HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-11-19, Page 2' FARM'.
The Gredwat
Exhaustion of Sails.
`�swi2 ons wee ever' bleeped by nature
;with ble productive coil. She made tbabest
tpoIke of the longages prior tothe tet
-.-tIeaasent of titre country by, whites, in for. Ding
t and rile rno;t lnxarlant growth of vegetation,
by its decayy, sod titer of the annual crop
4 fertility
had filed the sept w.teen amour
that seemed exhitustlese. So
alert fur fathers, tend 49 thiole many of
Taxes of the great feeiele West But
ai °oaths
nisi takiz g out and putting nothum
back would exhaust *vem the ocean, It bac
exhumed the millions of acme of the older
field* of *Ed itwill exhaust the moat fertile
the We A study of the oenaua
aunt convince any searcher that tho prodzic
triols of all our crops is year by year greet-
ing lest end lea+. It cannot be Attributed to
a Mimge of sesuoz for ;Krim of years, but'
can be only to one gauge --the gradual ex-
baaaation of plant food by our unthinking
and unwise course.
This subject of huubandr yy the re
our .
s wee of
of ramming lin
our starving
'�eldr g
thou elements of plant grswtlt quite
(1' nearly exhausted, is yearly forcing it>:el€
mow prominently upon the attesatiou of the
fsrruerx of at mast te sateen half of alar
449ntr7.* and the 'ine 1.* very rapidly ex-
tending westward, Millions of acres that
ortee produoed magnificent mope of the
rerioces Brake, even weft of the great lel e.,
are now lying vsoaat, or barely peyipg for
*tee most ahiftienr apltiveilore, Thhimeatioa
pct be seriously considered, too soots, evelt
by the femme ma the now rich end prodoe.
Live mettle' west of the great rivere. Beaty
funis that pastae■ naatwaxd las loaded wijh a
peafiaoat of their fertility, mach of it in the
orwde sad barely renumeraiive *tete of brao,
oft meal, and tee ooareer grans, end, to tied
sbume of the humeri, evert lir the. bonen of
their animals, while the returning trains
f beck editing is the nature cf plant
Monis Western farmers i r. Think to
have 3:4:1 need *knob knowledge. *het'lbeled'
not fail to thoroughly port thee:mivsay
medtieose, tamers a h° do so and
Advaetege of ill this
� and b�be locked al the
vicinity whohive
live r
should 110 test
xe h
br ibonbt €rise.
alii3oat kind Road
041,1 par�
day, and
Is tut -
* only
cold entad cin
not only_
01 plolcing;g the earth well fo ,clang
to, but have the poesibiiity of belt
tared drought immediately following. Aside
from those thearetioal tole ningr, the ex.
srldew of the tut kw emu= pais been
favorable to the somas of fall plantli
,As clearly as it oan he done is the fail thge
; title he does to throw the centre of
gravity nearer the fore legs cad shoulders,
by which the projecting leak ie balanced by
the rear portent of the body. The horse
wants clean food and drink. Nothing is
clean where*, hoe goes. Rede 4044 be
kept awag'from horse,, mat only from foul-
ing, their food, but from eommunieatiog lied.
These peraaitea ere difiionit to reXOOVO from
horses wheel aloe upon them. Don't wo414
a horse all day upon the faze, and at night
tuna him out to glair u
when be should be re+atin a a aenty" *upper
calla , All g is the arabic biter
g dept a horse requires for his
service* le rest, food and dame axed he la
oruel who denies. these. There le econom
in keeping a working team In the stable a%
night, where it oan be tepidly fed, and is
always ready f r use. Doa't crimp the al-
io-weenie of imitable food, 411 a horse needs
sI hay and vein to keep in geed seedlike,
it is for the profit able owner iso supply.
P ei3 od
to o
cipiea, n . erred ase sound grin -
"Nemeses Girt" wants to know bow to
cure t'clslieg'efaationa about the face. Get
him to shave off his mnatacbe,
Mfrs. Coyne ha' Aped a pian far tanager
for breach of prank*..lies didn't want, Coyne
but she does.
eA newspaper relate. the st,ra
y of a t
Of 4emug the song and' died." The name
editor who killed hien is not strati.
A.rtoutis; Ward, went inked by telex*ptz
ori boltalf of a. iyooutu oo u ulttee "Whet
swill you take for ten nights V rep:
reedy sed water.,, p
leek' peradoxioal. The Parades a
o be rich sal g oeroue, yet there mu
greet deal e€ I',ar.eo rttwaey atnon;
l,azsgtry hu rotated to pay be; huee:.
We debts, if tilts is to be the rule bete -
* *Min clue of uteri will rtftite tri
ponder aatreesow.
ro€ (haidita
g P
a written
-) „ 1e
copied rem outide ihel .. lei. and was
men Wil0
banded it iuwill remain A hall dozes
renin. ea mind by lm
d Iiibuloua Printer (to prrvaf-reeder)- "Bow sae to pow
dsr-- ," � . • no fed for #
ani to , ootursaand was hardly pressed; as 10 wetly
wnuae relettee•.-*'You betel drink itwith etrangor,a fame to My Garraai I Mid
S►md*y aoito°1 aaoho4er wadi naked a sceroe y enough wagons for all of Aly
of , who the , pro. own leen. Seven sten crawled eta derMp
%revelled so many tangles gout
news him. enezn where
uhdlwas, wad°harge 1MMeltDesi if t the
Tisa saholsreeiia fact,, the whole wheel e t the
looked res if as little help would be liked and earrings wo l fearful e% I wens dearer,
My tom and lead another addaxes to the
*rear, I beard lour sheering la My front,
a boil"
the musketxr fieing, which 1 thought I
eraelf er ,iris, heard coming nearer Me, I now
wens farther awn from M
"1 helyd iii
A Tillttalen AICDeZein tI18ATIVE FROb
We have been at great .alas to recur
the follbwiug account of eine of theatre
hotly Oenteated battles el the rebellion
from one of the partioipanta, Lleutersen
Da Sidon de Rempatubl, a young neloi
men who 'served during the war ou th
etaff,1 General De Re mereid In the qua.:
teremeter'+a department, la these ,daye
when there k "such a dearth of war starless,
a trua and thrilling narrative from the
lige of a soldier at one ao ewixaent and
491node4t as 1aeut. Rampetuhl, Will fell
ripen the land with the cheering etbnpina
of a "recitation" at an evenieg party.
ieut.. R.eznpatubl asya : •
"1 ladard the firing at Myfrontab fa; IQ
A. N.
M watch, and immediately y
or -
(lend lfly servant to saddle My hrse,
which 1 at 01400 amounted, and then 1 rode
rapidly back to My supply train. I or-
dered Mg train tato corral, and then as
the firing became heavier I ordered it out
the road again. I led it back three
wilco farther to the rear, where I ordered
it again. into corral. I crawled eau-
tioueiy under one of My crsclrer wa,
gone to listen, My melee had not been
fed and I could hoer nothing but their.
"'1 ordered My wagonruaaeter to have
y melee fed, 4,u orderly came deebipg
one the (rout, Looking for 1116, The
'•'§rel desired to know where I was, 1
d to tho orderly,
" `TOII hire,' did I, "that 1 will hold
ypomltlon here *tall hazardl. Retuay
rpeed 0u Me.'
h of4og he My fruit grew heavier,
red Dry teams ern to lead 3Ify
•Ies around to the hostile side of My
M s
cfl'm ,
y and
e fTt1
t:nwed bee stuaaintones. My mule. be�
chews se 'sly wagon covers, and I
ht I would sea re Ioould not divert
Wes' ybzg down solus
Wei nx.xs z I'esoreoesey,.
e ' T,nocmotive engigeere are almost if not
t altogether, as superetitioue Ie re Bard to
haunted I000rottvee as aailora are le ro-
gerd to Moulted. 4hip4,' About ten years
e, ago the engine Matt Morgan blew up
6 while standing on the track of the Shore
r- Line road near the station in Providente.
R. I., killing the engineer. Toe engine
was subsequently rebuilt and put on the
flu, the fleet trip that she made
After bong rebuilt she went tearing into
Providence in the eight with the train
a lugiag behind and the sleeping town
echoing to the thrill whietle. Oa ap,
proechieg the sta'ian the engineer leaned
f rrward to shut cif the steam, bat to hie
a 9
la e,
S f r
and a ghostly hated gre'psdrh a wrist a and
held hhim fest When the atation Bras
reached the gimlet disappeared and the
engineer s'o'pped the train some distance
beyopd, :i: lees,, that is what the en
gineer tali*.
a1iny people hove net forgetteii the
terrible Richmond twitch, disaster aeveral
Ceara ago on the Pee v'dence and Storx-
ingtaou road. A little brook became swol-
len by the rain and carried away a< rail-
road bridge, The train Maine malting
along thlt night and woe hurled, into the
chum. Once, the eugiaeer, when he naw
the clapper ahead, (named of leaping from
the etngiiie ss hie fireruai did, grasped the
lever and reverted the eugino. BuSib
was Wainer, er, The tralu wee going at a
g & poli
ap6ed that the locomotive leaped clear"
areas the stream, and they footed Giles
lying under hie overturned engine with
the lever driven thronghble body and one
hand clutching the throttle valve with the
gasp death, AiIsis, when he o
to Providence, was accustomed
wo peouliar� whlatlea SS a ai
'fe, who lived near the railroad w
eters the atiburbe of the city,
41 right and wound noon be
The ;sbaexeoe of thou) whietlet
rat iritireetten which was ren
vldeece of the dfaaxter. Wit
gale wideb. iraade the terrible
hat etormy night way rebuilt and
es toad again, there was at O
ble in getting englneer' for
chi atipenitkioushomer wash re
o.day there are people ready
they have heard whl.tle.,
lice used to blow am signals to
lead through the suburbs 0I2'snF
en no train wadi coming up the
rah; for at.
yon spell whisky 1' lilt tie 'a"6" Proof. „1 1114 ;` f Q lysel , hat My
No 1.11 you drissk It with ,
*aaohar therefore said : ''The gea'4en: s neer to cell Mr ills d0azlg,
otter ultra therefore S," "Pee gat it, e r 1' Juib at that arid. polet iii My been•
olaiaaesl the delighted scholar.
Well tie, as 1 thought I would have to tall
uauset hew sbo wan it t" "It woathe queen el
AA burglar who attempted to enter
in Saoraineato wax caught fact in t
dew, and the woman armed h
potato readier, drew up a °heir,
there and tapped it's head for hall
before calling the police. She said s
always jot ached to pound a rants
wanted to
With ae away
and asst+ g scale nearer..
an hour DIy man took it rap. I mewled Out #rota
he had ander lkiy wagon, I took cf' My hat and
all (tae ea I bowed to ltdy cheering men, I fele a
of blackness surround Me. I tot..
that the tiered, &soldiersprang to estoli Ma and
with I knew no Deere. The bottle of Seven
orth a Gisler wee fought and won, the relation
6 went after the intend strain of fourteen hours'
led and fighting overcame Me, and as I dropped
demented Dar sword from My riervelOSI grasp,ss
D$uedt fainted.
A Michigan girl told her lover
uld never thiuk of marrying a man
than $10.000, Ind a; he was w
of *thee less than nothing h
14t away. Tbat.eight leis a.nole d
$.5,000. The neat day the
lover got a latter. It read
George, I'm willing to make it $5;000
Mr. D L. Moodysayx about iongg
were* tlf when
ff Galilee, heuhad tnaelf idted otanking
before hie petition, "Lord save me,'
alar prayer meeting roundabout in
tion, he would have been forty feet
water before he amid have asked
Lord the help he needed."
When. Vestryman Green .bowed it's
to read the rosponeee of the litany h,
very drowsy indeed, and he .had rete
"Lord have mercy upon us miserable
nets," but three times when he fell
asleep, His wife nudged♦ him with her para.
aci without success', 1't''hen the min
reaobed, "And now, aeventeenthly, se
loved brethren," i'eatryntan Green ant
and being unconscious of the lanae of
responded in a tenorous and fervent vo
" Lord have rrerop upon ue miserable
Three clergymen daily on an average
ply for panes to see Maud S.
Old Spot, the horse that Gen. Grant ui
at Vicksburg. was sold last year for $
by order of the Quartermaster, and has n
joined a circus.
Professor Pasteur has cured a boy of
drophobia by inoculating him with atten,
ed virus sixty hours after he bad been
ten fourteen times by a mod dog.
The Adin (Cal,) Argus says that a hon
which was bitched in front of a saloon
that city gave himself such a vigorous she
that he istol which had be
carelessly �left ain one oed a f hiesaddlebag!. T
shot killed a dog that was passing at
o less than
putTo death that their fin000 hamming
fen hersbir, gl
beautify the gorgeous ball -room gown of
London belle. In the sante great veal
fair 500 canary birds( shed their blood tl
other day that another woman might ou
shine the other fair and fine sinners of h
John Pringle, at Braaten, Ala., lecke
the front door of his house, put the keg i
his pocket, and while on his way o a sprin,
of water was struck by lightning and knook
ed off hie feet, He was not . hurt ; bat hi,
key was carried off, and although the en
tire neighborhood was searohed it has no
been found.
An old man pars Tenn., has died
leaving a large property in trustto be used
by the trustees in any manner they may
deem beat to suppress the habit, , prevalent
among men, of eating .with knives when
that he has always felt the disadvantagforks should be used. The deceased es of
habib of greproyiog evthat e ybod ya e b tele
or elsewhere whom he saw eating with their
knives, and was a monomaniac on the sub-
The famous feet of a Sandusky, Ohio,
girl are again protruding into public notice,
owing to the fact that a Now ' york shoe-
maker has been building e. pair of No. 29
dress shoes for them. They are nineteen
inches long and seven and a half inches
wide, The heels are tour inches long and
five and a half inches in width. Three
goat skins and four charade skins were
used up in making these shoes, which Dost
$45. The father of the young lady is a
well -o• do farmer. It is said he hat offered
$5,000 and a farm to the man who will be-
come his son-ln-law. Several Sandusky
sleepbeaux have with bars � of ne ailroad Ito ron or cakand nightly
s tof
ice Tented against their beaks,
A peoullex kited of hard tines has coma
upoa the farmers and people of thin ocua
o he:mire whet product is to shorts*
zdstrress, the snsavwer well be that it
isnot roarolty of anything that oauaes the
hard times—there is too much wheat. tort
much cone, trio much grain of all kinds, too
znuoh hat', too much beef, pock, sugar; too
much wool, 0 .tion, iron, steel ; too much
of everything. W'e are in distress of too
nzuch, borne down with the cad burden of
acpperabundaaotoe. 1 `e are uncertain what
*dyke to give—even money is too plenty,
end often oan't be loaned ate low interest.
We can't think of any better advice than to
dry up our tiara, put on a cheerful look, and
go to aud eat�our wrk avy through with
�abul nddaant abundance,
and treat to Vitae for swede,
We ob,erve that tome writere on vege.
`table gardening ,peak of the difficulty of
keeping i00001ent vegetables, like beets, tur-
nipsand parsnips, from wi1tin; when plae-
+ed ui cellars, and recommend packing them
in sand, or burying them intim earth of the
cellar bottom. This mode is necessarily
clnmbereome and ineonven1ent, An easier
and more perfect way is to pack them in
damp sawdust, placed in barrels of moderate
size, or in boxes of not more 'than two feet
in width. Place a layer of sawdust in the
rtom, then a layer of the roots, then rill
all the interstices with another layer, and
1V.o on till the box is full, leaving no crevices.
e have taken beets out of such bozos after
remaining in them a full year, so fresh in
appe truce that no external difference could
rhse seen between them and fresh roots.
-Nurserymen's moss in neater than lewdest
where it can be had, and serves an excellent
purpose for packing winter cabbage in large
More lumaane Treatment of Horace.
Machinery ie doing a vast amount of la-
bor for man, but horses are not dispensed
„with, or the contrary their number is in-
ireasing le this country every year. Not
only so, but their quality -is improving, both
for carriage and heavy work, No creature
is so valuable a servant to man. Haig often
di -treated, not ao much from intention as
from ignorance of what is right. Don't
bund the manger so high as to make it un -
textural, an erefore painful, for the horse
.o eat from i� Remember a horse is a graz.
kg animal, constructed to take food from
he ground, When the head is down near
o the surface of the earth, the swallowing
unwire are in a position o do their work ;
lilt when .the head is raised four or five feet
nigh the muscles are restricted .'n their
et'on. What is supposed to be gained by
igh mangers in the development of high
eek and shoulders is more than Ioat in the
epreseed back or "saddle back" of the horse
consequence of the unnatural elevation
f the head. The bottom of the feed.box
tici the horse's
ne, manger, what is etter,*never *more than.
le footfrom the floor. The mangershould
s two feet deep,'meaaurtng from the top,
rd about two feet four 'aches wide at the
es. Make the feed -box at the bottom of
anger, Some claim that . the floor of the
all should be level instead of deaoending
nm the manger toward the rear, and use
ore and better absorbents. In so doing
u not only save the most valuable part of
e fertilizing of the horse, but you 'remove
s strain of standing with big hind feet
ver than the forward ones. When at rest
the pasture the horse chooses o stand
ch his forward feet lower than hie hind '
prayers THE THRONE.
in the
uttang Hr atav L,►noucicxl; D scus:see Te t; Mos.
the reg.
trodue. ARMY OP Bnix;wsc,
under Notwithstanding her persistant retire.
of the meat, the 14 seen in personally popular;
bee it .is rather as a woman than as a sov-
W411 perteon to her mom in einkilig the for -
head ereign. Iter popularity is indeed, i -
ie at the bottooa of the monerohloal idea
fa4t has entirely disarmed. The die me.
y be, figurehead is in order to enVOIVO emote -
oke, NAY by means of whom *ff at la given
time to the popular deaden in favor of this or
ice ; that perm) booming Prime Ilifinieter
sin- and retaining hie poeition an long as he'
has a majority in the Rouse of Ocennaone,
ritual ae the bees feed peculiar grub
with royal pollen, in order that it mey
lv eggs. The arrangement is a curious
ap., and cumbereotne one and io to politica
what John and Richard Doe are to law.
11, long. It hes its clieadvantages. It nerves
ow to create a servile spirit and to strengthen
cities disthictions. A. profaned courtier
by. irk probably the lowest and most degraded
est. specimen of the human race. There is a
bit- tendenv on the pub of the eoVerefgn to
interfere indirectly .in political matters
in Minister, and this interference is usually
ke baneful because the opinion of a sovereign
en upon such matters is almod invariably
he wrong. RI. veryclosely. Theeeevils, how -
the ever, are nob inherent in a monarchy such
as ours. There "seems no reason why °our.
re tiers should be paid large sums for per-
terference of the sovereign in politics
t. penditure is not necessarily involved in
or the idea of a monarchical figurehead.
The royal family collectively cod, us
d aboub one million per annum. This vast
mediaeval tomfoolery of a court. and in
- lavishly endowing every member of the
family of tb.e monarch. This mud ode
• The President of the United States re.
t wives a salary of £ 10,000 pd annum,
and provides for hia family. Twice this
sura, together witth a town and country
habitation kept up at national expense,
would be amply sufficient for the lacuna -
bent of the throne. If to this be added
au annual allowance of £5,000 to the ine-
mediate heir to the crown and about
half this Nora for secretaries, 'Sec., it will
be seen that the maximum cost of royalty
ought not to exceed about 225,000 pee
annum, even if a small provision to en-
able younger children to stare in life
were included,
The faot that several alleged epiritu &Usti°
medium, have been exposed recently is fresh
proof that the way of the trance -guesser is
The steamer Oregon, on a voyage from
Portland, Oregan, to San Francisco early
this nbinth, encountered an immense whale,
and struck it with such force that the big
vessel shook from stem to stern, In some
u'naccountable way the monster's head then
became wedged in between the rod of the
dd a e vessel, and in that way the
whale VP48 carried along with the steemer
of b
Iateral motion while demanding, the
blackamithindioetes the num to the help. belied
er by delivering band•h;tnmer blows in meas
which the hand -hammer moves in the overth
direction required for the pledge to move, er. he If the blacksmith delivers a heavy shooter
blow upon. the work and an intermediate hint. a
light blow on the anvil It denotes that " I
heavy sledge blows are required. jest gay
If there blacksmith�str kwe en a blow or y0 between a the each tat he whi
helper'selodge•hammaerblow the object wesgow1
being to merely denote where the aledge and gav
blows are to fall. g in my 1
When the blacksmith desires the eledgo coach, a
blower to cease he lets the hani.hammsr ty little
head fall upon the anvil and oontlnnee its never fo
rebound upon the same until It ceases. and the
Thu; the movements of the band.ham_ Wali, w
seer constitute signals to the helper, and had my
what appear desultory blown o the cont. fright, to
mon observer constitute the method of let' arm
T'R40ioriI, '1`.EErIxe WI Er j
11040 _ TO IinI:
In 6 A*I on a .,..,.,
nu Wboxs Nene Sr. TR�oze,NMI, OP
Am the stage front Helena, Montane, to
nee of the luiulng camps wm, making its',
tt p last fall, the driver told this tragical
story of an encounter with road eR tasta
"it' wee in 'E7," said he, "au' I issue
lrivin' between Salt Lake and Helena
Read agents won pretty thick then, an
there was one gang run by Bill Dike thet
used ter make thug; pretty lively far us
It got to be quite the regular thing at a
oertaiu point in the road ter hear the
Ronde up 1' Ter can't get used
ter it. kevery time it would make roe
iereP test she same as the first t'zns.'
We used ter elution the peseonger,c not to
fi rd of they wee attacked, but j let to let
she a
ae )
have 8
toll l+lee, sow to pay.
Wa11, one morning I started outer
Salt Lake with, half a dozes inside pan
aarmere.., tall men --and one of the parts
est young women I ever neo as a deck
passenger. She Was going to meet her
husband, who was stationed In Montana
at sows army post. She had the cutest
little girl with her. The lady waazt't
morn's; twenty, and the little gal. was
about two, She hadn't seen her huaband
for worse'nayear, and wan wild to gat to
him Just before we pulled outs se' the
hotel Jim. Laue(he druv the (Iowa ooaoh,
and had j tat got In) come over to me and
"''`y, flora. Me and hie outfit held
Ile up 'bout sixty mule up the road.'
"Little Moe. Baird baud whet Jia*
had said, and, eteed c gettfn' stoarsd,
she joists clapped her hands And acid, '04
how leht old like to 400 theatsge thlevea.'
It1 jot denied to are that it wee a tempt.
Llo . AND TIa1;xs
A "Megmphin, Tenn., despatch days
Chore is
ab reign: of terror In the. vicinity
.f S . Fednet., Ark., a village twenty
ales west of this city, on this Ne nph n,
"ipringfield tit HansaeQity railroad, The
fowle are hired with flew° agora, lion4,
jaguars, hyenas and other animals crazy
pith the tanto of blood, and the label*,
ants of the little village are barricaded
eir bonen earnestly praying for
.11611(41f 10 arrive.. Boaconntrx3tors freed
front their raga. crdwl through the de.
sorted atreete and tha bowls of the
'augbing hy$n*, melee Bleep Impossible.
Tines partleulara of this seudden ehanging
f the
at1 village e
into raging
lana of savage beak were received here
:hies afterucon. A crowd of villagers bad
eseeinbled on the depot platform await.
(reg the arrival ,f the train coatetaing
J Am 11 Doris oircue :n menagerie.
rhe train oonaieted of ;.. °i -i ty cars and
war joist rushing into the yawl at a good
teem* when the engine ran off the track,
followed by a deem, cars containing the
141onlmale. The bag pe rfaribeg elephant,
years old, became crazed with fear,
and breaking through the side of the car,
as if it were mad,,, of pasteboard, dashed
towards the asaembisd pitopla truwpotie
loudly and weving ids trnsnlr frsinticsily iii
the air, While the e w
to their horues f i r s r atfa� of the
other swiu,ala stooped from tine overturh-
ecl oars, and the etreeta of the village
were noon filled with theins. The big ole.
pliant anatvhed the IQ•year•old eon of s
druggist John Aaacn from the stoop of
bili father's re.tdenoe teed threw the boy a
tatao) of
feet. ,
• While e tale child
lay groaning the big lion Jupiter broke
from his mage, followed hythe Honed Jnnv
slid her two cute. They quickly tore
the boy to pleaaa, and the hyenas and.
jackaln entitled and fought over the hones,
The elephant seemed used with excite -
Meat, axed plowing hie Immenee head
against the car containing the tigers. he
tipped it over and broke open the cages.
The smell c f- blood infuriated the latter
Animals; and the few men iwho had venter.
ed upon the attests were forced to seek
safety In dying o their reaidenoea. The
car oonbaintvg the seeker, some of which
were over fifteen feet in length, caught
fire and many of a reptlios were burn-
ad, Tbo4e which ped orewled through
the otreeta h with petition. The
villager, kepis up a hailed. of revalvera
and sabots guns upon the &nimbs, end
Trrdually drove theta: into the wood',
he big elephant was captured by his
keeper and returned to his oar, and
several other enimala were oorralled by
the circus aemployeee end confined in their
ogee. Tboroareetiil' several blood.thirsty
a anima% roaming in the woods hear the
Tillage, and many of the inhabitants are
grata to venture upon the decode. The
circa' oantinaed on id way thit morniag.
Mr. Doris offer' a large reward for the
menagerie, and e of the sevexral yooped u
ng m u, f this
city are organizing s rift. club to raise the
siege and put en end to the berme
which noir afflict the people Ira St. Fran-
Mein- that, ana''I spoke upa remark that
P pretty aaltarla that
to give rho might Asa iooro stage thieves than
gni] to bin she wanted to.
Here It "Wall, we pulled out of the; city, and
that he went along click as could be. The little
borne. lady never oomplalned of nothing, she
wan the never seethed ter get tired, bub she'd net
Rived at there and ting the mooted little songs to
en he her little gel, Theo sahe'd talk. to use
I ou about what the Ween was hke. Slav ass
#tea ata jest isotn Neto Tock ally, cad had the
rat great areateeat lot c f news ter talk about,
ib, with iV ail, about 8 o'olock of the 411:004:::
econd even.
gardod. in, we was going *long &limier with brxlces
to swear on seawn a bill. Suddenly a couple of
s00li *1 0260 juanped Dub of the bushes and
leis wife, yelled
IdOnoe, "' Hands up 1' "
road. "11slf a dezauothere was alongside the
oosob in j ,ii'p with their six•sbootera
plated ab us. It isn't pleaatiat bavIn' sa
itlt3. rtx'ehooter lookln' you square in the lance
anvil when linnet's a man behinn, it that haus his
the finger oa the trigger and mesas shoot
strike every time, so I up i b e my hands and
j 'at yelled out to theznen inside,' Dust
the 'shoot, gents.' Then they stood us Dude
and went through us. My little
acted job Itchy fry as ceoeld be. Jest
bad her Iittla
Blacksmiths' Rammer Sign
When . tris blacksmith gives the
light blows it is a tignat to
per to use the sledge or to
he force of the Monte given by
smith's hammer indicates the
low ibis required to strike the sI
he blaeok'mith's helper is supe
ke the wood la the middle of the
e suvlt and when this requires
cried the blacksmith indicates where
go blows are to fail by touching
trod spot with his haad•hameaer.
f the sledge is required to ha
totes a row
Dead e. Ind7
greo gal and then gave up
width her money. I will ,say it for Dike and
to be bit gang that they wus mighty civil to
the her.
the "After they had gone through the pis,
augers they told 'era to get back litter
ve a the coach. Es they was gettin" back one
of tla passengers dropped a pocketbook
endue y hit biro a couple oftliks
e head with the butt of a nix shoot.
fi e passenger grabbed the sex -
from the road agent, fired at
Vein fail.
knew what was coming then. 1
e a yealJ, an' let the homes have
p. 011 we started down the hill
nty.mile-an-hour gait, but before
far them devil. j et turned on us
e na a volley. i felt a ebarp pain
eft arm. 1 heard a yell from the
nd, worse than all, ser that par -
lady give one look at 103—an' I'll
rget that look as long as I live,.,.
n she jest fell over forwards.
e was out of danger then, but I
MX horses, all of 'em mad with.
r stop on a down grade, and my
nearly uselers.
, I drove up to the next station
1 with two dead people and two
men inalde the coach. . An' the
eight I ever see was when that
eftenant as had °erne down ter
wife was led up to where she
n, you ne buckshot had
ugh her heart and the head of
girl as she held her to her
shelter her. That young man
one look, an' then turned away.
't the crack of a revolver was
d the husban' and father had
wife and daughter. That was
lag that Dike's outfit ever done.
ae Vigilant. onto 'em in lees
y, and never let up on 'em till
11 hanged or shob."
and hie helper.
communication between the bladrisraith tha7niagilh
Married People would be Hap- Badded
If home troubles were never told to a lay. Fa
If expense's were proportioned to re- Yelelelittig:
If bhey tried to be as agreeable as in bread to
jest took
courtship days.
If each would try to be a supporb and heard, an
In a comfort to the other.
joined his
If eaoh remembered the other ra a hu. the last th
man being, nob an angel.
We had If each was as kind to the other as than a da
when they were lovers.
If fuel and provisions were laid in der. they was a
ing the high tide.
11 both parties remembered that they He T
married for worse as well as better. Forty -on
If men were as thoughtfal for thelr the driver
wives as they were for their sweethearts. of coaches
If there were fewer silks and velvet tains. Ib
street costumes. and more plain, tidy eye and
house dreamed.
main chan
If there were fewer "pleas darlings" time a Boat
inpublic and more coramon mann= in John's side
turn of min
If masculine bilk for Reveries and fent- dons conce
inine ditto for rare lace were turned into views till ab
the general fund until such times as they Imitated, an
could be incurred without risk. he tartly a
If men would remember thst a woman will attend
cannot be always smiling who has to cook mlne."
the dinner, answer the door bell half a there was a
dozen times, and get rid of a neighbor After a driv
who has dropped in, tend a slok baby, tie up to a co
up the .out finger of a two-year old, tie where the
up the head of a aix.year old on skates, While the m
and get an eight.year old ready for school. Smith ohaog
to say nothing of evreeping and ducting, came for the
etc. A woman with all this to contend was hitohe
with may claim it as a privilege to look intent on the
and feel a little tired sometimes, and a trying the m
word of symeathy would not be too much started oft 'ft
to expeet from the man wbo, during the Afer a drive
honeymoon, would not let her carry asi up at &nab°
rand as a sunshade. ' the bag ap
It is not g.enerally known that John Rus- "Yes," sedd t
sell Young is in descent related to Robert tied you did.'
Burns the poet. To be more explicit, he is tf Bemuse yo
greatgrandnephevr of the Scotch bard. emir ewn btu*
The Rev. John Russell, atm. whom Mr, /1
00k WM at bis Word.
e years ago John Smith was
and chief proprietor of a line
running to the White .Moun.
was said that he had but one
hat he was keen and on the
co. On hie. down trip one
on gentleznan took a seat by
, and, been of an inquisitive
he asked numerous clues.
ming different mountains and
lad John's patience was ex.
d, answer to one question,
uswered--" Stranger, if you
to y- ur business 1 will te
might be readily imagined
very quiet time after that.
e of a few miles John drove
sultry store and paahoffias.
mail bag was thro wn off
ail was being.throvrn off Mr.
ed bodes with a man who
purpose, and the new home
d in," and the driver was so
trade and so desirous of
etai Whir' new hdree, that he
theist taking the mail bag.
of some ten mild dre w
r oifiae, and, cm reaching for
d not finding lb, he did -
1 the bag ab the other offic 3.')
he Boston man, " I observed.
' " Why didn't you. fell toe!
ti aid you would attend to
Inas, and I thought I would
Young watt named, was a couein of Burns Y"
and pastor of the Bums family, who were ,
strict followers of the severest form of the The famous
covenanted faith, prime that pri
Petit Journal of Paris has,a
nts 100,000 copies per hour,
At a Wedding.
Moat people the momeut they ent;er
parsonage to get married become so me
berreasod, that they rattily are hardly con-
scious of wed they 'are doh*. Oae
in this way, ani without realirerste Ins act
pul:ed a cigar from hie pcoket 'and twirled
it around In his heeds. When that
portion of the. care ny was reached
when the lady and gee an jain hands
he happened to have eiger in his right
hand. 'What to doe' th the olgar he
evulently didn't kiwi, The clergyman
purred for a moment and then repeated
the instruction ihst they jain hands. Br
this time the poor fellow's emberrasemene
had increued so it wee painful to behold.
He gave one agonfzed look ab the snin.
titer and then atuck the cigar in hie
mouth. Before the ceremony could be
concluded the minister had to take the
cigar from between his lips.
A Laugh's ant.
This fa not a fiewer ughs, but one
that creates laughter,* e printed. stories
of travelers are to be believed. It grows,
in Arabia and ia called Gib laughing plane
because Us wade producieracts like thou
produced by laughing -gas. The floaters
are of a bright yellow and the seed's are
aoft and woolly, whiff) the seeds reserabIe
black beans, and only two or three grow
in a pod. The natives dry and pulverize
them; and the powder, if taken in small
doves, makeo the obereab person behave
like a circus clown or a madman; for he
will dance, sing and laugh, and out the
meat fantastic capers, and be in an up
logsly ridiculous condition for abou
hour. When this excitemene ceases,
exhausted exhibitor of these antics
asleep; amt.-se/len he awakes, he lut
the 'flighted remembrance of his
There fa a, clock ab Brussels
comes about as near being a perpet
machine as men be inveribed, f
sun does the winding. A daft
to the solar rays causes an up -are
air which sets a fan in motion. T
scluates mechanism which rats
weight of the clock until it) reao
bp, and then puts a break on the
the fan is again liberated and pro
act as before, Ae long as the a
frequently enough and the
does net wear oat, the clock
a perpetual motion mediae.
Best Hours ter SI
The beet hours for sheep are those b
tweeze ben and two, and no amounts s
sleep prolonged het° the daylight ca
weripensete for the Ion of these precio
hours. Be ready for bed at nine otelos
in the evening, and you will haven° cli
position to linger in bed efter the 0
An immense fresco of the Lad Judgm
has been discovered under whitewash in
Priory church at Elyth, Scotland.