HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-25, Page 8T GODYET H SIGNAL -Si AUC3.10N APt r•l 'ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, DAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, 1947 moo a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11,Q4 anon. MORNING minim AND SERMON: `LOO p.m. EVENING PRAYER: REV. J. N. 1DO1 DGE, (11' 'iC11.11s1L, ►0:3RId'R(>i in charge of the ,ere ices. $,34 Holy"Comnlunion withdrawn fur September: BEV, .BEVERLI1I . R� : s ; It, B.A.. L.Th., RECTOR. A.ANDERTON—Organist and Choirmaster. a North. St. United Church 11 ia.mai, MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery, ,Primary Class and Sunday School. "THE FAITH OF Ot FATH S." 4. "Their Belief in Eternal Life." 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. 4. o `MEN OF OUR FAITH." 4. The Man Who Was Saved by ra Look. RALLY DAY, SUNDAY. OCT. 5—Sunday School then at 2.30 p.m. REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.A., $.D., Minister. Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and Choir Leader. a • Knox Presbyterian Church • 11 a.m. Junior Congregation. 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. a 114th Anniversary Services 11 a.na: — PUBLIC WORSHIP — 7 p.m. GUEST PREACHER; REV. DR. W. A. CAMERON, Secretary, The Board -ftf Missions. SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE ('HOIR AT BOTH gERVICES• Oct. 5th= -The Sacrament of The Lord's Supper. MINISTER—REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of , Fraise—Mr. William Wickett, A:T.0 Vii. V1Ct • Victoria St. United Church Minister—Rev. Lawrence H. Tti►¢•ner, B.A... - 'Organist and Choir -Director—Miss Mary doye-e Strachan.. . 10.00 a.m., SABBATH SCHOOL. 11.00 a,m, RALLY DAY SERVICE. NO EVENING SERVICE. • UNION CHURCH—ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. 2.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. SPEAKER—REV. ARTHUR G. IIEWITT• B.A., OF AU URN. 1.(01.' ARE WELCOME. - .m. Young People's Union.. Monday 8OU p h Baptist Church urch p THE PASTOR IN ,CHARGE This is. RALLY DAY. --a, combined SERVICE of ('HI RCH and SCHOOL • t 11.00—COME with Your CHILDREN—SEE them in ACTION—Theme; "CHRIST IN THE MIDST. Don't try to be NEUTRAL towards CHRIST': ' it's IMPOSSIBLE. 7.00 p.m. "OUR INSPIR-TION TO DISCIPLESHIP." RALLY ROUND THE B.%N\ER.O1' JESUS, on to VICTORY. 1947-8. PASTOR—REV. G. W. H. MEDLEY, Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ELLA I. DON ALDSON. The Free Methodist Church Corner 'Victoria and Park Streets "A Visit to Calvary" WILL BE THE PASTORIS SUBJECT at..:7pan. . Owing to District Quarterly 'Meeting.Services to be held at Claremont, Ont., the morning service will be cancelled. WED. 8 p.m. PUBLIC PRAYER SERVICE. - ALL ARE WELCOME. • FEV. R. C. McCALLLM, Pastor. Brief s AUCTION SALT OF HOUSEHOLDd EFFECTS . ' ..j t skating rink, Goderich, on SATUIti) AY, OCTOBER 11th at 1 path THERESE +' C. PFItIMMER, Proprietress. E. 1'. CHESNF)Y, Clerk. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. Smith. Cleaners wish to thank all patrons fur ,defiling with theism during their stat' _kw business. Fur Storage will he delrvcAred in l)ctubef to all persons who have articles hi storage. 39. Anyone desiring further information about this please call 85. Thank you. • 2LF AR1NG AUCTION SALE OF ;3.►a VERN 5911'1'il. FARM' S'1'OCK- Magaziue renewals are handled will be held at west half lot 22, con - speedily and efficiently by Miss Mary cession 1, West Wawauoslr, two miles B. Howell, phone 213W, or Mrs: Ismay' west and one-half mile north of McLean. Why deal with strangers Auburn, on when the aforementioned local agents FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3rd can handle all your requirements'' at 1.30 p.m., the following: Nervous, rundown men need'' 1 brown filly, '3 ,x ears old, good size; \' 1GURINK---tlte "pep" tonic, for new 1 grey horse, 7 years old, good worker ; vitality. 15 -day treatment $1.00. At I 1 black coy, 7 years, due to freshen' Emerson's drug store. -36-7-8-9 September 20; 1 roan tow, 6 years, ate Rummage sale in Victoria street to freshen September 20; -1 brindle cow, church on October 4th at 2 p.m., under 6 years. supposed to be in calf, milking; -38-9 1 Jersey cow, 6 years, due to freshen the auspices of the W.A. The Wofueu's Auxiliary of the Can- November 1; 1 red heifer, 3 years, sup- adian Legion is holding a euchre tuicl posed to be in calf ; 1 black cow, 7 ••500" • party hr the Legion Ball on years, due cto freshen October 22; 1 Thursday, c)c•tober '2nd, at 8 p.m. Lunch red cow, -9 years, due to freshen served. Admission 35c each. . 39x January 19; 2 HertfNrd heifers, 2 The regular meeting of the Women's years old; 1 Durham" heifer, 2 'years Institute will be held in MacKay Hall old; 1 Hereford steer, 2 years old; 2 on Thursday, October 2nd, at 2.30 p.m. black steers, 2 years old; 2, Durham 'There. will .be a special grandmothers' steers, 2 years olds 2 D�r,ham steers, 1 program. Members are'' r�,miucled to year old; 8 Durham fifers, 1 year - kindly bring their donation for 'the old; 2 Aberdeen Angus bull calves; 3 gift shower, to Britain to this meeting. little calves ; 1 brood sew with 12 pigs; A carnival will be held at the West 1 York sow, due at time of sa ; 1 Tam - street arena -on October 18th, at 8.30 worth sow, due October 30; 1 York 23; due October 1 York sow, due p.m., sponsored by the Kinsmen 'Club sow, of t;oder ieh. There will be many October 31; 10 chunks, about 150 10s.; i►r.i7cs for bingo and other games of 4 hogs, about 200 lbs.; 3 little -chunks. chance. 1'receeds. will be used for TERMS—CASH. No Reserve. community sorvice. Watch this paper SAMUEL YOUNG, for ful•tlter• announcements. Proprietor Slender tablets Lire effective. Two HAROLD JACKSON, weeks' supply, $1 ; 12 weeks', $.5, at 39x Auctioneer. Campbell's ;incl Emerson's clrttg stures.39 LEAKING AucrION SALE OF FARM. -STOCK & IMPLEMENTS , — ` ' Rummage sale Saturday. November UR BALL SL'\ �'� SI1 \VFF.KS sth. at 1.10 p.m.. by Ahineek Chapter, at, Lots 40-41s,(oncEssion 13, Hullett, I.0,1),I;., in MacKay Hall. one mile east and onv-half mile south OLD pigs. HERB 11cA1)AM, IBay- of Auburn, on 'field road. Hygienic. -39 supplies trubber goods), \\ ED \"]E:sDAY, OCTOBER lith mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en at 1'2 o'clock sharp FOR .SALE.—"27 ESSEX COACH; 'velope with price list. Six samplesalso ; IIORSES-1 matched team of grey -piano 'in .good conditioncook 26Ct : 24 samples )51.(}0. :Mail Order.;tone and coal-lieat'er. -JAS... WHITE, Dept:- 7-53, - CO., Bo$ geldings, 9 years old,• 3400 lbs. NOL' -RUBBER_ Pine Grove Farm, Huron coati: -3J M , . -1-9 - ng-Durhaio .91, . Hamilton, _Ont., _ ('ATTT"1'�:--7 entries you Cows.; Dttrha=m cow; eI11t, time t)f sr11e; ��OR SALE —'SMALL Hist RISC}N- - Durham cow, due October 1'2 ; Durham stove with water front in good - , cow, due November 20; Durham •torus I condition. Phone 10Ei`?\\'. -39 COU• RT OF KF.\ ISION, due November 15- Durham cow, due 1 ., TO\\'N t' Itt ^ OF GODERICII ° ° January 10th ; Durham cow, due FOR SALE. — RAN(.1 TTE ; ALSO t'onrt of Revision to hear and de 11 arch 1; Durham cow, due May 15th ; Annex, in good condition. Apply tc rtrtine complaints against the 'assess - 1 Reg. Dgrham bull, 3 years ►old , to 18 I3ritatnnia road or phone 10019. tut nt Ic111 for 1948 twill be? held in 8•Durham Spring calves'; 6 choice Dur- , " 39x Hc,lmesr'ille on Monday, October G, t- Indo heifers, 1 year- old ; . 4 Durham • 10 a.n « Ail, complaints must be in stPeI's, 1 year old; 3 DurhSTUDIO cows, STUDIO COUCH, GOOD' AS NEW ; writing and tiled with the undersigned ,dire in 1' ebruary ; 1 Durham cow, due dining -room suite, breakfast shite, no later than October 3. Y " April 3. steel beds and .. springs. dressers, This Court: of. Recision is for the lPOULTRY — :3:50 New Hampshire vanities, washstands, toilet sets and. aS:4essInent ` mete during the summer inithts (laying ): odd pieces, electric stove, gas- stove, rind on rwhith the 11145 tales will 1)E PIGS -L --York sow, due November 5th; Coal stoves, baud washers, gramophone, computed. 8 York chunks, 100 lbs. ; 8 York chunks,' violin, •shower ,itatit ring. • Many other R..(;. THO\IPSON,� Clerk. 60 lbs.: 10 York- pig,, 150 lbs. articles. C.47 WOODS: Secondhand37 9 K.K. 2. Clinton. IMPLEMIENTS — Massey - Harris .store, 12 East street. -39 binder, 7 ft. (cut one season) : Massey- - .. Harris' side rake: 1 farm wagon (like , FOR SALE.—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE• new ) : buggy : cutter': 13 -disc fertilizer in good • location. Immediate pos- drill (like new) : mower ; 14' ft. stock Session. J. W. CRAIGIE, Real Estate rack • set of harrows ; scuffler ; set of I Broker. . - -39 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER .2i tia. 194' For Results .FOR. 8>iJ FOR SALE.—HOUSE FOlt SALE; immediate possession ; ctn "Britan- nia road. Apply 75 East street. 30tf FOR SALE. — GLADIOLI (MID - summer special) , gorgeous blooms in wide range of mixed colors. 75c per dozen. Also other seasonal garden flowers. MRS. L. It. HOLMAN, Cam- eron street; phone 722. 34tf FOR SALE. 1940 FORD ARMY truck, 15 cwt., five good., tires, chains, in good condition. Apply :\FRS. SCIIRAM, Huron road, or phone 994, Goderich. 38-9x 1'°'- S:i141C.---•--:\.UMBER OF PIGS. AMOS J. ,"ANDRE\1', Auburn. Phone 1819, Carlow. :39 -BETHEL. TABERNACLE (PentecosREV. J t A. PEARSON,al Canada) Pastor 10.00 - a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. - 11 a.m. "WHY STAND YE IDLE." 7.30 p.m. "I THOUGHT ON MY -WAYS." Tues. 8 p.m. Young People's. IFri. 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. A, HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS. YOU AT "BETHEL." CHURCH NOTES The Rev. Arthur G. Hewitt, minister of Auburn United church, will be the anniversary }reacher at L'nion church on Sunday, September, 28th. The' hours of service -are, 2.30 p.rn. and 7.30 p.m. This rural c'hureh in Goderich FOR SALE. — ENGLISH PRAM, like new. $25.00. Phone 1071. 38x FOR SA1 E. '-- ONE "PRINCESS Beth"- cream and black enamel 6 - plate kitchen range, complete with reservoir, back and pipes. . Excellent WANTED. — E X P E R I E N C E D condition, Phone 453. 39x furniture finisher's, woodworking OR SALE.— STORE, machinists and sanders", and cabinet HANDLIN(= makers, m or young en to train in these F groceries, feed,, eggs, poultry, gas, permanent trades. Pleasant working ail, etc., few miles north of Goderich conditions, good wages, very steady giving quarters, including two bed- eiliployment. . Living accoa►)modation rooms, in connection ; small barn ;son - available. See or write full particulars % acre goad garden land. , Immediate JAMES COLE FURNITURE COM - possession. MALCOLM MATHERS, PANY, Ingersoll. -37-9 Insurance and Real' Estate Broker, West street, Goderich. Phone 115W. WANTED. — C O U P L E S E E K . 39x house for rent or purchase in Goderich. Write BOX- -83, SIGNAL- STAR. • -. , - -38 WArii'Etl 114 '77gANTED. — LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTY for sale. - Phone MAL- COLM M®. )J1EICS, Insurance and Real Estate - Broker, 1I5W. 7tf 'ANTED TO BUY.—OLD HORSES anti dead animals, suitable for mink • feed. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21 or FRED GILBERT, phone 936 r :2, Goderich. -2Otf \'AILABI.E AT ONCE. — RAW LEIGH district of 1500 families. Only reliable hustlers need apply. Good profits to willing workers. No experience required to start. Write today. ItAWLEIGH'S, Dept. M'L-1-216- G, Montreal. '-36-7-8-9 WANTED TO BUY .—SUBSTANT- vv IAL house, preferably brick, in good location in Goderich. Cash in full. Information given will be held in strictest confidence., Write BOX 81, SIGNAL -STAR.. 37tf FOR SALE.—FRAME DWELLING, immediate possession, ticinity of Dominion Road Machinery Co. MAL- ('OLM MATHERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, West street. Phone 115W. 39x WANTED. —UN,FURNISHED apartment to rent, °Write T. A. PREST, R.C.A.F., Clinton. •38x 7 WANTED.—ASIX-LEG CHERRY OR walnut dropleaf - table; rosewood melodeon; tall brass table' lamp. State description and price. BOX 82, SIGNAL -STAR, 38-9x Culbert's Bakery °171:19 Home of Tasty Pastry" RE -OPENING hVMON'IDiLY, SEPT. 29 Following Stat I o1id.ay2. API Orders of $1. or more I.1 delivered. PHONE 465 MEL:,. CULBERT, Prop. ANTED.• — LISTINGS OF PRO- PERTIES for sale. C. F. CIAP- M•AN, Real Estate Broker. - Phone 18. 39tf ]-ANTED.—USEI) PIANO. THE MUSIC 'SHOP, Goderich. Phone 114. -39 O�« NOTICE TO C.RE,''DITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITOR*. • In the Estate of Thomas Kelly, late of Goderich, retired farmer, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the said deceased are required to file them with the undersigned oh or -before September 30, 1947, after which date such estate will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. . Dated September 2nd, 1947. - LOFTUS' E. DANCEY, 36-39- Solicitor for Administratrix. MEN WANTED. - $35 TO $60 A week ! - Your own 'business! No boss, no time clock, , independence! The leading line of Home Service Pro- ducts! 'If you own a car, dperate in tate country, otherwise pick a city territory. Full inforniatipn FREE on request. FAMILFX, Dept. C, 1600 Del(arimier, Montreal. -39 W ANTED.—DRESSMAKING, jplain and fancy sewing, sr}locking; professional work. Write or call MRS. J. Me1RA\V, Widder street. ' -39 WANTE.D.•—_IlOUSEKFEPER • DE- SIRES position. Write 'BOX 85; SIGNAL -STAR. . 39x sloop slei"g'hs; Massey -Harris 1021 ..-•‘.. tractor 'on robber. 13-26, 'starter •incl F(OR SALE.—BABY CRIB IN GOOD `WANTED. -ABY LOCAL TEACHER,, Lights (this tractor is like nett') ; .3 condition, natural wood finish. 3 to 5 -room heated apartment. section drag harrows; International 3-1 Apply ALFRED WILLIAMS, Apt. 4, Write 110X 84, SIGNAL -STAR... —339 furrow plow : 4 -wheel trailer ; steel 1 Bedford Apts. ° '9 T �WANTF.D.=\CLNTk:It HOJiF. FOR - -- roller : 1 I)eLavul cream sep°orator (No.! t)R S..A•Lh:. — SI•'V'I;N I.OTti O:� 1' Use of horse, seven years old. NOZ`ICE of intention of stopping up ls, 1l;tsse\ ITrirris 1`? -in. grinder (like `F , sewers, r and cutter and for a portion of St. David's street in the new ti : host of other articles.Ma ry street ;lights and excellent for buggy 'T(,\t0 of Goderich. GRAIN — 1200 bus. of oats and water available. J. B. I'ROI`SF, R.R. saddle.. .Apply IR\'INF. D. ()KF., R.R. Take notice that - the Munieilrttl 1iarley : ,00 bus. of oats; 30 rows of 1, Guderic•h, phone 93;3 1 :31• 419 Ny, 1, Goderich. Corporation of the Town of Goderich turnips, 40 rod lung. c)R s:1i.I': — 1fAN'.S C.C.M. RI proposes to coact a by-law closing that I1.AY_-30• tons of mixed hay: 200 1 F ('1:('LF, 'ln gaud condition. \\'Jf. TENDERS WANTED -portion of .St. David's street in the new feed sacks. , said '1o\ n of Goderich-Which may be . tlitantl(\ of honsPhoid effects. I3-\\:�.ISTTR, Widder street. Phone ••L more particularly c1E'4cribecl as follows: TI:I{\IS—C:ASiI. �L ALLD TENDERS., ('(►JI\IF \(i ( at the south-easterly AR('IIII: ROI3INSON�, FOIi `CALF..—rBEATTY ELECTRIC angle of lot running No. 557: thence Proprietor' washing. machine in real -good con- Marked' tenders twill be received l',y westerly alo tg • the s uihern limit of HAROLD JACKSON,A ditiuu. Apply to apir tnreut over I'rid the undersigned up to Wednesday, i__ lots No. �5i end No. 634, 2 chains and Auctioneer. ham's Store. -39 October '22nd, 11)47, thirty acres 78 links more or- less, . to "'the south- .30.40- F. P-CHESNEY, Clerk. O o er on the property,for owned by westerly' angle of lot No. 634; thence FOR SALE.--(li':AIi'1'l:R-1'1'I' OAK George Jttrcline, one hundred rods northerly alulrg the s inor westerly limit of extension tal,lc•• 1'ltouc 187\\-... south. of Point Clarke Lighthouse, lot No. f134, 30'/i links more or less; to ° NOTICE Huron township, Bruce county. The a point on the southerly limit of St. OR ;;ALE.—R —RASPBERRY ('ANES, Huron or any tender notc necessarily The David's street produced easterly along GRAI)l'.CTY. NURSE, \IOTHF.It OF F Viking .and Latham, $5 per -100. accepted. the northerly limit of lots runningtwo children, \vopId mind children FRED GII,RF.IZ'I1 Huron; road. Phone (H.OItuE .IAItDINE, . No. 128 and No. 141 inclusive ;- thence or babies, any age, at own home, by 936 r ,3,, :3`1x 39-40- to 9 40 I.trckrtow, Ontario. easterly along the last-mentioned limit the -hour, day, -over-night, or week -end. 1x OR SALE.. TULIP BULBS. H. 2 chains and 78 links. more or less Phone 1075. to a point on the easterly limit of SMITH CLEANERS, WEST ST. F I'. I�ASHIiI(()OK, Widder street. lot. No: 557 ; thence southerly along S -:3A the said easterly limit 301/2 links more All persons with cleaning at Smith t�(llt S�,I,T:.— 1 BFDR(>01I SUITE, or less to the place of beginning. Cleaners are regnested to collect same 1' ,_ N$tice of intention to close up the , c 1 bed ( spring 1i mattresses) ; said lands will. be given. by publication fry Monday, September 29, as•the bussu 'chesterfield shite; stuc r(► couch ; ice for four consecutive weeks. in The nP<s is being sold. box; breakfast room suite (natural Signal Star', a newspaper published, in OTICF -- with red mut ►. Apply P.O. BOX 837, Goderich, first of such notices to ap- N _ • Goderich. . 39x pear in the issue bearing date the 18th All accounts un ing' • Mr. E. T. day of September, 1947. 1'frimmer. ' R.R. 4.- Goderich, must be And further take notice that the' I paid by October 31st. After that (late Council shall hear any person or by ail accounts will be placed his counsel, solicitor or agent any collection. in Division Court for person who claims, that hia lands will E. T. i]iil;R, .be prejudicially affected by the by-law �9 40x o . Benmiller. and who applies to be heard. - NOTICE. - NOTICE TO CREDITOR'S. Notice is hereby 'given to all persons having any claim against the estate of Mary Jane Cunningham Reed, late of the Township, -of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on the eighth , day of September, A.D. 1947, to send same to the undersigned on or before the $ighteenth day of October, 1947, as on and after that date the administrators of the said? -estate shall proceed' to make distrib i- . tion of the assets thereof, -laving re- gard only to the claims of which-- they bate..notice, .... Dated at ,the Town of Goderich, in the Counter of Huron, this sixteenth day of September, A.D. 1947. R. C. HAY, K,C., Goderich, Ontario, 38-9-40- Solicitor for the -Estate. IMMO e, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given to all persons having any • claim against the estate of Ambrose H. Vanstone, late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, retired farmer,' who died on or , about the eighteenth day of September, A.D. 1947, - to send same to the undersigned . um or before the twenty-fifth day bf October, `1947, as on and after that date the executor of the said estate shall proceed to Inake• distribution of .the assets thereof, having regard only to the claims, of w)ticlt he has notice. Dated at Goderich this twenty-second day of September, A..EU 1947. R. t'. HAYS, K.C., -Goderich, Ontario, 3941 Solicitor for the Estnte,•- 0 _tows ship welcomes all to these ser- Vices...4r ()Winto anniversary services, at Union tghufch, Goderich township, there ` will be no evening service at Victoria street United church on Sun- day next. Rally Day will he observed at Victoria street, and parents ,are urged' to attend with •their children at the morning service. 4 . 38-41- D. D. MOONEY, Mayor, S. II. BLAKE, Clerk. ' WANTED ' ANTED. -- YOUNG MARRIED couple with" smalls baby urgently NOTICE. re hire apartment or 3 or 4 tmfttrn "DOMINI(thl?T CHINCHILLAS" ishecl rooms, employed by •Imperial Oil. I The latest fur -bearing animal to be Phone 707J. successfully raised in captivity, the genuine South American Chinchilla, producer of the world's most luxurious fur, may be .seen at the Huron and Bruce Chinchilla Ranch, ,Wingham, Ont. These animals are .under the eare of Mr. H. E. Wells. Learn how these animals • may provide a living and, a hobby for you in the --years to come. Visits to the ranch and best made on week -day evenings or anytime during the> weelo-ends, and are free of obligation. 25tf I buy rags, feather ticks, and used furniture. Sewing machine repairs and supplies.' C.. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone 242.: • 2itf Treasurer's Sale of Land for Taxes ' ze he s f July 1947 Town of ,Goderich---("aunty of Huron at the Council Chambers.tGohe riehafternoot and rtthe on t a pie5th day 1}Qty, y be • TO Wit: P the 'hour of 3 t) clo 1947,ek in had at my ,office. • -By virtue of a warrant `'llssued by on the sixth day of October, this 15th day o4 • the Mayor of the Town of Goderich unless the taxes and ethsta are sooner Treasurer's Office, bearing date the '28th day of May; 1047, paid. - Notiee is hereby given that the July, 1947. S. II. BLAKE, Treasurer:. c!ale of lands in arrears of taxes in ,list of lands for sale for arrears of the Town of Goderich will , be held taxes was published in The Ontario 29-40- . Arrears Taxes. Costs • Total Owner and I eseription 11; II. Jen• ner. --Pt. Lot 2, Huron tit. ' , . III"TCHINSON ST'RV}> Y • Miry McPeeter:s Est.—Lot 87, -Warren St. Mary , McFeeteri Teat -=LOt €18, Warren St. 'Mary !;teioeeter'a Est. -1 ---Lot 89, 'Warren St. •, Mtt 11Je1,'eetere 1:at•--LOt ,:l(►, Warren St. . Mary Mereeters Fat. —Lot 91, • Warren St. TIr1:Il() SURVEY Roy z nazN— LOt 42, William St • .3 ,ROB1:It'1 S()N SURVEY ISA ISuar:'lrey and E. Johnston Est.—Lot 1330, Cambridge St. ' IIS T(fat ttttti Via, ,tolniston Est.' Lot 1:131, Cambridge St. Ttturc'113ey • and, 11:, Johnston Fttt, Lot 1:152, ('ambrid(b 1944.46 intl. 1 J()lata t.0t» ,-.°.1'.ot '133.8, , 4''fU11bf igge . St .. Srlr<> Vt' .a51(I TI'9C 9 1'hzette .3tt1J Sthy 1317. ° li▪ °Olilllted. ,'15l ►J�1i(;tinTtar 0 • ► ,• tr RUNNING NUMBERS FOR SALE.`'STRUCTUTAL STEEL, beams, ,channels, angles, reinforc- ing'. Ib('5li, pipes, boiler tubes, boilers for culverts, boilers for heating, hot water and steam radiation, also any other types of steel. Make M. Brown and Sons your„ headquarters • for any types of steel in complete warehouse lines. 400 Lancaster street west, Kitclener, Ontario. - Phone. 3-3282, 6-6465. Open Saturday afternoon. 9tf• 1944-46 incl.• $24.55 $0,00 p3Q.61 1935-46 incl. 26.42 (1.11 32.53 1935-46 incl. 26.42 6.12 32.54 1935-46 incl,. • 26.42 (1.12 32.54 1935.46 1nc1. 26.42 ° 6.12 • 32.54 • 1935-46 1ncl. '02.48 . 7.76 10024 VI 1933.46.inc1. 412.85 15.78 ‘ 428.63 1044-46 incl. ° 5.12 5.70 , 10.82 1944-46 1nc1. 5.12 5.70 10.82 1`044.46 in'el: 5.12 • 5.70. 10.82 Tal.3 .5.70 10.83 •11 - LOST, LOST. ----BROWN LEATHER WAL- LET containing money and valu- able papers,, on September 18, in area of Wellington street and Elgin avenue. Reward. Leave at A.* P. Store. 39x FOR SALE. — EMPIRE COOK stove with reservoir. Call corner Victoria and Brock streets. 39x NOTICE: OF TENDERS—SALE OF BERRY FARM •- The' berry farm sof :the -late Ormand It. Alcock, situated on part of lot 19, 4th concession, Township of 'Goderich, containing seventy-four acres of land, will be sold as a going concern im- mediately. ' The property -will be -sold subject to reserve bid-. The highest or any tender not . necessarily accepted. The pro- perty can be viewed at any time. All tenders must he .sent in With a marked cheque for ten per cent. of the tender price to 11,'C• HAYS, K.C., Solicitor for the Estate, Box • 547, Goderich, on or before the 18th, day of October ht twelve o'clock. 1 to the For further particulars apply ;ibose mentioned solicitor or to WILLIAM ALCOCK, Administrator, R.R. N6. 2, Goderich. -39-41 FOR SALE.--DITRHA:\I (`O\\' AND bull calf. R. II.° 000('H, R.R. No. 3, Goderich. 39x SATE OF ALL HOUSEHOLD FURN- ISHINGS at 109 Elgin avenue, on Saturday, September 27, to continue until all goods are disposed of. Three- piece chesterfield suite, 3.:pieee hedroon7 Suite, 21pieee bedroom suite, mahogany desk, Wilton rug 9 x 101/2, small tables, table redia, -lamps of- all kinds. wash- ing machine, electric rangette, kitchen table and chairs, • high- chair, crib, pram, dishes. mats, and other articles too numerous to mention. 39x FOR 'SALE. WEST -ST. HOT'SE, : good siii e, reasonably, priced. MALCOLM MATHE,RS, Insuranee and Real Estate Broker, West street. Phone 115W. taavnasessermasasstaiwo BELL TELEPIIONE Rights have item -issued to shareholders by The Bell Telephone Company, which will entitle you to purchase additional shares in this COinpany. Rights may be bought or sad here prior"' to 27th October depending on whether or not you, wish to exercise your - . privilege. • . For Full. Partieiulara See 0. F. CAREY I3 SON GORE CH WEST S1. WHY WORM? when you can get the best 'in fire, auto or general insurance from • R. T. KILPATRICK - R.B. 7,'LUCKNOW Phone 77R`?, Dungannon WHAT DO YOU OWN? Get one • of our INVENTORY 'BOOKLETS . • and Take -Stock. of you>5' Household Contents . SEE 11. M. FORD - 'Get Insured — Stay Insured— Rest Assured. North St. Tel 268w For that wedding gift— GIVE A GOOD --,PICTURE Beautiful Flowers • and Landscapes at SMITH'S ART AND GIFT East St. ' STARE Phone 198 i v Goodned--I forgot he gets home' an hour earlier since he started ' using Texaco Fire Chief gasoline from Gardner Motor Sales."