HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-11, Page 4411" WIIIIRSDAY, ST252E5/1E3 1947 11 —The ost usef aid beautiful of all VloWera—, • CHRYSANTHEMUMS POEM and Large Conic, rcials aid a *ce range of odors. moosimmallam" The s ' Jacksons Square • Deal omits 3141 49 BRUCE ST! ONE 105 -- DUNGANNON - DUNGANNON,. Sept. 10,—Miss Ruth Bogie, daughter of Mr. tun' SliTs.. Bert - Bogie, near Nile, who has been to 1,!.5t udent of Goderich Collegiate lusti- tute, left last' week to enter training I as a curse at St. Cathariaes General Hospital.- .She will be one of a class o twenty; some waning from as far a, Nell; .11ranswicli for the training. We wish her -success in her worth- while undertaking. Visitors -with Rev. and Mr.... S. T. Innik are their son, Mr. Stephen C. Dunk, mid their daughters, Miss Mar- garet Dunk mid M rs. Wellington Relyea, Mr. Relyea and their children, Wellington, jr., Garry and Diana„ of Hillsdale, Mich. Mr; and Mrs.B. F. Rice of Detroit are. visiting Mrs. Minnie Jones and sonMclvin._ The latter spent last week iu Detroit. Visitors recently with Mrs. B. J. Crawford were Mr. J. R. MeNal), Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McNah, Miss. Gladys McDonald and two little nieces, of -Lucknow..; Miss Gladys Tomlin and Miss Jean Tallinn, Mr. Geo. MeLeau and Mr. Geo. ThoutpsOil, of London. Bride-to-be Showered.—Miss porothy McGee of Blyth and -.Miss Jean Er- Fingion of concession 6, West Wawa - nosh, gave a BliseellallOollS •6hower at the, home of the latter'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Errington, 011 Monday evening -in honor of Miss Ettabelle Webster. bride-to-be. About fifty guests were present. and a social even- ing was spent. The bride -elect oc- cupied a 'specially' decorated chair near whistli, was a table with a box contain- ing streamers with numbers that led t•J) a trew=nre hunt for the gifts. '• As each gift was found, Ettabelle thanked the sender, and' later gave a short speech- expressing appreciation and ,hoping5her friends would all visit her when Are' is- settled in her new home iu Goderich.- Dainty, refreshments were served at the c1ie o1 the eveu- ing. The. bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. ,Webster of West Wawanosh and is a graduate of Gode- rich ('olegiate ,Institute and also a registered 'name, a graduate of Brant- ford General"'Hospital. Death of Mrs. R. L: Reed. — The death of Mrs, Richard L. Reed, of the Blue, 'W.atta„Ilig-kway near Port Albert, which occurmed 'Afiiktly after noun on Manday, came as 0 :distinct shock to relatives and friends in the counnun- ity. Mrs. Reed had been in her usual health up to a few days before her death, which Is attribated,to 0 severe heart attack. She was forme0y Mary' Cunningham, daughter, of the late Francis Cunningham ana'ESther Ham ilton Cunningham of the Port -Albert district, and was in. he,r seventy-first year. . Her husbandThVe late R. L. passed away two years ago. She is survived by four sisters: •Mrs. Linetta Lane and Mrs. Roy Alton ( Maude). of Lanes ; Mrs„ Jas. Lay - bourne Minnie), of Riverview, and Mrs. Ernest Harinsworth 1,Wiunifred), of Toronto. A.sister, Mrs. Will McLean (Annie) , of Saltford, passed away .about ten years ago. Mrs.- -Heed, who way of a quiet but .friendly _nature, will . be missed by all who knew ber. The funeral took place this (Wednes- day) afternoon; with a private -service at her late hinne, followed by 0 public service at the port Albert I.7nited- church in (iharge of the pastor, Rev. S. T. Dunk. Interment was in Bannon eeinetery. United Church W.M.S.—Mr. B. J. Crawford enterfaimid the United church Women's Missionary Society EVENING'CI4SSES GODERICEI COLLEGIATE. ,INSTITUTE °In order to aseertain local interest 111 Evening ()lasses during the t yin fleet). ()etober 1 to, Mart...la 31 Writtei1 request for ° ettieNesisho'uld- be tiled with the Sevetary by September 20; The Board reserves 'the right ,to otTer Or. rejeet' any course relptestiel. GODERIC 37 - • • ` IGH SCHOOL -DISTRICT BOARD A. R. SCOTT, Secretary. "rmaiss, 411IMPUIPIIM For pictures you1I heworoud_of let u_SI ERARGE yourigvorite KODAK S_NAPSIIOTS The • tion better picture. Bring will make beautiful, rich detail. ;the picture'emphasis ... the finer composi- . possible by cropping ... all help to make an enlargement in your negatives—our skillful operators and inexpensive enlargements for you. ..-400114 HENDERSON'S THE SQUARE 414111111.41. • GODERICH DIZZY DAZE says 0,-.Arozu *ttO-YOU06 titAt4Ihtavewir A RoOM uoiRENT,surni, .9A116117Ek" ligik'V 15 L001010 FoF A 11UStilANCIP; If you're looking i1or a - VACUUM CLEANER for your home you'll find the best ---A HOOVER at BORN 11AECIMBILZ.----A.t Alexandra 1ZostPital, Goderieb, on September 4th, 1847, to' Mr. laid Mrs. Clare F. Baeehler,* Goderieh, a son, Brut WiMani. NICE. -2 -At Port Albert, Ont., on September 9th., 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nice, Port Albert, a daughter, Lida Marie. YOUNG. — At Alexandra Hospital, Goderielt, on September 7th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Young, Goderich. a sou, James Wayne. IN MEMORIAM ALLEN. -1U loving memory of P. 0. Allen, who passed away five years ago', September 12, 1942. Gone from us, but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger While upoii this earth we stay. --Ever ,reinembered by his.,Wife and • Family. _ -37,, ELLIOTT. — In loving aleatory .of Lieut. George Victor Elliott, who was killed in France September 15th, ' 1944. You are gone, dear one, But not forgotten, ;Nor shall you ever be, As long as life and memory last • We shall remember you. —Mother, Sisters, Brothers. 37x meimiry of our dear son„ Rifleman Allen C. Fisher, 43C., 1st Btu. Queen's Own Rifies* of • 00derch Home . .,cantiait, who died id wounds Septeil1 ber Oth,_ 1944, and buried at La Appliance' ShOp .. Chapelle, France. Ile did irot come back R. H. coRmsni, Prop. H O'er the ocean blue. Phone 141 . West St. ;ft) the dear old linine And the roved 'tunes lie knew. Somewhere back of the sunset., MIDGETS TO PLAY AT - Where loveliness never dies, STRATFORD ON FRIDAY He lives in the land of Glory 'mid gold and blue of the •skies, The Lions Midgets i;tarted like —Ever remembered by Mom and 1 Dad. Sister and Brothers.- 37x --. champfbaS in their game with Preston Midgets at ,1gricultural Park on Sat- urday afternoon and with Johnnie Wilson pitching- the score was 8 to 0 up to the end of the tifth innings. In their many kind expressions, of sym-. the sixth innings the Preston. boys Pathy in their bereavement.. They Scored three runs on a wan, a hit and would also acknowledge with grateful - two errors; and in .the seventh. the ness the loan of cars and the floral team seemed to go to pieces, allowing -37 tributes. six runs. They came back in the last half of the seventh•to score two runs; making the count 10-9 'in their favor, but Preston took two more in the eighth. while the local boys were unable to score. The game ended .11110 in favor of Preston. - Fulford relieved the tiring Wilson in the latter part of the game. • Score by innings • R. IL E. Preston ..0 0 0 0 0 3 1) 2 0-11 8 Kenzie, Chicago. • Goderich 0 4 4 0 0 0 2 0 0-10 0 6 Miss Thyra .Elliott has left for Each team has „won one game; and Maple, 1,vhere-she hag' taken a position. ' Misses Catharine and Helen the third and deciding game will be Mac - played at Stratf9-rd.ts:),morrow (FridaY). Kenzie have returned from Northern afternoon at 430. • Ontario, where they . spent their holi- days. : Archie Maclntyre of Winnipeg has been visiting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. D: A. Macrntyre. • He is re, 'The Vic. Elliott 'cup for juniors will turning this'week to be ready for the be played for at 10 a.m,on September, opening of the Medical College at Win - 14th.' Mrs. Elliott will attend at the nipeg on September 15th. Club .house to make the .presentation Mr. and Mrs. Emil, Norgard of to the winner. •Chicago are holidaying at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R.. D. MacDonald. ('ARD OF THANKS THE. RELATIVE,S. OF THE LATE Mrs. Richard L. Reed are sincerely grateful to friends and.'neighbors for comotecotivetiEticf.-*FREQuEtosscllivits otoolumor.* SLYTH CLIFFORD CLINTON • •DRAYToN ELORA EXETER ; 'GODERICH GUELPH' HANOVER' , .:,NARRISTON 340NCARDINE ,p0OtOliNER 4"H•ti5rowei: VoNboN • .IIJ '10MAY, .Ji'!ERTON litNELL N SOUND- itiltLEY PALMERSTON POT ELGIN RIMY et. SOUTHAMPTON sutFoRTH STRATFORD TEESWATER , TAVISTOdK VALKERToN • WINGNAM WOODSTOCK TRAVEL cowers LESS by MOTORWA sliori trip or long trip, jwi're always dollars ahead when pm ride the hitt. roone% red and white MOTORWI,V4 coach(,. .‘(tuall) tlie-co,t i, about 1 :t of operating your own car. lind there's solid tomfort eyer3 et design reclining seats—newest 1)1)4' coafilf:s—and drixf•ti,. cellent (cnneetio)1s ,for eastern, 11" (...t ern and United States points. • • e A GE r SCHEDULE • EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 14 Full Information at Termirutl • LOW ARE FROM GODERICE Single STRATFORD . ... 1.45 LONDON. . ... . 1.90 OWEN SO.U*. ND(via' ........) 3.5 WOODSTOCK 2.30 CLINTON . .45 WINGHAM 1.15 MITCHELL • • 1.10 Ta x Included Goderiell 13.RITIS111 1EXCH ANGIE • Phone 691 .•ASHFIELD ASHFIELD, Sept. 10.—Miss Ann MacLennan has returned to Evanston, 111. She was accompanied by Miss Luella Finlayson, and Mrs. Noble Johnston, who are visiting with their relatives, Mr. • and Mrs. Allan Mac-. GOLF An R.C.A.F. team from 'Clinton will play a Club team in a match commenc- ing at 1 p.m. on September 14th. 'All Club members and their wives are invited to the sergeants' mess at the ' intoa station after this _ineteh, at 5 O'clock. • ‚4 a t her home on Friday ,afternoon. Mrs. Wm. Connell, first 'ice -president; -presided in the absence of Mrs. Melvin Reed, president, Miss Betty . Elliott gave a paper'.on 'Christian stewardship nd Miss Beth McConnell gave a temperance reading. A short season of prayeq- was led by Mrs. M. Shackle- ton and Mrs:, ( Rev.) ,Dunk. Mrs. Dunk introduced the -new study book, "The Bible^ for England." The first chailter• "Great. Is.Is- tile Companr,” was ably .given with. Mrs. Geo. Hodg-es, Mrs.- B 1 ut. Irvin and Mrs. Fogle representing characters in theliar; rat ve. Mrs. John Blake with a- ma.p of the vxorld indicated the countries which t ilu Bible has reached. Mrs. Cecil Make go V e an article on the life , f John Wyel life. M iss Ma rgaret Dunk sang "The Sand S of Time.: Are Sinking.". ' Mrs. ()Ho Popp tend 0 -e-nl psis. of the life of Win. Tyndall, Mrs. Duilk 111 closing the study pro- grAm pleaded for all to lif hP regular study' of the alible • a daily habit. The meeting elosed with at hymn and the benediction. riNIMIENV - • • _ imgmenEgime N I 111,1.evey Pettman • Return 2.ca 3.45 7.20 4.15 .75 2.15' 2.00 1 PIIIONE 6r2 PUNOANNON. 1,NI) SERVICE STATION AT NILE. - Oreaising iltepair,, to all makes of ears. ••White Rose Gasoline and Mot or Oil. Salvage Collection SEPTEMBER 20 Newspapers, Magazines Cardboard and Rags -..s- Householders are asked. to. have their material tied in bundles and placed on boule- vard for collection, S. H. BLAKE, Clerk. • 37-8 YOUR FRIENDLY I.D.A. Drug Stare Once again—our annual "ABC of Drug 'Values." 'Ws time it tops all previous sales for outstanding bargains. Look over the alphabet- ical listing—you'll find produets'at money -saving prices! ANALGESIC BALM — Reg. 25e 19c A A.B.S. & C. TABLETS — 100's ... 17c BORACIC ACID — 16 oz. Reg. 25e 18e pc B BABY'S OWN TABLETS CCOCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO — 4 & 8 oz. 19e, 33e DDODD'S KIDNEY PILLS . •each443ce COMBS — Pocket, Bobby or Curl ,EPSOM SALTS —' 1 Ib. .Reg., 15c ° 9c A.B.C. SPECIAJ.! I.D.A. .BRAND . IDAMALT Old English Style Extract of Malt and COd. Liver Oil 1 lb. Reg. 59e 47c 2 lb. Reg. 98e 79c 4 lb. Reg. L69 133 ..1.7. FFLAXSEED — Whole One Pound 13e FITCII SHAMPOO & Massage Brush Special 89c GGILL1rITE TECH RAZOR & 5 Blades 49c GROVE'S COLD TABLETS 29c,- 49c ur HALIBUT LIVER OIL Caps 100's, 500's 93c, 3.79 11 IDOL -AGAR — 16 & 40 ozs. 54c, 99c A.B.C. SPECIAL! HOT WATER BOTTLE "I.D.A. DEPENDABLE" Guaranteed 3. years—First Quality—Reg. 1,49 99 • . . KKLEEN1OR TOOTH POWDER — Reg. 29e KLEIN-OR ANTISEPTIC —A & 16 oz. 19.e. 57c LLACTOGEN — 1 & 21fi lb. 190, 1.79 LINSEED10 MEAL — 12 oz. i 13e 23c ivr MINERAL OIL — 16 & 40 ozs , 1-7-1: MILK OF MAGNESIA 16 & 32, ozs. 37c, 73e 27c, SPECIAL! :WA X PAPER J.D.A. Heavy Grade 100 foot roll. — 23c Al NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM — -93c Jar for .. .,.. 65c L' NI1 EA CREME541e,1.00 PPAROWAX — 1 lb. , . 14e. . ROBINSON'S BARLEY — 1 lb, 37c SSUPER JUMBO STATIONERY 2-- Reg. 27c ,....... 17c SYRUP of FIGS & SENNA — Reg., 25c 18c .91 TOOTH BRUSHES "Lustral" Reg. 25r 19e'' 1- VITAMIN BL TABLETS — 100's, 300's- 29c, 63c 111 WRITING PADS "Brownie" Reg. 9r • 'lc ZAM-Rf9INTIVIENT ,, 47e CAMPBELL'S Phone 90 Goderich -..m... . CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS 1• i JACKSON4& SON L. ‘ ° Our store. will. be closed Mo'nday, Tuesday and Wednesday ' Septernber, 15; 16 and 17 • :1 VACATION TIME JS OVER - • The re -arranging and adding new furnishings is in motion agaih. BEDROOM ,S1LJITE HEADLINERS Nummonsuommt., WHY WORRY? '1('uu you can trot the bPSst iri lire, ant o or geiwi'al 11(.4. from R. T. KILrATRICK R.R. 7, LUCKNOW • .1, Phone 77R2, Dungannon • .4"0""1"1"001100"3 0 • ,11 11, 11 • ,„ • 1 • SHORE & GINN ELECTRIC Electric Wiring and Repairs 37 West St., Phone- 674—or above Ag iew-urpahis Store,, phone 1199. -32tf MAPLE SUITE—KRUGSHPlate „Mir: rors, Vanity, Bench, Dresser, Chest of Dirawers, Night Table, fulbsize bed. $215.00 MAPLE' SUITE — IMPERIAL RAT- TAN—Plate Mirror, Vanity, Bench, Chest of Drawers, full size bed. . $195.00 • WALNUT SUITE—Pilate mirrors, Van- ity, Bench, Chest of Drawers, full size • bed •$180.00 WALNUT SUITE—Fronts are in butt and sliced quartered walnut—Plate Mirrors, Vaiiity, Bench, Chest of ' Drawers—A combination. walnut suite $195.00 WALNUT SUITE—Plate Mirrors, Van- ity, Bench, Chest of Drawers, Night Table,- 4/6 bed• . 4180.00 WALNUT SUITE—?late Mfrrors,, Vah- ' ity, Bench, Chest of Drawers, full size bed $152.50 WALNUT FINISH SUITE▪ —Plate Mir- . , ror, Dresger, Chest of 'Drawers, full size bed SPECIAL WALNUT SUITE—used, in file shape —Antique design, Vanity, Large Plate • Mirror, Chest of ,iraWers, full size becl-L-Combi tion Walnut ..... 411,0.00 $95.09 BLACKSTONE'S 1,, FURNITURE . ON THE BROADWAY ,OF • CODERICH • PkORNITURE, miaTracAL APPLIANCES ,k6 • • PHONE, 2403 1 •.2