and Mr. and Mrs.. If. A. \1c('aniley of F1'esherton spent the work -end with Mr. anal Mrs. Don- ald Fowler. .11r,\I. .`\lien, .1.1s. \V: J. Craig and \1Ster Allen Craigtuotored -to Flint, \I ich.. last week -end..., Mrs. Allen re- turiC'tT with theist - after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. W. 11. i'oattes• who was critically ill.. Mrs. .1. t'e'lly of Blyth visited with \lis-. Clara Shultz this w•ee1c I Mrs.1lar-garet .1. Woods of Myth dwith \1rs. ,,W...1. Craig and ND.,\I. Allen this week. -1r Kno 'United church last Snndaty thy. Hewitt baptized the infant CA.RJOW CARLOW, Nov. 4.- -Mr. Keith Toting Of Trenton Tent the past two weeks with his parents, Mr. andAli's. GordonVoitng;. Ile goes to Halifax to be secretary recti letters of thanks for stationed there. Messages of sympathy re from Mrs. J. \\'asltiugtou and fancily and Mr:. lend Mrs, John. Xoung and Ruby Mrs. Moos Andrew. Mrs. Herb. \Inti- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stan, ridge took charge for the program. 'rodd at St. Helens. ` ' 1'solui 349 was read responsively and' '• Miss Helen Shoebottoiii of 'Goderit•h Mrs. Jas. Roberton led in prayer. Mrs. spent the week -end with Elaine Beall. - "Ill ('tour gave a violin solo with.\Irs. Hugh Feagan returned to his ionise M MG EST tyt,r, _ Kawlinnun Limits.: regularly 'maks up and ship Household-Fiirhittire. Con- solidated Pool Cars to•Manitoha, Saskatch• ewan. Alberta, British Columbia and to California. Write. ',ire or phone for reduced freight rates. Established t885 610 Yonge St., Toronto. Kingadai 15125 y0t11HG, PACKING. sHIPPLNG aid STORAGE Phone 247 or 658 Attention! u_ Horse 'Dealers We are .buying Old horses as usual Write or `phone for prices William Stone Sons, Ltd. 'Phone 21 — Ingersoll S. Me('liuchey at the piano. :A reput't of the sec•tioial "meeting ,held recently in (auderit•h \\i1$ given by Mrs. harry Yungblut and Mrs. Gordon McClinchey. A duet was 1•endered by Mrs. Geo. on Friday after spending the last two Months in the \Vest. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Allin, Mrs. Chas. Allin and -Arnold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Snyder bf the \Mit-- Million and Miss Eltuat Muteh. Mrs. fatal concession. ; A. G. Hewitt gave the t,'bapter in the Mr. and Mrs. ('has'. Young of Gode- study book dealing with the biograMphyrich were present for the celebration of noted then in an history. ---1's- of ' Mr. and Mrs. John Young's fifty - Mrs. C. M. Stratigha11 offered the, eighth wedding anniversary, reported' .. cluing prayer.i'n this paper lots t week. Mission Band—The Mission Bitud 1 of Knox 'United church held a box The Signal -`tar job department is social in the Sunday School room. of c(]u1 Quick Relief From Summer Complaints To get quick relief from diarrhoea, intestinal pains, sea- sickness or summer complaint, 1;,ze DOCTOR, FOWLER'S EXTRACT orWILD STRAW- -BERRY. _ T::is dependable family remedy is -one c f tine :a.,st effective and Lest kroivn aucdi,'i"hes for 'bowel coni;i :;lints. Irrist c}n=DOCTOR FOS : \;LER'EXTRACT Og' V ,ILD STRAY -DERRY. • 'pped for all kinds of printing. the church oil \1011day eveufug. Rey, Tele (hone 71 when you need otlfee -A.- t,. 1Iew iitt was chairulatl. fur tht I following ln•ogral111 : 't'hortis by .t 1t stationery .or other printing. \f ission Band : solo, Sidney Hewitt ; ..,...„,,. punto duet Rena autl Gladys Alc- ('linchey : duet, Lleene ('f'tl jiaug1ta111 and 1',6•10e Tr;tllilty Cunningham', ret•itatluil, Carol.; Iteadle : sob), .\llali ("raig : pia;110 ill- strumettals". huts Howitt, 1)011110 Hag- gitt. .1001111)' and \1arlyn Ea sow : trio, Bialy \Itoi'ga11, Norman Mc•C'linehey and Ken l'atterson. A short play was put on by Lloyd , \IcClnlclley, Bobby Yung- blut ung-bltrt and Johnnie Seers. A piano duet was. given . by 'Evelyn It.aithby and lalrgare .f,iol:suit, and a :.uxY,lthoile 1 number',1)Y (=firth--` 1tcClinalhey and - Stewart 'full.Barry Sturdy auctioned the boxes a.;id a goodly -sum was real- ized. The t'irildrel were provided with 11111(•11 and ice cream. \1t's..Si(lnev \Ic- -('1inchey. supe'riiltt'ndent {,f the' 'Hasid. is to be congratulated on the suc'c'ess of the evening. Bible .$oeiety. Besting. .The anunal l 1i1hle Society meeting was held iii the Auglie 111 elan •c•li on Sunday evening, when the rei•tur, Rev. 1I. .1. L. lIen.tler- son, preached a .serinurt on the work cif -thy' -Society. After the service the amnia.) meeting Wits held, with Alfred Nesbit, president, as chairman. The secretary, \irs. 1{...T. Phillips, gave the financial report. showing that • $'_''_'l) a had 'been raised -.-:oast yeas. au, lite (ase of $,tiff front the llretiotts year.' .The fi,lluwing otlicel's were elected: Presi- dent. 0. I':. Erratt-: vice;presidents,. the local Clergy: secretary -treasurer. \Its.. I1. .T. I'hilliirs : collectors for the villa go, Thos. ITallant - find C. E. .1scluit11: east gravel road. Viola Thompson and \irs. A. Letherlauel Base line. \Its. Thos. Ilaggitt and •A1 inn ie \Vaguer : \\'est ‘Vii wanosh, Et1u'l \V'atsl;iugtou and Mr._ Stewart; I?ast ..AV'aiwatnosh• Ileetti> \Ir('liuchVy and 4;laldys (ioav AVest field. 1'ltyllis ('ocil:.-'offal Elaine Banmitord ; lath ,coo- c•essioi1 ,f 11'tillc•tt. Evelyn and \Iargan'et Jackson.' Rey. II. J. t,. Henderson closed 11R. tweeting w;ith prayer. ,. 1liallotce'en Party. -'-The public school •held a1 Hallowe'en party in the school '1 01 Friday aafterno,,11- A reading was •_1;iveli t+y (:'u. 'Wright. jnl:e vliy (;mull 1{atitllby': instrumental, Lloyd ,rii''d 1{etaa let'1iuchey :.riddles, Ken Turner; ill -_,M struile11tat1. Jane Letherlatnd: recita tion, I:lizathoth Grange; instrutuetltSIl. • Joanne', Eason': reading, Pt tstF •.Sturdy : rc4citatiun, Mat gie \Vright song,pl{ittii Hewitt, \ittrioii Taylor, ('arol Beadle. After the program gatites were lrhtyecl. Laura May Lctheriatnd•s side won the biscuit -eating contest ; Doug lace 1 -ung - IF give Ou/on MONEY -SAVING, BIG -MILEAGE , GoODfU1t 'You worry about yourpresent or future security, Phone Carlow 2115 or write B. R. ROBINSON Monarch- Life Assut* tnee repre- sentative, R. itt': 1, tort ;Albert. 3fitf.. ` da, CANADA 0 Did You Pay'Inc'onw Tax For 1942? • if f sty, real this carefully! "ruts (:t,(-1-nrnent c►f Canadawill rt;i►av' the REI'tTND'AOLE d 1A 1 \(;S 1'(14f'I'ioN of -1912 Income 'fax by March 31st, 1911;. If von are only of those w ho have refundable swings a cheque`bill bt'-(nailed to you You r correct present address is essential ! Correct addresses are available for most of those rntitle(I t0 repa1 mens, but a large nuntl a'r oftaxpayers are constantly Ino,`;ing and o ,heris marry and their names change._ - Card on vlhieh W •rrport- -charges of address or name are....;being, sent to all householders inCanada. These. are being distributed at the present time. Additional cards are available either at our district Income Tax ofliee or your local Post ()ffice..1)o nothing if volt live at the same address and have the same name as in 1942. A KJ I If you are entitled to, Refundable unda2 .ble Savings on 19' Income Tax and you have changed your address or name COMPLETE AND MAIL YOUR CAPD AT ONCE! DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Taxation`'DiVision Ottawa 11fan>m. arame(r J. McCann ' Minister of . National Revenue r A 1elf Goishing LIQUID WAX We allow a -"'generous trade-in allowance for your old tires on --Brand-:t a Goodyears...-.It's the easy, economical _ way to get super -mileage •Goodyears. . See -us today for detuls. TOUR GOOD - PECNE-755 . 1- W. J: MILS PLYMOUTH -CHR iSLER • DEALER _W DERICH.. blut'.s :side won in eating al,p105 Ott a string; Ken n Turners ride ill ducking -for apples. Prizes were awarded to Carol Beadle for 'tatting ,sodas biscuit, ; then whistling; Ken Turner, ducking , 'fir apple•, and Billy Dodd, eating alp -1 •• pies oft' a string. For (t(sIitintes Ititth Hewitt took first-i►rize uressed ars 0; bride; 2nd, Joanne Easora. as a witch; i I funniest; 1st, Lloyd McClinc•hey, as i. grandfather, and Bobby Yungblut as a a tramp. The following pre-sclwctl child- I ren were present : 14Idward I)aev, EdgarI,etl►erlatd, Ros •Sturdy, \largo , (,range, Kathleen Craig., Joan 1,ittle, George \Jt-1)otnid, Bert}ice Mc I)ougal'1 and Geo. Hewitt. 1 )3AYFIELD BAV'I•'IELI). N7)v. 1:—Mr-. Robert,. Watson and son Edwards, whn spent the past four months with her smother, \Irs:' F. A. Edwards, left on ' 1'rtday for her house at I3roadview, Sask. Mr. and a \Lrs, ,Wein. L. Fe-mils/0n left on Saturday, for Sudbury, where they will. spend tht winter. F'11. I.1. and Mr's. W. ('usey and sort Peter have. leased Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson's home for the winter. ter. • Ken. Newton '•of iletroit spent the week-eiid with. his' aunt, Miss Elizabeth Weston. His mother, Mrs. Mabel Newtons, who spentthe past two tvt')'hs with her sister.' returned to " Detroit with hint 011 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .Jim Ferguson of Londonwere guests of Mrs. J. F'ergu- son over the week -end. Mt'. and Mrs. Eugene Sander of Kitehener spent Sunday with Mrs. F. A. I:d\'%atr(ls. Mr. and :Sirs. Fred Fowlle and Mr. Lawrence Fowlie of'1.ond(►n were week- , end guests. of Misses F. rind E. F'owlie. sirs, Josephine Robinson of London and Mr: Fred 'Turner of (loderieh spent the w•e(tk-etv(1 with \Ir. and Mrs. Grant Turner. w Mr. and Mrs. A. Furter and son Bill() of London, --spent. Sunday with Mrs. \Vtn. Stinson. , Mrs. N.. W. Woods is spending this week fit 1ienoall with' her daughter, :lust. R. 11. Middleton. , Mr. and ..Mrs. Speilcer II'vhie and hallo left on attn(ltiy for aoutnampton, where theY G1ntend tj spend the winter., Mr. and 'Sirs. Wilson have leased their hoose for the winter. • ;\ir.aiid Sirs. *Keith JE'russ and Mr. Oaisy. S on Iightt�ugb aluminum BEEN in a top shop lately? Or a hardware store? Or a sporting goods department? Then you have noticed the amazing number of things nov` being made with Aluminum — skates and scooters, knitting needles and clothes pins,, cook- ers and cocktail shakers and curtain rods. Aluminum is today one of the four most widely used metals in the world ... for,a lot of reasons. It his -brought new beauty into architecture and ... into the kitchen. Its lightness has made ,work easier -- and enabled planes to fly higher and faster. It has the strength to build bridges — and to tike the beating a two-year-old gives his toys ... It is the ,metal of the Twentieth Century. • G a. • One hundred years ago Aluminum was more valuable than gold. Today its low cost creates thou- sands of everyday uses. At Arvide, Canada, the largest Aluminum smelter in the world can produce two million pounds of ingots a day. Result: (1)- Aluminum 1) Aluminum Costs less in Canada than anywhere else in the world; (2) nine out of every ten pounds are availdble for export. Today Canadian Aluminum Is sold in every country in the world —is a major factor in providing Canada with needed purchasing power abroad. 1.11 . 'Of 'CANAllAji.11, Producers and processors of Aluminum for. Canadian industry and worltPirrtdrke 4 ONTRRAC a CtUE EC • TORONTO a VANCOUVER o W _ a, ;.