HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-09-04, Page 8I',g4x d MGM • THE GODERICH I THURSDAY, SEk''TEi II E ST. GEORGE,'S CHURCH SUNDAY, Sk':IzTTMI1 ER 7th, 1947 14.06 a.m. SeNDA.Y SCHOOL. 111.90 ib,u,u. HOLY CO 2ML'N1.ON AND, SEMON. 7.I1.+ll p.na. EQ'':.'�1iI':SG 1'II1AlER. REV. M. B. PARKER R OF LONDON *AT ALL SERVICES. 8.39 olg, Cennnannatniun withdrawn for September. BEV. BEVERLY . FARB,. BA.. L.Th., inoroK. AN1ID)lalEb,'ICON---Organist and Choirmaster. North fit. United Church 11 a.lfi:' MORNING WORSHIP. Nursery, Primary Class and Sunday Sehool. "THE,-FA1TII OF OUR FATHERS." 1 Their Belief in God. EVENING WORSHIP. - t 7 "MEN p.m. �' MEN OF OUR FAITH." 1. He Who Was More Than Conqueror. REV. C. WESLEY COPE, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mrs. Murray Hetherington, Organist and Choir Leader. Knox Presbyterian Church., 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11a':m. JUNIOR 'CONGREGATION 11 arm• — • PUBLIC WORSHIP. — 7 p.m: Services Conducted by ..REV. JOHN FLECK, OF LONDON. MINISTER --R.1 ,VEREND RICHARD STEWART Director of Praise—Mr. William Wickett, A.T.C.M. Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of 'Holiness. Victoria St. United Church Minister—Rev, Lawrence ,11. Turner, B.A. Organist and Choir Director—=Miss Mary' Joyce Strachan. 10.00 a.m. SABBATH SCHOOL. _11.00 a.in. THE MINISTER: 7.00 p.m. THE MINISTER. . 9.45 a.m. UNION CHURCH. Rite of Infant Baptism dispensed at morning worship. VICTORIA WELCOMES YOU. WALVATIQN ARMY SMVES 9TH YOUNG ANP 0741P, 'I'ORUNTO. Aug. 3o.—which is more important, the citizen of tomorrow or the eitizell of yesterday'; "Both are,. equally important to the . Salvation Algibazine renewals are liondled Army," declares . ('otumis' inner i7Chas.- speedily and efficiently by Miss Mary Bough, Territorial Commander fur ('alt- 13. Howell, phone 213W, or Mrs. IismatY ads, "because bunt are human elements 1 McLean. Why deal with strangers Which nt•etl Iu1derstaudlmg and. guid- when the ttforementioued local agents ante and .often requite institutional can handle all your requirements? care." Aloncelr.. ('hapter, I,U.D.E., will hold Economically, perhaps, t-itiscus of the regular monthly Meeting Monday,' tomorrow are most tleet•viug of alteu- t Septetuber 'tli, at, 3 p.m., at MacKay 11a11. Central Home and School Associa- tion will sleet Tuesday, September 9. All parents are urged? to attend. Mr. 1'tatbrs .will discuss the fall recreation Caltititian,- says the 1 Lunlls.lontu.'. l,rugraui. • • a In its thirty-one maternity ,Ind 1t eiv. harvest Hume service will be held at the Anglican church, Dungannon, on Sunday, . Septembers 7 tli, tit 7.30 p.m. Rev. R. A. J osely u will preach and the Port Albert choir will assist. Maple Leaf Chapter, 1.U.D.E.. meets on- Friday, September, 12th, lit 3 'p.m.,, in MacKay Hall. All members urged to attend. -35 "Walk a block or walk a mile, Lloyd's ' for your feet w bring a smile." Lloyd's Corn- Sal 50c at Campbell's and. Emerson's drug stores.. the -36 often need goes' farther. Prutee- � .- tion and congenial accommodation are necessary, and. itt sixteeIl. Sunset Lodges and 'Eventide Homes o1erated by the Army over S00 aged people find haven., .' To care fur Cauuda's'citizens of to- morrow and yesterday, as well as the host of today's citizens who gleed help, the Salyut ion Anay 's na1halal Red Shield appeal for $1.000,000 will begin across Canada, on Monday, September lit. -The Salvation Army feels certain that the public of Canada, and the hundreds of willing workers who every year give liberally of their tinge, will assure the success of the appeal," •Colunaissioner Baugh declared. -Goderich Baptist Church THE PASTOR IN CHARGE • VACATION aOVER -- BACK HOME — NOW IN CHURCH AT, 10.(10 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL. Classes for ALL: 11.00 a.m. "IN the GARDEN" -COMMUNION SERVICE.. ° Let's make it EVERY MEMBER present. 7.00 p.m. "A SPIRITUL LEADERSHIP." PASTOR—REV. G. W. H. MEDLEY. Organist and Choir header—MRS. ELLA I. DONALDSON. Brie's ra For Results -A C1assMei A►d '4 FOR Sli.lii' tion. Among theta will be more than 1600 thildretl of unfn.trried mot tiers .cased for lust year by the Sal% a ion Army. They deserve all elle rights and privileges implied by the ti'.•lii 'a burn hip homes 1Itt Artily seeks to provide sale • surrutindiltgs to ensure a good start in life, free from stigma. Citizens of yesterday, however, make equal chin' upon t he Army's "human touch and understanding heart," the Comiuissioiter states. He says that aged men and women, -having made their 'contributions to the social and' economic life of the kation, also de- serve consideration. Increase of old - age pensions is a step in the right direction, the Commissioner feels,.but The Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and Park Streets 10.00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 a.m.- DEVOTIONAL SERVICE.. 7.00 p.m. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. ALL ARE WELCOME.. REV. R. C. McCALLUM, Pastor. BETHEL TABERNACLE . (Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada) REV. J. A. PEARSON, Pastor " 10 a,m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. 1I a.m. MORNING DEVOTIONAL SERVICE. '7.30 .p.m. GOSPEL ':MEETING. The Pastor .will preach at both services. Tuesday 8 p.m. Young People's-. A HEARTY .WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT "BETHEL." THE SALVATION ARMY WATERLOO and LIGHTHOUSE STREETS 62nd ANNIVERSARY . SERVICES SATURDAY: and SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th and 14th MAJOR • AND MRS. D. FORD condutting the services accompanied' by the S. A. London Citadel Band. Keep • these- services in mind and watch for further announcements. BORN CIIUItC1I.—At Norfolk Llieral Hos- pital. Simcoe, on August 30th, 1947, to Mr. and -Mrs._ W. _:L_Church (nee Geraldine Saiuiders), Waterford, Ontario, a daughter, Susan Janet. FAULKNER.—At Alexandra Hospital, on September 1st, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Faulkner, of Gode,ricli, a son, David \William. AUCTION PSAL' E A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD -EFFECTS in town of Godericl}, •at 11 Elgin -ave., on v SATURDAY, SJ TEMBER (ith jos at 12.30 p.Ytt. D.S.T. Beach electric range; Ke1Vinator ; kitchen cabinet ; kitchen steps.; sanibo; kitchen tattle and chairs; Duncan Phife walnut table; 6 dining -room chairs.; dinner wagon ; walnut writing desk and book case ; anger electric sewing machine, table model .(like new) ; bevelled mirror 18 x 36; . sewing cabinet ; 3 -piece chesterfield suite mahogany- needlepoint corner chair; 2 occasional chairs; end table; walnut gateleg table; round black walnut table; magazine- rack'; -5 water colors by M. Geoff and other. paintings; wal- nut wall whatnot ; walnut knee • hole desk • and chair,;.'"2- large easy chairs; General Electric radio; five -piece brass fender and irons; 3 fio'or lamps; pair of. crystal mantel -lamps; verandah furniture, etc.-; 2 table lamps; health lamp; dresser lamp electrico heater; 1 pair wall lamps ;. studio - couch ;`y oil. paintings; reed sunroom- furniture; needlepoint foot stool ; French gilt • mantel clock; walnut dresser; dress- ing table and- bench; walnut finished twin beds, 'springs; spring mattresses; number bedroom .chairs; 2 bedside tables; 3 -piece walnut• bedroom suite; springs and staring -filled mattress; pillows and bedding ; :.'. chests of drawers ; hall tree ; Airway vacuum sweeper, complete ; window' seat ; scat- ter mats; curtains and drapes ; 2 rugs, t;1/_,• x 9; cedar -lined blanket box; fernery ; stepladder; garden tools; carpenter tools ; lawn mower : lawn hose ; :3 • venetian verandah blinds; Beatty - :111 enamel electric washing machine ; camp stove ; gal. thermos:, electric iron and toaster ; - kitchen clock; fruit• jars-; 100 jars of good fruit ; crocks'; -complete S=piece dinner set ; large quantity .of other dishes; full line of kitchen utensils ; chester- field and chair t gateleg table; Chinese corner cabinet.; carved oak Windsor chair: Wilton rug 9 x 10; vanity dresser and bench; -mall chest of drawers: 4 -ft. Sed . and springs; 2 - burner rangette . • ` TERMS—CASH. MRS. E.. D. BROWN, Proprietress. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. DIED a ,; TICITI3ORN E.—At Queen. Elizabeth Hospital, Torouto, August 11, 19.47, Victor M. Tichborne, native of Gode- rich township, beloved husband of the late Beatrice' Young; survived by his sister, Miss Lena Tichborne, and his; two sons, Roger of Port Credit and Deli•ert of Toronto. Interment at - ' Fairview cemetery, Niagara Falls, Thursday, August 14. - IN MEMORIAM GLENN:—in loviii'g memory of John (Jack) Goldie Lu -Allan Glenn, Dun- gannon, who passed away September 4th, 1942. • His memory is as dear today - As itr the hour he passed away ; And while he lies in peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep. • —Sadly' missed. by Father, \Pother, Sisters and Brothers. 39x McKEN ZIE.—In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Jennie Mc- Kenzie, who passed away August 31st, 1939. - Our hearts :still ache with sadness, ()ur eyes shed many Na tear; God, alone knows heti we miss you . As this ends another sad year. • —Sadly remembered by Husband and Daughter Jetta. - -36 HARWOOD.—In loving memory of a dearly • loved daughter ant' sister, Mrs. Gordon Harwood, who passed away on September 5th, •1946. Her last words we should like to have heard. 35 -6 - And breathed in her ear. one parting -L�('TION SALE OF PROPERTY Only those word; •w ho have lost are able to' ri in., the village of Auburn, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER FOR SALE. — FRAME .11OUS1G,, seven rooms, cony enieuees and basement, on Wilson street; soya rates paid. Also new Live -room stucco house with basement, -practically completed on William and Cayley streets; sewer pain. Immediate possession, 24 Wil- liam street, stinriiiim entrance. ' 27'tr FOR SALE --SAVE FUEL: ENJOY slimmer comforts: With rock wool insulation in your home, Free estim- ates given. Phone .553J Uodt;rich, or 73J Clinton, -29-36 FOR SALE.—HOUSE FOR SALE; possession August 1st; on Britan- nia road. - Apply 75 East -street. - 301f • FOR SALE. — GLADI.OLI (MID- " - summer special) , gorgeous blooms in wide range of mixed colors. 75c per dozen. Also other °seasonal garden flowers. MRS. L. R. HOLMAN, Cam- eron street, phone 722. 34tf '.a FOR SALE—TWO-STORY SOLID brick house; seven rooms ,anti bath, toilet on both Boors; garage; large lot. Ideal location in Goderich; a most desirable property. Write BOX 72, SI•GNeAL-STAR. • 34tf FOR SALE.—FARM, 165 ACRID, ON Baytield concession, Goderich town ship. Good barns,; Hydro installed. Maple'and cedar bush; on County road and milk route. IInhediate possession. Apply G. T. FLEW'"ITT, R.H." 3, Sea - forth. Phone 614 r 11, Clin$on. . 35-6-7x FOIL SALE. — BLUE B L Q O 1) Cocker Spaniel • pups., Registered at Ottawa. Blondes and blacks. Ap- ply C. W. WORSELL, Keays, street, Goderich. -35 viaminuo LISTINGS 011P ir'ito. PERTY for sale. 11;'lione IIIAL- COLl1 AIATHERS, Insurance and Real. Estate Broker, 115W. - 7tf WANTEV TO BUY.,----OLDHORSES and dead animals, suitable for mink feed., If dead, phone at once. Phone eullect JACK-GILBERT, 936 r 21 or Ia'1RED GILBERT, phone 936 r 32, Goderich. - -2ihtf `?)'ANTED. — GIRL TO ASSIST with general housework who will live in. Apply AIRS. KEITH HOI'- K1NSON, 9 Nelson street. Phone 495. -35 FOR SALE. — PAIR,, OF ,RAYON b'roettde archway 'Curtains - double, green and wine; also window drapes to match, floor length; electrolux (pre- war) in excellent condition, Apply BOX 78, SIGNAL -STAR. • -36 F'OR $ ALE. -200 PULLET$, LAY- ING ; one hog, 15 months old. AL- BERT RIEHL, Saltford Ileithts. 36x tell The grief in not •being allowed farewell —Sadly missed by Mother, and Brother. to. say Sister, 36x GODERICII - ToWNSIYI ..� Kitchener 'visited last- week with Mr. J Lassatline. . GODERICH TOWNSHI?, Sept. 3.— Miss Doreen Orr has returned home after spending the month of August in Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. L. Blazer. Mr. 'and Mrs. David Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson of Windsor visited with relatives here over the holiday. . Messrs. Graham Johnston, Gordon Johnston and Victor Falconer motored to the West, lash week and are at, present helping with the harvest there. Mrs. • Frank Wright and daughter Eleanore of Iiippeij, visited last week with Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mr ., Oe0, Mcllwain. ?4i ,rthemise Lassaline left last Saturday f 1r Virginiatown in Northern '(Ontario, where. she will; teach this Year. . - Mrd. B. Graham is Visiting this week at the home of Mr. aged Mrs. Gordon Orr. MISS Pauline Lassaiife left on doted ',day for London, where, sbe will attend L7Cl cool. - . Mr. and M'ri . 1o1na Dietrich' of l3uierson'is drug store.: Dramatic Club.—The. Dramatic Club entertained about one hundred ladies at ' an afternoon tea iatst Wednesday. The event was held on the lawn at the' home of Mrs. Gerald Orr. A good time was reported by all. W.M.S. Meets.—The August meetin of the W.M.S. was held at the home of -Mrs. Wm.' Porter. 'Mrs. Victor Falconer was in charge of Ole de- votional period. The theme of the meeting was ."The Nations Get To- gether." The. pamphlet which had been especially written for this meet• ing was studied. This. dealt with - some phases of the U.N.O. and under- lined Canada's important role in the organization. It also suggested ways in which the individual can strengthen the peace machinery.' .The president, Mrs. 'Gerald Orr, Vias in charge of the business period. M the close of the meeting, the hostess served refresh- montal. TENDERS WANTED. - AVAILABLE AT ONCE. — RAW- LEIGII district of 1590 families. Only reliable hustlers need apply. Good profits to willing workers. No experience required to start. Write today. ItAW'LEIGH'S, Dept. ML -1-216 Montreal. -36-7-8-9 WANTED.—AIIt FORCE COUPLE desire three- or four -room un - ,furnished apartment. Phone Goderieh 933 r 13. 36x FOR SALE.—FOUR-BURNER MOF - FAT range. Apply '12 Cameron street or phone 884M. -36 volt SALE.—COTTAGE ON WAR- REN street. Immediate posses- sien. Apply J. A. NIVI; S, tailor, East street. 36-7x FOR SALE. —;AN ATTRACTIVE dinette suite in natural finish, trinimecl with browii. This suite is as good as new, -used only live months, and is priced reasonably. Corner Bay- field road and Baldwin street, or phone 203.1.. -36 Sth, at„ 7.30 p.m. Six -room modern bungalow, garage and garden. TERMS -205) down, balance in 30 days. Immediate possession. ARTHUR C. CLARK, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, 35-6- . . Auctioneer. SEALED, TENDERS ADDRESSED . to the undersigned' and endorsed. PoETender for Breaks ater Repairs, lgin, Ontario," "will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T:) , Wednesday, September 17, 1947, for breakwater repairs at Port Elgin, Bruce County,, Ontario. Plans, form of -contract and specific- ation can be seen and form of tender obtained . at the office of the Chief Engineer, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, at tl}e offsite of the District Engineer; Dominion Public Building, J$)ndon, Ontario, and at the Post Office at Port Elgin, Ontario. Note: Upon application.to the, under- signed, the Department will supply blue -prints and specification of the work on deposit of a sum of $20.00 site the form of a certified bank cheque payable to the order ref the Minister of Public Works. The -deposit will be released on the return of the blue- pri•nts •and specification within a' month from ,the. date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will be- forfeited. • Tenders will not be considered un - lops legs made on printed forms. plig1 by the I)epartmen% and in accordance with conditions set' forth therein. • Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works. equal to ,10 per eent. of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion' of Canada or of the Canadian' National Railway Company and its constituent eomilanies, uneon- ditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of. Can- ada, or the aforementioned• bonds and a •certified cheque if required to make up an' odd amount. By order, Nervous, rundown InefI need VIGOII.INE-tile "p'ep" tonic, for tilVt% vitality. 15 -clary treatment $1,00. At 6.7-&9 01, Hamilton, Ozlt. . WANTED. ,*-- TWO • GIRL boarders for private home.' Ap- ply TIIE SIGNAL -STAR. -36 WANTED.—LA1'N'DRI:SS AND UP- STAIRS girl. Apply MRS. I'ELLOW, British Exchange Hotel. -36 WANTED. — BOARDERS AT RE- FINED home. (10 Elgin Ave. West.. _ MRS. DONALpSON. - - 36x NOTICE Culbert's , fakery a o The ,ltaDme of Tasty Pastry,:'. Week -end Special EVIL'S FUDGE 0 -ASE 35c each Itt� A➢1 Orders of $1.00 or more delivered. PHONE 465 MEL. C,L'LBERT, Prop, TO REN'i TO RENT.--FURNISI11•.D R.001114 suitable for light housek1eping, downstairs. Apply 54 Anglesea street. -36 VMS ;WS' LOST. ---UN MONDAY, AT THE gratpdstauid at Agricultural Park, a red crocheted knitting -bag, contain- ing knitting and wool. Finder please leave at SIGNAL -STAR OFFICIO., -36 .LA STRAY.--LAR(E COLLIE DOG, dark, with white feet, collar, nose and tip of tail, Owner may- have same-' by. paying ad., etc. WARNER, Baytield, -36 LOST.—GREY AND ,COLD PARKER . "51" peri. Finder kindly return to $I•(-1NAL-STAR OFFICE. Reward. •: 36x J)UBLIC NOTICE. • The Lucknow District Co-operative, Ine., have at tine ,supply of fertilizer material on hand and will be mixing in their new plant in railrfiad yards in Lucknow. The,y are etluipped with large new nfnc•hiner•.y' to turn out the mixed article much more quickly than formerly. . They will mix the usual. 'grades as well as the 2-12-6 without filler for sowing with the ordinary . seed drills. All fertilizer will be delivered. JNO. JAMIESON, Mgr. 35-6- R. J'. BOAK, Secretary. • FOR SALE.—'34 P(NTIAC SEDAN; real clean inside and out. 4 Regent street. - ' -36 FOR SALE. — - ONE FERTILIZER disc drill, 13 hoe. WARNER Mc- INTYRE, R.R. 1, fort Albert. 36-7x F OR SALE. — PUREBRED HERE- FORD bulls, registered and from fully accredited herd.• J. A. SULLY, -Bayfield road,. Goderich.. .i(5. FOR SALE. — LIBRARY TABLE,. fumed oak; dining -room suite, with 6 chairs, oak ; oak china cabinet. Phone 286. • - -36 • FOR SALE. —' ELECTRIC COCA Cola Cooler in excellent working order. MANNING REFRIGERATION SERVICE, phone 1098. • -36 FOR SALE. -1928 CI-IEV. COACH. Apply 6 Albert street. _ 36x FOR SALE.—WHEEL CHAIR. 42 Britannia road. •36x At;CTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS at lot 8, concession 10, Colborne Town- ship, on FRIDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 12th at 2 p.m. 1 horse, 7 years old ; 1 Frost & Wooi binder; 1 McCormick mower; 1 \ assey-Harris horserake ; 1 disc harrow; 1 Massey -Harris fertilizer drill; 2 walking plows; 1 cultivator; 1 riding plow; 1 truck wagon; 1 hay- rack ; 1 steel roller; 1 fanning mill; 1 set scales'; about 400 bushels oats, 1 cream separator; hay fork, rope and, pulley ; set of -team harness; .forks, shovels, and other thing too numerous to mention. ' TERMS --On farm, made known day Of sale: ('hattels—cash. • (CEO. ^ASHTON, Proprietor. MATT. GAYNOR, $6x - Auctioneer. NOTICE. I buy rags, feather ticks, and used furniture. Sewing machine repairs and supplies. C. WOODS, 12 East street. Phone 242J. • 21ti LOST.-I'AIIi` OF LADY'S PLASTIC rinilnrd glasses, bifocal. Finder please plume 124. - 36x • OTICE.. "DOMINIONCHINCHIT.TAS" The latest fur -bearing animal to be succe-ssfully raised in .eaptivity, the genuine SoUth American Chinchilla, producer of the world's most -luxurious fur, may be seen at the Huron and Bruce Chinchilla Ranch, Winghap, • Ont. These animals are under the • care . of Mr. H. E. Wells. Learn how these ,animals may provide a living and a hobby for you - in the years to come. Visits to the ranch are best made on week -day evenings or"atiy time during the week -ends, andare free of obligation. 25tf BEATTY IRONER FOR ATTACH- ING to washer; electric stove, ' large type, cheap; twin outboard motor, $50; chesterfield and two,, chairs, $35; CJnebec stove with • oven. Many other articles. C. WOODS, Secondhand Store, 12 East street. FOR SALE. — FIVE. ACRES OF standing corn (Hybrid Cob) , suit- able for° ensilage. Must be removed by September 25th. Apply. HARRY T.- WILLIAMS, R.R. 4, Goderich. Phone 13-05, Carlow. 36-7x FOR - SALE. — Al - TOMATOES. Fresh from the vine to. you. JACKSONS FLORISTS, 49 -'Bruce street. Phone 105. -36tf AT:CTION ,$ALE OF PROPERTY AND IIOT'SEIIOLD EFFECTS in the village of Auburn, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1947 at 1 p.m.• PROPERTY ..--- 11/2 -story 7 -room frame house on the main street of Aulntrns hydro and good wafter sup- ply' also two large lots. Immediatee possession. IIO1'SEHOLD EFFECTS - Three - burner coal -011 stove and oven heater: Quebec cook stove; couch; number of mirrors; Raymond drophead 'sewing machine : glass cupboard, kitchen cabinet (like new), kitchen chairs and table, mats. small tables, oak library table, davenport, rockers, occasional chairs, two ehests of drawers, walnut finish; bed springs and mattress (like new) ; washstands, fern stand, quilt. bosses, trunk, dayhetl, lawn mowers, garden tools, quantity dishes, 'kitchen utensils, .quantity of wood. TERM—CHATTELS--(:ASH. ON PROPERTY -----10 per cent. down ; balance' in 30 clays. Will be sold sub - pet to a reserve bid. . ESTATE OPp LATE ELIZABETH NICIIOLSON. BLMA itit7'I'CII, rE7tecntrix. nAYS, I .C., Solieitor for Estate. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. R. P. C7$1i;SNI:Y, Clerk. 3. M. SOMERVILLE, • S .(.r ..tar . .e e y Department of )Public Works, - • Ottawa, August 21,3f)47.. —. , —35-6' Hygienic supple i r9bber goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed- en. 'relope with price list. Six samples 25e; 24 sa t pies $1.00. Hail Order Dept. '-53, NOV-RUM= 'CO., not .143 3,0- R '�SA'eLE. — KEI.VINATOR RE- FRIGERATOR. Write BOX- 79,_ SIGNAL -STAR. -36 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the• Estate ;of Thomas Kelly, late of Goderich, retired. farmer, 'deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the said deceased are required :.to file them with the undersigned on or before -September 30, 1947, after which elate such estate will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. Dated September 2nd, 1947. LOFTUS E. DANCEY, 36-39P Solicitor for Administratrix. s� t I'I t 1► b• PALL - PAIRS OF DISTRICT , Harvey - Pettman GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION AT NILE. Greasing Repairs to all makes of cars. White Rose Gasoline and Motor Oil. PHONE 6r2 DUNGANNON. > • 35-8x • TREASURER'S SALE Q LAND- FOR AN»h'OR ,,TAXES Town --of Goderich—County of Huron To Wit : •• By Virtue of a warrant issued by. the Mayor of the TOwIs of Goderich bearing date- the 28•th day - of May, 1947, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the 'Town of-. Goderieh will be -held- at the Council Cham'l)ers, Goderich, at the hour 'of.„43 o'clock .in the afternoon on the sixth day of October," 1947; unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that,_.the' Fist of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario - Gazette on the 5111• day of July, 4947, and that copies..of'-tbe said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's.. Office, this 15th day of July, 1947; Chesley - Sept. 5-6 Blyth ... Sept. le -11 Hanover • Sept. 10-11 Ripley Sept. 11-12 ;New 'Hamburg Sept. 12-13 Stratford Sept. 15-17 CliffordSept. 16-17 Parkhill 4.n, Sept. 17 Exeter Listowel Forest Kincardine Sept. 18-19 Sept.Seaforth 19-20 Mildmay ,.... Se. 22-23 Lucknow . Sept. 23-24 Mitchell" 1 Sept. 23-24 Tiverton Sept. 23-24 Kirkton . Sept. 24-25 Hdrriston • Sept. 25-26 Dungannon b Sept. 26 Atwood Sept. 26-27 Zurich Sept. 29-30 St. Marys ...:sept. 30 -Oct. 1 Teeswater Sept. 30-Oet. 1 Palmerston oet. 1-2 Brilssels .. Oet. 2-:3 (lorrie Oct. 3-4 hayfield 1 p.4 Oct. 7-8 a; Sef f. 17-18 Sept. 17-18 Sept. 18-19 4140444.4.4444.444,44 Safety Deposit Boxes Contents can be insured at a very low premium. - SEE `' • H. M. FORD Get Insured — Stay Insured—, Rest Assured. North . St. TeL 268w 29-40-' • L L C. S. H. BLAKE, Treasurer. TIRES FIRST LINE 16 500119 600 4 PLY $16.95 11.75 (Not seconds) ALL OTHER SIZES IN STOCK AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES. Frank A. Gallow Phone 599. - 14 North St. 1PICTURES For Wedding . Gifts, . Showers & Birthdays. _ Beautiful .Flowers and Landscapes. Framed in Ivory and Gold. ''Nothing .gives such lasting pleas- ure as a Good Picture. `1 SMITH'S .ART AND GIFT STORE * . . East St, -' Phone 198 sir's better and CHEAP ER to. prevent trouble than to correct jt 4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE WILL KEEP YOUR CARR, FIT a+ It's' costly to wait till you must have your car i epaired. It far better -to give regular attention to keep it in good ning condition. . pecial'ists in Preventive Maintenance Gardner Motor Sales Phone 234 Goderich r .t 44,