HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-25, Page 7TRUER ) TI BEI( 2 rt1I, 1013'
FAO 'Meeting ,at Geneva
1e11elly, IJomeulukers! Many 'of us
are resuming the job of packing lunch
'boxes now that cooler weather Is here
and school routine has been re estab-
lished. When the lunch box comes
down titockthe
suitable t time
menus. The
well-planned iuid-day meat for a grow-
ing child, t'annut, be over-en1p11Usi?etl
likewise the .elie fe} the (Mice worker.
Some schools and factories serve soups
and beverages at nioderate prices, thus
eliminating the' -need for carrying a
thermos. ' If this service is not avail -
Able or is found to be costly, it is ad'is-
abrc to hake use of the standard lunch
'box containing a thermos and 1i11 it
every day with a witillesvine beverage
' or soup.
,1. ('hopped (neat and -gravy : Put left-
over cooked meat through a food
chopper .slid iuoi tdn with thick
.-.,R�.�-�"�`ut.:."•...:1'uxp utas
Phone 1098 or Write
Refrigeration Service
50 Elgin Ave., Goderich
2. Scrambled' eggs wtth cottage cheese
or tomato. Add 2 tbsps. cottage
cheese or tomato (chopped) to 2
beaten eggs. Scc�ramble as usual, and
Cool before putlhtg in 'sandwich.
:1. Cottage cheese Mix equal amounts
of cottage cheese ° and chophled
spinach with a little onion.
1. 1 bopped prunes or peaches mixed
with t•rt'ain cheese and moistened
with :,kin, milk.
:-i. ('boi)p('c1 1,:t eon „and mashed, cooked
kidiuy beans flavored with a little
t1.1Peanut butter spreads: (1) Add half
quantity of diced apples. „(22) ,Add
I2 IUUshed banana. 01) Mix With
shredded carrot.
one-quarter (11p barley, .5 cups
coal water, 1 -clip dicot carrots, is
thsps. chopped union,, salt and
• pepper. :;1 2 cups milk.
;:oak 110 rley in water, e) er light.
1'04. in same \voter for 45 lunules or
tilt( ii tt•rttic•r. Add carrots, onion and
s,•;,,„ttiug about :;Gl Minutes before end
of cooking time. Stir frequently, add
more water if necessary. Add milk
and when hot put in thermos. This
makes three servings.
l'at'ri,t and Marley Soup
Scrambled Egg Sandwiches
Gingerbread. Squares :fipple
Cream 'l't((Otto Soup -
Chopped (']Lu11)cd Meut Salld\Cltihes
Par'r'ot Strips.
• Fruit Salad
Potato Salad and Celery
Buttered Brown Bread
Custard Cookie
Hot Cocoa
' Mrs. S. 3L, says : By all means group
the family around the. dining -room
(.able for study and hobby work. Use
a 21H) -watt study lamp over the table
to save electricity and provide ade-
quate 'light. .
Mrs. J. T. says: Taking spots off a
crepe dress' can • be done. easily if
cleaner is used immediately. I1• found
that °a. little at a titue..did not- leave a
ring, or do it in the 'open air so the
liquid evaporates quickly.. °
Mrs. - N. S. says: You can sharpen
scissors by cutting through tine sand -
Paper several. times.
- * v *
Mule Allan invites you to- write .to
Ther ill core of The -Signal-Star. Seild
in your suggestions on homemaking
problems and Watch this column for
- replies. --
"Father says will .you lend hill your
garde(►••ru11er?" said the small boy.
"Haven't you forgotten something, illy
• .,..elite
c lel
) g
said l
"Oh.. >, \\•ns the })little reply.
•'Father said, `If the old blighter re-
fuses, try .next door'."
No -extra, charge for tile, use
of 'oui Funeral Home, Toron-
to Street- -
Prompt ' Ambul•aueb
Phone h:35 Res. 356 or 7
'here it . fourLcet g►,>nl�tlf� I> S.ib. and at Itlalli2a k of
No. 2. 511e1 iltt,p, this terra. and four. , eh argt of her.
teen = of tlieunf are buyb: The female Iadf3r4nA l Q)I)
sex i{• reprt>senwd only by the'tu>atter Iu_ta wedding. ceremony
er monylatrvol! ono.tO
Provincial a,ulit e 1ia.ve (tAen. over c•hur'('lo,
the policing of Seaforth, at the rt (lua t day, September Demise Jldeac'll
of the• Tuvs'u C'uuncil'. There are two Robb of I .itehouer, daughter of Ta.,
officers, Constables Iirodgsula. and and :Ars.
W. R. Lob% .G oderlell tow'ha .
Gordon ('i'iiig, the Latter u iiatiye of ship, W L 1 intik'Aiedi to Gr(iidon•1XI Czars
(ane, son of Mr. and. Ml's. John ae"
Miss June Murdoch of Brueefiel(l, i!'arlane, - Wallacetown. Rev. lIarbld,
who 1r:Y'n been a student at the 1Pars01113 Snell of ENeter, .cousin of the brie°
-School =sof Design in Lew York for officiated, assisted by Icev, a Taverner
the past t wu years, has been appointed of Uolmesville: • After the eereulon4 P.
tilt *tuff .of the International Varn,, reception for fifty guests was held at
ish Company iu New York as interior the home of the, bride ,.parents.
4It•(•uratur and consultant:
-\ pellet from! ;an air rine may cost 1
trioti Nixon, tifteeu-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nixon, Seafurth, the
loss of .4.ig4t in the injured, left eye.
iozeident happened uu Sunday at a
iu•iglihor's home. The lad was taken
to the Stratford Hospital for .medical
t r('atui& lt.
The Ontario 1)epartn1enj off, Igli_
\ways has erected twcystew.buildings on
h igh \.v i y No. 4, just outside thebound-
ary of Exeter. The larger building,
io x (;tr. is to beused for the storage
machinery 'and trucks. A smaller
building, contains salt for winter use.
'1'lit•t• c -year-old Comes .
I Alone froln England
'q1rt•e year-old 11:tze1 M. NE i1 Lica :+1
ivt•d from l:rigIantl to lain ger father,
11. '1'. \1,•\ef1, at 1:theL trey towirl,hip.
Abe hods 111' (,real t111'ff. ltnac•t•ctln-
I paied, on board the Aquit:,t:ia. A
il:tsreu ,er on the slip looked after her,
rAirlit t ttVIVI
• Installation and depair
Pumps and Pressure Systems
of all types.
Engines, Motors a.1d Wind-
Goodyear Belts iv all stand,-
arc: lengths.
All fart- quipnient and
Carlow 2821
ca ,
lisip Nature To
Eliminate Waste
A combination of valuable vege-
table - remedies, blended together
under rigid s dards of pity,
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are often
valuable in the relief of conatipa-
tion and other disorders of the liver, , •
stomach and, bowels. '
They help the eliminatory organs
and clear the system of waste which 1
is often the' cause of .constipation'
sick_ and bilious spells, . headaches
and heartburn.. Once tried, you'll)
be delighted by the renewed feeling
of. well-being which they help to
produce. e •
Milburn 's LaXa-Liv6>t' Pills are On
sale at all drug counters.
The T. Milburn Co.. Ltd.. Teton*. Ont.
far all. occasions
(24 Hour �-erviee •
'Telephone 401-J.
' St. I1a'lyd St., Goderich . _ .
Il epresc ntatives of 50 nations rete mOr aanizthe
a- Branch, tFAO,Division.
on the terrace oft eHead
Palais de N atioins.
.'bird Conference of the Food and Agricultureg
ionof the United Nations (FAO) at Geneva, Switzerland, Bottom -Rt. Hon, James Ga 'lx'ardiner,,; Dominion
+) consider the world food and agriculture position. Minister of Agriculture and Canada's delegate to the
McDougall,Coup- Conference, talking with Viscount the gat. Hon. Stanley
cel .photo shows"Dr. left S. right: r L. Deputy
cellon FAO; r. G. S. H. Barton, Deputy Minister, M. Bruce of Australia, Cliairnoa'`i%of one of the FSO �itirch was
Dominion • Department of 'Agriculture; Dr. Ilalplh CQ1$o�. and uc ial chat and a nice Phillips, Head of Animal Industry Branch, FAO •Agr 1)iucidec} lay abuse present.
111: and .Airs. Jamieson and t\vitl
�Y�i'IL,LD daughters. of Detroit, and Mrs. Bell, of
1Saskatchewan. were week•ed Visitors
-A UBUFAN with their ,interand hershusband,
�F* --1tAT7•'11•:L1►, (,t.•t \tri Sl►e te)* it�,\\'linterIlat:rlsuiT,
.--6 NEWS l :ll r. and
fuel 'Iritby returned huiuk. c' On` Sunday, September 28th, there
will be no• service at Grace (him. ,-
but Sunday, October 5th, Rev. II . • (_.
Stutesbury Will be back from Itis vaca-
tion and a common}oil service will be
quilt. A lovely lunch was served by
11u hu lcs�
'Young Couple Honored(. - Fridiy •
"evening at No. 5 school a presentation
who received its'the gift of the com-
wit• nude to ,Mr. uud .Mrs. Elgin (`ox. ble �ael icp
Hay 'Cox read the .address and Mr. *ADE IN CANADA
Joe Mothers madet;1the pi-eselitatioir• BIG Ill Performance' BIG In Size(
Elgin made a suitable reply. thanking I Snail Only in Price!
<r was spent in cards !' -
all. The e\•.ening \\.. 1
YOU Get ALL These Features:
• 5 tubes • illuminated Dial
• Beam power output for rich t•
• Automatic volume control
• Exclusive built-in Aeroscope
• Ru99ed Alnico No. 5 speaker
• Ad„ •DC•operation- just .plug in
• Easyrto-rebel dial'
• Mahogany plastic cabinet- .
tSIightty higher in Ivory)
totality a lovely trilight lamp. Mrs.
">- \Ir it Jlrs. Turner; • retttation. 1u(litIt 1 range : 1uuday �uftcr spe11diuK; the past, week
AU1dI'It\; . Sept.
)\Ith her mother at t,uttthaiit tun.
Jio rridge, Misses ,Hole :and Betty toilette instrumental-. Lloyd.
\'\Itreltdl Jlisses .1'. uutl 1:. 1'u\vlic spoilt Sun
b '
• •s1i sent' the week -end .with \1r. c11ey-: recit;Iti,)tr, Beth jukes, Lloyd �, d:ty fast 111 Loudon. -
and 1 , , r lug. 1:lizubetlt \Grange: J
and Jlrs- Bert Marsh :1t 1 stet sburg. ` Miss Doris Jlcl:vveu left on Saturday-
vas' a \-eel;-ent�T \lc•t'11111.lic>y.; reading. ,1(111.•l.t'tllt�rl:ttl(1. fur Londolr, Where she ontSat the
lir . yin... ie11(l s \
with f,t'icuds_ilt London.. After the program 11' game \\us played. third year in the biology course, at
\ t. th t 1{otvest huuiL, ser\ices \will be heli( ill \\`estern 1'ltiversity.
visitors •witli \Ir. told Mrs, .Edgar Stu, \ars. .1. I1. t'ubb of '1'0rulltu arrived
St. 31arl:'s Auglicuil cltnrclt next.
Lawson over /he week -end were JIr' ilov, at to :1.w. and i.:a► p.ul., st:lddat•ti uu Jinuday to spout' this \week ui •her
'tile, c\t the Luuruiug scrwice the i)rother's cottage ill the \ Wage. awl lits. Juhtt Fi'ulays(tlt, Mrs. John t
Louis lientberger :111'., ,and Jlrs. 1•'rt d ilelldricl;" uud :It S.S. \0. 17 on Friday ewet,tug. Iltgh
Sclater, Mr. and Mrs. rector, Hew. 'll. .1. L. IIb'uder:uu, awill i
Fred. jr., alai 31r. and Airs. Keir' Ale- 1 i:rues at etleilre Wore Won by W111.
children, of Seafur(h• have charge of the service, vwhile iti ; fver and. daughter tits! Barbara. of 'lfirtu- 1 i1 well and Jlrs IIuew:lyd )r:lull 'and
and t\ -u c . 1,. 1 litItrt of
s. Albert Cittupbell spent, the eve:11:1g itev. l'• k'•' lrc h:lt►1.'-Mich., were w(tl� end guests c01►.t_,laiiul� Sproul ded J1r. nd It
their (laughter, Jlrs. Seafurth win,,,he the speaker. A young l of \tins JLlrian 1'airha1r11. Brindle 'Crukinule prizes \-ere won
the Week -end -with btt tht g people's 01 li(d choir will render Stan and Mr. "Abel; tit. lhomtls. 1 1 � •t\ice \wilt be \with ! Jltss \laud and \1r. 1111' 1 Jit i 1 itutile, .
Stan Abel' siieciul 11lusic. ,. t � l,1eTor :u•e wisitiug friends• ut L'acl by I:ottise Sprnitl and' Leonard itriud-
ins Vivian ieinlvisit of Manor bel ('lawn ill. Knox Presbyterian church .``e. .\[''Ire this ig i ly, \.tills• cuts ultttiuvr prints went d -
as a \��t:trend visitor with her next Snuday to allow the nuiitber "tu.� Mrs. 11„(ley, who spent the bast foal) 1)01111:1 1) (41 :inti het Kincardine • i
Park \\
nailer, Jlrs. C. ®JI. titraughati' :attend the harvest home service.
m m uh noel tnuhtlrs -at her cottage on 1It\(1 Illai \ i�ltlill'r herss ttc,nt in. Mrs. t;r:tl►om eft
ru _. an u
.1t r Itt , on
It 1 ,iL
'Wiggins )tl i Det I l
' 1 n dt
,, or g Program. , 1
us ra t .. to
1 to . , 'd
' \ Y returned
\ r u •• ut
Unique to b 1 t t
111 ga'' .1 L toff,
'll'� r I
. I
•- � lit 11
• 1. of t JI
• >, > ►e meeting t ' • w
A grandmothers' daughter. Godfrey
lit ,- "elle et 1(,t
). \ r;itlui, her 1 1,taudmut ghat.see iloward d
hart.1nistitute was 14'14 011 'Tuesday, with \\illi her
Atkiu•jj�9\ of Detroit= spout' We tare iuHY) is 'ul(be to get around
• \"isitu11 with \I r, and Mrs: Gordon" 1110 :111 at.te,rclauc( of 1_5.. '1'l,e program ilu week -end at hia-llutne in the -village. i home again.
11d Mr. :utd,Jlrs. D. "\\'. Valu ! s put un It the grandmothers antiI \lr, and Mrs. J. 1'. Ferguson of Lou- n crntc:hes. . held afi 1.30 .
Taft .11 a \\ ,1 - 1
ti day school Will be
'taut► ,lust week \-ere -Air. l'ur- tool; the 'furor of tht. "Grandmother I dluu • were
guests of the former' f
man • ('hunch of Kansas Litt' • \whi 'livt;d in a shoe.' The • convener I
ra•l obisuu. ``.mother, Airs. ,James Ferguson, over the (lin . next Sunday, On:it 'account lfiithe 1
Burn. ,-- At - the .\\'inghatn (acne of the program, Mrs. \\'. `l'. It week cud.
Iles,it/11 on Saturday, September "Uth, i introduced the grandmother other and child -
Mr. Jlr. atld Mrs. 1i:lrwey I.. Smith :old church, where Rev. Alex. JIi \fill:alt will
to Mr. land .Mrs., Gordon. Dobie• a j ren its Tollu\vs: Silvis and \lariuda, 1 ('lull; Smith. of Jlon.ut till \'ie\\, Cal., i be the roost speoher.
Mrs. Geo; Sturdy had .Mrs. E. la cvsul,: and Jars..Ies:•ie S\wicl;, of •\'alle)•u; Cit 1. JIr. and JIrs. Albert Tintype. 'Su.ndy
ebbe and Hachei. \lrs. .\: NesbitE,1. ilted .w friends in the village thin :lad Dorothy. of 'I'utuuto spout the
:Intl Jlrs Albett l'.:uupl►ell : c hil�lrei1 week. Mys. Swok was the • Portlier ! \\•eek -end with Mrs. Thayne's father.
Amelia and Cornelia, Urs. Geo, Jlil ►t snit 1 igg:111 (laughter Ot Mr. atolllI(,oulunlnir. Ang-us \II 1)11 111itl\.+ill be observed
lion ilia' Airs. \\'. ,1. l'ra ig: 'Alis •
Angeline, Mrs. J. Craig: Evangeline, Mrs. Joint 13,iggart.
\r. Mrs.'Wolter 1\est1:the. Jltss:ill . Nile i'nih>d chnticonglIntlay,
\I '1\'illa ' October "all. :It the usual hell•.
Buy -NOW
NILE, Sept. '24. - A progressive Phone
euchre and t'iokinule party ,visits lrt'Id
Mr. and Mrs. II -'ice and Mrs. Fred
Jlar(lut►rdt of Detroit are vi iting Mrs.
Bert Jones.
At a recent tag clay held for the blind
the suns of $37.50 was- collected. The
tag day was sponsored by the \Ct, \� 111. Hc�l,ertutl .
ttlen's Institute, Mrs. herb \Iogridge, I 1 cutitecliau l Mrs. Mrs. Bert Craig .and Mrs. C. :1I' I Jlalldie. the practic;tl joker. AIrs. harry
Strattghun were in charge (,x' the drive. I Armstrong: ,pianist, Laciy McMillan,
1)r, McMillan to I'reaeh.-He\=: I)r. J(t�. R. .1. Phillips; t; ra udtnut 1 t: in
Alexander McMillan of. Toronto will the ''''hoe. :Mrs. Mugridge: their guests -
occupy the pu11)it of knot i'uited '1`+tli century, JIr•, ileo. Ilatitiltou; 1910
church. Auburn; next Stnlduv. , It will century, Mrs. Geo. L'eadle : 201119
be sixty 'years next Sunday since Dr. (.(,usury. flits. A. Nesbit. eild program
\>r\Illlarl Was ordained and �►.uhtirrl opened with the crowning of
:dict Smith's Hill. was his tirst charge.
Queen of ingot'' Grandmothers. 1947."
Ile Will be aceomYianied by, his sun, \lrs. \1 m. Anderson. who has taken 1 \Iolgan •• i.
Sir Ernest •McMillan, and Lady. Mc-
c ()art In the , iilldllluthet:' prugrafol lit had resigru('ci to undergo medical l Mr. Reg. TttffOrci of Kincardine
Mi len. The er-ice \rill be at 11 a.nl' twenty years. crowned tted Jlrs. II(>rbrJlol alt atluetlt: Since cuuiilrg stere
visited oar Sanctity,. with his mother
Junior Red' Auburn. =The Junior Red ridgt' as the Quceit. .\1t•s. \ltI lithe \'organ has endeared secoini g no • t only rnd sill: father, \I t'. and Mrs.. Ilttl'ul
their meeting tt)e Auburn pubte soon. wh I ,'�
dud be.. ,, con\(1111• of the grand I c, nletubt'rs of .his u\\tt cut11 reg,iticill ilitTord. •
r ,r�
their wiFriday ,tlfternuo11, when mothers' "program for twenty years• but to tJl with \-how he hos curate in j Jlrs.'A. \'. 1'o lc„ler is in a.ridge111t)i
the Plano instrumental,
nPti Rn was ''Hoye' Following the crowning, a 'solo► was contact. 1V\ has taken an active inter-
ett''' i.tb(• t;nc•t of her irises. \[rs. \\'. .T.'
I'iauo iustrunleuYl.ti, Rena JIc•( luuhey • rendered by Jlrs1. AV'u►. It0lrttt est i11 the 1.iuiSs ('tub. of Which In Simpson. and
itr. SimApson. :Intl will
reading.. Bobby Xunglilut; jokes, Ken Dem Golden S1i11►(' BtIti a solo, "Pitt �w1 oppi')iutt'(1 secretary. JIr. ;1tu1 \ Simpson
her sister., Mrs. ii1 .T. Hess, who
Grey Bonnet." by .Jars and listen will itt very I is }n failing health at . .1.hener. lir,
un. Your t z i Sturdy Mrs. -. 1orga11
red I hletzer, with Mrs. 0. much missed in the village, and the ! Simpson motored to Goderich •last Fri
M E the Mrs. 1.. 1uple(t taking the' Dart l .best \-issse of ut for \I r. \Ind the day Jlrs. k;alco10 returning vti'h
part f him.
- ���the nld cualile; readin;t' s )seely reruvert'' vvitt go vyith thin.®� �� �. '+• :e' s
'usy. IIer Trate Knight's 1 _ _ --- I
n►0tht'r'. 1
by Mrs. las. Craig: IitllsIt'al 9 HILL �_�
M' Rawtin ,o„ flint• rrittliarl, ma" • . Valentine," 1 t„ J: ! PORTER'S 17
up and ship ni.uusett„►a i urniture.. t-�" utlmbet by Mrs. \\ . T. Robison. Airs. Jas, totitn Al Pott. urs to 111Columha.a and
. (Call; and Mrs. Win. Craig: duet. Mrs. ° The
saan Alberta. British t:vtunefo I;dd tcSept. '2'2• --
Californiaail �V. '''' ' nrpnoneforreducPu
Campbell oucl Jlrs. \obit. "Iteuhen I'1►RTI:Ii'S IIII.T�. I
freight rales, I�.s[at/n51,e 'ss ekes by Mrs. Arm- W.A. of (.=ruct' church held their :
r,10 iun1:e St., CurunI$( liti;oI� AG
:111(1 It:rebel :"
-�4OmINu. rA'CKIN'da .HI{'PtN6 aoo aTORAG' stt'ollg: reading. \ti's• •T• C. Stoltz duet, Se�irtenlbet• meeting ai the home of Mrs,
"You t'au't I'luy in Our Yard." by \Its. los:'.T,orl:h;lrf on 'I'lrarsdoyt aftetaooll.
• Geo. 1lillu,u 01(1 \I \\'n, Craig. I \01 o minty as stool \-fife present.
i Were ell 1 Iu1c b
Mrs. J. C. Stoltz: Sir Arthur., Cripps
l;lori;t \\'estiohe incl Jlass
Stnrgeoi left .on Tuesday for tt •trip, \1i•• ,Johtii 31(W'etl)l at( E' has erected (ted
1 ney's g t t t
iht•uugh \emboli' t►nhtriu.
Rev, L. Morgan Lt>�iving.-liaryest
' front \1 r. \buten IIeicl. I00(1(15 tuiu•h
r g .d rvict's „\will. •bt held Ia.' to the appeal -Mice of the
than ,s4..,• ••' Stinilu'y
Trinity Anglican church ot►
at 11 a.m. and 7 9.110 (standard time),
at which the rector. Ilew. I.. 3lurgutl, BT R\: Sept. \\'tn. Chit
will preach. It was with deep regret 4•T.I.1. I
thtit the weathers of the it,u lugat ,)�i ton._ son of .Mr. and \Irs. Htuue Clinton.
con -
learned that 1ltts would rt turnc;d'to Guelph• on \Iontltry. to con -
I last Sunday •i I1 charge,
't I time his course :tt the O,A.('.
INCOME .TAX -(Business, Pri-
vate or Farm Repots)
Bookkeeping .Services-- (Weekly
or Monthly)
Typing- (Private or Commercial
work) .
GI>r U
BOX 58 • PHONE 231J
, Oo(lerich, Ont, 20tf
Electrical Appliance Service
V ittie
Elliott McVittie
Picton St. Phone 417W
_......mow e� rn OR DEAD
,Promptly and E iclontly Removed
Simply 9Pbone 6 Clinton
21 Ingersoll
lig gtratford
w►l� ..D
THE 'RE$'T !
Some t
oar 111111 • 11 nein \ e • w
_ .__ --- Mrs. Get). Il:uailtun rt'pt•es�'uting th(' served lly-the 1.10stes.•
lstlr century, :Mrs. Goo. Beadle the \N a.,
19th century and 'Mrs. Nesbit the :'nth on \VI'hill hold ci`'1\afte Septemberits ' 1111 Com -
' 1111-;
cetntury told of :1 week's wtirk done by i mimic)
melt one. The 151 It cent nt'y woman batt int: :It the house of Al r•. Don Harris.
\wita t«e1we Ititlit•s 11i•t••-1.111. 311•-. .Jol'a1
ten children. did the \\'It•hin� uta stones ,
in the r�\er, baked bread t\wice';1 week. '1'
Torrance Was in cit:lry;t• of ibc meeting,
'l'bt' Int It century- \ voila' it had eight Work WO, 'alone .on block• for the
children. batt had a bond=\washing 0111
chide. The 2(1111 c•eiltlil'y one had 110 .
tinge for children, had a11 electric wash- e? a `
'sect it batten and l .Holiday Hazard
iltg i n:whine. just pre
presto! the washing Was (lone. This • p
wits f011u\\ ecI Eby :1 11 orrhest t a nlnilber !, •
:111(1 .'oke 'by 311•s. Craig: re,oliug.. Mrs. Don't take a chance on
La wsuu. "'Try ° Smiling:" solo. Mrs. 1
slimmer complaint spoiling
`, _ I 1;0bertou :. r11ding. "l;rondit(other
The Cdllector'~ I l mi,,% Plants." Mrs. .1. .T. Robertson: 1 . your vacation, take along a sup-
plyMrs.\V. of DOCTOR Yo (TI:.'0
trio, Orangeville, .11Dtttario I'loeizer thud \Irs. Win. (.'roig: reading. EX.TRACT or 'WILD
Mrs. Win. H0ber1 )11 "'That „Fellow Who STRAWBERRY. At the first
: 1 P. Looked Like Me:- ('1ii11•ti , '•'Then,
symptom of diarrhoea, bites-
, oilk,1010"511111.11010- Slippers.' At this point ,Mrs. final pains or summer tom
W. T. Robison . presented Mrs. Mog- I
,iiimmionwarimaasimminammilmmumummerridge with :1 golden slipper. The stage •pl:.int., ,take the prescribed•
was attreeti\ely decorated with 11 1, -,bunt .of this pleasant and
large gc00o11 ohne, the Inst itilte tutors. * 1.1701'Tive reint y. DOC 'lot`*:
y'. • . .� gold and blue. and baskets of autumn 1„C.�LER,S EXTRACT of
dowers. A \(de of% thanks was ex- a �i