HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-06, Page 2V•
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Published by Signal -Starr, If.An i.te(3
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— Member of Canadian 'Weekly „Newpaapers Association —
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. R.
• T111 W 1). 1`, ;IU\'EMBER. tith, 11)•47' •
° n
,'- �a -. LAW, 1042' under the exigencies of war.
SE�, �J
_ - Along with the voluntary corps of
• brief session. of "the women Who at centres all oc`ross. the
,�.t tht recent women
"Ontario -
rio Legislature a bill was intro- 1)ouiiuiuu issued the ration books. the,
duced by Attorney -General Blackwell, grocers constituted the effective erg tl y
\i that iii counties for the working o1 the entire system.
and passed, providing a �, -
iu4which the Canada TeL11perauve Act \iunit i rti.elections in. the United
is ° til effect, or which- may hereafter r 1 r.\• a 1Nsstzin. of Lubar
bring it into effect. the Ontario Liquor Kingdom show g
Control Act will laps.
Tele reason ;riven by the .\ttorney- encouraged in the • belief that things
of this at;tiu11 k that the I at last are coming their way. A better
General 1 1 as ill rutile shortly in several stye-.
Feder.tl and Pri►viucial -acts are "c:on1- tt. t \\ ,0. House of
Party strength, and t'onservatives are
pletely inconsistent." �+ elections for stats in the
Conunons. Many -Labor supporters , cower her shin."
The Seafs1'th Expositor' ilI l �t:nt,s last year ggul'es, the B1r1•ean, to the
may be saving to themselves. "We don't end of September this year, has ob- The her
of the red pop v
f t1 First "�orl(t
Foppies forRernembrance
Very shortly Nowinber bth will bel sotiatttd with the battlefields of Europe,
especially Flanders, where it grows
abundantly in the wheat and un-
caf<ltivated fields.
- Poppies grew profusely on the bat-
tlefields of this territory and sillier- •
stitiuus people beleived, the red flowers
cause from ,the blood "of 'the stain.
'Throughout the centuries writers re-
ferred to the profusion of -poppies that
sprang up on the battlefields of Ramil-
lies, Landen, Fontenoy aud° Waterloo.
Ilea 1t 9 3 the French under Marshal
Luxembourg defeated the,Alaglo-Dutch
under William III at Landen. Mac-
aulay in. his history. of England wrote
of this battlefield:
"I�luring many months the ground'
was strer•n with skulls -and bones, St
Men ; and horses, with fragments sof
hats and shoes, saddles and holsters.
The next. summer the soil, fertilized
by twenty thousand corpses, broke
forth Into millions of poppies. The
traveller who, on the road from Salint
Troll to Tirlemont; saw that cast sheet
here again and with it 4uudreds of
Ooderit'h , citizens will, h(a wearing
blood-,t,'etf poppies in remembrance of
the sone hundred thousand heroes who
gave their lives for Canada in tWo
world wars.
EI>ltrusted with the' sale of these
poppies and wreaths made by disabled
veterans at Veteraft shops in Montreal
aud •Torouto, the Canadian Legion well
ha\ e tkbousailds of volunteer workers
on the streets soliciting sales. Iu 194,6
these' workers sold more thau -1,3Utt;t)u0
poppies and this via* the total is
expected to, be increased.
The moneys received from the sale
of the poppies aud wreaths is used
solely to take care of -indigent -veterans,
widows and orpbaus of deceasetF vet-
erans. No 'profit Whatsoever is kept
aside for any otheu phase of Legion
work. All . veterans beueflt by the
sales, whether they are I.egiou mem-
Thea giaaal ,«Manuscript is owned by
the Royati'Vietorita Hospital in .Mont-
rr-eaal, where •tine author 'had practised
iie"dteine. .
I eglected weeds' its the fall of the
year will Spread aslant diseases, -gather
and hold snow id winter, clog ditches,
are dangerous, from .a tire standpoint,
and are a source of infestation to,, the
entire coluuiunity, agriculturtal officials
point out in urging immediate atten-
tion by farmers. Many fields in Ontario
ore infested ,with wild carrot, toad
.flax and ragweed and should be moaned
now, raked up find burtred and the
infested area- brought into crop rota-
tion. -
Seeds of neglected, weed& growing in ener. From the time he moved to
vacant lots around buildings, • fence Kitchener until he retired ° six years
lines and ditches may be carried. long ago, Mr. Lumby, iib. worked as. a
distauces by spring floods. blacksiuith and engineer. His wife
°By cleaning ; up and "burning all is two yeajs younger and does, her own
neglected weeds now, farmers can int- housework. Your of their eight child -
prove the appearance of their property ren are still alive, William. of (lode-
atid 'help. to control weeds, not only
on their own farms but also- on the
property of others.
past were Shirley Leitch, Lorrine,
Margaret and 'Catherine atcherine McDonald,
)flaarbL.ra Schutz, Joan °Mailough. Ruth
;,and. Sylvia. k'eaacbey, Miss, ,Catherine.
Cott was aceompapist.
KITCHEN ER, Nov. I.—Threescore
years of happy married life „ were
observed here Thursday when Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Lumby- observed their
(lianiond a anniversary. They were
married in the Presbyterian manse,
near '4ilsit Craig, (.)nt., by the late
Rev. Williatu • Ball. Mr. and Mrs.
Lumby resided in a hotel owned by
her faxtller% later gloving to a farui
in London township, cher they lived
until IJ1i, when they - came to Kitrh'
•rich : Roy, ,'Telford and Frieda, all of
Kitchener. They have eight grand-
c hildr *n and eleven great-grand-
Hlijnal,Yf ' WOVE5 DEB CO, I
Frank Skelton, Prop.
hers or not. �1tc levet
In 1J -1(i the Legion Dominion Service of scarlet Spreading from Landen to 1 ut err rrld Hamilton fit. Phone $�
i fru N ' 1'11 could hardly help -fancy-'
Bureau obtained
11 re - . lE'1 \\ tact ' '
active pensions alone, representing 1181 leg that the figurative prediction• of MISSION BAWD RALLY `4 __,_-----_---.
h t literally acFTER
"lust cases" that had in the matjority' the IIehr�cv..prop c' wV HELD AT EX
1 earth was
applied to the Government for a pen- eo ilislwd, and. that the
' • • � lhlllllllllllli(IIIIIIIIiI
ear refusing t(i
sion and beets turned down. Excee(11I1g disclosing her blood. and 1'efu g A rally of 'Mission Bands in the i��UIiIIIIIII1i111111IiIIII�IIIII111111111111111111I111111IIIIIII
Huron 'Presbytery was held in Cit •N ISSrsQ
• Presbyterian church. Exeter, on Sat-
urday'. . Miss
II&;Irsall, Clinton. Seafo•rth and (lode-
rich were present, with 'ion attend-
once of ovl • one hundred. Leaders
present were: from Seatforth, Mrs. E.
A: McMaster: (=odericll, Jlrs. CUP..
Lowery : Exeter, Mrs, keuneth Mac-
acLean: Clinton, Ml•s. D. J. Lane,
'The guest speaker. Mis.�°\Villiamsaen,
from India.- gll�e au- interesting talk
on mission work among the Mils.- The
lecture was Supplemented with colored
inttilid to weaken eur-.•jaarty in Pzirlia- alined 4"2').2',(1(17.-l' in retroactive -pen with the battlefields o the ' (`onservativt, signs for 115_' applicants. When War was largely the result of the
alt Ili, bat we will � r tt ' • lropillar poem by Colonel ,John McRae,
in the lllunit'ipal,'elt'ctiols as 0 hint to figured in a1 sunt total fdr-•the restsoldier and poet.
of the aapplicants' lives this will run Canadian physician,
France e11
editorially quite a dltleten t rt ,situ•
-It says - that "the Federal lacy has
been found by the Privy Council to
%upeiS"'etIe the Liquor Control .\ct, yt�t
in these two counties • ( Atlee* and
Perth1 the courts have continued fur
some months past to convict under both
laws. The i 1tlltttdr,tt \\'il- :111 impos-
sible one, and sooner or later 'someone
with money' enough to right for his.
rights would bring his case into court
and the Province would lose out,"
The Expositor .continues: "It is.
possible that the fear of such an
eventuality has it'd the Ontario
Government to \vitlld,ra\c• from the en-
forcement tield in Moron and Perth
and leovtr -the Federal (�uvernulent to
eutoree.. thy- fueastiies oat the Canadat
• Tempe lance. Wt:t, iriliIi r «11I Ilthe
people of these cuuntie voted them -
Selves, Dud whose _1rt. it is.-
. These ideas of our contemporary
ar'e at least,' highly original. -The
, Privy.Council ieitl not. Lind the I;ederal
law to "supersede" teie'titiuor Control
Act. It fbttnd simply that the Federal
law was •'in effect" in C.T.A.-counties.
Its first .decision to this effect t which
forbier ,Premier Hepburn detiecl ) was
given by the Privy, ,t'uuncii about ten
yeats ago: so that if. the Province' is'
liable for •dauiages fur all i•ouvictiulls
under=.. the.. ,i':-.lu-viiar.:ia1 . Act._ ailll'e ._t,u.ut.
time there is a rich field fur the
lawyers to exploit. The lawyers, of
-.course, know beft';er. .
Further, \ve,do :ltot understand from
�vliat the Attorney -General said in
the Legislature that the Federal Gov-
ernment is being left to enforce the delivery, which, would it choose? (1f
Canada Temperance Act. as The Ex- cone e.
the Government that we are nut -into millions of dollars. who died of pneumonia
satisfied with the way things are All -this means that `the municipal- I9IR. His poeln, "In' Flanders Fields•"
going:." Ty the way, should lint one ides- will be relieved lax() sum/rate-a- was Pencilled on n page torn front a
imagine that Britons sire' sufficiently
gro\\•i hp to realize the folly of coy -
ducting . municipal affairs on party
lines? Years ago there used to be
in tiii Province ;t good ileal of 'party
manipulation in municipal matters,
but there 11 nut Much of it now,
* :: *
• When tht: postal. authorities p10 -
pared to close the postottice at Criss
hill, near Kitchener. and inaugurate
rural .mail delivery. the people of the
'dist ac:t..objected- :iltad .,alt�e._1'_csst ffiC
sure front the .burden of looking- after.
distress cases, and the I+�edernl,Govern-
-ment 'unburdened with additional re-
lief agencies throughout the country.
In Toronto and Montreal the poppies
are turned out in their millions by -
older veterans who are physically lin-
able to earn n living in the,Tomntercinl
world. For them. it is a year-round
occupation paying thein a living 'Wage.
In addition to the practic,tal side of
buying and selling poppies, the Legion
noes- not forget the slain thought be-
hind the poimy. which is tl_le symbol of
remembrance for Canada's dead heroes,,
Qrigin:of Poppy Day
The origin of the poppy is- E?xtrc\mt •
pertinent is reconsidering its decision..fascinating. In Roman mythology the
The rural people claim that the post- `red poppy was the symbol of death
office is a Community' t•enfire , and that dedicated to Somnus, the god of .sleep.
the privilege of Meeting sthere With For oenturies the red Poppy, which
grows wild in Europe, ims been as -
neighbors ant ~talking aver affairs'
is a pitrt,of rur,rl life nut to be lightly
discarded.. Probably the great major-
ity of rural, dwellers like the mail de-
livery system. and we note that in
some Ontario towns a system Of mail
delivery is -being established awl, others Want Not'Ina1_Pep, iiim;_ Vitality ?
Pees weak, rundown, exhausted condition make
alre asking for if: Otto may doiiht its t+oa reel rased out. old? Try oscrex. tonta'na
tonics, stimulants, often needed lifter 30 or
value. lltl\c'everr all towns -of moderate plural Supplies iron, calcium, phosphorus, vatar.,n
Bt. Solis you et normal pep, vim, vitality. In -
size and ordinary_ C(,I11pactness. . A` (inductors size Ostrom Tonic Tablets only 35c For
sate uc all Kood dei a stores eyerywhere.
-'cv;rllt .t-o...the - pristutfi't'. ntrcp ..eir,, twice' a , , . -
Men, Women Over 40
Feel Weak,Worn, Old?
day is good exercise :tnd-brings people
together in a way that 'del:eiQps nei•gh-
hhrliness. A 'delivery systoril costs
money. -too. If a -town -were offered
the choice of three -cent postage with-
out delivery, or four -cent p(stege with
s iwould not be possible. lint
pgsitor• states. - Ir. Hepbn;n, who people art' inclined to ask for pnhjic
evidently - iisidered himself' �il,uve the conveniences without considering the
law, might halt taken such a position, cost.
but not so the_ present Go-vernnlent. •
As well alight' it refuse to enforce the
law agoinst murder :ul(1 ether crimes
because these :ire .under Federal en-
actment. - -
A11 in all' it must... -be admitted that
By Barry J. Boyle -
our contemporary has rt tithed• a ,high TAKING CAKE OF MICHAEL
degrei' of originality its its e-imception Mrs Phil was going to the Women's
of; the 'sin -kittens Institute last Wednestlley. I was sort
As for Attorney -General Itlac•kwcll•s of grumping around the house, having
dispatch hook by Colonel McRne ,dur-
ing a lnl•l in the sixteen clays of fight-
ing at the second battle of Ypres.
The poet submitted it nnrnlyinuticly
to "Punch." and the editor, recognizing
the beauty (end originality of the poem,
printed it in a heavily leaded type.
Elimination • Of Waste -
First Rule For Health
Regular elimination of wastes -
"" from the body is one of the para'
:mount rules for good health,
burn's taxa -Liver Pills are of help
to faulty elimination. The combina-
tion of laxative and tonic. - drugs
contained in these pills make theta
one of the most ' useful and best -'
remedies for disordered condition of
the eliminatory &ga ns, , w
° W lburn's Lacca -Liver Pills help.
to stimulate the liver, clean the
coated tongue, sweeten,' the breath
and eliminate waste from the �-
tem. As an "" pal
they relieve that bloated feeling and
help -indigestion. ' •
Sold at drug counters rrerywhere.
T ]atilba a 0... Ltd.. 'Parent?. Oat.
Reid's Uph�lstery
• You. -will be proud of the -Chesterfield, Chairs, etc., that
we re -upholster or re-cover for you. ` Choice of velour, frieze,
tapestry, damask.
Quality .coverings. -
Phone -206J -Pick-up and delivery
ion B if Exeter
Each 1)1121(1 prol'icle(d musical num-
bers. Those from Goderlch taking
stntemE'nt that the two acts -its gl1esidrlu,' a ,ore buck and also very little desire :
Tr work. It etas decided, without; a
-Federal and 1'ro�vitlria1. are "clinlpletely great, deal of conVers:ttiOli on Illy part,
inconsistent." heyneglerted to point Flat. that Jlic•hael should stay at homeswith
where or i-llity . this was sir. (in the. sue. Michael is now at that 'year -and-. °
0-11:11 lf period when you earnestly,
contrary. the t\v�,'rtcts are consistentituudet' N\ !ler(' all the irttpiration for
in their.purpose.- to (lull the liquor mischief, and enet•gy to carry- it out.
evil: and it is quite easy tk, .;ries• would possibly come ft•ut-n . -
whenee come the•irnpulse to w11luirse,- • M:il,piig out 111e afternoon 1i1 illy,,,
enflrrccnne'nt Irf the I'rtv1iari:rl -tel. . 0W11 11111111. 11 didn't appear to be St)
burl. Mrs. Phil put hits to' bed for
' �1 nap at• nue lifteett and she left one
thirty. telling me that he would sleep
until ;tf least three thirty and she
\Villi a: -t ibc talk alehit Oil,'horisiug \vrinld••b0 hack by four. : .•-,4
;:hortage.--t.he fact remains that there
• I sett ted down 011 the sofa •with. a'
book, a tuagazine, I110 morning news -
has beet: u1„rc house -building In re.r•r•ta( paper. my pipe, °tnhaccu a`nd matches,
years, iti�l •till continues. ikon' "ill wind after diligently ,gaing through :ill- -
• any outer period 111 Canada's Itistory. the soapy stories on 1110 radio tound.l
It is not stark :I �hurtagc of housesa station with music (T it. I then
relaxed fora pleasant time.
1 1 all anis, l •dented (lenuiid for 11011s-
.\\ -O`\ \\ : W \ t A\\'`\'\\'\\' : It its
• 111}.'', act „Illlll-- hi11.01.
Stomach. Disorders May
Cause Bad Headaches
Often a headache, is caused by an, ailment of
some, other part of the body far removed from the'
pain. - It may be an upset stomach or some intestinal
If you are troubled -by such headaches why not
- 'try Iturdoek Blood Bitters? For Burdock Blood
Bitters 'rs ft favourite remedy for minor intestinal disorders. It hellps to
the digestive 1, guns, tone up the liver and aid the natural action of
1.• 1 • :\ti , a • : _:t, there may 1* an improvement in the general health.
Pot' the past -0 years I3urrlork I3lood Bitters has helped thousands of
:d:aas. It should do the. same for vou. =Burdocks Blood • Bitters 18
rigid .tit all drug t- ':r',.rs.
Milburn Co... ,Limited, Toronto, Ont.
hen your
little one
cold -
Tonight ... do what most
mothers do to relieye mis- ,
eries of ;children's colds:
Simply- rub warming Vicks.
VapoRub on throat, chest and
back at bedtime. Results are
so good because VapoRub's
'special relief -bringing action
"starts right away 'arid -keeps''
.on working for hours during
the night while the child
sleeps,Often by morning most
misery of the cold is relieved.
Remetnber, Mother -a . when
your children catch cold .. .
be sure 'you - get time. -tested
Vicks VapoRub. •'
• itlnst seemed.:is if that boy had been
r, - - peeking out the window until his
'1'bi� is I:dneation vsCsk, and muss, mother was safely down the road.
that is worth %\bile has, been w•rilten
Then ho decided to give his old elan
a workout.' .1 turned the radio riff
curl 'l,oken,on the suhjet.t. In tall that and tried to wait him oitt. Maybe 1
'W1-. llaiee he.rrd and read, howeter• we , he would go hack to sites,. He criers
hale not 1,'oine ter(),-; the word j for about . three minutes ,a rid 1lietl
"tllcIt ihill-- Mor0 'time 011(1 111ouey'stoppr'rl. 1 relaxed a go in :ind'sera tolled
0 !unfelt. Not - hearing my footsteps
are being expended un (111) ttio11 .1 of on the. starirs. I strongly .suspect, he
the .cltuoi -t9rt r t1:111 0\cr before. but turned ftp his voltlute control and
• judging fry iii tine. .I't•stiltr tilel•1• 3ee111'r started off in a higher and nap'''. urgent
' key.
tel be a rec•pirrr:ahie lack 4t 1e:roughness ' Tort cat►'t, 11ohI out long iii the filer-
ace• in trntni it It may be b01:Itis(' of the ! of crying tike that. When I r(,t to the -
bronden ing of t he school• cltrricn1nm: ; top. of the stairway :111(1 loelkeul in, he
buls4ednc:iticttlists might place it little was stalling. s I then endeavored to
__ ._. _, _. - ..' Club' tip ,his pillow and straighten :nit s
iin'c'> r 1phatsis o11 rIO.i it :an(1 a Tlirir� t his c•ril, . • , in the hope of enticing
less un \\ i(ltl, hien back ire slt'ep. I1 .eva at foo1ish
0 0 ,s thought. Ile wanted to go downsf,,irs.
The ration hook; for fi‘e years the First of all bra wanted to walk down
himself. lie slipped and Gwent damn
ith(011 pix steps before• '1 caatight hien.
of. the. household, is now useress, de- IIe cried Again and I settled that by
frinet, outdated. null agvi toid, finished, bribing hdlit cwitkt'a part of a chocolate
• and may be -thrown in the wnstepltiier bar which hiss sister land parked u
the clock shelf. °�
basket or put awtiy among the family 1 'I'tlen be wanted the radio on, text
souvenirs.,.- For, five years the NA, I'.T.II. thing he wanted to gi► • outside. We
. ilia• been telling tis how mneb sngur �ttrulti'd aronhd f()r- a half-hour or so.
We may have, and now, lllte tell. entree. 1 Then lie wntnted ro a ire ntui pointed
to thw pantry and I hacf to. get beta
butter, meat and other canitiu►litit' ; ottletlring to eat. Then he wits graoii,
A formerly rationed, It is free—that is, i ger about fire hfnutea and. I went
we inay have as audit nil we like if ! haclt tri the eo h. 11 t;ot a hart?! rut►her
we., Can pay for If. Joy is somewhat'! ball on the le of the' head .. •• he
wanted to if , Aft('r that he Pried
confine() by the <'otialtanion arltacat 1100 on general ptrin. eipl6 and r had to,
' .tttetlt that the pricer—of sugar 'pin be be .give ttilll si rine nn my forst.
aallotred t.b rise one cent a p)0i1111 ' 'I°heil ile grew rqulet and pleasa-nt and
' but It' ls' fo be- hoped the` ehoroiate bar ( he was mulles froth ear to 'ar try'' the
4'. • til lii'ttfa(1tnrer'g will not bear about this.
time 114 mother (°atttP 110YI1e'. Itl:l(1r'
a remark ttbcitit his' being so (•toss all
I,ietrhagg those who wilt 1iat11 the 011 s fternoon and
slie sinned aweYe~tiy find
hoait (o tent with- zl+ ateat iiieaotil`(' are said► `` 'ou, shouldn't have pairs ani
the grneerd, to whoa the ratlonitlt",: 1ttenti(�ii t4 lain c�brht'ii 110 t$ltt ttlb, i P
l'w(iiai(1 Ii:(d'e „gin 1W gtl€aying '"I Mini»'
bttsln s must have, given t t(1ii tioa alt.” I tie(It th P:afetV ptul ;1etirity.
f'Ii, '>Siit en: £tOde iltrl1�4t Iia o>t t'he btnin.
valtte(1. if perhaps undesired, adjunct
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Aluthinum and Stainless Steel Mouldings—All shapes.. -
OX 468
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Make your appointment early
$t. David St., Goderich ' w Telephone 401.3.
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"fou bet it does, son. 1You'11 soon be learned from experience how helpful a
facing own the old c9llege gridiron." sound' education is to real success 1111
...., ,�.,� .,. Time
"Will I'really go to college, lr3addy?' "'' sand thef'know that S wli itgr.
Account at .the B of M is a sound way
"You certainly will , .. I'm making
sure pf that, pow. Mummy and I've t to provide for it.
a, Savings Account at the - Bank bf Your son's Col=
Montreal that's growing lust like you." lege education is too
* . important to leave
Many Canadian fathers ---whether till tomorrow. Why
they had the chance to go to college not start a Savings
themselves or not—are now s -ging at Accotint at the 13 of
the 13 of M .. - making surd tt it sons M toady' and snake
will have that opportunity. They've it grow with him.
Goderiob• Branch: H. D. HEL TfOI , Manager
sir ; a„�.w,�c�wsm.mmase-otc,._,w,m,arr.sea.,bassi.�,�,«�r�.rs'.diaacwtsk�e�ty3
duerki*_g with C!I ndians in $481,0 walk of life
Oyer a
(`` milldora .
Canadians --
wise who
know what raving
octans -- are blending •,
/oc tomorrow by banking
aI tie 13 o/ M. Yon will I!*
vap cwskom. its Phil
goad comPar ).
11111 r 1AI(ntxl
cs, C,n c, m cot CA c, a°, ••••"•• •
shsce i 17
` tt1lb!