HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-11-19, Page 1,ry en ;ht lin ,he ate of tre- up. led At 00, as and nt» ger Sold on - was [tad lyes hie lar. Dail ,:f a t to far• you un- the anti hake Bee t tell the gen age into bet- ; for pt to you 1 the blow 'o uid ko a tared Into beck him• oront r, my never ming mud, nown upled been. 1 dia. ed an very )(mute ;, and ea the I Bring n of a terri- fic to- rt has )n the went , and poor as re - He eating et the obey- nufort were could igh, a =loot arbors, all the lean, y. uni- t every ince to Great, with a sentry, le serve id then s, with 10 Bete - is the pouch, Tilhelm Banta, ;hough[ had to 1," said milder; ,bey or- iuld get call, for er day." tests at ht, and' to the es. The a etraina to gratie placed ck, but should to, her l,• black - oh other the feet • . r+r IXGAT-I. TT H.' DICKSON, Barrister, Soil. _4+ ci*erof•Suprome Court, Notary Public ouve,:rlteeT. gouimissiouer, 4rc. MoneT to Loan. ()thee in i',atisan'a 81oek, Exeter. iVl. +tl;F DDEN, Barrister, Salieitar, Cauveyaucar", late., EXETER, ; ONT. OelleeSatitirtlVaBlock (Ball's old oftice ) DENTAL; CAI;,'I'WI►IGUT, L. D. S., a Heeoltt,tied trental rooms over n Nvale's BANK, wheroltowill be gseastui l,reeeredto extractteetlxwithout . Ai) o;t{s;_n,ttcangperformed with ease and ;kill Gild tilI I spectelity. Office )tours 3 a, re: toe p 111.OMonet/Ave.uGl;s Monet/A.. T;sntre Sola Makore.--Kan Y BROS... Stockport Casa, England. KINSMAN ,DENTI aT.1 .D.S FOR COUGHS: D COLDS. 1 • . 1 VOL.. XIII., NO. 11. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAX.' EXETER, OYTr',RI0, THURSDAY ' MORNING NOV' 'a: 9, 18$5. i>Pt b t°t x dl'ru rtatora» BI1EL EX8CUTE ►: Regina, N. W. T., Nov. 1,8.—mal was hwtd at 8.23 thtuorttin l?RE L UTIONS, The sangeme. extraordina:4; y preeaug.ltiou tigainst the pf amble, .esois aa of Riel oar 1"r intrusion into Ibe Barra ;a of ltq... intrusiized persona Was observed avis Inor;rnigz At a mile from the bar- . , racks mounted patrols challenged: $11 SITE � scan :persons, Rritt9n pasties. compelled Other lius of guards them to oho* t' were stationed At �,9inta near the post. The silrue precautions were, HERL AND 'i'HFRI�,`, observed. Na wpe was permitted to enter the guard room until 8.12 Newell Goudensett. IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1 THIS OCT end return to 114 with ; 100 or 4 3e staful;s, azul g'en't[ get by , t� that will 1 AG Ik.i ,--- iC than anything 1 e • n Q ULI �. "Cementt l u ... u e u An, uc . for lir els ens Articles: Sold everywhere,' Ol� You fortune it vottetartquie : 1 MT NOVELTY CO.. Yarmouth, N. S S. return mail a Golden ilex of Goods a w1 rieg you Ill More menay Granton. ROUND THE COUNTRY. e ' vtract., Teeth without. pain, byg Vitalized Air, nr.by mit New Local Anesetbe-' t ge gums; makes Gold Filir anis 411 Wier dental t ere Lee be et pees0'.1e. ItQ(UUUB t'psteirs t!t Rierivet,t;s Deficit, E.aGL sale of Alain Street, Exeter, Ont. WANTED to"TaIJ.IGENT' aaitttlticue' anerseu m secure and fl11 our orders let hiasee, A M exe4aneedd.'tainle __� Casein SALARY . - difrerenrepa,i'�IIG A DY,S451. la =rtenittlral Lilt le T AY'S COMPOUND OF "LIN- i Girt C �iD n $A' -L l.5tts,lt, x.MMMMMM??????ld i0 ;i!}f!Q p luauk #lira of Iron• I SEED,Au)seed,,Senoga.SquiilTolu,4 : •�, -don, tvhlla acting as Agent iia their trithChlaroevue, �' -7'14. -1-113-1 Li B�i„�' ltmploy. After the evideneo Was AX � CUDdl "( AY'S:COMPOUND, Per Coughs �� l%. 4 . 1�. and volas is :tali l;errioabto• for LONDON O\-TAItIO I Published alternately -u eight and and twelve T ��`A.� 'S TIC PILLS, a specific iu l page form, and beat:Whiny printe•i by Otte (•f 1 Mr. Robb. Audereon's ease was tried at the Division Court Landon, last week, whn wag charged . with embezzling the sum of $132 from an POUND a. demlalcent UE, W STl:1t1 heard, Anderson. woe fully cone - expectorant for Coue hs and Celde, 1 1 nlittti3 to et;ani hie trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction, MED CAL eq y F.liruvllie. (tet LU TZ, t J. ptl^ia eeet b"srreaidence Exeter• lit.11t�"l 4Y, taiiiliiTr`sTT CNH , It Ul' i. McAtber of J vrl:Sl'1r, 1 yCa & F Pollee° peels in 1,.1. stlrk;eort nu,- , 'fli ee.11irkton. R.HY �1)3't v,TCO1t+ON.l�a1 t11N"nrtnts•nf Union. Office, opposite tfr,I: lertine i store xitlr.r W. lilt()W IIN(x M. 1).,;11, 0 P. h ;reeleftreVietnriaixniveeetts•(voice .1. atxtllroai,:cucr.n,a {:..,'ia-,71.'i;eU,.rta=r v. i':ester . DR. r,c1.1.4I S, M C. i= . s 0. waive, Mntn tit .t.aetel nnt.T:,'�,i101t no '1,11.0a •r ,11";• iy t al 1+g. P. Ale}°htn[l,a.y Est). 1,1-('rI(lNi:[I::�. - � -�-�' l,liLlt, Li�e:ecd a EN.It L1 ,• or liti .Stephen, a^.rl Ar+-titllt• L n.1 tat tt :rt} torr° tee,. SateRe+';,aluoslod.{tna,. o.t'rattc' Out •area. ihal••id At H'.+st .+111,•a,Ciwh.+rr,, . Q11;v HorsesandCattlo. 4 i the bet b feed 't. rice• 1\enral ria Face,aebo r. to . s tic. -, lune pre5sea na ; ►„f• `T J. 0LU.RI;. CC5I ISSIONEP , l;;�z,�.Ner. all• lei'45 FREE NT r• ;imam/ate /ate tlrti'ti'u unit executed aeeor-iing to Cltlaettr- l lrtF. 1411ierhE" Atttxalisi4a i, [tie law. l irge84 tm Out,irio, with cozy two Tercet() e` . aloNxx' To LOAN on neat, Esl9ATY., Pantos � capttan; befog mer a's eOn d. • inthe(:ourt„'tCommol)Pleas—Deeds. It is►lulutlasanttefa ICA ci >%iUs, u4rt,;agea, x.e:,,o>:,aU4 all forms utas;- • 1"ahingtoborrow money on account erre- ' `� , ut puraltases oiiend.nr aopey' off existing a r gest $1 P' p e r engages will And a treat saving n r Rivinff ma a call, Oen lend money e,t6 and 01 per Ill club* c;i i„1I nni 41,uarrr, 7'o,coCL aunt, uccordin(;tat')r,u.. N.J,CLAlt ,. PGPULAR DEPAaTMPNT' Of interest to everyr member of the family' lVfate & irw';-••kit's[ clays A »ricultural lionarp• nt; [Special Market Depertnient, te:eeler MOVE i Sermons will be preached next Sunday, November 22nd, ou the I;lintvitla circuit at all of the appoint- ments, by eminent gentlemen. In the interests nt the Itnperaenttated uvula- tens' food. At Flitllvitla, Ren. J. Bali and. E. Holmes ; at Bethany, Leve, E. Holmes and. La, I�tiralhaw ; at Zion, Rave. E. } erehaw and J. Bali ; at Sunellitte, Rev. E. Itolfrtea ; 4sf. Fraosill. Rest. J. Ball, and at Pros pest, Rev. C. Kershaw, Special col- leotious will be takeu at each eorvioe. »,i aildSacrRu7,ln;ic' Interc'+tintitFton, ; liw+lies' To Appear before the Bari stud Youths' ttepartntent,i , 1'tirimet evil Useful Department: Legal Pepertruent; TAixtor,'s,� E. H, FISH, Bayned. AXONS : and Ant Turn News by telegraph. ; .,.- tun gon4O1' LI ln. that place oft tits it of lgaea.tTller Where the man who carne et the ort" of "'twit" HItNDREDS o eiLU [,BLE PRE) zums By lbs leas. of a vae9cl en the upper shore a Mite alien 1 to ear. e, t, t t k 1 110 lliail without a struggle. Net Uanti 'o'clock. The 'eceue presented then Dr, 11, R. .Elliott, of izoderich Wa8 that of township, bas been placed by his. E1EL oil THS s4a1'FOLU, `kf relatives in the aashim at Lo2a,n with Pere Andre and Father Ivo. with hone of Isis spent;; cure. j1 i:,lama with him celebrating Maas, , Mr. B. Pierreo, of the ')nil u,nces. Ittel ties ell bended keees, wearing:; 1,,i003 L. R. S., Tuekerawith, has loose woolen surtour, gray tr�,weere: !recently Aurelia- d tip-, nor'h hal of ' 9')d svooieu atlitt. On bid fest wore '- a r. Bela. Crosaa,.`e, f:ti't1,, co:).tuinit,�' moccasins—tile duty feature. of dress G fifty acres of land. that partook of Indian that was on j, Mr. W. Woad;, of liay teld, sold to "him. Re received notice to, proceed i Vt.. Sutherland, of Nies- ori, hie herd , to the scaffold in the same composed of fat cattle, Parties eapabie et" manner ailowIi tite preceding night an judging said that no better G*ttle bad i receiving warning of his fate. His left alta boron tract far rrlgt, • is, day, ' `sae "5 full of e r,t,r, a°)tt he appoar- ;11r. Itobl, Arraltr6,n�' base s.,ili to `ed 10 have complete self-peoseaaiort, his bratllar. ‘4!ilsnn Qrmstrnnt= hrg ' reap1altiitlg to file service in a clerr f*rin of eel e only a lot 1'3, (t $2,700. Ali, 3. W. (:vol,, i f 1I ilflleaville, NOT TO [IAS A SPEECH, got the prong of i+ f•hr;t rut; into his sTbis wag owing to tale earup,t solid- cheek on 31anda list; awl ;►t kike:i , tittion of tn4tb priests attending him, with a gnu on it other nrti '1'iz irik$- i ltd "iieltla.;,'ed an inclination at the giving ley. .j4cli h,t4 a h;4i l,l_.kithg ° last I )H). ut to hake an olimine, hilt pllVeioa fold I' e e Audra reminded him of hie ,l p.r.t3liiia, and ha Ates@ and walked It le eteted Chet loin J )tar, DArr,al.t, late teacher ill the l:?ar':Iaill high ,, ar l� th ' es�tc School. intethtla atvrt'"• anew l.yrier wor,le escaping being receive l e, Shave and a Hair -cut tvtiich could I For warkets, find Pa f j,•t ' f noel i9 t) be ti t �' t r q t 1'� alti' b r trpe,tttntr hl4 prayers ra to the lot t in intent, the final a: UV PRRP.n SPECIAL ' 1 I t P a c ad that value of our lntluetrtoue Gall - f not 11.0z41.1; ,tare ,7•ou tom ,y au}' Tnn;t,,ucccasfal n ent'a ,Pt telt, ttarl'cr, Package and .ample copier c+n *mitigation: 0 '1' en Adler :1 ty NE.ARTIIF POST O1T1'xCE. The meet lita'ral tuthieemeeta ever offered in artn.en Will 1090 their sevion a catch. Content to rhlb-lfitem MU,. Auctioneer for the �w • „lain of Stephen, Hui and. l nl7 :+r•,al+ a Town t , , ,i'St+rt alt ” •, t Ani 1 .4 !I r,� 1.1 '1t i tt n � l Ff and all 41 'Lee � LtaY`717t,'Cd, Stove ' '11ST LOVB11 arruugt4i ir`.-1 tide eniee, ,r t e VI' PI:I ti.iRZ i1:NN 1:NT tiff eery Sere, ie ...7 VtltorinerF to, hew o forties tree p(4aeseic element, t •T froth e ,lis attelul:ed nlwaye iw 170 0 1 TEN:NENT, Veteri• , (lradln,n, e of tb.e nnteri,+ ( o7Jtete.:Terr,n- •r,d• 1 all face Olivet o t ;1 11 Ateenale, On r•ra., CUR; teere prompt v lee ter itt,r-.ey Cuttleeee 1.0AN, � O:' E ')1iQAM ON 1MALES [iron & Erie Leen a Salt. ug tato . X,r,'e Heron n'rititi•rep.:1t'r to inl(s3�oiets'• 1 {, • .t.tr Inhn epeakat an.i',:,,ter• NI:13 1,QAN AT it 11N I) (1; 1T1 ler cs; "++infi totorntK, 1'rivta t Funds. to 1s, v.Fx.r,I(rr. Mxgustl,i,'t35 Selicit( r, F:xetet , '-'ATONE). 'X) LOAN AT li AND ( L tier colt, --°_ 0)00 Private Funds. Best'. , ' 1 oanin;; Cotupnnics re entad L. ICialllN. .err, ter, Exeter, J. CLAI4i Agent for the Us - • borne and ltibL Mitten'Ii11OIueut' :ince Company, 3lesitl a -Stet Cone V borne OrderP by Minn[„ l:xtst . 0., promptler at- tended to. TORN" NIo1ONEi'i, ,, ISSUEkt OIi' 11ARiLIAGE. LIu'1 NSES. errtet, IN rt son's i of^r.. Also agent for the L ,fuieu Rlntnal InsnranCe Company of Gentian., Dreurancc Co —Capital teelefle.eo ILad Office Wetcri:to; Ont. Glasgow & London insurauoo Coy-Cap- tal elle/00,09e ; time Office, Montreal ; Stand- %reLite Iltsurance Co Head. Office, Loudon. England ; (ttutireettce e; Accident Co, :Head Office, Toront�x. I Exeter. JOHN .licDONI� ,Ti THE \Vx'1' ,+ 0 MUTUAL Fiiir I`TSI R o"s CO, lestablis l, in 1S03. HEAD OFFICE -„ .WATERLOO, ONT. This comYanv ha been over Eighteen years in 9uccesefel of . eition in Western On- tario,anddontinues t .insure against cies or damage be 1ire,uuildings,Merchomatee,ltlan- insur- able property.and sintending ll other descriptions have the option of insuring on 010 Promtum Note or Cash System, 'During the past ton years tilis Company has issued ,",7,006 Pellet covering property to the amountof,,40,872,088; andpai' inloss- es alone $709,752,00 AssetS, 14170,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, GovornmentDeposit,and the unass- easedPremium Notes onhand audinforce. J, W W yNJ.B. HUGirns{,Insp ctor.TCHAS. Ageutfor IixeteTand vicinity. :nii ailay et Route from the West for all NewBrunswick,.hTova Scotia, (ward Island, Cape Breton and Newfoundland. ovular sea bathing, fishing and orts of Canada are along this line cars leaving Montreal 0.1 Mon- day, and Friday run through to on Tnesday, Thursday and Satur- n, N. B. without change._ ctions made at Pointe Levis wits. nk Railway and the Richelieu avigation Company's Steamers 1, and at Levis with the North -plass Pullman, Buffet and n all through trains. freshmentBooms at convent - RS AND EXPORTERS tageous to use this route as in point of time and the rates as by any other. ough freight is forwarded by feet special s and experieneo has proved the Inter- ial route to be the quickest for European t to and from all points in Canada and extern State,. okets may be obtained and also informa- bont the route and about freight and nger rates from BERT B. MOODIE, Western Freight &Passenger Agent 3RoesinHouse Sleek, York St., Toronto. D. POTTINGER, Chief Superintendent. y Office, Moncton, N. H:iltlay 14, SAY ALL TUE LADIES WI10 SEE Ike. 3. 1-.434.1.INCVS LANGTRY AND PARISIAN BANGS, 'Without a doubt they are the moat tsec'lming styles ever introduced. Lathes, for somethin in very flue style. boot, see the Langtry au Perigee hangs. $arato a Naves, 4witchee, Puffs, Curls. or Witte, capon Ike,J, Dearing, at ite, r CENTRAL DABBF,lt SUM', EXETER. Where he will supply all yoter want; in the Bair Line, i ) rbu All1't.leThhF:lt1 ituti`ri \1CThe alleged infernal in *chine ['tcitbllth ttfsleet.r, ,(roup, B. at Aila:a tt=