HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-16, Page 1ONE-BiUNDRIID.Tral YEAR. Thanksgiving tit Local Churches Large Congregations Join in Sunday's' Special Services Fruits: of forest; field and garden profusely '41.ecorated many • of the churches in Goderich on Sunday, when services of thanksgiving were held. Hymns, sermons and prayer's expressed gratitude to the Giver of all good things. • • ,Rev. Dr. A. H. O'Neil; ;princifial of . Huron College:i London, was," the preacher at the 'morning ,serilee in St: George's Anglican _church, conducted by the rectoraRev. B. II. Farr. :Special music by the choir under the direction of Mr. A. W. Anderton consisted of an anthein• with Mrs. IsfeauetIr Aitken as soloist and a solo, "The -Lord's Prayer," by Miss Marjorie Hays. An exquisite sterling' silver chalice and, paten, the gift of Aire. Brown in memory of her husband, the late Edwin Douglas Brown, was presented by Dr. J. A. Graham, rector's warden, and was received and dedicated by the rector, Rev. B. H. Farr. Rev. C. P. L. Gilhert, of Seaforth, preached at the • evening service. The soloists were• Mrs. J. Lewis, and Miss Maraiirie Hays. . Knox Presbyterian- Churkh "Offer unto God Thanksgiving" was the subject chosen by, Rev. Richard' Stewart at the morning qerviee in Knox Presbyterian .church. He stressed the need of self-foi:getfu.lness and a grateful frame- of mind expressious of, thankfulpees to God. "Our history as a country is hallowed with thanks- giving. What a transformation would take place, if, tie in the long ago, everyone were 'in. one plaae with one accord'."' • • - Mil -sic by the choir, under the direc- tion. of Mr. William Wickett, consisted ofathe anthem, "With a Voice of Sing- ing," 'and a solo, "Prayer of Thanks- giving," by Glen Lodge. At the eveoing service Mr. Stewart's subject was "The Treasures 'of Life." The choir sang the anthem, "Ye Shall Dwell in the Land" and a Mate 'chorus rendered "Now Thank We All Our God." North Street United, Church "'• the child: of one of the villagers, large congregation Was present to !Alt appeer to fail in the ease of his on Sunday Morning in North street who meets with an .accident. United. church, and • ReY: Wesley41 wife. Following the servieea a "fireside Co Ws Subject was: "Giviaag Thanks to will be spent in the.church_hall, God."- Minac,- under the direction of g otaold fatnilliar hy'mnsa alurray•. Hetlat'srington, ineluded musical number's and' refreshments. tritb CH ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTO REV. C. WAOPE ADDRESSES CENTR L • ' ANI W. CLUB .....,_..., , .. Young Plownio , The Octeber awetilag of the Ceatria , , - -- Repre.sent .Huron . thane aud School Club was' held on _____ - Tuesday eevulug at Central school. At. bterimuorma Plowing Match The club was. entertained by an excel- lent performance of fourteen members This. Week _ of Miss Videau's class, grade I, The . class, conducted. by Airs.'MacDougall, At the North Huron plowing match, ,sang four pieces, including "Jack in held. last week . on the. farm. of John the Box" and "Big Giants and sLittle Currie, East' Wawanosh, four •yeuths, Elves," . . , all from this part of the county, won ing night from fhe -first to the, foUrth the _honor of reDreaenting iluron. in The Club voted to change the Meet - Tuesday -of the month. la is felt that inter-eounty caampetitien at the Inter- .. the. latter date .will nOt conflict with national plowing inateh being held other Meetings and will. allow more near -Kingston this week. fathers to attend. The budget ft:kr the Arthur- Bell, RA. 2, Croderich, and year was preseated - by Mrs. Carlton Worsell and means of raising money John Clark, R.R, 5, Goderich, were were discussed. chosen to compete in the inter -county • .'The principal speaker of the evening walking -plow eveut; Gerald Dustuw; was Rev. C. W. Cope of North street R.Ra 1, Port Albert, and Billy Robert - United church, who discussed "The son, ILK. 5, Goderich, were chosen to Home iu Building Character." Ile be the tractor-Plo‘iing team. stated that in ' "educational circles it The match was directed by 'an has long been recognized • that there ecutive headed by George •Feagan, is need for -citizenship training, which president of the North Huron Plow - has led to a revision in the Collegiate men's Associatiou, and 7 was witnessed history classes so that they now lead by a large gathering of' spectators. to grade XIII, where, a course is given Winners in the various events were in interpretation ,of history. aiming as folio -we: ' . - toward develop -Ment of. character., The - The Prize -winners emphasis has been on schools, but *Mr. Walking -plow, open, James Hogg, Cope said it must be realized that Seafdrth; Hugh Simpson, White- -the, home provides the basic Wining church; Gordon Yeoman, Winghani. of religion, of right and wrong. The Walking -plow, boys 19 and under early training is 'greatly influenced by • (seleetion event),Arthur Bell, R.R. 2, the example Of the parents. The Goderich; John' Clark, R.R. 5, G,ode- schoola can feaeh citizenahip, butlf the ridia; Norman Pocock, Winghain; homeconditionsare not good then the Graeine --AleDonald„ R.R. 3, Brbssels. influence of the school'will be nullified. -Special for beat walking -plow land, All must work together. •• 'James .Hogg. .. . The theetingrao-sed with the singing ,s.Tractaa-plawing„,„ boya. nad tnider, of "God Save the King," after which (selection event), Geraldlnistow, rot tea was served. - • 1 Port Albert; -Billy' Rollertson, RIa. The graduation banquet is to be held- 5, GOderich; Arthur Belt01.1; R.R. 1, at the Park House,' Friday, October Dublin; kfarry Montgomery, Goderich; .24th. " .• - • Bob Irwin, R.R. 3, Seaforth; Ecu Mca . • •Donald, R.R, 3, Brussels; Ken Roger - TO -SHOW RELIGIOUS FILM son, R.R. -3, Seafdrth. - , . 'AT NORTH -ST. CHURCH Tractor -plowing, open to residents of HUron-county, W. J. Leeming, Wal- • ton: Harold Pryde, Seaforth; Elmer At the regular evening 'service of Ireland, Wingham ;• Jack MeEwea, R.R. North street United church. next Sun- 1, jalytb. Tractor -plowing, open, day the religious sound film, "Beyoad George Robertson, R.11, *5, Goderich; - Our Horizons," will be shown.- Thie William Rogerson, R.R. .3, Seaforth.; film is a challenge .to the Vibblem of GeorgeaMichie, R.R. 4, Brussels; ---• ' unanswered' prayer; In a beautiful . Tractor-ploink, veterans, Larry village among the mountains of -Nor- Snider, Exeter. Ford, special, tractor way, Pastor Brandt wins tffes•ae.74,1ence plowing and knowledge of equipment, of the people by his sheer f ith and Allan Waiver; "R.R.. 3, Parkhill; Jack piety. His proyera avail • in regard Willits, R.R. 1, Wingham; H. Johnston, R.R. 2Blyth. Specialafor best tratori- plowed land, Gerald DustoW. eing Held at ton iiLittlechild Held W-.Q.TERFRONT • 911 Murder. Count • The book -and -line awe (and women) Committed by Magistrate Thi are having their innings this week, fternoon on Charge of d, Hundreds of anglers; many Of them Itilling•Chas. • ell from outside points, have visited the waterfront and , have taken, „geed catches of perch. Among the "out- siders", was Ernie Isashbrook, ex - Mayor of Rodney, making his wawa' visit. e• Withrahnost summer weather, swim- mers have again taken to the water, several. of the young folks having made the plunge hetweeu the piers: ' • Arrivals at the Croderich elevator the Past week :Thursday-.-----Wahcondah, from Chicago, with 78,000 biohele of U.S. corn, the first' corn cargo received? here asinee•-1939. Friday—Bricoldec, 101,000 bus. oats' and wheat. Sunday .,;;;18,000 bus. wheat, eats and barley. The Dricoldoc discharged part of her cargo, 134,000 bus. wheat, at the Purity Fleur eleaator. - The .1mperial 011 depot received a cargo of gasoline by the tanker Ina perial Shiwoe on Sanday evening. J. E. Johuston,. Dr. John W. Wallace, The A. A. Hudson is expected with Josephine, William. and -Richard Little - a cargo—of grain for • the Cloderich child, children of the accused, and elerator-tomorrOw (Friday). Mrs. Mabel Ben., widow of Charles .Bell. — — Frederick Littlechild late this (Thursday) afternoon was coinmitted for trial after a preihninary hearing before Magistrate J. W. Morley an the charge of naird.er. • Littlechild listened with close attention to -the evidence,' particularly to that given by his child- ren, two . of. whom shed tears. in the Witness box. Littlechild Was charged with the Murder of Charles Bell, 59, at the Littlechild home on September 15th, in what police termed_a drunken brawl. After Crown Attorney, D. E. Mathes moved for Committal, Freak Donaelly, K.C., counsel for the accused, moved that there Was not.sufficient evidence to send the accused up for trial on the murder charge; that there was not a pH.= facie -case against the' accused. Witnesses called were Dr. W. F. Gallow, coroner; Provincial Constable, YOUNG. BOY SUFFERS • PROVINCIAL REGENT VISITS LOCALI.O.D.E. Airs, Lionel Millen, Pro Weld]. regent of the imperial Order. of Daughters yr the Empire„ WAS the guest speaker at an 1.0.D.E. regional meeting held on Friday evening in the church hall of North street United church and spear- sored by the Maple Leaf iChapter., Mrs. Milieu wee aecompauied by iMts. McCullough, for seventeen years 'the secretary of . the Provincial Society. RePresentatives of the Stratford and Mitchell Chapters and of ,the Ahmeek Chapter of Goderich-also were present. Ansa Josie Saunders, .regent of the Maple Leaf Chapter, presided, and introduced Mrta J. S. Howrie as a member of , farty• years' standing its Aluneek Chapter, and the Alisses Julia and Catharine Lewis as members who had joined the Maple Leaf Chapter shortly after its organizati6n. • A pleasiag. solo Was sung by Frances larereton, accompanied at the •piano by Miss Catharine Cutt, 'Who 'also played- a pihaae solo. Mrs. Clayton Edward sang two voeal solos, ace0m- patniedaby. Mrs. J. G. MacDougall. Mrs. Millen' reviewed. the erganiz- ation and work- of. the I.O.D.E.. Patriotic and., educational 'work had been given Prominence through the years. "The necessity for such an _or- ganization has been proved in the past forty-seven years," she said. „She urged the continuance of sending food MYSTERIOUS INJURY HURON COUNTY SCHOLARSHIP , parcels to Britain, The secretary of -the University of Mrs. Norman Jaekson expressed the Alfred Mitchell, eigh.t-year-old son of Western Ontario has advised County thanks of the meeting to the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Wilihun Mitchell,Britaa- Clerk N. W. Miller that the - 'Junin Miss Saunders introduced' Miss 'Edith nia feed, is in Alexandra Hospital ('ounti- scholarships of $100 each have Reberts Goderich's only lifehnem- ber'of the LO.D.E. The presedtation of two Iluren" county productions, a_ wool •blanket,and .aaltaaltel .1).1t.aket. epplea,. _waa4,..made res-peciiVelY to:. ATri•fa---Milleia- find- Nita: alcCullough. by airs. D. E. Campbell luid- Mrs. George Ellis, en behalf of Maple Leaf Chapter.1 Mrs. C..Staniforth, regent .of .Ahneek Chapter, and', Mrs. Edighoffer, of on -behalf of their member:4. expressed- aheir--' appreciation of the hivitation•dnd welcome 4tceorded suffering with undetermined injuries received when he was struek •an the back of the head with what is believed been awarded to Peter •Fraser, of Exeter, and Miss Deris McEwan, of Bayfield. The scholarships are awarded ta be sonte. esharP -atalects,„. With at _to. theaboy and.. girl .a.taideat s from tine, of children he• was * returning -home comity who obtain the highest stranding from an.,errand after school and was on Picton street- when he Suddenly be- gan to sereirm and blood streamed from a wound in his head, He ran home screaming andawAS given first aid by a at the University. • VICTORIA STREET W.A. •The bright, sunny day brought out • a large attendance to. the •meeting of neighbor, Mrs. J. H. Fowler, IteeaNe the Women's Assetiation of•Victoria-st. and was taken by his father to the United church ,on Thursday last, held office of Dr, J. M. Graham, who had at the' home of Mrs. P. Barker, Bay - him removed to the hospital for obsema field wad. The devotional period was • led by Mrs. NaMcKinoon; A reading, ation. . s Neither the' child nor any of " his -Let Vs Give 'Thanks," was given by playmates knew what had struak. him. Mrs. McKinnon, wild Mrs. F. Wilson Mr.. Mitchell reported -the accident to gave a readthe on -"True Friendship." Mrs. Phillips gave a "Recipe for 'Lipp"- ond daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. L: the police, who are investigating, , ness," did airs.al.): Barker gave 0 read- Pieri4on, to Lt. Richard Lawrence, only REV. RICHARD STEWART ing on "Friendship." The president, •soli of Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Carrie. 11. Whster, took the chair for The wedding cereinony waa performed RECEIVES CALL TO LONDON mrs• - the bushsess. Tiventy-seven- sa.k cahs by the groom's father. • * • were reported. , A shower of artieleS'''- . Rev. Richard Stewart, minister of Trophies Presented to Hockey Champions „Lions Hold "Hockey. .ght!" • wit4 Bobby Baur • as Speaker - •.!Sitatini----and plenty of it—is Ter • garded as "very 'essential" 'in the ''de- yelopment of .a player for, today's hockey, -stated Bobby Bauer, former. member -of Boston Bruine and. WS. .. year coach of Guelph'S entry, addressing the Lion.O. Club Fri. day night. It was ,7'hoekey night" ,..at the club and about sixty-five grederidt players; were -honored by the 'Liens fur their eff,orte last wbater. Bauer placed 'Stick -handling neit to skating .as a requisite for • a- good- - hockey'. play•er. He related bow virtually lived on the ice as a small boy at ,Waterloo and felt that these 'hours tied hours ,of skating gave..hina the .development that aided very ma- terially in the "pro" ranks. He paid tribute to the Goderieh Labile Club for sponsoring hockey in Goderich as it has done. • "Bobby" was introduced by Con.- -Buechler, Who pointed out that Batter . spent his summer months in. Goderich several years age. At the conclusion of his address,. Reg. McGee moved a vote of thanks to the. speaker. Bauer related an incident in which a practical Wier sending out a letter en alaple Leaf Gardens stationery re- sulted in his not paying. any attention to the letter, • becauSes he had been , tipped off about it beforehand. When O genuine letter came through a few days later he figured it was a joker, -too, and -disregarded it. A. resuft- '-hea•evintually -"Went to " the :14Ostain Bruins when, if he had answered' the -, letter, he might have been wearing 0 Maple Leafs uniform instead.- Sol& Hockey "Great" Ju response to queries made --after his address, Bauer said he regarded Bill larrhaii and Dave Kerr as theatoughest- goalkeepers to beat in his time and that Bill Cowley was the greatest stick - handler. He Called Oshawa:the.' teams to beat this year for junior henora. Members of the various Goderich teams preeentit the meeting were: Black , Hawk. . Frank Little, Barry Grist, -Jack sReis, Donald'. yacAdam, Donald McBride, Gordon Walters, Gary Staniforth, Barry • Whetstone, Lionel Arbour, Jim McCreight. Bruce Barry, Dick Goodwin, Bill- Smith, Bob Gardner. Midgets:a-Johnny Donald- sain, Barry ,Doak, Murray Holland, Donald llohnes, Jimmy Smith, David - 1 for to be held ow h(ene of miller 'United church of Betty• het e Goddard; Jack. Merriam, .Domild Mc- • 'CONTRSWT FOR 25 HOUSES New t. . Milts .• , . 'LP11 Bab Culp Bruce' • • Landon.a:Xlie call .is to come before Z111.711 k.ertno. _The__eontract for the erection of a - CARRIEPIERSON • The marriage was solemnized at'St. John's (botch, JerSey, City .Heightsa'on October 10th, of Helen Elizabeth. sec - for the church .kitchen was put en STANLEY—STRAUGHAN Knox Presbyterian church. has re-" dreplay ; alao" .articles for the bazaar Charming in zill its °arrangements (•eived call from the•congregation of ware• brought 111, and n sewing bee 4tr- WnS the wedding on Aloeday at Ben- ' ' • • • s •• church , . a • . . . . • carped. Mr. t . • -- • - • - • almen ,-. wt -r, younger daughter of Air. and alrs. A. Ersklne. Bill Freeth, RarnaldaI)ickson, made •for the serving- of a dinner. to ., a . as. atraughan. to ttrvillt" J11 111('S, 1 Ile delegates *he (aane to. t••11e- aa-m-ttg.--asa---eaa___,4_ masa Ida ---- -131 0- 11(1 tin f 111)r()114-14!(14(11. M.;"tite-‘1::.‘11‘11-'11(1.,s'—Arrtead-JdatYlinsti-lo°:, St: 1 1 ti ,eR1l:. t w.ent y -five additional W-artime-410ta.h , atew a rt has just con(•luded—iii-11-ftlf- - the anthem, "I'raise the Lord, 0- in Goderich has- been it to t e , A cordial. invitathai is extended to all year as minister of Kaox charele • . -People's "11\a -1111"n. wiliaii is 1') he lale James Stanley ef Listowel. .'a.i'lle ' Jerusalem"; a girl's' three-part chortle, - • . - .• I arker aunstiuction 'o. o ,'() ' ' 4 . • ..., St'o(idart, J. P.rice, Jaa•Needham, • W,,, . h(sld in Victoria-st. church. It was (le- ceremony 'teak pla(.e at I- o'clock, Ile V , "Now Thank We All Our Go( ," ant , to . ahare. In this evening of wdrship lev.. and fellowship; and pzirticularly for The same (.omparay, _has the eon- - ENGAGEMENTS':AsINNOUNCF,D . .Haywrh.(1. pastor ot the church, I). Warren. J. Sauaders. E.. Jenkins, Fa • ( laintler. II. - W Lure'', Ilill ,Nevtgoinbe, tract for Wartime hous(.s ,in Clinton; .A./r. i 1 et .. J 1 i /1 naiall„g cue_ aided to gne a th,111,-(41(1 ina tiIlna am .e. la - solo, "Thanks Be to God," by 'Mr. W. 111.1( la till,. , AV l 1101111 l‘ 4l., IR Witt- (ssagg. Is shsisa. , E. 1....ustard, ea, C. Attridge; . those who are newcepwrs this is an s •_____ . , - 111( . is. . o i 1 . ._ . , . to -the church. Ia.\ . I.. II. Turner (1..•. s• s. re, .1 } -..1 .. • 1 . r ten, announce the engagfnItt'llt of tladr closed the' nes.' ing with prayer. The fully ticrortiteti with . ferns, large . . At the •evening service the-choh sane . . - "APPLE DIY" NETS $143 ' . • • 7 opportunity to becbine better ac- Iteacem. _Garth Ihrinilton. quainted with the members of the sly dart rliteit Gladva Mary to Alurray • Ea(•11 janser was introduced to the The Boy Scouts did zt thriving bwii- Clarence, only aoli of Airs. Esther Eest esses . aer.Yell •'" doll""11" lunwh • baskets el gladiolus and .muins in "I'raiSe Ye the Father," and the fol- . eongregation., wheat was ea:eyed by all. l'aa" shades- and at e'R'h aide at the ineetinta :11•11old Mt•Connell introduced . lowing girls rendered the chorus, ness on Saturday, their annual "apple and the late Norman East of -Iltillett a. alsar \vela-Pt:ill lighted tapers, which ham, Marjorie and Phyllis Iataxler, iluron eeenty lielsteina. acquit ted proceeds; zifter paying 'for thecapples„ 1 •ale, wee was i4-iv,a in ma rriaol. bv-;: ,ott an imported g0W 11 ()I ••, e - • . t members: el t•he Midget tearra, and i' T.(1,11:1101.; . re. '444„.114" ..‘1:“.1/iiriiilil the members of the '1141i:it:I} ti(1,11(,•4 ; a(7outt Yotir Blessinge ;-" Atisses Barb- lay " '11AI:1'4y-live bushels of Mc - 1 ICTORTA srr1tEIET W M S l'hek- II4 •k p • 'I-1‘ ruce ( 'I. tat castVol:bthee ara and Margaret 111 ii Mar,y •Prid- HOLSTEIN ('HAMPIONSHIP SHOW Ini(;sit Reds -were disposed of, arid 'net township....... t he Wedding to take piece , ,c,1(1..1,1(1).wr ..0.1•11. at Ontario street United merui,(..1...;: and, irli.m.k ut. -t•-lelet a soft and 44-lewing effect: The . Soeiety -of Victoria her father w .. • • Alarie 'Wall, Edythe-. Jenkins, elpirl themselves „well against the strongest • •cit, l. lintea. - street United church were entertained • -• . • ,: •• who( :altos damask, f -e" 1 "ring a , .1, tin a.r awn. The- B. A. Catchpole - a . -Farrant, Rita 1)urnin, Mis. aorge kind ef competition at the annual were $1-13.. - The engagement . as zinnounced . Of .theit's mi"sionarY on alawsday afternoon, at the. 'home presented- ti.: Barry- boak, iWilkin, Mrs. 'Terry Worsellaand Mrs. 'Western Ontario ehampionship Hol- Eugedia Brindley, daughter aof-- Airs. Alta Hardy 'fraralaar street There Petals of eapatin of the ' Midgets. as was the pleats -tit neckline with an iliusien -yokearisope.3. wiia, WilliamS. stein show held -October 10th at Lon - A quiet wedding tools place at Knox } Briedley, to Clement .Toseph Des- "f - . • • • .s • edged wita jaairastudded GREENWOOD—NI1LLS , Itarold Larder ' and the late William sts a larae :Mead:Ince. Mrs. Gem -re Wat.A.A. alidget trophy. with, Bobby Vietoria Street United Church • Presbyterial' intutse, Guderich, onaani- f. 111(1 1t1 son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph o a • J-. matching- satin. The tilted bodSce It i bler. }reaident 1(..ik ch:11,'e (If the Bauer doing the honors. Rasva Ia H. don. Ross Marshala, K'irkton, .showed yietoria street United church .was--. day morning, • uctober a, vvisess--Itt I Desjnrdins ef Penetang. (Mt.; the --"". 1 ' ,- • ehiphnsiZed the hastple' wnist line and .t.tzt;•,• after the 11 Ratite, exercises; • Turner'presented the Juvenile W.O.A. . the third prize heife.r'ealf in a ciass well served on its harvest thanksgiving" Helen, deughter of ait. laid- aari-rs. 1 wedding to take place at 9 O'cloGt. '1,„"" '-. . • 1 - *-• - • •-•-•• 1 he V(.1'Y full leg -0 -neaten •sieeN es , •the seeretsrv s •Ind treasurer•s reDoVN 1 1 1 of sixty-four and also had the fifth The A, trophy- to Donald Warren, calptain 'Sunday, when, ReV. W. J. Wooifrey, tanarieS -111115, was. united in marriage , November .1 7th in •St. Peter's .R.,'. .. , ' " . - . • .. . enoeo di points rover her hands. . showtql increase in ID 11 members and asamaea,a, aaaat skills ea light •ai 11a. -, ...1( • - prize junior get-otasire. L.. Leming ,„. , .„,,, & Son, Ws:Alton, brought out the thirds . • . r ti s team minister of Ontario street United to- Wilfred Greenwbud, only 'son . of I church, 1.1soderich. funda. Mrs. Haray reperied 1.011110(11 1' ilitek W":1iSi -iille Wit il il. draped bustle Guy Emerson turned the ."ineeting .. a prize ag,ed . bull - und the tenth prize church, Clinton, occupied the pulpit at i 1 bull calf, -while R. AlcKeil, Clintoa, had Air. Herbert Greenw-ood :led the late I hospital and twPrity-four home calla niel extended inte n Cathedral train. over to "Nip- Whetstorie scion afteisits both services. the -sixth prize junior .earling bull.Airs. Gepenwood, all of Goderich. The . BROADLEY—FARRANT for the month. Airs. II. Sanderson /1 lld .1 .1 1•1* Vtd 1 of illusion was caught to her amanweeemera 'Tribute was paid to. The morning theme portrayed the cerenwily was performed by Rev. ,Iticia A quiet wedding. took lance in St. Airs. Wm. Peters were appointed (tele- , liraid ard moral tind spiritual calibre of the early The Huron entry stood sixth in a Stewart. Then bride wore a street- George's church on octeber 9th, when gatea te the Presbyterial .eleeting tt.)a studded coreiwt. She carried a satin- with a mt aching . Satin IH (11 1 ,,\ 11) for his Incessant efferts on be-. lea -of ',Teel in Goilerith. After Mak- . class of eight in the c,ounty herd cam - Christians. There WilS 11. 111110. and a. length dress .of pe.:Jr1 mist grey with Adir Irt lle. eilieSt daughter of Mr. be lipid inttli streer t lin at tht 1„„aesea mete with an orchid loisogaa . ing• mention (if four achamph-rnship , petition, the winner being Oxford. . end (if the ineuth. Mrs. Bal. 11 NN iki 11 f • oneness -among them ; they were 01- blaek accessories • and corsage of S. Farrant and the late Mrs. Farrant. -- -o-- ---"-- -1-- srom which fell white satin streamers, 1 -}, anesasv teartta in Gederich last A:inlet, "one heart and of one soul.'"There TRUCK -BREAKS DOWN ' Ruhrtun lilies, The • only . atttendants was Vtnited i11 marriage to Lorne II. gave aitii interesting rind inStruetive 1 Naafi tstamaiess er tiny 'minus. el lit a•,-span ; f ,, 2--' ”" eed (}11 vari()ts ifialividuala to must be today this oneness of ourpose were the bride's sister and brotlier-in- Breadlev, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. , aalk oil -the study heels. "Great Is the, esate•a may sister. alrs..K. K. 4.-tawaen. intrediess members of these tennis. - in the Christian church, said the What mighthave been a serious , a I NV , Arr. and Airs. ',tamers'. Sheardown. J. I,. Brondlev. The eouple _were rister of 011111alnY. Mrs. Phps. illitemper:1'1(T was. innl 1(111 .4)f holier. She chose a - preacher, if we are to have the, type about. 7.30,- when Mr. and Alia:a-Gordon ...Mrs. Sheardown wore povvder blue tended by aliss Pearl Farrattha-- pat ve two 1 -endings. "A Good lloori-ength . gown of ice 1)1"e .'".t. RICHLY -BRED HOLSTEIN - accident happened on Sundays evening, of civilization the Redeemer of men Taylor and family Were returning to crepe with corsage of brOnze 'Mums. tlfe,bride, and alr. W. J. Williams, of (i•Onvolf(7, (10111,1(. net skirt over taffeta, with. short ULL C A.NGES HANDS decreed. Further, these. people of the , A dinner wits served at -the home of Sarnia. ,after a short motor trip Mr. win rorside, in (.1.11i.tize:ti i'l (11(1.11i -sae ni..F:\IN(,;itTsIg :t111.1)(Iso ,•liaitt((.!a.s.". sliA1111:18; puff sleeves. draped neckline. find their home at Eden Grove after spend - "Way" "had all things. in -common." the bride's parents to the immediate and Mrs. Broadley h M ing the day with Taylor's grand- They were merely ' temporary pos- families. For travelling the bride Goderich. f -sessors.; ...isll belonged to God. This ather, Mr . William Bir.nieon h , „ i --h.' hose I cat festive blue wool crepe dress niiietv-first birthday. Their tria.k concept too Must be recaptured and puts with winter white shortie scoat end broke down the otherle of Saltford sis to work in, the modern church. 'The black Accessories:a The young couple • speaker reminded his congregation that and. they had to (((111(1 hack to (lode- will reside iti Goderich. ' . •rieh and stay all night with Mr. and ..., Prior to . her marriage a miseellan- the prelude to -all this was the hestowal of spiritual Mrs. Birnie. eous shower was held in honor of the power at Pentecost. , The choir, under the leadership of , bride by airs. (leorge Schaefer and Mrs. , . Miss•Mary .Toyee Strachan, maintained. • LEAVING FOR ENGLAND Gordon Walte.r at the -latter's. home, its high standard of choral setvice, Mrs. E. I). Brown and Alias E. Brown Quebec street. rendering the 'anthem "Dear Land of leave tomorrow ,(Friday'a t(i fake pass- age on ,SS. Empresa of Canada for ianglamt where they will ',wide. On Wediassday evening airs. Brown was. the guest of honor at a Mauler given by her bridge club at 'the British Ex- clainge Jlotel. Afterwa rds ca rds (very played att. the home of Mrs. E. L. Dean, - where :11 rs. Brown- was.. presented with a halfalozen linen handkerchiefs as a farewell gift, frala the civil). Heine," with Miss i•'..velyn Breekow singing -11j' solo entitled "Come Unto At the evening service worshippers fihiet]sthe main part of the auditorium comfortilbly. Again the service of the choir was excellent, augmented by- the guest soloistof,the evening, Mrs. Clay- ton Edward, who sang the solo entitled "I %Vented Today Where Jesus Walked.", The ch(Q. rendered the an- them; "Let Mount Zion Itejeice." „The Bine Water Band under 'the leadership . of Mr. J. E. Iluckins was assembled in the gallery of the charch and pinyed two instrumeatrils during the service - together with- ther, -"Offertory," last) • playing a number Of selections at the close of Mc serviee. The church was beautifully deeor- uted kV the young people of the con- gregation. who, together with all who contributed to the inspiration of the day, receiVed the thanks of the min- ister, Rev. Lawrence H. Turner. - Mrs. Ewan Ross initiated a series of. sermonettes covering the -Inissionaryt Work of the chureh et home anti ebroad. • These arthumbnall 'sketehee" will he eontintied by _key re'present- ativea of Or the organizations ef the church. Baptist _Church Mowers, fruit, vegetahleseand gro in, in profusion, decorated the Goderich alliaptheehureh for the thanksgiving services, condueted by the pastor, Rea. G. W. HaMedley,' whose subjEktaawere: "The Blessedness of Blessing" land "That Little Yellow Basket." •Special anthema were 'rendered by the choir, and at ,the evening service kpleasing duet was sung by Grace and Florefiee Hudson. .Saivation Amity - Captain Iti% italiwell, and Lieut. 0. 6 'Millar, of Seaforth, condueted speeial thanksgiving serviees at the Salvation , Army citadel. 'BAPTIST MISSION CIRCLE The regular meeting of the Baptist Young Ladies' Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Vera Wilkinswith eighteen members presedl. 'Airs. V. Lee led the devotional period. A re-, port of the aeventy-fourth annual meet- iegaof the Middlesex and Lambton As- sociation of Bapti4 Churchesheld last' ,week at Kensnl Park • Baptist chnrch, London, was given by- Mra., G. W. TT. Medley. A social time was en - payed after the meeting. NEW MANAGER OF A. & P. STORE E. Stenton, manager of -the A. and P. Store here since last June, has gone to Chatham to take over the management' of the store .there. In an exchange, ,Howard Haley has come from the Chatham ' store to be manager here. Mrs. Haley will move to Goderich when living accommodation here is secured. FINE _OCTOBER WEATHER Temperafurea of the past week in Goderich, with those of the correspond- ing weekft year ago, as oilleially re- corded, were as Mows: 4 1047 1046 . Mau. Min. Mai. Min. Oet. ....02 40 02 42 Prig Oet. 10 00 .87 70 48 Sat., Oet, 11 ' 71 44 78 45' Sun., Oet. 12 70 32 „.55 45 Mon., 'net. 13 08 32 55 42 TheS., net. 14 e7 41 30 43 Wed., Opt. 14 78 , 1 s's 1 11 • HARRIS -r -WHITE" An attractive arrangement of bronze 'muftis formed the setting in St. Paul's Anglican church, Clinton, en Saturday, October 4, 1947, for the marriage of Geraldine Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mra.. J. B. White, Clinton, to William Albert, son of Air. Rod Mrs. Bert Harris. Goderaffi township. The dotalte- ring ceremony Wil 5. perfnnand by the reetor, Rev. R. M. - 1'. flultvel. Mrs. Theodore Fremlin -presided at the organ mid during the signing of the register Mra. William Acheson. Lind- say, aunt of the groom, song "Till the F.nd of Time." The bride. given in marriage by. her .fether, was lossay in ti w e n laroldered"WiTti iwfiwiUi 0 net overskirt. The"dress 111114 fash- ioned with a tight lttttllit, fiiil . skirt. and-I(}ng lily• -point sleeves. Her I-1inch cap beaddresa caught -her fingertip veil of illusion net. She wore a double strait(' of pearls, the gift of the groom. and cnrried ti easeade bouquet tf Talis- man reses. Attending „the bride 118 s MISS Peggy Stnithingtop, aloderlela who ;WAS gowned in sky latas silk jersey, wearing a flower headdress and carry- ing a cascade of yelloW 'mums. Robert Harris, brother of the groom, was 'Tat man end the ushers were Glenn Keene and Kenneth Harris. After the -ceremony a reeeption for abont forty guests was: held at Hotel Clinton, *here Mrs. White' reeelved wegring a blficks erepe frock with pink aeeessofies. She WAS SISSPted hy Mrs. Harris wearing a grey wool suit with black aceessories, Both wore corsages of pink rfises. ror 'travelling to Detroit and other point% 11)0 bride donned a grey, wool snit 'with black rteesories. ,On their return they will reside on. the gtotirea farm in Goderieh township. Out-of- town guests were present' from Detroit, London, Limbo and Goderieh, as well 51 • 07 40 as those from the surrounding. district. almok convener for the year. NI rs. gatlesred waiSI, Her pink ne(veil WII 5 1'OS1(.1(.1 11WIl 110 W(1111(1 1 ik(' 11S 11171Ily 1111 1(. fashioned with tiny pink ostriilt plumes 'The richly bred1 lloistein bull IVilcIihINZIE--MeCULLOUGH - ,.., boxes as pnssihle at the Na)-aelaber and she wore pink mittens and carried NiVadow Glade Right°. I'abst Ints re- place meeting. whil'il 11 111 0P in charge of the n farealiaped bouquet, of bronxe. t••llow eentl been roirchased by coiiu Oamp- 'A pretty autumn wedding took Eureka class and will be held at the alai (woad 'mums with gold ribbon, i,bell,. Baytield, frern NV. Ithine QinttOn, in St. Janws' church, ariddleton's; ef- os. Robert Geed, -Rev. L. Turner ajibke briefly nial sleep(' The greontsinan was Mr . Glenn Irwin. Colborne ttm-fiship. r "his bullis . - a • • • • s . - t .1 •ith pink hid white laa-ao r Mr ( y . 'innins, on Saturday, ()etoher a, at 3 IL of Lucknow, nephew of the groomnelli:v-hred individual eon:Mining-heavy the meeting ' with prayer. A. dainty The tittle itosear„gert. Darlene suedes-, preduction and good type to a marked p.m., when ltev. Andrew aleKenzie, as 5e11e41 by the hostess and ilieve of the grou. wore a long pink degree en both skies of his pedigre,e. brother of the groom, performed the 'lunch w double -ring ceremony which mailed in "Very marriage Jessie Ireue AlcCellough, • alaioS(113(30(1.• ..• ., nylon frock with nottehing Detsh jIlf(141111altai ra} , • s , dow Glade G 1 ti-4(1)(use'alse 111(1 is and piny mittens rind carried a nesegay ' Ptthsl. lots been classified fat commitaec and :1 social 11411f•lieur W115 (laughter of Mrs: alcCullough and. the ST. (411,7,01VbiE'S (11-11.V7111 -W.A. of tiny yellow. •niums. pink roses and Geed- in aelect t" e laegist tat late Benson McCullough, Goderich l'he Woman's A.n xi lulu of .tit. f i I nit: ft.i.n. }Little David Dawson, meows% :t member of the, only grotto of five own.- 1, , ' • stl F \1t Ft.( ' • • • . Illirell i.0.4.1111) . . . ' • . 4.1 toe sir. was' ring bearer. dress(sd (raughters (4 0 as' cow in tataitda that. halt. been elna hied 41,•4 Very Good. aon, of Mrs:: alcKenzie and the late George s c 1 • • lol In Ha gs1111(1 le a .yettew and baawlesee and balding William aleKenale, Ilensall. GisZn in Mrs. B. 11. Farr prestiding. The setip- ,Ti„. dont,ii. ri lig (lervaa.ay w a. 11,0(.1. witS :111 camolia'a senior- yearling bull caeintlitia Itaga Apple Right°, which The sire of t as cenipbell bull 1141111111reran on Tuesday. october I 41 h. with a w 1, 1 te sa 1 1 a Tallow Mini bine 1./.1ys. marriage- by her brother Howard, the I tin•e reading and thanksgh Mg prayers Noss 'VAN inn Strout:M:1n es -sisal ef the bride leeked 1(}yely in' a floor -length gewit of white slipper satin. Her %eh API.° giVvil 1)3- Ole preft.ideut• bride. tdayed epprepriate mush. softly fell front a Quet•fi Anne headdress and 11411°0' Wert' Pl'e,44,1(41 hsv mrs• (luring tlw ceremeny and Mr. Eldon amt. mr,•• Noodnanas Iferidersdn ef Luck -nee, usele (if -thy 'she clIrried an arin bouquet (4 pink 1 "hi. 50(101;11'Y, 1 eetisurer. groom. sang before the cereineny "ill Brin rcl life r(4.5. :N1 ism Rea 'VP° WilS, Mi.,"• F,1 IT exPresst'd rl'gll'at lu'ig P51 1(1( ' Y (111 .- : 1 11(1 t\ 1111i . the 1111tid of honor. wearing . 0 floor -length i nW:1 lk It gown of aoteetas latte net with match- L Mrs. Trintyli- as a member (if thy \V.. seakter. Naas Nana siaesst ailla st Iset. art axet.tf.re yearly production of 21.940 ing lieaddress and slimildoriengt li % oil. as sh" is 1"ii, jug 1 olVil to rusina 'in, You Triii.- 'rho u,lier,. wcre Nit.. lb,. milk cent:doing 720 lbs. fat. Chatham. t Benson Straughan of lieninnaer :inii ' GOO 14.',1111TCH MUSIC eLtTH imi,s Ajadelinea AlcCullough was her She carried a bouquet of..Talisina'n roses. It A. -,es annemiced tlait (1111('es 1 :14';1 1(41 1, lir. Berton settee:v.. brather et' the En , The ( «.1}}her meeting of the Goderich sister's. hridassatinid. She was gowned l'Y 111"111hol.' v)110 ara loll, ilia' 1"r•-• -14.- • greet» la ha Will be filled•by,,Nlyg,,,l,ltint ,W.4 , ,Aftv,r. nio...c4;routon.,,the gli44:-,4:s.bull;-,4', A..1 itsi!,,,, .1 'tub w.iks held ,111tit-- .(..:;e0xg,.(fm. 411 pank•latitial.'svith attateilittaitasatidreas st vas -president, -Aire. Dodd as sects.- nf./.1 tar si N: 13 rivi,. ,,,,. et,tort:iiiied for, Patrl':11 )1%111 "11 l'invs(bly evening with and shonideuiengill veil and carried a 1 hosequet ef Johanna hill roses. Little tar.(Unapt- :it the P:irl: lion,.. Gmlerich, the pre,ideht. Mr. W.. Wiekett, pre - 1 fter a abort ImaineRg meet - airs. WitAset az. leader for the ;tinier 1V..,..".. :MI airs. Staniferth ;is wheat, • the 1,eat,es meows sneaked siding. . al ars Ma rjorie Cierrie.' niece of i he • !towel...seal seereta ry tor Vert yer pa rt test's. ' wearing :1 dreaa ef midnight ban. crepe -1lfg. during 11 ili41 aenermeement wet14-1*(10111, W (1 S 11 Will:40111e )( :\liss Woodcoole, who- is I .• .4,1ery gowned in y•ellow satin.. She (serried ;i bouquet of yellow rosses. James I)ins- 111'osident• la) ited as 1(0( 1(3 Inelahers as possible more. IIensall, wits best man, and the ushers were Clayton Nle('ullongli. 1)10- ing to be 1101(1 at Myth on octrater 10ths to attend the • I)entiery meet - A pleasing- feature of the a fiV11104111 Wilg 1111 interesting address delit (-red 1)3 Mrs. Tlingit., Huron I)iocesail president ot OT W.A. Mrs. Ilingle, appointed a member of the board of manirgers of the M.S.C.C. to attend meetings at Si) skatoon and C.algary,' gave a ay -lib -psis of various programs at these meetings at, whieh the -speakers ap- pealed for spiritunl as well as Material aid in • the missionary work oftried on . in IIonan 1)100(s14e in Chilla and ether parts, of the world. There is also, great need for Italian missionaries in the Canadian West. Mrs. Carrie' moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. llingle. `A sweet solo was rendered by Mrs. 'Aitken. Th@ ;meeting WAS Closed with' prayer. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Riley. Mrs. Tieliborne, Mrs„ Clark, and Mys. uit 191:11 511111f- of theemasentration praaen nro(inetron withal the family ef this Mill ia indieated by the feet ti .111, thirteen neareat (lams haves- • jher of the bride, and Fred Kelly, Brueefiehl. The wedding music WIN pinyed by Mrs..Tohn Cairns. Brucelield, aunt of .the groom, and Mrs. Andrew WeKenzie was soloist, singing "I Love Yon Truly" during the signjng of the re,g4i:fstt(i:rr.the ceremony, a reeeption was held at the home of the bride's mother, where she received wearing a, black erepe dress. She was assiked hy, the grodm's mother wearing a brown (*rope frock. Both wore 'eorsages of red roses. A three-story wedding. cake centered the bria's table. Assisting were MISRPS Ilarbara Middleton, Mary Marian :Io'nes and Shirley 'Cooper. , For travelling.to Hanillton and other points, the bride donned a pale blue • wool suit %gni matching ,aecessorieS. On, their Teton the puttcouple will reside in Seaforth. Staniforth. with black nr•e(saseries ond eersage (if deep yelle* 'nouns with•fern, and the grooin'a !nether 117:114 111 crepe (if (•erise shade with blaek :sequin trim 811(1 11701'0 tI corsage of red ros(ss Whit fern. Tlas .11):111(s (of the meeting of the Ontario Reaial(sred Mnaie 1'4-n 'hors' Assoeietion on October 25th in Clinton Town Hall, Wiekett gave an instructive talk om the instrumento of the arnphinty dining-rpm/1 0.11 dee(1M1(41 in a pink -orchestra. ieteresting to the melte en, and white (-flier aehenw and the tables thnsinst aml the layman alike. The lectrit'e sena illustrated. with Pictritted and records Of the varionainstruments.', Besides the 10(1015', those present en- joyed aome symphony reeorda; "Over - tun' of the Magie l'inte," Mozart's Little Night Musie," and Mozart's "Concerto in Bb for Horn, and Sym- phony Orehestra." GORDON MeLEAN After .an illness of f;everal weeks, Gordon McLean Hay, brother ot Mr. W. A. Hay of underich; died on Pri. clay in the Christie Street Ilwpital, Toronto, My. Hay Watt ft Veteian of the first Groat Wa lie, was wountled.t.,ctio vt,,acl a resident of .TiNay, Ont." Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hay, at-, tendea the funeral at Atorrioen on Monday. , Wert' paetty with , hompasta of late 'summer flowers and lighted candles near the bride's} cake. The waitr(atees were Misavs. Lorne Moore and Dorothy Moore of Ilentniller.. Misses Tasna Roefs, 1). McKie atid Winnie MeCallum. of Toronto, Mrs. Emily Durnin and Miss. Bertint Popp of Dungannon. Later in the, afternoon, the guests returned to the home Of Mrs. IC. IC. Dawson, sister of the bride. where they enjoyed Keeang the many salnable and useful rifts. The bride donned a smart black wool. suit with ran ti%bing 1100P0gor1(41. oiilte jPrgWr biotic* Allti red fox-alsin, and wore the nAve orchid from bey bridal corsage. The younls, eotde left en 11 trip to Northern towns and, eitieP and OD their return will reside in Clinton. •