HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-06, Page 4YOUR POTTED PLANTS 4 KnAN uEIa PUT FQ4-EON ANWHOSIIITAL. They are attractive and last lowerthaa ottt WO offer potted mums several eo1ora—$1.75 to OM Begorlafx and Peimula$ that will bloom from raw untg Spri g priced, from 75e to ...••••••••••=0. Sq Jacksiinsl Deal- Tute • 49 BRUCE ST, PHONE 105 TIIE GODERICTI SIGNAL -ST Old, Papers Recall theNanies of Goderich Business Men of. 1909 TIIURSDAY, DWYPEB7i US VW es. Florists ..... - . ..e.e. - Mr. lie. J. Patterson has brought to I J. L. Killoran, Dickinson & Getrrow, this office a copy ' of The Ooderich M. 0. 4oh1nlitinit, Chas. Seeger and L. Mgliai of March, 4, 1909e and The Gude- Ee Datwey were legal- practitionerS. rich Star of March 5, 1909, whIch had Medieal cards bore the namea of J. Benson Whitely, W. F. Gallow, Emitter - been preserved in the Videan liOtue, son & Tufninell, A. II. Macklin.'" te. ° and a perusal of them discovers many' The Standard Loan Cp. (W. L. matters of interest to those whose Horton, manager) and. the Sterling acquaintance with the town dates back Bank (A. G. Gamble, manage?) Were that far. , the only banking eonceps advertising. EvidentlY the winter had not been COMIVIITTED FOR TRIAL ON RAPE CHARGE . SEAFORTH, Oct. 30.—Charged with rape, William- Clarke, Tuckersmith, and Harold Wolfe, Stanley- township,' wereconuuitted for trial at the next court of competeot jurisdiction by gag1strate4. W,- Morley today. Court was held in the Town Hall, Seaforth. Charles Shanahan, Clinton, pleaded 'guilty and was fined $25 and -costs or 'thirty. tlaty's for stealing thirty-four wet .batteries. the proPerty, of the War Assets of Canada. The . Crown At- torney told the court that Shanahan assisted two airmen from whom he purchased ,the batteries at $34 iif• re- - Moving them from near the airport: ROYAL WEDDING. MUSIC Prinees Elizabeth has. chosen the Bridal March from. Sir Ilubert.Parry's hwidental music to 'Th e Birds" of Aristophanes to be played at' her wed- ding in Westminster Abbey tat Novem- ber 20th. The Wedding 'March from Mendelssolm's incidental music to "A ,Ilidsun aner Night's Dream" will be pheyed at the close of the ceremony. The business, mail wes- interviewing his daughter's --suitor. "I. regret I druggists : M. W. Howell and Chas. C. cannot see my way to Allow You to Lee, hardware: Thomas Gundry' and marry me- daughter at present," he theirge Beekett, nuctioneers. M. G7, said. ''But give me your 'Mine: asa , Cameron. Proudikot, Hays & Deputation ,to Ottawa ere a seveee one, for The Signal observes: Both papers :had accoants of the "The, trouble with the weather this visit of a deputittion to Ottawa with winter is that we haven't had any kind reference to harbor matters.- Members of it long enough to get acquainted of the deputation from' Goderiels„ were. Witli it." * Mayor Macklin, M. G. Cameron, K.C., In 'The Signal also is a letter from Councillors Craigie; Hamber , and "One' of the People" ou the coudition Munnings: R. I. Megaw; of the West - of the town's water supply, aud an era. Canada Flour Mills Co., Ltd., re - editorial reference to the same subject. presenting the Goderieh Board ef According to the letter,. tile town water Trade, and W. L. Horton, manager of. at that time was taken "from the stag- the Goderich Elevator & Transit mutt waeer of the harbor.", _This wits Company. - Muuicipal or Parliament - before the intake was removed to .its ary representatives from Guelph; presetit position in the lake. Stratford, Londim and other Western Some of the Advertisers of 1909 Ontario points accompanied the Gode- Advertisers in, ene or ether paper, rich men in waiting upon the Cabinet usually in both, included J. 11. Col- Ministers, and pe &IMO. t il)11 WtIS iii- horne, Millar's Scotch Stere, Hodgens troduced by E. N. Lewis, M.P. for Bros., W. Acheson & Son; Cameron & West Huron. and Dr.- Chisholm, M.P. Moore, drygeods; James WilSon, II.• C. for East Huren. Dunlop, S. E. Hick. II', J. Malawi, The specific request presented to the Government was for the ektension of the outside breakwater, the first portion of ‘..ehreh bad been constructed a few years previously. address a•nd, if nothing better turns upt in the near future, you may hear from me again." FARMERS! Weather Tight Aluminum Roofing That good. 22 guagd• aluminum roofing, covering 32 inches wide, available right now. Let me know the size of your barn, for estimate. G. L. BAXTER . BOX 468 - Tel. 739 LAUMAN'S BOWLING ALLEYS (SUCCESSORS TO ROYAL BOWLINt -ALLEYS) OPEN DAILY 2 P.M. TO MIDNITE NOT CLOSED MIRING SUPPER HOUR - Alleys Open for Public Bowling 2 Alleys every Night. All Alleys Thur., Fri.; and Sat. Nights. Every afternoon before and after leagues. Additional leagues or permanent alley,reservationS will be accepted. ALLEYS ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE - including young people and children. BOWL OR HEALTHFUL RELAATION AND RECREATION Noug ST. UNITED TEAM LEADS IN CHURCH LEAGUE 13 rano • LOW PRICE Eight of the ten teams in the Inter-' - . Church Bowling, League went into action on Tuesday night at the Littman bowling alleys.._ Several. upsets were recorded and almost ever3- game was Closely 'contested. As. a result of the games -the League standing was drastic- ally revised, with St. Peter's" No. 1 team dropping to third place and North St. No. 2 taking over first.' place with a two-poiut lead over Knox No. 1, their closest rivals. . In the first game of the evening Knox No. 2. defeated St. George's No. 1-- by 5 points to 2. Game scores for Kno`x were: 937, 1010_981, total 2928. For, $t..,,{:,(Aorge's; 825, 1124; 787, to: '73(i. mr., bowlers for ,Knox were Soan Mt:What-ten '-with, 584 and Doug.- Menne drell title 557; for St. George's. IIieSel Wilmot with 480 and Elgin Boyce with .482. . lehoix Not„1 team took five of a pos- sible seven points from Baptist No. 1.. Game scores for Knox were 983, 987, 5, total 3084; .for thee Baptists, 1058, 937, 951, total 2946. High bowlers for Knox were Una MacDonald with 494 and Don Mason with ' 560; for Baptist No. 1, Mrs. Hugill with 343 and 'Charlie: Love with 338. 1 . St. George's No. 2 also took five of tile seven poiets rrom their oppon- - 1 ents, North St. rhited No. 1. Game .scores for .St. George's were: 982, 802, We,. total 2753; for North .St.:- 769, 952,'` 947, total 2668. High- bowlers ..foreikerseorges.. were...Olive, Dal; is „ee: l th 541 and i.Murray, Garrick with 431; for ,North St. Muriel .Casey with 408 -and .Toe Morgan with .598. - • . North St. No. 2 provided the upset of the, evening' by taking all seven poiuts - from St. -Petbr's No. 1.. North, St.'s. score by genies: 1178, 984. 1094, total 3256. St. Peter's score!: 1010, 855, 697. total 2562. High howlers for North St. were Jo, Ryan with 516 and Fred Williams with 582: ' -for St. Peter's, Mary Ahl with 443 and Joe Baker with 300. . . . • The League standing after Tuesday's games is as follow: _ . - - POINTS Nerthe St. United No. " .12 Knox -No.. 1 10 St. Peter's No. 1 7 St. George's No " 7 St. Peter's No.' 2 5 Knox No. 2 5_ North St. T'n-ited No. 1 4 Baptist No. 2 '. a_. - Baptist No 1 j St. 4 ; eorge!s N o.. I OWNERSHIP OF CE PRESENTS A METERY PROBLEM Weddings In the quiet setting a the Victoria attreet United ehurch parsonage on Wednesday afternoon, October 29, Muriel Adeline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James David Davit's of West Wawanosli, pledged her troth to Clar- ence Edward ; son of Mr. and Mrs. J.:01in Anita of Volborne tatwuslaiP, the celebrant being Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, minister of the ehistela. Mr. Mervin Arnold Good and Mies Beulah Jean Knight attended the grpom and bride respectively. The bride was handsomely garbed in torquoise blue of street -length with a corsage of carnations, and the bridesmaid was gowned in rose -hued crepe with cor- sage of 'flowers oe. varied hues. The happy couple left on a honeymoon tit) to Torent Niagara' Falls and other points, and upon their return will reside in Colborne township. DESROCHES—GLAZIER qniet wedding took 'place, on. Mon- day • morning at the home of Mr, and Mre. Russel Glazier, East street, When their oldest daughter, Vesta. Mae,' be - ohne ,the wife of Rosaire Bernard Desroches, son of Mr. ,and Mrs. P. DeSroches of Peuetaug, Ont. Rev. J., A. Pearson of 'Bethel Tabernacle of- liciated and he and Mrs. Pearson sang "The Love of, God." The bride,' given in marriage by her father, was charm- ing in a gown of white jersey and were a sweetheart headdress of white veil- ing. She 'carried a slwwer bouquet of white and , yellow chrxsauthemums. Her bridesmaid, Eugenia Brindley, chose blue net with matching head- . chrysanthemums. The grooni was at - The cemetery HohnesVille is a dress. and carried yellow and gold ‘•lest."--eentetery," - -far. as W. R. Dungen, County weed • inspector, is tended by 'Clentent Desjardius, also of Penetang. Mrs. Glazier eutertained the guests at her home and. phose for the occasion.' a black ensemble with a corsage.of pink roses.. After a short honeymoop visit to .penetang,Mr. and Mre. Desroches will live in Goderich. -- --WHITTEN--11OHNSTON A pretty autumn wedding took place at Knox -Presbyterian manse on Sat- urday,' October 254 when .Rev. Richard Stewart United , ih -.marriage Joyce Vorleen, _eldest !daughter uf Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Johnston, Goderich, and .1.1)hu. A. Whitten, only Son of Mr. and 'join" L. Whitten, Goderich. -The- bride looked lovelV in a street -length ' finitely the dress of lame wool with brown acces- in an effort toestablish desories 'and a :Corsage of Jethanna Hill ownership of the cemeteey in order roes. She was. attended 'by the that plans be laid for lhe cleaning ,up of the -place. . • Walt Disney, of TIollywood, Cali- fornia, creator.Of She movie characters "Mickey Mouse" and "Donald Duck," visited thecemetery this summer, since fit it are buried some of his own fore- fathers. At , this time he expressed regret that the cemetery' was in the COndiflokt it.. was. it -was with eon- siderable difficulty that he crawled through the, brush and Weed -infested grounde,to find the tombstones of his forbears. - concerned. Noticing its m•glected and weed -infested state this fall, Mr. Dungan sought to find the owners of the cemetery iu order that they might be approached with a view to having it cleaned up. When he laid his problem before the Goderich Township Council, it was stated that the general belief was that the cemetery is owned jointly by the United- Church and the Church of England. Since the members of the Towuship Council --are not absolutely certaku of 'this, letters_ are going for- ward front thi,COMICIrtd thellohnes'- ville United 'church end the authorities of the Church of Englaud, at L'Ondon THE SALESMAN WINS AGAIN When a company's ace salesman was treneferred from New . -York to Chicago, his boss -sent along a letter.explaining that while he was the, company's best salesman he had one serious vice— gambling. When, he arrived, his new boss said "Young man, l'm sorry to hear that you lilt to gamble. What -do you .bet Oe?" "Anything," answered the salesman. "For instance, bet you 425 that you have a mole on Shveir• right shoutder." "I'll take that bet," said the manager, and peeled off his coat and shirt. The salesman paid off, and his new boss. - wrote_ New York about Ithe incident,boasting that • he had -already, taught the youngeman a lesson. 'In a few days he received this reply: "He wins again. -Before he left he bet inc .$200 that he wouldhave the .shirt off:,yreir backfireminutesafter he met yon." 2 . OUTWITTING THE AVERAGES 2 The' life span of a horse is anything* CENTRALIZATION from twelve- to, twenty years. But that doesn't -disturb a real' horse.. If you (Brockville 'Rearder-yi1lees1 e can remm eber as far back as 1921 you Periodically we beer cemplaintspent will remehther Man 0' War as one of Toronto of centrelization of authority the miracle whites Of the race track. Ottawa at the expense of . the. Just a few weeks ago Man o' War Provinces. In. this Peovince, however, , celebrated his thirtieth birthday. He the whele tendency- is towards addi- I is still good enough to take his three timed -eentralization by Toronto at the' or fur hours' exercise a day and to expe'nse ofthe municipalities and , dispose -61.4eis daily quota of a -bale of it keeps en ihere will soon be very timothy and clover and fourteen quarts' litth• for the nrunicipal colleens to -do I of. oats' with relish. except to meet periodically and pass nut,' according to .Lee McCabe who writes of such things in. the New York Times Magazine,' he still doesn'f ..set any. record. -The record is. held by a New England minister's buggy horse minted "Big Red" who reached the almost incredible equine ear of • fifty- thr4 years. • Perhaps the godly as - socia tion accounts for his longevity. - FARMERS NOT COMPLAINING ( Calge ry Herald In fa IIMPAS to Canadian farmers, it might be seld there has been tie wide- -spread .demand for exeeseive prices for their .produrts. They fed- Canada. Great „Britain and other ,eonntries at .comparatively low prices clueing the war years. They lin ve worked eexe. cessively „, hew hours under adverse emulitions nnd with little murmuring, find large, they . are not complain- ing much at - present priees. They a re- thinkingemore of their increasing heir aeeounts. . OVERSOLD A newly 'arrived. D.P. was stepping off the wharf when he saw a half - dollar lying at his feet. He started to pick it up. "No," he said, straight- ening up. "This is the'land of oppor- tunity. I'll wait till I find them lying thicker." suisew vanE WASTING EXPERISIUE INSTALLATION raeplete; portable—ready,-for imme- diate use. Jt.st 61ug the National Wilber into any -Convenient ouVet. Milks 2 eows at the -ame time . in- stantiy,adjustable vaenum (or easy or bard milicers:" Self -adjustable Pulsator at nn'y OM moving part, Clear etiale egos let you eee how each cow is Th e self-c'ednine National supplfed with sterilizer rack; 3 making pails .(2 on the unit and an ,entra for quick change) . • • 31,30 "rubber boote" which tilt snugly over tite bottom of milli containers and give q.dad protection against rough VAWIS111/11111/1011. PROIVIPT DELIVERY—See this milker at the C.T.C. Store, Goderich COMPLETE WITH MOTOR -$200.00 With- gas; engine drive $226.50 Ready to Nothing more to t 3.Wctir Action' Brings Relief ..Because Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pilhi laelp to arduee the activity of the liver, stimulate kidney action and recede the boweIn, they ean namely fat to bring relief from the most common' ills of life—indigestion and constipation. Time has proven tb'e dependability of this sovereign medicine to which no rna.ny people trust for regularity and , good health. 356:a., box. groOm's :sister, Miss' Annie Whitten of Exeter,- Wearing grey crepe dress and black • aecessories. Her corsage was of pink Virginia carnations. - Mr. Douglas Johnston of Listowel, brother of.the bride, was best man. After the ceremony dinner was served at the Park noose to the immediate families. The, bride's mother wore a black •end turquoise crepe dress with black ac- cessories 'and le corsage- of- red -Briar-• cliffe roses. The groom's mother was in turquoise crep - With lelack acces- sories- and a corsage of red Brinrcliffe roses.' Later,- 'Mr.. Mid -Mree. Whitten "WC" TRW .0 loft on a. Wedding, trip tO St. Catch- ' f arinee, Niaa'ata Ja11S and B ufa1 0, the bride wearing a grey Wool dress with black acceSSOries. They will reside iu GOderich. Prier to her marriage the bride was feted at a Isitehen sbower by -Mrs. John Moss and a miscellaneous shower by Mrs. James JnIanSton. The Signny-Star will be sent to new 'Subseribere'-foy the remainder of this year' --to Deeernb'er 31st, 1947—for 25 ,I111011116.11•LIMOMMOMMOM16.;... SHORE& GINN ELECTRIC • Electric Wiring and Repairs B7 West St., Phone 574—or hove Agnew-Sitrpass Store,' Phene 1199. -82tf know /an;, oefito ... you and. your girl friend doing home work together,_ by telephone. But it does tie up the party line 'perhaps when someone needs it badly. So please don't make it a habit Check'? PARTY LINE 'COURTESY Is CATCHING.. Putting .it intopractice on every call you make is. your best guarantee that others will do .the same for you, . 1. Keep calls brief.. ' 2. Space your calls. '). 3. Give right-of-way to urgent calls. ••• INV SUL TELEPIIONf COMPANY ° • Of CANAOA IIUSTON—MaIV eDOALD At the home of her parents QR. Satur- day, Oetobel. 11, Marian Halliday Mac- Donald, youngest daughter o,f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacDonaldAshfield, was united in marriage to Leonard -Nenian Huston, son of Mrs. Huston and the late William Huston of Huron' town- ship. Dr. W. OS Ritoad, Officiated at the . donble ring cdiemony,. which Wok plaee before an archway of pink and white streamers banked with autttum tiowere. Traditional wedding ruusic was pioyed by Miss Flora Andrew, of London, and Mrs. Duncan` MacKay, of Kintail, was soloist. The bride; given in Marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown of white' slipper Win, fashioned with a nylon yoke inset at the off -the -shoulder neckline. Her finger-tip veil was held in place by a coronet headdress of white satin edged with' seed pearls. She wore a necklace:of peerls, a gift of the groom, and . carried it fan bouquet of baby white chrysanthemums and American, Beauty rose? Mrs. Alex. Andrew, of Lucknow, sister of the bride, as•matrort of honor, wore a gown of rose silk jersey. Donald R. Cameron, of Rip- ley, brother-in-law of the .groom, wag groomsman. Jean 'Ann Itiebards, niece of the bride, in yellow, and Kathryn Cameron, niece of the groom, in blue, were flower girls dressed alike in gowns of nylon marquigette. ' luncheon was Rerved after the ceremony. . For travelling, the bride donned a beige dressmaker suit With black ac- cessories and . corsage of red' roses. On their return from a motor trip through Northere Ontario, • Mr. and Mrs. Hueton Will reside ,in .Huron township. a kteamtll, Loa "My., my—You are putting on weight—aren't you?"' , • 5 OUr radios are not so. frank .but, frankly, you'll be de- lighted with the new. stock of radios now on 'display at Goderich Home Appliance' Shop R. II. CORNISH, Prop. Phone 141 West St. ATTENDING FUNERAL AT LONDON . Sheriff Hill and Mrs. Hill are at, 'London today attending the funeral* of Mrs. Hill, wife of their cousin, Cecil J. Hill of that eltsl, who died twexpeetedly on Menday. Before her marriage Mrs. Hill, then Miss Hazel Aitken, was prominent in athletic 'circles in London. Short stories that are best sellers are to be found in the -classified section of The Signal -Star. CLEANLINESS plus SERVICE phis . GOOD FOOD MEANS A ..G.Q0D: 'PLACE TO ,EAT \ale care taken here in the preparation of.food is a.: satisfaction, and one is sure that sanitary methods are foie - most. The entire taff of this home -like restaurant strive 'at all times to please the customer. It is on this boast that a successful bushiess thrives and the proprietor of the Esquire Grill strives to please his customers with quality and,serviee at reasonable prices. • ESQUIRE GRILL , OUR MOTTO—SATISFIED PATRON'S THE SQUARE • PHONE 272 -- Securing New Industries for Goderich will be the subject ftri,discussion at an open meeting of The GODERICH BOARD OF TRADE at the BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL on MONDAY, NOV. 10th , AT 8 P.M. • J. K. Sully, chairman of the Industrial Committee, • Will be in Charge. Thegeneral public and particularly all those interested in this Subject are cordially invited to attend. somessiniumlimismemi. - Coming to Goderich SATURDAY, NOV. 8 AZ 2 P.M. AND 8 P.M. AT Huron Body 84 :Fender Repair Shop, iEast St. MA.SSEY-liARRIS CENTENNIAL - YEAR MOTION PICTURE. "A Romance of Two Rentispheres" . . • Scenes in Posh -war 'Europe. Maoris in New Zealand, -'Native Life in South Africa. Gauch,os in South America. Mighty Niagara Fails. You will enjoy this pictur6.- Admissio FREE. •91,