HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-16, Page 3ON tIURQN COUNTY'S FOREMOST-WEEKLI GOPERICH, ONTARIO:,THU $DAY, OCTOBER 16th, _ 7 v�r��t�a��� YEAR. NO. ��- - - � er . 99 lun�;uubE+. b instinctively moved over People Ga`Highlights of the "World's Series . la la gut yet e,� ltu ate.Younga ® Three innings later, the same player , ¢ 8aptlst Church as -Viewed by McCreath ` "He' zt great play to cut off a run. (r _ to Brings o Iie' wy n�veethc,4irt;" she cuoea. "z ...tea at Barrister, Etc. Royal Bank Bldg. Hamilton Street, Goderich CHARTERED ACCO!UNTA.NTS 'W. CECIL ATTRI1X1E. -CHARTERED ACCOUNTA.NT Phone No.—Office 343W House 343J ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING SERVicE For Small BUBilleSSeB, Stores, late. Bookkeeping Systems Installed. Books Balanced Monthl.y Financial Statements Wage Summaries Business and Personal Returns ALBERT SHORE Office:Corner North St. and Square Phone 975. Residence Phone 444. Income Tax always loved hint." Ninety 'per ,Tfiis racy, article on the.' "world Brooklyn, with one down, Fu,rillo: of all the visitors to New York were. series," sent us by B. IL McCreath walked. Jorge(nson fot,iled out. .rwe . ,, witn. dem bums."' Plus the whole out. "Bevens was within one man of of Toronto, did not reach The Sign - colored population of Harlem, on ;c- al Pitching the first no -hit game in world • - • , ,• count of Jackie ittannson. Star in time for last week's ;issue, but series history. Even some Brooklyn. . .. . we are sure the fans will enjoy read- fans were pulling for him. Reiser, Jackie Robinson, the Dodger first out of the game wittt, baseman, and Banknead, a pitch.er,. lug Mr. McCreath's impressions of the the Dodgers' hardest hitter, who Was great baseball classic. a bad ankle, were•the first colored ball players ever - NEW YORK, Oct. 7.—The biggest, friddo, a rookie outfielder, was sent to play in a world series. Robinson • — was sent in to bat for Casey. Gion- the '' wackiest and the most thrilling in to run for Furillo. • Against all base - "world series" has ended with the ball law , with two out he went flying Nov York Yankees the winners over for second and.so surprised the Yankee Brooklyn. • ,Seventeen records were ---- infield he made it. Then again against hroken, some of which woUld have been 4 all basebkll law, Reiser' was intention - better left at the old marks. Totai ally paSsed, putting the.vvirming ,run on receipts were $2,021,648. The biggest first. The explanation was that there attendance for one day 74,065; the big- would be it play at each bas%- and also gest receipts .. $393,000, both new that .the next batter, Staiaky, wa§ a., records. weak hitter. But Stanky did not bat.. - Brooklyn would have won if they stitute infielder' who is seeing his last had had just one good starting pitcher. days in the 'majors, was sent _in as a Their leading twirler for . the season., pinch hitter. He missed the first pitch 'Branca, pitched four innings in the, b_. y a foot. But the second one he• met first game without allowing a hit; then squarely and bounce,(1,,it off the wall blew up and was practically useless for in left centre for a double. The two the balanee of the series.. The games kids on second and first were flying and developed into a battle as to _who had lib play was attempted at the Plate. the best reserves. Lefty Joe Page for There went. the ball game. These went the Yankees, their great relief hurler, Beyens, no -hit game. Casey; who was knoeked out in the sixth game, pitched only one ball,. got credit for but finally Jived -bp to his repntation the win, his second in two &Vs; al - by 'stopping the .Dodgers cold in the though he pitched. only four innings. seVenth game. • It could happen. only in Brooklyn. • - Hours later they were still trying to get the, Dodger fans out of theopark. INSURANCE AlicKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN- ' SUILA.NCE CO.—Farm and iso- lated town property insured. Officers. — President, Frank Mc- . Gregor, Clinton,'R.R. 6; Vice,President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; Manager and Secretary-Vreasurer, M. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -:-Frank McGregor, 'Clinton ; Chris, Leonhardt,. Bornhelm; S. H. Archibald, R.R. 4, Seaforth; Harvey wartha, R.R. 3, Clinton; John II—Mc- -Ewing, R.R. 1, Blyth; Hugh Alex.ander, Seaforth. Ageuts—John E. Pepper, Brucefield, 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, R.R. 1; R. Finlay McKerch.er, Rat. I; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen: Policy -holders can Make all -pay- ments and get their cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clinton; Qa1Vin Cutt's .Grocery,..Kingston Street, Cloderich, or J. IL General Stort, Baytield. i'Vas the fastest man on either team. He will be 'playing second base next afternoon ami evening, with an attend - Year, iliS proper Position. ' He fields ance of .more than 175 delegates': The church was decorated Mr -the 'occasion with- flowers, of the season. Ailsa Craig, Parkhill, Petrolia, Strathroy, Saraia, London anti Wyoming xere• among the places represented. The attendance shield , was won ,py the Sarnia B.I.P.t., with nineteen mem, •bers present. In a resolution passed at the evening meeting* severe curtailment -of the pro, duction of alcoholic beverages was urged, and in another resolution mem- bers of the AssoCiation pledged them - .selves ' to study ways and means of seading practical assistance to hunger - stricken countries throughout the world. • Election of Officers James Worrell, of London, was re- elected president ;.- ti.ev: James Gibson, Lendon, honorasy-president, and Rev. G. W. II. Medley, Gederichi, Vice-president. Others elected included: SecretarY- treasurer, Miss Muriel Ronson, Lon- don; councillors, Fred Hinton, London; Miss Betty Williamson, Sarnia; 4anies Whitney, Strathroy ; Rev'. Seaton, Parkhill; moderator, ReV. G. F. Smith, St ratthroy ; inter -provincial represent-, ative, James Worrall; pianist, Miss Installation of officers was conduCted . by Rev. . A. Dickson and resolutions were.pres.ented by Rev. S. R. McClung. of Sarnia. it The devotional period at the evenitig session was in* charge of° the Auburn times; was visibly affected by the play. „union,led by Emma Robertson, assiste He had been °trotting iround the bases by Shirley Robertson. Rev. S. 11. leisurely: cer(ain it was a homer, aild •West(litt, of Toronto, addressed the did not know what was happening -until group on the topic "If I Were Not a, he saw the 'Brooklyn infielders throw-- Christian." . Dig -a-way their ,gloyes. Dintaggio is 4nteresting reportg and inspiring .ad - the greatest living 'player, but in this. dresseS marked the afternoon session series-. he never seemed to get going. of the rally. which opened with a sing - Brooklyn shifted their infield away song conducted: by Fred Hinton: Lon- don, with Miss Mary Ilaleroft_at the by Miss Marie .Raithby on behalf of the Goderich Young People's Union, and acknowledged by Mr. Worrall. Miss_ Edith Bishop brought greetings from tile Elgin County Assoeiation, Large Goderich Tilt! Thanksgiving rally of the Aesociation, with which. the Goderich B.I.P.U. nfilliated, was held in -the Goderich Baptist church on Monday .bunts in the same way they do in softball, right under the nose of the batter. He is a college graduate. - I had a chat with him.before one of the gameS. He tho.ught Canada, was wonderful and 'was delighted with the treatment he received at notttreal last year'•when playing for that Brooklyn ,farm club. He is a gentleman, fwd. the colored race are fortunate in hav- ing one of his type as the first tu come • The greatest catch ever made. in a world series wag pulled off 'by Gion- friddo, a rookie outfielder who had just been injected into the sixth .gaine as 4 pinch hitter. New York was leading 8 to 5 with runners. on firgt and second, and Joe Dimaggio at bat for the Yanks. After fouling pff ,two or three he finally' lifted one a mile in the air into centre field and 'apparently out of the park. At the crack of the, bat Gionfriddo took one look at the ball .and started to run.. Ile never loOked• baok: but with his' head down lite a streak of light- ning he raced the ball. -Actually, lie Seemed to be.gaining on- it. Everyone knew he •woUld Ilever•inakedt, but just as he reaclied. the Brooklyn bull pen he half turned, Jumped into the air, stuck up his,glove—and there was the. ball. He crashed into the wire netting, but -held, the ball. Dinniggio, who dad already stfuck , out and hit into a double play in the series at crucial Sixty-five bases on balls set a new reCord. In most of the gmmes there was •a man on base in almost every innings. °Bevens for the Yanks issued tenhases on balls in one game, allowed onlY one hit---the.--11tht man Up in the ninth—and lost the ball' game. The pinth,innings of the fourth game was the most thrilling I have ever seen and had more "master‘minding" than ten ordinary games..., Opening the ninth, the Yanks were leading 2 to 1. With one out they loaded the bases. Brooklyn. called CAI- their great relie'f pitcher Hugh CaseY. He pitched only one ball, which was hit back for a dordie play, ending • the' inningA. For' MEDICAL 46' NOSE; THR,OAT Late House Surgeon New lierk Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital, assist- ant tit Moorefield Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital-,, London, England. EYES TESTED, GLASSES SUPPLIED 53 Waterloo Street S., Stratford. Telephone 267. Next visit Bedford Hotel, Goderich, • CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Goderich, Phone 341 OFFICE HOURS Mineral funie baths by appointment A. N. ATKINSON Registered under Drugless Practitioners Act for the Province of Ontario. INSITRE SURE CONFEDERATION LIFR WIND- CAR, FIRE --Preferred rates for preferred risks. ACCIDENT & SICKNESS Consult ° JOHN FARRISH Phone 82-13 Dungannon These Brooklyh fans have . to be heard to be believed. I sat next to a matronly woman who' might have been the mother in one of the better homes in Goderich. Before the game started I knew she' was a rabid Dodger tan'es Her remarks about some of the Yankee players *Were less than flattering. About the‘ third innings a Dodger inftelder messed up an easy chanee. This paper would burn if I tried to set down her F. T. Armstrong OPTICIAN and,,OPTOMETRIST "See Armstrong and See Better" At Lucknow first Friday of each month. ENJOY PEACE OF -MIND and freedom front financial losses by .insuring today. TA.___IJC. LT OVER TODAY WITH GORDON jEWELL Phone Carlow.'21-R-4. Reid's Upholstery You WIT. be proud of the Ohestertleld,:Chairs, etc., '41114 we re -upholster or re-cover for you. Olioic of velour; friezei tapeqtry, da ask. 'Quality coverings, THE SguPARhor 2063 Pick-up and delivery J. W. CRAIGIE UNURANCE REAL ESTATE towards third to get him and it worked Commissioner Chandler oixupied a box next to the Dodger dug -out. He has been feuding all year with' the New York press. In the next box sat Leo Durocher, former manager of the Dodgers whoin the Commissioner -had ,,expelled for a year. for ' conduct un- becoming a manager. With Durocher pletely ignored by everybody, while the I Durwher box was mobbed. by Rao- 1 'graph ‘hounds. It may have been . . staged, Nit if so .it Was well done 'and the Y.Vcl: York papers did not let any- one miss it. A 'Don't bet on sure thing." A liddle "Westerner . went to New York to SVe the world serces. (in the Saturday ,before 1st opened he went to Belmont ,Park to see the races. horse by the (Continued 1111 Page 7 1 • Coded French Dry Cleaners THE COMPLETE SERVICE NEW STEAM SPOTTING DRY CLEANING'and PRESSING Guaranteed Mod.proofing Service. Waterproofing: . PICK-rP . AND 'DELIVERY • Phone 122 0. R. LOWBRY JENSE14 II Co. ONTARIO EXETER • IVIANUFACTORERS OF STORE FIXTURES AND DISPLAYS, KITCHEN CABINETS, ETC., IN "UP-TO-DATE DESIGNS AND FINISH. "If you have a problem, let us help you. Give us a tall. P.O. BOX 166 PHONE 268j 40-7 isf AMOS Soo, es. 440#40 4wora, wee4 4,47 PHONE 24 GO'liERICH A.. L. COLE . DONALD B. BLUE EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER Licensed for Co'unties of Huron anti Bruce RIPLEY, PHONE 49 For information apply to J. N. Kernighan, Division Court Clerk. Goderieh, Ont. FRIGIDAIRE COMMERCIAL SALES AND SERVICE. Phone 1098 or Write Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted . Phone .33 Goderich,o Ont. Geo. G. MacEwan Accident, and- Motor Car. Insurance EDWARD W. ELLIOTT LICENSE!) AUCTIONEER, Correspondence promptly an- swered. Immediate arrangements Call -be made for Sales •Date by calling Phone 203, ClintOn. Charge moderate and satisfac- tion Guaranteed. 19tf MANNING Refrigeration Service 50 Elgin Ave., Goderich RFPAIRS TO' ALL MAKES OFFICEMASONIC TEMPLE WEST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH HAROLD d'ACKSON LICENSED AUCtIONEER HURON AND PERTH For Information, ete.. write R.R. 4, Seaferth; or phone (col- lect) Seaforth. or 867. Goderich.. AT CAPITAL THEATRE PHT'n' Now—Dane, Clark, in "That Way With Women," with Maitha Vickers • Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday:—Adult 'Entertainment Dick Powell, Evelyn Keyes• and Ellen Drew Melted Nvith suspense, intrigue and romance, the sort Of Mystery that keeps rm. wondering till the end. "JOHNNY O'CLOCK" INSURANCE R. T. KILPATRICK R.R. 7, Lucknow Phone 7782 Dungannon Electrical Equipment Grain Grinders,• Oat Rollers, - Washing Machines Deep Well Pressure Pumps Shallow Well Pumps Milk Coolers', etc. We also have. a large quantity of Spy Apples and other vari- eties. Otders accepted. Please bring cohtainers. Harry- Mitchell PHONE 600W2 YOUR BEST ,NUY° ANN PAGE WHITE et BROWN LK BREAD 2 oz aff 1,0C • CUSTOM GROUND COFFEE' '61 b 49C WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS — Bus Schedule New In Eltert — To LONDON To STRATFORD 8.15 p.m. Bus for London leaves -at 7.00 a.m. on Sunday MI holidays the 12.15 and 'Vie 8.15 p.m. Bus go to -Stratford only. connections at Milton for London, Detroit, Wiughain, Walkerton, Port Elgin and Owen Sound. Connections at'Stratford for Woodstock Kitchener, Guelpn, Hamilton and C.onnections at Mitchell for Listowel and London. For information phone British Ex- ' change phone 691 -Nr 717. Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Coriiel Wilde, Maureen O'Hara and Helen Walker It's in Technieolor and it'g the liveliest, loveliest racing yarn (Wei; Seen "1-10MEARETCH" geliable, Efficient Radio Repairs IN OUR RADIO SERVICE EPT. FULL STOCK OF TUBES' AN PARTS CARRIED All Work Guarantoed 11.5'DERI CH ONTARIO 92 ALL PURPOSE 5 ROSES 7 lb bug 40C 24 lb bag L37 Phone 1IA WeSt St, feel Stuffed and Upset After .EnjOying a Me,al?, If you sneer froth dysplisia, sour stomach, biliousaess, headaches minor liver or kidney co-hi- pktints—use Burdock 'Blood Bittera, This is a popular preparation that will helP tone op the stein.* kidney and liver, aid digegtion and • king tpick relief from indigestion and conttipatiott. ,„ ' ento, effective and dependablk,B.13113. contains no harmful. ingredi- ation, and how much better you feel for'it by name—Burdock Bl0od tale at drug eolinters Matinees—Wed., $at., and. Holida,yd 2.80 p.m. - • SAVES WASHING t BREAKFAST COCOA 230 SOUP " MASTER RAND DOG FOODS HOLDS THE SHINE CHAN WAX, EvAP,.- milit FANCY LOBSTER FANCY TUNA FISH • 170 190 590 110 • SWEE11, I X PA) I trz. jar 25E: griP M00722 GaziozmigE7 FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLEtIS WE> '2 '72413.? LETair CALIFORNIA ICEBERC 1 fo:1 2,,.: LARGE 48's 2fo b19: Tuiplips WASHED a WAXED TOTATOES P.E.I. 41 N. eV./ IT MUP",4riCh pet. 53:(:„ -A & P PRODUCE BUY Ot lilt WEEK CALIFORNIA VALENCIA onANGEs appro.% 3 doz bar, 59 c .45 •