HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-18, Page 10I) rAN o THE GODERICTI SjGNAL.STAR d► VUON $I,i $TQ GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY„ S}1 PTEVIll T'.It 210, .1947. -. '19.00 .m. 4SUNDAY IIUTitt D AAY�t SCHOOL. AND T�) t1 A��a DAD a1'an, HOLY COM311><':NflO:N ANPJ i 1E KION. 0.00 p,nn.. EVEN19' G PRAYkit. REV. J. N. ID()i1111D(>iIE OF TlUELSONBll RG, iaa charge of the Serelees. .8.30 Holy Vorllmunio¢n withdrawn fon iL .1�Y>y110 yL• (Sii n L Ti O�prtp eptemb(&�. BEY. ;i{ E RL Ji 11. , B.B.A..1. CL h., R6. A. AN1ID1ERrON-Organics and Choirmaster. { i 11 t. North St o United Church MORNING WOR* I I IP. Nursery, Primary Class Sunday Scho61, "THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS," • 3, '"IChmir„„ Jelief in the Holy Spirit." 7 p.m. • fl?V1ENIN(a WORSHIP. "MEN 01F OUR FAITH." 3. '" rhe'Beloved of Jesus." REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.A., B.D., Minister, Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and Choir Leader. 0 and Knox Presbyterian Church 10 a.m. Young People's Bible Class. . 11 a.nt. Junior Congregation. 11 a.m. PLUM(' WORSHIP. R':Y: , 1. Y Y SER v 1 C.E. Every- memberof every familypresent -for worship. 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. ' Serrtaolr Subject: "When Other Helpers Fail." THE 31I.N1STER AT BOTH' SERVICES. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 28th -114th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. MLNIISTER—REVEREND RICHARD STI WART Director of Praise --Mr. 'William Wickets, A.T.C.M. Victoria St: United _ Church B. A. :Minister-1{Iev,. ILawrence H. Turner, Organist ar.(i Choir Director—Miss-Mary Joyce Strachan. 1000 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. 11,00 a.ni. WITH THE UNITED CHURCH OE CANADA•IN :ACTION. '`BESIDE THE WAS." ; - 77.00 pan. "A RING REBUKED." 9.45 a.m. UNION CHURCH. Monday 8.00 p.ni. Young Peopl'e's Union. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. ... UNION ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, SEPT. 28-2.30 p.nl. & 7.30 p.m. • Goderich Baptist Church THE PASTOR IN CHARGE 10.00 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL --There's ROOM for YOU. ' • 11.00 a.m. PROOF of•REPE TANC :." ; 7.Q0 p.m." CONQUERING FAITH.". PASTOR—REV. Ut. W. II. MEDLEY. ,Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ]E LAY I: I ONAL SON. he Free Methodist 'Church Corner Victoria and Park. Streets 10.00 a.m. S[N15-1Y SCHOOL. 11.00- a.m. DEVOTIONAL -SERVICE. 7.00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. • ALL ARE WELCOME. REV. R. C. M•cCALLUM, Pastor. Briefs Magazine renewals are handled speedily and etlicietitly by Miss Mary B. Nowell, phone 2.13\\', ter Mrs. Istnay McLean. Why deal. with straugers when the aforementioned lival agents_ can handle all your requirements': • Nervous, rundown litett need \'ItaORt1NE- -the• "pep" osuit•. for new �UC'I'IUN SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFI''1CT$ ANI) GIFT all01' STOCK at the hone of Mrs. Lillian Brenner (late residence of Mrs. T. R. Wallis), , tinnier of Britannia road and Victoria street, Goderich, onl • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th gat 1 p.m.. o One- electric washing machine; 1 dining -room table, oak, with six chairs; 1 library table, fumed oak; 1 kitchen table, with ki chairs': 1 china cabinet, Vitality. 15 -day- 1 red 11W 11L *1.o0. Attisoak: 1 hail rack; 1 dropleaf„ table, 1:ttietsou's drug store. -36-7-8-9 1 Moffat range annex; several oc- 'flie Nurse' Alumnae will hold a ealshoat l chairs; china •arid household, rummage sale at 1 t(1 iy hall on tial art ivies tun numerous for mention ; ur(lay, September 2011). ;It .' ,il•ttl• 1 tt•i-laud►, Singer sewing machine, -•" 1:rwn mower (rubber tires). rumuaat r talc will beheld tin Iii conjunction with this, numerous $ tnrdaliec', ticAptennibcr ''-'utll, at 1.;iO p.ill•• items from Wallis '1'reasure,.Shop will by t \\'.. it. larurgc's 1'ar4sli lre'•suld. such as jewellery, looks, toys, IR til �, -37'S etc., to snake Toom for new stock. AIRS. LILLIAN BRENNER, Proprietress. EDWARD W., ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. "THE G00 OF CREATION"' MAGNIFICENT SOUND FILM IN .NATURAL' COLOUR. SEE THE WONDERS 0b' THE UNIVERSE •fle ASTRONOMY ..IN NATURAL SCIENCE „L•NDER THE MICROSCOPE X PRESBYTERIAN• CHURCH KNOX , 8 p.m. Thurso, Sept. 25th' . 8, p.m. SILVER COLLECTION., Anyone wishing to take iustrulnt;ntai music lessons, guitar, violin, etc„ is invited to contact the Music Shop. 38x 37.6. Rummage sale in Victoria toria street Ch t►c•tober 1th ti 2p p.m., under A LUTION SALI ()1' VAI.I?AB> E Church 01 1 1 .. ' -38-9 '- RESIDENTIAL PROPERTYtil e auspices of the 1\'.A. Hygienic supplies t rubber 'goods ), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- , velope with- price list.- Six samples mr 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order t Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., Box 1 Goderich, the residence of thy late FARM FOR, SALE.-- 80 ACRES 91, Hamilton, Ont. • ...,-1-9.1 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phelan, will '!For feet that • fees_ like win -of ; be offered 4 -,,for sale. This property good clay loam, good buildillse song, use Lloyd's ('urn. Salve right consists of a red brick house, situated IIvdro at house and barn; good supply .along.” :-)0(' . at Campbell's and on riftof lot 411 on' the north .side at 2 p.m., on WEDNESIAY, THE 24th DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1)47 at the premises on Britannia road, PH$1'RSPA , S1E TEMBET 1f3tb, -�.1sT Classified �P Results— AClassifiedAd r FOR saLio FOR SALE. --HOUSE • FOR SALE; huinecUate possession; on Britan- nia road. Apply 75 East street. - 30tf FOR SALE: ----- GLADIOLI (MID-• summer special) , gorgeous blooms in • wide range of mixed colors. 75c per dozen. Also other .seasonal garden Rloeyvrs, MRS. L. R. IIOLMAN, C;)tm- ero.0 street, phoue 722. • 34tf FOR SLE. -100. PULLETS, • NOW laying 59 eggs a. day, choice of Hybrid, Black Aus,lra1oup or Leghorils, average x+1.75; also choice 9f two cui•ker spaniels, one black, one golden, pedigreed, one• year old. 8: A, MAY, Bayfield, phone Clinton 631 r 23. FOR SALE.—P1:AC'i1ES,' Y 1:LLO\1' flesh, freestone.''Sarinidttle fruit Tarin, Lake Road, Forest. VANCE BROS. ?37-8 FOR SALE. --- PEACHES. RIPE. Come to the farm, one Mile north of No. 21 Highway at Ravenswood: L. W. I)UFFUS. • 37-8x Emerson's drug stores. -38 TENDERS 1%'ANTE1) CENTRAL *MORTGAGE AND HOUSING l'ORPORATION • WARTIME 1I0[SINU LIMITED D11'I�10� . 159 BAY s'1'HEET TOXO\TO, ONT. TENDERS—Goderich No. 2 Scaled tenders, ttddr:essed to • the undersigned, for the' construction- of 25 '-liaises at Gude-riclt, Ontario, by general contract and to ire known as our Goderich Project No: 2, will be re-- 3S- ce1"' tit tlp`to 12.00- 11 Wm, Octobe>_.. 2, 1947. - _ flans, specifics tions and tender tUCTION SALE 01' FARM STOCK 1• • furies, etc., may be obtained on • air A\D IMPLEMENTS Plication to the Regional Construction. at. southk part -of lot 13, -concession 3, Superintendent, -at •the above refer- West Wawanosh, at farm • belonging enced address. A deposit of Ten Dol- to —William' -G. Menary, on Lars ($10.00) will be charged for the• THURSDAY, `I;PT,EMBER 25th necessary documents cowering .this at 1 p.m. ten -der, which will be refundedon re- •-• Eight cows: • all in' cnlf : seven g• ood turn of documents or award of con- tra(q. -• Tenders must be accompanied by a certified cheque or Dominion of Canada Bonds equal to 5''0 of the total tender. The cheque of the successful bidder «-ill'• be held until the completion of the contract. Any tender not ' accompanied by a security deposit as described will not h considered. •The Corporation does not hind itself tit. accept the lowest or any tender. P. 8. SECORD, 'Regional Supervisor, • 38- Ontario Legion. of Britannia road, in the Town of Goderich. ' The property is now vacant and be offered subject to a reserve bid. At the sttl?e time and place a quantity' of household furniture will be offered at auction. TERMS --Chattel., cash; real pr4- perty, .20c,: .011 day of sale; -balance in thirty days, when -sale is to be closed alid possession given. - For further information,` apply to the• undersigned. • • FRANK DONN ELLY, o Goderich, Ont., Solicitor for the Executors. MATT GAYNOIt,-.Goderich, - • Auctioneer. N11111111111wr i SALVAGE COLLECTIO SATURDAY, SEPT: 20 NEWSPAPERS—MAGrAZINES—C .RDHOAR D ---RAGS . TAN U • Householders are asked to have their material tied in bundles and placed on boulevard for collection., S. H. LAKE, Town Clerk. NOTICE F()R Q,ALE.—ONF. SHOE REPAIR NOTICE. c(.►L:It'h OF REVISION.. •buffer; complete with 1-H.P. motor, TOWNSHIP OF (v11T�ERICII for sale or rent. Also Singer pamotor, I buy rags, feather ticks, and used - cutter, n a ('unit of Le �isioil to hear ancEde leather furniture. Sewing machine repairs tt imine <c)lhplaints ahaiatst the 'assess- ment iso css `(,(, ARNOLD and supplies. C. WOODS, 12 East i stent roll for 1915 wilt l►e held. in �ivad., ., > 21tf Octubcr G,. alt M1 y �W ANTI I) TO VUItCIIASE.-8MI1 AL farm, 10 to 40 acres; buildings not essential. Prefer Blue Watc'r-„ur No. ti Highway. Write BOX 80, SIGN 37 S 4,,a1- STAIt. WANTED. — LISTING' PRO- PERTY for sale. Phone MAL- COLM MA'TIIEItI, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, 115W.7tf of water. Six .miles from Clinton, 6th concession Goderich Township. Address, J. McGUIRE, R.R.. 2, Bay- dield.. Telephone 900 r 2-3, Clinton. • 37-8x WANTED TO BUY. --ULD HOUSES' and' dead animals, suitable for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect JAC1%GILBER'i 936 r 21 or F'III'.D GILBERT, phone 93t1 ry32, Goderich. FOR SALE. — WHITE SUNSHINE prang, new condition, with pram mattress and runners, complete. Also automatic record player. MRS. HARVEY BAXTER, phone 605. -38 FOR .BALE. •-- HOUSE, MEDIUM, WV ANTED.• — MALE HELP,' BE - flame, vacant, Regent street; large W BE- TWEEN eighteen and twenty-five' gut and garage, power, bath, excellent years. Experience not necessary. Ap- iitterior, Apply to W. A. STJ7'IIER- ply GODERICH FRENCH DRY LAND, Solicitor. -38 CLEANERS*. • -38 VAILABLE AT ONCE. -- RAW - LEIGH district of 1500 families. ()nlj• reliable hustlers )teed apply. Good protits to willing workers. No experience required to start., ,Write today. ItAWLEIGH'S, Dept. ML�1-216- G, Montreal, 13(i 7-b J ANTEL) TO BUY,—SUBSTANT:, •IAL house, preferably brick, in good location in Goderich. Cash in full, Information given will be held in strictest confidence. Write BOX '81, SIGNAL -STAR.. - 37tf WANTED. — GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework..1,. MRS. R. C. IIAYS, 15 North street. -37-8 WANTED. — E-XPERIENCED furniture finishers, woodworking machinists and sanders, and cabinet markers, or y 'ming men to train in these Permanent trades. Pleasant working conditions, good wages,. very steady enlplo�'metlt. Living' accommodation available. See or write full particulars JAMES .('OLE FI''ItNITURE COM- PANY, Ingersoll. • -37-9 euert's� Bakery ac e of Tasty Pantry" anisommimw WEEK -END SPECIAL LI+�rHT MARSHIVIALLO �YY CAKES 30c and 45c each Ail Orders of $1.00 or more delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. CULBERT, Prop. FOR SALE. — GIRL'S GREEN quilted rayon jacket and detach- able parka hood; brawn clacks and brown winter coat, all size 14.. Apply 43 East street. ' • 38x FOR SALE.—ABOUT 3000 BLEND • face brick. Bargain • for im- mediate sale. Phone 897. ' -88 • o'R 'AI:E.—WHITE ENAME1 LE1 , calves (this is. a choice lot ) ; ww'aggn, sleigh, buggy, cutter; dice harrow, annex. nearly new; honey -finished 12 -hoe:- hayrake, 10 foot ; riding plow crib, large size, and spring -filled mat ling plow; gravel box; cutting tress; high chair ; toilet chair; 3, t ixl : root 1pulper ;'steel -roller ; fanning Simmons steel Died and springs ; .lady's mill ; 3,section., harrows ; 110 year-old bicycle. A11 in excellent condition. Phone 1184 or call at 2 Britannia road. hens.: other things too numerous to -38-9 *mention: The farm is to be sold . , — _ privately. FOR SALE. DURHAM.CO'�WV• clusivity assured. IT you have selling 'IEII�IS—CSH. Y ••\pply� .I. CRIDDOCK, R.H. `-', ability, • start NOW'. - FAMILEX, WM. G. 11ENAR • Goderich, Phone 93:5-r-42. • 38! •Dept. B, 1600 Deloritmier, Montreal. R.R,• 0, Goderich, -3$ Proprietor. 'ORD FOR SALE, -15)3$ DELUXE. r --- W ALTER PETTM AN, .Fula' coupe, good tires, good con= ��%ANTF.D.—SIX I.i:G ('BERRY OR Clerk. I cli• tion, Owned by L. ('. ''1botilpson, walnut drbpleaf table: rosewood 1I ATT..G A�NOR, Goderich, I,uckiluw. Call be seers apt ; . W• 0telodeon : tall brass table- lamp. State 37-8- - :kuctionee�•. W IN' 1'I:ItsTLIN's, Lucknow. • -38 description -and price. BOX g2, - It;N:NJ STAR.. 38-9x WANTED. — COUPLE SEEK house for rent or purch.ase._in Goderich. Write -B'OX 83, 'SIGNAL - STAR. -38 WANTED.— UNFURNISHED apa tment to rent. Write T. A. PREST, R.C.A.F., Clinton. 3$x WANTED. 'GIRL OR• YOUNG woman .for' clerk at-GODERICI;J FRENCH DRY CLEANERS, by Oofober 1st.. -38 _"`,'ANTED.—WE ARE CONSTANT-. LY receiving requests for our guaranteed products in i►tir locality. Why not handle the agency and derive an income of $35 to $60 weekly? Ex- , DIED: - Mc('ONNELL.—At hc'r residence, 82 Winnett • street, Woodstock, on Tl,iir•sdav, • September 18th, 1947, Culbert's Bakery CLOSED • FROM Sept. 22 TO Sept. -27 INCLUSIVE FOR STAFF HOLIDAYS. , • ' RLOPENING SEPT. 29th 37-8 TREASUIU It'S SALE A1' LAND' FOR TAXES, Town of aGoderich—County of -Huron .To V1'it By virtue of, a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Goderich bearing date the 28th day of May,.1947; sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of' Goderich Will be held at. the Council. Chambers, Goderich, at the hour of .3 o'clock- in tlic'vatfterno4o' on the sixth day of October, 1947, , unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice i7 Thereby- given that the list, of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario • Gazette on the 5th day- of .Tuly, 1947, and that copies of the said list may be Dad at my office. Treasurer's .()Hite, this 1 5th• day of July, 1947. 8. II. 'BLAKE, Treasurer. 29-40- _ • street. l'hone .4..]'. IIelmesv lige on Mond)) y, Elizabeth Cook, daughter Of the late 7OTICE. • 1() a.m. A11 complaints must be in FOR SALE. — 1940 FORD .ARMY Eli and ,�Irs, Charles Cook, Blue ., writing and filed with the undersigned i truck. 15 cwt.„. five goad tires, `DOMINION CHINCHILLAS" animal no later than October 3. cha}n�, in xcondition. Apply MRS, Miter Highway. ('ogles township,. The latest fear hearing .animal to be This Court of Revision is for the (IIit \1 Htiron road, or phone 9(.)-I, zinc] wife of J. W. McConnell, Wood - g 11iti successfully raised i 1 captivity, the asst 110 11t 1111(11, cuing„ the C,oden h, ,x`38 9x stock, in her 69th yea`>}.,�w a,' � sulnnll'1• Funeral service nt. Rrophcy ~ funeral genuine South Anaei•S m t luxurious I and on which the 0,1')48 taxes, will b(. prodnccr of the world's must luxurious i FOR SALE.—'39 CIIEV. COACH, IN ('Home, 15 -Montreal street, Goderich, on cuaapnted. i fur, may be seen at the Huron and R. G. THO\IPSO\` Clerk top condition,. Healer, radio, spare. Monday,. September 22nd, at o'clock Bruce' Chinchilla Ranch, W'ingham, o^ Ont. These animals 'are under '-the ''( 9 Icare of Mr. H. E. Wells. Learn how - . ' these animals may .provide a, living NOTICE TO CREDITOKS I . ,n bobby for you in the- years to . ' )'1'ICE TO. CREDITORS. y In the Estate. of Thomas Kelly, late of,- Goderich,, retired farther, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the said deceased are regnir•ecl to .tile theei,n with, the undersigned on or before September 30, 19-17, after H.R.w '', Clinton. Apply corner Victoria and Brock, evenings. Phone 59IJ. • 38x TOR SALE. — :\ TWO-BT'RNER e}ectri(' Time. Phony 15IW. -38 FOR SALE. -192" 1ORD MODEL A. Thone 248T -38' come. 'Visits to' the ranch are best made on week -day evenings or any -time .during the week -ends, •and are free of obligation. 25tf ST WE BELIEVE The Salvation Array is worthy of all the fupport you can give. O. F. cnRrY & SA* NOTI('E of intention of stopping up a portion of St. Davi't's street in the Town of Goderich. Take- •noti(•e that - the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Goderich proposes to enact a by-law closing that portion of St. David's street in the said Town of Goderich which may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the south-easterly. angle of lot running No, •557; thence westerly along the sottthern limit, of lots No. 557 and No. 634,'2 chains and 78 links ,more or less, to the South- wc. stern' angle of lot No. 634; thence northerly along the westerly limit of lot No. 634,,301/2 'links more or less, to a point i►n,,the so,utherly limit of St. David' arstreet produced easterly along the northerly limit -(if lots running No. 128 'and. No. 1.11 inclusive; thence easterly along the hit -mentioned limit 2 chains at,d 78 links mord• or' less ! „`ifs ) 40- 'Solicitor for the Eseite. to a point 'on the easterly limit of ., ,• lot No 557 ; thence southerly along; ' _ the said easterly liinit 301 links more 1 • FOL.ND or less to the place of heginmirig. Notice •of intention to * close up the i F0'1'ND , -- AT AGRICULTURAL said lands will be given by publication -L Park, Labor Day, a girl's coat. for four consecutive weeks in The Owner may have same by praying ' -Signal-Star, a newspaper published in property - at- SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE Goderich, first. of such notices to ap- ,,,,, slaying for this ad. -38" pear in the issue hearing elate the 18th °° day of September. 1947. "`__ And further take notice that the , CARDS OF THANKS Council shall hear any person or by 1 his counsel, solicitor or; agent, any r 1 .i�1IL OF --THE LATE W. person who claims that,his lands will prejudicially affected ' .� I11; J Taylor wishto eax n(•sa their be ffted by the'lly-law p sincere thanks and gratitude to God& and who applies to be heard.rich hospital staff, Mr. Prank Chase,D. 11' :1IOONEY, (>ler lr. Dr. Jackson and Rev. L. 11.. TurnerS. IL BLAKE, Cflerk: 38-41= FOR SALE. ---- WHiTE, SUNSHINE pram, in very good condition, with runners. Ph-ne 770J. -389 snhh estate will be elle- TOR SALE. --- USED ELE('TItICI which date helvinater, in good running 'con- tribtited, having regard only to claims `dRion ; 11nriaun s(•ati coat. Phone (i."►(l..� then received. , . -38I Dated September 2nd. 1947. a LO1'TUS E. DANCI';Y, FOR SALE. -10 PIGS, 9 WEEKS 30-30- Solicitor for Adrninistratrix' �I old. Phone Carlow 137. • -38 Nt)T1(4•'. TO CREDITORS. •FOR sAl.r.-1035 STT'nER:1KF,R,' 1 11.,44 it stake. in gond condition. Notice -is hereby givtet,n to all persons Priced to sell. Apply IKE WOODS. any hy eiaian. against the estate Holmes ilae, Maitland •road. > .38x of Marc Jame "Cunningham Reed, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the FOR SALE. MASSEY-HARRIS .County of Huron. widow, whir died on i� c°„1•11 binder, three 'years old. No. the eighth day of September, A.D. , 6 A. Best offer gets it. Apply WM. G. TREBLE, R.R. 5, Goderich. 38x 197, to send ;same to the undersigned on or before the_eighteenth day of October, 19.7, as on and after that date the administrators of the said estate shall proceed to -make distribu- tion -of the assets thereof, having re- ,, . _ gird Dilly to the claims of which they . have notice.' FARM .FOR SALE baited- nt the Town of Goderich, in • the ('ounty of IInron. this - sixteenth FARM FOR SALE. (lacy of• September, A,I), 1947. R. C. IIAYS, K.C., Goderich, Ontario, FOR SALE, -- ENGT.TSII PRAM, like new. $25.00. Phone 1071. 38x f Safety Deposit Boxes contently caii be insured a a• very low premium. SEE. H. M. FORD . vet Insured — Stay. Insured—' Rent Amoral, Neth St. Tei. 260w Consisting of 300. acres, one mile north of Lucknow C.N.R. station on cillWession 2, Kinloss Tow(lship, half - mile from church and school Tele- phone installed, hydro available. About 40 acres of good hardwood bush, good loam land. On bit. 15 is a barn 40' x (10' on 18' posts on.stone foundation.. On lots 17 and 14 is an 11-roomstone. house, , veranda and woodshed in A-1 condition, hard and soft water. Main bank barn 56' x 68' on 20' posts. Granary all galvanized iron -lined, (•ement, stabling to hold .75 head cattle, Water in the stable, never -failing well with 'windmill and supply. tank. Ad- joining' is 0 barn used for horses, sheep an 1C, hay, size 62' x 36' (1" on 15' posts on stone foundation. One hog - en, cement troughs and cement found- ation size 34' 'x 18' 6" with loft above. for their kindness shown to their late One driving and implement shed his' x father during his illness and death. 26' on 15'posts. Poultry house very 11,TIS ( JI�:SS!E WALLACE Zti'ISI4E:3 warmly built 34' (3" x 16' 6" and 12' high; loft above, atone fottndatiota. All buildings and roofs in first -Mass coli- clition. This form priced right tor quick sale. Apply to .MRS. JOHN M0cL1;OI), Lucknow, Ont. Evening dresses soon will show where the bathing. _suitleft _off. For that wedding gift= GIVE 1 GOOD I'1CTL'R,E: ' Beautiful Flowers and Landscapes :al SMITH'S ART AND, GIFT East St. STORE Phone 198 IRL$! - A GOOD JOB is waiting for YOU! — EXCELLENT PAY 9 PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS -4• NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED EARN WHILE YOU LEARN PERMANENT ( INTERESTING An excellent opportunity for girls to learn a light, clean intertstting trade, opetating seamless •half -hose knitting machines. 'Phis' is =YOUR "'chance! Enquire right -away! MEM HOLE PROOF HOSIERY COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED EAST STREET • GODERICH Phone 960 - MUM 0.7 to thank all the friends and neigh- bors who were so hind during thel illness and death of beta brother, John I). Jllowatt. She wonld also like. to • thank all those who sent flowers and loaned ears fOr the fu»0ral. 38x vitommilumumeimmoomismilwommomer WHA.' WORRY? ' ,, when you ('an get the 'hest In ' fire, sant° or general insurance from e.' B. T. ICITRAILTIOIC IRA. 0, LXYciir Ow :, phone ''Flaw, I)wtgi 1f0it .1117.8 , Mrs, Brown , and\Irs. :smith were dise,u lung the difilcultieS of married life. "I'm always very careful," said Mrs. Smith, "to send the children out of the room, in foot out of the house, when I have a quarrel with my Ylus1 hand.' "Bless the little dears," said Mrs. llrown, "they loolt so healthy spt'nding so much &Lille in the open air." It's Texaco Fire Chief gasoline from Gardner Motor Sales!! The gift they wanted tiost was a quick start ora, their honeymoon!" f, 9, Gardner Motor Sales Phone 234 , Goderich