HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-11-06, Page 141 0 ' ONE -11 UNDRE DI IMAM nit GODE.RIcil, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEM ER 6th, 1947 4,t1 ATS FOR OVERSEAS 0.11RISTMAS IVIAIL 11To Revise ,Plans for New Scho(il China's- Need Told to AT TilE Old-time Loom Sent Merrymakers' Crowd the West Street Mission .„ . ,,.....„.... .. ... .., „ I WATERFRONT 1 °.Workets. ... ...Ontario Museum . , 4, • •Arena for,,,iiiallowe'en .Frolic Meeting of WeAt Section 'Hur9n The fall. mar (4grain:front the. West . . _. The Postollice Pepartmt enannounces , , • • .---... to Presbyterial W.M.S." of ,,, has comineneed.. Six: cargoes were re- .. Purchased by G. II. Ggeen front ..................... i Christmas mails as follvss: November that dafes have been set for oVerseas United. 'Church . •ceived by the' Goderieh, elevator, in Owners at ,,Nile Many ,• tho pastiy.eolc, in addition to a wiuter Years. Ago 8:for let•ters and parcels for European 0 '-, couattriesi November 15 fpr parcels, to Cioderich public sehool pillpilt4 are 'to • —. . The meeting of the west section of the • 'United Kingdom ; November 2ii -have two holidays this ruoiath -- On* storage cargo,several more will the Huron Presbyterial Wemen's Mis- for letters„ to the United Kingdom. November '1Ith,-;: RemembranCe laYr . -arrive in the nexe few days. The ar- Mr. G. .Green of the Old Curiosity .. .• .rivels were: Friilay-7-Starbuck, 110,000 Shop „ has received a letter from , -Parceks should .be wrapped securely , , , tint' tied with strong *twines sionary Society of .the United Church :.--' bus. oats. Saturday• -A:. 4.1.. Hudson, Dorothy K.- Macdonald, research as- and November 20th, the day a PrIneefaa pre —Quedoc, 205,000 bus.,,eats. Tuesday 21 ant in the Ontario Museum at Tor- . wU s held in North. street United church,' 138,000 bus. oat,.. and 13arley. Monday e Elizabeth's weddbag. • • —Gebrge Hindman, 126,000 bus. liar- onto, in which ,Sle' says: I KISS GRACE STRANG Goderich, on Wedneeday, October 29, The. School Board held it monthly jey. Thursday • (tuday)—Starbuck, ADDRESSES _NORTH Sf. W.M.S. meeting' on Tuesday eyening. , A lettet with delegates from thirteen ef the - sixteen auxiliaries in, attendance. Mrs. "The 1.90111, lilts arriveiL. safely .. and . ,- Wm. MeVittie of Westfield, president, 107,000 bus. oats; Superior, 84,000 bus. we are bus y getting, it cleaned. up The regular monthly meeting of the was ree.eived ...from Chas. II. Wilda, wheat and, screenings. W.:M.S. of 'North street United church Londen,, architect for the new scia001,. c, Jaesided throughot, he day. The in preparation. for putting it into 'The b.arge Delcote cisme 111-011 Alon- '' meriting devotion; Ic ieriod opened at action. I am looking forward to hear- ' Was held in tile* chureir parlor on Tues- stating that becautse of present cestfi . . daYln tow of the tug Sulphite -land was ing further from you about the maker auxiliary.. Mts. Fred Toll .gave e,con- and weaver. If you can 'find out either day akternoofe- November 4th. The. of construction it Would be neeestsary- 9.30 and was in c'cge of the Auburn lined up with her winter storage cargo to revise the inans, redacing the size , eise'expl,anation of the, first chapter of his date of birth or death that would opening hymn vvas followed by prayer alongside the barges Mitchtibre and Of the proposed building; ' Jobn's Gospel, which she read as the age grain. Mrs'. R. J. Howard, presided over -the iii touch with Aft. Giilin and ask him by, Mrs. Mary phillips. The president, Partadoc,"previously arrived weth stor- give ,something to work on. I would- The,.secretarys. was instrueted''to et Scripture lesson. Mrs. Chas. Straughan also like to -know the exact location offered prayer. . of _the house where he carried -on his morrow, tO be followed by the Brieol- weaving business. Any information of business peried. , The correspendink to 'come to Goderieh and consult With ' The ,A. A. fludson 'is expected to - Mrs. M. F. Noille,„president of the tile Board. in the matter. doe on Saturday and the Mohawk Deer secretary, Mrs: Chits. Barker, read a The salary of Jas. Carson,. caietaker North street Evening Anxiliary, that kind adds to the inVest of the on „Supday. 7"thanit you" letter 'from the Graham of Central School, waS increased $150 graciously weleomed the guests. Miss loem from our point of view. We are Currey of Nile replied: This was fol- all very pleased with it and all the Amongst the young folks' attending- the Hallowe'en fearty at West -family for sympathy, extended. A to $1,000 from November lst, and that• '.A self -unloading coal -carrier is ex- loWed by the roll call and reports from Goderith Salt Company. equipment that goes with -it and are Street -Arena sponsoredeby the Goderieh Blue Water Band was the 'ins were reported by the eommunity ,nUmber of calls made on sick anti. sliut- $1,600. of Clarence Miller, caretaker of Vie- toria School, was increased $1.60 to e pected tonight. Her cargo is ,for the . the different , auxiliaries represented. , very grateful to,clyou for yout assist - Captain Smith of the freighter Que- ance in obtaining . it." ka,,, group shown.here. Back row, from left to 'right ; Sylvia Skelton, Carol - friendship secretary. It NVAS decided - doe claims that his ship unide some- . * Weaving in the Early Days Ann Zimmerman, Karel". iltickins, Corinne Cranetim. lerinit row, from WaS given by Apse' G. Wairthy- of Gocle- to revive the: Mission Band, which Victoria School has :been presented- ' The sectiona,l. report on C.G.I.T. Work , what of a record on its last tound trip This refers to a pioneerhandruade left to right ; Sharon Sachs, Gerald Donnelly, Glenda l•-e.kinier, Pant for a time had been. disbanded. • , by the -Home and School Club with a rich; of the Baby 13and by Mrs. Keith •beteeeen 'Goderich and Port Arthue. -Weaving login that was shipped recent- A. nominatiog committee, for instal- combhlation record' player, and Tadio, e 'Webster of. Blyth; Christian steward- and Lyman Jerdin. Leaving here Wednesday orlast week iy ..to -t-he Museum thy elr. Green, so lation of Officers ' for the coming year and:Mrs. McDougall,. music instructor, '• ship' by Mrs. Herb. Kirkby of Walten; at 10 p.m., the Quedoe made its tun NN:as appointed as fellows: Mrs. C. M. was authorized_to purchase twelve treasurer's report by Mrs. J. Setter of that, as Mr. Green says, the generations to the lakeheed, took- °On a cargo Of that follow may know what kind of Robertson, Mrs.' Naftel, NIrs.-1.1; Prid- Clinton, and literature by Mes. Wile- records for ite oats, left Port Artbur 5 p.m. 'Saturday machine it was on which the pioneers Intim Mrs. Tabb and eIrs..A, L. Cole. •',.' ProVision is to -be made° tit eaele ‘'' Sind arriyed at. Goderich harbor on of Ontario manufactured their Mrs. eelooney, president uf the W.A,, Breckow of Victoria street I.V.M.S., school for hockey andSkaiting, the prih- brecht ..of -Setifortb... MiSs Evelyn .. Alonday at 4.40 p.m., having made the blankets and clothing for mei', w -omen ttsked for .donations to„ the bazaar, .cipal and caretaker to have hockey who.has recently been made a life mem- round trip in just under four days and children, ' ...„-- 1 also.for contributions of Raid aud vege- "cushions" 'built. and nineteen hours: ThiS may not be A.s, the letter states, the•Aluseum 4 tahles for the 'dinner whiCh is to be Mrs. Hetherington as acedtopanist.„ , PrinCipal, Shackleton of , 'Victoria - ber, eontributed a•*lovely solo,. with . _ . an abselute record ,. -but it is a smart anxiOus to procure a history- of this .' served to the Teachers' Federation con- eccipol reported 'attendanee *of pupils The morning session Wag brought to performance -for a vessel fifty-six years pioneer loom—writ). made. it; nbOut what Veation of North and 'South Heron on • in •October : oti roll; ;350 ;, average at- a close with prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) • old. Years age this ship °used to'travel date wits it made, and. who Were the- •November 18th. . tendance, 335.09, or 90,66 per cent.. Hayward of TBenniiller. The ladies 'under the, name Arertska, then it was weavers who used it? Any0I1C W110 Can 'Mrs. Howard ilobertsoli took efiarge then.repaired to the church' halle where eanged to _the, Kemaris, aud became give any of this information is asked of the devotional period. After the- • FQv Dowell reported" On 11)11 2(, average - Central . SchoO1,0 .Princibal ,,Ale. -an-excellent dinner wa.s. saved to alibust t e Quedoc When :She Was -taken over einging Of a hymn Mrs. P. .3.. Caintelon -seventy-fix-e delegfites .by „the .me,naberts to Write to Ge•II. Green, 66 Iiathilton --effere-d- feeteseete. - mtg. .Howai.d Mirwit,,:4-14-tenillice,, -251:77-e-or-•,97.,22 per -Cent.. by the" I'atterson-line'.. ' '. • ' ,. street, Goderieh, and he will send oe .of r't.h& Evening Auxiliary.. The tables Among Sunday' visitorS at the lake- the information to the Museum. - . son_read a beautiful little 'mem. The • • . - , were nicely decorated with ,flowers' for .." . , front were two, 1(t 11 Whieh, 1)111 -'in ' . Mr. Green says he -bought the 'old ninety-eighth Psalm was read by Mrs. ' , the occasiOn. Durieg the nooti'hOur a Bayfield,,LionssHear by- dogs;'eame down the lake bank and loom fromithe late Samffel ShepPerd of .i. Vincent,. Miss Grace Strang in an large eumber of copies of misslonary took to the water about at the foot of Nile- over, twehty yeArs tigo. , Mr. -4 • . instructive and - interesting manner of Big' Convention . literature 'were disposed ' of at- the gave a splendid talk ou the first three ° Elgin tsvenue. - They swam ova for Shepperd.eaid it belonged to his grand - literature teeble, ewhich wee • very some distanee, apd having, thus got rid father, Samuel Pentland, who. he be- pchapters of the study lyook entitled afternoon session at 1.30 Mrs. Earl . the Sleepperds and most of the other first three men who 'undertook, the . Sho,ws P/Ioving Pictures c_____Kaste opular. . odie dot gS hey9aadedgai an a mile. Or aieved Wthe as maker. ThPentf e, ands, "threat Is the 'Company," dealing with D . E. A.. M r of Seaforth • Inantecliatelir after the f opening of the , so farther soeth., - • . ' the livee, efforts and difficulties of the . Mills of Walton, temperance secretary 'pioneer se11 It r's in the Nile neighblme translating of the Bible -from IIebrew ' of Great Convention i for the section, gave her report. Dur- -oung Vandals Run hoed were good Alethodists, and, as• nett Greek into the LatitCand English ing her remarks Mrs, Mills urged that the ancient -machine stands in. the - languages; St. Jerome, John Wyeliffe Graphic' eimving fiCetures le techni-, s , gressive and watchful, AS the liquor the, lemperanee people be more ag- Wild on HaLloweeir beating the, facts of its history, it will Royal Ontario' Museum, with a ' plate . Many were the costinnee worn by ehildren atteeding the Hallowe'en . . .. _and William Tyndale. all of whoin'euf- 4‘.1..4(114::t(rstiiifizol t\t‘h. 1,e,1 laullmars. 1011iteerrs, trtlffic wasever aiert to take advantage do_somethitig ,to 'keep Nile .:alicr Huron party at --West eitree.t .Arena eferneeredeby 'the Blue Water . Mold__ A_ -, '..ietred •greeet persecution itnd terrible . - — . , • , . death:3. 'The first editions of these . it ttill:l)Inli;:tri."1.elliite.e-1:Anta.tiliiicsi: of any laxness. on :the part of the Break thito Rural .School -houses - 01 county •"on the Map"• -and preserve the group is•ehown here. Back row, from ieft to right : Entwine. MitcDon- Bibles were all done.' by hand. Today , 'temperance 1' ((1)11 also that more. use • and Leave Wreckage memory of the__ followers . of- John" ald. . Margitrot MI-IC*1)011a Id. \1 (14 Love, Colleen Griet. lerent roW, the Bible has .been translirted into. a • of 41 41 and Jim Seott, .president- .. tee made of temperance literattire. • Wesley by 'whom it wee surrounded from left to right : Janet Hugill, Bruce MacDonald; Shirjey Terve. 4 tine-is:old languages e'er thirty Mil- of the Seaforth Lions Club, at a meete- The wership period for the after- in Their Wake in its early daye. . „ lion. eopiese 114 p1111114! every,- 14 (1 ing •Of '' the .13aYfield Lions ;Club at ,neon NVae in charge ofet he Dungetimon. ,, -, . Iliellowe'en was a gala night for The einging pf a' -hymn and prayer .the Little lull on Tuesday evening. "- auxiliary. . •. , .. _ The praiseworthy effort of the mem.- LARGE AUDIENCE HEARS Goderich 1111(114 14 --fie- many of . • , by 'Mrs. HoW21rd RObertson brought the Twenty -live members of. the Baytield MISS LEONA FLOOD ______ .. .. the grownups, too. , I_ he e4 ening s meeting to it close. eliss Minnie Rudd , Club were in attendance, as Veit ae The highlight of the daY -was the citizens in providing eutertainuient for enteftiti11111ellt Wa,,, under the auspices Will have cluirge of the studs . 11"" i ten 'Mend:ere from ' the..Seirforth, Lions' AlissiOnary froni China - . hers of the Blue Water Bawl and other address 'given by Mis'S Edith Sperling Goderich young folks oil FriclAy night •A„ large and appreciative audience of the Blue Witte.]: Bettid, and as usual for the December meetings" of St. Marys, a returned iniSsionary did not altogether •deter "pranksters wets present in '-the auditorium- of 'with thiit orgaeieation it was - a I Club.' '. „from \Vest China. NV110 was.introduced from indulging in some old-time Hal- North street United church on Monday thorough:success. • RECENT BRIDE RECEIVES ' describing the trip of the party . of -.. '''• 1 Dr. 'McMaster gave a lit ief talk Miss SpAling, W119 is an eloq n Places were toln down and other mis- 'claimed violinist,' Leona Flood, pree when the internationally ate. s the 'members in CloNVII coi-,tunie, paraded Early in tho evening the band, with • :GIFT OF CHOIR MEMBERS journeyed to San Francisco. including . li-Y- Mrs. (Rev.) Tiivener of liolniesVille lowe'en practices. . Fences ats several evening, ; Can:Wenn Lions and their NViVeS' WhO Speaker, gave a graphic picture of con- chief of a minor nature, is reported. sented a program under the auspices of :-froift • she Square to the West street visits_ to cedes and toWl1S en . route: ' ditions, in _China during the time, of- the trick that' caused more trouble the Godeeich Lions Club. _ . rink. accompanied by 'the girls' drum . _ ,. Lions Vittbs in tie., eentres en ruute ar- • .• . the first 11(1 14(11(114' esfe present -clay Ili (11 anything else was'that of shovieg • The brilliant young violinist played s and treinpet band. thirty etrong. •itnel I'llder the 4) 111 of the choir of ; it multitude ef young people, inest of Victoria street l'ilited church a dinner. ranged tours foe the Lions goieg to thee, ing the, war and its after-effects. In of -business places on the lSquare, mak- with ease and grace lovely coinposi- them in Hallowe'en costeme. Ai jived feleowed by a eecial evening: was held , 1 of the ino 4 ie shown Wa::. the Lions . . conditions. and also ,of conditions dur- „toothpick:Fir-elute keelialee in the doors 1(44 1111 An outetandiug portion the time .,of the early missionaries_ wo- ing it difficult or impossible to unlock ysave,. Hens by Tschaikowshi, Bach, Chepin, Gruen, Dvorak and Sehubert. , .These little "majorettes" itre Audrey . - . at' the rink. they tilled the large arena in honor of one, of the choir's must , from end to end, and 110 14 was' a fait hful members, Mrs:Geo. Chrysler .11101 Were considered almost as sittves, the doors. Iu smne cases windows had She,generously responded to the spore- Allison .(left 1, daughter of Mr. and motley array of witches, hobgoblins. (ferinerly Miss Pearl Itoope ). Mre.. I ' •.. - • 1 ". d , f.',000 I i n • • t ''. kept lir confinement, and had their feet ingress, and in •at least one Case the ., Wlts accorded to each selection: Alusie taneons -outburst of .applause whieh Mrs. Earl, Allison. end Diane McCon- . nell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ArnOld 'bunnies, lords and Indies, iind hundreds 'Chrysler's father and 1114 lo favored Situ Feancisco. ln the parade were floats intente-ese hav- the giithering with 'their peesence. 'I'lle 11.0 e(Aie Lone ether countress. Alse • were not allowed to attend school, were• te° be-• broken to • give the proprietors of different States of .the 1.-ition and bound. Aliss Sperling displayed the lock had ,to be removed- and it took lovers were entranced with her tech- McConnell. — ing li good time. 'rho girls'. band gave presieitation of a beautiful combination. • ef other characters, all' i , e , , .. (1(1111)1the foot of a two-year-old ()API' again. . Oa-- demonstration. and showed ' that . end telde and inegazine rack was 111 ((14 ' Hi the pantile was- an all-giet Highland , shoe of It. groNtill lady •,, which 'would several hours' work to get thinge in , , .41 111(111 Q ande her charming persopalitye . A . ity this custom has been entirely dorie . Worse "stkn was the s -i• aeton (11111 (1 Mr. 'W. V.. Attridge, chairman of L • MAJOR DONALD MacKAY ly a t the sloes, time. They 1111Ve been., the 4.114,1r, w he fittingly expressed the 11.:1.,t1;11:Ail:1::;;I:111 )1- IrG.1(.4;:',(ri-i:4::firelt):4;71(t...1Siti,trseheot practising hard and ne,et summer will appreeiiitien by the cheir members of ' ti child. ,`;'ifice the ,c.oming • of Christian-, . : SehoOl-houses, InVaded .She WAS accompanied at the piano be" Rudolph Gruen. NEW APPOINTIVLENT•FOR , they cab march smartly and toot sweetel liv Mrs. \Vine Westlake, president of 1 ° • . away with, although the woinen who done/ by a gang of youths': said to be the Lions Club Committee, peesided... °i • ,, , the years of loyal seevice given he Mr:4. '4'h of ielie ino4 le. stating it thade. the . broke L1 14 from this cestom in thf e rom' Goderich, , who toured' the rural . I . errTAWA, _Nov. 4.— Establishment With Arnold McConnell at the mike', CliTysler and tendered this; hope th•at ' be a _valuable asSet to the toW11. ly been present At tle, coneentiou. ,In Hayfield members feel they had actual-, first place were terxibly derided and• •disteict within a radius of fifteen miles KNOX CHURCH CHOIR _____..— , ,scoffed at. •Until becoming a Christian or more and broke into several:school- HOLDS' ANNIJAL BANQT4T ( if two new divieions in the Indian a series of cOntests • was' called and it may lw possible for her to continue • prizes were awarded. • Dick Clark took this service. Both .2,1r.. and 'Afre. rePle, De, McMaster spoke of his •sur - read or *write.. Now• all these condi; broke desks, threw books arOrtrid andd a ....._. the prize in the pie-eng aticonO test. hryelem r adsu e itableespnes. ros1),rise at. Abiding such it etrong Lions . 'file ditties of master of cereinoiliee Chinese ,NVOIllart could scarc.ely -ever houses, There they smashed. windOws, . ,, ., ils,..„, affairs': •brielch Department of Mines Club at Bayrieldt and learning of the, tions lia-ve been changed. The Chinese left things in confusion..generally. In Forty members and guests had a 414,_ and Resources, was announced toay. Barbara elieettte, was best et eating a - the eewett spoke likewise and also paid ,Wonten are iniNV ((11111 ti their Western arr Ashfield township -school they .i lightful time at the fourth annual D. AI. AlacKay becomes superiatendent soda inset& and -.'vliistling ;le the same were eapably etirried ouf lel- Mr. (ems. waY i‘t-114141 progressed since formation., .tt-ibute to the "peppy" siuging of the sisters' In politieal, busfiness and secret poured varnish on the keys'of a plane banquet Of • the choir of Knox Presby- of welfeire after a decade 'as Indian time. 'Donald Metres was the hexing 'Wood, who for two hours kept interest - • Bas tield club, including the efficient The long banquet° tables were ap- 4 ii. I. Neary Will be superintendent of counnissioner in liretish Columbia. champion. The titg-of-war• was won on it high plane. . • ltsidership of the song leader. Grant -life. Instead .of the long• pigtail the. and op the 'teachees desk and corn. terian church, iteld at•,the Park House. Chinese girl hag her "Permanent," the 1111114(1 other acts of vandalism.. Schools • by t a eam 'fiont Victoria' S4:hool. GO.LBEN WEDDING OF- ' same as CtititoliAn -girls, and even some visited In'this fashion were ae Leeburn, propriately decorated for the Hallow- education. Ottielals say the changes Costume prizes were won as follows: Telmer. Chinese young erten ere. suspected Of Sheppardton, Kinteil, Duneknnon, e'en season.' • ; ......„see _reflect the. greater import:ince being Girls' hest fancy, Sandra Bradley; FORMER COLBORNE COUPLE 'community singing ;Ind • duets by , having a permanentalso, The Chinese c, edar Valley, No. 6 Ashfield, and per- After an informl a. singsong directed ittac ibed tt o he ,welfare and education girls' b'est comic. Judy and Jiiiiet Mae- ' 44)) ((41 sixty friends of elr. and MTS. vided nitieli-iipprecAated music. . both Baytield and SVitforth IAons pro- - young folk • mingle together on the haps others. Kay ; boys' -best ,fatiese Billie' Bradley : • l• - • bv Mr. Dan Walter, with Mr. W. II.41,progratins for the Indians. e streets, and, clothing is' noire mcidern. This • hoodlumism has nataraily Wickett at the piano, Mr. William Ale- . boys" best comic, G. PoWV11; youttgeet ' William Cook gel the red at ' their, home, chaesII.a s: ii,, • . 4 f . • It .1 _ 011 EilSt street on Monday e aftrnoon mer resident of 'Hayfield., -e,•110 reeently e.,(, 0. IIII on, , sum The speaker also gave a vivid (11 s( Ci el) much indignation 111 A he school, Laren, choir president, and Mr. C. K. 4! 1(01 Denald' M. MacKay, who. be- bey. Stephen Sachs. , tion of .the beauty of West CtIna, of its SeCtiOnS, Slid' It is hoped the youths Srtunders, chairman of tlw music emit- conies Ssrperintendetit of Welfare in • -"Miss Hallowe'en" was discoVered to. Minor the couple en the .04•4,e1siell donAted :i lorge peeve. of "0 C,aniala” 'wonderful vegetation and ,fruit -grow- will be, apprehended and" treated- as inittet.., expressed the regret of the the new set-up of the Indian Affairs hy Agnes Chisholm, and Welled. out (it their fiftieth wedding, miniver:4:1u. to -tee Bayfield Liens (elute Ails present . -sing capabilities. There -are forty dif- they •deserve. 'The matter th' in the . ,Rev. Richard t) 44 and extended brother of Air. John Mac -Kay. of town. Chocolate milk, "hot dogs- and ap- choir at the impending removal of Departinent, is a native of Goderielt; to Ix, 'entitle, Nlehring ill disguise. ', Mr. and Mrs. Cook' weve al4trried on -and was thanked bse the clute throiegh ferent kinds of fruits grown and one hands of the pelice. November 3, 1897, at the )i 1(14 of Nine President George Castle. for. his lovely can ht I( ripe cherrlea in raid -April ' to him and his family the goodswislies e files were in plentiful supply fer tire (eiok's fittlit..r,T.:1:(1,13"tesliNI:pirtiii,, (Iiiii11-.11)14:. g ilsa t 4%S4t.ii a (1;1::::nirt.r4(4-)trliit-e4(;)trie.(y)-f- . as well as pick oranges and grapefruit ADDRESSES UNION MEN of the Vhciir. MrSte . wart in replying VETERANS WILL PARADE Youngsters, and everybody was haPP3'. tiii!ltd eTil-titt; in one's own garden. West • China is Mr. Herlsert' Spence, representative spoke appreciatively of the suPport .TO THE BAPTIST CHURCH Cengratulations to the Blite Water tmvu'shi..1). townshie all their married life vvith t et• flayeefe I le re,,ea re. formerly the hOme of the sweet potato, where of the IliTattment of Laber industrial given him by- the choir during his Band and all who helped in giving the They have been living retired iii Gude-. A ciemplete pregram- of entertainthent • the -exception of five yetirs in Asheielde ecetchiner's Hardware. hetes' of them are grown, aS well, as. labor 1(11114)115branch, was in ' town ministry here soul besfelke fox his A •speciAl Reinembrance Day service children such it•good 'time. , • is being drawn up. for e dinner meeting - 'leaflets, sugarcane and cotten, She on TuesdASI 'night 'and a technicolor successor the sanie loyal suppert. will be held in the •Ilapeist church on rich since a yeer ego- laet April. of 1 114•-• 11(4 11* Lions to {le held on spoke of the terrible need of money film was shown to aneitiber's iff Federal Under the direction of Miss Aileen The couple were the recipients .of a , No 4 ember 19th. to rebuild the hospitalS, ' churjhes, Union . No . 23736 and r Opeating StoWe and :Miss _Marjorie Mactie eotr- Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. WaT vt,tertins will miracle to the church . SEEKS TO LOCATE HERE r numbor of beautiful gifte on Mondese„.seeeneseay tepteue, .._______•________ schools and missionary homes :which, I'lligineefe Local No: 79S 'in the •Union tests vsere held in which all h of partici- 0and the service will be conducted bv WITH AN. INDUSTRy including a trilite lamp. a `wall mirror TO DEDICATIt MEMORIAL. .• . were destroyed , (luting the war years. IIall. A caPacity aedience Was isi ilt- pitted,. and in the latter part of the ., . atel flowers. There is also as great a need for tendance. The film served to convey evening „dancing and tables; "50the " minister, Calltain. the RevGN ' . . 'ell."•• II. Nledley. A cordial • ineetatien is • The thelerieBoard of Traide has In contraeting • todese i i'll ('"11"." PLAQUE AT NO TH STREET more missionaries, teachers, doetore the value of laboronanagethent pro- were organized, extended to elle 1)4111114. to 1111111(1 1)14,1(411 received a letter from a man at Wash - township, ve it 11 1111 t hue In WAS iner- , and purses.. While, there are some (111(114)11committees in industry. - ington, D.C.. seeking information about No4 ember Pt 11 will be. obserVed as • very splendid Waive 44(4(1(15 in all 'Nir. Spence gnve a brief talk re- RECORD NUMI3ER OF - , ....._ . _ Goderiell With a ‘liee. te eetablislume vied. Mr. Cook Points out: that there are larger faritie and fewer buildings. 1,,,iiiii,,,g, w 1, i (11 were pat t of Remeni bre tire S mete y i ii Nort 11' st-Peet theee linee..as well as the missitin.ary grading the progress the Government PENSION APPLICATIONS IN •MAGISTRATE'S COURT - here it small manufgeturing industry.). United church. 'rite evil:ices will bring. workers, they ate far ,frinn ((14 (141 is .113alcing'in the esttiblishment of these • ., . The required information- has been -11:111:r stuallet iiiins in 3 go heel) razed when taken (0,,r jet), eme,i. to tided the two eetanie struggles .for . -• • . , • 4 to cope with•the'needs-of twelve Million committees,' there being over 500 now ,NICirley Bloomfield, theleriele eset:; seut to him. The man is ao English - freedom and democracy which hi 10 • people. At present there tire only in fti opeaon. . . A record member of applientieee, 31, WaCo g nsidered this (Thursday I after- convicted of a (11 I4,( of selling Heuer, man, but lately a resident of, the filmes. he said. • ' tiiken place in the present t'enthey. • . eighteen 44 41 societies, 'forty-seyen •Mr. Spence Wiii return to 14ederieh noon by the Mutat Comity Old Age- contrary to the Canada Temperanee United '4t (t( 11 1)0 is apparently seek-, or epeciel interest will he the dedica- overseas missionaries, twenty-eight A'0- during 'November with a larger emind Pensions and 11 (11(1 rs' Allowances Act, 'and was fined $50 . with costs of 11)4, to locate in Canada. i - DE UTY REEVE MATHIESOi- non of thp ineinerial ,plaque at the ' •men evangelists' and forty native_ film showing these committees in oper- $5. Ile paid the fine. .. , - evening service. Five young men from pastors. ° ' ' Mimi. The meeting • 4 to be held . in old age pensiens. TWenty-two Were Board. Twenty-nine of these Were for Other cases listed •for the weekly LOST IS RETURNED HEADS MENESETUNG CLUB 7,,Nortii street congregation gave their The speaker urged that the soCieties 'the Town Hall and, the heads of the recommended' for full pensions; -four Pollee Collet this affernoon were those Miss Agnes Cembe, of Clinton. lost alie Nleuesetung Canoe Club on Tries- lives in World War II : NI. Baker, go as jar beiond their regular al- GoderiCh iminstriea., will be 'invited, for deferment mail assets are reduced; of Archie. :McCallum, charged withein- a valuable green vanity hire in Gode- .• Mgentionas posste in order to end 3 tf* frteivstigtiO11tad decent assault in AlcKillop toehiship;Melt last ePli 1(1 pot a "lost" ndvere day eveningeleeted offiee followTSloofter. IIBaxeW ifts to thbuiring(((14 (41(1 flUnlonrefused beamee of too many and Carles EiseExeteron charge .. Re tisement in The Signal -Star's classified ter the venting, year: Preeident, Geo. Ryan,. W. E. Westbrook. Their nnines Mothieson; vice-president. C. F. Chap- have been suitably inset -Heels on the as the need was so very great. ,gave an interesting report of the Lon- assete. . of common assault. The former •was colminis. On Monday morning Mrs. man ; seeretary. Geo. MAcKwan ; trees- ineinorial plaque whielt willehe pre; ' After Miss Sparling's address Mrs. don Conferenee {trench meeting of the , ; One application for mother's allow- remanded a week' wIth bail fixed„ in George Spent:. Minot road, brought urer. W. A. Hay •,, commodore. W. J. seuted and (11 (114 by the 11)1111 Le . 'Jerold Phillips of the Myth. auxiliary 14 1! 114ld at Toronto, to which she mop, end one for foster mother's two 54114 ti( of $2500 etich. _ Elson was the ilost bag to the Sigiial-Star (Alice Baker: viee-conninelore. W.. Marwick ; of the church on behalf of the officials; sang an appropriate number Which Was was a delegate. She also gave.' a albewanee were reconnnehded. . remanded to November 14th•at Exeter. and received li reward Offered for its , addithinal members of executive, J. members and adherents ef thi con - much appreciated. . challenging message in which'she said: _ — , recovery. Every Week, the classified R. Wheeler, G. Riser t ; chaplain, J. 14 1(1(111 Special 'movie will be pro- - An invitation Wee extended from -We must not ouly go over the top, ,FRF,S11 'STRAWBERRIES IN ADDRESSES ON EDUCAtION , ' columns of The Signal -Star bring re - H. Kinkead; auditors,. D. I). Alopriey. vided by the choir under the directien , the Hackett's' W.M.S. to hold the next but we will go' over the top to make - . : NOVEMIIER ' ^ Addresses marking Edneation Week sults,.. Whether it is- an article yoll H. McNee. it 1:1 si . t tAl el liturtr. retie -ft ictign. nit: . .which was accepted.' . Christian stewardship *secretary, re'l spring. tga ta,4.' .,bave c:im.thing do the toile edreet Fe•fited churches on Sun- 3,•Oit'll be agreeably surprised with re- . Four new members' were admitted-, (;:efr;:in. 'lloriltelebV meeting of the Beefier' in their church, up the deficit Whieh NH's. Kirkby, the am the flewere that leoom in the Were given in North street tine Vic- want to sell. one to buy.. etc., ett'... . . The report of the 10 014)11011 com- ported earlier in the day," She Closed .Thowors and fruit that are to he day, the speakers being Public. School stilts in The Signal -Star's classilied and 'the report presented by Treasurer "Vhaory.!--So What?" _. mittee -was read and adePted. `PA. e0m-' with the reading of a lovely little poem, found around. Ooderfeh this fall. In Inspectors Dr. It. 0, Staples and J. colunms. - Hay showed the Club to' be in a sound All members, adheientg and friends ' of North street chntelt are invited to • mittee for 1048 was aimointed as fol- •"It hiust Ile Done by Ale." ' proof of ,this Gordon Reis, • Hineks II. Kinkead.. Reports of these ad- linativiAl condition. , • Mut.= in this soltviee. While ttere NVin. lows ; Airs. iM. °F.. Noble of GoMrieh The „meeting walk closed with the street, hroeteht to theSignal-Stnr of- dresses were intended for nib; issue TIM WEATIIER .—. THE NEW SIDEWALES , • be no formal pa•rade of veterans to the . ............---............._ as delegaie to'the Jiondon COnfereice singing of a 'llytian and prayer by Rev, fire Wednesday afternoon—November Of The Signal -Star. Init owing to Temperatures a the past week in who seryed in ' the l)rancti convention; Mrit 41(14111 :Reed C. W. Cope. . , 5th,. please., nOte-11 bot of Iffseions limitations of space they are IwId over Goderich, wse with thoof the'correspond 'Eueellen 1 progress is being made in Service. „all those of Thingannon on the notisteating com- Njeteh Credit iS due tor the strecese strawberries picked in his garden that to next week's issue. • ' • . ,, ine week ,a year ago, as officially re- the laying of the new sidewalks en the two ..yarta are invited to attend' the mittee, 'and Mrs. Peters of ViCtOrla Of the gathering • to the ladies of -the Morning. . „ EIGGIN REGIMP.INT AIEN TO MEET corded, were as followse aes . it) front Of the three blocts betweejt for the eVfnlillte SO, as itot to eeltraiet Sequane. In. the past week the walk:4 dedieation, which has' been .arrariged street, GOderich, fot•th,e financial cam- Evening Auxiliary in their efforts to ---.....—,........... 1041 1046 mittec.' The thanks of the gathering make everyone feel tit home, the serf- PREMIER DREW AT SEAIPORTII A -meeting of foriner, metnbers of .. Max. Min. 'Max. Attn. Fleet, and Colborne streets have been vvith the Legion -parade to the Ilaptict were tendered MiSs 'sparling bY the in of a good dinner and the lovelY Premier George Drew Is to he at the Elgin Regiment will be held at the Thula* Oct. 30 ....52 47 ('8 - 61 completed and the gang is no* working church in the morning. Vice;president, Mis. geVittie; and M1s. floral decorations; to Mrs. 'Tethering, 014 forth on Friday night, November St. Thomas armories on_ Sunday after- Fri., Oet. 31 58 48 61 50 between • Colborne and West streets. EIIELD/WAIN ". Tavener. ' , .ton for 1h11111(' and to thand e earetaker,, '28th, to aannuam ddress^ the 'l eeting neon, November t.ith, to du ecide pon a Sat., . Nov. ,1 ,57 32 58 47 Only two more. bloeke remain, to. ie , . IN Tilt; 52 done. between West and South streets, Aideranarv Alan R. MoOrie -1)f Strat-;'' . Mira. TaVettitet'S ActureSS 4 Also Airs. 0, •ilif. Robertson, vvlio. Ao of the Progressive Conservative As- dato for the reunion of the regiment, Sun., Nov. *2-- 61 30 61 . Mrs. (Rey.) Tavener; .who is presi- kindly entcyrtained tie' guest sneaker. goelation of South lriuron And Huron- ProPosed to bh e old nn ext Yefir. it Nio., Nov, 3 ' 63 45 58 ' 40 and If the _ 14441 11 weather ' holds off ford; formerly of ,naleitiol, Ila'n au. .. & , dent of the Huron .Presbyterhil, and a MitS JOITIN VINOFINT, .. Perth. The ffieeting, jvili be held In le hoped former members living in Trios., Nov. 4 54 . 47 52 45 fOr another weac or, so the.. catire nowneed h 1;-.1 interaion to .reet. re,plee.- , . very "enOrdetle and enthuolostle vorher, , ., ' . . Press Secretary. Cardno's Hall. . • . Wed.„ Nov..3 ...!55 47 - 58 40 job Will 116 linialied.' , , ' il. Godetich will attend thismeeting. Con to tite lietratfOrd City COMen. . ,,t 0 VOn11tructi.011, Costs, N000ssitato Smaller Building, Sayg „ Architect 49:1.•