HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1885-11-12, Page 5Tnder tit allows 1 •>rlllr#HTFVL CONDEMNATION 41* A MO1UER In HER soli ---WHAT DOZE IT 'MEAN ? Not long ago a weeping mother ;dolled to bid good bye to her only eon who war soon to be executed. interedting Items. !lave you sick, headache, a foul tongue, or are you Bilioao i If so get we 1 by us- ing Dr, Careon'e Bitters. Mr. Robert Hooper, of Kinloss, county o'i Bruce, in a letter, says:'+I have been troubled with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaints for a number of years, and am glad to say to the public as well as my friends that McGregor's Speedy Cure brought me around; and I ant The September make of cheeps from the Winthrop fantory wee ship- ped the other day. The small cheese was .sold for 10 cents a pound, and the large let 9 dente a pound. This is considered s gond prioe. Rid yourself of that vile Cattarh. Guar anteed Cure. Dr. Carson's Catarrh Cure "wogpan." he wheeled in a Ino- now all right, thanks to MoGregor's Speedy $1.00, If your Druggist has not got it send rnentary frenzy, "Woman, 1 would Curo. Hundreds of like testimonials are he- 91.00 to Dr. G. A. Carson Medical Co„ To. "never have been here had you done quently received, an are daily proving that routo, who will send a bottle ezprese paid. ' th'a Is truly a wonderful remedyouring thug- Send for pamphlet,'our duty by No wheaIwayoung!' gists Liver, Bilious Headache and Costiveness Ali Anderson (oo. Perth) eon. e - This was a terrible parting I It horrified the spectators, it nearly crazed the oon8Oiour'etrilfen mother. One oan roarorly overeatimste the mother'e influence in the moulding of the character of her offspring. But how often, oh, how often, do mothers seem to ignore Ibis respoeai- bill ly ! During a repeat trip on the rail the writer made the acquaintance of Dr. J'. Benedict, of Saekett's Harbor, N. X., a person who has made a study of human development. Referring fo SHon t pats VITALIZER isAwe at you nee Dizzi- to the murderous tendency of times, ness, and all symptomsof Dyspepsia. Pride ire asktod that eminent peau if the mit- U and 76 eeuts per bottle. Sold by J. W. where all else fails. ,Sold at Dr. Browning's Drug Store. Trial bottles given free. 4 The National Conference of free traders and revenue Reformers called by the Am- erican Free Trade League met at Chicago yesterday, -A. OARD.. denten correspondent to describe I Furniture, Coffins, Caskets, inaseretions or youth, nervous weakness, the adventure of "two young men of early decay, loss of Manhood, d;c, x wilt send a „ receipe that wiccureyou, _PENH0 i CHARGE. this neighb"11°°d. He starts out This great remedy was discovered by a mis- with the aseertioll that they were on 8iouary in South America. Sunda self -ad- "Centre Sideroad," and winds up dressed envefooe to Rav, Josr•:rer T. Inman with the atlnounceWeut that ail/ Statimn.a ,ttrewlprkC were driving a "colt" and by making some abusive remarks eoneerniug the parties themselves. Now, the raiser. able twaddle which from walek t+ extremely low prices. week he ends for lltlblicttlori would 1 Earnests of ALI, Tirr. DIFFERENT SOCZETLEF. not be worthy of a passing notice 1 --`- were it not for the fool of 1„a being untruthful, but he ie well known to b 1 To all who are suffering from the terrors and epondent nudges the person who wrote the item in last week's Trues, oouoerning the runaway,in tate follow. iug style:—In looking over your issue Wiest week we were somewhat 1 OF— amused at tate attempt of your Au. ' wA FULL STOOK OF C. 8c S. GIDLEY, UNDERTAKERS I Furniture Manu facure FARMERS, THRESHERS & MILL MEN —USE ONLX rs Mc CULL' S WINTER LARDINE FOR TOUR IIIACEINES DURING WINTER WEATEIER REMAINS LIMPID IN COLD WJATRER Try MoCOLL'S SUNLIGHT COAL CIL andFA'HtLY SAFETY (American w, w,)01L. FOE SALE BY ALL DEALERS. look wa+t not dteQouagiag "It looks so," he said, ""but 1 fauoy we have a cause and a remedy for such: evils. In my professional career I hove found tzy bard study that we fall m abler aetrou, dire acid iu excess is have emerged from savagery by de, thrown into the blood, causing itheamatjem and other painful conditions of blood poison• 13rownitig. The auti•Cilineee !Movement for the ex- pulsion of the Ciiinese is rapidly spread- ing to the town on the Pacific coast. Uric Acid.-..Nhen the Liver and Kidneys velopooloutitf the nervous system and tate inttur a life, and we re- turn to savt as we ignore the fact that without the solid, trustworthy ueryoue system, we Cannot hope to save the race. Boys stuff dime novels' and the pistol is to theist the only respectably glorious instrument to secure fame. women road trashy literature and etraif;hway try to Mur- der their husbands and frieda by poi - eon. Liusineso wen yield to the tempter, and forge, and steal and l dance. La not are misled. Take only ;t Tai -..... default. Ministers, charmed by Ciregur d: Parke'sCarbolic Cerate, Sold et,Dr.' CATARRH—A NEW TREATMENT Brownin s store. k • beauty, forget the behests of coned- g' drug cru. P+Ir:iupsthe tunstoxtraor,tivary sncceFhthut once. On every aide we sea the SUi1 1J'S (ODU. I and t onanmptjon has batt, aclrfeved in modern medicine bee weakness of personal integrity." Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cares I seen attainetiby the Dixon treatment for ca. 4oneuulptiou. Sat by J. W. liroweing, tarrlr, Oat of 3,Wu patients treated clueing the „Do you regard it l 5 a dxaeaao P" ' Iiuglt utuitey, sen of ,Toho Smile, , 9t. Leen eared of t]iifully ninety i ru malady. aI. a i More especially as the result of Thomas, a couttuctur on thu Iron .11oautaiu disease whioh, however, clay be pre- Southern ltnftcoa i, was killed on \Ivu- vanted." day at Desoto, uo "Please define how." PLEURISY AND LUNf1 FEVER. Inflammation of the Lunge, or the pleura "I cannot now eater into details. 'covoring them, is the result of suddeu colds. Our people aaa see their bodies, Ilagyard'a'e'etoral Balsam relieves the ease their Monti, their bonds. They stater chest, looiuns and aures the cough and difficult breathingtun' allays all irritation saw their nerves arm consequently many arising from wide', Robert Stalford, pork merchant, Queen street, Toronto, We mysteriously disap- peared. Liabilities 92,010, iug.. tau may pure time condition by a prompt recta to the purifying, regulating remedy Burdock Blood Bitters. William N, Carpenter, viae President of the Peniueuler Stove Company, Detroit, was thrown from a buggy ou i,'uesilay afternoon and Bled from the results. UNKNOWN. The virtue of Carbolic Acid for healing, cleansing and purifying is well known ; but from the many modesci1applying it, the pub - Reis uneortai, how beat to use it, To meet that want, McGregor A: Parku'e Carbolie Cer. And everything in the above line, to meet immediate wants. We have one of the very best Hearses in the County, And P n:terals furnished and condueted at o no ditch or for truth. Ile ie a finliliar object around "the camera," land is remarkable for nothing eroepr ata a complete failure. Ilia igooranee almost beyond bounds, and le equalled on:y by the vacanoy above his shirt oollar, We will express the !tope that when he ,text ankles forth in quest of news item (presuming of course that lie will contiutlo to sub- scribe, beoa11 a while thus engaged he is rtveillillg dflttle lees cougeuial task) that he will stink to the truth and aro Is prepared, and may be used with donee. ("naught set dcwu its malica." do not suppose they hare any. The farmer's wife rejoices is a big, phyeio- al frame, and yet she dies premature- ly. The nerve cannot stand the strain of continual work. The min- ister falls dead in his pulpit, but bo never did a day's physical work in hie life. The lawyer faints in the per - once of the court and is soon a Scott's Emulsion of Pure. Cud Liver Off, ►rill* itypophoepldteo, Palatable as mak ant? borne by .Aelicate Ste. (((salts. Dr. J. W. Coueron, of Evanevillo, Ind., Gaye : 1 have prescribed Scott's Emulsion wreck of a corpse, and yet /he work largely. I Qntl it very palatable and borne well by delicate atomaoha, even children taito is nerve work. The man of affairs 1 it readily, ant it is very useful as a cough is overcome with apoplexy; the pati - remedy. & t, with Bright'( Fluid Lightning does not take a day ar an hour to remove Neuralgia, Headache, Tooth- ache, Lumbago or ltheumatiem, but will do it. instantly, and without carrying your head in a poultice for a dayer using greasy liniments. Try a 25 cent bottle from the Dominion Lab- oratorv. 4 SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable bylthat terrible cough. Shilolt'a Curo is the remedy for you. Sold by 3.W. Browning. The Four Cardinal Points of regulating the system are the stomach, the livor, the bowels and the blood. With a healthy action of these organs sickness cannot ocont. Burdock Blood Bitters acts promptly upon these organs, restoring them to a healthy notion. balsa and pu disease. The nddf the untutored man is fired b 11oxpinits of crime and he longa for ,ash fame. These persons overwork or over-oxoite the nervous system and this fact kills or demoralizes them." "If all thin be so haw would you rectify it then 2" "Let me tial -you, A few years ago I had a lady patient who was an utter wreak. She was the mother of several ohildren. She lost her mind and imagined she was cureed of God. She was a farmer's wife, and worked early and late. I never saw a finer specimen of physical womanhood than she. but she was a nervous wreck 1 She became bloodiess, had the very worst of female disorders and was iu the last stages of album- inuria or Bright's disease. This lat- ter disease works particular havoc with the nervous system and produces insanity and despair. She was insane and desperate and I fear tainted the blood of her offspring with these ter- rible tendencies. I treated her for several yenre. One by ono the stand - and remedies of the schools failed, but I finally cured her with Warner's safe cure. and she is to -day strong and well. Yet thousands of women like her, every year bring ill -formed and criminally -inclined children into the world. Is ii any wonder that nervous diseases prevail and that the whole moral reuse is demoralized ? I1 that remedy were generally used, we would have stronger m'ithers, stronger ohildren, stronger men and women, and with perfect physical and mental health, crime would decrea'e and society be more seent'e.' " Such *aid ooinimue are surely worth ontsidering. A Colbourn° fanner the other day went into his parlor and found there- in two colts, one resting ite head on the family Bible, while the other was stamping with might and main on the weekly paper. One day recently, so we are Morin - ed, a mail passing EKaox'e hotel, Holmesvillo, informed the proprietor that he could prove trim to be guilty of selling intoxicating liquor ou two different occasions, and offered to compromise, or he would inform on him, when it would cost Mr. Knox at least $150. The proprietor, it is baid, asked him hOW much he would take to bettle. He would not state the sum but wished Mr. Knox to do so, whereupon Mr. Knox replied that he would give him three months in jail. This statement •caused the man to beat a hasty retreat. Mr. Knox has, we nniler..tatid,entered an "action against the hereon for blackmailing. Sir Leonard Tilley's appointment as Lieutenant -Governor of New Branswick is gazetted. Fain in the Side, from whatever cause, may be quickly relieved by Hagyard's Yel- low Oil, which cures all manner of aches and pains, and all soreness and lameness of the iiesh—applied and taken inwardly. Tho Pains of Lumbago, aching back and Bias, with all weakness and soreness, will speedily vanish under the treatment of Hagyard's Yellow OR, a remedy which may be taken internally. It is a positive cure for pain. LIVER CO:IIPLAINT. A faint, weary, sick and listless feeling, with aching back and shoulders, and irregu- lar bowels, proclaim a diseased livor. Try Burdock Blcod Bitters, which cures all forms of liver Complaint. The front hoofs of my horse, also his legs, were iu terrible condition ; The animal was useless ; applied to Dr. Giles, who gave me such instruction that with the use of his Liniment Iodide Ammonia a perfect cure was obtained. Advise all who are troubled in any way with their cattle to consult the Doctor. REV. A. R. GLAZE, Fayette, Sene- ca Co., N. Y. Sold at Dr. Lutz' Drug Store. On Tnesday a meeting will be held in Montreal in the interests of Imperial Feder- ation, Robinson's Phosphorized Em- ulsion by its stimulating action upon the organs of digestion and aseimilaliin. and by itso pwerfully alterative tonic and nutritive properties, purifies the blood frons all taint, and increases its solid constituents. Always ask for Robinson's Pllophorized Emulsion, and be sure you get it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Livor Complaint 7 Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by J. W. Browning. A movement is on font in Toronto for the settlement of the Nipisaing district. Holloway's Ointment and Pills. combine both sanitive and sanative powers in a high degree ; by the former term is understood their ability to preserve health, and by the latter their capability to restorehealth.` With these remedies at band, no .invalid need be at fault to guide himself or herself safely. through the many trials to which every one is subjected during our long and oftentimes inclement winters. Coughs, colds, ulcerated throats, quinsey, whooping cough, can be. successfully treated by well rubbing this ointment upon the chest, and by taking the Pills. During damp, foggy weather asthma tical sufferers will experience the utmost possible relief from the injunction of the ointment, and all tender -chested persons will save endless misery by adopting this treat- ment, John Burns. a Grand Trunk brakeman, was severely hurt at Dundas on Monday, He was coupling cars on a lumber train and was struck by lumber projecting over the ends of fiat cars. none the less startling when it is remembered (b It not live ner rent. of patients presenting tele ur,clees It, the reenter pra'tttiouer are be - u„ dttud, utile the patent ruenictees and other advert.eecicures never record tt cure at all. Starting with the claim now generally oelleved by the most acieutide men that disevie is due to We presence of living uarasites in rho tissue. Mr, Dixon at once adapted has cure to their extermination•--thie accomplished, he claims the Catarrh hi practically curet, and the per- nlaneirry unquestioned. as cures effected by him, four years a:o are cures still. No oue else has attempted to (lure Catarrh in this uranner,audno otter treatment ever cured' Catarrh. Thi application of the remedy is 'Ample, and ecu be done at home, and the prosenteeasop of the year is the mast favor- able avorable for is speedy and porulaneut cure, the wafority of cases being cured at one treat- anent Sufferers should correspond with! &[Dears. A. II.DXSON t SON,:10S King street west, Toronto, Canada, and enoleso stamp for heir treatise ou Catarrh.-3fontrcal Star, i'oi. 17 HARDNESS HAIR BALM Restores grey hair to its Aa Wad color, re- moves Dandruff, stops the ,hair from falling out, increases its, growth, and will not soil the skin. As a hair dres• sing, . it bas no superior. Guar. anteedhardess. Prepared by Harkness &Co. London, Ont. Sold by all Drugg�gilsts and Patent'Dfedicin Dealers. ITOUk NOW COMPLETE ..T am well .iH9, THAT EiACKIA' CG OUGIi can he so Pickarci's quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guar- antee it. Sold by J. W. Browning, CROUP, 1WHOOPING COUGH and Bron- chitis immediately relieved by bhiloll's Cure.Full Lines in New Sold by .1. W. Brownine. LONDON, HURON AND BRUCE GOING NORTH. plixetl. Man. 1)11E SS )1.iESS Go 1)S Lonllon,depert 0 OC A. M. 4 50 1',m, hlxeter ............. 8 20 0 10 Hensa1I 8 45 6 24 Iiippen 9 00 6 19 13PLUSHES) rnron: oid0 15 698 oilnton 9 55 705 Londe sboro 10 18 7 20 MythSILIfS, yth 10 35 7 97 ]lelgravo 11 00 7 40 Wino= erriyo11 90 800 VELVETS, GOING SOUTH, Mixed Mail. Wingham,dopart 700 Alt 1130a.tr,' VELVETEEN S Bolgravo 8 40 32 03 P.M. t. y E t Blyth 7 50 12 25 Louthsboro 8 08 12 37 Clinton 8 85 1 21 Erucofold 8 51 1 50 ]ilppan 0 00 2 05 Tien. all.,..... 9 05 2 12 ixoter....... U 31 8 05 ondon arrita 10 45 5 30 sminagaismignesee a eTORN B1Qaa, ccrIT, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER Hosiery. loves, &c All of which will be offered at ROOK BOTTOM PRICES. Cures .Dizziness, .Voss of Appetite, indigestion, Biliousness, ,Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and . idnelys, Pimples, 13totolies, .7#oils, !.lunars, Salt 2lheum, Scrofula Y,.4 Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from. Impure Blood, .Deranged ,Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. RENOWNED REMEDIES. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to health Debilitated Constitutions, and are invaluable in Complaints incidental to Females of all ages. For children and the aged they are 1140001w THE OINTMENT Is en infallible remedy for Bad. Legs, !fad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Eileen,. It famous for Gout and lthenulatisUS. FQR DISORDERS OF TUE 4tlf.ST 11. nub NO SWAT.. For Sore Throats, Dronchitie, Coughs, Colde,Gtandniur Swellings, and all skin dieeae it has no rival ; and for contreeted and stiff joints it aotalike a charm. The Piles and Ointment ere sold et Thomas IIouowAT's Establishment, 78 NEW OZFORD-STREETlate {533.OXFOIRD•STREET),LONDON ; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medieisle, in Boxes and Tote. at Is. lid., 20. 94. 4s. 6it., iia., 22s., and 33e. each. The 2a, 9d. eine eu utaina three times the quantity a 1 f the � la lid, size ; the 98, Cil. size six ; the lee, size sixteen ; the 22t bite shirt}•-thrcr ; 'and the 33s size fifty-two times the quantity of the smallest hazes sure P.'te, Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and P,at. null can be has in •ray "amputee 1533 Oxford. Street. Loudon, they are apar1OltW. Purchasera should look to the Label on the Pets and ]loxes. lithe address is not IIITILLII.AIVI DREW Undertaker and CN" Walnut & Rosewood Caskets :ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings.] Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISrE.ED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. f GIVE ME A CAI' WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arising fro disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR 13L000, '((, Mtl<BURN a' go., ProprieTtors, P7TtP, •0. ri ^e Glz'.1a13 , $T.1.!"W S R A. '�' " 1';Xb11E 1, ONTARts 1 •