HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-10-02, Page 4SIGNAL -STA ORli INA► THEY'RE HERE AGAIN! -The most useful and be at ' d of' c li .Flower CHRY'SAHTHEM IMS' . Poans a:i ti Large Co:I:1m. ,i1�lert'cia]ls anaa� Ila z!ice range of colors. Jo a ac k sons . Deal lit S or 49 BRUCE ST. PHOlL A05 -- SHORE & GINN EI�EC'�I�IC E1ectric 4�irtn�' 'Reparrs 37 West St., Phone 574 --or., tbove Agnew -Surpass Store, Phone 1199. -32tf For This Winters Coinfori-- 'Gilson Furnaces 18- --20--22 inch size. Baker & Beatty Windmills 7 and 8 f oot sizes. SHELL OIL PRESSURE . SYSTM 3 -WAY FORCE PUMP ALSO CISTERN PUMPS Fits atrick Wil. � PLUM . ING and HEATING KINTAIL Phone 12r3 39-2xtf Dungannon OPPOSING Gdh r�r,� LIED IN O. � � F' � t� rid _. s •B With two ,games PlaYed in the Runalls en oP the Goderich Industrial Softball _.4. League. the series is tied°at one zne I YOun LWU$ Lose Olt iI i ®. .A. L , ti -(.oils. Semi -%ass with a Great each Pur I'ur1y lour anti & sus S('r�s4Dlt]l,g R�cO'� The next g tme in the playoff w ill take • . After - a thrilling playoff in the ••Pilbber" game with Dresden at Inger- soll last Saturday, t�thtl Goderich } the Tizi U f t th It their I ti tt alzd This s uu z efforts to � efforts were appreciated was evidenced I•new experience for "Scotty," who took brings lout out in baseball time out from his short holidays to au Ontario. baseball cha�mplow by the support �iveu them at Ingersoll, drive from Oshawa to Strood in the ship to their., home town. The local close to 200 fans making the trip to lads,' in split."of. trelneudoes handicaps that town to root for the J uniors. early plityufi's.• Goderich Juniors will have practical - iii efforts to keep the team tog ► ether, Iuberaull.l)reseilte>cf a good field and the were never out of the picture until the (11.8.A. provided good umpires, and the' ly the whole teuul,iut:tct for next year, last man was out in the niuth, inuiugs, outcome of this final game was in only Jack Evans, their captain and and with any kind of a lucky break doubt until the last Goderich luau was brilliant first bitseitlall, being over age. -\u effort should be made to keep this the score, which stood 1-2' in favor of retired. together, teamand if t,i `Dresden, might easily have been iTti)uu);U uul�' live hits were !cured •yen the same rc• off Holmes, while } place at Victoria Park on Friday of this week at 5 P.m. In the first playof; game, on Monday t last. Purity Flour played e teelia't►t 'r ball to outlast Frusta -Cups and take the zne by a 5 -to -•1 score. Excellent infield play and tine .Pitching by the winners featured this- game. 'The ,second game was played on Wednesday - iu much pleasanter ' weather aad Fro, ti -Cops brought their heaviest hitting To bear and Swamped the Purity team by a score of S -to -3. Several errors in one innings coupled with some timely bitting ga. 1 (ops a big , tiye-run inaing� and the Dresden• ..umber of the boys had left to tate portattoan is not always eatf ily avail- up their higher studies r. at the mutt- able, and Mand .teen' Von:o Ba alehler in de-- versales ,antat there was iso O I sa rves the tbaunhs of 0.49}aortia•) ity for practice certainly did ei prtla .t4 het tie boys t ► to the Game, nut hell) the teaal, partieularlY as it using his own can on oecaStons to get was learned that the Dresden chub were Ne:weombe' back to London. and Bisset not faced with any such difficulties and to Giielph' after the games were Au - were able. to keels '°their teaw intact hr for the playoffs. .The Juniors, who ' Evidence v ide uce of the ► fPurt of the buys nertaiuly have a loyal following from themselves to produce' a winner is Uudericll, deserve some credit for mak- shown by three trills made,by Ainslie to forego their work ing a de>cisiulworkfrom :Ann Arbor, Mich., for the play' and studies and stay in the light to offs, and the long trip from Ajax made i ish and P t e' ac a by Scott Patterson. obtained encouragement as,'taduring the present \ erred•season there, is no reason why they The Goderich I.iuus Club. sponsors nine, the Goderich boys -actually tball hit Hulot land the Ontario °ch:tmpionship. game. As the series is a best-of-tfve one. at , fo east one saute will be 'necessary next ive more often and to r the Juniors, had the alternat ball i defaulting the series t1� Dresden or opponents, utia, only exceptionally heard Certainly they have come a long way def, i �' re k for sluggers like Harold Warren in the last two or three seasons and g `week. It will be played all Monday I re at e► p.m. Should a fifth game be' required it will be played on \Veduea- tc day. a t 4 p.m.' OBITUARY ,e FLIGtENCE JANE DORRINGTON i Miss Florence Jane Durrington, a s former resident of Goderich. paused `1 away in Clinton on Friday. September • 21;th. She was born in England sixty- three years ago and carne to Canada at' au early ,age. her pgtr`ents dying when she was three years old. Her only brother died in the- first World War. She, laid lived in Goderich since coming- �1) Canada and was 0 member t of Knox Presbyterian ihurtll,• The ! j funeral service was held on Monday afternoon at the Beatty funeral 'twine, I'lintun, Rev. C. C. Ander- u' officiat- ing. and the interment was in the Clin- ton cemetery. Attending the funeral were Mr. and 'MIrs, Harry Williams. Miss Elizabeth Tobin, 'Mrs-. Geo. •MacEwan 'and Mr. Jas. Donaldson. all of Goderich.. and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. -Patterson of Ford- wieh. assembling their team, °vv hu were Inc tattered by the opening of, the sch atj 1 and Don Scutt prevented long drives to have provided *Some of the best base- e>rzn from Ajax in the east to Ann the outfield from being turned into ball ,eau around these parts in years. rung Jiicll., in the west. The Lions hits and runs.• Bisset, tufo. was robbed i The Lions management and,the players f with the ex- ,of •. home run when his vicious drive 1 appreciate the supIn)rt given to the t'citled t1) Marry ui1, and . Automatic Heating For economy anti labor-saving comfort an automatic coal stoker gives the MAXIMUM OF HEAT AT THE MII�'IMUIVI COST IRON FIREMAN and DELCO (General Motors Corpor ation) stokers in stock at GODERICR HOME APPLIANCE SHOP. R. H. CORNISH, Prop. PHONE 141 WEST 'ST. • Donnelly. whose pre- {flit a pillar uu the outfield, bca:undiug I team not Only by the hubby -Boxers and apt Tun of Jim untie y. � yun,ngern foliciwing,., but by the' old-time owe might have made some difference , back to the fulield where it wits re fans. many of whom took their cars Ii the result., the Juniors fielded the 1 trievecl. and ,lint was held to a three- . awe teaiiu as vanquished 1)resdun iu 'bagger. Again the Goderich buys had ;stud 'followed the team to Melford. thrillingHuish a vveel; before. I 0 bit odu f hard luck when with -a ublc Southampton. Dresden and Ingersoll. The Lotus management have• no , playin 'prospect. the 'ball took a •bad I Looking hack over the final game, the libis to offer, but the 'act that •a bounce, hitting DonWarren in the Goderich management say they have no fhrehead and being !cured t15 0. bit, fault to find with the efforts of any — ---—.T.when the side might easily hu\e been' individual player, and can only add PERSONAL MENTION retired. •The boys feel that they were that the boys in spite of, difficultiesP�' RS®1 1Nout-1,1,11ed by fate and with a breiak; stayed right in there to the last, and or two in the saute could ha\'e come they still feel that with a little luck MIS. Samuel Sllearilu\vti hos 1e holm. tit [•11e victory. ! they would have had a chance to enter urtted hove after a mouth's '.1 it1011 Thu uatl scurf, 4-2, 6110W that the ,..the finals, On the other, hand. it Is u 'h' alai Windsor' Chicago ASHFIEL. - - ASIIFIELD, Oct. 1. — Mr. James Dean of Cloverdale, British Columbia, A. J. KI}eesjlalvv, Maple street, were Warren ss, J. Bisset 2b. D. Stt toc1 1,I'1)tltel'-111 jaw of the late- Timothy \l r. and J ts. C. V. -Harrison, (rittiu who met with such a 'tragic i of Cu1un D. Ainslie p, 11'. Cra4g cf. J. (;Tun rf, (1ertltDetroit,'iu visiting with his Lila.Mrs. Harrison hosbeen visiting • 1) ' Patterson If, J. 1:vans ll), I New - sister -in-law, its Dt+Croit, sister -its -law, Mrs• Wtit, Clare, and Mr, he'r'e for six weeks. coutbe replaced Ginn in the tit,ll. ►. (`fare. It is thirty-five years since Mr. Bill \iuurhead, student at the Insti- For Dresden it was 4 runs. I) hits' -Doan had visited with his Ashfield tute of Chartered Accountants of On-. and ;' t gross. For tl��dru it was ‘,2 friends. He travelled `�)y plane to tario, has returned,.tu' 'Toronto after rims, :) hits and 2 errors, spending the week -end_ with his lrar t'Mpires—I.ee and. 'McGinnis: both. of Chicago, a.Ingersoll. Mr. and '.firs. W. G. Jiutrrhei°td. air. and lire. Fred tittle MacGregor,- who I elkMiss Marilyu Moore has retilru�d •{ left• had a sale • e their cattle last week. home after a 'two weeks' vacation i ' NOTES ON THE GAME - the for Alberta this week to spend (,uderith " funs :bowed that they the winter with the latter's parents, spent .with friends in Detroit, Mich., Mrs. M 1e(;regur's brother grid his wife, and with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. (like their hardball as dished up by \Ir. ;\nd Mrs. Gordon Batley of Tor- Johnson and family at 'Muncie, I like junior teams. and are rllrea)cly, talk nut„ a)compalli tI thein on their trip. Indiana. Ing Of building at least, one new •SII'. and Mrs. Archie Jlache and Miss 1 dfgInnnest year -and getting an early and Mrs. Keith Gardner of Col-, > he week -end early fir. aI, , Marjorie Mactie ,. j►t kit t 1 at t'uilingty;old, where' "they visited •start. It is felt that the ratepayers bnlne visited With \I r: Dan \I1tLtan ' would hehrtily endorse the expenditure ; on Sunday. _T_ \lattie's unlit, Mrs. 1\'. Shields. Mrs.' � of :H few (foliage to put Agrtc•ulttttal Work 11;1, 'commenced 'un Clinton's b They also utteude, the' l'ullingwuu Perk in good shale for the boys. so !iffy Wartime.,houses pinject. The fair onotulllaw afterltootl. •I that tw.u.t1I:,'three teams cnnld. indulge I'arkei' Construction C'ompalty of Port - ' in practice at, the saute time.Stnuler tut. the general contract, VISITOR NOTES . Too •wuc•h praise cannot be 'given �„� • .PROGRESS IN GODERIC I the tuck\ i(1nal members of the Lion's-- team for their efforts tn_curry on after - \Ir. Andrew Breckenridge, of. the regn1ti .•„ . - 111(1 c•ln•e(1 :• ;Ind Chicago. hip brother. in 11 vc, .�Ir. James there was a spirit of teamplay .awoltg' , Edward. and his ujeres, Mrs. Mitchell sponsors, nulls lgeukenl and pht,y,ers that Blair :u111 Mrs. Paul Clark. and the ; IPeIl,ei carry the t('1,01) into the seuti- ti11nt's. TiUZS»AY, OCICOBVR ural, ''ELEC" TRICKS (ID (cs NAMBU26 =�5 01'7 QL,wba, We.....� 49/ "What d'yaa • want oin this hamburger?" Ane] what idittl of,,jW.nsie do you want on your re% rds'? Whatever kind it is you'll rind it on MCA. or Columbia records available' at l 1 ago u t game was closely contested, and Ainslie perhaps just as well that the season. MI• J. C. Carrie of Ne\w Liskeard .end Scutt, the Lions battery, held the has come to an end. as it would have s a guest this week with his .ztlother, 11 Ind Donna, of Bolton, were week -end off series began, and with Scott forms guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. dour- it battery which will be heard from head• next year, if they coutinue in Junior Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Martin of Toronto were week -end guests with Mr. and Mrs, M. F. Noble,. Victoria street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. W. Hill and Mifflin ss. R. Holmes p, N. 1'addiek Ethel, accompanied by Mrs. R. Fuller, lb, L.Holmes rf and J. Wicks 2b spent _Last week -end at St. Thomas t Nalffolftl batted fur' L. -Holmes in the with Mrs. E. P, -GI-00M _ , Recut visitors with Mr. aud Mrs. nth t)1)ERI1H--=H. \Vtirren 3b. D. 1 be>avy-ltiiting Dresden :team in check Mrs. E. W. Carrie, Cambria . road. most of the afternoon. Ainslie has Dr. and Mrs. \V. A. Wylie, Glenna improved in each game since the play - company. The teams lined up as follows: DRESDEN—C. Johnston 3b,. W. Lovell cf, C. Hurley lf, F. \Vicks c, C_• n .1 'EU IT'S TIME TO TURN TO A&P An 2�i j. a�sd 7dureea A. & P. CUSTOM GROUND 14u;btlC. I;1) LAN G'S CKLES SWEET MIXED. latter's lou; .titer. • Patricia. were 1'erlt:ll)s the ol'11in;Iry 1:111 i� 11101 \'are 1C..,1- 311. Edvvnrd's first visit to f the time splint and difficulties en- (iulleri,'9 'sioct' 1x11:,, He \vas h iI-it in • countered 'in. ;si'ttin'g the bobs together r;o(1)ri, 11 1,,\vushil,, but learned lki, at the latter e1111 of the season. I'rnu< besines- ns ;t b(ker• with the late .I. \V. Smith. He welit to ('hic•ago 111 1 ;1111 0rel'at)(1 .:I 1.1111111 of \v bole �nl, :tn11 raisin 1�:tkeries, ao l l:tt1'r :t 111)111 ' (1111 g�',,,•1,r3' leisine,s iyt 1 )las 11un1;1 City, before g-oilig 1,1 California in 1917. I`li- late wife was the t'urnlrtr-i Annie Itrekellrirlti). lie remarked on the growth of the trees in (:o(1el•ioll. This. vDint 111e 1(r et Itnulbe► 4,1 1)1111(1 - In' s, 1)us 111:111' the toylt look (1it%ern; e111,” 1'1;100, \where t here were 110 111111,ts are 101i1t ,(11. 1)11(1 there is 011 air 1,f t,ru.;re-,,111 tilt tu\vf1. be s:1y':, IIe vfsi1(- l hi- brother. Peter. at • Sault `t). \I:1Tie. (.11.1'0.111cby 111,11()r 1" • iii (,n(1)I•ieh. CODE' VALIA CHOICE - MAC ES NEW PACK=CA'MPBELL'S - C t,NAD!AN l7ozjar Halves or Slices 16 lb 25 28c oz jar 20 oz tin SOUP 2'° oz tins 19c rsaFsilntimrcoal7 •lll•1 I1 C. oi'NI.OP .I. •11. I.AI•DER J . G. EMERSON .I.\S. ('.SMI 1REI:I, . - ... God rich Home Appliance Shop R. 11. CORNISH, Prop. Phone 141 West St. been allnost impossible for the •Lions to field a team from now 011. Ganes Must be played on Wednesdays. and it would be absolutely impossible to get the Goderich boys together for a mid-- week id»week fixture. FIRST FALL MEETING ,> Board of Trade - I - AT` British Exchange Hotel ON MONDAY, OCT., 6th at - 8 p.m. 'Phis meeting will be under direction„ of , Committee of National Affairs SPEAKER: REV-. L. H. TURNER SUBJECT: "The Parallel Growth of Industry. and Trade Unionism." A new booklet on Goderich will be discussed at this meeting. Public Cordially Invited. W. A, COULTHURST, Secretary. ur Weekly Specials HILDREN' S CREAM RIB : UNDERWEAR Winter Weight Cotton Training Panties , • 49 Vests with Short Sleeves Each Garment Sizes 2-4-6 ' CHILDREN'S FLANNELETTE SLEE$RS ,seconds of an: 89c line These are made 'in the usual sleeper style With feet in -sizes 2-4-=6 69c SEE US FOR CHILDREN'S COAT SETS and SNOW SUITS- GULAR STORE SPA rir `Dare 1(2 'b pkg 22c . FLAVOURruL OUR.OWN lb pkg 16 oz tin 20 oz tins ,1 b T4-•�.-icalm: I3It('I:, BOY Appiesauce tt ANN PAGE l"` 24 oz loaf iOt 1,11 •' UY'S tr ° FOODS 5'o'z !line X C y Yi�t.II 9 ► -41 P• 5 ROSES rt 7 l'15,ba}g'4Oc z4' lb 'bag 1.37 0 H Till 61 6) A. et P. =VII?. MEI= ": NEW PACK—FANCY 'r PFA S4 KEW F OBIS and .VEGOTAf7.'. +�.•• , 9:cST _.a il.� _ :3-.».1'�-� o .. ✓✓•.._.�-.-a....+.--. . ZIACV arke � G , PEr 8 .BRITISH HONDURAS MARSH SEEDLM—Jumbo Size 54's APPLES ONTARIO GROWN McINTOSH RED 3� Combination Grade CALIFORN1A ICEBERG Extra Large CELERY STALKS BRADFORD' PASCAL LETTUCE ONIONS CANADA No. 1 Yellow Cooking m neTs BRADFOR 0, WASHED, No. 1 POTATOES P PER SQUASH A & .P PRODUCE BUY .0, THE WEEK MARSH, No. 1 LARGJE No. 1 2 f o r �' c,' is nn Ib-. �,r• 4 , e3J ,$or �, a dit j for 4 Ibs. 15v. 3 lbs. 130 C -Qt. Basket 450 cloth 5, m a WE GIVE A GENEROUS TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE. Come in today—we'll buy the used mileage in your old tires to , make it easy for you to get de- • 'lendable, long-lasting Goodyeara. GOODfr EAR ,APES CAL TOICA.Y, 21619c AT NEW LOW PRIMES • Bert Clarke's Shell Service Goodyear Batteries Phone 4564 Saltford CUTS WOOD FAST—WITH LIME EFFORT Low initial cost and low operating cost make the Hornet the ideal power chain saw for the farmer and, wood lot cutter. Light -weight . . . rugged . . . easy to operate—the H., et is the easiest and fastest way to itseTin no time. cut woocil Pays i CHECK THESE IM RTANT FEATURES! MANY ,USEi--Fells, buelcs and limbs any size tree, any ✓ kind of wood, in shortest possible time. SPEED—The calli'olices through the job litre a hot ✓ - knife through butter. • ▪ MADE TURNS to cut at any angle, while Inotor remains ./ PROFIT MAKER—Low initial cost—loW•operating cost— CONVENIENT---Easy to handle—one inan can operate it. RUGGE6(— uilt to do the toughest jobs under the -oughest V • handling-7day in and day out for yearo. a• mnywpArere,...Weigh., ,enly 60 pounds—a man ca! carr TAKE HARD WORK Ot1T OF THE BUSH BY TAKING, OftNET Easy Budget Terms Phofe, write, or call on us now for full information and a free demonstration. We carry a complete stockof replacement parts, and guarantee prompt reliable service. Ask about -our easy budget -arms. " Reg.. P. McGee at 5orig Hamilton St. Phone 765