HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-23, Page 1UNDREDTH YEAR.
Legal Action Threatened OV ' TO SUBMIT TWO. QUESTIONS
Refusal ® Bradley The time of municipal elections is
Perniit approaching, and when the voters gQ
to the polls on Monday, December 8th, -
A • deputation from ' the retail two questions- will be submitted to
Merchants' committee of the ,Board those qualified to vote on money bp -
of Trade waited upon the •, Town -Taws, •
,One- tiuestion will be as follows:
Council at its regular meeting on Fri- "Are you in favor of the Town of
day night and presented their views ''Goderich .issuing debentures for
with regard to the proposed instal= $325,000 for the erection and equipping
lation of parking meters in Goderich. .of a new is(ihool and, if necessary, im-
lt+', E. Hibbert,, -who with D. J: Allan provenlentS to„ Victoria School at such
time as the School Board deems' ex -
and `Geo, floss composed the deputation, pedient 7"
stated • that the committee were un- The second question will be on a
animously opposed to having parking bylaw to levy annually one-half of one
meters, but were unanimously in favor mill on the assessment of the town far
of one-hour parking on the "business the maintenance of a fund for the sup -
side" of the Square all day Saturday port of the town band. •(The enact
'and aturday night. They suggested wording of this question has not yet
that the Council arrange to, have angle been determined by bylaw.) A half -
parking on the inside of the roadway mill on the dollar would amount to
on the Square, as well as on both about $1345. •
sides of streets leading to the Square,
and that the necessary markings be ARE YOU A VOTER?
made hnd signs erected. • The Town Clerk asks that citizens
Another suggestion was that "the examine the voters' list, and that any
police department use its very 'best whose names are omitted. notify hila
judgment, and •possibly leniency, in at once, so that the correction may be
cases of paiking violations, whenever made.
possible." ��
A further suggestion was that ar- TIIE 1947ASSESSMENT
rangements be, made for parking lots The assessment of Goderich folr 1947,
in -the vicinity of the Square. as returned by the acting assessor, is
• ...After considerable discussion, in as follows: l`
which Deputy Reeve Mathieson inter- Land and buildings exempt
jetted the rei1iark, "We can't get the from taxation $ 432,240
parking meters anyway," the matter Liable for local imp.roveruents
was referred to the _Speeial_.cesxnmittee. -only 157,300
A petition for acement sidewalk Liable for school taxes• only 1,500
on the east side of Bayfield road, from L_ fable for all taxation:
Baldwin street south' for three lots, t Land r 227,145 . ''
was sent to the public works committee. Buildings 2,072,015.
Buittling Permits Business asst, 392,802
The Clerk reported the issuance of .
fourteen building permits, fdr a total,
of $5,905. Harold Arbour's permit is
. for a one-story frame bungalow on Total $3,"83,602
Keays street, at an estimated cost of
$3,000. Mrs: Caroline E. Allen, Strat- ,MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE
ford, proposes to erect a frame bunga BEFORE MAGISTRATE
low on Cobourg • street, at a cost of
$750. Walter Rathburn and Leo Miller
propose the erection of a one-story
cement block factory on Huron -road
at a cost of $400. The Seabrook Coal
Co. is erecting a .coal shed at the east
end of Britannia road. John Jeffery's
permit is for a -frame storage building
on Elgin ' avenue east of Cambria road.
Rev. R. C. McCallum's permit is for*
a frame garage at the Free Methodist
church property on Park •street. Per:
rali_ts_ for minor improvem(nts.'ar_e'JS-
sired to Milton. Kilpatrick, Cambria 'cestigatiob-, followed:
road; J. Cranston, Bayfield road; Mrs. The couple were remanded ill ,custody
M. Mellhargey, Church street; Chas. for 000 week.
• Fox, Cambria road ;' J. ,Tuck, Mary
street; M. Kennedy, Victoria street;
James Foley, Wolfe stilet, and- Roy
'McIntosh, Wolfe street.
' eran
r to War `et s
A letter from Town Solicitor ,Hunter
pointed out that grants by the Town
to persons who were} .cin acthte war
service must be*by bylaw, and that
only those veterans who were resident
in the municipality for six • months
prior to. .enlistment aye eligible for
such grants. This applies .not only to
grants of building sites •but to grants
- of , money. There is .0 resolution of
Council for the 'granting' of building
sites to veterans who apply for them:
The matter was referred to the, finance
The_ Solieltor also called attention
to bylaw No: 8' of 1875, prohibiting the
discharge of firearms within the town
limits, which he stated was outdated
an('I should be revised. This was re-
ferred to committee of the whole.
Also referred to committee of the
Whole was a letter from Superintend-
ent McGill of the C.P.R. ,with regard
to the harbor hill bridge., He advised
that the local Imperial Oil Co. man-
ager stated than their heaviest trailer
trucks coming into the plant here
weighed from eighteen to twenty tons,
and that twenty tons was the limit
for bridges on Provincial highways.
Ile' asked that the Council reconsider
its resolution asking for a thirty -fon
Legal Action Threatened
. A communication from R. C. Hays,
K.C., advised that= -•he had been in-
stracte(1. by Mrs. E. L. Bradley, whose
application for a 'permit for a service
station on the river bank at Gloucester
Terrace was refused by the Council,
to issue a wf it for a mandamus Com-,
pelling the Council to _grant such a
'permit, unless+the Council in the mean-
time reconsiders its action.
The matter wits referred to the
Town Solicitor.
In a 'brief discussion- Councillor Ed-
ward stated that he was in favor of
. the Town's acquiring all the vacant
Bind along the river and lake banks.
It would cost some money, he said,
• • but he thought these open areas should
• ..4> be kept for the people.
Another letter from Mr. Hays stated
that a building purchased some years
ago froin the Tfi'tvn by Jolin Mac
Donald had been torn down by the
Town, , without any warning to Mr.
MacDonald, and sold to a third person.
Ir, , jays said he had been instructed
to commence action against the Council
unless a settlement were made. This
matter was referred to committee of
the whole.
Frank Chapman. Corrie, wrotecstat-
ing that he and his wife were .owners
of nine lots on Gloucester Terrace
on wbieh they planned to do sonae
work this frill:, including the planting
of trees ora the boulevard. He asked
if the Couneil had any objection to
these ,plans: This. also was referred to
iT committee of the whole. °
Seven tenders for a six months' lease
of the skating rink also went to com-
mittee, of the whole.
Accounts referred to the finance.
committee included one from t.ho 'Board
of Trade for $001.00;.the Towns share
of the coat of •printing booklets.
Committee Reports .
�1he , public works' committee recom-
• iWended that the petition for a sanitary
sewer on Maple street be, returned for
aadditiona ssignattfreaa ; that no action
1)e token on the realest fi.OIit the
>E x„an eltcs�ll Gospel churcb for the use
The Big _ Warnock Squashes
j�rganize for Fish. 1 eaT READY FOR TIDE 11Recreation. • ounci
� d G P ��e�t � IALLO � PARTY ,! Formed :tor'Goder h •
t Maitland fish Game and Con, As every~ buy and must girls know, Rev. L. R. Turner a ;.• •5 the -New " '" •
I FiskIiallu\s e'en conies uta the tut -light of
'e servation Club Formed, with October, and it is to be celebrated in E®(I� + � 0;1' ,�Il cltloltl
Judge Costello President
Goderich with a big party for the I�Itere to ,
_ young folks which has been arranged
Flicca interest was evidenced in the uy the Blue Water Baud. The party At a' Well -attended meeting' :held in
1 U. is to be held at the West' street rink the Town Hall vn Tuesday night, the
forming„sIf a” fish and game chili at and there will be all kinds of fou, with Goderich Recreation Council' WAS -
a public. meetings,. held in the Town \\itches and ('lvwus, Mother Goose, Bo formed and will proved immediately•.
.Hall on Monday night: Several ladies Peep and other storybookiaractern. with the development of n program
Wit -
were in the audience, which' filled the There will be contests of vara4►us kinds; •of community recreation for all. rigs
hall. The meeting was upened�by Wil-
suchas the bays' pillow fight en a > Drips..
pule, girls eating an apple on a string„ With S. , I, ,Shenton, •chalrluan .of
fred Larder, after which W. C• At -and others too numerous to 'mention. the temporary committee, in the chair,
tridge •was appointed chairman. Boys are to compete in a pie -eating
After the meeting had .unanimously contests -we. don't knaow why the,,girls
voted to organize a club, a-nominat- aren't in this, except that if they were
,ing'committee -composed of Dr. L. M.
in the boys wouldn't have a chance.
"The girls, however, are to have a
Mabee, William Johnston ,arid William ' cont(,r;st all their own; the one who
Beck was named, and brought in the spots "Miss Hallowe'en" will be' pre -
following slate of officers, which was seated with a valuable )rite, •
endorsed by the. meeting : President,
Judge T. M. Costello;. vice-president,
W. C. Attridge; secretary -treasurer,
Wilfred Larder ; directors Archie
•Johnstoxi, Jas. Naftel, Leo Walzak,
William Bannister, A. H. . Erskine, k t
Mayor D. I). Mooney, Harvey Baxter all
and Allan Linfield.
It was decided to meet Duce a• mouth HISTORICAL AD, SERIES -
and "Maitland Fish, Game and Con- ENDS NEXT 'ViiEEI 'Saddle Club; Canadian Legion, Ahmeek
servation Club" was, agreed upon as Chapter I.(),I).h:., Maple Leaf Chapter '
the name for the new organization, With the publication in next. week's 1.().D,L., Women's .Institute, --Rebekah •
which will have as its main objectiveI,(,(ltrf , Triides and Labor Unions,
the conservation and protection of Signal -Star of • the article "The Big
n'"rld•'life. The fee for adults will e Mill," the series of historical advertise -.13('111(} of Trade, mown Council, High
one dollar; and for junior 'Members, meats by Purity FloorAlills Limited
School Board; (girl Guides. Home end
on "'Phis Is Goderich" is ended. These Sc11 )1 Associations, and others.
fifty cents. 's
acI\ertisetnents have •c rf'atod consider Mr. T. A. Leishman.• district super-
of Clinton and Zurich clubs visor of the Physical Fitness and Re -
were present. • able interest- and have provided a
concise historical sketch of Goderich creation Branch of the I)epartuient of
Speakers -oft e evening were Walterlducation, \vas in,. attendance. Many
Wilson ofst riot) and ;i1t(aor P.•K:-
si interesti gs•-style. They have 1 (lu(questions coneerniilgy the or aniiAtion .
K�etchescm. of---Ki•tthene•r,-•.-•shill--exeett-- aplpeared. every, other week fOr the
and operrirtion of a recreation prog'r m
tive members of the Waterloo Fish, last Eseveral.months.
., we r( asked of \Ir, I.vishrnan,:who oiit-
Ganie and Conservation Club, which lined Departmental requirements • and
was formed in 1929. -NORMA- SHER'� OOD ;WINS described methods' used in - other coin-
, Pictures, beautifully colored, • were IN PUBLIC SPEAKING munities operating successful , pro-
.- shown of big game hunting, duck and - rams. "
5 "Lou}s pheasant shooting, of the Kenai The Ashfield unit of the 1 ederiltiun g A sho t•Illeeting of the executive was
The reference in this paper two' Air. Warnock sent one to the t. Mountains in the Land'. of the Mid
Bks ago to the mammoth squashes World's •Fair in that year this is pros- u1' Ag,ricu tore and the Ashfield School r held after the general meeting at which
Rel night Sun, and of tarpon. fishing hi Area Board sponsored - an -interesting I two ccinlnlittees-were appointed, The .
grown in Goderich at the turn of ably the one that went There. Its p sr rs Thursday evening last at composed of S.' Shenton, €. Florida.c Program on- Thu d • e g first, m c ed H S , J.
century, -by the late William Warnock weight was eie pounds. The tiwo During a discussion questions were tllegschool on the 9th concession. of i l;tthberts l and I]. Barman; will pre--
:created Much- interest. " The press had young girls were the daughters of Mr.. -answered by (lame Warden Kenneth ASflfield. The plan for co-operative pare a sample° constitution to he pre -
hardly stopped runningbefore Air. G. .incl \Its, Wsmock, Grace rind Iris, now
,Tuck and Major Ketcheson, and -a vote Medical services was explained'b% Mrs, rented to the Town Council " for in -
H. (Greeff brought in at photograph of ;11rs. Spencer Guest Of, \\' rinipeg and, of thanks was tendered the speakers ()• G. Anderson of Belgra.ve, and a corporation into the bylaw which, will
which the picture shown here is a Mrs, Roy Sparlrng of Port Elgin. Mr. -
public -speaking iiv 1�"illiam Johnston,
copy ; and out at Winnipeg Mrs. War -Warnock pr scluced these big squash public -speaking contest was held. open authorize the' Recreation Council as
nock as soon as she received her. copy over a period of, twelve years urGso to the pupils of,.the schools of Ashfield, the .agenc•y responsible for community
JUDGMENT ,E'SERVED .-in which fourteen boys and girls tom- recreation. 'ibe second, composed of
of the paper sent off pictures and clip- One of the earliest went to the Chicago•
pings to Vancouver to convince the Exhibition of 1893. Among the awards
IN MacDONALD APPEAL peted. Mrs. Guy Emerson, Rec. L. H. Turner
'h squash in he received was a medal (ruin Paris, Gordon Kirkland was chairman for and ,1: C. Peters, recreation director,
skepti'c'al people there. The i the evening, and the judges were David will prepare a tentative recreation Pre-
this pictuie was grown in, 1904 and as France• the appeal in the case -u1 MacDonald t g p p p
et- 1t 1. vs. the Town of Guclerith and
I Anderson,- J. -D. Ross, and Mrs. J. gram for the coming months. this pro- ,
» the •Goderich Public Utilities Commis- j Crispin, of Lucknow. • '1'h(' winners gram to go into effect nnrnediately.
shin wits hear at Os;;oude Hall this were "announced by Mr. Anderson as The next general meeting of the
W. KNIGHT OF TORONTO.O -.OFFERS follu\� s : fat; Nurniia Sherwood, Crewe, e, Recreation Council \wS11 be called by
�• I week. Theplaiatiffs are Norman Mac-
Donald and leis• son. Chester, of Gode- i sneaking 00 "Prine'ess Elizabeth," $14); the president ns soon as these and
TO► N$25,000 'FOR- PLAYGROUNDS rich, who ask (11111ages for injuries' 211(1, Leslie Hallam, Blake's, "Royal other details 11lvfi been pompleted and
+uffered,lr the son by coming,-111••c•orl Roininee,° .$,� ; :3rd, Edna . • Rivett, put_ into operation
At the meeting of the • Town Council the Town Caaaiicil oa,a responsible ser- tact with electric power wires ;fan \1'ar= j l're\ve, ' i Am a Seed, ' (3: 4th, Eunice
A SHOWER FOR THE BRIDE g Helm, Zion, "CKNY Radio Station,'
g Mayor +Jloone read
vice club guarantee rile• alpkeep of the. ren street while climbing, i tree op VIOTO IA H. AND S. CLUB
A shower was held in donor' -of .firs. on friday night 3 g 4. The other contestants were
L. B. Sheardown, a bride of last month, a letter 11e had it ei\ .d from \Ir, 11 . plsaygriluncis after it is .turned .over p(Isite his honk'. Judgment \vas gYven HAS MUSICAL -CONTEST
1 1'
a • cu le 1T1 . I tt f
� II t
("('11 t I I
1 .1
r.c 1
•h 'u the t
c f. -when named plaintiffs \
itbe h
that 1 ,t ,tin 1 c
is t ti
Town also 1(R1
o the€,
., u only .t l ht
1 the trine of Mrs. Jas. Sheardoent \\. Knight of Toronto setting forth an the "Judith Goodei•ham Playgrounds was heard in Goderich by mi.,. J'ustiee ; Jimmy Reed, •Dnu„11n11 u,
Essex street. The evening was spent gbeloved • go "1e to 1in�g at y('lars of age, g1\1 IIn c>scellent a(coulit •\'ieloi10 Houle • and School .�ssoci-
of't'cr Of ''S,000 for the plantiing;, build- —this ill Memory (if the 11tt1E. `roily 1t year ago. 11 r g ,. and received atiun held hs Oefeber meeting on
Ecards,. the lucky Rimers being Airs, • gequipment of a children's granddaughter . whom AIT: and, Airs. 1 Toronto Occupied 1\vu days bud jtuig- of the pl(1\\•111g, match. ,1 l ,good attendance
I3en Goldthorpe and Mrs. T. it ikon. 1u„ and Ir. Knight Marin lost' some rears ago, . • Ment was 11 (1 ed• ,.special commendation. a 'the other 1,rid;ly last, -with 11 g, ,
's • E . Wilson won the lucky Humber
playground „1 otrncl in Goderich. g i t g r The meeting- opened with thi> singing
Miss of erich "old boy" and his wife Mayor Mooney stated that he had 1'ranl: Donnelly, K.l'., appcure(1 for. ('u11llc'stints _were much his senior.•
prize. Afterwards a dainty lunch was s i a G 1 3g g crespondents wet(' Mr. Anderson spUke 111 reminiscent of O ('anada. and. Mrs. G. Si,inder-,•
1 i, the former (,lace Martin, daughter written. Mr. Knight acknowledging the 1 the appellant.. T1
served. ' The • bride received many in generous , s Diff r find thanking- him on I . g tips vein of former clays. us •a ,u. ,11 of that sun, pres,id •at, rend the Home and
of the' late Mr. and \Its, Henry Malt g nerfu, > g represented by J. •R. C'artwsig,ht, 1 ,1 Nchuul Association creed. A mllsiCal
lt►vely gifts in a decorated doll buggy. behalf of the Town. - I,. I:. D11111 , K.('., G. 1): Watson,K.('., sc 1(1ol. in -i1 former 1)11110110, :1ud cone
of town.contest Tis led 1)y Mrs._ tie°. Correll,
Mr. Knight in his letter intimates Though no formal action has yet and E. I,. Haines,. K.('.. pliu11111t0 the ratepayers on tile who played u' lar or two of well
that what he has in blind is a central- been taken, it is understood that .the' 111 dertl school: 1\ 11(1 '-live well-kno\\•u pit'ces.'und the lodge room in Mackay Hall for lw loc;tte(1 urea—but at the lakefront— Town ('ourlcil is . n•epsn•ed to turn over
T WQ1ViEN S YNSTITUTE- tostants wrote clown the Warne of each.
Sunday services. • with a swimming pool, possibly an Victoria I ark• fer the proposed play REV. R. A. ®r�EI,YN TELLS
The, special committee recommended HAS AFTERNOON -TEA � OF LIFE WITH THE. INDIANS � who \'"111c1 ever think that. "The Little
that R. S. Burrows'.be advised that open air tial: for winter spurts, .fwd grounds. The whole -natter will doubt �,Brown- Jug" wonlck•1)e taken for "John
• the equipment ,usually provided for less be •
discussc>d with rile ne\\ly Airs. ('lift. Holland opened her at • ! Brow'n's Bully".:
no adjustment can lIe made 1n his lunch. children's playgrounds. Ile asks that formed Recreational Council.,
rues:)' license fee, • A tractive home on St. George's Crescent Rt'\. It. A. .}ii•elyn of 1 111kuutvl was c'f, Miss George, of Victoria Scliui►1 staff,*
for an afternoon tea sponsored by the the special spcilker tit. the 'meeting spoke on the work -of the special elass
Women's Iustittite. The rooms were �, the ('.G.I.T. of North-st. United church l anile pointed out how Individual help
beautifully decorated \with multi-- mist week. This was an open meeting; ! enabled the pupils to prosress in any
colored autumn flowers.. t(., which. the Knox c•hurt ii .('.(1.1.T. ! 5ul,ject as rapidly 1)' they could as-
similate \\'ill:in sail 'Mrs. 11o1111d re-, were 1)1)ited. \s 31r. Iusel}u s}Iel•)1 '111lilate the 1111wledge.' Her' paper
volved the briny guests fly the luwely I fourteen ,rears as a missionary liiu(� g•i. R•sts enn1'p' and the sifl,iec1 Matter
sun room. M rs. II. B. 'T'ic•hborne as-' the In(111uns at Albany ou James liar. ! educating, and helpful.. M iss George
sisted in the living -room and inv0ed ; his talk •1) 15 an appropriate-introdilt•- displayed ;pine of the ha°rlcheraft being
to the tea-room. The table, covered , dull to the girls' study -buck, "Clot til• dune 0) her pupils.
with ern ncrruicitF• Tt:llian int -,work the 'repel's" By means of slides the ,\ second mutest was conducted by
A Crediton couple, Erniestien' and
Doreen Whiteford,.: ' were ' charged' be-
fore Magistrate J., W. Morley \this
afternoon with manslaughter in• con-
nection with the death of their six -
weeks -old infant who died on ,October
5th in circumstances which pointed
to starvation of the baby. Dr. Fletcher
of Exeter 'refused to issue a death
certificate and called in the • coroner,
Dr:• Dunlop of El:eter, and an in-”
representatives of sable fifteen local
organizations were present to hear the
report of the nothinating committee
arid approved the following slate of
officers: -President, Rev. L. H. Turner;
vice-prt;sident, S. .1L Shenton ; seere-
tary, Mrs. Guy Emerson; treasurer,
I). Harmon; councillors, Mrs. C. Hol-
('ostumes will tpe judged . during the land, J, II, Kinkead, J. Cuthbertson,
Parade, which leaves the A. & 1'. store Clayton Edward.
'i'hle executive -will be closely sup -
corner at 7:30 p.m.
There isn't enough space left to tell
Of all the • fiin, but be on hand on
Friday night of next wee to tithe it
Ported in its work by an advisory
council composed of.: representatives -7
of the various 'Meal organizations.
Present at Tuesday _night's meeting
were representatives of the Ministerfal
Association, Kinsmen Club, Lions, Club,
The cemetery and pai'ks committee
be 4150, providing tlie condition of _HOLD AUTUMN CARNIVAL
ual care ef vaults in Maitland cemetery
the vault is• satisfactory to the com-
mittee. The KinSilten Club of Goderich held
The finance committee. passed a its autumn carnival at -the West street
number of accounts., arena (01 Saturday evening: The Blue
' The e7lerk reported that all the pro- Water Band left the Square at 8.15
perties listed for sale for taXes were
redeemed before the sale, with one p.m. and paraded to the ea rni val.
exception, let 42, William street, which Varieus prizes, including baskets of
Wag sold nt the adjourned sale -to Arrs. groceries, attracted- m'any to the bingo
Jean Johnston, Goderich township. game. In addition there _were various
Bylaw No. 43 .off 1947; fer the con- games of chance and a "baseball
struction of certain sidewalks, curbs throw."* The carnival was well at-
tended and madly people preferred to
and sewers, was introduced but was
referred back 'to the Solicitor for stay and play binge than brave. the
amendment. _ heavy rainstorna Which had set in.
Bylaw NO. 44, to submit a question First draw prize for an attractive
occasional chair was won by Mrs.
to the ratepayers concerning the erec-
tion ond equippiag of a new public Garnet Mathieson ; secoed prize, a
radio, went to Mr. W. Foley; third
school and improvements to Victdria
School, was passed. • prize, a trilight lamp, to Mrs. Larder
Levy PrOposed for Blue Water* Band of Thamesville; fourth prize, a pres-
sure. cooker, to II.' Blackstone. Fifth
A petition with 232 signatures asketi
that a bylaw be submitted at the com- prize, a pair of Kenwood blankets, was
wort by John McGraw of Goderich.
ing elections praviding for an -annual
Fonds raised are being set aside to
levy of one-half -of one mill on -the
provide for a special nursery at Alex-
ossessment of, the Town for the Main-
tenance • of a fund in Ruppert , a the andra irospital when the new wing
and renovations to the .present hospital
Bltie Water Band. This Was referred
., are comPleted.
to the special cotomMtee- to have tne
necessary bylaw •prebared-
-Condmittee of the Whole LITTLE RED RIPING HOOD
. Connell resolved itself into com-
mittee of the whole and on resuming
adopted the (aninittee's recommend-
ations aa followS:
That the request of thet:)C.P.R. to
hate ,20=ton' load limit provides1 for
when the bridge on Harbor street is
rebuilt be complied with, and that the
company be asked to provide, a ino-
tected sidewalk on the bridge. r
That the Mayor. the town F.4olicitor,
the chairman of fhe %voter., light and
hOrbor committee and -the Clerk pre-
pare a letterin reply to Mr.11. C. Hays
regarding the MacDonald ice house,
--and the letter be appr ved by the
Connell before „being for ed.
That Mr. Frank Chapman be advised
that the Council do 'not approve of the
planting of trees, on the nerth "side of
-Gloucester Terrace.,
That the Town Solicitor be akked
to submit' a redraft of bylaw 8 of 1875
4) the Connell for their approval.
That the temkr of Wm. Garrick for
the leasing of West-sp. rink he ac-
eepted. 4This tender was $600 phis
tpe post of liability insurance).
That the Town aSsnme the expense
of tetephOne at the residenee of
Police Cpl. Maguire.
Council decided to call for tenders
on public liability insurance on .the
skating rink. '
The Solicitor is asked to submit a
zoning bylaw to -the Connell at Rs pext
meeting. :
Little Red Riding Hood coming
to town and will be seen areng with
the other Mayeourt Alarionettes from
Imndon at the Clipital Theatre On. Sat.:.
urday morning. At this same amazing
show of life -like puppets will be the
famous Runnielstiltskin—flgures in itti
old fairy tale dear' tho hearts of
children and sufficiently Sophisticated
to appeal to elder persons. A large
group of clowns and dancers will be
on hand 01 make the whole marionette
show a lively one from beginning to
end. Never a dull moment. will there
be 'as the fascinating marionettes are
put through their paces in a manner
that will .bold 'you. Spellbound. The.
children will scream with delight and
the parents will marvel at the clever-
ness of the„ whole show. Presented
tinder the anspiees of the 1Mople Leaf
Chapter of the LO.D.E., there will he
two performanCeS—Orle• af 9.30 a.m.,
and the next at 11 a.m. Doors will
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Larnbertuk of
Walkerton announce the engogement
of their• yonngest daughter, Theresa
Margaret to Mr. Lyn] "'Annan, son of
Mr. anil Mrs. T. .T.,Lannan of Ashfield;
the Marriage to take plaee November
Stb at Mary ,Immaculate ,chureb,
Arrivals- at the Goderich elevator
this week were: Frid'hy—A. A. 111.1dSOII;
with. 117,000 bus. • wheats. Monday—
Starbuck---100,000 bus. wheat; and
se reen lags.
The. Algosiar and the Superior are
due tonight.
The United States: Survy ship Wil-
liams, in command' of Captain John 'I'.
Burke; was in port over Tuesday:night
on her way to Detroit for the Winter.
The Williams has been running •sound-
ings of Lake Huron during .tbe 'season,
The deepest-knqwn sounding is about
twenty-four miles southwest -of Tober-
mory and is a .depth of 750 feet. The
work which the Willianis "is doing is
in coninactioa with the Canadian
For days the breakw'aters and the
south pier teemed with anglers, but
with the cooler weather and a hrisk
Wind taday their numbers *have been re;
&teed almost to the vanishing point.
On Saturday twenty-three war veterans
came up free') Westminster Hospital,
good catch.
C.P.R. surve:eors have been taking
-surveys at the foot of the harbor hill
with a VieW to preparing; *e way for
the ereetion of a new bridge over the
Mrs. I). It'Gratten, Essex ,7 street,
sends some raspberries front her
gi,i-rden to shots° what October is doing
ih this town. If it wpron't for the
calendnr vve should, hardly know it
isn't Augnst.
The offer of Ivan Louzon of Goderich,
for the parchuse of the fleddes block in
Lucknow has been accepted by the
Lucknow Council. The offer
Nvas $4,000. The ground floor of the
building has been occupied for scone
time by Mr. Louzon AS a fruit market.
Temperatures of the past week in
Goderich, with those of the.correspond-
corded, were As fol1197:
Max. Mtn. Max. Min.
cloth. was centred with a low bowl of sPcoker gave a vivid description of .a Miss 1;. stiad:i'Thiff a feW Wil(1 gfiesses.
autumn bloom. Tan cream tapers in missionary's work in that field, also .wcre most amusing. -
silver holders and an arrangement (if of tlif, life and customs of the ,Indians., The. meeting was closed with "God•
miniature turkeys° placed at intervals: today. Another ihtexesting feature SaN'e the King." : The talent_ table was
around .the centrepiece. giving a touch Was his display of Indian beadwork, most altractiSe with several bouquets
:of 'Minns. coloted.stAir scoops -( Miss.-
of.the Thanksgiving seAsen,•completed and dolls dressed in , Indian costumes.
the a t tractive setting.: . The meeting waS: ably conducted by Gearge's class 1 and sruniry 'items. All
Mrs. Howrie and Miss M. Salkeld the president, Graee Matson. •and the were readily bought by the members
.itoured tea for the first hour: Mrs. W. Scripture was read by Phyllis Baxter. and anOther nice sonn netted for the
Price and Mrs. Iligginson sloing- -t-fe Florence Htidson sang. a solo, and sysdis fume- s
honors for the second hour. . Mrs. B. 310 ry Lou Matheson and Ruth Bowen .
'Mills. Mrs. Butler, Mrs. •NlePhee and 'favored with a duet. - PRESBYTERIAL Y.P.S. '
'Mrs. Marriott served in the dining- Rev. 0, W. Cope clesed the -meeting
room. M I's.. Shea rdown, Mrs. Gregg, with pra yer.
Mrs. tinily 1100 Mrs. MeLean assisted
in the kitchen.' • .„ . W.C.T.U. MEETING . The annual rally of the Yeung
AI 11(.11 credit is due , Mrs. _Girvin The regular meeting of Ow NV.C.T.C. People's Soviet ies 4,f lliiron-Nlaitland
Young. who supervised this 'Very pleas- was held on. Tuesday at the home of Presbytery of the, Presbyteriau einfreisi
ant atal snecessful afternoon tea. Mrs R. T. Phillips, with a good at- was held in the Presbyterian ohurch,
RF,BERAH INSTALLATION taken 03' Mrs. Cransfon. whp read from (.vening, nml was well attended.
. There was a good attendance as the Psalm -11-9 and gave a tine taik on the Knox •church Y.P.S. had charge of
officers. of Goderich Rebekah Lodge, Value et suffering' in our lives and '0 song .serciee in the evening, under
No. 80, were installed at Mae- also. offered prayer. The clip sheet on the leadership ! ef Dan yValter,.., with..
Kay Hall on Tuesday eyenillg. Instal- the drinking driver was read by , Wm. II_ Wickett 11K ace(Apanist and
lation cerenionie0-were carriR1 out by fer(stit members:stressing the fact that r smith as soloist. - The .
the district deputy president of Stria- those. who drink - should Ma. drive.' worship _ service • was conducted by
'ford district No. 5, Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, Mrs. Hera- rend about- tire:- world's' Bruss(sis Y.P.S. and , a report of 'the
and her, staff from BrusSels.' Clinton temperance. convention held recently. Pro% ite•ial eetivsent Wit,s given. by
lodge was present for the installation. It was movtrcl and decided that . Mrs. Miss Gwen S'tewat't, of Lueknow. •
'The Itela.kah officers installed were : Dougherty la. first .vice-president. and The theme address was „given by
Noble grandnfiss Gertrude Worthy ; sNIrs. Howell, 211(1 !vi(•(. -president: also Revs F. G. SteW4rt, of Kitchener.' and.°71,-
!vice-grand. Mrs. Ismay MeLean ; re- that Mrs. Medley and Mrs. Cranston the oflieers were - installed by Rev.
c;ording seeretary. Mrs. Myrtle Thin- haN-e charge of the covangelistic and Richard. Stewart. of Goderieh..
ulster ; financial secretary, Mrs. Annie -flower missidn work, The meeting All enjoyed 0 rally supper. • and ,re-
Meginnon; treasurer, Mrs.. Gertrude closed ,,witli hymn- and tiriryer and torts given were encouraging. ,
afterwards Mrs. Phillips served a fine About twenty-five young people from
tea and a soeial time was' spent. Knox church attended:the rally. '
Beaton; conductor, Mrs, Ada FritzleY.:
ehapinin, Mrs. Edith' Craig; musician.
Miss Edna Driver ; Mrs. Ione
linechler; Mrs. Helen °Mc-
Phee; inside gnardian, Mrs. Lena
Stowe; ,ontside glTilitdifIT), Mrs. Mae
Officers of ,Thiron • Lodge, No. 62.
1.0.0.F., were' installed on Monday
night' by D,D,G4iif. Clarke. Fisher of
Exeter .and his installing-. stair. The
officers are I.P.G.': Lorne Young:
Voting: treasurer. M. Johnston ;
financial secretary, Nyalfer Noweombe:
warden. John' Pinder; john
Chas. Stokes ; eanditetor, Alex.
Stra i ton •.; ba side guardian. Fred
The thanksgiving meeting Of the
Arthur Circle was held in Ihe leetnre
hall of Kno**.ehureh on Monday even-
ing' with Mrs. Gordon Henderson pre-
sidieg. Mrs. Peachey read the Scrip-
ture lesson and Mrs. IT. Rivers :led 'in
prayer. The Story of the hyrnn `II:Pear
Lorri and Father of Mankind" was
read by Mrs: Keith • Cutt, then all
joined in singing it. A solo by Mrs.
R. Cooper, with Mrs. C. 'Edward as
acoompanist. was ,much appreciated.
The special feature of The meeting was
'a sound motion picture depicting the
life ' of an outcast Indian .boy Wt.()
beenme a Christian. The meeting was
closed with prayer by ,Mrs, Henderson.,
Miss Helen Strang. after a' visit' of
several weeks .with her sisters here,
left this -week. en beib return to .New
Elijah Drinkwalter, one of Gale-
rieh's Oldest eitizens and for many
years a Great Lakes sailor, died Wed- '
nesdny • noon at Alexandra, Hospital
in his ninety-se4..ond year. The funeral
takes pia ee from the Brotihey frmOral
home on Saturday afternoon.
.• John G. KimAman, of Kippen, won
and aiso stood first in opeb baby beef
class. with Maple Viniblem indemnity,
„the .P000 animal owned by V,
purchased this calf from Culbert &
Sons in -April of this year anti slnee -
,won first place Beef Calf Club.
at the rtoyal Winter Pair „at Toonter3