The Exeter Times, 1885-11-12, Page 3I. t • THE EXETER TIMES. EDITORIAL. NOTES. Is published every Thursday rnorning,at e LAST year Cenada exported 11.500, - TI MES 1,500;-TIMES STEAM PRINTING HOUSE 000 dozen of eggs to the United Main.street, nearly opposite Fttton's Jewelery Store, Exeter, Ont., by John White Won, Pro- prietors.r wars OF ADvEnvi8n e : First insertion, per line............. ...10 cents. Each subsequeat Insertion, per line......3cents. To insure insertion, advertisements should be sent in not later than Wednesday morning. Our JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is one of the largest and best equipped in the County of Huron, All work entrusted to us will receive our prompt attention:_ Decisions Regarding News- papers. :Any person who takes a paperregularly from the post -0910e, whether directed in his name or another's, or whether he has subscribed or not is responsible for payment. 2 If aperson orders his paper discontinued he must pay all airears or the publisher may continue to send it until the payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the otlioe or not. 9 In suits for subscriptions, the suit may be confederation of the Provinces was instituted in the place where the paper is pub - fished, although the subscriber may reside just taking shape, Sir Charles, the hundreds of miles away. Hon. Dr, Tupper, diseust,iing the pro 4 The courts have decided that refusing to pp take newspapers orperiodicalsfrom time post- sect with Mr. G. G. Dtldtari, of Hi I. office or removing and leaving them. uncalled "Not only will the union of the provinces 1 he aeeom fished within the time that I state, lite^ ger hues. but within twenty years I solenlnly believe, we shalt have a railway running from Hali- fax THURSDA7Z , NOVEMI3ER 12, 1885 all Canadian territory. awh to the l Halifax awillo be Stiles, for which she received in re- turn $2,000,000. THE temperance people of Barrio asked Mr. Mowat last week to appoint a magistrate to enforce the Scott Act. The Attorney -General declined. Haw will it be with Huron ? YESTERDAY was the day fixed for the argument before the Privy Conn- ell of the appeal case involving the constitutionality of the Dominion Liquor License Act. The decision, if made known, will be published next week. In the year 1865, the scheme of a for is prima feel eevidence ofintentional fraud. fax, used the following language A*8* t; .21 & 423 RICHMOND -ST., LONDON, ONT.) RetiringFrom Business. 25 Per Cont, discount To CASH Purchasers. The largest Stock in Western Ontario of the finest Gold and Silver Watches. New and elaborate patterns of best Gold and Silver Jewelry, solid Silver Forks and Spoons. First quality Rolled Plate Jewelry. Quadruple Silver Plat- (Aware of only the best makers. Handsome reliable Clocks -�-in marble, bronze, gilt, nickel and wood, and an enormous ctl,ucfsug miscellaneous stook of new and beautiful fancy goods. All must go. x Navy, 25per cent. Discount ? arsh • 111 ,'tf 1�$i.��Ii 7 .Ix� E .11 V Niel PAL. L. CO.l,(.IUIS$If1 On the 30tH of Octuhcr, 1865, 20 years after, the following paragraph It is reported that the Laoal Got- appeared in the Canadian despatohes eminent is thinking of appointing rt "The new all rail Canadian rants to Win - commission to investigate the inner nipeg and theBoelry Mountains via the north working of the municipal system, shore of Lake Superior, of sus for passenger with a view of abolishing the councils taidle on Monday, November 2nd. Cars will and substituting commieeionere, Mr, run through to Winnipeg without chau#;e. Mowat may have in view the giv1nc of employment to some of his friends on the commission of investigation, but beyond doubt there ;e something wrong iu the system of municipal supplying British Columbia with refined News Notes. To Canadian, Advertisers. A.414003 from tuassowah, state that To will insert a One Inch A.c verti:entent, This line we flection though we have piles of Dress the recent battle the rebles lost � p' sugar." ^- ^-- The first car load of sugar has been sent from. British Columbia," Sir Charles etruok about as near the mark as possible. -- government, especially in coup.), 'Phe gaalifloations to vote at an el - councils We are somewhat inclined eetion under the Frauelhise Bill of the to favor the cyst am advocated by a Parliament of Canada are as follows I correspondent in this paper Soule (1')Tenaaoy, X20 per annum. (2.) Owner, 000u cut or tenant ---pities tune ago, viz., that each county ' p ' ' should be divided into say three dis. $80 ; sof owners,no. s ; eva valueea, $1511. trials, each district to sleet a r,lg-' (3,) colas of if of proli- triata,,teac for t term of three a cars. arty enfdeieut to otherwise qualify. this way the expense would be (4.) Fishermen, owners of real prop - In greatly curtailed and the business erty and fishing applianess worth could be fully as well attended to, and ounti (5") Income0.?of rthearnings ant. (mail to ,f300. And for the Legis - the repret!eutatives would still bo re' f i - s onsible to the people. Ware of Ontario the .a,lairinr pee, pl ties are entitled to vote (1.) Every tiaueeholdor. (2.) Owner, tenant or i eccuparit in cities and towns assessed for $200. (8.) Owner, tenant or ea- cupant in townships and villages, $100. (4.) All eons of owners or tenants in cities or towns assessed for $400. (5.) All eons of owners or tenants in townships or villages as- sessed for 200. (6.) Income assessed for $200. (7.) Wage earner, $250. Otis of the great advantages that Manitoba presents as a wheat grow. ing district is to be seen in the weight of the grain raised. And this excellent feature is true with regard to oats and barley as well as respects wheat itself. The Portage la Prairie Tribune has an account of an agricul- tural show that took place there a few days ago, at which the samples of grain exhibited ranged very high as regards size and weight. Soule of the wheat grown a few miles east of the Portage weighed as much as (i43• pounds to the bushel. in this case the farmer was a lady—Mrs. F. Wood. Some white oats grown at High Bluff, by Mr. P. Mcliay, turn- ed the scale at 47e lbs. to the bushel, and barley raised by the same gentle- man --of the "six rowed" variety— touched 553• lbs. But the black, hulloes barley sent by Mr. W. S. Thompson was even better than that, equalling 611 lbs. When such re`tuite are to be had almost on every hand —though the High Bluff region and to the west of it for a few miles has been deolard on all hands to be the "garden" of the Province—there can be no doubt as to the future of the country. 2iiis sown SYSTEM. The Canada Educational Mnnikly for November no doubt speaks for the majority of teachers when it bewails the change for, the worse that has overtaken the school system anti the status of the teacher since the day the department was converted into a political machine : "Not long since we bad at the head, of our Education Department one whose chief work and pride it was to look after the best interests of the country educationally, to consider in a friendly spirit the efficiency and comfort of the educators; we had a council of gentlemen, able, learned, and above suspicion, is the administration of school matters, and on this council the teachers of the country had representatives. Where, now, aro all these pledges of good government, these guarantees of good faith, decency and honour' Has the country profit- ed by the changes which have been made during the last few years? Has education advanced intelligently under the new man- agement? Have teachers gained in any way by the constant run of changes to which they and their schools have been subjected?" F.4R31ERS" CLUBS. 'THE Germantown Telegraph says : The advantages of farmers' clubs have been too often spoken of to require any repetition at this time, but it is proper to suggest that arrangements should now be made for the coming winter. This consists of the appointment of meetings, the selection of subjects for discussion and the assignment of individuals for the duty of opening earth discussion. This plan is far preferable to that of arranging business and making as- signments from week to week. There are many subjects that might be die - cussed upon a week's notice with interest and profit, but there are also many that, in order to present or discuss intelligently, require more than a week's study, and no one cares to enter upon such a track with- out being able to do credit to one's self, and do fairly by the subject. The Franklin Club has made out ire programme for the winter, which consists of au appointment of 22 meetings, a designation of subjects assigned to as many individuals, who will present them at the designated date. The subjects cover the entire field of agricultural industry, and are worthy of drawing the entire farming community together. Would that every county in the whole Union was its much interested in this good work. How deep the count stand ? The last general election took place in June, 1882. Since that time we be hevo thirty-three vacancies have oc– curred in the House of Commous horn various causes. The Conservatives carried t,venty-seven seats, and the, Reformers six, The last two elec- tions--Antigcnish and St, Johri-- tshould eertaiinly have been carried by he Opposition. Instead of that, a large secs ton of Mr. Blake's followers in those ci>ustituenciey expressed their approval of the policy of the Govern. ment, ,tact voted for the ministerial' candidates, inching the r t eu't two grand Conservative victories. Lost Algoma. On Saturday last the 0. P. R. steamer, Algoma, while running be - wean Owen Sound and Port Arthur, want ashore in a blinding snow storm, on Isle Royal, Lake Superior, and was wrecked. In all there were 62 passengers on board, of whom about 40 perished. The boat had a corn paratively small cargo on board. Mr. Wm. Field, of the 4th con- cession, Delaware, a few days since was found lying tinier a tree in his orchard in an unconscious state, and the doctors think from the nature of the injuries they were caused by a kick from a colt which was running in the orchard at the time. There is a cut extending from the temple down across the cheek and upper lip. Alhough several days have elapsed since the accident be has not been sufficiently conscious up to this time to tell how it happened. Mr. F. Sohn nber shot n bear Hirst Monday iu the northern part rtf El• lice township (co. Perth.) The first alio took effect behind the ear-; but only bad the effect of enraging the brute and 3ausiug him to rush with fury et his enemy. When itithin a few feet Mr. S. sent another ball into his chest which rolled him over dead. Had it not been that Mr Shanber was possessed of pluck and coolness which enabled him to take steady aim under trying circumstances Bruin would no doubt have made• mince meat of him. We congratulate him no prowess and fortunate escape. - Vet t+. tit fin ttr�. "You talk about Silk Dresses, but did you see Miss----? I tell you she just looks fine." I guetis she does, and so can every lady who will go to BAN - TON BROS. and get one of those newest and latest in the Silk line. SATIN Merveilleuxs Rich and beautiful goods in Grenot, Tobacco, Bronze, Myrtle, &�a. Vox. retia, .ess and D w4xaebil tyr " "xa,s=c co led, 6,000 men and Abyesiuiane 1,500. Osman Digna was not killed. A petrified tooth, twelve inches aug and six inches in diameter, sup- possed to belong to a mastodon, was unearthed in a gravel pit in St. Catharines the other day. The Canadian Pacific Railway was finished Saturday, Hon. 1.1. A. Smith driving the last spike at 9 a.m. General Manager Van Borne and a special train is now en route to the Pacific coast. The Salvation Army now has in Canada 185 stations, 69 outposts, 420 officers and over 20,000 soldiers. The contributicus for the year were I over $90,000. The circulation of the lila Cry was 1,392,000. The receipts of the 6 -rand Trunk Railway for the week ending the 81st 1 ult. were $323,440. against $868,073 to the corresponding period Net year, One 1lontih in 13 dailies 1Tri-Weekly and as i. Clow wIto w au pavers for $70. r weeklies of our Syr.r:er Lora!, LliT tit Caned!. Materials worthy your inspection, in 'ah flit their' "all the lead g shades advertising to nay. rrcA can offer no Kett. r rue. a11d at papular prices Some new ones in, this week. (Burt. Copy of hist sent free on appheation, GEO. P..ROWI:LL & Co., Y1:7vtiF,# I'I:R YE tTISI.Ski U#L11U.tU, 10 Spruce St., New' York. C TffISOr'T and return to ,re with Pito or 4 So stamps. and vault get 1.y xeturn mail a tlol:heri Box of Hoods that Wilt bring you in more money than anything else in 4rt.erica. You, fortnuo if you start gnic t. CITY NOVELTY CO. Yarmouth. N. S. showing a duerenee of $43,533 JMPQRTANT TO Adverse taporte are current can - corning the health of 1Alr. Gladstone. His physicians forbid him to speak for more that, fifteen minutes at a e. The threatened breakdown of r. plat a one`e health it depruasing the Liberals, A large number' of the volunteers at the 65th Battalion are nooepting land grants in preference to scrip. They propose to settle, and have selected a location in the vicinity of Brandon, In the Armstrong abduction ease the jury found a verdict of guilty against Mr. Stead a:.d Mrs. Jarrett, and acquitted Messrs, Bramwell Booth and Jacques, and Mrs. Maurcy. All except Mr. Booth aro held on a charge of indecent assault. The receipts for the Canadian Pacific Railway from 21st to 81st were $299,000, against 255,000 in the same period last year, showing au increase of $44,000. The number of miles of track in operation is 3,064. The purposes to which the land of the North west may be put are just begining to be known. Foreign capitalists are investigating the suit- ability of that part of the Dominion with a view to starting a cashmere goat ranch. At one time these animals ware worth $1,000 each, and the wool sold for $40 per pound. The statement of revenue and expenditure on account of the Con- solidated Fund of the Dominion of Canada, as by returns furnished to the Finance Department for October was as follows: --Revenue :--Customs, $1,680,142,37; excise, $442,794.14; post office, $198,790.06; public works, including railways, $343,116.81; miscellaneous, $58,870,13–total, $2,- 718,713.51, Expenditure, $1,906,- 179.69. The vigorioue measures adopted by the Montreal authorities to stamp out the small -pox epidemic appear at last to be taking effect, the mortality in the city for the coven days ending on Friday last being 208, sixty five less than the deaths in the previous week. The number of deaths in ;lie city on' Thursday and Frldsy last were also the lowest recorded for any day for a month part, being roep•ort- ively twenty-five and tweoty•three. The deaths on Friday in surrounding m nuicipalities number ea seventeen. Canada Is nut a great flax growling country, and yet she produces her share. The flax crop of the w Hid has beim estimated as follows, ex. elusive of the United States:—Aus– tria, 216,266 acres; Belgium; 91,100; Canada, 5,200; Denmark, 6,292; England. 4,317; Egypt, 15,000; France, 137,078; Germany, 319,396; Greece, 957; Hollaud, 84,293; Lfungrriy, 30,128; India, 109,715; Ireland. 95,943; Italy, 203,659; Russia, 2,000,000; Scotland, 150; S tvedeo, 30,612. .Estimating an ever ago of 836 pounds Le the acne, the total crop would be 494,370 tons. Rev. 111r. Leger, of Holmeeville, formerly of iirkton, has beep serious- ly ill for some time. He is mending slowly, and it is feared he will not be, able to resume his duties for some time. ALL ARE WELCO E. ,MANTLES AND ULSTERS CUT FREE. DRESS & MANTLE il.f.AKIN G UPSTAIRS AT RANTON tl ;TTING- AND FITTING DONE PROMPTLY. . 8 T1s,. _ AUTU N =40E35 OWNERS OF STOOK MILLINERY OPENING! htmc Ca T l ..J_. t a Liniment Iodide Ammonia Removea all Unsightly Bunches, Cures Lame- ness in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found- er, Weak Limbs, Sorting Knees, Spec. in, Ringbone, Quitter, Windgalls. tn:iNo stable should bewitbout it. Railroad, Alining and Exp mess Compaules all use Giles' Liniment,andin the great ranine stables of Belmont and Lorillard it bus achieved wend - dere. One trial will convince. Write DR. GILES, Box 5483, N.Y. P. 0., who will, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at SOc. and $1,00 bottle and in quarts at $3.;0, in which there is great saving. The Liniment in white wrappers is for family use; that in yellow for cattle. GILES' IODIDE AMMONIA HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. Used by all the leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Beach, Sheepsbead Bay and Bull's Head. Never dissaeDin t,are Tonic, Al- terative and Diuretic, Destroy Worms: Cure Indigestion, Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink -eye and Rheumatic/1x. The dose is small and the power is great. The Powders are Guaranteed and Purchasers Failing to Obtain a Cure Money Refunded. Sold by all druggist; at 25 eta. per bo,c. 0. LUTZ, Agent, EXETER, ONT. THE KEY TO HEALTH. _Tnlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying a.r gradually without weakening the system, n-1 he impurities and foul humors of the sec'•••tiuns ; at the same time Correcting Acii.ty of the Stomach, curing Bili- ss, Drs7:'7s::u. Headaches, Diz- .y, iiea,rcburn. Constipation, • :Is of the SI:in, Dropsy, Dim- .. of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum. '-helves, Scrofula, Fluttering of ;cart, Nervousness and General •'..7.:t7; ; ail these and many other Simi- t'omnlaints -irl•t to the happy influence ! Dr1Ci DLOOD BITTERS. ;'.:u'ele Eel .'cc 1Cc ; regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. ELzLnt]LZIIrce CO.. Proprictore. Toronto How Lost, :-Tow nestosed Wehivo recauily outilishod ra nu s,lition of on,aT7],\TI:iaVu itL'S a t.PBli3 '.i) f)N- SAY out the radical and perm ,twent cure (with- out medic ine)ofNerreu.eDebi] lfontIL) nr.d Physical eapacitt• impediments to iLarriage, ate., resulting from Oxc(`BROe. Price,tu sealed envclo:+e,only 6 conts,ortnco pounce stamps. The celebrated authorcithis admirable es- say clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, thatatarv-iug consequen- ces may be radically cured without the dang- erous use of internal medicines or`theuse of the knife; Point ontamode of cure at once simple certain and effectual,, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his con ditionmay bo,may cure himself chaaply,pri vately and radically. t s Thi lecture should he in the hands of ev- ery youth and every man in the land. Address HE CULVIIRWEL L MLDICAL COMPANY 41 ANN ST., r 7:\V YORE. Po tCffi eBox 490 THE OLD ESTABLIS;ED WILL ON-- TUE N— - . TUESDAY &VirliDNESTAY, 29th & 30th MAKE THEM BEST DISPLAY OF -t .,ats and Bonnets Plumes, Feathers, Aigrettes, Birds, Ornaments, &c. Plushea, Velvets and a variety of Trimmings in all colors. MISS Doherty, who for the oast three seasons has successfully conducted this branch, again resumes, and will be more than delighted to have every lady in the village and surroundings give her a call. >' "Grand General Opening" same days. Everything complete. Every y come. JAMES picxs�. 1885. The Pall EhIbjtjon AT BISSETT BROS. Competition open to thezWorld I` THE FOLLOWING LINES: STOVES ik TINWARE—A Full assortment. HARDWARE, PAINTS & OILS—A Complete ; - .LAMPS .v LAMP GOODS—An endless variety, very cheap. CALL AND SEE THE CELEBRATEDA OF ANY CROSS -CUT SAW --A PERFECT DAISY. BISSETT BROS THE BAND of TIME Main Street, Exeter. TZIOS PITTON Keeps Watches That Are Watches And are warranted correct for Time, Tide, 01 Railroad Train, and to pleasethe most fastidious. 5p That, is Rich, Rare, Sparkling and Substantial, Suitable for Romans, Friends and Countrymen, Lovers, Brides, Bridegrooms, Loving and Lovely 'Wives Children, Hus- bands, Etc., Etc. SPECTACLES.—Scotch and Brazilian Pebble, soft easy and pleasant to the ,eye, and suitable for youth or age. Give him a call. No trouble to show Goods. Watches and Clocks Repaired and ,Brought td Time