The Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-25, Page 1,t4 C.' ONE-1:IUNDREDT YEAR., J. K. Hunter Town Solicitor Harbor Hill Bridge to Be Rebuilt , —P. F. Carey Goes to Public Library Board In response to a request front Coun. HuckinSat the regular meeting of the Town Council on Friday night, for information on the matter of the low 1 • SIXTEEN BUILDING PERIVIITS ISSUED Al Friday's meeting of the Town Connell the Clerk reported sixteen ap- piications for building permits ap- proved, , the estimated costs iuvolved totalling $13,275. A. • Wisser's application' was for the erection ofa frame cabin on South street at a cost of $500.- .Alex. Butler proposed. the erection of a story -and -a - half house on Montreal street at a coSt Hydro voltage,. Mayor Mooney stated of $2,500. John West proposed the that the Hydro people •hope to have „erection of. a one-story frame 'house a rectifier put in at .Stratford to keep on Wellesley street, estimated cost the voltage more 'even; but until -the $1,200. Alfred K. Iloy is to build a contemplated sub -station could be built one-Stpry frame dwelling, on Britannia 1,40t much could be done ,..4iere. The road at a cost of $3,000. George • Ash - building of the sub -station was b.eIng ton's application was for a one-story held up, the Mayor explained, by the frame dwelling on Trafalgar street, at difficulty of obtaining material. ' a cost of $700. Willard, Legg is to , School chndren of the village and Ala. memberg of the Council were build a story -and -a -half dwelling on St, surroundiug community, led by the present. . Patrick's street, estimated cot $4,000. High School Band and the Lucknow A - request from the local advisory Other applications, for repairs and im-. Pipe Band, marched to the .park. , board of the National Institute for the provements, were from James F. John-' Eight rural schools competed in the Blind, for permission to hold a tag day ston, East street; Kenneth. Stowe, Al- School chorus and yell competition. on Saturday, October 4th, was granted.. bert street; j. IL Pipe, Elgin ave.; First' place went to ,No. .5 Ashtield A letter from L. E. Dancey With re- E. F. Sale, .St.. Geoige's Crescent ; W. (Zion) with, Miss Ada Webster as gar.d to th,e office of Town Solicitor was E. Wilson, ,Britannia road; Robert C. teacher; second to No. 4 West Wawa- stoferred to committee . of the whole Good, Pietan street; K. Pennington, the flesh (.it: Helens), Graham AlacDon- Council. Square; John .1Ioss, E;Ast street: R. ald and Miss 'Beatrice lIcQuillin- A communication from the Goderich G. .Johnston, Lighthouse street ; Steve teachers; third to. No. 7 Ashtield, lliss - Trotting and ,Agricultural Association Suplat, Palmerston, street. L. Feagan, teacher; fourth to No. 13 proposed that the old stables at the An application by Mrs. E. L. Bradley Ashfield (Belfast), with. Miss • Helen exhibition grounds be demolished as for the erection of a service station Dobney teacher. ' not safe to be used and the material and lunch room on GlOuceStep Terrace Eunice Helm was the olqy contest - •be used for the building of new stables; was not approved. ant in the imblic speaking contest. also that if the main hall' be wrecked• - Sports Events 'the .material be nsed for the building posed water main and elevated tank ss s '-.. , . . .. . The school children's races and of an. extension to • the grandstand. and. 'to call for tenders as early as porteventfollow This was, referred to committee of possible. yirls, six and seven---4'atsy Soselyn, the whole. _ .4. Council passed a motion giving the Kathleen Fisher. Superintendent W. E. McGill of the eudorsement requested. . Boys, sjx. and sevt•n—Ilarold Farris, Emberlin. . .s. C:V.R.-zwrote stating -that the conipanY . The_ chairman!,. of the finance - com-. Roy was.: considering a complete renewal mittee._ \vas authorized- VI purchaSi lots _ rin,..... , ',• ' ' Girls, .eight and...nine—Ruth Ember - of the budge 011 harbor hill and asked at the tax sale on behalf of the own Elizab.e.th Webster ' that the Connell advise him what safe . On -request of Conn. Huckins,. the Boys; eight' and.. nine -=-Kenneth 1[ load limit the new. bridge should be *Council granted the use of the rink- to Nay, Kenneth. Hodgkinson. . , designed to c-arr. In 1944, Mr.Mc- the Blue Water Band for a . children's Girls, ten and eleven—Donna Belle - Gill . stated, . the bridge 'ws)§ strength- Hallowe'.en Party. . . .. . Irwitn Audrey Stanley. . .. eites1 .and the load liniitqVereased to : Philip F. Carey was appointed to the '* • - ! - Boys, ten and eleven—Arthur Baker,' fifteen tons. Later 4 after careful in-' Public, Library. Board to .till out the Kenneth Hedley. sRectiOn, it was decided to reduce the term of the late E. D. Brown. N Girls. twelve and over—Shirley Ham - limit to ten tons. . - Conunittee .6f the Whole Council • ilton, Edna. Reid.; boys,* twelve and This. also was referredto committee Council Went into committee and on over --Donald McNay, Elwood -Irwin. Bicycle. race,. .boys—Allan Hackett, of the whole. '. resuming passed the committee's re- ,.. ,. A letter from the Larrance Fire port containing „recommendations as AlvirfAllen, GeorgeFarrbili; bicycle ,Engine Co. with prices on their "Big follows.:race, girls—Gladys. Gibson, •Freda .. . , Beam". lanterns ftir use of tlid• fire That the •application from Mrs!. E. Hackett, Winnifred S.tewart. department was sent, to tile fire com-. 14:' r3radley for a permit to erect a100 -yard dash—Austin Martin, Jim mittee.. service !station and •lunch . room on Nyedhani; quarter -mile dash — Alex. Manuel Zimmerman of Tolede wrote Gloucester Terrace be refused. . MacIntyre, Jaek Stewart. • 11,ItteDONALD—HAI'DEN Ramona Baer. Emma Itobert:,;an aird • arease•of-,,$200, to tittle from September asking if the Town *of Goderich owns That the letter- from Mr L.. E. race—First, Austin Martin, Jim Need- • A quiet wedding took place at Ben: Calf raee—,Alurraty \h nn relay Prank Moore are teaching- schools in 1st, 1947,. Mrs. MacDougall also was' authorized to purchase t he required the "Park" tit the -lakefront opposite Daneey regarding the appointment Of a hani, Grant Ylirrish, Alex, MacIntyre; miller • United church 1'(411on Colts.rm• - 'township. Ilie following are ill selloOk of nurS- number of pitch 'pipes for use in the Hotel Sunset and the pathway leading Town Solicitor be received and. filed. second, Jack Stewart„Hin Morris'on, Alotalay evening, September 15,, When r from Britannia roltd to the beach, or That the ciloderich Trotting - and Geo. Chin. Alvan Hackett ; third. I\ 1 1- Rev. S. K 11;1y -ward nutted in marritige , „ . .. Ruth Bogie at St.1 Catharines. schools,;.- if the hotel has a lease on this .path Agricultural Association be asked what freq. Black, Don Cameron, Ray Stanley, Grace :Marie. younger daughter ot' Mrs. - „ vi.tro-tret I II IW MI at Stratford: Dorothy . Trustees - milm., ---Kei.,,,n,i'w and Bettger were ttppointed..a conunittee Refereed to committee %of the whole. in the event- the old stables..are taken Harvey Ross; fourth, ...Geo. Parrish, Hayden and the ltite !Stanley Eldon Aostim Alvin .Allen, Don Godarich, and • Bruce John, Vottnger l(11)11* '111(1 '44'40* Htlydeb,-1 t3radley at, St. .loseph's Hospital, Lon- Dolines at Toronto. to look into rhe matter of it .salaT3- - ! schedule for teaehers and report at the llortion" of the expense they will,assume Circulars from .the office of the Pro- down and IleW .,(...)rre's erected from the Hackett ; fifth, Winnifred Stewart. son of Atr. William -MacDonald*, Gode- • . Gene.1(11 Hospital. xincial Fire 'Marshal with reference to mtiterial. and if the Agricultural Hall Ghttlys Gibson,. Maxene Irwin, Doris rich. Tlit• bride wore a street -length! - — . • lleXt Meeting Of tilt; BOill'll., - 'Hie B. ia rd passed ' a res(11htion re- . Fire Prevention -Week and also to a were dismantleci and 'the,anaterial used Ly(ms. ares.s of 111114' wool crepe adorned -with ANOTHER, ADJOURNMENT training couisse for tire brigade officers for an extension to the grandstand. - In the calf club - (sanpetition - Lorne ;t ld•idal corstige,.•'•Dor'ene Baker. at- ! . IN LITTLECHILD CASE questing the Ministerial. 0(1 111(11 were . rt•ferred to the fire Committee; 'mat the Canadian Pacific Railway . - . -to: cttrr- on religious ' instruction -.in, and a circular from the Health League in asked to pro id for it .thirty -fon Ritchie wo" 44 rst ""d '"*"'; presented tend"nt "f -the! bride. "*"s -dre-ssed i'''' - with. a silver trophy by Jack Hender- .pink crePe • with. a (1 l( of,: roses. in the •Alagistratc•vs 4...o'11.1 Ibis titter- ' , h1 1) ;Is in past years. ' .,i,,,t 11,..i. r)„,,,0111 i,...0:11 1,;;ilid" ,10.„.„:;41,1,11:, TROUSSEAU TEA IN HONO . ,.....1, Immunization Week, was sent to the on harbor'hilt • • • :•;-'011, of,. Lucknow, and" ttlso a erest 'me 'room was attended by his bro- 1-0.(01 Cr(411 Attorney 1). 1,:. 1 toliaes. of Canada Vvith reference to 'Rational load limit W hell rebuilding the bridge OF IVIISS GAIL SAUNDERS special committee. - That Mr. „Manuel %Ammerman be ,donated ' by Canadian Hereford ..As- titer. Mr. William MacDonald. jr. K.C„ wile had jusi returned nom In. 1- 'I") syn'")1 l'""rd sociation and preseitte,d by W. A. After thecerenwity a wedding dinner days. . asked for, :mother! ‘N euk.s.. 11,1,1,-,1s(s•-x. 1,1();!11;s((.(ikof(!11,1:. 11(:,x.1111141(.:(,),1k:!..,:t...1x0(.1.•ir)(i•itsst.:•• tintil :hades de(:Orated 1 11.1,(• 0111(1.111.1ev'et.:Ifu'edlrasy.! -Late summer flowers ii. iovelv pastel./ :Courpany, Brantfoid. with reference to owns the park area On the west side Miller. (411t•rs• Donald. Farrish, A. 11(111111(111 1(1111 MacDonald. Britannia .road. after ing. of the charge ...1* ;murder against 1!")" 1)"1 1') 1""'"we effe'll\'' pktced ;is ftillowS: was served at the Inane of Mr. Wiliam adjournment in tine 1(14 111(1144 hear- . W. Frank Salinde A letter..from E. A. Horton Sales advised that the Town of Godericb • parking meters, was passed on to com- of Norfolk street west of the Sunset „.. ....eptelliber 1st. 19 1),. • ,, afternoon and -evening. when she enter- thittee of the whole. Hotel, oVer which there is no recog- 1 limiter, Shirley Hamilton, Allan -Mac- which the young poetic left -.(01 a honey. Fred Lit 1 10,101(1, 14) v% 10.1.11 (11.felice C6Minaittee Reports iti7ed thoroughfare. . . . Intyre. • moon trip to Kitchener, Niagara and!..,counscl, Prank Donnelly. K.c.. con- • The finance ethmuittee passed a num- That the E. A. Horton Sale -s Com- nat GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1947 Lucknow Has Successful PUT YOUR CLOCK ACK AN HOUR COntinueSt les-- Saturday's Game. , ,. GIRLS' DRUM LIM UGLE CORPS FOR GODERICH Packed with Thrills at Various Centres Daylight t.4aving time, in Goderich —...--• Two-Tbousand Attend Yesterday's ends at •) a.m. Suialao, September 28. Mally Goderich StTadents Leave :.Jim isset Scores acme Tea -1,. eaerPrise is on foot to add tu Winning.Run ila a Tense . Courses , the musical Ilthtlillt1011/, .ot IsOULY C i Event at tb:6 Sepoy 80 residents of thit• town, would du, . to ;"'ursue Advanced -Ninth Innings. - Village, ' , ,well to set . their cloc4, lateji one hour ' by the formation uf a girfs' drum and . _ * before they retire on Saturday night. —......„. bugle eorps: .Tbi,,,, cunimendable under- . district have left '11.1 -recent week], 1.0 Many sitaleuts. of Goderich and the taking' ls sponsored by the Blue Water • , i • 1° rid • there are. several. lug exhibition than. lila put on by Not for many y4)ars have. Goderiekti It they leave it tu Stinday..inurning . • .„ baseball fans witnessed a tuoye thrill- LucKNow, Sept. 24. --- Despite , .,,z• tht.%:, might fOr.get and arrive at church . continue their studies elsewhere. tentatile recruits fur what is projected Dresden and Goderich. Jiiniors last threatening weatliter, inure' than 2,000 nual fall fair here today. Both indoor • _ Of the students in attendance at i - Band directive are busily planning the as a corps. of thirty. The Blue Water people attended file eighty-second an- . an hour too soon. 4',., ,,,, .„. •_ . . Ag•riculture.1 Goderich Collegiate lustitute last• year many details involved in this newest Saturday afternoon .at ti,nd nutdper entrLes were utintertms4 W1LSON--BEATT1E Tutors fur the toOted's Pni.t. After their. team had absorbed . and 'of the higlies•t quality. The fair The marriage tOot. place in Goderich the follo,wlag .are .a.t.tending Stratford organizatiou. a defeat at Dresden on the previens Arts officially opened- by John .W. on Friday, September 5th, of Gertrude •'`1ornuil School: Edith Donaldson, Ross and drumniers have been accepted, in: Wednesdayi many Gotlerich fans 'were Hanna, M.P.P., who was iutrodaced May Beattie'', daughter of •the late Mr. Erriftg.ton, Gwen Finnigan, Ktithleen as also are, 'such matters as personnel, strualentatiou is under.. consideration, of the opinion that Dresden might - James- Wilson, sou of , Mr. Stanleiy Mary ,;'' Graham is. registered as a supervision . and an. early beginning of but the more uptiMistic of pleis fel- take the series in two straight gaineEl,. by the president of the Lucknow Agri- and Mrs. W. Ilarvey-Beattle,'to Robert- Holmes, Donald Iungblut. Wilson and the late Mrs. Wilson,- al student in MacDonald .1.1all, tiuelpli. , the scheduled wiuter-long rehezti'sal. Early next spring a cympletely uut- lowers_pointed out that ,the Croderieh cultural Society, Wallaee A. Miller. .. of Goderich. Rev. R. C. McCallum The' following have degun courses in fitted girls' 'bugle corps, Tti trig new boys had not played liartiegarlY, geed' -officiated. Mr. aind Mrs. Wilson will University : Donald Ainslie in the Uni- uniforms, is expected ,to appear. as a' ball in the first encounter, and waif.: make tht•ir home in Guderich. , Versity of Ann •Arbor, MicILA James elimination facing them they would Donnelly and .S1101114 Hill in the Faculty highlight of the Blue Water Band •• .r, organization. Pe in no humor W. take defeat lying . SMIT*-MEDD of Arts, University , of Toronto: The marriage° of Shi•rley Thelina Barbara Henry ill the 11.7ffixersitY of Water Baud has proggessed from its. ., During, its initial season the Blue down. With the Lious management vlidly Medd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Western Ontario; Victor Kadonttga in. behind them, the Juniors went all out liam A. Medd and Jerome Beruard McMaster Univer.sity, Hamilton; l'eter impromptu beginning into a fully in their efforts to win this one and en, - (Jerry) Smith, all of Goderieh, took Patterson. and Donald' Scott in of forty, members. The band has coin - equipped and uulfornied musical group listed the help..Loi,,,OT-Ilarbor Flying -Place„.an Wednesday,- September 3rd, engineering .,at the Ajax division of pleted over 'sixl. Service to bring Don Ainslie,.their twe- et Niagara Falls, Outttrio." Itev. the 1 7nlveriiity of "Toronto; - ' James - out remuneration of afry kind, aud'hus t engagements, with - flinger,. back from his studies at Ann Falls Anglican ehurch, was the- of- London. conducted a campaign 1 of voluutary donations to meet the 'cost of equip- Arbor, -Michigan ; While Manager Con_ Baechler brought Jim Bisset in froin Charles- It. Tomlinson, of '.Niagartt Reynolds.- at -St. Peter's Seminary, !Hating clergyman.. In addition, Klizabeth Taylor, a -- meta and unifurruS.* No member of Guelph and guaranteed to haVe him , the• band is paid; each mau -derives back there by 11 o'clock that evening. . student of Havergal College last year, • 4 COOK-•--P01NELL• is in first-year arts at Queens. Ifni- . his sole satisfaction from a desire to These two boys certainly c.viild not be , Victoria street Kiiited church *vvas t•-viersitY' and It°S!1! ihderv wh0 11118 cm11- Traide GOderich with martial . and spared frou. the team, as Ainslie -out- -_ tile sett* for a quiet wedding at L. , 1 1 leted his eourse in the !Roliabiti•tation concert music upon oecasions When lasted Wicks and Holmes . -the oppoAimg o'clock on Sziturtlay afternoon, When School, . is registered, in . first-year nothing but al brass band. will -ativver pitchers, While Bisset put un .ap. out - Frieda, Eleanor Powell, daughter of el. . . the! need. During the coming W:inter I_ 1111 (1 of Toronto standing exhibition both in. the field ighieeling at the Ajax division of the Mr. and AIrs. Harry Lawrence P014 ell .. an extensive new muSical• library will and at bat, and eventually crossed the .. Goderich township, was unitetr in mar- Collegiate students - of other yetirs be added to the band's growing col- home plate in the •ninth 'innings' with. Tinge to Albert \valentine Cook, son of . have returned to continue their studies It•(•t ion 'of selections.' . the winning run._ The locals, in Spite Mr. and Mrs. James Lockhart Cook. il,01. , 1,, as fidlows: Dick Donnelly_ to Osgoode An . undertaking of this kind in of some costly errors, proved that they s Rev. ---Lawrence H. 'Turner 011114MM ' '''''''' ' -'m l't'' 'Bisset and Gloria c(his - volves a considerable expenditure. .of , had the better fielding tam, and on and the attendants wert---Miss -Grace I., .; . . ,. ... • : ... . . Money. and contributions are invited this occasion. Secured one' more 'bit 'holm to fourth-vettr ants• John Gra 1110114 and r...-Erriest POWell. • i Liam ! to toird,year .. arts:- - v ictoria -- frian 1111.V whts would care to help. . . than ' the - visitors. BB:L.-Craig, the Contributions' linty be seat or hiatTlied Auburn ..flash, 'contributed the fielding Baechler •and Beryl Sanderson . to -, LENDION—HUTCH1NS • second-yeza arts; Elwin Wightman tO , 1!.1.0 !A. CUrrY, -presiden.t of the -Blue gems of the day with -two .dazzling' ' A uniet wedding took place in Vic- third -year 'chemical engineering; Toni ' Water Band, or to any other member catches in centre -field, and the whole_ toria street United -church at -3 o'clock : Hogan to second -year archilectAire ; -of tht+t--t-o,ganizai-an_and they will be.• -t-eam--displayed,pep.. and took advantage on Saturday afternoon, when.. Helen JtiCk,(.71itt to fourth-year metallurgical ;did,. a),kn,,wiedw,.d. of every lapse on the part of the .- Deneda Irtitchins, daughter of Mr. and engineering—all in. the University of , ' . . Dresden defence. Mrs.' George.Bell. Goderich, WaS 11111X- . Toronto. Grant Johnston " is . in third ' SALARY INCREASE FOR . Dresden started witli their young ried to Robert Preston Lennuon, son ,i1,1 1,1 Bowman in secwid_year at the . year at the 'Olititrio t7ollege of Art ; iVID SIC- INS-TRUCTOR ______ right-hander Wicks on the mound, -sav- or Mr. and Mrs. William IL Lemnron, ing Holmes for a possible playeff game, (:roderich, Rev. !Ialwrence 1I, Turner Ontario College of Art; Robert Bisset ' . hue with the settee 7.4; in their favor . , , ir third year chemical engineering at At a special meeting of the Peblic offichtting. The couple were attenoeo • at the end of. the fifth, they rushed' . by ...\/ rs., Jean Jessup. th,derich, and -..\11,. Quit•en s . , . ( . , (hoot Board on Alondity-eveuing Airs. ' University • Stuart Watson ... . Holmes to the Mound with the ,hope itild Gladys .F•ityritilt itt second -year ' ,1. G. AlacDottgall, music instructor in Alexandt•r Boa, Ilensaill. of subduing nay further scoring on . . .course at Pharinai..y. the schools, -Wits; granted a salary" in - the pkirt of the Lions. The Goderich boys, however, . rallied in the lt xth to tit•-• the score, and with both v teams playing tight defensive ball the seventh and eighth innings vent' scoreless for both sides. Dresden went 'dowo. one, two. three in 014 1( 1114 h innings, and - when Don Warren, first up fol. Gode- rich, fanned the air,it looked -as if v the game would go -into extra innings. Bisset; however. • rifted a' hit back at - (Continued on page 4. ! .., . 144 v„ E. J., B. DIJNCAN •H-O.NORED tzfined delightfully ' in lnolor of .fier ..o ' .•• • •l• Mr, T 1 Salkeld,' other points. On their return they sented. Magistrate J. W. Morley N goth BIRTHDAy iatIghter. Elizabeth t;,11.i. v. hOse mar- ber of accounts, including $1863.70, pony be asked to have their represent- Airs. J. D. Bryee; wemen's organiz- Will reside in Goderich. :agreed to adjourn the hearing until will take place on .Saturday. Hoge to Bruce Allenby Bethune Stilly. quarterly _payment on agreement re- ative meet the Council at the regular ations -- Kink's:* .Kairshen Women's - 1.10.1.K--1./EFFREI ,((ctola:r 211(1. Mrs. Littlerbild was present in the court,. room. and the Arr. 1•;. .1. P.: Duncan. Toronto bar - The • public works committee recom- . Bylaws ° ' .:1Irs. Wni. Alacintyre. Mrs. Harry nianae of Knox Presbyterian church smile. Institut(•; baking. - Mrs'. N. iledley. A pretty ‘vedding took place at the accused man greeted her with :1 broad vi7...tcr. N^v;1,.. honor(41 'with a -.11ruris1. ki-ert'iving with Mrs. Sal1litlers Were that the Canadian Legion be gitrding Provincial police. ' meeting on October :3rd. ! Institute, YIWk110W W.I., Paramount mended . . dinner 1ifirty on' the 1/1'l'a ,i1a1 o 11. hiS 11(4 bride i b- be Z tiid M 1.,, .1 • A. :14 1111Y, .. at13.1.s.• ed that curbing .will he put in on • ' Tl "(1. V) •ifternoon when Littlechild is charged with the eight,\ sixth nirtintio.. (inest, were mother ,1. the 1)1 )t greord In . . ,Kingston•and Stanley streets in front ' of their property this fall, providing material Is available and weather per- , mits ; that the.Townforeman be given an increase of 5 cents per hour while on local improvement work, and that the minimum hourly rate for local im- provement work be 65c per hour.' The water, light and harbor com- mittee recommended that the P.U..C. • be requested to erect a street light at the corner of Widder and Thomas streets. The industrial committee recom- mended that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement be- tween the Dominion Road Alachinery Co. and the Town whereby the Com- pany will r'eplace any equipment re- moved by them necessary for the oper- ation of the foundry in the event the Company does not exercise its option for the purchase of the building. " The ehairman of the Public Utilities COMMISSIOn wrote asking endorsement of a motion passed by the Commission authorizing E. II. Darling, to prepare' plans and specifications for flie pro- liylaws Nos. 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 passed. . D. 11. Carruthers.' • ' Phyllis JetTrey, .. daughter - of Mrs. murder of Charles Bell at the L1ttle-: ,present from, as fat distant .. Saunders). Mrs. Walter Saunders, of - of. 1047. were read three. times and L"vis, Mrs- IN 111""'-' Alel`enzle* ' r''' • tili• ' . .! In the tug-of-war for the John Hanna 2 •...; 1 , 1 J 1111•.v •] nd the late Joseph cohild home (.11 September 1 51 11. _ nipeg and congi'atolations \very rt.- (IttilWit. and .11rs. \1 111 of ottawa, the Bylaw No. 38 appoints James Ken- Jeffrey•, Wa.s• united .111 .marriage fo William (*. Clark. Tuckersni It 11 lt),V11" I rel Vell frO111 141:1 10 11:I 1 1, 41 . 1 It • .11 itt €1 . A conceit. staged ,by the ,I,larrison • Arthur Doak, son of. Mr. and ,,NIrs. ship, and IlarOlii-Wolfe, Stanley town- statos, ;11,,o trout v(o.tooss. 111 :pite ,grue114.,-; :-'• 1%1 Ildinother. . receive a retainer o; $200 per annum • , ,, neth Hunter Town solicitor. He is t6 troPltv; 1i lit ;team won. entitling any meinler- of the Town I)rainatic • Society was well a t tended R I • •t Doak .01 of Goderich; 'Hey. ;trip, charged with rata•. were granted ;of his advanced yeiirs, Mr.- 1)11114 (11 is 1,,.m(1,1'-.4.41;r;:i 1:‘,11•1.111"1.11.1,i‘04.1,1,;.4.T4.:17,,nitizoi.j.gatt,n101.,,,trhs; . _. and the fair closed.. with ii dance in Richard Stewart officiating. The bride another week's adjournment with• -re at los o 1110, 4,4 e] ( a . dining -room. TN, te: table was at to consult him on any muni- the TOW11 Hall. • 1,Wore a becoming powder blue jersey newed bail -of $2,500 each or si5000 ' This pnragraph from NIonda,)'s Globe 1, dress with black access'ories and ear- each • iii Suro ies. 1T11s.ttlit4.111Y 'pii(1411:1raettlid w\Ni'11111it: :1':41t 4t" en.ir 1:.:icvt122. Council,, the Clerk, Treasurer or Tax cipal business not requiring a Written. • nod .)lail refer, to a prominent Huron opiniiin, without any charge to the INFORNIATIGN SOUGHT' I ried a bouquet of Sweetheart rose§ mums. She was at- .11ternative one month in jail, was Mir lligh r:tchool. . His friends in this A. fine of $25 with costs. or in the old. 1',..v. a graduate .(if the Goderich cream candles and forget-nie-mIts. Town. All other opinions or' legal OF PERCY JONES "i'd whit' h"h3. . tended by her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed- posed. on James Ashton. „Colborne county will Join in the cong-rani it 10141' , ,.. evening were Airs. 4. F. Chapman, Pouritor tea during the afternoon and' - ToWn is to be chargeable to the Town. • Efforts are being . made to locate, (I. rose jersey with hlack accessories. and driving While his license Was ;mare of 11,111 in good health and vigor. ward Jeffrey, who WaS gpWIled ill i .044-11s11 ill. after he pleaded guilty of imam his birthday and wish, him, 111;1113' Mrs. Roy Patterson. Mrs. J. A. Gra-' , work performed by the solicitor for the. Itylkw No. 39 authorizes the borrow-, ,..,.; re,..,,,ves of 'Percy. Jones, a seaman carried pink gladioli. Mr. Albert siispeinted. Ile paid tho, tine. ... ham. Nirs It. C. Hay...4. Airs. Bruce , ing of $3',000 upon thi-ee-year delien- who died on Alay 28th last at, Skag- Powell. of Goderich, .was groomsman. ' ORDAINED 25 YEARS AGO • ' Woodstock: Arrs. Richard Stewart and , Tennant : .NIrs. II. „N. l'belacker, of tures for the purchase of sites for the wily, Alaska. 'Mr. Jones was sen'ing A wedding dinner war's served .ot• the - ------- . additional twenty -11\1). Wartime houses., ' OTONNELT,=:ROBERTS ' 4 The induction and ordination Mrs. II. !C. Dunlop. Also assisting on S.S. l'rincess IAntise and glIve his Park -House for immediatrelativOn TU -.d ft e es.' ay aernoon, September :111,1. W. It. .A11) at 'Carlow in Septent- No. 40 is for the,plosing of a portion address as 1251 Woottland Drive, VI111, The tables were decorated with flowers 1410. in " St.' Jude's Anglican chunh..: ber, 1922 -twenty-five years ago thw is ere \t r-. Itussell Nichols, of Strat street betweenAlbert and Horton - of the road allowam.0 -on Si. David's couver, but his next of kit) is un- and -streamers in a, color schemetNof Ttirotito, .a double ring ceremonY took 1110111 11 ;is ipcolled in a letter received ford. 1111(11111(1 :\11Ss Marjorie Alactie..‘ . - - known. It' appears. that 'he WaS. loan •pi.11k and white. ..\Irs. Jeffrey was place when Elczabeth Ruth,. dallghte from him hy Mrs. W. F. Naftel or Assistants 411 the trousseau romns streets to make it unipform' at 66'feet forty-nine years ago in Colborne town- 0'4'4116(1in .1ight blue crepe,. with black of 'Air. trml Mrs. ' Harry Roberts of : Goilcrich. Itcv. AI r.. Alp is tit present were Miss '.8Iary .Saunders, Ottawa; with the rest of St. DaVid's street. Miss I'atiline Patterson and Miss Lil- ship, and, it idaY be that relatives arre a« essot 4.. . :. ) t k, Hier of the Gonerich was United in nuirritige to minister of st. Paul's church. Perth. No. 41 authorizes the Placing of a Ilan Irwin; and -.how 111 the gifis Werse' living in this district or that Someone, groom, was in navy blue, with match- Lawrence. Patrick O'Connell, son of !Ont.. and Ints been there , for seven mortgage of $2,000 on the .Park House not necessarily a relatiVe, may be able in g accessortes, Both wore corsages Mrs, O'Connell and the tate Richard 44 14 He was at CarloW for 4,even M is-. • Beverley Sheppard. Toronto ; property, repayable in stunk of $500 to give information .concerning hint. of gladioli. centred with rosebuds. o'Connell, of Penetanguishene. The ,years and. at. Auburn for eleren ea yrs, mrs. J• K• :4111'3...and NIrs. iiin Mazer o 42 s or the conveyance of sites ., . a 'year. . Mr. II. S. Turner, Government Build- . .... A. J. Wisser 'the bride's sister. Rev. Robert' 3, S'bires officiated, and . of Toronto. 1.ittle Jane Graham wel- ing, Goderich. would be glad to i'eceive and her son. Norbert. sang "I I.ove attending the couple were It. J. Gal- , come(' the gueRts at the door. , N. if- feir Wartime houxes to the Central AT LEGION CONVENTION Mortgage and Housing Corporation. it on to the proper qAiarter, Arnold Schutz. , Commander of district Cl. Canadian. - County Clerk . Norman W. Miller, E.;NGAGE1t4ENT ANNOUNCED- ..., any such Information alnd will pass You Truly," aceompanied by Mrs. laiglier apd II. Nivens. , .. Later, Mr. a ad :NI rs. Doak left for 10)01)KIN—HARTNE•14 • 1 egion attended the Ontario Coin- Mr., and NIrs. Chatrlel,i Mills, Gode- a trip to Detroit..the bride travelling St. l'eter'S repory, G()derich. Was 111 111)1 fifteenth biennial.. co414e1(11(11 .11(.0 wish 1() annottinte-tln) engagement in a Winter white snitwith white tic- the scene on Saturday 111((rd11lg.•• 4 wiodsor fi.,)in saturday to Wednes vf -their eldest daughter, Ida Helen, eessories. •and 'corsage of white '11111111S September 201 it of 1114marriage of .1114y. Some 1,000 delegates 'attended. to \V 11140(1 (;reenwood. only son of Mr. and roselords. On their retorn • they Itits Margaret. secoml daughter 4? I.:. .s,' (Tea ) E(ans, of, Toronto. was Ilerbert Greenwood and the late Mrs. will reside lit •Goderich. . Mr. a 1111 31 I"4 l's.dword 311. Iiarthe:v• elected p1)'- 1)1(111. succeeding.. Erie II. „Greenwood of Goderich; the wedding Prior to her 11111 Frill go miscellanemts Goderich, to Leonard. youngest son of Ifni -gess. of st. Thomas. . . to 1 a ke place early in- October. , showers were given in: honor of the 31r. and Mrs. John Dodkin. Sanford. — ' - " Donations to Goderich Arena Futid bride by NIrs. Bert Brereton' and Mrs. Rev. Father .1.- P. Gleeson officiated:. I . ,i. . . 0 ‘ , • -• ! the thing room were rs. l'harles K. •4,) From the Secretary of the Ontario- S. P. C. A. Editor The Signal -Star, tive, the police complied. Goderieh, Ont. - The police offiqrs involved were n.ot Dear Sir, ---Recently a most erron- aware of .the existence of an animal eons report‘,appeared in the columns lethal chamber in Goderieh. of your paper in the form of a letter ,The ;natter has been fully investi- -to the editor. May We take this op- gated by the Provincial. pollee officials portunity of correcting ,the story? - and have interviewed the writer of this At the request of Miss Ann Wurtele, letier, who 'has assured them that the local Ontario S.P.C.A. inspector, the attitude of this Society would be the Ontario S.P.C.A. investigated fully the same in the ease -of any similar event shooting of a dog owned by Mr. J. W. happening to a private• eitizen.' No Moore -by the Provincial 'Pollee. As a, malicious orAeliberate .cruelty was in: result of that complote.'investigation tended,eimd the responsibility lies with and personal interviewing- of all Wit- the person making .4be request of the nesses, SoCiety is of the opinion pcllice destroY the dog. that, while police officials erred in not We hope that these facts will clear -securely tieing the dog before shooting the air and put an 'end to the entirely it, the police did all in their power to ifirdeserved blame being plaeed on the put the animal out of its misery. Only local police. And we further.hope that the, lateness of the hour with the re- others tempted at times to write letters suiting) darkness prevented Jill) officer to the editor in eruelty eases make from, Twing. able to atm accurately.. s'ure of the facts befOlit,they• ne- The reportf-that the dog, was cluhhed eusations based on In4nation to death it 4 a gross exaggeration. The half-truth. In futOre, any citizen dog was finally clubbed twice, the wishing Jo dispose of an • animal is Second May0 being administered to dis- requested to call Miss Wurtele, and pel any .possibility , of life being left the matter will be dealt. with setts - in the animal,' In view of the poor ty-torily Jo all concerned. All of light, and the proximity to a house, whieh is a little moral 'lesson to the this methode WaS quite understandable citizens of Goderich, to get behind their n senSible," local Humane Society and by. their The. further information which the interest and finaneial support pnbile.shoidd have is that animal strengthenAan organization set up for was picked up by the police at the the „very infrpose of speaking forothose .distinet request Of a relative, of the who eannot speak for th(imselves. owner, and iti; destruction requested In Thank you, Mr. Editor, for • your spite of .the. atteMpts of the milieer. to Interest and 'space. . • eneourage. the person malting* the re. Yours very sineerely; quest to give the dog to someone living CHRIS. J. LOAT, On et farin, .thp dog wing. very -gOod Secretary. fter InsOten& by the vela- . liora, Sept, 160 1047. S. A. OBJECTIVE FOR GOIARICH IS $10,000 Tying up with the Salvation Army's na t iona 1 Red Shield appeal fer. $1,000,000, us. Goderich cemtnittee haS been set °4-ip which has as its objective $10,000. Heading the. committee is •Air Vice-Marslnil J. A. surly. mem- bers of the ,..eommittee are H. K. Win -tele,. II. M. Ford, P. F. Orerey, A. II. Erskine. W'. A. IIay a n d S. . Sheraton. The campaign commenced on Nionday. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION 6 The tildderich Ministerial Associa. tion. iiir-Ttresdak, morning, champions. The jackets. presented to -elected the pollowing officer's: Presi- the members of the team were pm, - dent, Rev. I.'. Turner, of" Victoria) nosed for them hy the Town (lonneil. street United church:. vice-president, Rev. WIT. Farr. of SU George's Angli- can rifurch; secret Ay, Itev. It. C. Me - Callum, of the Free Methodist ehurch. It wog decided to continue Bible teach,. Ing in the piddle schools and the Col- legiate Institute as requested by the school boards, Grumineft 111 the Park House. and by The bride %ore.,..a gowp,of whhe slipper 1 Mrs. Bud Worthyr.of Stratford. ' satin with 04-teht•rskirt, tight-titting • , The bridegroThir is a war Veteran bodice and swYethear1 nerklitie. Ilei• , ' • - • a hockey and baseliall player:. a correction of° last week's report of dressed in) ba by pink Aarreta., 11(16r M r. li. S. Robertson, 5: Castle the banquet to last winter's hockey length. with a tloral banftau Ili her . Frtillk Rd- T"i'lmt" The Signal-Sta.r is asked to make by Miss Phyllis Allin of Goderich, Mr. George ,1.. Itrnee, 'Toronto • 10,00 -,E. Stanley 'Snyder, It.R. 2, A CORRECTION' , ° nnd she carried ,t1 cascade bouquet of 1, Drive. Toronto American (0 11(1'. 44111(lioile, and While.i Miss I,. E. Durnin. Fort luthy mains: -The )1 (t, W..' . ' 1 . 1 hair. She carried a hourpiet a pale Isabel O'Reilly, 857 Richmond groom WAS Snpporied 1):C" MY. Haigh Purity Flour Mills, Lt,d. ' 3.000.00 .(T;4(),hon.(1(1‘;:i1;Itittiotist:(1)Ina,i Ift;iiitn.,112a.,. Vtl.iiat.to2n. , 0.00 ants were the bride's twin brother :viol pink and gold gladioli. q'lle bride - sister, Patrick and Patticia. the latter John Kay. .31 Admiral 11d., wearing a floor -length dress of blush gladioli. Mecormack of. Galt Other at Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stirling, orchid with floral bandeau iindwq.arry- , It. J. fr. Wilson, North Bay 10.00 W. L. Stirling, it.R. 2, Gode- ing a bowinet Of orchid and gold I NIrs. Allem' Clark A reeeption Was held at the holm. Robert Simpson Eastern Ltd., . Frances, Ontario Street. London ..,..., 5.00 RaYmond Ginn, 11.R. 2, elinton -At Ninga, Manitoba Toronto I)enver, ColoradO 1St 1 Ni (.,(i'tsetya,$.. ' il(t).0)..000.0 V e r11 4' and "Yde (.41"11111.1".* 25. GO 50.00 Chester 314.Nall, RR. 2. Olin- ' 25.00 10.00 10.00 dordon Orr. R.R. '2, Godericic 12..°90f3 5.0o Frank . Allen. R.R. 4, Goderbh 5.00 ' 1 , tt:aititton W11'11011) Ilarrison, 11.It. 1, ' Ross Fisher..1,'(;oderieh. 5.00 George NIcIlvvain, R.R. 2, . rich , Baytield Goderich ,. 40.00 1:00 25.00 5.66 and before the wttr was prominmit as ogi 'I ••1 - .• eau In with flowersMabel A. Fear, 4. Goderieh of the bride's parents for thirty-five Toreinto 6.00 guests. The bride's mOther wore navy Mrs. F.‘ R. Larkin, River:41de 2.00 Frank, Flick, R.R4 . , Goderleh . 5.00 blue, while the bridegroom'S IllOtlier FA 0)401)4 (0 11 11 2, Goderich 5.00 Wellington .Steele, It.R.. 2, ` (04)50 a light blue with brown ac- T. Sowerby, 11.11. 2, (3, MOO eh 5.00 Be' rt(!rIe-latierrriies1,1 ILIt. 2, Barfield . 21..0000 cessories. GtiestS were present from Liultre4 klIllodgers. 11.11. 1. Gode- .• .00 Wm. Snyder, 11.R. 1. Goderich 5.00 ' London, 'Galt. St, ThOning, 1) 11(411 and . Cleveland. Later' the conple left for Albert Olce. li.R. 1". cioilerich .. 5.00 W.00 Johnston, R.R., 2, node- toronto and Niagara Falls, the bride Pfrimmer Bros.. Mit. 4, Gode- rieh 100.00 Helen (1.. Fry, (Inderich travelling 01 21.1.00 a bide Snit 'with .pinIc . rich blouse and black accessories. , E. T. Pfrimmer, Ilia. 4, Gode- , . Chas. Wurtele 10.00 Canadian Ilreweries . ...• 1D160 Before the marriage ' Mrs. ,Nitireel rieh , • \(j.(1 VallM'OF nil)gOn ' ° .t.00 tassaiine, the bfide'g sister. and Miss nen Stran tigha, -11.11. 4, 00de= 10.60 Alex. Young Johnston, Na110020 • ' ' Phyllis Allin.entertained for the bride. Melt , Bay, D.C. ........ ' ... . .. .' ... ............ , . 23. to -be, and Mrs. Ilartney entertained for krt. Straur,han, R.II. 4, Gode- ((loath-rod on vago 4) .00) „ . her daughter at a trousseaui tea. s, rich .41 — THE WEATHFA Temperattfres of the. past week in Gbderich, with those of the eorrespond- ing week 41 year ago, as officially re- eorded, were as follows: , .1047 1940 Max. Min. Max. Min. .Thurs., Sept. 18 _81 '62 81 60 Fri., Sept. 19 ....76 (10 00 Sat., ,Sep_t. 20 55 81 61 Sun., Sept.' 21 °...73 55 75 63 Mon. Sept. 22 ....55 40 88 60 Tues., pt. ....57 42 78 58 I AT' THE •WATERFRONT It has been a rather quiet week at the lakefront. the weather not being conducive to fishing and other water activities. Ha Hum habitues say we should have six weeks or more of .good weather yet after the equinoctial disturbances are over. The Bricoldoe arrived a? tilff (lode - rich elevator on Friday with a cargo of 298,000 bus. oats, barley and wheat, and the Algorall followed on Saturday with 203,000 bus. wheat and barley. The A. A. Il.tulson Is dtie tonight and the Dricoldoe tomorrow night., The Imperial pititi,oe was in on Pri- day with 11 cargo of gasoline for tbe Wed., Sept. '24 ..,.66 50 78 50 Nperial Oil depot; • ; 5:06 Of' AA 5113 .