HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-30, Page 1111 ONE-HUNDREDTH YEAR. Arrangements for Remembrance Day Church Parade and Service at Cenotaph on Nov. 9— . Poppy DayNov. 8 The looal branch, of the Canadian Legion is completing arrangements for the observance of geremonies and othek events in connection with the annual Remembrance Day. The church parade cor Sunday, November 9tb, will be to the Baptist' church, for the seiviee at11 /fan., after which a brief memorial service will be held at the cenotaph, with the plac- ing of wreaths. The Blue Water Band will accompany the parade. On Tuesday night, November 11th, there will be a public dance at the Legion Hall, Kingston street. Poppy Day November 8 Saturday, November 8, will be Poppy Day. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legion will canvass the town, the proceeds to be used for patriotic work and local veteran relief. • The public is asked to co-operate in these various events. MARIO$ETTE SHOW DELIGHTS YOUNG AND OLD More than 006 children screamed with delight and parents accuipanying them gazed in wonderment Its -a flock of penguins went into° a step dance on the stage of the Capital Theatre on Saturday morning. It was the opening act- of a mariOnette show pre- sented by the Mt-IWO-11A 'Club of London and sponsored by the Maple Lek Chapter of the 1.0.D.E. Not only from Goderich but from a widespread sec- tion of the country around, children, and 'parents came for the show. Two . shows were presented during the morn-: ing, the first at .9.30 and the second al, 11 o'clock. The faellities of the theatre were kindly donated to the Maple Leaf Chapter for the occasion bj, Mr. H. J. Sutherland, proprietor of the theatre. Little Red, Riding Hood was the -sec- ond act on the _program. The third act was Rumpelstiltskin, and the child- ren looked with Wide-eyed amazement asthe puppets unfolded this fascinat- ing fairy tale. Following this, a circus was staged in which the actions of 'puppet clowns "bititight-"flitifiRtrelF-- to their feet with shouts of delight. Six women from the Maycourt -Club of London accoMpanied the show. The London adies were billeted in Gode- rich homes Friday night; - The Maycohrt Club ol London pro- vides- various entertainments, the pro- ceeds from which go to the aid of crippled children. Members of the marionette division of this club make their own puppets, scenery, furniture and props, and have developed this part of their club to one of consider- able proportions. • Because of Saturday's success, an -- Other matienette show may be pre-, sented in Goderich at a later date. I TO BE TRIED ON CHARGE OFDANGEROUS DRIVING Before Magistrate Cook at Stratford on 'Tuesday preliminary. hearing was given in a charge of dangerous driving against Ilow#00•B.rotherton, a civilian employee of he Clinton R.C.A.F. school. The charge arose from the accident on September 28th in which W. F. Sproat, R.R. /1, Seaforth, , was 'killed while walking .along No. 8 highway a short distance- east of Sebringville. Brotherton was the driver of the car which allegedly -struck a-nd killed Sproat. Heiwa.s committed for trial at the 'next curt of competent jurisdic- tion. PERSONAL MENTION • , Mrs. . Bone has returned to :her home of er spending the summer with her daughter at Royal Oak, Mich. Mr. ftnd Mrs. W.. J. Carrie, of Lon- don; were guests this week with Mrs. E. W. Carrie, Cambria road. Mr. W. J. Mills is attending the annual meeting of the. Federation of Automobile Dealers' of Canada which is being held at the Chateau Frontenae, -Quebec City. Miss Elizabeth Miller of Toronto spent the week -end With Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm 'Mothers and family. Miss Miller,is the granddaughter of the late J. 11. 3111101, a former prominent resi- dent of Goderich when he held the office of public schoOI inspector, and later 11 lawy“ in Toronto: Miss Josie Saunders is attending the, sena-annual meeting of the Ontario Chapter, 1.0.D.E., at Ottawa, repre- senting the two chtipters of the Order in Goderich. Mrs: Audrey .Teffefy, Mrs. Wm. llancise, Mrs. Walter Shields and son, 'niftily,. all of Bin gwood •Wf.re.,Weelt- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mactie. Mrs. Mona 'Walter Agnew of New York, who has boon visiting relatives in the district for the last eOup1e.. of months, left on Wednesday morning for Oklahoma, whore. she will siiend the winter. Mr. •John S. Henderson, Wellington *street, attended the funeral of bis brother-in-law, .Gleorge C. Young, at Toronto on Thursday last. ISS Bertha J. Allin of Toronto is a guest this week with her niece, Mrs. E. Breckenridge, and Mr. Breckenridge. Chief Justice rt. S. Robertson, with Mr. and Mrs. John P. Robertson and two •ehildren, of Toronto, were week- end •visitors with their relativesihere. GO E IC1-14 ONTARIQ, THURSDAY, OCTO ER 30th, 19,47 , ev. R Stewart Accepts Call to London tio. Rev. Richard, Stewart, for five years minister of Knox Presbyterian church, Goderich, has accepted the' call 'from New St. James Presbyterian. chtu•ch, London, and the transfer received of- ficial sanction at a meeting of the Presbytery (if Huron -Maitland held at Clinton. on 'Tuesday afternoon. He will preach his last serinons as min- ister of • Knox church on Novencher 16th, and will beinducted into bus new charge on yhursday, November 20th, Rev. P. A. Ferguson of--Hensall will be the interim Moderator of Knox church and tz- will preach the pulpit vacant on Sunday,,November 23rd. , At the meeting on Tuesday .Rev. Mr. Stewart resigned the office of moder- 41T THE -WATERFRONT I Signs of tbe approaviriag end of the season of navigation are seen in tavo large barges berthed at the west fend of the harbor basin. These,' barges, the Mitchlibre and the Portadde, carry grain to be held.'in- storage, until -un- -. loaded at the. Goderich elevator sumo time in the \Outer. Two wore barges are expeeted later, .aad. the four will Carry something like it million bushels of On Sunday it looked like the middle of summer .rather, than the season's end at the harbor. The.south pier and the • outside breakwaters mere lined , nAlth.angiers and swim good catches or 1, perch were taken. fa addition to the fishermen (and .wvaltoria there .Were many others eajoying a stroll on the pier in the warm suoshine,-aud along- side the MacDonald launches were gliding to and fro with full loads of passengers. The Algosoo and the. Superior ar- rived at the eleator ou Friday, the former with 220,00 bus. rye and the Superior with 81,000 bus. barley. The barge Ilitchfibre ,arrived on Saturday in tow of the Jug "Sulphite ator of the Presbytery and Rev.. Dr. with a storage cargo for the elevator. 11. (1. Ithoad of Ashfield was appointed On .Monday • the Algorail brought acting moderator. . ° . 225,000 bus.7' wheat, oa Is _ and barley The . st•ssion and cengregation of for the elevator. Knox church were represented by The Quedoc arrived on Tuesday with AlessrS."P. J. and 11.. J. A. MacEwan, the barge Portadoc in tow. The Que- D. M. Johnston and W. F.. ,Saunders, doc1s cargo of 148,000 ha. of wheat ri,.e past summer saw a new record. a n d the Presbytery of London sent- was discharged at the -Puritn y Flour. ' of mot& high in daily serVice ' Rev. John Fleck and three elders, <Mil1s'. elekator„ and the Portadoe ,was passenger buses. About a dozen of . Under Mr. Stewart's miuistry Ka nox berthed with ' storage cargo for .the, 4 y 1•hurch hag Made marked progress and Goderich elevator. , them provided a dailtiAtal a twoity, .., • at the same time he has made a strong The Sfarbuck is expected at the four different trips in and out -of (*.lode- , -c hhpression 1)1) 1)011 community as. a elevator Aomorrow -(FridnrichMaking firstlass connections fur y). . whole. There is-Egenera1. and deep re2.1 ... -The tankers Impel -ha Cobourg, on• -11r1S. •Puint-pw. the- culltin"t'I- '''''' -- ,- , gra 'ae his remva ol,- along with a Friday, and- Imperial- Kingston, on Back around. 1900howeverit was a . different story.: - recognition of the fact that h4 out- Wednesday, brougift4--gasoline-for the The roads Were vastly different, 't.tud• so were .4 the standing abilities will have a wider Imperial Oil CoraParlY. - vehieles., „ • If you wanted to travel seope• in his new charge, one of the On Sunday the collier Cdenelg as 1,111irigt2eirsiot.: congregationS in Western . brought a cargo- of coal • frofn Toledonorth on what is 1107r:.1i116W1 the .. ,`'. . ' C for the -Purity Mar mill. Blue Wq.er• HighWify fyou went:via the . stage coach—the. last word in speedy . A , Dunga. nllOil Octogenarian 'Novo.. :Ohm Water. Stage .Coach in Late Niiidies Williath MeConnell„ of Dunt.eannon, halts his ^stage.coaeh - on.the Lake Shore Itokid, now the Blue Water Highway, back - in the late nineties while apassenger, seen immediately. behind the eimeh, takes a 4roll to get travelling'kinksel it of his legs. Highway transportation service to the weatherman gave hlig, the "go" Godericb today stands in sharp t•en- signal again. • trust to that at the turn of the century. WORK PROCEEDING . , , transportation at the turn Qf ., the 4° ' *- Wed dtaON 25 NEW HOUSES' This y.highway "express of half-a- gs centilry ago carried mail and paSs- The contractors for the' additional engers between Kincardine .and Gode- ' • ceirirtit:" ALDOUS—PRict pleted :her enembleShe' Was attwenty-live Wartime tou-ses are inak-• rich, not to • Mention little personal - - s. - hig. progi-ess ,with the work. a steam services such as delivering it parcel TORONTo, oet. 25.— Earlscourt tended by the bridegroom's only sister, shOvel having been 14(1,.for necessary from ••.Nirs.' Johns " to "M.-rs. Smith" United church was the Setting for the Alis \I 111011 I. Francis of Windsor, . exa cvations. The locations ef the some miles down the highway, or. of marriage of "Fn racoS Lorraine, (laugh- who was lovely in a gold Nioo crtpe .. . twenty-five holtses a1e. as follows: buying a -package of. tobacco in town ter of Mr. 117. G. .Price and the Jute suit, N:liite. blouse and black access - Eleven on the west side of thtyfield .for stime farm- dweller itint dropping 'Airs. Price, to Alr. Stewart T. Aldous, ories. Iler corsage was, of brunze road ; five on tin• 'east side of Warren I it off onthe way back. son of the htte Mr,. and..Mrs. _AV hhain_ chryskuitheniums.,G.c4..me,C.,.. Mon- _ street,: betwee rr- V itriey"and---T-hoin aF-t--;---- At -5.4)zre11ck...-in Ilve-41-1( triiiti.,k, 11/ya111 Altions,--(40dtrielet7'- It eV.- *A:-T.'`Ifriiieir air of \-Vindsor stood with. the grown. ' two on Jones street, •in t he 'Wells sin,-;., of spirited light horses, snorting aird ETIVIififd:- 'firm. ' -T-Its—lie'll'ing—took---hin4.---Isitti -- fn ft.....f.hift-uwvi.th...his Aalin ,.....upped. in- , 1111.officiated. Escorted by her father, Rev. A.,E. Al. Thimuson, D.D., of Wiud- vey : two on St, David's street and two . prancing in am the erly orningo manw , air,' ty parts of the orld, including his hand in thoughtful posethe doctor, is seen watthing a child ill in satin with slight tri an:, A sweethert monyAlr a. . Clifford Aladdockorg , anist on Park. street lietween Albert and., pnlle/1 , out of Kinca'rdine *with the Australiy, England, Smith, Afrie.a and ' • bed while .anxions'parents ho -ver near - the bride were :1 long gown of white sor, performed, the double ring cere- Horton one on ; 'Combridgi• sreet be- familiar stage coach and clattered OVer Jamaica. ' headdress, trimmed with orange blos-' °of Westudaster'United chufeh, presided . . t . / • , t soms, held her embroidered Veil, and at the organ throughout the ceremony Ween Botannia road and Oxford the Inimpy ,road ? en route to • Goderich. When his wanderlust watis as stiied, by she carried white and pink roses. IIer and di 1111, the signing of the register ... Street. ifild tWo 011the west side of , • Perched high on the dri\er's...•ent- of Bill returned, to Ash field and wont into 'rile, clark, or conionim.:townshipt :•iolith st met' bet ween R.1-.1.1 n .1 tal t h , • -I •• .B1- M. a.' .11 I • ' the 11.1 e rv ' bu -Inc-, I- 1 ifi..1. 1, oN''2,1.1- in. '.1.1is.4 Helen Clark. a grandniece of Sir only attendant was Miss Barbara Dew- played At DaWning" and "Becou,se." • • . ' s ' . 1 (0111 1 N‘as II.- t- omit; . w iosL . . . - • - • i - ,- L -t are relatives of the pictured doctor. itirtnership with II. J. Blake. It. "1,:rv'mas who- brought one of the - new inatching halo hat trimmed with held at the home of the bridegroom's ' • son, wearing soft. blue crepe with After the wedding. -a, reception was,H Bl' 1- •. , . • •clieer1- oTeeting was known to residents 1 - statesi, "Re , SEVERELY INJURED an aiolig-tho high11a y. Mr. 'McConnell i a this tinie Unit ;he operated coaches j,i,tm,,,,. . - ' is today enjoying the sunset years .0(,,;.:'•.111 1C -111,.11•11:11v :.iid .1-''.•• "•111‘k1"1". stamps to The Signal-Slar. was a (1) 11111 fuchsia feiithers, and ctirrying :falls- parents, ' After a honeymoon in '..\Zorth- ' . man roses. Alr. Howard. Aldous wits ern anti Etistern Ontario the haniq lifre_ iivipig in retireinont at Dun- 1,4 1;oilerich. ' and it seems -odd • IN CAR ACCIDENT his that the rutted States was the first groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. young couple.nre residing at 967 Camp- . galloon. .1-h, .will celebrate his eighty -1. I.'requently. 1.1 . itas asked L4- . . . to so honor him riither"than seveiiiii larththiy on Ib .eenther 2.1st. • farmers ((long the .-tiltig11 (ri:,111.4t(.;.(tho . buy something co. 1 • 3, posse,:sions.",:, British ; (11(..;.isilrillti'iTive land or one (if 'tilt • ' Joe Price, Mr. John Mtirray and Air. bell avenue, Windsor. ' The bridegrobin . Cecil 'ti 1011 of 1031 11, Lt• in Alexandra Charles Price. A reception 'followed at is itn honor graduate of Ontarie Agri- IIOspitzli witii ild111:ies receive(1 while ,,, ,. (Changed Horses En Route. . ,h 1, t Ein,..mi.m. :Ind (h.,' , it on 441; the 1.4•3113.11 1-i 4 Bill Prhice Arthur House. t. cultuyal College, GuOph, and of the ittotoring. lost evening •from Port Al- ri-,...'"' cuile21-- 3,..1...,11._,L' '2° " k- " lien li'll MASONS H ' EAR. LONDON Ontario College of Education;'. Toronto, bert. A short distance above Dunlop 111 ,., , ; , ,. ... f„ , .,,, at a 0,11l., for tioherica, snagied mer , 4) 11! olle coon ful •char:haer, "Aiike" IiENO3IME—CHARETTE and is a former 'member of the staff on the Blue Yt'ater Ilighwar the ear "Pher'c'a t."' ''''" '"'"'''' mail and Imssci,;4(.n..... ill, li (1( oihjed : del iVerl'.(.1 10 -.Mita"... a bag of feed lair - picked up . Milton,. of Ixingsbnidge. PROFESSOR IN A. DRESS . St. Peter's Roman Catholic church of 4,toderich• Collegiate Institute. At Went" out of control an'd tii.rited over at St. Joseph was the setting for a present he is a member of the execu- in the ditch: Sir. Mason ,litiered bitck 141 its. tracks to roach Kinctirdine chased it aorcrich, "Alike" asked his' ' the Professor . Nelson Ha rt, of the U.ni- lovely October wedding on Saturday tive conilnittee of the Windsor Iteal spinal injuries and is reported to be at 16 l4"111- T" 8"."11(1)11sh fill"' 3°41.11 (1 31 • -1 hat's new Ki 3111), morning, at 0 o'clock,. when. 1)oreen, Estate Board. , - 4- 111 a serious condition. Three-vear-olo . ; (", was reg,artled as real speed *in those Milie.,,i.' intense dislike of the \Vest speaker at a, Smith Iluron PaSt daughter .of Alr. .and 'AIrs. -Norinan ' Before lier marriage, the bride ',was .finony *Miller, WII0 VvaS Wii.11: hilll ill : 3,, --; • ,' nit extya 11 (111 ,,f horst, was Shore Ele(-tric Ita1lYY:11 '4111.1111'• Bill 1 3 ersity. of NVestern (intario. was guest - Us ...., Charette, was united in marriage to .feted by the employees of the Canadian the aas cr, wthrown eaa clr nd was . nosteo at ...inoerie,v and also at Gude- figured he would have a hit of fun Alasonic .Teniple here on Thursday'.. Joseph Denomnae, •son of Mr. and Airs. 'sirocco t'ompany• -1,t(1.,.- where she is nor injured.- The car WaS o01111/10VIV riC11. , A fresh hirse tea111 a IS at the Se Mke.u it "Mi" Although not tre • at •NI''''1(.1'''' - sociation meeting lit the Renee Deumnine. Rev.•,Father llouri emplo3'ed as private secretary. wrecked. ', points did considerable to better the 'the time: Ilill reinject. "Did yoli see in , education. Three Masons from Lon-: night hist: „He 'spoke on. 'Masonic „ ' 1 • . • • . thqt tl • 11 'in : entire, - .1, - .-- over -till time of the trip. ,single far( - ,. (ion accompanied -hitn, including . Mr. EAST—SIELING ., AT 1.1'.I., AREA CONVENTION front Goderielr to Kincardnie wits one through the West Shore Railway has On Saturday, October 25, at 2 p.M., Those frent Godericir attending tin• dollar or one dollar and tifty cents died'."' . . •':.‘like" paused half a Minute before Institute. About 1 50 were present, In Miller, principill. of Centtal Collegiate a r petty autumn wedding took place convention.of ° Wena•n's Institutes Of - ' ' at Ontario street 1.7nited church, CHU- Western Ontario being held this 11 (1 Ilill Alcronn(q1 also bad a (man ()per -. replyint g, hen with liaMls iipstretelied .. Iteis. editor of The Milverton Sun' and'. ...Glory 1„,____ana I charge of the meeting was Albert W. ton, Rev. W. \Voolfrey officiating, when at Hotel L(ndon, 1,4)11(1))11, NN 011 .ithig a coach from 1,11eknoW i‘o GOde- to the sky-eNClaillled. P14 of the Post 11,1aSters' 'Associ- Qtadys Mary, only daughter of Mr. and Mesdames A. Wilkin. Girvin Young, ‘,.. ,., r, Hell. the fare for which was se3.4enty- • ,.. , .. , g , „ 1. . tiften • Bill bought meat- in Goderich ' • ' • ' • r - 1 tr ' •;'--t-4' 1(11)1)011 Airs. John Sieling James street, Clin- It. Holland, Chas. •Lockliart and, \\''. Pve e'ents- ton. formerly of Goderich, became the Doak. . Today. a comfortable. modern M,otor- for formers holding threshings. By a,ti°n•., ENOAGENIENTS ANNOUNCED , ways bus rims over the same youte— mist*ake, Bill left With‘line farmer a . ".•' , f I - -.t1 . littl, • Crediton Couple ent to Ont. Hospital Charged Neglooting iheir d Child Rd qausing - to.'Stfalro' A, ereditop-4!ouple, Bruiestien., uid boreeu liYallitefOrd, held. here in eustody for 'the past week on a charge of man- slaughter arising out of alleged neglect to supply necessaries and ca•asing stw, ation of their infant, were commiqed to the Ontario Hospital by Itagistratp J. W. Morley today for a Period, tiOt exceeding sixty- days 'for examination.d, byra psychiatrist.- . Two local doctors who examined the bo.uple both stated Erniestien White- ford seemed' unstable and -4-ould break down and weep when sinestioned. The,' thought Doreen ,' Whiteford' seemed more normal, but believed it best to have both ',eXaraine4 at the 04tario Hospital. Defence counsel, Frank Don- nelly, and. Crown . 'Attorney D. a Holmes thought - Pleading _guilty to a charge of in- • decetlt exhibition and one of illegal possession of liquor, Joseph Webb was , tined $25 and costs- or. thirty days on each count, ' A charge of keeping intoxicating liquor for sale against K. E. Aitken. was adjourned until November 20 on the plea of Defence Counsel Donnelly. Born near Bothwell,. - Mc- The hitter asked time. to_- learn the' Cohnell moved with parents to decision in a reecnt case as to vilhether Paisley when he WaS a lad of fifteen, medicated lotions could- e,considered A. short time afterwards, his parents moved to a farm in Asidield. Moving day still iingers in his memory,, since , was his task to lead it, la4 all the •-way the cow seemed in no particular hurry to reach its new home; the trip took three days. -After plodding along until dusk of the first day, la, put up for the night with friends at Black Horse: The next night he stayed with the late Dr. McGregor at Lucknow. • Sees The World' ReittOining on the farm with his parent's until he was twenty-one, Bill then bought • a farm at Sheppardton. After farming it for two yearS, he got U.S. STAMP OF INTEREST. whudering feet and wanted- to see the world. To do thi,s :Ile signed lib for a period of i•k-,veral years to sell a large book entitled, ". "Practical,. -Home -Physician." which was published by the late J. W. Lyon,. of Guelph. Tffe hook sold for ten dollars. Later, he sold 'enlarged photos for a London, alcoholic. aniel Pitbiado pleaded guilty to a eh rge of illegal posseskym_ of liquor and one of keeping intoxicating liquor Sor.„.sale tsecond—uffente.), recommendation of the Crown, Pithlado• was fined the.. maximum of $100 and costs on each count. Francis Overholt received snspended sen•tence,on payment of cdurt costs on a charge of havink a Spo,tlight on his car. The Crown points out it is illegal to' carry a,spotlight on a car*.i any position at a height "above the headlights. . TO COLBORNE FAIVEILIP • The new three -cent issue of United States postage stamps hears a -picture of the famous painting_ "The Dogtor.7 The doctor shown in thig pictur#•fis' the late Sir James Clark, who Was ' private physician to Queen Victoria. 41, • dean officiated.' Given in marriage by her father, the bride looked lovely in white net over ivory satin with fingertip Veil. She Carried red roses. The maid -of honor, Dolores Vharette, sister' of the bride, "and the bridesmaid, Alva Denonnue, were gowned in yellow sheer. Marie Denomme, sister: Of the bridegroom;. W115 a fiowergiri, hoicked in ,blue over blue satin, and the. ring -bearer was Renee Denonime, brother of the, groom.' After. the' ceremony. a recep- tion was held at St. Peter's parish hall. Thebride's mother reeeived. the guests in a grey crepe dress with shoulder bouquet -of roses. The groom's mother wore bla& crepe. with corsage of roses. After a -short trip the bride and groom will make their home in Goderich. LIONS THANK REV: R., STEWART. An inspiring.address ojk how to live better one with another'NVas delivered by Lions District aovernor Lloyd Edighofter, of Mitchell, at the Goderieh ,Lions Club- meeting on, Friday night.' 'Tribute was paid to Ite.14 Riehard ,Stpwart, who is shortly to move to London, tor MS contrihntions to the ,C4 0 deriebctions Club. - CHRYSLER—ROOPE The.-Miarsonage of Victoria street United • church, tastefully decorated , with ferns, chrysanthemuins And candles,. was the scene Qf • a' quiet wedding on Sunday morning, when Pearl' Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Roope. of Goderich, lieeame the bride of john George Ed- ward' Chrysler, son of Mr: and Mrs. John E. Chrysler of Wallaceburg.,Rev. L. II. Turner performed the rerenyony. The bride, carrying a'White was handsomely gowned in a street -length dress of blush pink crepe .with -applique of embossed 341313 floWers. Her dress WaS a pink feather hat mid. her corsage was of sweetheart roses and carnotions.• The attendants were 'the 1)11 do,s• mother,n nd 4ftther, is.- • Roe pe was beeomingly gowned in a street-, length dress of robin's -egg. blue ,crepe:' with black .hat and pink plume. After a wedding dinnir, at the hoine a the bride's parents the happy couple left by motor for Toronto, Niagara Falls, and points. east. the' bride travelling in a brown crepe dresg.beautifully embroid- ered with applique of green lovebirds and cherry red coat With gold. chate- laine, the gift of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Chrysler will •reside Cleaderieh. • FRANCIS—MILLS Westminster United church,' Wind- sor, Ontario, Was the scene Of a lovPly evening wedding ceremony on October rt„ when Norine Grace Mills of, Wind- isor, only danghter of Mr. and Mrs. X. Burton. Mills of Ooderieh, became the bride of Glen Ward Francis, only son, of Mr. and MI'S. Wm, IL Francis, Windsor; „The bride was charming.,in a black ---Hnglish wool gabardine . With the new longer hemline. Her ac-. cessories were a black felt 4M -the -face' hat trimmed with„ satin ribbon 'and blue ostrich feathers, bine gloves, white lace blouse, and Welt suede Sandals. A corsage of white gardenias cam - bride of .Alvir-ray Clareoce, only:son a. Alr. and. Mrs. S..A.•Elliott of Dun- ' Goderich to hincardine, and return— , g 1 , ..s. gi.. gannon aninnince the engagement of Airs. Vsther East and -the late Norman. THE IIAI,LOWE'EN- PARTY , East of Huillett township. 'The church A reminder Of -the Hallowe'en part•,. and, making stops along the way. do -es' meat on them which he was -taking ' WftS beautifully. :decorated With 1011 011 Friday night at the WeSt -street the r(•turn trip in about two hours.,• • liorffir-for ,his 'dogs. On reacbing Kin-• 'to.Mr. ()sear C, Cuthill, son of Mr. anti ' their ,villy daughter, Margtiret .Pearl, standards of golden .yellow 'mums and rink is hardiy liecessary.. If the 'phi- Despite S'now. rain, roads., fog or caliline. JAM realized his 11311: 11(4 -and Airs. .Ii4lin Cuthill of Walton: the foliage. 'Entering the chutrch tons forget, the young folks will jog what -have -yon, Bill- McConnell il'stali- (at his' return trip brought to the riage to take plaee in November. on the arm of her father, the bride was . their memorY. The- members of the . . , lished a . reputation .. for bringing farmer the correct oackage of meat. s • •, • 'MT, and Mrs. Charles Crawford. Pert thronkli his stagv c(iiJcli '` on trine if \\Then 'Bin- informed the farmer of the mistake made the farmer replied. "I )/ r , ant-mu/lie t / en,,agernen . o '- -. theught you' had made a mistake: be- .‘ cause it's not as -geod meat as you have fheir,,,,nly /laughter. Mary .Kathleen, been bringing to me lately.” . • youngcr son of Aft. and Mrs. Williain Iteg.N., .to Mr. 1111,gli Stray:flan Men, - Glen. of Goderich toWnship: the mar - .nage, to take ''placr November '15th ./....• 'REV. A., W.. ROWN' TO,.• . - GODERICH INDUSTRIAT, . at -3 pan. !SPEND WINTER IN ENGLAND • . . BOWLING LEAGUE ., ., - • m 1.. mid . AIrs.! Andrew 'Smith wish Rev. A. W. Brown of Sarnia. --known '. There was some real. spilling 4;1' the eldest dangfiter. Teresa Delon: to John ' to, readers , of The '1 '1(11 ;Is , ••t.'1' -and- "D" of the Industrid 1 League late Mr. dind Mrs.(1.Tilantgoeesst.y7:1Tng','faltbotP. maples at 101 1111111 WS Alleys when group -Joseph Yon.ng, • •3 - began their, season. • Sonn, 4 lose coin- Goderioh. The ftvi‘dding is • to take potitien was provided .143 11. . Sparks 1)1:) 00 in November. • 411 Monday night 1 095 1- 217250, . Ray 3.1r. a ti /I :qrs. W Mitt tri ' .101cTittie, King .'t 6513 267-2'22, 11. Stu Illy t 054 i Myth. a nno-unce- the. enga gi-,flient of 224-3.1, W. .X. Moir (040 1 201. Joe their eldest (laughter. Mice Marj6rie, Burke (615 i 234, T. wens .4 003 i 201. to Edward Charles., eldest son of Mr. - Mid 'Jerry (625 4 242., (I. Heir 2(1, II. :Moil Mrs.. Charhs East, Autinvn : the Black 229, Chi' s. 1,a rder 220, at -o:; • marriage to take . place • qnietly, in I a oll:nor "4" I N4,01 • a 9"::'' 1 Ilfini- Novel be .... 11 r.. .. 45....,..,., -dis1114a will wish film and A11,..,-BroN3 114 -‘.'• - - - ' - - - •,• • • . ( ..1,1 1 ...• _, , . , , e, • ll R(.iblyr o- '47 a happy, time 111, the . "old couitio"1111111 -- • • ,.,,,., - . charming in a fioor-length govvh Wail Blue Water Band, spons01 s of the train made of ivor.,-"satin and lace with affair, promise a hu g 111111 fou t.1 II. it was humanly possible. When' a a fingertip veil held in place by a halo. snowstorm made the road temporarily studded with pearls. Her only orna- COMING .TO GODERICH• impassable. Bill tn,rned into the near - meta. .was a single stnand of • pearls. , est form house and enso' yecl life until ,,Slit• carried a (11S(0 de bouquet of Peer- less red rosest She was attended by • • Aliss Mary Walson, of Strathroy, who wore a floor -length gown of turquoise satin and net with veil to match and parried a bouquet of pink Briarcliff roses. Wm. 'East, of A111111 r11, C011sill of the. groom. W115 beSt Marl. • _The ushers were Edward East, of Auburn, eousin of the -groom, and Fred Wall, of Wingham, cousin of the bride. Mrs.• Ed. Wendorf, organist of. the 'church, played the weddindg Wish% .A 'reception wa,s held at, the hoine, of the -bride's- parents, Ai•ln•re about sixty guests gathered. The dining, mom was tastelW -decorated •In pink and white. while a beautiful.. three- story wedding cake ond pink cnndles In Crystal holders . were the main decor - inn ,-of • The. -bride; mothor received „ the guests' wearing a rose crepe dres's accessories 'Mid a corsage •if red roses. The 1.4room's mother assisted, wearing. an endiroid- e1Pd lilack_nylon mesh .dress with 1)13) (i1, aceessories anti a corsage of redi,,r,Oses. Later Mr. and Mrs.' East left amid showers of confetti and good wishes on a motor' trip to .Niagara, Buffalo, and Northern Ontario. -For travelling the bride donned ft rbse dresS with hlaek neeessories. On their return they will reside in nunett...finests were present from StratfOrd, Orangeville, Strathroy, London, Kitchener,.Teronto,• Wineham, Port Huron, Auburn, Utleft, Mich„ li,,ondeshoro, Listowel, Varna,,Ooderieb, Bluevale and Clinton. The ,bride was the recipient bffmany beautiful and Useful gifts. ' Honored by Hospital Staff ()p Wednesday of last .week the staff tind *graduate,' nurses of the Clinton Communit$ Hospital. gathered..to honor Miss Gladys Sieling; a 'former nnrse, prior to her marriage. An enjoyable evening Vag spent and the bride-to-be .was presented With a .beautifulwool blanket. A delightful lunch was. served, bringing the eveninp,„ to a close. ll'AlEONA FLOOD internationally acclaimed 111 , is show( here with 111.r $25,000 Stradi, Vit rius violin. with which she has totired the world. thrilling mtisie-lov- ing audiences. Gefferich Lions sponsaring the concert at which she is appea'Alg on 31011(lay eyening. 'November 3rd, in North street United ehurch andittrium. In her travels around the world one of her hobhies ' was collecting eook books in the different countries she visited. She likes especially the Greek way of preparing a leg of lajnb. They make many slits in the fleshy Ala renaid, sqneeze lemon jniee in,ench slit, after which they press in a piece of'butter ond sliee of garlie. Mix to- gether • salt, pepper, marjoram and thynie,. and 'rnb over the entire IrtifiSt. Allow •this.to stand for some time; then sear the meat quiekly under a boto flame beftire VMS fing it for about two hours 'in a moderate oven. Pour a small *Morita of water over the roast, basting every fifteen minutes. 11/ annonnee• the engagement of 'their A..W.13." of the '''.Things Around Home- articles,. has -been given: leave, of absence 1.),•-his..congregat ion to spend a Avint(•1° his 0 . England with rel-lifiA es and fricauls. 1Ic will ,be fti.:- .einnpoitied by 'Airs. Brown. Bro‘vn • has not .been in the best of hehlth ' of late and his.. nittiO' friends in .. .1.* - TO (0111i4;ANIZE. BASKETBALL ,,„. und a rerm.11 in restured 11(.alth and „ MOIRE 0(I'TORIP.R REIRIHES A meeling for the organiz:Ition of .. .,..., ., whit, ,a brightwarin ,41I1 -hone over men a s nd womenls ,haskethall tefinift vigor. , 0 (1,1erielt last Friday tinit 1,,old make will he bold in tie Cotiail `eh:rut:her Of' NEW SIDEWALKS ON TUVE plea the Flot•ida t'lhalaber of Cimunerce the Town Hall on Wednesday, Novem- SQL'ARF,, - envious, Chris... Browilh.t. Nt allied 011t bor 7.. at 8 pfin.• J. Cuthhertson and . AN'ark \t 1'. commenced last NA eeK 011 into Ilk g:1 111(4 on Britannia road and W. A.. Suther,laad. sports directors of the laying of IlOW- eellIelit :..zilleNVal 11:4 picked a thee hatch of raspberries. the (;oderiell iteereationar Connell,. re- in front of the stores on the Square. . only a few days before he gatheriid in 'Wiest the attend:nice of team delegates st ra Wherries. The block between East and Kingston streets has been completexl and work is DOW proceedind on the Mock between East and Hamilton streets. W it h t he supply of cement now 00 hand, and another car eoming, it is expected there will be sufficient to complete the work, which *ill be continued as long as weather permits. THE WEATHER Temperatures of the past week in Goderich, with those of the eorreSpond- itig week a year ago, as officially re ('4)1(1(41. were- as „follows: 194'77 - 1946 Max. Min. Max. Min. Thnrs., bet. 23 ....69 46 -61 28 Fri., Oct. 24 55 32 53 25 Sat., O. 25 64 43 53 42 Sun., ()et. 20 74t 52 38 110 Mon,,, ()et. 27 70_ 00 40 30 IEWer, was not the oldest person attend - MIS., Oct. 28 05- 52 40 21 Ing. Two colored mammies were p110 VI Oct. 20 59 50 38 • 25 sent and both were one liniadred and and others. interested. Thousands 'at Cleveland Show Acclaim Mrs. W. McCreath 0111 iler 96th Urthday CLEVELAND., Oct. 23.- Mrs. Wil- eleven years old. Both rind been 11011) McCreath. formerly of Ood,erieb. slaves. One.bad her "young" son with Canada, eelebrated her ninety:sixth her; be was eighty-tWo. These were birthday here today and received an the oldest persons ever to attend the orchid froni the hands of Tom Breneealebrated radio show. man on the Hollywood Breakfast ('lith There were many (l)1nadians at the radio shm,v, Whieh is playing Cleve- show. Ono groupl led by Mrs. Lawr- land in the interests of the Comrautt- enee Ormston, the former BiftnehO ICnox of Goderieh, made thenaseive0 ity Chest' drive. „ As the spotlights played On Mrs. henrt. After the broadeast hundreda• NieVreath, tlie crowd of more than ten of 1)01150115, 5110011 handwtwitli WS. Itte, thonsand, sang lustilv ,""Mippy lllrth Creath 'be ' lo pment living with dav to You." Mr R. Nfeereathhow- her daughter, 'Mrs. M t ifw•Irkani of Cleveland. Mrs. DAvial Thomicon and a II. Mcereatli tol cl'oronto tver0 present ' for the (pbratiou. Cs.