HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-11-19, Page 3THE EXETER TIMES. FARUERS' INSTITUTIC8. le pub: ohne. every Thursday morning, at the With the object of encouraging theMURRAY & CO TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE formation of farmers' institutes in Store, Ont by. White d Son, Prot Ontario and of scouring a degree of (421 St 423 RICHMOND -ST' LONDON, ONT.) praetors permanency for them, the commie o Rollie. or ADVSATIOIAG : stoner of agriculture obtained from ■QCC irettexenteatr line to cants.the Ie illative asllembl last sesion RetiringFrBUSx SSS. >rcubs@quautins@ztion,p@x lone Scents. g,y To insure inserion, avrtisemets should aatiy to make a Biant Of2fi be Sent in last later than ltreduesday morning. yearly to vas such institute iu each i Our JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one electoral distriol. This grant, how. of the largest and best equipped in the Comity ever, is conditioned • unoe an equal of dutch Ali work eutrustea to us will receive " q 25 Per Cent. dlscaun (Mr promptattentiow bum being voted by the county council of the county within which the elect - (Decisions itegarsling Ae"" oral district is situated, and .abject P to the following regulations, framed ; thenpost-office, person who h ether directed ie his a1 ame o and approved by the oorumiesioner : 6 another's, or whether hellos subscribed oruot 1. That each institute shall bei The largest Stock in Western Ontario of the finest GolcU is responsible for Payment. i �r •~•2 Ifaperson orders his paper discoutinuod composed of not less than 50 mem- a+1d Silver [� Watches. New andielaborate patterns of hest ° he must pap all auoare or the publisher may 1,Q14, WhQ spall each.pay a fee of not j Gold and Silver Jewelry solid Silver Forks and Spoons. continue to seed neurit the payment to made To CASH Purchasers. • and then collect the whole amount, whether 'leas than 25e. annually. the Paper is taken from the office or not. That there chap bean executive 1 First quality Rolled Plate Jewelry. Quadruple Silver Plat- a in snits forsnbsexipptioue. the font may be �• ed,ware of onlythe best makers. • ElR,II(isome reliable Clocks: institutodintbe place wllerdtlio payer is pub• or board of management, ooneisting", o lisbed, although the subscriber may reside of a resident in'enormousi rife/!1/ hundreds of miles away: p , a vice-president, a marble, bronze, gilt, nickel and \i o.od, and an l • iii fi 1,ll #i 4 The courts baro decided that refusing, to gecretary end five or more direntnre, miscellaneous stock of new and beautiful £enc r goods. All ' ." "' ta.t.f ew a era or eliodicals from the post- y g *,pias.:• far is prima facie evidence of intentioualfrau& practical farmers. to "et - ‘a, 1 �ti ? y, y,\ "You talk about Silk Dresses, �0 - but didyou sec. Miss-----`} I tell #1 you she just looks fine." • I glle,�s 5113 does, awl so can 1 every lady who will � o to RAN - .a ', TON BRCS. and get one of those ,newest and latest In the Silk line, uA1rI, iii:, i . 11G. plot SATIN Merveilleuxs! •take n app . p 1 Rich and beautiful (foods in office, orremotingandleaving them uncalled and• a majority of the board falai' be must 0.0 L> 8. That the institute shall hold, at. • THIIRSDA3:, NOVEMBER Irl, 1885 al subjects. g _.. j T 1`G " It.0 I,nEess eE,nd ,rhxzt�- ,1 TT= -- --= It is nederstot'd that in many V N - O()111NIO.V LlOF..NR ACT. counties the I1_cessary appropriation - A FRESH STOCK OE -- This line we a Illeufi•ioll, though we have l�„!�� of Dress I IF it C er piles. least two meetings each year, in per en D113�� Cash different parts of the electoral dis- �.._. trier for tote diaCUSsion of a rieuitur- Navy, (•renat, Tobacco, Bronze, Myrtle, tfi&e. =Gelled les been made, and that already a The Privy Cauueil has finished thenulubor of institutes have been ogan- Teas, Sugars, Coffees. Spices, and General, Materials worthy your inspection, ui till thc.3. 1e1idili shades diecuseiou of the appeal respecting ized; but in order that any Institute S'rooei.les. and at popular pricer Some new one in this week.. the Canadian Liquor License .Plot, may benefit by the grants of this but the dicision in the matter has year it ie essential that two -meetings been left to the Queen. be held before, the close of the year. The case was argued before• a strong i The professors of the agricultural court, consisting of the Chancellor, college will be able to assist at a Lords 1tankswell, iiobhcuse and limited number of those meetings in Fitzgerald, Sir Montague Smitb, Sir Decetxlber, at twelve or fifteen in 1 Barnet Peacock and Sir Richard ! January, 1886, and at others ocean Couch. The appeal is entered by thea aionalty as their duties at the college Canadian Government from the may allow. judgment of the `,supreme Court of We pre.nme teat the required. Canada, delivered on the 12311 of Jan- membership could be quite easily got last, in which. It was declared that in Stapen and traborne, and it le to be the Dominion License Act of 1888 hoped that steps will Immediately be and an Act to Aluend. the Liquor . taken, Licence Ant of 1888 were ultro tires of the legislative authority of tbe Parliament of Cauada, except such. portions of them as relate to tbe issue': of vessel and wholesale licenses and the carrying into efi'eet of the provisions of the Canada Temper- ance Act of 1878. PAID TIM' PENALTY. On Monday morning last Louis Biel underwent the extreme penalty of the law at Regina, to expiate theee primes that cost the Byes of so many innocent people in the North-west, The execution of Eitel, together with the execution of the blood -thirsty In- dians, who took part in the late butchery, whioh will .tape place on the 29th, will have a salutary effect on other turbulent spirits in that distant portion of the Dominion who might be disposed to follow the ex- ample of Biel, for the purpose of ex- torting mouey from the Government under the pretense of righting some fancied injustice. The firm stand whish she Government has taken to punish all leaders and offenders to the rebellion, irrespective of nation- ality, religion or politics, will meet with the hearty approval of the people generally. Had the same iufluences, arising from prejuoioes of race and Tee St. `Phomas papers have an other seotional feelings, been brought immense Joke on London. Some - against any other Government they body in England had au idea of going would have sacrificed justice rather to Canada, and as he had friends than incur the displeasure of the in a place called London, Outarin, he French Canadian population and run the risk of losing their support ; but amidst threats, intimidations and misrepresentations, the Goverumeut bas stood firmly and done their duty to the country, for which, as we have said before, it will receive thanks of the majority of the people—in fact all the lovers of right and justice. More especially are the members of the Cabinet. who represent the Quebec constituencies worthy of praise and admiration ; they have proven that they are men who can be relied upon. They might have given way at the Iasi moment and Riel would have escaped his just deserts. But, not- withstanding all these met aces, that element of the cabinet never swerved for one moment, bat did what was right, losing sight of race and other considerations which might tend to interfere with aud frustrate the suds of justice. By their determined sterol they have given a flat contra- diction to the accusations that have so often been made against them in Ontario by their opponents—that the French element in the Cabinet ruled the destines of this Dominion, and to the statement that Sir John was kept in power tl:rougli French influ- ence. I.P/Pi11AL NOTES. Another reform paper its heard from The Sr. Mary's Argus says it PIPES TQILACCOS, and =Ans. ALL ARE 'WELCOME —Of the ChokcSt Brenda, comprising-- ANTLES AND UL TERS CUT FREE. OLD GOLD, 3IYRTLI; NAVY, (�Q cents per plug) xlAULt;1'S MATS'LOWEIi, GOLD FLAKE, GOLDEN JEWEL, SPUN .LOLL, LANGTVX, OLD JL.TDGE, SWEET VIOLETS, HONEY SU'C'KLE, tti;e. Smokers will eonault their best interests by Diving me a call. ORANGES, LEMON'S, FIGS DATES AND FRUITS OF AIrL KINDS. • MESS (1; MANTLE .1 AIDING UPSTAIRS AT RANTON DROS, Qom' aTEf �',f�'EtT.�I „ C1n"TrriN Cz AND FITTING DONE PROMPTLY Oysters served on short notice, cooked, raw or otherwise _ P. .--roaring invested in a Stearn Coffee and 1'I:uint Roaster, 1 mea prelpared to onarant.-t: ` oda Ala o both of the articles as pure, being masted under lay lawn sol'iervlsiou. - - AUTUMN -773,03$* ^_3 :> All goods e.'I l extremely lt,w. Call. I thank my <m4t,.t3lrro 11 past farore. Cor•- A- Ery -N-1):\ E,Ai . I''tttadnn's Block.,, no oss bdoubt that the naming officersGoods delivered at once. for Perth, who, by the way, do not „,_ happen to be judges, ffwili make out B'MESS COLLEGE I' FIT ! '• wI en t sty caro t 1u not main merry to 0.0 *.1,1311 for rAR o i Um a 1 .w.O h4t1 LA 01 Prissy ARM. I 11:141111:14114 rAalr�t etor i la � C an honest and conscientious voters' it roll.” t`. coNN :cTION tt•I tt . I or r a * Vo . 111, 11151raY or FAL L3N() WOODSTOCK COLL4QE i goal.\ r 4 t: ;1.'A I wary at troy remedy to carr ONE Grit organ describes the Cana - t'., u c •... t r A l.cn ', t IS ne r Aann for ', a for n treaty me a tNCIOOSTOCK, +.iVTe ,,.. ... ,...: diau Pacific railway as "a polypus The College lout been tltoron:4'4 t&ni mt- whose beak le in the treasury and - i::td, auto t3laeetl in the hautts uta tmo+t at,k4 t twit of 'l, aehere litolutiing toe who have whose limbs embrace the land." hecto 14'100400i of homier Haul 4neeer,.fui — iul,tieVionr.•. ('otu'ke- utuxt tIorvn,yb coni This would be a beautiful figura of lnvrrfiv(M. I'ce verve uu.8etva, fe.>b'ess-- speech were it not for the unfortunate her 1011 iNtt, wt)I.rtnati1'oFli:uT,utl0N, 1R.:\.. i'riin-ipal, fact that a polypus does not wear a 11'eodscoek College. beak. A beak sometimes wears a polypus, end this is probably what has confuted the poet. DISCUSSING the threatened punish- ment of Riel for the murder of Scott and how it was left undone, the St. Catharine's Newt (Gilt) mays:- 4'.Nobody didmore than threaten to do dire and dangerous things." Nobody was louder in such threats than the Hon. E. Blake, yet all know how lamentably he failed to parry them out, even though given the best opportunity for so doing. THE Reform journal at Port Arthur, the Herald, is kept posted with refer- ence to the rebellion in the Reform to ntraugemeuts determined upon by ranks. It snye :-"Refotrtr cnncusea the Mockeuzie Government. People have been held recently in several complain of the Colonisation Coin - places, during which meetings the parry system, for instance. It was ghestiou of a new leader of the party the 1\!Iaakenzie Government that Z e has been- sngtzested. Latest advices invented tied 'it. state that the leadership now stands between Mr. Mowat and Sir Richard Cartwright There is no comparison The .LlailwayDepartment'is having r,; -T between the two men. Sir Richard an immense map of the Dominion of TRUE iadm{Hopportunity of displaying Canada - 22 by 12 feet—prepared, •l1:Mo his abilities while Finance ,Minister which is intended to send to the under Mr. Mackenzie, and proved a Colonial and Indian Exhibition next MOST PERFECT MADE miserable' ,Mackenzie, Mr. Mowat has year. it was ordered by the Depart- Purest and strop est Natural Fruit Flavors. a record of a .decade of 'uuparalelied ment of Agriculture, and fe intended Vanilla, Lemon, range Almond Rose, etc., success in his administration." Sir to be the best that hie yet been favorasdelicately and naturallyasihefruit. PRICE 'CAKING POWDER CO., Richard appears to be crushed again. draw). cnroAco. ST. Louts. wrote to his local paper to inquire where the blawsted place was any'ow? The editor was equal to the emer- gency and explained in his next issue that— "London is a small v'linge in Cana- da, near the oily of St. Thomas. where Jumbo was killed." THE law sometimes makes mis- takes, unnvoidable, perhaps, but terrible in their consequences A. loan named Thomas was oovioted of murder five years ago in Illinois, end sentenced to the penitentiary for seventeen years. He has served five years„and now another convict, sere ing a ten years' sentence, has con - feared that he was the murderer. No reparation can be made for the wrongly punished man, nor does the law provide for any. Lion. Mr. White announced in Winnipeg that he return to. Ottawa with the intention of Iinvts g fewer land regulations in the North west, and of making it easier for eettlern to homestead in the country and more difficult for si'eo llators to get hold of the land. This i•t a good policy. It Is a curious and not gen- erally known fast, snvs the Mad, !hot all the complaints hich have been made regarding land laws iu the North -nest have been with reference KING'S EVIL Was the name fort.t2rty giveu to Scrofula because of a Super:Ali:Mu that it could bo cured by a king's touch. The world is wiser now, and knows that SCROFULA FULA can only he cured by a thorough purifica- tion of the blood. If this is neglected, the disease perpetuate: its taint three:It ge'•'^ration after veneration. Amore' Os; earlier synaptomati(: deveiopuxul. ' toot. Eczema, Cutaneous Eruptions, '1u - mors, Boils, ('arbuneles, Erysi•,telns, Purulent t'leers, Nervous and i'l.y- steal Collapse, etc. If allowed to euu- tinue, Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca- tarrh, Kidney and Liver Diseases, Tubercular Consumption, nut vari- ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are produced by it. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only3ntcerful and altrplls reliable blood purifying medicine. It is ,.o effect- ual ffectual an alterative that it eradicates from the system Hereditary Scrofula, and the kindred poisons of contagious diseases and mercury. At the sante time it en- riches and vitalizes the blood. restoring healthful action to the Vital organs and rejuvenating the entire system. Thisgreat Regenerative Medicine Is composed of the genuine Honduras fi(rrstOmoilla, with 1 ellow Dock, Stil- liogia, the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and other ingredients of great po- tency. carefully and ecicntificnlly com- pounded. Its formula is generally known to the medical profession, foul 'the best physicians constantly prescribe AYER's SAii6.ti'.utILLA US an Absolute Cure For all diseases caused by the vitiation of the blood. It is concentrated to the high- est practicable degree, far beyond any other preparation for which like effects are claimed, and is therefore the cheapest, as well as the best blood purifying medi- eine, in the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PREPARED BY C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. (Analytical Chemists.] Sold by all Druggists: price tt1; six bottles for $5. VI peenices SPECIAL FLAVORING d'RIC SPECIAL IZAVORI EXTRACTS T-A1•:11rA1.I.Ere I� Polls. Taucli,¶orkmallsbiD & Dlratility. ever.Lrr1:ll Nos. 2111 nud2O6 West Baltimore Street, laeltlmore. No. I12 Bifth Avenue. Now York. JP -TION. 1 , i ai., l r et awo•bI 0411 110111414114S Y ...04 kneind of Il 1e 1%1114.04th 11, a” l 1Tho.o, tett 1N.' MOTTLE , NO*, 77..t clrN'Oh 11. a *1.1' .0) 0 12 1 s. 1150.11 at, 11.4.4,., i .uy nilff,r lost i.., .,. .1vO r nd.No•,. 1•.•41, M ,$eat Alit. 1tioWoO1 F. OF COUNTERFEITS. GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. The speediest and most certain medicine in the world. ALL FAMILIES ESE IT. Weak Back, Enlarged Toutts, Paralysis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Diphtheria, Sciatica, Prolapses, Uterei, Female Weakness. The best marl only certain remedy to relieve Pain of all Kinds, uo mutter of how l'ug stand - 113g. Instant relief gunra•1tee(1 eripltes. Swol- len Jo nts, Viericoso veins, Bites of trisects 0_ Sick Headache. No oil or grease; is cloaca and sweet ; will not soil. Iona:ex AT103 or •('3ir KIn\3EYS, 13uICTIT's RIE -ASE, Diabetes. incontinence Of Urine. Is tee only Liniment le the worm possessing al- terative cowers. Can lo: ta1(eu internally; sures Cramp r„111 0.)lle, Diarrhoea. au.1 Dys• eatery. Som.. BY Ar.L DaeetltIAT5. TRIAL Burros; 25c. Write Dr. Giles, box 3,482, N. Y. P. 0., who will give tISV1On on all OisenSP: fr00 of charge. tr•r Rewire of noscruilnlrnlx 41eah,ra011(1 coup- • torfe;ts. The 10110111,1 It ll: 6110 11x.100 blown in the gloss duel tort 1 1111 i le. of the discoveror s 1 name over each cork. Glens' r 1rttovED OCA'P11.11(a I'I Gr.s. Sero _Strr.E.11Ert ome alel Meet clove. 11• vier Gnirx They a. a 00111 ,o:n 1 it ir11111 of rug • table solo st 111003, a nil euro oe t uhe0 01 all ge lso m of the year. 1ti hunt r••.triotiI1 us to diet o- clothing. F'or,t11 loser 1too . 1 tm' Stnm;Leh , Moor. Bowo13, &•c. Poen, 25e.'pel• boo. 0. LU'rZ, Agent, Exeter ontnrio. )1,1) 1 AB LIST. ED r._irllira TUESDAY &W a'DNESDAy, 29th & 30th - MAKE THEIR BEST DISPLAY OF Rats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes, Birds, Orn ents, 8cc, Plushes, Velvets and a variety of Trilnlnznb' all colors. ;MISS Doherty, who for the hast three seasons has oueeeesfnlly ern:Jaeted this branch, again resumes, and will be more titan delighted to have every lady in the village and surroundings give her a call rte" "Grand General Opening" same days, Everything complete. Everolody come, JAMES PIC ARD. 1885. The Pall Ezhibition AT B.ISSETT BROS. Competition Open to the: -World IN TUE FOLLOWING LINES: STOVES S TIN W AR E—A Full tlssortlueut. BARD VAl.ti-:, PAINTS al OILS --A Complete stock LAMPS ; LAMP GOODS—Au endless variety, very cheap. CALL AND SEE TIDE C)ELEBRATEDA OF ANY CROSS -CUT SAW—A PEB-FLCT DAISY. I • • Main Street, Exeter, w p MTT 4 1, Keeps Watches ThatAre Watch How Lost, t -'ow Rcstosed Andaro warranted correct for Time, Traiu, and to please the luo.st fastidious. t\ r. haver c ultl' , t:,lish,1 1 i ,1r (' liiiou of 012.0rTf.Vl i,t;;P. R1lVr I 1 b: SAN' on the r, Quid 11111 •I.,I111n1:11 i oleo itvith• 0111 tue,licivo)ofoervh„ Ilol11It}.tlrota) nnd physical totomeit I1u.10Ol:ule•1.11 t.. .1 ,Il go, etc.. resulting lop) f.\eoso,... Price, in sealed 1.11111.111 ,0.0111' (1 cents,ol ta•n 1103ta a, 44th stamps, vThe celebrated .10111 ctit is admirablees- say clearly durnoustaatob from thirtt• years' successful practice. him 1 nlI,i l 1n0 coOs0quen- cesmay beradicallt coned withont,tho dang- erous use of internal ulodicit.rsor•'Idteuse of tile knife ; `Point 0111 m Moo e of stirs at once simple coa•tain lino effectual, by memos of w iehevarysufferer, no matter what 115(O - litionmay be may ure 11itnself chaapiy,pri vatelyandrndicnlly. Hold' pleasant to the eye, and suitable for youth or age. I� Phi lecture show) o 3c in the hands of ev- ery v- eryyouthiolaevery tSl,11in the 1111. Aadrert Give pilot a call. No trouble to show Gooclg. THE CIILVEHVJEI�T MNICAL COMPANY, Watches and Clocks Repaired and Brought 't+ �i loly s .,Nrw,orB. �t1YI1e. Post Wilco !tel\ 450 ET Tide, of a:5,A warm JP,'FrX '17th, is .Uicli, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Shi for. Romans, Friends aud Countrymen, Lovers, Bra Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives, Children, bands, Etc., tc., Etc. SPECTACLES —Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft