HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-11, Page 10• u r.- • Tit . GOOF .1,O SIGNA.E-STAR TH t1 ' R SE]i'T a1i1} '. nth, V ST GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th, 1047 lu.,00 am. SUNDAY 801001.e. ,1,04 a.ann. MORNING I'I AYER AND SERMON. 7,00 pail. EVENING! PRA'Y'ER. REV. M. B. PA";KER. Olia' LONDON, Ail! ALL SERVICES. 91.30 Holy Communion withdrawn for September. REV! BEVERLY H. FARR, II$.XI,. L.Th., REC'J'OR. A. AN pERTON--Organni.st and Choirmaster. North St. United Church 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery, Primary Class and Sunday School. "THE FAITH. OF OUR FATHERS." 2 "Their Belief in Jesus Christ" 7 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP. "MEN OF OUR FAITH." 2. "The Man of Three Mountains." REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.A., R.D., Minister. Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and Choir Leader. Knox Presbyterian Church 9A5 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL, lia.m. JUNIOR CONGREGATION 11 a.m. PUBLIC iY'ORSIIIP., ' Sermon Subject: "When the Judges° Ruled." 7 p.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Sermon Subject; "The Lost Coin." THE MINISTER AT GOTH SERVICES. September 28th -114th ' Anniversary Services. MINISTER' REVEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William Wickett, A.T.C.M. Victoria St. United Church Minister—Rev,, Lawrence H. Turner, B.A.• Organist itr.d Choir Director•—Miss Mary Joyce Strachan. 10.00 a.m. SABB4TH SCHOOL.- ' 11.00 a.m. REV. CHARLES W. DOWN, EXETER. 7.00 p.m. REV. CHARLES V. DOWN. 9. a.m. UNION CHURCH. • VICTORIA WELCOMES 'YOU. s Goderieh Ba fist Church 10.00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. THE PASTOR IN CHARGE CFI RCH SCHOOL—Classes 'for ALL. "The SPIRIT'S CHALLENGE." 7.00 p.m. ,"The DRAWING POWER." To the S.A. on their 62nd Anniversary—Christian Greetings and best Wishes for a successful Campaign. PASTOR—REV. G. W. H. MEDLEY. 'Organist and Choir Leader—MRS. ELLA I. DONALDSON. The Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and Park Streets 1000 a.m. 11.00 a.m. . 7.00 p.m. SUNDAY, SCHOOL. • DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE: ALL ARE WELCOME. REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. Briefs Magazine renewals are handled -speedily and eiiiciengy by Miss -Mary B. Howell, -phone 213W, or Mrs. Ismny Mclean. 'Why deal with strangers when the aforementioned luca1 agents eau handle all your requirements': Nervous, rundown then need VIt.;ORINE---the "pep" tonic, for new vitality. 15 -day treatment $1.011. At Emerson's. drug store. -36-7-8-9' • IMMUNIZATION G.'LINIC'S will cocain ence Tuesday, September 16th, at 1.30 p.tu., and will be held at t'lie Public Health °bicr,=, Town Hall. Treatments of tuxold to prevent diphtheria ; pertussus serums a protec- tion against Whooping cough, and, vaccination to control- smallpox will be administered. School children will conte Tuesday, September ,16th, and babies 'and pre-school children Thurs- day, September 18. -36-37 BETHEL TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Assemblies of C=anada) REV. J. A, PEARSON, Pastor 10.00 a.m. SUNDAY . SCHOOL. 411.00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. 7.30 p.ni .EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. EVANGELIST AND Q.IS. REID, OF CLINTON, Tuesday. 8 p.m. Young People's. ALL WELCOME. • IN CHARGE. Victoria Home and School Club will uieet •'I'hursiiaay, September 18th, at 8 Path _Mrs. Albert Taylor will give a talk on her recent trip to England. A social evening is being prepared and any suggestions for future programs will be gratefully received. All par- ents and friends are urged to attend. The Evening Auxiliary of North street United chalkkswill hold a picnic supper at Miss Dickson's cottage, Hunter's Beach, on Monday, September 15th. (.'ars will leave the church at 6.15 and members are asked to re- member their talent -bags. -37 The regular meeting of. the W.C.T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. R. T. Phillip:, East street, on Tuesday, Septemlfer 23rd, at 3 p,m. -37 The Nurses' Alumnae will hold a rummage sale at MacKay Hall on Sat- urday, Sep'teinber 20th, at 2 p.m. -37-8 A rummage sale will be held on Saturday. September_>l)th, at 1.30.p.m., by the W.A. in St. George's Parish Hall. 37-8 Slenth r tablets are effecttive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks- $5, at Campbell's and Emerson's drug stores. -37 Anyone wishing to take instrument- al music lessons _is invited to contact the Music Shop. Hygienic supplies , • (rubber goods)-, mailed postpaid–in. in plain, sealed en- velope with price list. Silt samples. 25c; 24 , samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. 7-53, NOV-RUBBER CO., BoY 91, Hamilton, Ont. -1-9 AIIcUON MIX AUCTION S.c .E 01` PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in the village of Auburn, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 19-47 at 1 paw. I'p.S.T. - PI;t0PRT : ---- 11:S -story 7 -room frame house on the main street of Auburn." hydro and good water sup- ply ; also two large lots. Immediate possession. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Three - burner coal -oil stove and oven heater , Quebec cook stove; vouch; number of mirrors; Raymond drophead sewing machine ; glass cupboard, kitchen cabinet ( like new), kitt•hen chairs and table. mats, squall tables, oak library table. daveuport, J',O(1:ers, occasional' chairs. two chests of drawers, walnut finish; bed springs and mattress (like new ) ; washstands, fern stand,, quilt boxes,.' trunk, daybed, lawn mowers, garden- tools, quantity dishes, kitchen utensils. quantity of wood. TER\,---CHATTELS—CASH. ON PROPERTY ---10 per .cent. down; balance in 30 days. ;Will be sold sub- ject to a reserve bid. I ES'FATI'; O1 LATE ELIZABETH NICHOLSON. ELMA MUTCH, 'Executrix. R, C. HAYS, K.C.; Solicitor for Estate. HAROLD JACKSON, ' Auctioneer. 36- E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. NOTICE NOTICE. I buy rags, feather ticks, and used furniture. Sewing machine repairs and supplies. C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone 242J. - 21tf For Results P..- A £lassited did • FOR SAI4P FOR S =1• LE. — FRAME HOUSE, seven rooms, conveniences and,' basement, on Wilson street; sewer rates paid. Also new live -room stucco house with basement, praoticalry completed on William and Cayley streets; sewer paid. Immediate possession, 24 Wil- liam street, sunroow entrance. 27tf FOE .SALE.—HOUSE FOR SALE ; possession August 1st; on Britan- nia road. Apply 75 East street. 30tf FUR SALE. -•--- GLADIOLI (MID - summer special) , gorgeous blooms in wide range of mixed cOlors. 75e per dozen. Also other seasonal garden flowers. MRS., I.: E. HOLMAN, Cam- eron street, phone 722. 34tf FOR SALE.—FARM, 105 AC1 1i S,.ON liaytield concession, Goderieh town -- ship. Good barns. Ilydro installed. Maple and cedar bush; on (Seunty road and milk route. Itnmedittte possession. Apply G. • T. FLEWITT, R.R. 3, Sea - forth. Phone 614 r 11, Clinton. 35-6-7x FOR SALE.—COTTAGE ON WAR- REN street. Immediate posseS- sion. 'Apply J. A. NIVINS, tailor, East street. 36-7x AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND GIFT SHOP STOCK at the home of Mrs. Lillian Brenner (late residence of Mrs. T. R. Wallis), corner of Britannia road and Victoria street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th at 1 p.m. .One electric washing machine; 1 dining -room table, oak, with six chairs; 1 library table, fumed oak; 1 kitchen table, with 6 chairs; 1 china cabinet, oak; 1 hall- rack; 1 dropleaf table; 1 .Moffat range annex; several oc- casional chairs; china and household articles too numerous for. mention. In conjunction with this, numerous items from Wallis Treasure Shop will he Sold, such as jewellery, books, toys?. c(!c, MRS. LILLIAN BRENNER, Proprietress. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. The regular meeting of L.O.L. No. 182 will be held at the Lodge rooms, North street, on Trlesday, September 1'l;th, at 8 pas. All .members are re- quested to attend. • -37 J)UBLIC NOTICE. A public meeting will be held in tits/ Town hall Auditorium on .Honda] September 15, 1947, ` at 8 o'clock p:a-n;, to consider the formation of a Recre- ational' Council. All citizens interested hi the' welfare of . the youth of the Town . should be present. Welfare Organizations are asked to have representatives present. D. D. MOONEY, S. H. BLAKE, Mayor. Clerk. -37 37 -8 - FOR SALE. — AN ATTRACTIVE %linette suite in natural finish, trimmed with brown. This suite is as good as new, used only five months, and is priced reasonably., Corner Bay- field road and Baldwin street, or phone 203J. -36 .FOR SALE. — ONE FERTILIZER disc drill, 13 hoe. WARNER Mc- INTYRE, R.R. 1, Port Albert. 36-7x FOR SALE. — FIVE ACRES OF standing .corn (Hybrid Cob) , suit- able for ensilage. Must be removed by September 25th. Apply HARRY T. WILLIAMS, R.R. 4, Goderieh. Phone '13-05, Carlow:" 36-7x FOR SALE.—MODEL A FORD, price $250. In perfect mechanical condition ; good tires. Phone 195W. -37 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at south part of lot 13, concession- 3; West Wawanosh, at farm belonging to William G, .Menary, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th at 1 p.m. Eight cows, all in calf ; seven good calves (this is a choice lot) wagon, sleigh, buggy, cutter; disc barrow, 12 -hoe; hayrake, 10 foot ; riding plow; walking plow; gravel box; - cutting box ; root ptl1per ; steel roller ; fanning mill ; 3 -section harrows; 110 year-old hens: other things too numerous to mention.. The farm is to be sold privately. TERM S—CASA. • WM. G. 1 MENARY, R.R. 6, Gsoderich, Proprietor. WALTER •PETTMAN, ' - Clerk. MATT. GAYNOR, Goderich, 37-8- Auctioneer: NOTICE. ' • "DOMINION CHINCHILLAS" The latest fur -bearing animal to be Successfully raised in captivity, the genuine South American ' Chinchilla, producer of the world's most luxurious fur, may be seen at the Huron, and Bruce Chinchilla Ranch, Wingha Ont. These( animals ate under t'e' care of Mr. H. E. Wells. Learn how these animals may provide a- living and a hobby for you in the years to come.' Visits to the ranch are best made or week -day evenings or any time during the week -ends, and are free of obligation. , , 25tf VANTEI3- --- LISTINGS QJ PIt0. PERTY for sale. Phone MAL- COLM I1 4 HERS, Insurance and Real Estate Broker, 115W.. .. 7tf ANTED -TO BUY.—OLD HORS S rind dead annuals, suitable for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. Phone collect JACK GILBERT, 936 r 21 or FRED GILBERT, phone 936 r 32, Uoderich. -2,6tf WANTE-- GIRL TO ASSIST D. with general housework who will live in. Apply MRS. KEITH HOP- KINSON, 9 Nelson street. Phone 495. -35 AVAILABLE AT ONCE. --- RAW - LEIGH dideriet of 1500 families. Only reliable hustlers need apply. Good profits to willing workers. No experience required to sta ,t. Write. today. RAWLEIGII'S, Dept. s1L-1-216- Z, Montreal. -36-7-8-9 FOIL. sAL1.-100 PULLETS, NOW laying 50 eggs a day, choice of Hybrid, Black Australoup or Leghorns, average $1:75; also choice of two cocker spaniels, one black, one golden, pedigreed, one year old. S. A, MAY, Bayfield, phone Clinton 031 r 23. 37-8x COURT ,'e F. REVISION.. . • TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH A ('uuft of Revision to hear and de- termine complaints against the assess- ment roll for 1948 will be held in Holmesville on -Monday, October 0, at 10 a.m. All complaints must be in writing and filed with the undersigned m) liter than October 3. . ` This Court of Revision is for the assessment made during the summer' and on which the 1948 taxes will ,be computed. • R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. -37-9- R.R. 2, Clinton. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WANTED TO BUY. ---SUBSTANT- IAL house, preferably brick, in good location in Goderich. Cath in full. Inform .tion, given will be held in strictest c cin fidence. Write BOX 81, SIGNAL -STAR. . - 37tf FOR SALE.—BAY RIDING HORSE, seven years old. Phone or write IRA 'B. OKE, Goderieh, Ont. 37x In the Estate of Thomas Kelly, late of Goderieh, retired farmer, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the said deceased are required to file .them with the undersigned on or before September 30; 1947," after which date such estate will be dis- trilinted,having regard . only to claims then received. Dated September- 2nd, 1,947. - LOFTUS E. DAVCEY, 36-39- Solicitor for Administratrilt. DICK THE SALVATION. ARMY.,. 62nd Anniversary Services 'SATURDAY and SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 13th and 14th • • Guest Speaker MAJOR. D. FORD Public Relations Representa- tive of I.6ndon Aecompanisd by the .. London Citadel Band Saturday Night Musical Fes- tival in Court House Park at 8 p.m. SERVICES ON,,SUNDA'Y IN WEST STREET ARENA 11 a.m. —3, Band Program — 3 p.m. Mimi Progranf — . 7 „p.m. BAND CONCERT IN PARR AT 8.30 p.m. TIIE UPUOLSTERERGC'iW tst9matea Free illigUiUp'r No Obligations rot' $'in(Pi, AND GUARANTEED WORK 9�1 Electric c f VAS1IING ' Machines A 8.C -NORTHERN ELECTRIC STERLING INE LIS, TORONTO SEE OUR MODELS—COMPARE OUR PRICES • 1 WEST ST7 . • s .. GODERICI ONTARIO. ct; . PHONE 114 ]ANTED.—GIRL OR WOMAN Fon general housework in London. Private room and bath ; liberal time off ; ; good wages; ' family of three. Write for appointment to MRS. C. W. DEARBERG, ,661 Talbot street, Lon- don.' - -37 Culbert's Bakery The Homo of Tasty Pastry" Week -end Special PINEAPPLE CAKES 35o each MI Orders of $1.00 or more delivered. .rte PHONE 465 , MEL. CULBERT, prop. WANTED. - (300D FARM HOME for mother cat and two kittens. ('at tine mouser. ('all 285 or write. HUMANE'SOCIETY, Goderieh. 37x WANTED T() PURCHASE.—SiIALL farm, 10 to 40 acres; buildings not essential,, Prefer Blue Water on No. 13 Highway. Write BOX 80, SIGNAL - STAR. ° °37x WANTED. — GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework. MRS. R. C. HAYS, 15 North street. -37-8 HELP WANTED.—SPLENDID OP- PORTUNITY. Average $45 week- ly for man or woman to supply more than -250 F4MILEX necessities to the people in your neighborhood. Sell part or full time, Write .today for complete details of our time -tested plan for fast, easy. direct -to -customer sales. Catalogue FREE. FAMILEX, Dept. A, 1600 Delorimier, :Montreal. -37 FOR SALE.—PEACHES, YELLOW ,flesh. fleestmie. Saannidale Ftult4 Farm, Lake Road, Forest. VANCE BROS. S37-8 FOR SALE. -125 YEAR-OLD LEG - HORN hens; also self -oiling Brant- ford windmill. HERB. PENTLAND, R.R. 1, Port Albert. 37x FOR SALE. — 'PEACHES. ' RIPE. Collie to the farm, one mile.. north of No. 21 Highway et, Ravenswood. L. W. DUFFITS. 37-8x FARM FOR SALE. — 80 AORES good clay loam, good buildings, Hydro at house and barn ; good supply of water. Six miles from Clinton, (ith concession `Goderieh Township. Address. j.11IcGUIRE, R.R.' 2, Bay- field. Telephone 900 r 2-3, ;Clinton. 37-8x FOR SALE. -50 SUSSEX PULLETS, five months old. NORMAN • HQY, Regent street. ' 37x FOR SALE.—WATER PRESSURE system; almost new, complete with tank. Apply A. E. COTTON, Bayfield. -37 �JANTED. — EXPERaIENCED furniture finishers, woodworking machinists and sanders, and cabinet makers, or young men to train in these permanent trades. Pleasant working conditions, good wages, very steady employment. Living accommodation .available. See or write-fulI.particnlars JAMES COLE FURNITURE COM- PANY, Ingersoll. -37-9 FOR SALE. — BEDROOM SUITE, 3 pieces, good as new. MRS. T., SQUIRES, 20 Albert street. 37x FOR SALE.—MONARCH ICE BOX, all metal, contains 50 Ib. block ice, in good condition. Phone 592. -37 FOR SALE. — QUEBEC RANG1 with warming closet; for wood or coal. HARVEY REID, Wolfe street. • 37x SEE — SEE THE G0D OF CREATION MAGNIFICENT SOUND' MOTION (PICTURE IN NATURAL COLOUR. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH �o Thurs.Evening, Sept. '25th---8.15p.m. II I:tp . e o , 0 II WANTED. --HOUSE OR APART- MENT in Goderich to rent by young couple; no children. Perman- ent residents. Write P.O. BOX 464, Kinca37x Culbert's Bakery CLOSED FROM' Sept. 22 TO Sept. 27 INCLUSIVE FOR STAFF HOLIDAYS. RE -OPENING SEPT. 29th •. 37-8 WANTED.—HOUSE OR APART- MENT by young couple; no child- ren. References if required. Phone 604W. 37x TORENZ WANTED.—ONE OR TWO. PAS- SENG:RS who would like to go to S6. Catharines early. next week with lac' and " two small" children. No . remuneration expected. Phone 896R. -37 IOW TO' RENT.—SNE H. P. MOTOR. • See ARNOLD SCHUTZ, 74 Britan- nia toad, or SIGNAL -STAR OFFICE. -37 FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. TREASU,RER'S. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Goderieh—County of 'Huron To Wit: By virtue of • ai warrant issued by - the Mayor of the Town Of Goderich bearing date the 28th day of May, 1947, sale of .lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Goderieh will be held at the Council Chambers, Goderieh, at the hour of 3 o'clock -in the afternoon on the sixth day of October, 1947, unless the -taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario "Gazette on the Seth day of ,July, 1947, and that copies of the said list may, be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 15th day of July, 1947. . S. H. BLAKE, Treasurer. 29 -40 - Consisting of 300 acres, one mile north of Lucknow C.N.R. station on concession 2;w Kinloss Township, .half - mile from church and school. Tele- phone installed, hydro available. About 40 acres of good hardwood bush, good. loam land. -On lot 15 is a barn 40' x 60' on 18' posts on stone foundation. On lots '13 and 14 `is an 11 -room stone house, veranda and . woodshed in A-1 condition, hard .and soft water. Main bank barn 56' lt 68' on 20' posts: Granary all galvanized iron lined, cement stabling to hold 7'5 head cattle, ater in the stable, never -failing well jth windmill and supply tank. Ad- oiuing is a barn used for horses, beep and hay, size 62' x 36' 6" on 15' oats on stone foundation.. One hog - n, cement troughs and cement found - tion size 34' x 18' 6" with loft above. Line dri't'ing and implement shed 53' x ' on 15' posts. Poultry House very warmly built 34' 6" x 16' 6" and 12' igh, loft above, stone foundation. All uildings and roofs in first-class con- ition. This farm priced right for uick sale. Apply to MRS. JOHN w FOR SALE.—BATHTUB IN GOOD w condition. Phone 448. , 137 j FOR SALE.—BREAKFAST SUITE, n furniture for ' dining -room, kitchen p anir(1Tei d ooms; beds and springs; a stoves and'heaters; electric stove and electric ironer ; chesterfield and chairs; 26 acLEOD, Lucknow, Ont.' -37-8 NEW TIRES FIRST LINE 4 PLY 60016. - $16.95 500119 - 11.75 L (:dot seconds) ALL OTHER SIZES IN STOCK AT . EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Frank A. Gallow Phone 599 14 North St, i Picture Frames For Photos -Prints and Paintings Any size Picture Frame made to order. Picture Framing is our specialty. SMITH'S ART AND GIFT . STORE. East St. Phone 198 i "I'd better have Gardner Motor Sales check my fan belt when we get home . the motor seems to be getting a bit too hot." • Gardner Motor- Sales Phone 234 Goderich ► 4-4 household scale; metal tool boxes; molybdenum wrenches; new tarpoulin, .h 9 x 12; battery radio; gramophones, b etc. C: WOODS. Secondhand Store; d 12 East street. Phone 242J. -37 q FOR MALCOLM Real 115W. SALE.—FIVE-ROAM BRICK l'i bungalow on Cambridge street. MATHE•RS, Insurance and . Estate Broker, West street. Phone 37x LOST LOST. ---REI) ANI) pLACK MOTOR rug ; left. in Count ,louse Park- on. Sunday night. i''inder please leave at JOHN ,,MOSS' BARBER SHOP, Square. 37x LOST.—ON- WEST OE WATERLOO street, pair of eyeglasses with Plastic rims, In Icather case. Finder please return to DONALD SCOTT, Elgin ave. '(Telephone 496). -37. LOST. --AT GODERICII PAVILION, on August 30th, .$35 in 10's and 5's. i Reward on returning to SIGNAL - STAR O7+'FICE , 37x LOST.—BLACK PLASTIC PURSE at Victoria Park,'eontainfng wallet with sum of money and several keys. Finder please phone 148. -37 Safety Deposit - Batey Contents pan be inured at a very low premium. ' SEE, fleMeFO1D Get Insured Stay' 1tjisul - Rest Assisted. - ��yy t� r 1d ,St. . 'tel. 2091w acLEOD, Lucknow, Ont.' -37-8 NEW TIRES FIRST LINE 4 PLY 60016. - $16.95 500119 - 11.75 L (:dot seconds) ALL OTHER SIZES IN STOCK AT . EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Frank A. Gallow Phone 599 14 North St, i Picture Frames For Photos -Prints and Paintings Any size Picture Frame made to order. Picture Framing is our specialty. SMITH'S ART AND GIFT . STORE. East St. Phone 198 i "I'd better have Gardner Motor Sales check my fan belt when we get home . the motor seems to be getting a bit too hot." • Gardner Motor- Sales Phone 234 Goderich ► 4-4