The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-16, Page 8rum I IGHT• Triv GODERICH SIGNAL -ST ST. -GE RGE'SCHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER ER 19th, 1917 CHILDREN'S DAY AND YOUTI ll SERVICE. 8,30 a.m. ItICDLY CO?OS.II'NION. MOO' amt. FAMILY SERVICE—Sunday School will attend this service. 7.00 p.m. YOUTH SERVICE --Conducted by A.Y.P..%. Members. R ' V. EVERLY 'ill. FART „ °►:.A.. L.Th., RECTO ANDERTON—(Organist and Choirnilaster. North St. United Church 11 a.m. "WARS AND RUMOURS OF W';IRS." Nursery anipimary School. 2.30'p.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. 7 p.m.. "BEYOND OUR HORIZON." A Religious Sound Film. Congregational Fireside After This Sers ice. REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.,A., B.D., Minister. Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and Choir Leader. Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m. Sunday School, and Young People's Bibb Class. 11 a.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION. 11 a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject ; "The Kingdom of God." 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "Preservatives from Sin." Sunday, October 261h—Sacrament of Baptism. MINISTER—REVEREND. RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William `Pickett, A.T.C.M. r Victoria Si. United Church . MINISTER --REV. LAWRENCE H. TURNER, B.A. Organist a.d Choir Director—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan. 10 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11 a.m. PUBILIC WORSHIP. 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. UNION CHURCH -2.30 p.m. Monday 8.00 p.m. Youn' People's. Union. • - I ICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. Goderich Baptist Church i 10 a.m. - Church School—Classes -for ALL. 11 a.m. "EXPERIENCE of DISCIPLESJIIP." 7 p.m. "The THREE ("S of MAN." Man a GODLIKE Creation. 8 p.m. MONDAY EVENING, Forsake not the ASSEMBLY. - PASTO'-REV. G. W. 11. MEDLEY. Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ELLA I. _DON ALDSON. BETHEL TABERNACLE• (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PE ARSON, Pastor 10 a.m. SUNDAY, AY SCHOOL. 11 a.m. !DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. • 7.30 p.m. ROUSING GOSPEL ilEE`$ING. ``dues. 8 p.m. Young People'1:"- Fri. 8 p.m. Prayer A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU. • COME AND BE REFRESHED. Meeting. r The Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and dark Streets . "The Trinity in Redemption" at 7 p.m. 11 a.m. DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. . 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. WED. 8 p.m. PUBLIC PRAYER SERVICE. ALL ARE WECCOME. I'EV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. SCHOOL NEWS .'&IIS AT TIM By Mare) Wa�lll There l. 1lots of raalry passim; back and forth fn the Balls add classrooms— all because of the "big election" for the students' council fur the cooling eitr. The blackboards are covered with poems, pictures ai=d s111ms ttgainst the others: who are running. There a1•e, lots of posters helping in the campaign- ing, aulpaign-iii , too! Three groups of students 111 the running, and their fate will be decided on friday mor'tliug. The three groups are: 1 1 hill . Craig, • president : Chris. I.E•i..lunan, Aileen Castle, and 1)a‘e \(wilco. (2; Bi11 Chantler, president; Juan Scott, Helen Inglis and John Wilson. (3I Mayee Wall, president: Mac 'Wilson, Rhea L)uruin and Bob Lemaire. \\'ell, may the best mall (or woman) will : -6-3-4"--"hike." That Is how the boys'. inct_e1furm rugby will be starting ' off on 'I'tlursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, with grades 12 and.10 on the gridiron. The P.T.- teacher, Mr. Ilartwick, has the schedule drawn up. So there is going to be lots of fun during the next few weeks ---over at Agricultural Park. All the members of G.C.I. wish to congratulate the -Lions -Midgets on their tine year of baseball. Even though they got so close to the championship, only to Have it taken by the Colling- wood boys --that is- something which goes with the game: You know, "You always, win if you can lose with a - smile. I wonder who said that? Was it Shakespeare? • Briefs Men, use "Vigorille"' if weak, run down, 'nervous. Get renewed pep, vitality. 15 -day,, treatment 01.00. At Emerson's drug, store. - -40-4 The Magazines handled by Miss Mary B. Howell and Mrs. I. McLean include several thousand titles of Can- adian, American and British publica- tions .coveriug ' trade, technical, and business subjects as well as sports, hobbies, religion and fiction. ' A 'phone call will bring prompt service. 41tf Rummage sale, October 18th, in MacKay Hall at 2 P.m., under auspices of Rebekah Lodge. -' -41 St. George's Church Women's Guild will hold -a tea and bake sole Thursday; November 20, .at the rectory. -42 Rummage sale to be held in MacKay Hall, Saturday, October 25th, at '1.30 p.m., under auspices of the North street W A - • • -42-3 TEES;. TOWN TALK I)id you know that the Teen Town opens at 8? Soltie people seem to think it is 10. But since the dors' insist shut at 11 "sharp," how about (,tilling a little earlier—and have more fun':, Last Friday at the Teen Town there were 'several prizes for -novelty dances —along with 'the door prize. Rose - TIE I�I7IE3SD A OCTOBER .1.0th, 1917 For . Results — A Classed .1 az, FOR SALE r - FOR SALE. .ii,,ERRY CANES, Viking and Lathain, 05 per -100. FRED GILBERT, Huron road. Phone 930 r 32. 30`x FOR SALE.—STRUCTURAL STEEL, beams, channelz9, angles,' reinforc- ing mesh, pipes, boiler tubes, boilers for culverts, boilers. for heating, hot water and steam .radiation, also any other types of steel. Make M. Brown - and Sons your headquarters Per any types of steel in complete warehouse lines. 400, Lancaster street west, Kitchener, ' Ontario. Phone 3-3282, 6-640/. Open- Saturday afternoon. -33tf FOR SsiLIr:.—DAIRY FARM, 100 acres; water and hydro in house and barn, also /water piped to each field; \icGaw station on fab m. School bus' passes door; 11 miles south of -Leona F1(iod, famed United States Carlow, 2 miles north, of Benmillel. violinist, under management, of Phil Easy. terms. ALDEN ALLIN, R•• . 4, Rubinuff, New York City, will be heard Goderich. tf at a concert in Goderich on Noa•elitber TOR SALE. — BLACK CURRANT 3rd under sponsorship of Lions Club. I plants, Ottawa variety, rust resist- ant ; also new Red Lake currants. Red raspberries, Viking, Latham, New- burgh, Marcy, Taylor, graded sizes, heavy and medium. All on hand ready for planting row. WESLEY W. FISHER, R.R. 5, Goderich,- Sanford village • -42-3 Watch for further details. -42 Marionette• show under auspices of Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E., at Capital Theatre.-• Saturday, October 25th, ,at 9.30 and 11 a.m. Admission `25c. -42 The first meeting of the Duplicate Bridge Club will be held on Monday, October `20th, at 8.15 p.m. Everyboddy welcome. • Rummage sale, Saturday, -November 15th, at 1.30 p.m., at MacKay Hall, under auspices of Maple Leaf Chapter, LO.D.E. . -42 Rummage -.-.sale, November 22nd, in Victoria street United church, under auspices of Woman's Association. Rummage and bake sale, November 1st,- at Central School, 'sponsored by Central Horne and School Club. -42 North street Evening Auxiliary -thank-offering .meeting will be held in ,t -the church parlors on Tuesday, October 21st, at 8 p.m. Miss Delight Hilliard, from f.Indore; .India, sister of it, R II. Turnbull, wilt be guest speaker.. -42 You are urgently invited to attend FOR SALE.—BEAUTIFUL GARDEN chrysantheinuths, 75c large , bou- quet; also bouquets of mixed flowers. Order your gladiolus bulbs now. MRS. L. R. HOLMAN, Cameron street, phone • 7`22. • -40 W�' 'WANTED. LISTI-,I� 1S OF I'RO-, • PERTY for sale. Phone MAL- COLM. MA,THERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, 115W. '$tf WANTED TO BUY.—OLD HORSES and dead animals, suitaple for mink feed. If dead, phone,. at once., Phone collect JACK GILIIERT; 936 r 21 or FRED GILBERT, phone 936 r 32, Goderich. t.2(Stf ANTED. -----MAN FOR ItAWLEIGH' business. Permanent if you, are a hustler. li%r particulars write,t RAWLEIGH I)1L'I"1`. ML -J-216-103, Montreal. -41-2-3-4 ``WANTED. — LISTINGS, OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. )f?. F. CHAP - MAN, heal Estate Broker. Phone 18. 39tf -WINTER EMPLOYMENT •If OR FARMERS. — We have openings for men and boys during the winter months. Good pay, five-day week, ex- perience not necessary. Apply to Mr. Walter Johnston at Kitchener Plant, opposite C.N.R. Station, and to Mr. Clayton J. Reitzel at Waterloo Plant, 50 Allen street west. CANADA CABINETS AND FURN'I'TURE LIMITED. ' -40-2 ANTED,—APARTM ENT OR ' small house wanted to rent .�y new manager of A.- & P. Store, Goderich._ Young couple. No children. 42x WANTED:—GIRL FOR - GENERAL housework, immediately. Apply HOLMES VILLA, Church street. -42 FOR SALE.—ONE-HUNDRED-AND- AGENTS WANTED. — WE .ARE ONE -ACRE farm, Ashfield, two coustautly receiving requests for miles east of Sheppurdton; large frame our guaranteed products iu'your local- c}welling, good banked barn, henhouse, ity. Why not handle the agency and garage; wooded creek ;. pasture, also derive 11n income of 035 to 060 weekly? seeded area, some to wheat. -Apply to Exclusively assured. If You have sell - W. A. SUTHERLAND, Barrister, etc. ing ability, start NOW! FAMILE; , -41tf Dept. B 1600 Delorimier, Monntreal. ;-42 FOR SALE.—ONE POLLED ANGUS freshen in WANTED TO RENT.—RELIABLE Rose- marie )iartinsin won the lat er, which, cow,•party livingat Port Albert wishes was 11 free pass to the theatre. (Rose- . January; one Jersey cow, to freshen in Ila rie is an usherette.) Ken Wlmot the free public Meeting to be held in February ; one Durham, heifer, coming furnished' house or flat for _ winter two years; two Herefore( calves, six months., ;Write HAROLD POPPER, and Eleanor Martin won the cumin- the Goderich Town Hall- on Monday, Port Albert 4`2x ation dance and Muriel Davis and her October 20th, at 8 p.m., in the interests and: seven /months old, THOS. '_, Partner won the spot dance. cif the conservation and preservation KO\'IAK,• Pert Albert.' ' , 42x of the fish and game life of Huron county.,.FOR SALE. — PAIR OF STRATH - Good vlues at the rummage sale, CONA :\Mounted Police shoes, size Parisi/ Hall, Saturday, November 8th, 9; ideal. for hunting. Phone 435J. 2 p.m., sponsored by the Margaret -42 Seager ,Club. - -42 ST. HEL • ST. HELENS, Ot. 13,'Mr. and Sirs. Fred McQuillin, Ivan .and Barry were, week -end visitors with `relatives at Strathroy and London, - Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor and Mr. Murray Taylor spent the Week -end at Windsor. Holiday Visitors.— Visitors for the holiday week -end included Mrs. Chart- • . DIED CARTER.—At Alexandra Marine' flail General a I lJ • tl Hoc lital, loderieh, on ---Thursday, October 16th, William • J. Carter, •'beta�=e(1' luslW�.�nd, of Helena N. Carter and dear father of Clyde. FOR SALE.—'29 MODEL "Aa FORD. priced for 'quick sale. ADAMS' GFNERAL STORE, Saltford. 42x COURT OF REVISION OWNSHIP OF 'COLBORN 1 FUR, KALI:.—BABY'S CRIB, NA- A Court of Revision to hear and TUBAL finish. in gods( condition. determine co'ulplaints against the as - Apply •Alli• 4, Bedford Apartments. sessment roll for 1948 will be held in 42tf the p toil ,of Port Aluia with Rev. and Mrs. , Carter, London. Township Miall, .Carlow, url.7`hurs- M. G. .Newton; Mr. and Mrs.' Mel. Resting at Brophcey's Funeral Home. OR SAI.F.. — BULBS DIRECT day, . October 2' rd, at 2 o'clock p.m. of :Waterloo ai,d \!r, and Mrs. IN L1I.1'.M(IiIAI FOR 1 callancl ; narcissus, tulip, -111 complaints I1iust be in writing and Brown Tiled •WWith the undersigned not later Te%� Attache and liul,by ot ' , run u ..L=ira lovin ; memory ( a ,clil and iris.—LITrit d --numbers. with Mr.. lr. and - Mrs. B. \\'nods ; \ll.'s wife a11(1 mother. ().live-- \"101;i Mame,.'M AR1 �' T. GREENHOUSE, phone '2:07. thein Tulsday, October 21st. • Norma \\'eatheihead of Alton and Miss who fc'1t asleep ()stol=e( l:�.t11, 1.)44. -42 _� �\ \I. SALLO\ B; (�teYk; Grace \\" th rh ad of Ilolyruod with She his not died who left us 41 TO RENI 0 Culbert's fakery "The Home of Tasty Pastry" 1 Week -end Special a,. HONEY AND C O'&AN•UT TARTS 33c - a doz. q,. All Orders of-..Sl.0 or ,a:i ore delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT, Prop. TO RENT, — ROOMS, 62 -EAST street. •42x £ I)CT1Or ;lALEe . CLEARING AUCTION SALE. GOOD HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS will be held at the residence of Mrs. • II, Palmer, 54 Britannia road, East, Goderich, on • SATURDAY., OCTOBER 18th atlp.m. Consisting of chesterfield; kitchen stove, nearly new; electric, Boor lamps; table 1).tmps ; electric toaster; electrie iron; dining -room furniture ; 2 bedroom suites; kitchen furniture; , tables and chairs; Quebec coal store,; - daybed; writing desk ; floor coverings of all. kinds; kitchen utensils; dishes ; garden' chairs and tools. No reserve, as owner is leaving town. 'TERMS—CASIai. • - MRS. H.• PALMER, Proprietress. DONALD- $. BLUE, A.uctioneer. - seven ears to COURT OF REVISION , race ea e e \Ir. aIt(1 Mrs. L. G: \\'catllerhead; Mrs. For the iarbtter land of tray; FOR SALE. --45 PULLETS, SUSSEX Es, G. S. McIntyre and Dduald ut \Ieafurcb She would not xi► bereave' us— and N('w. IIanljlsllire, about 5?' NOTICE with \f r: and Mrs. W. ;I. Miller; _lir.• She is only lust away• find old. ARNOLD LAMB, R.R. 4, . and \i'rs. Gordon Miller of London :(clic( right behind life's certain, Goderich. Pilose Carlow 13,r-`21. 42x BRIDGE. LESSONS WILL BE AR-. with Mr. and _Mrs. Chester- Taylor, Beyond all grief and pain,. T RANGED this winter if enough Mi''''''I;eve-r1(1 \lucre of 8treetsviiiEa. There will be a happy dawning, FOR SALE. WOMEN'S AND people are interested—Thursday even - for y w-it11 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Webb ; Mr, • When w e :hall ]ll('Nt aga11I1.•girls' suits. . winter coats and lugs at MI's. e este apartment; ven- and MN. 'Dougherty, \#t. and Mrs. —Saclly,-missed by her Ilusband and dresses, size 1`216: also maternity fo the season. Please enroll by - Wilson Woods and family .With Mrs. 1 alltily. 42x dresses. size 16: all in good cotiditicSll. ` October 30 at the latest. P. F CARE R. •J. Woods. - Apply f) Nelson streets phone 49�. "4=• Rhone 18. - 2 • War Bride Honored.—Mrs. ,Wilbert Will Extol Thee,' and a quartette 1)uruin, ;( British war bride, sal, the composed of \Irs. George .Stuart, Mr. OR SALE. — DOUBLE DRIVE gathering anal \Irs. I?. W. Rice 1ltd Mr. W. •I. sled, approxinl;ltei} 17' x 20`; in 'UTI(,L.,, , fittest of honor at .a )the lilt of ladies excellent. condition, , Miller sang "Sweet Peace, the Gift suitable for high Goderich Recreational council_ will of the community to the hall (,11 Tlltli's- day afternoon. Mrs. I•:(wood Barbour of God's I(ove." In the evening the..way garage for two fanners 'opposite hold a meeting, in the Town Council or a short. program of coin- choir sang the anthem �`'My Shepherd orae another. AL.r,SH1 R\\ OOD, Dun- ,hold i rs meeting, • Tuesday, Town 21st, presided f I i 4:.x n noway singing 'with Mrs. C'he'ster Is the Lord. My God . Mrs. Andrew l ainuon, phone .ta .1 3. at 8 -p.m., for the purpose of hearing Taylor at the piaao;'a solo by Mrs. Gaunt sang "My Titsk" and_ the nen( her by the quartette was "Savior, ' FOR ,SAL1:. — THIRTEEN 1'l:l•:N PIGS the report of the nominating committee Andrew (:aunt, a piano 'instrumental ltroafh( an Evening Blessing." seven weeks old. Bee i:I►1\:�I#D and for the election of a permanent E c►a_)K, Bennett street. • 42 (:Duns/(. All clubs and• societies are asked to make sore their represent- atives are at•this nwe1ting. -42 R.R. 5, Goderich. 41.--2- AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, ON • MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th at 2 p.m.• • at lat 7, concession 12, western division of Ashfield. gook stove( heater, cherry 'ideboard, 6 .dining -room chairs, - radio, dining - room table, 3. tables, • 2 dressers, 2 stands, 2 beds, mattresses and spfrings, rocking chairs, divans, glass -'cupboard, - dishes, cutlery, damps, curtains, wringer, washboard, cutter, separator, flat . irons, screenk, sewing machine, and many other articles too numerous to mention. MRS. T. W. QUIGLEY, • •• R.R. 1, Lucknow, Proprietress. MATT: GAYNOR, Auctioneer, Goderich, Phone 787J Hey Kids! u. TRERE'S A .IG SPECIAL MARIONETTE SHOW- OFYOUR FAVOURTTES, RUMPELSTILTS 1IN a ,. ...�:+.. =..oar. CLO'iJI'S AND DANCERS lav Mrs.- Will Rrftherford and a solo T3' \I D• 42- UC'11ON SALE OF LIVE STOCK - at Porter's Hill, three miles .west of Holmesville, on • :TUESDAY, OCTOBER :'1st' at 2 -p.m. sharp, consisting of: CATTLE -15 young cow:s,, some springers; • 10 Holstein heifers, sup- • , pose (rt'o be in -calf ; 20 -young Holstein - --- heifers (vaccinated) ; 10 • Holstein heifer calves (vaccinated) 15 stocker cattle: . PIGS—Brood sow with litter: brood . soW. due in November ; 14 chunks. TIRMS—CASH. ; A. E..TOWNSIIEND, • Proprietor. EDWARD \\ . ELLIOTT, 42- - Auctioneer. by Mrs. E. W. ire. Mrs. 11I'I1111 was SIIEPPARDTOI�T invited to the platform, where Mrs. FOIL 5:�1L1:. - 1:1.(;11'1' GOOD SITS"]: - Barbour spoke at fety. words of welcome \\'I�.I:K8-(►I,I) pigs. BERT CRA\\' - and good wishes and presented at mis- cellaneous SHEI'PARDTON,. Oct. 14.—Mr. and FORD, R.R.:;. Goderich. Phone I)en • 'VpT10E TO CR>J'DITURS "shower. Mrs. I)urnin ex Mrs. Ted Norman and Patty, -of Tor -.,'I;1 111(1 '_''2 r '-u. 42x ' presses( her appreciation .and opened out),. and- \I r. arae(• \Its. (`u1liIls of OTICE TO CREDITORS. the: gifts. aisxr tecl by Mrs. George Kitchener visited on Monday with Mr. FoR SALE. --BARN 18 FEET •BY Stuart. Several (ontests were enjoyed, Wm. Sage. 1'2 feet. 11 f7'et High, ill good'shlbeape. after which there was a social hour Mrs. Baird of Brucefield is A'isitiitg ,%()JI\ ,I1)HNSTON, i'.:Irk' incl Art \utiee is hereby given to all per - over the teacups. streets: 42x sons haying any . claim against the with h(r sister, \irs. Gilmour. f estate of \\'innifred •Bali, late of the Anniversary Services. — The 1'nited Irs. Pearl Bogie of Midland spent church, recently redecorated inside and the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob FOR SALE. • ---TWO 0(10 X 16 TiRES Town of Goderich, in the,. County of out by the minister, Rev. M. G. New- Bogie• •and tubes: child's play pert; jumper /inion, retired school teacher, who died ton, and resplendent with autumn Visitors over the week -end with Mr. ! .swing : kiddie car : extension gate; on or about the second day df October, flowers, presented a beautiful stetting find- Mrs. D. Pimlott. were ,their bro- s - ler, and toilet seat.... GLEN:' A.D. 1947, to send same to the under- for: anniversary services on Sunday• ther and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chappell, . ' NIIEIt, ,9 Newgate street. ' Phone' signed' on or before the seventh day Rev. W. J. Watt- of Whitechurch was and their daughter, Mrs. Lock, .and '40. 42x of Novethber, A.D.• 1947, as 'on' and the speaker and there -wit a splendid babvi also their son, Russel Chappell, after that date the executor of the said attendance at both services. Mr. Watt ;Incl friend; •Miss Joan Duey of Tor. SALE.---NEWLY IM ('ORA r}';1) estate shall proceed to make distribu- brought a message- in keeping with the onto. seven -room house, corner of Hincks t4on of the assets thereof, having .re- da;y of tln'i'nksgiving. At the morning Mr. and Mrs. A. Mugford and Harold, street and Britannia road; bathrootn, gard only to the claims of which he service the (hair sang^ the anthem "I ?if London, spent the ••lloliclay at their hydro, double -size lot with garage in has notice. borne here. I good .locality; , immediate possession. Dated at the Town of Goderich,- in Apply to WM. PITBLADO, 23 Regent the County of Huron, this eighth day street. - . 42tf of October, A.D. 1947. ! - — I R. 'C. HAYS, K.C., l Goderich, Ontario, -Solicitor for the Estate. FURNITURE REPAIRED Cabinet making, saw tiling. etc.' All kinds of general hlaeltsmithing. T. OWER d (formerly Sheardow•n illticic4nti'th Shop) HFLA: ILTON ST: 42tf , M ....1611 CLEAR - R.f'D BLUE RP') ROSE RED AI gshades for your Si.'type FOIt SALE. -- GOOD Mc'CLARY Quebec 3 -way coal heater, '11 -inch 4 fire pot. THOS DOUGHERTY,° West .. en Nelson street. • 42x FC)Ii SALE—S1X-R(►O\I''HOUSE IN good lo(111i(111. Immedi11te posses- sion. .i. W. ' ('RAIGIE. Real Estate Broker. ' - -42 FOR SALE.—BLACK CLOTH COAT with silver fox collar (like 'hew), siZ(` 1'4. Price .$4(1. Phone 10(11 J. ' 42x• ANOTHER NICE BREAKFAFT suite, two studio (cloches, assorted chairs and tables, beds, springs, dressers. Vanity ereetri( ironer, floor - latrlps. vacuum (leaner. new birdcages and feed pots. cook stoves. tarpaulins 9 x 12, and many other articles. C. sWOoDS, Secondhand Store, 12 hast. street. • m...�...„ -42 OR SALE. °— ABOUT TWENTY 'Holstein eowa and heifers, tine to freshen from one week to two months. M. '11'.. ('LARK,- R.R. 5, Goderich, phone 154 `Carlow, -42 WHAT DO YOU OWN? Get one of ewe INVENTORY 1 OOKLI TS and Take Stock of your Tiouselioldl C`•o�}utents SE-", IL 'M. 'FORD Get Damned d — Sti y Inquired Rent ,Assured. crth St. , . TeL 268W ii AUCTION SALE in the• -Village of Auburn of VALUABLE HOUSE • PROPERTY A:�I) HOUSEHOLD E1`1!"F,)TS at 1 p.m., on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22nd Cook stove, coal heater, tables, chairs, bedroom -suites, washing ma- chine, sewing. machine, couches, writ - Ing desk and bookcase, electric radio, dishes, lawn mower, etc., etc., etc. - Sale of house _property subject to - reserve bid. R. D.' MUNRO, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. ' 917E ARE ALL GOING. SATU'RDAY MQRNiNG October 25th', 0.3O A.M. TIWO PEfl1 ORMANOE$ . . 11 A.M. 1)001111 OMEN AT %lilt Entertainment for aiiults as well as children, -Moaein-Design !Metal Case ° SALES SERVICE Pec crated Under auspices of blaple Leaf Chapter of Capital Theatre BEATTY WSUER SERVICE 'rank Skelton, Prop. I Ito S . ,. ilollti SG U. S. Patents No. 21,57667 2211465 MAX FACTOR HOLLYWOOD Campbeli's Drug Store 1'hoio ,00,r - (odo>'ioli 14,0 1-2-3- n AU("T I(JN SALT: OI'' FARM STOOK ANI) 111I'LEMEN'TS . tit the farm of John McWhinney, lot 9, concession l,' Ashfield. one Mile west of Nile, on - 1'RIDAY, O('TOB1 R 24th- - at 1 p.m.. JOHN Me•WI;I INNEY, Proprietor. DONALD 0. BLUE, 42x Auctioneer. Hygienic, supplies (rubber goods), mailed postpaid in plain, .sealed en- velope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1,00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53, . NOV-RUM1ER 'CO:, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1-9 1 Hy -Way Hank 4 1 "Pss-t-r••-can't you kill ole in the -frit act, Sinitty? ` I want to get the car down to Gardner Motor Sales for a grease job before they close." Gardner Motor Sales Phone `L34 - Goderich