HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-28, Page 1.. • ONE-LIIINDREI)TH YAR. ,o •B nal liVE DING ANNIVERSARVI Women Take Time Labor • Day to Be a Big 10ELE PATE THEIR. 63rd Tune in Goderich „,, and Mrs. T. Marts Resefse for a Little Play o -0 Many Remembrances Elaborate Plans for All -day The "ixLY-tilit'd wedding Members of West Huron Women's gram withAlany Novel ary of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blair, Cambria road. was remembered by re- Institute Enjoy Outing at - Features vt;f0 many kindly messages -of con- ,s - Ittlis..es and 'many' friends, and Wet re- Harbor Park , L)11' Alontlay, Labor - Goderieh gratulation and good N‘islies. Itelittises '1'he' utaxim "all work awl no play . . will be the scene of au outstanding who were unable to be present on the makes Jack a dull boy" was thorough- vious Sunday, there includingees Labor DitY' celebration sponsored an by niversar.Y Wednecam sday e the pre- mly dntoust rated by mmberof the West the Gtalerich Trades aud Labor Couu- Wilbur Fell and sson J• • r. anc"i Huron 'Women's lostitutes at a.,pismic oil. Marking the third occasion °for Mrs. Albert Curren, and baby mitts held iu HP arbor ark on Wednesday this celebration, Monday's prograffi Curren, and Mr. and Mrs. Lea 'Wright afternoon, atteuded by sixty members. expected to draw thouSaids of people and babs Catherine, all of Hamilton. Though Work for King aud country , Blair with a lovely 7two-stery cake. is never forgotten, the ladies showed front widespread sections air the Mrs. W. Fell presented Mr. and Mrs. Thg program will get nuder wq, at Then on Tuesday their son-in-law and by their keen and merry participation cOunty and. beyond. 9.30 a.m., with a grand paradetfrom, daughter, Mr. and Airs. G. J. tsurrell in sports -and contests that they could Victoria Park proceeding to Kingston ef Toronto, and their datighter; airs, play equally well. Their Versttility street, -then to the Square. The Alex, Fitzgerald "'of Peterborough, a.tr- in tile -culinary art also wtts evideneed parade prizes are open to the entire rived and remaiued with them until county of Hurou and a large number Friday afternoon. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Of entries are exPeered. All entries Mrs. Curren also presented their par - are requested to be on hand at _9 a.m., etas with a tine anniversary cake. in order that the difficult job of al -Mr. Blair celebrated his eighty-sixth _toting positions in the parade may be hirthdaY on May 26th, and Mrs. Blair arranged. her eighty-fourth birthday on June • ConSiderable prize money is being 28th.. They reveived many velum - given this year the details of which brauces, front as far as Sault Ste. are to be 'found in an advertisement Marie, Pickford, and Blairville, Mich., . as well as from Peterborough, Toronto, elsewhere in this issue-., . At 11 a.m. a full program of boys' Hamilton, Exeter, Kingston, and num- erous neighbors and friends of town„ and girls' sports will -be run off in Court House. Park. Aniline; the many, callers -were their • At 1.31) p.m.,' the afternoon program ' Paster, Rev. L. II. Turner, Mrs,gurner will be launched with -bawls niarchiug and daughter Grace, and tire are from the Square to Agrieulpiral Park. grateful to all who remembered them. An entertaining program' will follow •O'DWYER--GRAVELLE which will .include a tug-of-war be - At St. Peter's church on Saturday, tween a team from Goderich. aird one August 23, Rev.' natter J, Gleeson representing Huron county. In the evening, hands' will leave the united 111 marriage Marie Louise, only daughter of Mt. and Mrs. John' Gra- Square at 7.30 •for Agricultural Park, where a sparkling revue will be pre- vette, Goderich, and Timothy Patrick, sentedwhich 'wills introdnee a ‘wiae. late of Grafton, Ont., 'son of Mr. and s Ah -s. Thounts O'Dwyer of Tipperary, variety of entertainment, including inipersomrturss- -emoted-lairs, 'Wor marriage the 1)rides musicians, ventriloquists, dancing girls, -chose a French grey- suit of line Wbol with matching_ hat and bla-ck ticces- balancing. acts, singingsSiwitstys and S(1111'5.. . She. caisaied- d White satin male quartettes. Tile .draw for prizes will take' place in front of the grand PraYerhook topped with 'pink carna.- (ions and blue lillies of the, Niles Mrs. stand. at- *Agriculturol Park after the evening show: . Willard Gravelle attended the bride, Unless the weatherman interferes, wearing a salmonpink suit of wool Goderich is in for a big:lime Program crepe with black accessories and cor- ' Menday. • sage ,of yellow gladiolus and plias • carnations. Willard Gravelle, brother PITBLAD 0 'S .BIRD 'of the brides, was groomsman. Mrs. FIRST FROM TORONTO Carl Se.hneiker presided at the organ. After the reception at the -home of ,the bride's,ayarents•the couple left by train he Tthird race for young birds held on a trip to Quebec ('it Y and St. Anne by the Goderich Homing Pigeon Club Beitupre. Upon their return they was over the week -end from will live in Goderich. ---i'TorentarststiyingssliStstateesofs4s2ffshillesiss. ss.ssiitstorti-- mwethising,44w..411.4 _At** and was 1' 4m byWm. Pitblado's entry. 4, .teted at a miscellaneous shower at the The birds' wereliberated at.7 a.m. home of Air. and Airs. Earl Alciatren. results ofthe ractsavere recorded They were the reeipients of many tele - as follows; 1st Wm. Pitblado. 10,4(1; grams from Toronto, Grafton.- New 2nd. Percy Johnston,. 10.47: rd Wan. York, Brighton and Tipperary, 'Eire. Baker, 10.47 1st ; 4th Wm. Baker. 10.48; -rifh Percy .Johnston, 10.40; dth Wm. _, GUESTS AT GRAND BENI) Baker, 10.4i0,t Stli; 9111 and 10th E. Peitchey_ at 10.50: , - Thi' next race also will IW from Toronto. A PERFECT CRIBBAGE HAND Herb Jane has, realized the dream -- easery eribitage player -a perfect hand. Plit•ying•last week with Stan Ale - Leon he was dealt three 5's :did the jack of taubs and turned up the 5 of clubs, making 29, the highest hoed ebtiiinable. Present when the hand"Was,deslt. -This is the second time reeently a local :cribbage -player has hod a perfect hand, • W. J. Baker had the siane.good luck a few months ago. ills the Maitland 11 FOS ISI of dellelellS COMMUNITY SINGSONG ON SUNDAY EVENING ' s • A community singsoug • led .by the Blue Water Band will la. held 'In Co'urt House Park on Suuday eveniug after the church services. Some additional ( seath g hats been provided for `recent Sao ay eveuing audiences. but those who can are itskt.d to bring their own deck chairs, or cushions for sitting on the ground. Ilynni sheets will he 'Provid-ed -for Singing. A silver cullectioa will be taken to help pay the -cost of swift -true, ' and other eXpensescbf the hand.' (' There bas beea a pleasing response to the request for the cessatiou of ,Autokorn-blowing at the band coucerts. .Another annoyance that etaild• be stop- ped -is-, the racing of ehildren, with accompanying noise, in the vh.inity of t•he bandstand. Parents should keep cakes, salads. taut sandwiches on the ft ,I (ilea own ehildren (Mist, 'and perhalis tiower-decorated tables. - a little police attention might lw given The registration showed represent- . in ease pareots are not at hand. talon present from branches at Gode- • ...... rieh; Clintoti; Kiatail, pw'g""""' M_ANY ATTEND LIONS Auburn and Blyth. It was explained rILUB.TCARNIVAL that the attendance would have been st . larger but for the busy time .011 the . Door, Prize ,for Friduy Night Still farms. The picnic was headed by the Remains Unclaimed president of • the district, Mrs. Charles The second night of the Goderieh Lockhart, of Goderielh The "Mysterious Aliss Huron" (Mrs. Lions Club earnival at West street . Testimonial Picnic for Goderich Vets Sdldiers of Two Great Wars Get Together as Guests of - ' Town Cou.noil 1.• gs• 11- witS Vimy RithSe..017-Wattid War I vs,. The :Battle of orthna of World NVar 11 he cianiatrative . difficulties, sorrows, humor, etc., betweeu latttles ,of these two wars ---that was re.enactl•d itt reeulleetion as Goderich veterans met and talked on Wednesday after- noon on the farm of Richard Buch- anan, near Dunlop.. The oceasion Nvar..; a testimonial picnic by -We Town Coun- cil in honor of all veteraus Who were residents of Goderich. at the time of their .enlistinent. More than 200 veterans V(. -ere present. During a program of sports au Army softball team had a nip-and-tuk bitttle with an Air Force team which was -called" before its completion. owing. to the fact that the army eook an- nount•ed "Hot dog S come and get 'en)." Army line-up was: Jim Sheardown, c: Carl Miller, P‘, Harold Prouse, lb; Tom Fisher, 2b. s. George Curren, 3b ; Oshawa and Torosito. Joe Murphy, If ; "Shorty", Walters, ; Mr. and Mrs. II.- liewson, of Bill Freeth, rf ; -Ralph ss. Niagara -oil -the -Lake, were guests of Air Force •litle-up .was: George the Misses Strong the past week. . Parsons, e; Tom Wilson. p;' Len West- Miss Betty Berryhill of Shrnia was -brook, in; -Jock Murphy...31); Bud a weekseud guest with Mr. and Airs. Alathieson, 2b; 'Harry Shackleton, If : IV. J. Worsen, Victoria street. Bill Ross, rf ; .Lack Hamilton, cf ; - Mrs. Clayton Foster and two child - Grant MacKenzie, ss. reit. of -Sarnia, were recent guests with Umpires were Ken Hunter and Doug. Mr. and Mrs. John. Foster. ' Nairn. Mr. Ivan Irwin has ret mated to Lou Lane and his seaplane Provided Toronto after enjoying his \ acation anitisement overhead ny skimming low. over .the ball field, and putting oil a hit,.of stunt flying. Bruce Bloomfield Was \\inner of the novelty race, withsJiin Carr second. An Army team defeated a combined Atr F-erce --and • Xassy- _.tesuus straight pulls in a tug-of-cvar.. Amongst - those taking part were Ken Porter, Ross Pennington. Bruce Beatty, George 1Yobstat, ,Keu Pennington, Don Thomp- son, Sam _Matson, 1a 1911 Kingswell, Jinx Adams, 'Ailbert Kitton, 'anti (7hase, Doug. Siser, 'Bob' (; tves, Mrs'• 11. L. Salkeld. , R. J. Phillips, of Auburn) was. aretta, on Friday, saw a good attend- euvered • IcY -.3""les Craig' of mice. - Net proceeds from tb tw Auburu. Mrs.- Russell Holmes, Clin- . -e -- nights is expected to be in the neigh - ton. made the best aPron out of a newspaper. Mrs. William Roberton, burhood of 1112,000, Lions'Cltd) officials 111511 of Auburn, was- the oldest lady report. present. She celebrated her seventy- The door prize of tt bicycle for the seventh birthday .1aSf March 17th. She second taight has not*yet been claimed. has heen a member of the•-lustitote for The -winning number is 33015. live yearssand.has many times assisted The other prize -winners were: O. V. in . the celebration_ of •-grandmother's WhetStone, of St. Marys, father of ' "Nil)" 'Whetstones Airs. Johit -Sully, day." Mrs. James T. Craig was the most •jr.; Miss Elizabeth Lauder ...Mr. John M. Roberts; Miss Helen •AliteDonald, -Sof • Kinta-Rs- -Mrs.- -.1•104-gentsset graceful walker, chosen .from the large- -grouilTiy men Midges whe Itaripettell-tit • be near. The "elastic" contest was \Von by the Aubuin. members; and geoup 1, captained by Airs. Nelson of Clinton, vVAS the winner of the "Vest" mutest. Betty 'MacDonald won the prize for the "'Moslem prayer." 'Win- ners in the children's races were as fol- lows: Five years and under-A:ail 1 1.30 pans the crowd drifted.. quickly away. Pla ns art' alreads under way to make this annual caraival bigger 1111(1 better for -next' year. • CRAWFORL)-FliSHER Onto, who was visiting \vith her dau-gh- ter, • Airs. Malcolnt- Mothers; John Askew. As usual, the binge game proved the tuOst 1)0911111r Spot asnangst • the many games. Immediately after the • an- nouncing of the prize -winners about Cousins, D.ungannon; S• years and under -Beverley McKenzie, Killian; Frankie Goderich. After the supper, Airs. Lorne ivers, of Iniugamion,,spoke`With appreciation of the hesnitality providCd by the IN APP4ECIAtION OP GOOD V/017,E RIBEFIGHTERS s - A• gesture of appreciation was matte ‘Veduestlay by Mr. L. H. Zhu' to et,V011 members Of the lire brigade who fought the lire which broke out in 'the -rt.ar of Allison & Heitanan's store, aext door to the Zilin electrical store, 011 .the night of August, nth. lu recognition -of the splendid work of the brigade au check- ing the' lire which threatened the whole business block, and in. retaining it to the aue store, Mr. Zina has pre- sented each member with a tine 1 u rgest.i flashlight. PERSONAL MENTION Miss Ann Wurtele returned home on Alonday after spendiug a month in gehools Reopen. Tuesday, Sept. 3nd (ts- Several New %teachersonSt'aga of Collegiate Institute And Public Schools There may he an enrollment of 1007 Cu eel,. 290 and 300 students at- Gode- rich Collegiate lu.stituto when the school reopens' on Tuesday, September 2nd, under the prineipalship of Mr. • A. R. Swett.. • Three ,new teachers will join ‘' -,the staff this year.. They are Miss Bernice Blake, of Dungannon, wiawill assh-A in the home economies depart- ment and will , also teach geography ; Miss Irene Foster, of Torontosformerly of Campbellford, whit Will head the home econonries departnient„ mid 'Mr. - the Easteru States. • Leo Hartwiek, Strathroy, win) will' Miss DorOthy Dickson has returned be charge of buys' physical culture, to her home at London afttir spending besides: assisting withs mathematics. several weeks at Hotel Sunset. Mr. Scutt will have eharge of guid- - Mr. and Airs. It. A. Jackson returned once and upper school unaheamtics; on Wednesday from a vacation spent Mr. A. AL ,Chapnutn, of •agriculture at Manitoulin 1,41 od and • Belleville. Mrs. K. R. Diggon, or senior Enssils/1 • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McConnell, and history; Miss Doris •Heneywell, Diane and Betty are spending a -week 1.6atin and aucient histors• ; Misstileen Lewis. gir1,5' -physical culture and junior farglish; Miss Evelyn ,Mac - Naughton, j•ueith"Irksfory and Mathe- matics and 'art; s'AsX-. G. E. Payne, senior science „and agriculture; Miss Powell, Preech; s`Marie ,Smibert, commercial work; Mr. W. F. 'Walkout, shop work. Mr. Hartwick was recently married to Miss.. Reberts; of the co-unty, health nursing staff. Public School Staffs' Several teachers will make their ttt'his,..home here. • Alaster Charles Dreinota of Stratferd first ‘appearance on the public school is. a gttest with his gratidparents. Mr. staffs when .school opens on Tuesday. - and Airs. T. Drennan. Baytield road. The kindergarten' will -.again be Miss itita Drennati ..of Stratford is housed in the pa nisi hall of St. visiting Mr. and Mrs-. Elliott Drennan George's church, with 'Miss Hume as' _ and other relatives. director, assisted by Miss Wilson. -One Mr. tinaMrs. •r...--0,-11-57,qail-7--by- sgraste, - owing -tit •TTIVITITArditil.cViii-ire------ Sarnia, are holidaYing in tewn alt,d aro accounnodated.in MacKay Hall, which, staying at ,Ileimes Villa. has 'been put in eondition -for this - Mrs. AN'ut. Currey -and son Jolla, of new use. -- Windsor, have „returned 'to their houte AIr. IL AI. Shackleton. -formerly prin- after•enjoying it visit with her mother, eipal, of Qentral School, will Itetul'Ihe staff';of \let -Atria School as principal. ()ther members. of .the-tiaittr are: Miss Rose Bovvra, . Airs. Grace Cranston, . Aliss (1.,eorge a t (1 Mrs.• Esther Ross, all newly appointed; r. • 1-1. Jacktuan, Gordon Sirtnitson, 1.tay Cooper, Don Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .11. Johnston (Srawford, Iloward carrot'. of Sarnia and Mrs. Donald Fraser of 11;-- a Ma her tug -of -wit r contest a n Sfra t ferd alt' visiting Mrs. A, A. R.C.A.F. team woo from an 13.A.F. I-' 0 \v Ile 1 Ills IN o • ... teitth. :Ind le Still i'Lliother the vets mks Alice Irwin „f T„ronio Is Miss Alitrgaret Mason, Miss -F. Sturdy, of World. Wztr- I defeated the Nets el spending loaidays at the home ef her' '-‘1 iss,". stnrdY and Mrs. L. Ils Turner. ' Woral War 11. . varents. Mr. 1111d mi.,', Ed. Irwin. .Aliss Gladys Alc1 1(401 will be Kin- - " i ftbill for distance: 1Vaterloo stPeet. Hiatt of Cent ra 1 School and 'other , • • Gode ladies. and Airs. A. 11 ilk In, Gladioli, dahlias, sw eet me 1- phlox 1 hi lig so president of the Goderich branch, 1.e- and fern made a beautiful setting in _Ralph Kingswell; s, s;•ina si:then; 3, ...t.tr. antrAIrs. Harts* Bosie and child- -SIMS.14-1:ds - - Benatiller United church for the wed- ilarold liibbert. reit. of Toronto, who have been visiting- ttatchers there will be Mrs. Sheldon wiltaers ((t: gooso,rattios wore At.ii,ild Bus It 1, • .1 1";(13\171: (AlliiSss 114.).(1gIi-t.14.1)1:d11144;sii! • I;irsA'.11tieIe,iiber 1U)....... Thorneloe. -Mi'ss 11. alt 111 Airs. • Itegiatered• t111* -414, afteriloo 117 August ,s , ,• • f )1lows • .23rd of Donnit Irene. ti at a glib,t •11r-my.-1-1r.rak an0--Lionel l'utlibertsen. Augustine. were in 'town y(•st(•rday. Airs.. W. F. 11. Price. Ai1s. leorge and Airs. peter Fisher, is.11. 2, clitos.;11, 'On behalf, of -the '''•747:FiTitS•s'. .1s -tins ass,„ sAl (.1 • ries Baxter itial flialg-inS _lire newly Altithieson, Airs. Archie NVilki4 Miss le Ajr. Ifot:ace AI. Crawlerd: -son of 1 1 miter expressed thanks to the Town Briilgw'ater and elterVT siteriScfirt #11'11,41•1+011"11-1131-Ah'Ks4444i.usW1-.411„,§.....be.„4„,,,,,,,,, Al. Solkeld, Mrs. IL Phillips, Mrs. Mr. and 31i's. Charles T. Cra wford: Council' -1> for th,nijoyable outing. alit week•s va ca that with their' alum transferred froth 'Victoria. School. • ('. F., Young, Airs. 1). Riehl. Airs. Ivy l'ort Albert. Rev. :4'. E. Hay Ward Alityor I), 1\ -t y staled the Ti)\‘ -ii Mrs. .1 eill1 F. Detzel. of. Buffillo.• The yormg people's i',0011J.• Mullin. Ali's. Ge(Yrge Altunhy. given in 'initrriage by her latlaas wtme arrange a testimonial affair for• the. hater s sister, Aliss Caroline. Welk - I wank sirs .1 w Newcombe, Airs officiated at the cerettiotty. The bride. Connell for seme tbne .11a(1 boated to Alr. and Mrs. Jas. II. Tigert and. the AT 'THE HARBOR - TM. str. Superior brought a cargo of 07,000 bus. oats and 39,000 bus. barley to the Goderich elevatoi. on Alonday. This was. the only freight arrival of the week. KLLING A DOG AURON CYOU*14 IVILW ' LEAVE FOR WEST \\-. -Antler, Airs, w, H, Doak,' 'Mrs. B. 105 (1 knot;,..; over taffeta., 101114 •••,1(..e‘ve picnic ',was rlatroughly. enjeyed. Ile at Kilt(„:itt'dinc• - - . - toria street United chirrell io'(•epted N• .M,('Imles''• Mrs. F. 13. Riley, Al„rs. it thror-,1ength gown of '\viiite trylon ,ern- \Melons, hut ( ( no 1 an invitation to be tlie gngsts of mr. -k. Shore. Airs. G. S. Youtrg, Airs. N, [broidered with lily -of -the -valley and or where tol.--h-7)141 ;it. lie felt the 'rues-a:Q.., Th".v. 11,1" het'', `111111•11"1-111g Twenty-t‘Vo front County Go West to Help with • Iflarivest and Mrs. Wellington Baker and (laugh- Alr and Airs Gii • Gritlin.of Detroit 51(:11:e el:cultic(' out (tf the ...,l,rt,..olia1 1111 1111(1 num front linron'eounty„, ter Noreen. of Grand Bend. on Tuesday It. Altunlity. Mrs, II. Lamina's-, Mrs, (sailing te lily points over the hands, ! urged reterans Cr,' stiek together ;rs a • • ! evening. The temptation to plunge G. Plitot, Mrs. A. Butler, suss. Ale_ the skirt extending to form it long' group. since hy so doing tlie• c(tuld 'siii.,t(•iiitAlit%11.(1; 1"\\1.(1?5(..k.-S(.2\1.11(111"1\1\'',..lithl. )1* 11\1\'..iffiti;'\::1).. plesineet .Service office. Goderic11, on train. She wore it 'halo with her ens ', ls• a pewa•i• in •runiting- the country. . Wednesda 5 afternoon. IrOutal Ler \Vest - into the cooling miters of lati:e 'Imam Geaw. all of t-loderiell- mozrgarei King, Airs. George 1Limis. le oi(lele!.1 pct. Nti, .1 11( (all" ( a "o 1 T - " - • g \ 1 . 11 veterans I() he s.‘itionds• sitil ford. Mrs. P, 11•• Price• MI" P0)1101 ere Citnadit as harvesters. Tito office ten. Airs. 14.,.. .1.. Phillips. Airs. George quet of ilellyweod roses and white present at the lhastrittien Day parade Is Sturdy. Airs. W• J. Itehert(M... M. carnations. iler only ornament ----------1 S'unday analso at the zone parade Price.and Air. 1,1:1111 Priee have returned iffid ..mtbui.ity to, st,u(1 ,tykenty,..iive men, Tbe fellewing 'men a"re en route to 31r. and Mrs. E. NV. McCreittiC.."1. 1,1oNdiainster, .1hertil : Carl East. ILIL. Mr. , Ett 1 1 F111 1( 1 1. 1 1 _,.. . could not he rest-stet-1-.11nd it Was 11 delightful' sight to see the gsatitil presi- to Toronto after.. :i three \\•('''I's 5 1"it but only 22 were ;tvailable. Istst year dent, Ilarry Westlith.e, together with . I I. A1(71'11'4101 :it Metle- :if' y. -,eight men went. ,. other. members. disporting- themselves Fred 'toss, Airs. Alf. Nesbit, Mrs. I1. a double strand of pertrls, the gift of' two weeks later at lilyth.- - in the surf. A delightful lunch 1,yits A.logridge, Alr-s. ('. AI. Stranglian, Mrs, the hridegroorn., Alr. Fred Crawford. With music provided hy :1 piano, tlre _with Mr. lf• served around the traditional canto James T. Craig. Yirs•• Albert Caints brother of the greens was best maa. \-(•ts eisksved (sausimpity singing. setting ntrk. Dettrimr11. Mich- ;Ire" vi,itilig: I It" 4. Clinton i l'red - MeGregor. ILI-C 5, fire -"hot dopil..! am -1 wieners, with ice bell, all of Auburn. . . 4 14 am , • " 1 (14'. NiEt., 0110 sirs Mrs. Frani( Jones. Mrs. L. Iverss soivt'llsv of Goderiell were ushers. PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR "S cli,o0,11: Hugh It. \1(•I'lteron. R.It. 1, Wellington Baker ;Ind (laughter re- Ali's. SteNvart, of Dungiumeis LIONS CARNIVAL forider's sister antl *nailer. Airs. • . •s.• ' • • J • - al, C 1 •rich, Nv•,- 3,11•1 -Mt.' 1Valton : 16,11ert 1;114.ring-ton. Exeter; cent lv moved to G rand Bend front • Airs. .\.. l'ayler. 'Mrs. I,. Serinigeour, •Iniiitl of honor, 15-eitring a flOor-length ... (1.!:.111.iii(11:1.111.1 A.10 1.11(.af an!I! 1 r.' 1 . ( 'corgi. E. .N1;1 son. 1-I.1t. rl: 1I1 th ; Janies Goderich wiusre they were valued mrs• J• -k. Cow,4 11 m-rs• - i lopesals fur the enlargiag (if the sirs. Isminetsen Elliott T. s. clienew, gown of !dile eel over its•lon. \vith ., , 1111d 1\v" Hush, 1.,;',•asitil It It 5 Goderish': Kayrn aneinbers of Victoria street church. Mrs Frl McMillan Mrs Albert Stead. matching halo and veil. She carried 11111111 I citrniv:11 Nvext. discnssed al ail ciiiidi." 1,,ft- (,11 A hearty vote of thituks tendere(htlie Mrs. :Alice F;tweett, Airs. J. l'etts, `z1 bouquet ot My 1.eVe 1111111 1-11111111 '1' hursday Ity metes. Ali ili.it.liT 4. '-Go.(.1.,:rt(III : Ebner Hunter, Miss Noreen Fisher, Goderich. v.;„..s (•xectitive ilits•ting ' ut• the (wdelleh for their borne. at Long Islon(1. N.1.. 'ILIt. 3., Goderich: t'larence liettnett, was rtsspouded to by Doreen, bringing K( ss- ,' . .s. 3111Kt.,11711 •31 1,4 Fred (t\\ 11 of pink 110 ever taffeta. witti AlarthiP*Alitc1)(mold. Airs. David Aims itridesinaid, wearing -.1 floer-leligin suggested that the next one he 11041 , It was after speilding it ineuth father. Mrs Gee. s'yntetals.....Saltfer(1. ...-rs. Albert 4 ike ha \ e. las clot man. Alta:: Itoderick' John 11 11 • and hostess Its Mr. II. NVestlalte all of Illyth. . . „ Lions (:1111.) (ni Atonday night. with 11" HAL :1,- roilit,-',11111(ut. . 'rho . foli,As ing a re en route to a 1111 111(11 evening to a close.at Vi(•toria Park and that other af- - . Aletlregor. Airs, Hugh AificKenzits'Airs.1,inao ,litid Neil. She ettrried a hodquet .. • - - Mi. and NI tractions he brought nt to nutke the . of Sweet htat 11 carnations. Lulli.' • honed te their letine „en the 'Huron isitonaid. 14:1.1...i:,, Liwkw,55 .. .11,,..(,p1* Airs. Nay. Airs. 1V. Itess, Ali's. Sandra \Vesteott. Hamilton, math. a it \\.:1,.. nis,) suggi,,,,,tett 1 11,1 1 tile v.( r„ivui " .. ' (Itit .. 1 . 3111 ..). ,, Itelget. afititli, Alurray Jr. .A.ic- era (tio.1 1 10, ,s.a. a (. t a l 1111( s 1),,,,,,,, 1 1 . ./ 4.1 4. 1, Auburn .. .1 0110,s Rota. 1.4,1(1 •tft(•r a tive'wt.eks' tour et, Noi:Ili- - . • • . • • G. Monerieff. all of •Kintail. affair bigger and bett(•r thitn ev(o.. Charles Nelson, Mrs. AI. liathin, . of •Prett.Y flo‘vcr-girl,' 551 11 a long gitwas , , • • Clinton. ' Mrs. O'Neill, of Turont4). ' sii, 5vore white gleves and eitrried a (tf peach nylon ever pink I'm' ti . hatale.,111Sof whitestIsevers in her cures , 111 .kugusts ia• litsid some time in . it s 1;1 tei Ian • , .,„ , V.,,.,,..., Inited sinte,. Eli lt"'''s wits 1.11‘1.1-1'11 1" 1-'1'1)1"(''' .1. J• ette of twentsseight ,prohat toners who I I - • tl • tl • • anti tor i.a. o. in Miss I )(wittily linolley. of town. is s,.1 1. 1 4.1 4. •:,„ Auburn .. ILI 1..t. 33.a men, •• , IL1 11dA • R It• I, Clinton : Ruin:, -J. qt.11.:',..‘oloiro: Bolo,. Gionslier. Blyth; ima.\\‘,,i1 ig,,Hoeth siohson, seafortli; nosegay or sweet pe0:$ 0 110 pansies ss 111 , , Snider as a director. since. the hater 111: '. t4C.Irisgin theit. triti`tialig in St. Itaymend cantelen. 1t 11 5.• Clintous ENGAGENIENTS ANNOt'NCEI) ribbon 5111 111111 The Wedding mush. is taming froin Gotlerielt. Jeseph's Ilospital.„Lond(Jir, on Septette. Air. and. 'Mrs.. f'Intrles Antis. Gode. 55 15 ithiyed by Aliss Sally Melton:0(1 ....The meeting expressed sathsfaettion. , , ...„. - " .1;tek-stiss"Seafertli: Beget. 1"(siner. Is 11 oer ist. itoberi i;i(rn. !Lit. fi. (..lintoty. James rich, wish to announce the engagement e ,.„-: „ of, their youngest (laughter, Frittwes _ of pink net (e'er titffeta, tuel a:corsage with the work being done Its the re- mrs. iinroim Now(,,,,mhi, tins just ..,... creatienal director, but felt. that tin.) (•nsito. ta nautili'. wastring a floor -length gown turited liente after spending 1w() •, 1,iiii,eti • Bruce Glenn-. 11 11 I, Georgina, Co Ala% 1,1,01111rd I. Shear- of Sweetheart ettruations. AIiss Chit) shefild not have to hear the en- months in AVitinipeg ilt the home of Mr. ii ,, ° • pas, ,,., .or .r:in„portlition • . ViVian Strttughan of Auburn NVits so1.0- tire eXpense of 'this \York. ,-, The ateet- Hartley Smith and Hilda. Mr. New- Tht, 1115,11 itt! ,,-; c , (MI ;111(i Will .11ii S1O• 1,, return. 1,ast down, son of the litte Mr. a110 Airs. ist. Site \yore a tloor-lengtli gown of ing expressed willingness to carry on eombe avuompanied her for the hrst AVren Siteardown, Goderichs the wed - yellow silk and at corsage of gladioli pro\•ided that 1 116 Town nssinneti 0 month. ' rhe pro, a i I i lig vviiges. for e'xperieliced • 3 ear tninsporkition vv:is free. and . White carnations. As the bridal portion of the salary of the. recreation- lit 1 , , ; , .ors. e'. .t. ',Aloe- and her sen-indaw • ding to take place early in September. party entered the chursa, Fill. Sally: tl I director. and daughter, Alr. and Alr-z. 1 1: Miller. 111(.11 (tit farms in the 'West 551ii 14'4111A Mr. a iid M rs. Edward AI. Ilartney announcesthe engttgentent of their sec - Fire Lord's 11 15(1 tind it 1 Ws sign- ef Hamilten. were gilest, al 1Iote1 . `S7,•oer (lily with hoard ler stool:Mg ;Ind youngest son of Alr. and Airs. .1olin Inalkins of Saltford; the marriage to ..kfterwards a reception was held in OBITUARY town. the fernier Aliss Alargar(11 Little of ;„, .r,b), brim bib.,1 bet 1.e.ni..b before oc"..lier 1 501 in order to qualify for miller 1' shoot ;vs; net. (lay with hoard for thresh- ond driughter, Alarguerita, to Leonard, ing of the register. "I Love You Truly." Sunset the pat -1 Nveek. Mrs. take place the latter part of August C,ISIVE1,I, 11.1.MBM,L . Ilii church parlors, vvhicli were Iasi iiti- xiilly (1(11(1 1(1(1 with. pink '11 11,1 white Tile tietith of Cos\vell ..Iolin Nies „ Mrs. W i II in in merreatii. or cieve- , , io55 ii•ansportation rates. ,.. • Alr. and AirS, William Pithltalo wish The hritie•s tome, (•entred with a three- aess taut flowers. if reger 1 t 1110;111 ot•curred en 71.111rsdas land. .\\-11O will c•elebrate Iter hitless: at St. l'eter's church, Godericlt. st It 111)115 White 1 11 slaughter. 1,1111 mi i.,orr11 me, io Airs tiered v‘-edding cake, bad pink oral onto.. Mr. Itirinball vva: the son of 1 111. hot' sons. 11;11'1•!•• alid 11• 'IL 1.10.1•1',111i• last at his home,. 1 Alai -jury ;1,-,,,, Tor„ siNth. birthday in twtoi.er. i...5.kiiilig to announce thox engagement of their (Marie's Stewart, son of Mr.sand Alrtz'-‘vilite camlles• . Assisting in serving late, Mr. an(' Mrs.' Ebenezer ltnntball she i' accomPaitie(1 l''., 1101' dalualler. II. Stewart (tf Niagara Falls, ()Mario: Were six girl. friends or tit,. hi•id,. ami 511).111 nip y,.:ii., of his yonth ;111(1 Airs. NI. 11. NI:o•Leati. ;Ind Copto•in 31,1,1,e0o. rrhe marringe is To take yonng manhood in Git,derich. Ile, was 1)1,1(.0 on Alissas Phyllis MeNiillots. \i 11411) , Willis, Mary- Smith: all of Gotiericit, ii snit:gist student with the late James Miss Gloria 1.1iiire l'illirrefS-1'ef Ilelnies.‘ ille• gl'ill1(1,1;111glitcr of Alr. and ft"I'lill 1),(1 1,11,1-•• thy MiS,'S. Alite- Septeinher. 271 It rit North street I tilted Tigert• Elennor MeiTotigall, .Norime I and Eleanor Copp of 1N'lifilsor. The wilsot, and later ,vvent, III Toronto. 3i1.,, \vol. Protiol...,;o0eriell. 11.10 1 he \ i'•1 1'. Mr• 1.:ison w ill join „them for chtirch, Godet'ich. Alr. am' Mrs. Fr(sd NV. Toll. .1.1titurn. bride's teethe!' Well. il blill'k and white W.11cre' he engaged ill' the same Inhd younger (l)ugh ter, Amy Selina, te corsage, of pink and white (salsa ions. ....e .s stir\ ived 1.) his ‘Nife 111(1 two 110 canodian Nation.11 EN111hilion.' 1*-- .kng-n-- A1;1,14.1111,011. ferinerly of 111'11("1' a ,•-illiing.,- in Teen Torso the 1..111.0. 1)ov wees_esa. „ I , HP1101111 e e the V (11,. 1( of their 'ness. latterl; on Geri:aril street east. silk jersea. with hhick acet.sseries an 1 -1 1 i it 111) in the antoinetise huilslins at ‘Nhere he s1:1--.1vitli Ilk rgiandparents. Iiins11 .Tolin Alact'rostie, 'elder son ,of The bridegroolie_s Mother wore a 1)18(1: t? ',sons, 1/r. •Norman Ittitithall m10 John Toistlit11. *1'11 Sat itiday, lost, 7riter pro 1;,,(1,,ri(.11. no‘‘• .01' Dt•troit. is" visiting , Ali. ' 11, II. . AlcCt•en'tfi' at Ilettesetung crepe (Iress, trimmed with satin, and -mutual, all of Toronto.Two sishg•s now. The wedding will take place in and a brother predta•eased Iiiitt. The grant was broadcast o‘er 1'111.. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Allic-Crostie, 'Melt- Whitp accessories and a corsage et ' ... I'. ;Hid , Al.rs. Freil 1Vilson ;Ind Park• she is aceoilipanied' hy her gid4,1.. miss. 1 1,,),,,, 3311,„11,,, ,p,.10 (la lighters. :NI I", Der(it 1* Be rtliWiek \5)1 it 4' C:irnations and lily of ;he Nile. day. \Vint interment in Mount Pleas- ,, funeral took. place itt Toronto (a1 Mon- Ni ,( 4,1.11 1 (1:1y, NI i,,,,,1 w,,,,k . ,11 a ' 11101pr :1 ed 1 1*:,. V. .V:1 1051'lliril M. -Also in the (lit Knox United clitirejt, Auburn, „early in .Septeinher. ' For- it honeymoon-, trip -Abe- °voting ant -efanetery. 'The. bride wore a light grey tailored Thomas KeIrS', Win) died at his home. and lathy. of Ottawa. W pre recent I 1:1'1 rt." iit 1'11(11" 1 'AI it!si.v '1"111(111.1(.1)1tvill'rliii-------------------- all'dvs(I.11::.*: INlial;:1)11;';aA1,1-111:rwl )111')11141(1)I\1•1111"1."alti":.)7' , DETROIT BOYS LEARN ABOUT SWIMMING IN CANADA Editor The' Signal -Star: • Sir, -May 1 ha ve room in a corner of your paper to 'Write feW lines as a wait -Sting to all owners ;Ind levers ttf dund) animals ilt amr toWn? - Last -Friday 'night aWitt 10 pao..our new ,police undertook' to shoitt' it 'dog that Was'elntsing cars; They coaxed the dgis into their car aud took it 11P to the salt block mar the station and were going to shoot it. . There were three shots tired at this innocent dumb anihrtil , in an attempt to. kill him. None of ..the three shots killed him and he \vas left. to go in this Way, half. alive, and half dead. The dog got aWay and Made his' way over to a house -on the highway. . Seeing the condition of the dog and the pain it was suffering. our new police were called again. When ,they got 'to thiS Infuse on the -highway and SOW the dog they' had the nerve to ask rwhat happened •il, after their ArSing to shoot -it a short while before. - Whether they were afraid to shoot $it again, Or what, ne one knows, but they took a baseball bat and latunded the Slog on the he'ad or wherever it. happened to strike till it wits killed. If any die of us tiring in Goderieh --'re seen tising a duhil) manna like ...the police_ used this -dog we would ffe up on a charge of ernelty to dumb animals and Would' MOM had' to pay a heavy line, or 'if they didn't have money to pay -the tine they would by rorw be in jail. ' In- conclusion, may I suggest to (Mr DPW police force that if they would. rai0 the bootleggers otir town - and everyone knows that there tire plenty of them' -they Would acquire a unich better name for themiielVes than by going around .murdering dumb aniMals with baseball- bats. A LOVER OF DUMB ANIMALS. Goderich, Aug, 18. [Ed, Note,s-The writer of the above letter has made the require4 -identi- fication and vimehes.fOr file truth of the. statementg therein. The local inspector for the I-Tmnane Soetety also hag' taken ail interest In the. matter and points out that there is a lethal .hoss at the -Town BO for use in putting ordinals to death painlessly. The new 'pollee officers probably were not aware of this.] Mr. W. L. Clucas and daughter, Mrs'. Chas. Kahn.. of St. Louis,_ Mo., spent . several days 111 town last week. . _ '"flanned to a bronze color and wearing tatty swimming trunks, two sixteen - year -Old Detroit you Ternas and. Wolfgang Rocks -paused briefly at the Square 'Wednesday afternoon during- a bicycle trip of 'several htind- red 1111 los.- They. eft Detroit August 1 1 Sth and wennist-th to the till of the Bruce penim•ada, :lopping off at every port on the was to have a swim,. Their purpose in visiting Canada Was "to see what the swimming; is like, over here." They swam at Goderich harbor on the trip north And also coming back. Mr. .T. E.• Little, proprietor of the riding stable, has purchased a stand- ard-hred trotting filly, Alona Hal, Thy greet- -Hal; also June Axworthy, hy Valiant `Guy. This mare is in foal to Baron Lullwater, formerly owned by t he late I Yr. .1. II. Whitely of Goderich. Aliss Dorothy Neal of Toronto was a guest last week •with her friend, Miss Irwin. , KINGSBRIDGE KINGSBRIDGE, Aug. 27. ---- Mrs. Nick Perry atid (Wight -Pr, from De- troit, 11 r' visiting for two weeks at Thomas Drennan's. Mr.,and Mrs. Thirwells, from Jasks son, Mich., .spent Smiday at. Jerry O'Connor's. Mrs and Mrs. 'Mike Law and Aliss Hannah Ilegai) of Goderich were visit: ing relatives in the village -on Sunday. The funeral of Thomas Kelly, who died in Alexandra Hospital' on Mon- day, is being held today (Wednesday) at, 10 a.m. with' requiem high mass, ReV. Father Donnellan officiating. Fire Destroys John O'Connor's, Barn. --About 11 o'clock Friday mottling the people of this neighborhood were startled to see the barn of John O'Con- nor a mass of flames. It was probably a case of spontanerras CoMbustion, Its the hay in the' Wird, and a stack up against. the end appeared to have all ighited at once. • Althongh a large crowd soon gathered, little eould. be' done but SaVf. the house and shed near by. Fortunately the light wind was In a favorable direction. A registered Ilereford'hull, a quantity of seed grain and A manure -spreader were burned. A teard horses,Were saved. The loss is °partly covered bY,.. insurance. PERSONAE' MENTION ' AIrs II. Elson and -two chil(iren, 4).110,111,• „its ihe guests this week .of the fernier's.. itiether.Mrs, F. It. couple left by motor for Niagara Falls. Detroit, and other•places in the States. TITOMAS KELIS '• - Del roil. suit with black accessories Arid a col-- Napier streets on Sunday night, `was gllests with the former'smother, Mrs". tRe‘. LaWrenee' II. Titrnt‘r. minister of V iet 1 Witt sl rect United church, leaves sage of Hollywood roses and .white a native of Ashffeld and lived iii that •\11011 Alclionald. Ilnwk ;treef. fctr Toronto next. 3101100y. -when in s carnations. On their treturn they will toWnship mall retiring to. Goderich . Miss Doroths A. Yonag, graduate reside on the kroont'sr farm,' north of eight soars agolie was in his eighty- 11111SP. who is Sr/ending t WO weeks' his capacity of missiopary and Instin- 'tenancy convener 'of ,the Huron Pres- vaeat ion with„ her sister, NIrs. c. Bridg- Goderieh. - seventh yens. He was not married. Guesta were .present from Windsor,„Sur.vivipg are four sisters, Mrs. Mary water. Goderkh. wit) take up her neW hY 015 of the vcited church .he will Ignulon, Toronto, Teramiseh, Hamilton, Broderick, Detroit ; .Mrs.' Cathaltie position 11S superintendent of the attend a e(1115(411'0n iii 1 alimanne1 (161- WallierVille. Dungannini, Port Albert Bowler and Mrs. Saralk, Addiey, Gode- nursery in 81. Joseph's Hospital on iceo of representa-tives from the Mon- t rea I, ( 1 t ta wa , Bay of QUinte.*Toronto, , - - rieli. and Mrs., Margaret 'Bowler, St. her rei,tnrn to London. Augustine: The feral took unplace on Master Jimmy Proelor has returned lIatnilton and Manitoba conferenet,s, and (10(10114']). ,, .v THE WEATHER ' Wednesday morning to Kingsbridge, ta his helm, at Detroit after spending a Conference .speakers will he .111,k. J. .. Temperatures of the past west in where requiem high mass was smog Vacation with his grandparents, Mr. R , Patton. 1)1)1)1)., of Atipnta, Georgia, Gederieh, with those Of the correspong- in St. Joseph's church by Rev. Father and Mrs. WM. Proetor. 13e was tie- and Rev. J. II. Arnup, D.1)., fMniediate ing week a year- a_Zo, as. officially re- D0111101111 11, Burial wlis,111 St. Joseph's companied\ home hy 110 heother, Post moderator Of the Culled einirell corded, were as follows: . ..... cemetery. the 'pallbearer?, being Wil- Charles, who is remaining for p short ,of Cavada. . 1 111111 Kelly. .Tos., Kelly. Jos. Bowler, visit before retprning to tloderieh, . ....._.. _..._ . . 1947 •• 1946 Max. Min. Max. Alin. William Redmond, Frank 811111Van and Visitors at the week -end nt the A freak veketable growth svaa Thurs., Ang. 21 „SO '72- 7051 .1. Dalton. ,, • , r , home of M. and Mts. Wm. Proetor hrought to this office ithis.alorning by Fri., Aug. 22 -.83 71 69 . 47 were Mr. and Mrs. Pere' Proetor, Mr'. Williani Haley, who dug it out of Sat., Aug. 28,...80 65 69 -16 NO POLICE COURT TODAii" , Carolyn and Jimmp, •who had been his garden on Lighthouse street. Sim., Aug. 24 ,...92 72 70 45 The weekly Police Conrt session was holidaying in Mugitolza and were ',on' is. a pair of mangeht the roots.,of which Mon., Aug. 2.5 ....84 71 71 46 not held this (Thurs(1aS-) afternoon their way to their home at Detroit'; have, grown together in d crtlionS wa,y„, Tues., Aug. 20 ...78 02 78. 49 owing. to the illness of NiagiStrate J. aim) Mr. and Mrs. P. Palmer, Donald, ns if they intended to teillain together Wed., Aug. 27 ....82 01 77 49 W. Morley:- Bill and (4Iori1. of Ilfolvaesville. . "until death do tis part." - , r. VICTORIA , STREET W.M.S. The August and September meeting of the Women's' AlissionarY Society of Victoria street United church was held - in the Sunday school room on Tuesday a f ternoon. , Mrs. George Baechler, president, presided. Mrs. Robert Good was •Itt ,charge of fte devotional exer- cises, taking.las her subjeet the ,India program. Reports of secretary and treasurer we're read, indicating an eneouraging year. Mrs.. Hardy; com- munity secretary, reported 42 'tonne calls and 12 hospital calls made hy the la(1ies. Three inspiring readings were given by Wk. Postiethwaite. Mrs. Byron 'Wilson and Mrssf Hannah Phillips.. Mrs. Batiehler,•.read 11 Ietter front Miss Jean T)onahlson from India. Mrs. ITheeller made the presentation of a life -membership certificate to IVIiss Evelyn nrechow, who thanked those who made the donation. The oetober 'meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. Hardy, Trafalgar street. %Irv,, Philips elos.ed tlitolanteeting with Jrayer. ,