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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-16, Page 6
44. • THE GODER1OD. SIGNAL -STAR ASHFIELD f$ f ut 9Ri)GR OF 1113 0QU111 ntltr• V1uab1e Our assistants are par- ticularly valuable to us, and to those we serve because our assistants are .exper- ienced, and are steeped in the -traditions of Bropheys rer\'ice.. They play an im- )O1'tant part indeed in main- taining Brophey's service at a constantly high level. BllopHEys. 'i2 ? a V?()1Ce, FLOYD M. LODGE , DIRECTOR 13 MONTREAL "ST. PHONE 120 1,. YOUNG r4ORL4 GATkIWE AT BAPTIST OBD' ( rout haled from- Page 3 -arid St. Thomas. 1)et otionaLttx.vc' ses ,were conducted by Miss Bettj' 1,i~aa, oncj., assisted by. Lorne Morgan., of Adelaide street Baptist church, London. Miss Minnie It'os.er ,read ltigllt Rev. J. H. Benison's "•A 'Thankful Ileatrt." Aliso 11tu•iel • Ronson of L(tildttlt, secretary -treasurer, gate a brief report on the yra(•;s 41 ori: anus Her. G. 1V. 11. Medley, pastor of the (;otilerich Ilaptiat church, weieoltled the delegates to tloderich. . Rev.Jaime: , ? ibson, Kellsatl Park, Loudon, was ,appoiltt(d chairman of the 110 1( 1iug committee, composed of 1Ite fullcli\•iug : Miss Natalie Doherty, Logobndon. Ed. Chit ton, (1 ode rich, and Miss Helen Thompson, 81ra,LJir , - 'l'11e following were'nanleci a resolu- tion committee: Rev. S. R. McClung, of Sornin, chairman; Miss Vera Schott, Talbot street Baptist church, London \1 i.. Marie Haithby, Goderie-h Anderson, Wyoming, and Orval Smith, Pet roliat. - RaptL,t World- Conference - An open conference on the Baptist world convention Was led by Rev. G. Smith. of Strat hroy, and Rev. II. Tripier, -of London, both of twhotm were delegates. They have interesting -high- lights of their trip and of conditions as they found therm in 'England, on the Continent, and in the congress city of Copenhagen, Denmark. "We who are ambassadors of Christ have mitt demonstrated as forcibly as we should the 'real cleaning of the Gospel as it has come from (sod and the Saviour. which paying people on the Continent are trying to find in inspir- ation." Rev. Mr. Smith said. Rev. H. Trinier, of Lcindon. stated there was amazement expressed ill the -large membership as. represented by the delegates. It was impressive to note that they represented nations who Men,-W�m�n Over 40 - Fee1Wef�a ' Q . Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality ? ltrundown, Uexmake you eeagged oud'l Try exhausted r.(t(1 ipcneral tonica.stimu)anta, often needed atter :tat or *U. Supplies iron. calcium, phosphorus, vitamin Bt. Helps ou t normal In- troductory sirs, Ostrex Ton1c 1 abl vto s c tc vaaay 135c. For sale at all Rood' drudz stores everywhere. NILE NILE. Oct. 14.—Mr. I•:dgar Sheppard of St. ('atharint s visited at Nile on Sunday. ' \l r. and Mrs. Wilmer Hutledge and t•hildie(1 spent Thanksgiving, Day lit' 1\ ood'tn('k at -the home of -Mrs. Rut• - hard heed at war and that all joine=d together in singing. the llynln "Blest Be the Tie at hat Binds." 'A ,revived pl:ac•tieal C'hristiani`ty, he declared,' is then hope of a distraught. (li.integratecl world.- _ r_ -Church _ txvices "Tame" Rev. S. A... Westeott,- of - Toronto, in discussing "Why do young people not. ledge's sister. Mrs, 1 11tf.or(1 Hot ton•attend church?" said. they are not Anniversary, services will he • held loyal to the church because life is departmentalized into sport. - social clubs and bfsiness, until they.hnve he- eolme of 'major interest. The church service is. looked 11pn11 as a "tame" a11foir. because of its nnchangirig „ro.ntilie," "Lalc•k of home training in religion and family :worship -has given young people a faulty :religions training." he • added. "and they' rnnnot comprehend why pressure of -chin -MI attendance and loyalty Should he brought on their way ' of life." IIs advised -;riving young rpeopie 11 'part in the service. ns11erifii and -sing- ing. en -Irk -filing' in them "loyalty+ to the ichllrc h, not to. 0 person. - "If •oyer there ,i -as 0 time for young peop.11' to bear witness -it- i' now." he a(bled. Turitr$my, (wry) t➢th, 10,47 ASHF1ELD, Oct. 14. -Miss Gregg of Toronto _spent the week -end At the home of MA's. 1). 4. Mackenzie. Miss Mae MacKeudrick of Toronto renewed old-- }tequaintanves here on Sunday. There °will be nu i5ervive in Ashliad Presbyterian antral on November 2, owing to anniversary'ser't'iet, at Ripley. Misses Atnia and Charlotte Mac- kenzie of °jd'oroua.o were iiulue fslr the tyeek-eud. Miss • Marion Mackenzie of Toronto spent :the week-eod • at her home here. Miss Muriel lfal•rish of Toronto was the '-guest ' of 'her mother,' • Mrs. K. Furrish, last. week. Mr. Donald 1)reunall of Toronto visited with Ws: father, Mr. Gordon Drennan, last week -end. 1)r. nd- Mrs. Ford and sung, John 1(11(1 riPeter, of Ilatmiltotl, spent the week -end with Mr. • and Mrs. D. A. Macdonlild. Gu gists at the- house of Mrs. W. L. 14't'axukey ort Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Williams and sou- and Miss Lilian Ferguson, all of Hamil- ton, and "Miss Georgia Dunbar, of Ethel. - - Mr. •and Mrs. D. 'Hartotr of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Colin 'M a eG regor. Born.—()n October 8, to' Mr. -and Mrs. Lloyd Macdonald, -a son, (Colin Alexander°) . 6t Nile !'1i11rc•ll next" Sunday. -October • .10th: art 11 a1.1(1. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. k, G. IIe(t''tt of :\nburn will be the speaker. �.•y e14.R 4�4,• �,, 4•. a4 ars 0 4•at' 'hy44'i'}, 41 VICK ra �' a't•a r.{•aat:!•i3 .:•...:' h,P.r'•a''l342a,w•r ..,"I' w,,,r• •• You'll -be so pleased the way a little•Va-tro-nol in each nostril quickly soothes irritation, helps reduce congestion and relieve stuffy head cold _: • v X1.;04' c� wand because Va-lrro-nol works ' .right inhere troublt' is to ease dis*i't . � Y VA•TROi'NOL m111ions So try Vicks Va-tr-o-.nos, yourself! Advertising, in The Signal -Star pays dividends. ;2a • \ t t' vast T food. anyfimc! A a Whatever the weather, whatever your wor- ries, you'll feel happier, more secure, if you have a nice little nest -egg of Canada Sav- in s s fonds tucked away. if you need money quickly they can be -cashed at any timie at their full -face value plus interest. • You can Katy up to, $1,000 Oil any ,,ne na ie (W no • amore) in the same convenient wys ® for cash r on easy instalments. Take advantage of this fine pportuility without d lay ,''Uy Canada Sar- intDt S 3On %rS today 4 068, SALE OcTO hER 14th t banks aitd through investment dealers, -or through your Cmpony's Payr?IB Savings Plan. et' i YOCJLL"NEVER BE SORRY (r YOII SAVED r nada 400-- oIi"$ SECOND M 5 DONNYBROOK a.. DONNYBROOK, Oct. 14. -- Miss. Lucy Thompson of Ayr• spent the holi- day week -end at her home here. - Mr. Warren Bamford of Preston was house over the week -end. Mr1 and Mrs. Stuart t'hamney were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webster, and attended anniversary services in St. Helens United church. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Naylor and child- reu ,,were week -end visitors with Mr. and 'Mrs. Herb 'Dainty and children at Camp- Borden: w , - .".111�'..�tt,ncl-..�Irs._J.at•�.. 'fin azlda.1 lr.._.an11d_ Jars. Ted Thompson and "children, of Wingham, were Sunday -i isitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Thompson. Miss Jean Webster. of Clinton and Miss Marion ..MacMillan of London spent Monday With the formeni's sister, Mrs. Stnart Charnney. • - - BACKACHE - MaybeWarninq Backache may be a -signal your kidneys are failing to filter excess acids and poison- ous wastes from the system. Dodd's Kidney Pills help relieve this condition, often the .causer -of backache, headache, rheumatic pains or- disturbed rest. Dodd's contain essential oils and medicinal ingre- dients which act directly on the kidneys sad help therm regain -.normal action. tier U sells to=d�; t8_ ••ate.'^L • -f' ogigith hes,`,6fry... CANADA SAVINGS BONDS"` A year ago ,thousands of Canadians arranged to buy Canada Savings �'. Bonds by instalments' as a conven- ent, familiar way of saving money. ' Now those bonds are theirs—ready funds to use any time, for any urp ose they P wish. Today you have ah opportunity to start a new "nest egg". Agaau you can buy Canada Savings Bonds by easy monthly instalments through any branch of The Royal Bank ofCanada; or arrange with your employer to buy them for 'yon through regular salary deductions. You can also buy them outright for cash, if you prefer. A year from, now you'll - be glad you decided to - buy again. *On sale now, for cash or by - instalments, a all branches. THEROYAL •- BANK OF- CANADA GODERICH BRANCH - — W. G. DULMAGE, Manager rye • • 9 (y(t) .2(5, • . N ti I art rrr r ��rn "4,i'ia?4''Y-•f•*H'a: trfa! 1 4r 'orf • f!f'/rj, lr rrirwal!'Ai/F/ry r•r 7v i dl4:1%J•', ::::i •,.•4rrN,lt?r�f+N' f' rrr f ,FGt ' arrf a f e✓ r �'h ri rJr�•. �iT rr 4 .r•r - rY ra$ ✓ rr{'rr r rr ..,; . r . ��// f. r r /*r�4 irfirr rr +Wig/ !✓!rl l.Vi✓.ffJ/rlrJffi�!%G.{,.f' r r�� ,r, r . .. A. J•r!I rt r .Vyrw/ •�r�r'✓irrr :::0,;� � �✓ afirr' �11Q '� .vy� j r. r,.•• 4 J {.,r,., rrJ .. / f rf rrr r•r.2//_i r/,f �,,Sy �,•r:l ✓r • r l r . , tfA r f frJ.� •.- r •. O .: � .f�:y:,: r'� 'tit•• '/-t :i4 -• rr• ring �. {i'tr,:%/•. ;% ,s %`%r r::;r$•j;:•... fY{; fn rr�i r ,!{�'{irf, �Jl�•`%✓f•:!rr}'fi,$.i':f.•i.:•,rrr'rF• , f i' • �,''•ir 'r','rj••'.rfrJ:• l r •{. r.. ,• rrr.;Erll•,C.GUL:!'fYr�fiF�rfrrr. r f r!'��i •ri,Guf•'%%rrr :i i.ici�l��%iufir%fr' r' t +�.'rr'ffiir`.:•irfi:i � . 4 r v ` raT- •ytryF VAGUE IN CONVENIENCE Plymouth's roomy luggage com- partnent gives you volu© in convenience. The lid swings bp easily because the weightis counterbalanced. The lid won't compdown until you want it down. The spars tire is con. vontentty rotated. _ VALUE IN SAFETY . Plymouth gives you value' to safety With Equal Pressure Hydraulic Brakes, Stopping power is' Increased one-third with 25 to 30% len pedal Isressure. Plymouth SafetyRim Wheels reduce the hazards o'f .sudden tire failure. •° : r: lrrr. •• pYMovIIII gives you VALUE you can Ree and measure. Your Chrysler - Plymouth - Fargo (sealer has a new Anality Chart which shows that Plymouth is most like 111e high- priced ears -in quality features. Of 21 important featnreg fopnd in high=priced• cars, Plymouth has 20, ear "11" hes 9 and car "c" • has 8. More quality features mean greater \'Aitat';. Plymouth gives you `'AI,.t'i; in Safety. Safety -flim a\'o':•i= for protection in the event of sudden tire failure. Equal Pressure H 'draulic Brakes for more stepping power with less pedal pressure. Plymouth gives you VAY,ur in Economy. Although Plymouth is abi•g, comfortable car anti tares you more quality features, it is nevertheless priced right dotal with the lowest. ;Plymouth's thorough engineering makes it a long-lasting, economical car to own and operate. Plymouth gives you VALulu in Performance and Style. A powerful 95 horsepower engine gives you smooth performance at all speeds. Plymouth's smart styling and flowing linea give it 'that."big-ear" appearance. No other ear gives you all of these features at Plymouth's low pride—so, if it's VALUE you want:, it's Plymouth you want. •' . ..adatelete0 Xare4261 V'toele wee," *114911th New Safety hydraulic Brakes a Patented floating -Power Engine Mountings to smother vibration s1 New Scatter with button on dash • Sefotyttin Wheels for blowout protection • New Front-end Sway Eliminator • All•steol Safety Body • Now Body Guard Bumper a Hotels' •- kiss Drive to Cushion starting and stopple. r Litihtwelph9 Aluminum .Pistons e W eer•restitL/ 3uperfiltshed Pans s Now Oosctles-Filler. Phone 755 Goderich r