HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1947-08-14, Page 4LAG OU TOL ODERICU Midgets Retain Elwood Flicips Trophy Win Western Ontarjo Honors for Seconal Year—Now o to the 6. B. A. hether the weather is hot r c id - You can always ga FRESH ROSES at Jacksons Square The HO • t Deal ns s 49 BRUCE ST. PHONE 105 — G9derich Dramatic Club "Arena Varieties IN MacKAY ALL '0" Tues., Aug. 19th and-Thurs., Aug 21st , To ensure ma•ximum comfort, tickets will be sold on a Re- served basis. all specially air-conditioned. Tickets,now on sale at abbette Gift Shop, idler Saturday Mr. and Mrs. .Kenneth Bedford of Mrs. Chas. I:: Frederick of Chicago Chicago are --spending a holiday in has been visiting Miss Eva Smith, town. . Elgin avenue. The Goderich Lions Midgets retained the Epps trophy. emblematic of Midget supremacy in Western Ontario, by de- feating the Formosa Midgets 6 to 1 at Formosa on Monday evening. The win was the twelfth of the current season -without being defeated or tied; this is the second _straight season the Mid- gets have won this. trophy without tasting defeat. They are now awaiting word from the 0.B.A. as to who will be their- opponents In the ontarto play - downs ; this will probably West Lorne or Strathroy. Ted - Fulford had the honor of pitching the deciding game, and was in rare -form, limiting the homesters to four lilts. "Sugar?. Meriam's pinch- hit single drove.. in Jack Westbrook with what .proved to be the winning run in the fourth inning. Doak and Holland were the "big guns," with three hits each': name MacEwau and ‘Westbrook" each ,had two hits. The Goderich line-up was: Fulford Price :lb; Westbrook ss; D. Holmes lb; McPhail 2b; Erskine lf Meriam • When. the Midgetg take the -field in the 0.B.A. playdowns, eight of the nine players in the starting line-up will lie sportirrg batting averages of over .300. They are Doak .500; Wilson .481; Hol- land .463; Merl= 411; MacEwan .395; Ptilford .366; Price .356; Westbrook .326. Mr. Jos. Cranston 'spent a week recently with -his son, Herbert Cran- ston, at Toronto. GOL1' TTWJRSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1047 Last Thursday evenings two -nail mixed foursome match was shortened to seven holes because of the moving pictures being shown at the club house. The improving scores and keenness of play were -evidenced by a tie for three couples with retires of 32 by Mrs. Bruce and Syd. Witt, Mrs. Curry and Mr. McKenzie, and Miss Margaret Bruce and F. R. Darrow. The hidden hole prize was won by, Mrs. Nina Thomas and Joe Morgan. - Following the match, two interesting and instructive films were shown in- the club .house to au audience.. of some 'seventy-five or eighty d members. *The main film consisted of demonstrations of shots by a large number of pro- •fessional golfers, including Byron Nel- son, Sam mead, Hogans Allen and °fliers. The film was interestingly and F olks Two Night of Real Join the Ciowd and Enjoy Yourself On -Saturday evening, August 16th, all club meabers are -invited to a swim- ming party at the private.pool at the R.C.A.F. station at Clinton, to be fol- lowed by a dance in -the mess. On Monday evening some forty mem- bers attended an. imPromptu heach party at Bogie's„Beach. .This was or- ganized by 'Airs... Papernick and -was very. enjoyable. It 'is expected that similar parties will be held in the near future. Mr. A. V. Currp,.l, Sr., .af Toronto, Spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs. E. A. Elliott. East street. Miss Evelyn Breckow is spending a week's vacatitLu with. -her friend Miss Doreen Baker at Grand Bend. Mr. and- 14.1).' Grant Guuneau of Toronto, speht last week with Mr. and Mrs. Gurdon Grant and Rubena. Misses Marilyn Butler and Joan Scott are spending their vacation with Dr, and -Mrs. Maclnnes at! their cot- tage at Dorset, Lake of Bays, Ontario. Mr. 'and. Mrs. D. B. Whately of Mon- treal have returned to their home af- ter a pleasant .visit with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Snider. Mr. Arthur Ferris, of Holland, Man., Visited his uncle, Mr. F. A, Elliott, this 'Week. Mr. Ferris is the sou of Mr. and Mrs. William Ferris, t M.rs. Ferris being Mr. Elliott's sister, Libby),. who went to the Test many years ago and both of whom are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs Howard Pollock and little daughter, Dale, of Durham, are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs. J. F. Thomson. All spent a few days .-on a motor trip to l'it•ton toy. visit Mr. and Mrs. Eugene flicks, Mrs. Thomson's brother-in-law and sister. and to King- ston, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Thomson and little daughter Ma ry. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Elliott, Mary and "Ted, of New York, spent the week -end yia;ting his mother, Mrs. E. A. Elliott, East street. Mr. Elliott has returned home. while Mrs. Elliott and family have remained_at the home of her father, Mr. George Symonds, Saltford. - • On the regular ladies' day on Tues- day. prizes -donated by the,Eashion,„ Sirrippe- d' N;ve re won by Miss Jean Bruce.and 'Miss Elizabeth Tobin in hidden hole competition. Mrs. Curry was eziptaill of UHT day. NEW TRAVELLING LIBRARY A new car. specially fitted up as a travelling library, has been purchased by the County library, committee.. The Monda;‘% placed their stamp of ap--. proval on the new travelling library, i.The car is being fitted out with *shel- , ving arid when this is completed it will be able ,to carry ,from -1.200 to 1,400 books. Mrs. Glen Eckniier ihrA Han. • DUN'GANNON NEWS LATE Dungannon eorre-:pondence has been EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS Goderich Lions CI b by BORN BLACK.—At Alexandra lIospital, Goderich, on August 11th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black, RR. 3, FISHER.—At the Brockville deneral - Hospital, Monday, August° 4, 1947, daughter• (Margaret Ellen). HUNTER.—At Alexandra - Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, -August 7th, Goderich, a. son, Kenneth, Cameron. JOHNSTON.--L-At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on August 12, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. William B. Johnston, tioderich, a son, William Terence. • 'Coderich, on August 9th, 1947, to rich, a son. Goderich, on August 13th. 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert 0. Powell, Hincks street, Goderich,"sa son, Don- ald Albert. SHERWOOD.—At Alexandra Hospi- tal, Giiderift, on August 11th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin SherwoOd (nee Cora Finnigan), Dungannon, a DIED itV47, Arthur Smith, in- - his 90th year. The Ideal Half .Slip for Summer Fashion, *Exclusive Lastex ride gores and waistband sleek - your silhouette, no straight straps, easy to ,don, Easy to doff. Sii-AVY-White Rayon crepe, Gay lace trim, launders easily. Sizes 26, 28, 30, 32 waist measurement. Slips $3.95. Panties $2.95 'Low Raif Fares to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT TORONTO JUST ARRIVED -100'6 yards White Flannelette ,‘ nice quality. 36 inches wide. 42c per yard Act Quickly — FARE AND ONE THIRD For the Round Trip Good Going Thursday, Aug. 21 to Saturday, Sept. 6, WI lusive Return Limit -L -Sept. 10 Full Information'from any Agent CANADIAN NATIONAL -33 • Your Store U EO W SCHAEFER Mr. and Mrs. Ray' 'Jameson of Tor. Miss Isable Lowery, of Brussels, onto a re guests with Miss Marjorie was a recent guest with Mr. ,and Mrs. •Alacfie, Victoria street, this week. .1. II. Vt-ooman. WEST ST. ARENA, GODERICH ED., AUG. ZO and FRI.,' AUG. 22 Mete will be monster Bingos, all kinds of games of skill, and fun for all BE SEEING YOU THERE PROCE-RDS IN AI OF &RIPPLED CHILDREN'S FUND AND ,SERVICE WORK There will be a door prize EA0fictnight vahled at $49.95 Win one of tbese p et for either Wednesday or Friday night. Non -winners at Wednesd,ay night's draw elegible for Friday night's draw. BULOVA ,ladies' or tents" ' OCCASIONAL CHAIR , $25.00 ' SURREVBLANKgT .. $10.50 THE' GODERICI! BLUE', WATER BAND WILL IN ATTENDANCE Invariably, the man who is most eager to learn ,succeeds ingst rapidly. Obviously, then, it is advis- fible to -use all available meads' of -learning more about Our Experience is the greatest teacher. Books and lectures are a great help. But few real-- ize how much we can learn by observing and talking to people. The people who can be of most value to us in this way are those who have inade, or are making, their mark in this world. From their ideas, experience and methods val- uable iiiformation can be gleaned. It is usually easy, I find, to get these people to re- spond Wholeheartedly when asked intelligent questions. cr3 Nor should anyone feel that they are humbling them- selves by seeking to learn from others. No one can know all the answers. But those who know most are usually those who are al- ways. open-minded and try- 'itig to learn more frchn others. Over 4,000,000 Canadians have learned that Life Insur- ance provides seciu-ity for themselves 'and their families. And because no other form of investMent can 'Meet this nacd, the number of life in - greater yearly." AZUNIF Goderidi .Gratrid. Labor. Pay CELEBRATION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1947 GRAND PARADE STARTING AT 10 a.m., -FROM EVENTS OPEN TO THE ENTIRE COUNTY OF SEVERAL HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN. PRIZES INDUSTRIAL FLOATS . . DECORATED CARS BICYCLES AND TRICYCiES VICTORIA PARK. ALL PARADE - HURON. VOR PARADE: MERCHANTS' FLOA:TS FARMER'S DISPLAY SPECIAL PRIZE FOR THE BEST CLOWN IN PARADE -425.00 - All entries to be on_hitid at 9 a.m., at, Victoria Park for placement in the parade. Prominent Speakers will be heard from the Ifan dstand on the Square immediately following- , the parade. A SPA:RKLING V,!,kRIETY PROGRAM AT THE GRANDSTAND WILL CONSIST Dancing Girls Magicians .Comedians Balancing Acts Musicians Ventriloqmsts Impersonators u4rtettes Singing CowbOys A TUG-OF-WAR betweeh a h and a team selected from the townships. °There will be 12 full acts at the evenpg sho w by artists outstanding in their respective fields. DRAW FOR VALUABLE PRIZES will take place in front of the Grandstand at A.gricul- tural Park after the evening show. HURON S B1G..DAY OF THE YEAR SPONSORED BY GODERICII.T11)17AA4RDsLAorR 0017. NELSON. CRICK, Chaim( 'of Parade and. Floats Committee. Chairman of Sport3 and Ground Commit e.